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    MULTIPLICABLE, a. That may be multiplied.

    MULTIPLICAND, n. [L. multiplicandus. See Multiply.]

    In arithmetic, the number to be multiplied by another, which is called the multiplier.NWAD MULTIPLICAND.2

    MULTIPLICATE, a. [L. multiplicatus.]

    1. Consisting of many, or more than one.NWAD MULTIPLICATE.2

    2. A multiplicate flower is a sort of luxuriant flower, having the corol multiplied so far as to exclude only some of the stamens.NWAD MULTIPLICATE.3

    MULTIPLICATION, n. [L. multiplicatio.]

    1. The act of multiplying or of increasing number; as the multiplication of the human species by natural generation.NWAD MULTIPLICATION.2

    2. In arithmetic, a rule or operation by which any given number may be increased according to any number of times proposed. Thus 10 multiplied by 5 is increased to 50.NWAD MULTIPLICATION.3

    MULTIPLICATIVE, a. Tending to multiply; having the power to multiply or increase numbers.

    MULTIPLICATOR, n. The number by which another number is multiplied; a multiplier.

    MULTIPLICITY, n. [L. multiplex.]

    1. A state of being many; as a multiplicity of thoughts or objects.NWAD MULTIPLICITY.2

    2. Many of the same kind. The pagans of antiquity had a multiplicity of deities.NWAD MULTIPLICITY.3

    MULTIPLIED, pp. Increased in numbers.

    1. Numerous; often repeated; as multiplied aggressions.NWAD MULTIPLIED.2

    MULTIPLIER, n. One who multiplies, or increases number.

    1. The number in arithmetic by which another is multiplied; the multiplicator.NWAD MULTIPLIER.2

    MULTIPLY, v.t. [L. multiplico; multus, many, and plico, to fold or double.]

    1. To increase in number; to make more by natural generation or production, or by addition; as, to multiply men, horses or other animals; to multiply evils.NWAD MULTIPLY.2

    I will multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt. Exodus 7:3.NWAD MULTIPLY.3

    Impunity will multiply motives to disobedience.NWAD MULTIPLY.4

    2. In arithmetic, to increase any given number as many times as there are units in any other given number. Thus 7x8=56, that is, 7 multiplied by 8 produces the number 56.NWAD MULTIPLY.5

    MULTIPLY, v.i. To grow or increase in number.

    Be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28.NWAD MULTIPLY.7

    When men began to multiply on the face of the earth. Genesis 6:1.NWAD MULTIPLY.8

    1. To increase in extent; to extend; to spread.NWAD MULTIPLY.9

    The word of God grew and multiplied. Acts 12:24.NWAD MULTIPLY.10

    MULTIPLYING, ppr. Increasing in number.

    1. Growing or becoming numerous.NWAD MULTIPLYING.2

    MULTIPOTENT, a. [L. multipotens; multus, many, much, and potens, powerful.] Having manifold power, or power to do many things; as Jove multipotent.

    MULTIPRESENCE, n. [L. multus, many, and proesentia, presence.]

    The power or act of being present in many places at once, or in more places than one.NWAD MULTIPRESENCE.2

    MULTISILIQUOUS, a. [L. multus, many, and siliqua, a pod.]

    Having many pods or seed-vessels.NWAD MULTISILIQUOUS.2

    MULTISONOUS, a. [L. multus, many, and sonus, sound.]

    Having many sounds, or sounding much.NWAD MULTISONOUS.2

    MULTISYLLABLE, n. A word of many syllables; a polysyllable. [The latter is mostly used.]

    MULTITUDE, n. [L. multitudo, form multus, many.]

    1. The state of being many; a great number.NWAD MULTITUDE.2

    2. A number collectively; the sum of many.NWAD MULTITUDE.3

    3. A great number, indefinitely.NWAD MULTITUDE.4

    It is a fault in a multitude of preachers, that they utterly neglect method in their harangues.NWAD MULTITUDE.5

    4. A crowd or throng; the populace; applied to the populace when assembled in great numbers, and to the mass of men without reference to an assemblage.NWAD MULTITUDE.6

    He the vast hissing multitude admires.NWAD MULTITUDE.7

    The multitude have always been credulous, and the few artful.NWAD MULTITUDE.8

    MULTITUDINOUS, a. Consisting of a multitude or great number.

