MODERATORSHIP, n. The office of a moderator.
MODERN, a. [L. modo, and ern, which we find in other Latin words that have reference to time, as in hodiernus, hesternus.]
1. Pertaining to the present time, or time not long past; late; recent; not ancient or remote in past time; as modern days, ages or time; modern authors; modern fashions; modern taste; modern practice.NWAD MODERN.2
2. Common; mean; vulgar. [Not used.]NWAD MODERN.3
MODERNISM, n. Modern practice; something recently formed, particularly in writing.
MODERNIST, n. One who admires the moderns.
MODERNIZE, v.t. To render modern; to adapt ancient compositions to modern persons or things, or rather to adapt the ancient style or idiom to modern style and taste.
MODERNIZED, pp. Rendered conformable to modern usage.
MODERNIZER, n. He that renders modern.
MODERNIZING, ppr. Rendering modern.
MODERNLY, adv. In modern times. [Not in use.]
MODERNNESS, n. The quality of being modern; recentness; novelty.
MODERNS, n. Those who have lived in times recently past, or are now living; opposed to the ancients.
MODEST, a. [L. modestus, from modus, a limit.]
1. Properly, restrained by a sense of propriety; hence, not forward or bold; not presumptuous or arrogant; not boastful; as a modest youth; a modest man.NWAD MODEST.2
2. Not bold or forward; as a modest maid. The word may be thus used without reference to chastity.NWAD MODEST.3
The blushing beauties of a modest maid.NWAD MODEST.4
3. Not loose; not lewd.NWAD MODEST.5
Mrs. Ford, the honest woman, the modest wife.NWAD MODEST.6
4. Moderate; not excessive or extreme; not extravagant; as a modest request; modest joy; a modest computation.NWAD MODEST.7
MODESTLY, adv. Not boldly; not arrogantly or presumptuously; with due respect. He modestly expressed his opinions.
1. Not loosely or wantonly; decently; as, to be modestly attired; to behave modestly.NWAD MODESTLY.2
2. Not excessively; not extravagantly.NWAD MODESTLY.3
MODESTY, n. [L. modestia.] That lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one’s own worth and importance. This temper when natural, springs in some measure from timidity, and in young and inexperienced persons, is allied to bashfulness and diffidence. In persons who have seen the world, and lost their natural timidity, modesty springs no less from principle than from feeling, and is manifested by retiring, unobtrusive manners, assuming less to itself than others are willing to yield, and conceding to others all due honor and respect, or even more than they expect or require.
2. Modesty, as an act or series of acts, consists in humble, unobtrusive deportment, as opposed to extreme boldness, forwardness, arrogance, presumption, audacity or impudence. Thus we say, the petitioner urged his claims with modesty; the speaker addressed the audience with modesty.NWAD MODESTY.2
3. Moderation; decency.NWAD MODESTY.3
4. In females, modesty has the like character as in males; but the word is used also as synonymous with chastity, or purity of manners. In this sense, modesty results from purity of mind, or from the fear of disgrace and ignominy fortified by education and principle. Unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence, the richest gem in the diadem of their honor.NWAD MODESTY.4
MODESTY-PIECE, n. A narrow lace worn by females over the bosom.
MODICUM, n. [L.] A little; a small quantity.
MODIFIABLE, a. [from modify.] That may be modified or diversified by various forms and differences; as modifiable matter.
MODIFICATION, n. [from modify.] The act of modifying, or giving to any thing new forms, or differences of external qualities or modes.
If these powers of cogitation, volition and sensation are not inherent in matter as such, nor acquirable to matter by any motion or modification of it--NWAD MODIFICATION.2
1. Particular form or manner; as the various modifications of light or sound. The treaty, in several of its modifications, was held to be objectionable.NWAD MODIFICATION.3
2. Moderated; tempered; qualified in exceptionable parts.NWAD MODIFICATION.4
MODIFIER, n. He or that which modifies.
MODIFY, v.t. [L. modificor; modus, limit, manner, and facio, to make.]
1. To change the form or external qualities of a thing; to shape; to give a new form of being to; as, to modify matter, light or sound.NWAD MODIFY.2
2. To vary; to give a new form to any thing; as, to modify the terms of a contract. A prefix modifies the sense of a verb.NWAD MODIFY.3
3. To moderate; to qualify; to reduce in extent or degree.NWAD MODIFY.4
Of his graceNWAD MODIFY.5
He modifies his first severe decree.NWAD MODIFY.6
MODIFY, v.i. To extenuate.
MODIFYING, ppr. Changing the external qualities; giving a new form to; moderating.
