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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    LITHOPHYTOUS, a. Pertaining to or consisting of lithophytes.

    LITHOTOME, n. [Gr. stone, and to cut.]

    A stone so formed naturally as to appear as if cut artificially.NWAD LITHOTOME.2

    LITHOTOMIC, a. Pertaining to or performed by lithotomy.

    LITHOTOMIST, n. [See Lithotomy.] One who performs the operation of cutting for the stone in the bladder; or one who is skilled in the operation.

    LITHOTOMY, n. [Gr. stone, and to cut.]

    The operation, art or practice of cutting for the stone in the bladder.NWAD LITHOTOMY.2

    LITHOXYLE, n. [Gr. stone, and wood.]

    Petrified wood. It differs from lignite, being really changed into stone; such as silicified woods, which are changed into varieties of silex, etc.NWAD LITHOXYLE.2

    LITHY, a. [See Lithe.] Easily bent; pliable. [This is probably the word which, in our popular use, is pronounced lathy.]

    LITIGANT, a. [See Litigate.] Contending in law; engaged in a lawsuit; as the parties litigant.

    LITIGANT, n. A person engaged in a lawsuit.

    LITIGATE, v.t. [L. litigo, from lis, litis, a contest or debate.]

    To contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, exhibition of evidence, and judicial debate; as, to litigate a cause or a question.NWAD LITIGATE.2

    LITIGATE, v.i. To dispute in law; to carry on a suit by judicial process.

    LITIGATED, pp. Contested judicially.

    LITIGATING, ppr. Contesting in law.

    LITIGATION, n. The act or process of carrying on a suit in a court of law or equity for the recovery of a right or claim; a judicial contest.

    LITIGIOUS, a. [L. litigiosus.]

    1. Inclined to judicial contest; given to the practice of contending in law; quarrelsome; contentious; applied to persons. a litigious man is a bad neighbor and a bad citizen.NWAD LITIGIOUS.2

    2. Disputable; controvertible; subject to contention; as litigious right.NWAD LITIGIOUS.3

    No fences, parted fields, nor marks nor bounds, distinguish’d acres of litigious grounds.NWAD LITIGIOUS.4

    LITIGIOUSLY, adv. In a contentious manner.

    LITIGIOUSNESS, n. A disposition to engage in or carry on lawsuits; inclination to judicial contests.

    LITMUS, LACMUS, n. A blue pigment, formed from archil, a species of lichen. [See Archil.] It is prepared by bruising the archil, and adding quick lime and putrefied urine, or spirit of urine distilled from lime. The mixture, after cooling and the evaporation of the fluid, becomes a mass of the consistence of paste, which is laid on a board to dry in square lumps.

    LITORN, n. A bird, a species of thrush, in size and shape resembling the hen-blackbird.

    LITOTE, n. [Gr. slender. diminution; extenuation.]

    LITTER, n. [L. lectus, from the root of lego, Eng. lay.]

    1. A vehicle formed with shafts supporting a bed between them, in which a person may be borne by men or by a horse. If by the latter, it is called a horse-litter. A similar vehicle in India is called a palanquin.NWAD LITTER.2

    2. Straw, hay or other soft substance, used as a bed for horses and for other purposes.NWAD LITTER.3

    3. A brood of young pigs, kittens, puppies or other quadrupeds. The word is applied only to certain quadrupeds of the smaller kinds.NWAD LITTER.4

    4. A birth of pigs or other small animals.NWAD LITTER.5

    5. Waste matters, shreds, fragments and the like, scattered on a floor or other clean place.NWAD LITTER.6

    LITTER, v.t.

    1. To bring forth young, as swine and other small quadrupeds. It is sometimes applied to human beings in contempt.NWAD LITTER.8

    2. To scatter over carelessly with shreds, fragments and the like; as, to litter a room or a carpet.NWAD LITTER.9

    3. To cover with straw or hay; as, to litter a stable.NWAD LITTER.10

    4. To supply with litter; as to litter cattle.NWAD LITTER.11

    LITTERED, pp.

    1. Furnished with straw.NWAD LITTERED.2

    2. a. Covered or overspread with litter, pieces, shreds, etc.NWAD LITTERED.3

    LITTLE, a.