    1. Having the appearance of a multitude; as the multitudinous sea.NWAD MULTITUDINOUS.2

    2. Manifold; as the multitudinous tongue.NWAD MULTITUDINOUS.3

    MULTIVAGANT, MULTIVAGOUS, a. [L. multivagus.] Wandering much. [Not used.]

    MULTIVALVE, n. [L. multus, many, and valvoe, valves, folding doors.] An animal which has a shell of many valves.

    MULTIVALVE, MULTIVALVULAR, a. Having many valves.

    MULTIVERSANT, a. [L. multus, many, and verto, to form.]

    Protean; turning into many shapes; assuming many forms.NWAD MULTIVERSANT.2

    MULTIVIOUS, a. [L. multus, many, and via, way.]

    Having many ways or roads. [Little used.]NWAD MULTIVIOUS.2

    MULTOCULAR, a. [L. multus, many, and oculus, eye.]

    Having many eyes, or more eyes than two.NWAD MULTOCULAR.2

    MULTURE, n. [L. molitura, a grinding. See Mill.]

    1. In Scots law, the toll or emolument given to the proprietor of a mill for grinding corn.NWAD MULTURE.2

    2. A grist or grinding.NWAD MULTURE.3

    MUM, a. [See Mumble, Mumm, and Mummery.]

    1. Silent; not speaking.NWAD MUM.2

    The citizens are mum; say not a word.NWAD MUM.3

    2. As an exclamation or command, be silent; hush.NWAD MUM.4

    Mum the, and no more proceed.NWAD MUM.5

    3. As a noun, silence.NWAD MUM.6

    MUM, n. A species of malt liquor much used in Germany. It is made of the malt of wheat, seven bushels, with one bushel of oat meal and a bushel of ground beans, or in the same proportion. This is brewed with 63 gallons of water, and boiled till one third is evaporated.

    MUM-CHANCE, n. A game of hazard with dice. [Local.]

    1. A fool. [Local.]NWAD MUM-CHANCE.2

    MUMBLE, v.i.

    1. To mutter; to speak with the lips or other organs partly closed, so as to render the sounds inarticulate and imperfect; to utter words with a grumbling tone.NWAD MUMBLE.2

    Peace, you mumbling fool.NWAD MUMBLE.3

    --A wrinkled hag, with age grown double,NWAD MUMBLE.4

    Pickling dry sticks and mumbling to herself.NWAD MUMBLE.5

    2. To chew or bite softly; to eat with the lips close.NWAD MUMBLE.6

    MUMBLE, v.t. To utter with a low inarticulate voice.

    He with mumbled prayers atones the deity.NWAD MUMBLE.8

    1. To mouth gently, or to eat with a muttering sound.NWAD MUMBLE.9

    2. To suppress or utter imperfectly.NWAD MUMBLE.10

    MUMBLED, pp. Uttered with a low inarticulate voice; chewed softly or with a low muttering sound.

    MUMBLER, n. One that speaks with a low inarticulate voice.

    MUMBLING, ppr. Uttering with a low inarticulate voice; chewing softly or with a grumbling sound.

    MUMBLINGLY, adv. With a low inarticulate utterance. [Mumble and mutter are not always synonymous; mutter often expresses peevishness, which mumble does not.]

    MUMM, v.t. [Gr. Momus, the deity of sport and ridicule, a buffoon.]

    To mask; to sport or make diversion in a mask or disguise.NWAD MUMM.2

    MUMMER, n. One who masks himself and makes diversion in disguise; originally, one who made sport by gestures without speaking.

    Jugglers and dancers, anticks, mummers.NWAD MUMMER.2

    MUMMERY, n.

    1. Masking; sport; diversion; frolicking in masks; low contemptible amusement; buffoonery.NWAD MUMMERY.2

    Your fathersNWAD MUMMERY.3

    Disdained the mummery of foreign strollers.NWAD MUMMERY.4

    2. Farcical show; hypocritical disguise and parade to delude vulgar minds.NWAD MUMMERY.5

    MUMMIFY, v.t. [infra.] To make into a mummy.

