INTOMBED, pp. intoom’ed. Deposited in a tomb; buried.
INTOMBING, ppr. intoom’ing. Depositing in a tomb; interring.
INTONATE, v.i. [L. intono, intonatus; in and tono, to sound or thunder.]
1. To sound; to sound the notes of the musical scale.NWAD INTONATE.2
2. To thunder.NWAD INTONATE.3
INTONATION, n. In music, the action of sounding the notes of the scale with the voice, or any other given order of musical tones.
1. The manner of sounding or tuning the notes of a musical scale.NWAD INTONATION.2
2. In speaking, the modulation of the voice in expression.NWAD INTONATION.3
INTONE, v.i. [L. intono, supra.] To utter a sound, or a deep protracted sound.
Ass intones to ass.NWAD INTONE.2
INTORSION, n. [L. intorqueo, intorsum, to twist.]
A winding, bending or twisting. In botany, the bending or twining of any part of a plant towards one side or the other, or in any direction from the vertical.NWAD INTORSION.2
INTORT, v.t. [L. intortus, from intorqueo, to twist.]
To twist; to wreath; to wind; to wring.NWAD INTORT.2
INTORTED, pp. Twisted; made winding.
INTORTING, ppr. Winding; twisting.
INTOXICATE, v.t. [in and L. toxicum, which, Pliny informs us, is from taxa, a species of tree.]
1. To inebriate; to make drunk; as with spirituous liquor.NWAD INTOXICATE.2
As with new wine intoxicated both,NWAD INTOXICATE.3
They swim in mirth--NWAD INTOXICATE.4
2. To excite the spirits to a kind of delirium; to elate to enthusiasm, frenzy or madness. Success may sometimes intoxicate a man of sobriety. An enthusiast may be intoxicated and zeal.NWAD INTOXICATE.5
INTOXICATE, a. Inebriated.
INTOXICATED, pp. Inebriated; made drunk; excited to frenzy.
INTOXICATING, ppr. Inebriating; elating to excess or frenzy.
1. Having qualities that produce inebriation; as intoxicating liquors.NWAD INTOXICATING.2
INTOXICATION, n. Inebriation; ebriety; drunkenness; the act of making drunk.
INTRACTABLE, a. [L. intractabilis; in and tractabilis, tracto, to handle, manage, govern.]
1. Not to be governed or managed; violent; stubborn; obstinate; refractory; as an intractable temper.NWAD INTRACTABLE.2
2. Not to be taught; indocile.NWAD INTRACTABLE.3
INTRACTABLENESS, INTRACTABILITY, n. The quality of being ungovernable; obstinacy; perverseness.
INTRACTABLY, adv. In a perverse, stubborn manner.
INTRAFOLIACEOUS, a. [L. intra and folium, a leaf.]
In botany, growing on the inside of a leaf; as intrafoliaceous stipules.NWAD INTRAFOLIACEOUS.2
INTRANCE. [See Entrance.]
Unquietness; inquietude; want of rest.NWAD INTRANQUILLITY.2
INTRANSIENT, a. Not transient; not passing suddenly away.
INTRANSITIVE, a. [L. intransitivus; in and transeo, to pass over.]
In grammar, an intransitive verb is one which expresses an action or state that is limited to the agent, or in other words, an action that does not pass over to, or operate upon an object; as, I walk; I run; I sleep.NWAD INTRANSITIVE.2
INTRANSITIVELY, adv. Without an object following; in the manner of an intransitive verb.
INTRANSMISSIBLE, a. That cannot be transmitted.
INTRANSMUTABILITY, n. The quality of not being transmutable.
That cannot be transmuted or changed into another substance.NWAD INTRANSMUTABLE.2
INTRANT, a. [L. intrans.] Entering; penetrating.
INTREASURE, v.t. intrezh’ur. [in and treasure.]
To lay up as in a treasury. [Little used.]NWAD INTREASURE.2
INTREATFUL, a. Full of entreaty.
1. To dig or cut a trench around a place, as in fortification; to fortify with a ditch and parapet. The army intrenched their camp, or they were intrenched.NWAD INTRENCH.2
2. To furrow; to make hollows in.NWAD INTRENCH.3
Deep scars of thunder had intrenched.NWAD INTRENCH.5
To intrench on, literally, to cut into; hence, to invade; to encroach; to enter on and take possession of that which belongs to another. In the contest for power, the king was charged with intrenching on the rights of the nobles, and the nobles were accused of intrenching on the prerogatives of the crown.NWAD INTRENCH.6
INTRENCHANT, a. Not to be divided or wounded; indivisible. [Not used.]
INTRENCHED, pp. Fortified with a ditch and parapet.