    1. Small in size or extent; not great or large; as a little body; a little animal; a little piece of ground; a little table; a little book; a little hill; a little distance; a little child.NWAD LITTLE.2

    2. Short in duration; as a little time or season; a little sleep.NWAD LITTLE.3

    3. Small in quantity or amount; as a little hay or grass; a little food; a little sum; a little light; a little air or water.NWAD LITTLE.4

    4. Of small dignity, power or importance.NWAD LITTLE.5

    When thou wast little in thy own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes? 1 Samuel 15:17.NWAD LITTLE.6

    5. Of small force or effect; slight; inconsiderable; as little attention or exertions; little effort; little care or diligence, little weight.NWAD LITTLE.7

    LITTLE, n.

    1. A small quantity or amount. He demanded much and obtained little. He had little of his father’s liberality.NWAD LITTLE.9

    2. A small space.NWAD LITTLE.10

    Much was in little writ -NWAD LITTLE.11

    3. Any thing small, slight or of inconsiderable importance.NWAD LITTLE.12

    I view with anger and disdain.NWAD LITTLE.13

    How little gives thee joy and pain.NWAD LITTLE.14

    4. Not much.NWAD LITTLE.15

    These they are fitted for, and little else.NWAD LITTLE.16

    LITTLE, adv.

    1. In a small degree; slightly; as, he is little changed. It is a little discolored.NWAD LITTLE.18

    2. Not much; in a small quantity or space of time. He sleeps little.NWAD LITTLE.19

    3. In some degree; slightly; sometimes preceded by a. The liquor is a little sour or astringent.NWAD LITTLE.20


    1. Smallness of size or bulk; as the littleness of the body or of an animal.NWAD LITTLENESS.2

    2. Meanness; want of grandeur; as littleness of conception.NWAD LITTLENESS.3

    3. Want of dignity. Contemplations on the majesty of God displayed in his works, may awaken in us a sense of our own littleness.NWAD LITTLENESS.4

    4. Meanness; penuriousness.NWAD LITTLENESS.5

    LITTORAL, a. [L. littoralis, from litus, shore.] Belonging to a shore. [Little used.]

    LITUITE, n. A fossil shell.

    LITURGICAL, a. [See Liturgy.] Pertaining to a liturgy.

    LITURGY, n. [Gr. public, and work.]

    In a general sense, all public ceremonies that belong to divine service; hence, in a restricted sense, among the Romanists, the mass; and among protestants, the common prayer, or the formulary of public prayers.NWAD LITURGY.2

    LIVE, v.i. liv.

    1. To abide; to dwell; to have settled residence in any place. Where do you live? I live in London. He lives in Philadelphia. He lives in a large house on Second street. The Swiss live on mountains. The Bedouin Arabs live in the dessert.NWAD LIVE.2

    2. To continue; to be permanent; not to perish.NWAD LIVE.3

    Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water.NWAD LIVE.4

    3. To be animated; to have the vital principle; to have the bodily functions in operation, or in a capacity to operate, as respiration, circulation of blood, secretions, etc.; applied to animals.NWAD LIVE.5

    I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? Genesis 45:3.NWAD LIVE.6

    4. To have the principles of vegetable life; to be in a state in which the organs do or may perform their functions in the circulation of sap and in growth; applied to plants. This tree will not live, unless watered; it will not live through the winter.NWAD LIVE.7

    5. To pass life or time in a particular manner, with regard to habits or condition. In what manner does your son live? Does he live according to the dictates of reason and the precepts of religion?NWAD LIVE.8

    If we act by several broken views, we shall live and die in misery.NWAD LIVE.9

    6. To continue in life. The way to live long is to be temperate.NWAD LIVE.10

    7. To live, emphatically; to enjoy life; to be in a state of happiness.NWAD LIVE.11

    What greater curse could envious fortune give, than just to die, when I began to live?NWAD LIVE.12

    8. To feed; to subsist; to be nourished and supported in life; as, horses live on grass or grain; fowls live on seeds or insects; some kinds of fish live on others; carnivorous animals live on flesh.NWAD LIVE.13

    9. To subsist; to be maintained in life; to be supported. Many of the clergy are obliged to live on small salaries. All men in health may live by industry with economy, yet some men live by robbery.NWAD LIVE.14

    10. To remain undestroyed; to float; not to sink or founder. It must be a good ship that lives at sea in a hurricane.NWAD LIVE.15