    MUMMY, n.

    1. A dead human body embalmed and dried after the Egyptian manner; a name perhaps given to it from the substance used in preserving it. There are two kinds of mummies. The first are bodies dried by the heat of the sun. Such are found in the sands of Libya. The other kind is taken from the catacombs in Egypt.NWAD MUMMY.2

    2. The name of two substances prepared for medicinal use, which according to Hill are, the one, the dried flesh of human bodies embalmed with myrrh and spice; the other, a liquor running from such mummies when newly prepared, or when affected by great heat and damps. This is preserved in vials, and if suffered to dry, becomes solid. But it is alleged that the first sort consists of pieces of the flesh of executed criminals, or other flesh filled with bitumen and other ingredients. But see the opinion of Chardin, supra.NWAD MUMMY.3

    3. There are found in Poland natural mummies lying in caverns, supposed to be the remains of persons who in time of war took refuge in caves, but being discovered were suffocated by their enemies. These bodies are dried, with the flesh and skin shrunk almost close to the bones, and are of a blackish color.NWAD MUMMY.4

    4. Among gardeners, a sort of wax used in grafting and planting trees.NWAD MUMMY.5

    To beat to a mummy, to beat soundly, or to a senseless mass.NWAD MUMMY.6

    MUMMY-CHOG, n. A small fish of the carp kind.

    MUMP, v.t.

    1. To nibble; to bite quick; to chew with continued motion; as a mumping squirrel.NWAD MUMP.2

    2. To talk loud and quick.NWAD MUMP.3

    3. To go begging.NWAD MUMP.4

    4. To deceive; to cheat.NWAD MUMP.5

    MUMPER, n. A beggar.

    MUMPING, n. Begging tricks; foolish tricks; mockery.

    MUMPISH, a. Dull; heavy; sullen; sour.

    MUMPS, n. [See Mum, Mumble, Mumm.]

    1. Sullenness; silent displeasure. [Little used.]NWAD MUMPS.2

    2. A disease, the cynanche parotidoea, a swelling of the parotid glands.NWAD MUMPS.3

    MUNCH, v.t. chew by great mouthfuls. [Vulgar.]

    MUNCH, v.i. To chew eagerly by great mouthfuls. [Vulgar.]

    MUNCHER, n. One that munches.

    MUND, Sax. mund, protection, patronage, peace, is found in old laws; as mundbrece, that is, a breaking or violation of the peace. It is retained in names, as in Edmund, Sax. eadmund, happy peace, as in Greek Irenoeus, Hesychius.

    MUNDANE, a. [L. mundanus, from mundus, the world.]

    Belonging to the world; as mundane sphere; mundane space.NWAD MUNDANE.2

    MUNDANTIY, n. Worldliness. [Not used.]

    MUNDATION, n. [L. mundus, clean.]

    The act of cleansing. [Not used.]NWAD MUNDATION.2

    MUNDATORY, a. [L. mundo, to cleanse.] Cleansing; having power to cleanse. [Little used.]

    MUNDIC, n. A kind of marcasite; a mineral substance, so called from its shining appearance.

    MUNDIFICATION, n. [L. mundus, clean, and facio, to make.]

    The act or operation of cleansing any body from dross or extraneous matter.NWAD MUNDIFICATION.2

    MUNDIFICATIVE, a. Cleansing; having the power to cleanse.

    MUNDIFICATIVE, n. A medicine that has the quality of cleansing.

    MUNDIFY, v.t. [L. mundus, clean, and facio, to make.]

    To cleanse. [Little used.]NWAD MUNDIFY.2

    MUNERARY, a. [L. munus, a gift.] Having the nature of a gift. [Little used.]

    MUNERATE, MUNERATION. [Not used. See Remunerate.]

    MUNGREL, n. [See Mongrel.] An animal generated between different kinds, as a dog.

    MUNGREL, a. Generated between different kinds; degenerate.

    MUNICIPAL, a. [L. municipalis, from municeps, a person who enjoys the rights of a free citizen; munus, office, duty, and capio, to take.]

