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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    NOIE, for annoy is not in use.

    NOIER, for annoyer is not in use.

    NOIOUS, for troublesome is not in use.

    NOISE, n.

    1. Sound of any kind, or proceeding from any cause, as the sound made by the organs of speech, by the wings of an insect, the rushing of the wind, or the roaring of the sea, of cannon or thunder, a low sound, a high sound, etc.; a word of general signification.NWAD NOISE.2

    2. Outcry; clamor; loud, importunate or continued talk expressive of boasting, complaint or quarreling. In quarreling, it expresses less than uproar.NWAD NOISE.3

    What noise have we about transplantation of diseases and transfusion of blood?NWAD NOISE.4

    3. Frequent talk; much public conversation.NWAD NOISE.5

    Socrates lived in Athens during the great plague which has made so much noise in all ages, and never caught the least infection.NWAD NOISE.6

    NOISE, v.i. To sound loud.

    Harm those terrors did me none, though noising loud.NWAD NOISE.8

    NOISE, v.t.

    1. To spread by rumor or report.NWAD NOISE.10

    All these sayings were noised abroad-- Luke 1:65.NWAD NOISE.11

    2. To disturb with noise. [Not authorized.]NWAD NOISE.12

    NOISED, pp. Spread by report; much talked of.

    NOISEFUL, a. Loud; clamorous; making much noise or talk.

    NOISELESS, a. Making no noise or bustle; silent; as the noiseless foot of time.

    So noiseless would I live.NWAD NOISELESS.2

    NOISE-MAKER, n. One who makes a clamor.

    NOISILY, adv. With noise; with making a noise.

    NOISINESS, n. The state of being noisy; loudness of sound; clamorousness.

    NOISING, ppr. Spreading by report.

    NOISOME, a.

    1. Noxious to health; hurtful; mischievous; unwholesome; insalubrious; destructive; as noisome winds; noisome effluvia or miasmata; noisome pestilence.NWAD NOISOME.2

    2. Noxious; injurious.NWAD NOISOME.3

    3. Offensive to the smell or other senses; disgusting; fetid.NWAD NOISOME.4

    Foul breath is noisome.NWAD NOISOME.5

    NOISOMELY, adv. With a fetid stench; with an infectious steam.

    NOISOMENESS, n. Offensiveness to the smell; quality that disgusts.

    NOISY, a.

    1. Making a loud sound.NWAD NOISY.2

    2. Clamorous; turbulent; as the noisy crowd.NWAD NOISY.3

    3. Full of noise.NWAD NOISY.4

    O leave the noisy town.NWAD NOISY.5

    Nolens volens, [L.] unwilling or willing; whether he will or not.NWAD NOISY.6

    NOLI-ME-TANGERE, n. [L. Touch me not.]

    1. A plant of the genus Impatiens, called also balsamine; also, a plant of the genus Momordica, or male balsam apple, one species of which is called the wild or spurting cucumber.NWAD NOLI-ME-TANGERE.2

    2. Among physicians, an ulcer or cancer, a species of herpes.NWAD NOLI-ME-TANGERE.3

    NOLITION, n. Unwillingness; opposed to volition. [Little used.]

    NOLL, n. The head; the noddle. [Not used.]

    NOMAD, n. [Gr. Living on pasturage, to distribute or divide, to feed. This verb is connected with L. Nemus, a wood, a place over-grown with trees, and also a pasture, the primary sense of which is probably to spring or shoot, for the verb signifies among other things, to leap, to dance, and may be allied to Eng. nimble. Cattle originally subsisted by browsing, as they still do in new settlements.] One who leads a wandering life, and subsists by tending herds of cattle which graze on herbage of spontaneous growth. Such is the practice at this day in the central and northern parts of Asia, and the Numidians in Africa are supposed to have been so called from this practice.

    NOMADIC, a. Pastoral; subsisting by the tending of cattle, and wandering for the sake of pasturage; as the nomadic tribes of Asia.

    NOMADIZE, v.i. To wander with flocks and herds for the sake of finding pasturage; to subsist by the grazing of herds on herbage of natural growth.