    Nor can our shaken vessels live at sea.NWAD LIVE.16

    11. To exist; to have being.NWAD LIVE.17

    As I live, saith the Lord - Ezekiel 18:3.NWAD LIVE.18

    12. In Scripture, to be exempt from death, temporal or spiritual.NWAD LIVE.19

    Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them. Leviticus 18:5.NWAD LIVE.20

    13. To recover from sickness; to have life prolonged.NWAD LIVE.21

    Thy son liveth. John 4:50-51.NWAD LIVE.22

    14. To be inwardly quickened, nourished and actuated by divine influence or faith. Galatians 2:19-20.NWAD LIVE.23

    15. To be greatly refreshed, comforted and animated.NWAD LIVE.24

    For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:8.NWAD LIVE.25

    16. To appear as in life or reality; to be manifest in real character.NWAD LIVE.26

    And all the writer lives in every line.NWAD LIVE.27

    1. To live with, to dwell or to be a lodger with.NWAD LIVE.28

    2. To cohabit; to have intercourse, as male and female.NWAD LIVE.29

    LIVE, v.t. liv.

    1. To continue in constantly or habitually; as, to live a life of ease.NWAD LIVE.31

    2. To act habitually in conformity to.NWAD LIVE.32

    It is not enough to say prayers, unless they live them too.NWAD LIVE.33

    LIVE, a.

    1. Having life; having respiration and other organic functions in operation, or in a capacity to operate; not dead; as a live ox.NWAD LIVE.35

    2. Having vegetable life; as a live plant.NWAD LIVE.36

    3. Containing fire; ignited; not extinct; as a live coal.NWAD LIVE.37

    4. Vivid, as color.NWAD LIVE.38

    LIVELESS, not used. [See Lifeless.]

    LVELIHOOD, n. [lively and hood, or lifelode, from lead.]

    Means of living; support of life; maintenance. Trade furnishes many people with an honest livelihood. Men of enterprise seek a livelihood where they can find it.NWAD LVELIHOOD.2

    LIVELINESS, n. [from lively.]

    1. The quality or state of being lively or animated; sprightliness; vivacity; animation; spirit; as the liveliness of youth, contrasted with the gravity of age.NWAD LIVELINESS.2

    2. An appearance of life, animation or spirit; as the liveliness of the eye or countenance in a portrait.NWAD LIVELINESS.3

    3. Briskness; activity; effervescence, as of liquors.NWAD LIVELINESS.4

    LIVELODE, for livelihood, not used.

    LIVELONG, a. liv’long. [live and long.]

    1. Long in passing.NWAD LIVELONG.2

    How could she sit the livelong day, yet never ask us once to play?NWAD LIVELONG.3

    2. Lasting; durable; as a livelong monument. [Not used.]NWAD LIVELONG.4

    3. A plant of the genus Sedum.NWAD LIVELONG.5

    LIVELY, a.

    1. Brisk; vigorous; vivacious; active; as a lively youth.NWAD LIVELY.2

    2. Gay; airy.NWAD LIVELY.3

    From grave to gay, from lively to severe.NWAD LIVELY.4

    3. Representing life; as a lively imitation of nature.NWAD LIVELY.5

    4. Animated; spirited; as a lively strain of eloquence; a lively description.NWAD LIVELY.6

    5. Strong; energetic; as a lively faith or hope; a lively persuasion.NWAD LIVELY.7

    Lively stones, in scripture. Saints are called lively stones, as being quickened by the Spirit and active in holiness.NWAD LIVELY.8

    LIVELY, adv.

    1. Briskly; vigorously. [Little used.]NWAD LIVELY.10

    2. With strong resemblance of life.NWAD LIVELY.11

    That part of poetry must needs be best, which describes most lively our actions and passions. [Little used.]NWAD LIVELY.12

    LIVER, n. One who lives.

    And try if life be worth the liver’s care.NWAD LIVER.2

    It is often used with a word of qualification; as a high liver; a loose liver, etc.NWAD LIVER.3

    LIVER, n.

    A viscus or intestine of considerable size and of a reddish color, convex on the anterior and superior side, and of an unequal surface on the inferior and posterior side. It is situated under the false ribs, in the right hypochondrium. It consists of two lobes, of a glandular substance, and destined for the secretion of the bile.NWAD LIVER.5

    LIVERCOLOR, a. Dark red; of the color of the liver.