INTRENCHING, ppr. Fortifying with a trench and parapet.
INTRENCHMENT, n. Properly, a trench or ditch only; but as the earth thrown out of a trench forms a part, and often the most necessary and useful part of a fortification, hence intrenchment is generally understood to signify a ditch and parapet, and sometimes it signifies fascines covered with earth, gabions, bags filled with earth, or other materials collected to cover men from an enemy’s fire.
On our side we have thrown up intrenchments on Winter and Prospect hills.NWAD INTRENCHMENT.2
INTREPID, a. [L. intrepidus; in and trepidus, trepido, to tremble.] Literally, not trembling or shaking with fear; hence, fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; as an intrepid soldier.
INTREPIDITY, n. Fearlessness; fearless bravery in danger; undaunted courage or boldness. The troops engaged with intrepidity.
INTREPIDLY, adv. Without trembling or shrinking from danger; fearlessly; daringly; resolutely.
INTRICABLE, a. Entangling. [Not in use.]
INTRICACY, n. [from intricate.] The state of being entangled; perplexity; involution; complication; as the intricacy of a knot, and figuratively, the intricacy of accounts, the intricacy of a cause in controversy, the intricacy of a plot.
INTRICATE, a. [L. intricatus, from intrico, to fold; in and tricor.] Entangled, involved; perplexed; complicated; obscure. We passed through intricate windings. We found the accounts intricate. The case on trial is intricate. The plot of a tragedy may be too intricate to please.
INTRICATE, v.t. To perplex; to make obscure. [Little used.]
INTRICATELY, adv. With involution or infoldings; with perplexity or intricacy.
INTRICATENESS, n. The state of being involved; involution; complication; perplexity.
INTRICATION, n. Entanglement. [Not used.]
INTRIGUE, n. intree’g. [Low L. intrico, intricor, to enwrap; tricor, to trifle, to show tricks; Gr. hair or a lock of hair, as we should say, a plexus.]
1. A plot or scheme of a complicated nature, intended to effect some purpose by secret artifices. An intrigue may be formed and prosecuted by an individual, and we often hear of the intrigues of a minister or a courtier, but often several projectors are concerned in an intrigue. The word is usually applied to affairs of love or of government.NWAD INTRIGUE.2
2. The plot of a play or romance; a complicated scheme of designs, actions and events, intended to awaken interest in an audience or reader, and make them wait with eager curiosity for the solution or development.NWAD INTRIGUE.3
3. Intricacy; complication. [Not in use.]NWAD INTRIGUE.4
INTRIGUE, v.i. intree’g. To form a plot or scheme, usually complicated, and intended to effect some purpose by secret artifices. The courtier intrigues with the minister, and the lover with his mistress.
INTRIGUE, v.t. intree’g.
To perplex or render intricate. [Not used.]NWAD INTRIGUE.7
INTRIGUER, n. intree’ger. One who intrigues; one who forms plots, or pursues an object by secret artifices.
INTRIGUING, ppr. intree’ging. Forming secret plots or schemes.
1. Addicted to intrigue; given to secret machinations.NWAD INTRIGUING.2
INTRIGUINGLY, a. intree’gingly. With intrigue; with artifice or secret machinations.
INTRINSECATE, a. Entangled; perplexed. [Not in use.]
INTRINSIC, INTRINSICAL, a. [L. intrinsecus; intra and secus.]
1. Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not apparent or accidental; as the intrinsic value of gold or silver; the intrinsic merit of an action; the intrinsic worth or goodness of a person.NWAD INTRINSIC.2
2. Intimate; closely familiar.NWAD INTRINSIC.3
INTRINSICALLY, adv. Internally; in its nature; really; truly.
A lie is a thing absolutely and intrinsically evil.NWAD INTRINSICALLY.2
INTRODUCE, v.t. [L. introduco; intro, within, and duco, to lead.]
1. To lead or bring in; to conduct or usher into a place; as, to introduce a person into a drawing room.NWAD INTRODUCE.2
2. To conduct and make known; to bring to be acquainted; as, to introduce a stranger to a person; to introduce a foreign minister to a prince.NWAD INTRODUCE.3
3. To bring something new into notice or practice; as, to introduce a new fashion, or a new remedy for a disease; to introduce an improved mode of tillage.NWAD INTRODUCE.4
4. To bring in; to import; as, to introduce foreign goods.NWAD INTRODUCE.5
5. To produce; to cause to exist; as, to introduce habits into children.NWAD INTRODUCE.6
6. To begin; to open to notice, He introduced the subject with a long preface.NWAD INTRODUCE.7
7. To bring before the public by writing or discourse; as, to introduce one’s self to notice or to the public.NWAD INTRODUCE.8
INTRODUCED, pp. Led or conducted in; brought in; made acquainted; imported.