    The Vogules nomadize chiefly about the rivers Irtish, Oby, Kama and Volga.NWAD NOMADIZE.2

    NOMADIZING, ppr. Leading a pastoral life and wandering or removing from place to place for the sake of finding pasture.

    NOMANCY, n. [Gr. Name, and divination.] The art or practice of divining the destiny of persons by the letters which form their names.

    NOMBLES, n. The entrails of a deer.

    NOMBRIL, n. The center of an escutcheon.

    NOME, n.

    1. A province or tract of country; an Egyptian government or division.NWAD NOME.2

    2. In the ancient Greek music, any melody determined by inviolable rules.NWAD NOME.3

    3. In algebra, a quantity with a sign prefixed or added to it, by which it is connected with another quantity, upon which the whole becomes a binomial, trinomial, and the like.NWAD NOME.4

    4. [Gr. To eat.] In wurgery, a phagedenic ulcer, or species of herpes.NWAD NOME.5


    1. A person who calls things or persons by their names. In Rome, candidates for office were attended each by a nomenclator, who informed the candidate of the names of the persons they met, and whose votes they wished to solicit.NWAD NOMENCLATOR.2

    2. In modern usage, a person who gives names to things, or who settles and adjusts the names of things in any art or science.NWAD NOMENCLATOR.3

    NOMENCLATRESS, n. A female nomenclator.

    NOMENCLATURAL, a. Pertaining or according to a nomenclature.

    NOMENCLATURE, n. [See Nomenclator.]

    1. A list or catalogue of the more usual and important words in a language, with their significations; a vocabulary or dictionary.NWAD NOMENCLATURE.2

    2. The names of things in any art or science, or the whole vocabulary of names or technical terms which are appropriated to any particular branch of science; as the nomenclature of botany or of chimistry; the new nomenclature of Lavoisier and his associates.NWAD NOMENCLATURE.3

    NOMIAL, n. A single name or term in mathematics.

    NOMINAL, a.

    1. Titular; existing in name only; as, a nominal distinction or difference is a difference in name and not in reality.NWAD NOMINAL.2

    2. Pertaining to a name or names; consisting in names.NWAD NOMINAL.3

    NOMINAL, n. The Nominalists were a sect of school philosophers, the disciples of Ocham or Ocdcam, in the 14th century, who maintained that words and not things are the object of dialectics. They were the founders of the university of Leipsic.

    NOMINALIST, n. The Nominalists were a sect of school philosophers, the disciples of Ocham or Ocdcam, in the 14th century, who maintained that words and not things are the object of dialectics. They were the founders of the university of Leipsic.

    NOMINALIZE, v.t. To convert into a noun. [Not in use and ill formed.]

    NOMINALLY, adv. By name or in name only.

    NOMINATE, v.t. [L. Name. See Name.]

    1. To name; to mention by name.NWAD NOMINATE.2

    2. To call; to entitle; to denominate.NWAD NOMINATE.3

    3. To name or designate by name for an office or place; to appoint; as, to nominate an heir or an executor.NWAD NOMINATE.4

    4. Usually, to name for an election, choice or appointment; to proposed by name, or offer the name of a person as a candidate for an office or place. This is the principal use of the word in the United States; as in a public assembly, where men are to be selected and chosen to office, any member of the assembly or meeting nominates, that is, proposes to the chairman the name of a person whom he desires to have elected.NWAD NOMINATE.5

    NOMINATED, pp. Named; mentioned by name; designated or proposed for an office or for election.

    NOMINATELY, adv. By name; particularly.

    NOMINATING, ppr. Naming; proposing for an office or for choice by name.


    1. The act of naming or of nominating; the act of proposing by name for an office.NWAD NOMINATION.2

    2. The power of nominating or appointing to office.NWAD NOMINATION.3

    The nomination of persons to places being a prerogative of the king--NWAD NOMINATION.4

    3. The state of being nominated. AB is in nomination for governor.NWAD NOMINATION.5

    NOMINATIVE, a. Pertaining to the name which precedes a verb, or to the first case of nouns; as the nominative case or nominative word.

    NOMINATOR, n. One that nominates.

    NOMINEE, n.