    LIVERED, a. Having a liver; as white-livered.

    LIVERGROWN, a. Having a large liver.

    LIVERSTONE, n. A stone or species of earth of the barytic genus, of a gray or brown color, which, when rubbed or heated to redness, emits the smell of liver of sulphur, or alkaline sulphuret.

    LIVERWORT, n. The name of many species of plants. Several of the lichens are so called. The liverworts (Hepaticae) are a natural order of cryptogamian plants whose herbage is generally frondose, and resembling the leafy lichens, but whose seeds are contained in a distinct capsule. The noble liverwort is the Anemone hepatica.

    LIVERY, n.

    1. The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements; a term of English law. It is usual to say, livery of seisin, which is feudal investiture, made by the delivery of a turf, of a rod or twig, from the feoffor to the feoffee. In America, no such ceremony is necessary to a conveyance of real estate, the delivery of a deed being sufficient.NWAD LIVERY.2

    2. Release from wardship; deliverance.NWAD LIVERY.3

    3. The writ by which possession os obtained.NWAD LIVERY.4

    4. The state of being kept at a certain rate; as, to keep horses at livery.NWAD LIVERY.5

    5. A form of dress by which noblemen and gentlemen distinguish their servants. The Romish church has also liveries for confessors, virgins, apostles, martyrs, penitents, etc. Hence,NWAD LIVERY.6

    6. A particular dress or garb, appropriate or peculiar to particular times or things; as the livery of May; the livery of autumn.NWAD LIVERY.7

    Now came still evening on, and twilight gray had in her sober livery all things clad.NWAD LIVERY.8

    7. The whole body of liverymen in London.NWAD LIVERY.9

    LIVERY, v.t. To clothe in livery.


    1. One who wears a livery; as a servant.NWAD LIVERYMAN.2

    2. In London, a freeman of the city, of some distinction. the liverymen are chosen from among the freemen of each company, and from their number are elected the common council, sheriff and other superior officers of the city. They alone have the right of voting for members of parliament.NWAD LIVERYMAN.3

    LIVERY-STABLE, n. A stable where horses are kept for hire.

    LIVES, n. plu. of life.

    LIVESTOCK, n. [live and stock.] Horses, cattle and smaller domestic animals; a term applied in America to such animals as may be exported alive for foreign market.

    LIVID, a. [L. lividus; from liveo, to be black and blue.]

    Black and blue; of a lead color; discolored, as flesh by contusion.NWAD LIVID.2

    Upon my livid lips bestow a kiss.NWAD LIVID.3

    LIVIDITY, LIVIDNESS, n. A dark color, like that of bruised flesh. [Lividness is the preferable word.]

    LIVING, ppr. [from live.]

    1. Dwelling; residing; existing; subsisting; having life or the vital functions in operation; not dead.NWAD LIVING.2

    2. a. Issuing continually from the earth; running; flowing; as a living spring or fountain; opposed to stagnant.NWAD LIVING.3

    3. a. Producing action, animation and vigor; quickening; as a living principle; a living faith.NWAD LIVING.4

    LIVING, n. He or those who are alive; usually with a plural signification; as in the land of the living.

    The living will lay it to his heart. Ecclesiastes 7:2.NWAD LIVING.6

    LIVING, n.

    1. Means of subsistence; estate.NWAD LIVING.8

    He divided to them his living. Luke 15:12.NWAD LIVING.9

    She of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living. Mark 12:44.NWAD LIVING.10

    2. Power of continuing life. There is no living with a scold.NWAD LIVING.11

    There is no living without trusting some body or other in some cases.NWAD LIVING.12

    3. Livelihood. He made a living by his occupation. The woman spins for a living.NWAD LIVING.13

    4. The benefice of a clergyman. He lost his living by non-conformity.NWAD LIVING.14

    LIVINGLY, adv. In a living state.

    Livonica terra, a species of fine bole found in Livonia, brought to market in little cakes.NWAD LIVINGLY.2

    LIVRE, n. [L. libra.] A French money of account, equal to 20 sous, or ten pence sterling.

    LIXIVIAL, LIXIVIOUS, a. [L. lixivius, from lix lye.]