MODILLION, n. modil’yun. [L. modiolus, from modus.]
In architecture, an ornament in the cornice of the Ionic, Corinthian and composite columns; a sort of bracket serving to support the projecture of the larmier or drip; a dental.NWAD MODILLION.2
MODISH, a. [from mode.] According to the mode or customary manner; fashionable; as a modish dress; a modish feast.
MODISHLY, adv. Fashionably; in the customary mode.
MODISHNESS, n. The state of being fashionable.
1. Affectation of the fashion.NWAD MODISHNESS.2
MODULATE, v.t. [L. modulor, from modus, limit, measure.]
1. To form sound to a certain key, or to a certain proportion.NWAD MODULATE.2
2. To very or inflect sound in a natural, customary or musical manner. Thus the organs of speech modulate the voice in reading or speaking.NWAD MODULATE.3
Could any person so modulate her voice as to deceive so many.NWAD MODULATE.4
MODULATED, pp. Formed to a certain key; varied; inflected.
MODULATING, ppr. Forming to a certain proportion; varying; inflecting.
1. The act of forming any thing to a certain proportion; as the different proportion and modulation of matter.NWAD MODULATION.2
2. The act of inflecting the voice in reading or speaking; a rising or falling of the voice.NWAD MODULATION.3
3. In music, the art of composing melody or harmony agreeable to the laws prescribed by any particular key, or of changing the key, or of passing from one key to another.NWAD MODULATION.4
Modulation is the manner of ascertaining and managing the modes; or more generally, the art of conducting the harmony and air through several modes in a manner agreeable to the ear and conformed to rules.NWAD MODULATION.5
4. Sound modulated; melody.NWAD MODULATION.6
MODULATOR, n. He or that which modulates. The tongue is a principal modulator of the human voice.
MODULE, n. [L. modulus.] A model or representation.
1. In architecture, a certain measure or size taken at pleasure for regulating the proportion of columns, and the symmetry or disposition of the whole building. The usual module of a column is its semidiameter at the base. This is divided into parts or minutes.NWAD MODULE.2
MODULE, v.t. To model; to shape; to modulate. [Little used.]
MODUS, n. [L.] A compensation for tithes; an equivalent in money or other certain thing, given to a parson or vicar by the owners of land in lieu of tithes. The whole phrase is modus decimandi; but modus alone is commonly used.
MOE, a. More. [Not used.]
MOGUL, n. The name of a prince or emperor of the nation in Asia called Moguls or Monguls.
MOHAIR, n. The hair of a kind of goat in Turkey, of which are made camlets, which are sometimes called by the same name.
MOHAIR-SHELL, n. In conchology, a peculiar species of Voluta, of a closely and finely reticulated texture, resembling on the surface mohair, or a close web of the silkworm.
MOHAMMEDAN, a. Pertaining to Mohammed or Mahomet.
MOHAMMEDAN, n. A follower of Mohammed, the founder of the religion of Arabia and Persia.
MOHAMMEDANISM, n. The religion or doctrines and precepts of Mohammed, contained in a book called the Koran or Alkoran.
MOHAMMEDANIZE, v.t. To render conformable to the modes or principles of the Mohammedans.
MOHAWK, MOHOCK, n. The appellation given to certain ruffians who infested the streets of London; so called from the nation of Indians of that name in America.
MOIDORE, n. A gold coin of Portugal, valued at $6, or f1. 7s sterling.
MOIETY, n. [L. medietas.] The half; one of two equal parts; as a moiety of an estate, of goods or of profits; the moiety of a jury or of a nation.
MOIL, v.t. To daub; to make dirty. [Little used.]
1. To weary. [See the next word.]NWAD MOIL.2
MOIL, v.i. [Gr. labor, combat; to strive, to fight; L. molior, and miles.] To labor; to toil; to work with painful efforts.
Now he must moil and drudge for one he loathes.NWAD MOIL.4
MOIL, n. A spot. [Not in use.]
MOIST, a. [L. madeo.]
1. Moderately wet; damp; as a moist atmosphere or air.NWAD MOIST.2
Exhalation dusk and moist.NWAD MOIST.3
2. Containing water or other liquid in a perceptible degree.NWAD MOIST.4
MOISTEN, v.t. mois’n. To make damp; to wet in a small degree.
A pipe a little moistened on the inside.NWAD MOISTEN.2
His bones are moistened with marrow. Job 21:24.NWAD MOISTEN.3
MOIST, as a verb, is obsolete.
MOISTENED, pp. mois’nd. Made wet in a small degree.