INTRODUCER, n. One who introduces; one who conducts another to a place or person; one who makes strangers known to each other; one who brings any thing into notice or practice.
INTRODUCING, ppr. Conducting or bringing in; making known, as one stranger to another; bringing any thing into notice or practice.
1. The action of conducting or ushering into a place; used of persons. We speak of the introduction of one stranger to another; the introduction of a foreign minister to a prince or court, and the introduction of company to a levee.NWAD INTRODUCTION.2
2. The act of bringing into a country; as the introduction of gold or bullion, or of merchandise.NWAD INTRODUCTION.3
3. The act of bringing something into notice, practice or use; as the introduction of new modes of dress or of tillage.NWAD INTRODUCTION.4
4. The part of a book which precedes the main work; a preface or preliminary discourse.NWAD INTRODUCTION.5
5. The first part of an oration or discourse, in which the speaker gives some general account of his design and subject, and prepares the minds of his audience for a favorable reception of his remarks or arguments.NWAD INTRODUCTION.6
INTRODUCTIVE, a. Serving to introduce; serving as the means to bring forward something.
INTRODUCTOR, n. An introducer. [Not used.]
INTRODUCTORY, a. Serving to introduce something else; previous; prefatory; preliminary; as introductory remarks; an introductory discourse.
INTROGRESSION, n. [L. introgressio.] Entrance. [Not used.]
INTROMISSION, n. [L. intromissus, intromitto; intro and mitto, to send.]
1. The action of sending in.NWAD INTROMISSION.2
2. In Scot’s law, an intermeddling with the effects of another.NWAD INTROMISSION.3
INTROMIT, v.t. [L. intromitto, supra.]
To send in; to let in; to admit.NWAD INTROMIT.2
1. To allow to enter; to be the medium by which a thing enters. Glass in the window intromits light without cold into a room.NWAD INTROMIT.3
INTROMIT, v.i. To intermeddle with the effects of another.
INTRORECEPTION, n. The act of admitting into or within.
INTROSPECT, v.t. [L. introspicio; intro and specio, to look.]
To look into or within; to view the inside.NWAD INTROSPECT.2
INTROSPECTION, n. A view of the inside or interior.
I was forced to make an introspection into my own mind.NWAD INTROSPECTION.2
INTROSUSCEPTION, INTUSSUSCEPTION, n. The falling of one part of an intestine into another, or the passing of one part within another, causing a duplicature of the intestine.
INTROVENIENT, a. [L. intro and veniens, venio, to come.]
Coming in or between; entering. [Little used.]NWAD INTROVENIENT.2
INTROVERSION, n. The act of turning inwards.
INTROVERT, v.t. [L. intro and verto.] To turn inwards.
INTRUDE, v.i. [L. intrudo; in and trudo, to thrust. See Thrust.]
1. To thrust one’s self in; to come or go in without invitation or welcome; to enter, as into company, against the will of the company or the host; as, to intrude on families at unseasonable hours. Never intrude where your company is not desired.NWAD INTRUDE.2
2. To encroach; to enter or force one’s self in without permission; as, to intrude on the lands of another.NWAD INTRUDE.3
3. To enter uncalled or uninvited, or without just right. Colossians 2:18.NWAD INTRUDE.4
INTRUDE, v.t. To thrust one’s self in, or to enter into some place without right or welcome.
1. To force or cast in.NWAD INTRUDE.6
INTRUDER, n. One who intrudes; one who thrusts himself in, or enters where he has no right or is not welcome.
They were but intruders on the possession, during the minority of the heir.NWAD INTRUDER.2
They were all strangers and intruders.NWAD INTRUDER.3
INTRUDING, ppr. Entering without invitation, right or welcome.
INTRUSION, n. s as z. [L. intrusio, from intrudo.]
1. The action of thrusting in, or of entering into a place or state without invitation, right or welcome. The company may be disturbed by the intrusion of an unwelcome guest.NWAD INTRUSION.2
--Many excellent strains which have been jostled off by the intrusions of poetical fictions.NWAD INTRUSION.3
Why this intrusion?NWAD INTRUSION.4
Were not my orders that I should be private?NWAD INTRUSION.5
2. Encroachment; entrance without right on the property or possessions of another.NWAD INTRUSION.6
3. Voluntary entrance on an undertaking unsuitable for the person.NWAD INTRUSION.7
INTRUSIVE, a. Thrusting in or entering without right or welcome; apt to intrude.
INTRUST, v.t. [in and trust.] To deliver in trust; to confide to the care of; to commit to another with confidence in his fidelity; as, to intrust a servant with one’s money or goods, or to intrust money or goods to a servant. We intrust an agent or factor with commercial business, or we intrust commercial concerns to an agent.