    1. Obtained by lixiviation; impregnated with alkaline salt extracted from wood ashes. Lixivial salts are those which are obtained by passing water through ashes, or by pouring it on them.NWAD LIXIVIAL.2

    2. Containing salt extracted from the ashes of wood.NWAD LIXIVIAL.3

    3. Of the color of lye; resembling lye.NWAD LIXIVIAL.4

    4. Having the qualities of alkaline salts from wood ashes.NWAD LIXIVIAL.5


    1. Pertaining to lye or lixivium; of the quality of alkaline salts.NWAD LIXIVIATE.2

    2. Impregnated with salts from wood ashes.NWAD LIXIVIATE.3

    LIXIVIATE, v.t. [L. lixivia, lixivium, lye.] To form lye; to impregnate with lye; to impregnate with salts from wood ashes. Water is lixiviated by passing through ashes.

    LIXIVIATION, n. The operation or process of extracting alkaline salts from ashes by pouring water on them, the water passing through them imbibing the salts.

    LIXIVIUM, n. [L. from lix, lye.]

    Lye; water impregnated with alkaline salts imbibed from wood ashes. It is sometimes applied to other extracts.NWAD LIXIVIUM.2

    LIZARD, n. [L. lacertus, lacerta, there has been a change of c into z or s, which may be the fact.]

    In zoology, a genus of amphibious animals, called Lacerta, and comprehending the crocodile, alligator, chameleon, salamander, etc. But the name, in common life, is applied to the smaller species of this genus, and of these there is a great variety. These animals are ranked in the order of reptiles. The body is naked, with four feet and a tail. The body is thicker and more tapering than that of the serpent.NWAD LIZARD.2

    LIZARD-TAIL, n. A plant of the genus Saururus, and another of the genus Piper.

    LL.D. letters standing for Doctor of Laws, the title of an honorary degree.

    LO, exclam.

    Look; see; behold; observe. This word is used to excite particular attention in a hearer to some object of sight, or subject of discourse.NWAD LO.2

    Lo, here is Christ. Matthew 24:23.NWAD LO.3

    Lo, we turn to the Gentiles. Acts 13:46.NWAD LO.4

    LOACH, LOCHE, n. A small fish of the genus Cobitis, inhabiting small clear streams, and esteemed dainty food.

    LOAD, n. [See Lade.]

    1. A burden; that which is laid on or put in any thing for conveyance. Thus we lay a load on a beat or on a man’s shoulders, or on a cart or wagon; and we say, a light load, heavy load. A load then is indefinite in quantity or weight. But by usage, in some cases, the word has a more definite signification, and expresses a certain quantity or weight, or as much as is usually carried, or as can be well sustained. Load is never used for the cargo of a ship; this is called loading, lading, freight, or cargo.NWAD LOAD.2

    2. Any heavy burden; a large quantity borne or sustained. a tree may be said to have a load of fruit upon it.NWAD LOAD.3

    3. That which is borne with pain or difficulty; a grievous weight; encumbrance; in a literal sense.NWAD LOAD.4

    Jove lightened of its load th’ enormous mass -NWAD LOAD.5

    In a figurative sense, we say, a load of care or grief; a load of guilt or crimes.NWAD LOAD.6

    4. Weight or violence of blows.NWAD LOAD.7

    5. A quantity of food or drink that oppresses, or as much as can be borne.NWAD LOAD.8

    6. Among miners, the quantity of nine dishes of ore, each dish being about half a hundred weight.NWAD LOAD.9

    LOAD, v.t. pret. and pp. loaded. [loaden, formerly used, is obsolete and laden belongs to lade. Load, from the noun, is a regular verb.]

    1. To lay on a burden; to put on or in something to be carried, or as much as can be carried; as, to load a camel or a horse; to load a cart or wagon. To load a gun, is to charge, or to put in a sufficient quantity of powder, or powder and ball or shot.NWAD LOAD.11

    2. To encumber; to lay on or put in that which is borne with pain or difficulty; in a literal sense, as to load the stomach with meat; or in a figurative sense, as to load the mind or memory.NWAD LOAD.12

    3. To make heavy by something added or appended.NWAD LOAD.13

    Thy dreadful vow, loaden with death -NWAD LOAD.14

    So in a literal sense, to load a whip.NWAD LOAD.15

    4. To bestow or confer on in great abundance; as, to load one with honors; to load with reproaches.NWAD LOAD.16

    LOADED, pp.