    1. Pertaining to a corporation or city; as municipal rights; municipal officers.NWAD MUNICIPAL.2

    2. Pertaining to a state, kingdom or nation.NWAD MUNICIPAL.3

    Municipal law is properly defined to be a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state--NWAD MUNICIPAL.4

    Municipal, as used by the Romans, originally designated that which pertained to a municipium, a free city or town. It still retains this limited sense; but we have extended it to what belongs to a state or nation, as a distinct, independent body. Municipal law or regulation respects solely the citizens of a state, and is thus distinguished from commercial law, political law, and the law of nations.NWAD MUNICIPAL.5

    MUNICIPALITY, n. In France, a certain district or division of the country; also, its inhabitants.

    MUNIFICENCE, n. [L. munificentia; munus, a gift or favor, and facio, to make.]

    1. A giving or bestowing liberally; bounty; liberality. To constitute munificence, the act of conferring must be free, and proceed from generous motives.NWAD MUNIFICENCE.2

    A state of poverty obscures all the virtues of liberality and munificence.NWAD MUNIFICENCE.3

    2. In Spenser, fortification or strength. [L. munio, to fortify.] [Not used.]NWAD MUNIFICENCE.4

    MUNIFICENT, a. Liberal in giving or bestowing; generous; as a munificent benefactor or patron.

    MUNIFICENTLY, adv. Liberally; generously.

    MUNIMENT, n. [L. munimentum, from munio, to fortify.]

    1. A fortification of any kind; a strong hold; a place of defense.NWAD MUNIMENT.2

    2. Support; defense.NWAD MUNIMENT.3

    3. Record; a writing by which claims and rights are defended or maintained. Termes de la ley.NWAD MUNIMENT.4

    MUNITE, v.t. To fortify. [Not in use.]

    MUNITION, n. [L. munitio, from munio, to fortify.]

    1. Fortification.NWAD MUNITION.2

    2. Ammunition; whatever materials are used in war for defense, or for annoying an enemy. The word includes guns of all kinds, mortars, etc. and their loading.NWAD MUNITION.3

    3. Provisions of a garrison or fortress, or for ships of war, and in general for an army; stores of all kinds for a fort, an army or navy.NWAD MUNITION.4

    Munition-ships, ships which convey military and naval stores of any kind, and attend or follow a fleet to supply ships of war.NWAD MUNITION.5

    MUNITY, n. Freedom; security. [Not used.] [See Immunity.]

    MUNNION, n. mun’yon. [See Munition.] An upright piece of timber which separates the several lights in a window frame. [See Mullion.]

    MUNS, n. The mouth. [Vulgar.]

    MURAGE, n. [L. murus, a wall.] Money paid for keeping walls in repair. Termes de la ley.

    MURAL, a. [L. muralis, from murus, a wall.]

    1. Pertaining to a wall.NWAD MURAL.2

    --Soon repaired her mural breach.NWAD MURAL.3

    2. Resembling a wall; perpendicular or steep; as a mural precipice.NWAD MURAL.4

    Mural crown, among the ancient Romans, a golden crown or circle of gold, indented and embattled, bestowed on him who first mounted the wall of a besieged place and there lodged a standard.NWAD MURAL.5

    MURDER, n. [L. mors.]

    1. The act of unlawfully killing a human being with premeditated malice, by a person of sound mind. To constitute murder in law, the person killing another must be of sound mind or in possession of his reason, and the act must be done with malice prepense, aforethought or premeditated; but malice may be implied, as well as express.NWAD MURDER.2

    2. An outcry, when life is in danger.NWAD MURDER.3

    MURDER, v.t.

    1. To kill a human being with premeditated malice. [See the Noun.]NWAD MURDER.5

    2. To destroy; to put an end to.NWAD MURDER.6

    Canst thou murder thy breath in middle of a word?NWAD MURDER.7

    MURDERED, pp. Slain with malice prepense.

    MURDERER, n. A person who in possession of his reason, unlawfully kills a human being with premeditated malice.

    1. A small piece of ordnance.NWAD MURDERER.2

    MURDERESS, n. A female who commits murder.

    MURDERING, ppr. Killing a human being with malice premeditated.

    MURDEROUS, a. Guilty of murder; as the murderous king.