MOISTENER, n. mois’ner. He or that which moistens.
MOISTENING, ppr. mois’ning. Wetting moderately.
MOISTFUL, a. Full of moisture.
MOISTNESS, n. Dampness; a small degree of wetness.
MOISTURE, n. A moderate degree of wetness.
Set such plants as require much moisture, on sandy, dry grounds.NWAD MOISTURE.2
1. A small quantity of any liquid; as the moisture of the body.NWAD MOISTURE.3
MOISTY, a. Drizzling. [Not in use.]
MOKES, of a net, the meshes. [Not in use.]
MOKY, a. Muggy; dark; murky.
MOLAR, a. [L. molaris.] Having power to grind; grinding; as the molar teeth.
MOLASSES, an incorrect orthography of melasses.
MOLD, n. [L. mollis.]
1. Fine soft earth, or earth easily pulverized, such as constitutes soil; as black mold.NWAD MOLD.2
A mortal substance of terrestrial mold.NWAD MOLD.3
2. A substance like down which forms on bodies which lie long in warm and damp air. The microscope exhibits this substance as consisting of small plants.NWAD MOLD.4
3. Matter of which any thing is formed.NWAD MOLD.5
Nature formed me of her softest mold.NWAD MOLD.6
MOLD, n.
1. The matrix in which any thing is cast and receives its form. Molds are of various kinds. Molds for casting cannon and various vessels, are composed of some species of earth, particularly clay. Molds for other purposes consist of a cavity in some species of metal, cut or formed to the shape designed, or are otherwise formed, each for its particular use.NWAD MOLD.8
2. Cast; form; as a writer of vulgar mold.NWAD MOLD.9
3. The suture or contexture of the skull.NWAD MOLD.10
4. In ship-building, a thin flexible piece of timber, used as a pattern by which to form the curves of the timbers and compassing pieces.NWAD MOLD.11
5. Among gold beaters, a number of pieces of vellum or a like substance, laid over one another, between which the leaves of gold and silver are laid for beating.NWAD MOLD.12
MOLD, v.t. To cause to contract mold.
1. To cover with mold or soil.NWAD MOLD.14
MOLD, v.i. To contract mold; to become moldy.
MOLD, v.t. To form into a particular shape; to shape; to model.
He forgeth and moldeth metals.NWAD MOLD.17
Did I request them, Maker, from my clayNWAD MOLD.18
To mold me man?NWAD MOLD.19
1. To knead; as, to mold dough or bread.NWAD MOLD.20
MOLDABLE, a. That may be molded or formed.
MOLDED, pp. Formed into a particular shape; kneaded.
1. Covered with mold.NWAD MOLDED.2
MOLDER, n. He who molds or forms into shape.
MOLDER, v.i.
1. To turn to dust by natural decay; to crumble; to perish; to waste away by a gradual separation of the component particles, without the presence of water. In this manner, animal and vegetable substances molder, and so also do stones and shells.NWAD MOLDER.3
When statues molder, and when arches fall.NWAD MOLDER.4
2. To be diminished; to waste away gradually.NWAD MOLDER.5
If he had sat still, the enemy’s army would have moldered to nothing.NWAD MOLDER.6
MOLDER, v.t. To turn to dust; to crumble; to waste.
Some felt the silent stroke of moldering age.NWAD MOLDER.8
MOLDERING, ppr. Turning to dust; crumbling; wasting away.
MOLDINESS, n. [from moldy.] The state of being moldy.
MOLDING, ppr. [from mold.] Forming into shape; kneading.
MOLDING, n. Any thing cast in a mold, or which appears to be so; hence, in architecture, a projecture beyond the wall, column, wainscot, etc. an assemblage of which forms a cornice, a door-case, or other decoration.
MOLD-WARP, n. A mole; a small animal of the genus Talpa, that moves under ground and turns up the mold or surface of the earth.
MOLDY, a. [from mold.] Overgrown with mold.
1. A spot, mark or small permanent protuberance on the human body, from which usually issue one or more hairs.NWAD MOLE.2
2. [L. mola.] A mass of fleshy matter of a spherical figure, generated in the uterus.NWAD MOLE.3
MOLE, n. [L. moles.]
1. A mound or massive work formed of large stones laid in the sea by means of coffer dams, extended either in a right line or an arch of a circle before a port, which it serves to defend from the violent impulse of the waves; thus protecting ships in a harbor. The word is sometimes used for the harbor itself.NWAD MOLE.5
2. Among the Romans, a kind of mausoleum, built like a round tower on a square base, insulated, encompassed with columns and covered with a dome.NWAD MOLE.6
MOLE, n. A small animal of the genus Talpa, which in search of worms or other insects, forms a road just under the surface of the ground, raising the soil into a little ridge; from which circumstance it is called a mold-warp, or mold-turner. The mole has very small eyes.