    1. Charged with a load or cargo; having a burden; freighted, as a ship; having a charge of powder, or powder and shot, as a gun.NWAD LOADED.2

    2. Burdened with any thing oppressive; as loaded with cares, with guilt or shame.NWAD LOADED.3

    LOADER, n. One who put on a load.

    LOADING, ppr. Charging with a load; burdening; encumbering; charging, as a gun.

    LOADING, n. A cargo; a burden; also, any thing that makes part of a load.

    LOADMANAGE, n. Pilotage; skill of a pilot. [Not in use.]

    LOADSMAN, n. [load and man.] A pilot. Obs.

    LOADSTAR, LODESTAR, n. [lead and star.] The star that leads; the polestar; the cynosure. Obs.

    LOADSTONE, n. [from the verb lead and stone. The old orthography, lodestone, is most correct, as this word has no connection with the verb to load.]

    The native magnet, an ore of iron in the lowest state of oxidation, which has the power of attracting metallic iron, as iron filings, and of communicating to masses of iron the same property of attraction, forming artificial magnets. [See Lodestone.]NWAD LOADSTONE.2

    LOAF, n. plu. loaves.

    1. A mass of bread when baked. It is larger than a cake. The size and price of a loaf, in large cities, are regulated by law.NWAD LOAF.2

    2. A mass or lump, as of sugar.NWAD LOAF.3

    3. Any thick mass.NWAD LOAF.4

    LOAF-SUGAR, n. Sugar refined and formed into a conical mass.

    LOAM, n. [L. limus.]

    A natural mixture of sand and clay with oxyd of iron; a species of earth or soil of different colors, whitish, brown or yellow, readily diffusible in water.NWAD LOAM.2

    LOAM, v.t. To cover with loam.

    LOAMY, a. Consisting of loam; partaking of the nature of loam, or resembling it.

    LOAN, n.

    1. The act of lending; a lending.NWAD LOAN.2

    2. That which is lent; any thing furnished for temporary use to a person at his request, on the express or implied condition that the specific thing shall be returned, or its equivalent in kind, but without compensation for the use; as a loan of a book or of bread.NWAD LOAN.3

    3. Something furnished for temporary use, on the condition that it shall be returned or its equivalent, but with a compensation for the use. In this sense, loan is generally applied to money. [See Lend.]NWAD LOAN.4

    4. A furnishing; permission to use; grant of the use; as a loan of credit.NWAD LOAN.5

    LOAN, v.t.

    To lend; to deliver to another for temporary use, on condition that the thing shall be returned, as a book; or to deliver for use, on condition that an equivalent in kind shall be returned, as bread; or to deliver for temporary use, on condition that an equivalent in kind shall be returned, with a compensation for the use, as in the case of money at interest. Bills of credit were issued, to be loaned on interest.NWAD LOAN.7

    LOAN-OFFICE, n. In America, a public office in which loans of money are negotiated for the public, or in which the accounts of loans are kept and the interest paid to the lenders.

    LOAN-OFFICER, n. A public officer empowered to superintend and transact the business of a loan-office.

    LOATH, LOTH, a. [In America, the primitive pronunciation of lath, that is, lawth, is retained in the adjective, which is written loth. The verb would be better written lothe, in analogy with cloth, clothe. See Loth.]

    Disliking; unwilling; reluctant. He was loth to leave the company. [See Loth.]NWAD LOATH.2

    LOATHE, LOTHE, v.t. To hate; to look on with hatred or abhorrence; particularly, to feel disgust at food or drink, either from natural antipathy, or a sickly appetite, or from satiety, or from its ill taste. [See Lothe.]

    LOATHER, n. One that lothes.

    LOATHFUL, a.

    1. Hating; abhorring through disgust.NWAD LOATHFUL.2

    2. Abhorred; hated.NWAD LOATHFUL.3

    LOATHING, ppr. Hating from disgust; abhorring.

    LOATHINGLY, adv. In a fastidious manner.

    LOATHLY, a. Hateful; exciting hatred. Obs.

    LOATHLY, adv. Unwillingly; reluctantly. [See Lothly.]

    LOATHNESS, n. Unwillingness; reluctance. [See Lothness.]