We intrust our friends with secrets, or intrust secrets to them.NWAD INTRUST.2
INTRUSTED, pp. Delivered in trust; committed to the hands or care of another, in confidence that he will be faithful in discharging his duty.
INTRUSTING, ppr. Delivering in trust; confiding to the care of.
INTUITION, n. [L. intuitus, intueor; in and tueor.]
A looking on; a sight or view; but restricted to mental view or perception. Particularly and appropriately, the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, or the truth of things, immediately, or the moment they are presented, without the intervention of other ideas, or without reasoning and deduction.NWAD INTUITION.2
We know by intuition, that a part is less than the whole.NWAD INTUITION.3
1. Perceived by the mind immediately, without the intervention of argument or testimony; exhibiting truth to the mind on bare inspection; as intuitive evidence.NWAD INTUITIVE.2
2. Received or obtained by intuition or simple inspection; as intuitive judgment or knowledge.NWAD INTUITIVE.3
3. Seeing clearly; as an intuitive view; intuitive vision.NWAD INTUITIVE.4
4. Having the power of discovering truth without reasoning; as the intuitive powers of celestial beings.NWAD INTUITIVE.5
INTUITVELY, adv. By immediate perception; without reasoning; as, to perceive truth intuitively.
INTUMESCE, v.i. intumes’. [L. intumesco; in and tumeo, to swell.]
To swell; to enlarge or expand with heat.NWAD INTUMESCE.2
In a higher heat it intumesces and melts into a yellowish black mass.NWAD INTUMESCE.3
INTUMESCENCE, n. [supra.] The action of swelling.
1. A swell; a swelling with bubbles; a rising and enlarging; a tumid state.NWAD INTUMESCENCE.2
INTURGESCENCE, n. [L. in and turgesco, to swell.]
A swelling; the action of swelling or state of being swelled.NWAD INTURGESCENCE.2
INTUSE, n. [L. intusus.] A bruise. [Not in use.]
INTWINE, v.t. [in and twine.] To twine or twist together; to wreath; as a wreath of flowers intwined.
INTWINED, pp. Twisted together.
INTWINING, ppr. Wreathing together.
INTWIST, v.t. [in and twist.] To twist together; to interweave.
INTWISTED, pp. Twisted together.
INTWISTING, ppr. Twisting together.
INULIN, n. A peculiar vegetable principle extracted from the Inula helenium, or elecampane.
INUMBRATE, v.t. [L. inumbro.] To shade.
INUNCTION, n. [L. inunctus, inungo; in and ungo, to anoint.]
The action of anointing; unction.NWAD INUNCTION.2
INUNCTUOSITY, n. [L. in and unctus, or Eng. unctuous.]
The want of unctuosity; destitution of greasiness or oiliness which is perceptible to the touch; as the inunctuosity of porcelain clay.NWAD INUNCTUOSITY.2
INUNDANT, a. [L. inundans, infra.] Overflowing.
INUNDATE, v.t. [L. inundo, inundatus; in and unda, a wave, or its root.]
1. To overflow; to deluge; to spread over with a fluid. The low lands along the Mississippi are inundated almost every spring.NWAD INUNDATE.2
2. To fill with an overflowing abundance or superfluity; as, the country was once inundated with bills of credit. The presses inundate the country with papers.NWAD INUNDATE.3
INUNDATED, pp. Overflowed; spread over with a fluid; copiously supplied.
INUNDATING, ppr. Overflowing; deluging; spreading over.
INUNDATION, n. [L. inundatio.] An overflow of water or other fluid; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over low grounds. Holland has frequently suffered immensely by inundations of the sea. The Delta in Egypt is annually enriched by the inundation of the Nile.
1. An overspreading of any kind; an overflowing or superfluous abundance.NWAD INUNDATION.2
INUNDERSTANDING, a. Void of understanding. [A bad word and not used.]
INURBANITY, n. [in and urbanity.] Incivility; rude; unpolished manners or deportment; want of courteousness.
INURE, v.t. [in and ure. Ure signifies use, practice, in old English.]
1. To habituate; to accustom; to apply or expose in use or practice till use gives little or no pain or inconvenience, or makes little impression. Thus a man inures his body to labor and toil, till he sustains that which would destroy a body unaccustomed to it. So we inure ourselves to cold or heat. Warriors are inured to blood, and seamen are inured to hardships and deprivations.NWAD INURE.2
INURE, v.i. To pass in use; to take or have effect; to be applied; to serve to the use or benefit of; as a gift of lands inures to the heirs of the grantee, or it inures to their benefit.