Learn of the mole to plow, the worm to weave.NWAD MOLE.8
MOLE, v.t. To clear of mole-hills. [Local.]
MOLE-CAST, n. A little elevation of earth made by a mole.
MOLE-CATCHER, n. One whose employment is to catch moles.
MOLE-CRICKET, n. An insect of the genus Gryllus.
MOLECULE, n. A very minute particle of matter. Molecules are elementary, constituent, or integrant. The latter result from the union of the elementary.
MOLE-EYED, a. Having very small eyes; blind.
MOLE-HILL, n. A little hillock or elevation of earth thrown up by moles working under ground; hence proverbially, a very small hill, or other small thing, compared with a larger.
--Having leaped over such mountains, lie down before a mole-hill.NWAD MOLE-HILL.2
MOLEST, v.t. [L. molestus, troublesome, molo. See Mill.]
To trouble; to disturb; to render uneasy.NWAD MOLEST.2
They have molested the church with needless opposition.NWAD MOLEST.3
MOLESTATION, n. Disturbance; annoyance; uneasiness given. [It usually expresses less than vexation.]
MOLESTED, pp. Disturbed; troubled; annoyed.
MOLESTER, n. One that disturbs.
MOLESTING, ppr. Disturbing; troubling.
MOLE-TRACK, n. The course of a mole under ground.
MOLE-WARP, n. A mole. [See Mole and mold-warp.]
MOLIEN, n. A flowering tree of China.
MOLIMINOUS, a. [from L. molimen.] Very important. [Not used.]
MOLINIST, n. A follower of the opinions of Molina, a Spanish Jesuit, in respect to grace; an opposer of the Jansenists.
MOLLIENT, a. [L. molliens, mollio. See Mellow.]
Softening; assuaging; lessening. [See Emollient, which is generally used.]NWAD MOLLIENT.2
MOLLIFIABLE, a. [from mollify.] That may be softened.
MOLLIFICATION, n. The act of mollifying or softening.
1. Mitigation; an appeasing.NWAD MOLLIFICATION.2
MOLLIFIED, pp. Softened; appeased.
MOLLIFIER, n. That which softens, appeases or mitigates.
1. He that softens, mitigates or pacifies.NWAD MOLLIFIER.2
MOLLIFY, v.t. [L. mollio.] To soften; to make soft or tender. Isaiah 1:6.
1. To assuage, as pain or irritation.NWAD MOLLIFY.2
2. To appease; to pacify; to calm or quiet.NWAD MOLLIFY.3
3. To qualify; to reduce in harshness or asperity.NWAD MOLLIFY.4
MOLLUSCA, n. [from L. mollis, soft.] In zoology, a division or class of animals whose bodies are soft, without an internal skeleton, or articulated covering. Some of them breathe by lungs, others by gills; some live on land, others in water. Some of them are naked; others testaceous or provided with shells. Many of them are furnished with feelers or tentacula.
MOLLUSCAN, MOLLUSCOUS, a. Pertaining to the mollusca, or partaking of their properties. [Molluscous is used, but is less analogical than molluscan.]
MOLOSSUS, n. [Gr.] In Greek and Latin verse, a foot of three long syllables.
MOLT, v.i. To shed or cast the hair, feathers, skin, horns, etc.; as an animal. Fowls molt by losing their feathers, beasts by losing their hair, serpents by casting their skins, and deer their horns. The molting of the hawk is called mewing.
MOLTEN, pp. of melt. Melted.
1. a. Made of melted metal; as a molten image.NWAD MOLTEN.2
MOLTING, ppr. Casting or shedding a natural covering, as hair, feathers, skin or horns.
MOLTING, n. The act or operation by which certain animals, annually or at certain times, cast off or lose their hair, feathers, skins, horns, etc.
MOLY, n. [L. from Gr.] Wild garlic, a plant having a bulbous root.
MOLYBDEN, MOLYBDENA, n. [Gr. a mass of lead.] An ore of molybdenum, a scarce mineral of a peculiar form, and sometimes confounded with plumbago, from which however it is distinguished by its more shining, scaly appearance, and a more greasy feel.
MOLYBDENOUS, a. Pertaining to molybden, or obtained from it. The molybdenous acid is the deutoxyd of molybdenum.