    1. Consisting in murder; done with murder; bloody; cruel; as murderous rapine.NWAD MURDEROUS.2

    2. Bloody; sanguinary; committing murder; as murderous tyranny.NWAD MURDEROUS.3

    3. Premeditating murder; as murderous intent or design.NWAD MURDEROUS.4

    MURDEROUSLY, adv. In a murderous or cruel manner.

    MURE, n. [L. murus.] A wall. [Not used.]

    MURE, v.t. To inclose in walls; to wall.

    [But immure is chiefly used.]NWAD MURE.3

    MURIACITE, n. [See Muriate.] A stone composed of salt, sand and gypsum.

    MURIATE, n. [L. muria, muries, salt water, brine; amarus, bitter; Heb. to be bitter.] A salt formed by muriatic acid combined with a base.

    MURIATED, a. Combined with muriatic acid.

    1. Put in brine.NWAD MURIATED.2

    MURIATIC, a. Having the nature of brine or salt water; pertaining to sea salt. The muriatic acid is the acid of marine salt.

    MURIATIFEROUS, a. Producing muriatic substances or salt.

    MURICALCITE, n. Rhomb-spar.

    MURICATED, a. [L. muricatus, from murex, the point of a rock.]

    1. Formed with sharp points; full of sharp points or prickles.NWAD MURICATED.2

    2. In botany, having the surface covered with sharp points, or armed with prickles.NWAD MURICATED.3

    MURICITE, n. Fossil remains of the murex, a genus of shells.

    MURINE, a. [L. murinus, from mus, muris, a mouse.]

    Pertaining to a mouse or to mice.NWAD MURINE.2

    MURK, n. Darkness. [Little used.]

    MURKY, a. Dark; obscure; gloomy.

    A murky storm deep lowering o’er our heads.NWAD MURKY.2

    MURMUR, n. [L. See the Verb.] A low sound continued or continually repeated, as that of a stream running in a stony channel, or that of flame.

    Black melancholy sits,NWAD MURMUR.2

    Deepens the murmur of the falling floods,NWAD MURMUR.3

    And breathes a browner horror on the woods.NWAD MURMUR.4

    1. A complaint half suppressed, or uttered in a low, muttering voice.NWAD MURMUR.5

    Some discontents there are, some idle murmurs.NWAD MURMUR.6

    MURMUR, v.i. [L. murmuro.]

    1. To make a low continued noise, like the hum of bees, a stream of water, rolling waves, or like the wind in a forest; as the murmuring surge.NWAD MURMUR.8

    The forests murmur and the surges roar.NWAD MURMUR.9

    2. To grumble; to complain; to utter complaints in a low, half articulated voice; to utter sullen discontent; with at, before the thing which is the cause of discontent; as, murmur not at sickness; or with at or against, before the active agent which produces the evil.NWAD MURMUR.10

    The Jews murmured at him. John 6:41.NWAD MURMUR.11

    The people murmured against Moses. Exodus 15:24.NWAD MURMUR.12

    MURMURER, n. One who murmurs; one who complains sullenly; a grumbler.

    MURMURING, ppr. Uttering complaints in a low voice or sullen manner; grumbling; complaining.

    MURMURINGLY, adv. With a low sound; with complaints.

    MURMUROUS, a. Exciting murmur or complaint.

    MURR, n. A catarrh. [Not in use.]

    MURRAIN, n. mur’rin. [L. morior, to die.]

    An infectious and fatal disease among cattle. Exodus 9:3.NWAD MURRAIN.2

    MURRE, n. A kind of bird.

    MURREY, a. [from the root of Moor, an African.]

    Of a dark red color.NWAD MURREY.2

    MURRHINE, a. [L. murrhinus.] An epithet given to a delicate kind of ware or porcelain brought from the east; Pliny says from Carmania, now Kerman, in Persia.

    MURRION, n. [L. murus, a wall. See Mural.]

    A helmut; a casque; armor for the head; written also morion.NWAD MURRION.2

    MUSARD, n. A dreamer; one who is apt to be absent in mind.


    1. An appellation given to a kind of rich wine, and to the grapes which produce it. The word is also used as a noun.NWAD MUSCADEL.2

    2. A sweet pear.NWAD MUSCADEL.3

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