    1. Disgusting; exciting disgust.NWAD LOATHSOME.2

    2. Hateful; abhorred; detestable.NWAD LOATHSOME.3

    3. Causing fastidiousness. [See Lothsome.]NWAD LOATHSOME.4

    LOATHSOMENESS, n. The quality which excites disgust, hatred or abhorrence.

    LOAVES, plu. of loaf.

    LOB, n.

    1. A dull, heavy, sluggish person.NWAD LOB.2

    2. Something thick and heavy; as in lobworm.NWAD LOB.3

    LOB, v.t. To let fall heavily or lazily.

    And their poor jades lob down their heads.NWAD LOB.5

    LOBATE, LOBED, a. [from lobe.] Consisting of lobes. In botany, divided to the middle into parts distant from each other, with convex margins.

    LOBBY, n.

    1. An opening before a room, or an entrance into a principal apartment, where there is a considerable space between that and the portico or vestibule.NWAD LOBBY.2

    2. A small hall or waiting room.NWAD LOBBY.3

    3. A small apartment taken from a hall or entry.NWAD LOBBY.4

    4. In a ship, an apartment close before the captain’s cabin.NWAD LOBBY.5

    5. In agriculture, a confined place for cattle, formed by hedges, trees or other fencing, near the farm-yard.NWAD LOBBY.6

    LOBE, n. [L. lobus; Gr.]

    1. A part or division of the lungs, liver, etc.NWAD LOBE.2

    2. The lower soft part of the ear.NWAD LOBE.3

    3. A division of a simple leaf.NWAD LOBE.4

    4. The cotyledon or placenta of a seed.NWAD LOBE.5

    LOBED, a. Lobate, which see.

    LOBSPOUND, n. A prison.

    LOBSTER, n.

    A crustaceous fish of the genus Cancer. Lobsters have large claws and fangs, and four pair of legs. They are said to change their crust annually, and to be frightened at thunder or other loud report. They constitute an article of food.NWAD LOBSTER.2

    LOBULE, n. A small lobe.

    LOCAL, a. [L. localis; from locus, place, loco. See Lay.]

    1. Pertaining to a place, or to a fixed or limited portion of space. We say, the local situation of the house is pleasant. We are often influenced in our opinions by local circumstances.NWAD LOCAL.2

    2. Limited or confined to a spot, place, or definite district; as a local custom. The yellow fever is local in its origin, and often continues for a time, to be a local disease.NWAD LOCAL.3

    3. In law, local actions are such as must be brought in a particular county, where the cause arises; distinguished from transitory actions.NWAD LOCAL.4

    LOCALITY, n.

    1. Existence in a place, or in a certain portion of space.NWAD LOCALITY.2

    It is thought that the soul and angels are devoid of quantity and dimension, and that they have nothing to do with grosser locality.NWAD LOCALITY.3

    2. Limitation to a county, district or place; as locality of trial.NWAD LOCALITY.4

    3. Position; situation; place; particularly; geographical place or situation, as of a mineral or plant.NWAD LOCALITY.5

    LOCALLY, adv. With respect to place; in place; as, to be locally separated or distant.

    LOCATE, v.t. [L. loco, locatus.]

    1. To place; to set in a particular spot or position.NWAD LOCATE.2

    2. To select, survey and settle the bounds of a particular tract of land; or to designate a portion of land by limits; as, to locate a tract of a hundred acres in a particular township.NWAD LOCATE.3

    3. To designate and determine the place of; as, a committee was appointed to locate a church or a court house.NWAD LOCATE.4

    LOCATED, pp. Placed; situated; fixed in place.

    LOCATING, ppr. Placing; designating the place of.

    LOCATION, n.

    1. The act of placing, or of designating the place of.NWAD LOCATION.2

    2. Situation with respect to place. The location of the city on a large river is favorable for commerce.NWAD LOCATION.3

    3. That which is located; a tract of land designated in place.NWAD LOCATION.4

    4. In the civil law, a leasing on rent.NWAD LOCATION.5

    LOCH, n. A lake; a bay or arm of the sea; used in Scotland.

    LOCH, n. Loch or lohoch, is an Arabian name for the forms of medicines called eclegmas, lambatives, linctures, and the like.

    LOCHAGE, n. [Gr. a body of soldiers, and to lead.]

    In Greece, an officer who commanded a lochus or cohort, the number of men in which is not certainly known.NWAD LOCHAGE.2

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