    1. In law, the person who is named to receive a copy-hold estate on surrender of it to the lord; the cestuy que use, sometimes called the surrenderee.NWAD NOMINEE.2

    2. A person named or designated by another.NWAD NOMINEE.3

    3. A person on whose life depends an annuity.NWAD NOMINEE.4

    NOMOTHETIC, a. Legislative; enacting laws.

    NOMOTHETICAL, a. Legislative; enacting laws.

    NON, adv. [L.] Not. This word is used in the English language as a prefix only, for giving a negative sense to words; as in non-residence, non-performance, non-existence, non-payment, non-concurrence, non-admission, non-appearance, non-attendance, non-conformity, non-compliance, non-communion, and the like.

    NON-ABILITY, n. A want of ability; in law, an exception taken against a plaintiff in a cause, when he is unable legally to commence a suit.

    NONAGE, n. [non, not, and age] Minority; the time of life before a person, according to the laws of his country, becomes of age to manage his own concerns. Legal maturity of age is different in different countries. In this country, as in Great Britain, a man’s nonage continues till he has completed twenty one years. Nonage is sometimes the period under 14 years of age, as in case of marriage.

    NONAGESIMAL, a. [L. Ninetieth.] Noting the 90th degree of the ecliptic; being in the highest point of the ecliptic.

    NONAGON, n. [L. Nine, and Gr. an angle.] A figure having nine sides and nine angles.

    NON-APPEARANCE, n. Default of appearance, as in court, to prosecute or defend.

    NON-APPOINTMENT, n. Neglect of appointment.

    NON-ATTENDANCE, n. A failure to attend; omission of attendance.

    NON-ATTENTION, n. Inattention.

    NON-BITUMINOUS, a. Containing no bitumen.

    NONCE, n. Purpose; intent; design. [Not in use.]

    NON-CLAIM, n. A failure to make claim within the time limited by law; omission of claim.

    NON-COMMUNION, n. Neglect or failure of communion.

    NON-COMPLIANCE, n. Neglect or failure of compliance.

    NON-COMPLYING, a. Neglecting or refusing to comply.

    Non compos mentis, or non compose, [L.] not of sound mind; not having the regular use of reason; as a noun, an idiot; a lunatic; one devoid of reason, either by nature or by accident.NWAD NON-COMPLYING.2

    NON-CONDUCTING, a. Not conducting; not transmitting another fluid. Thus in electricity, wax is a non-conducting substance.

    NON-CONDUCTION, a. Not conducting; not transmitting another fluid. Thus in electricity, wax is a non-conducting substance.

    NON-CONDUCTOR, n. A substance which does not conduct, that is, transmit another substance or fluid, or which transmits it with difficulty. Thus wool is a non-conductor of heat; glass and dry wood are non-conductors of the electrical fluid.

    NON-CONFORMIST, n. One who neglects or refuses to conform to the rites and mode of worship of an established church.


    1. Neglect or failure of conformity.NWAD NON-CONFORMITY.2

    2. The neglect or refusal to unite with an established church in its rites and mode of worship.NWAD NON-CONFORMITY.3

    NON-CONTAGIOUS, a. Not contagious.

    NON-CONTAGIOUSNESS, n. The quality or state of being not communicable from a diseased to a healthy body.

    NON-COTEMPORANEOUS, a. Not being cotemporary, or not of cotemprary origin.

    NON-DESCRIPT, a. [L. Not, non, and described.] That has not been described.

    NON-DESCRIPT, n. Any thing that has not been described. Thus a plant or animal newly discovered is called a non-descript.

    NONE, a.

    1. Not one; used of persons or things.NWAD NONE.2

    There is none that doeth good; no, not one. Psalm 14:3.NWAD NONE.3

    2. Not any; not a part; not the least portion.NWAD NONE.4

    Six days shall ye gather it, but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none. Exodus 16:26.NWAD NONE.5

    3. It was formerly used before nouns; as, thou shalt have none assurance of thy life. This use is obsolete; we now use no; thou shalt have no assurance. This is none other but the house of God; we now say, no other.NWAD NONE.6

    4. It is used as a substitute, the noun being omitted. He walketh through dry places, seeking rest and finding none; that is, no rest. Matthew 12:43.NWAD NONE.7

    5. In the following phrase, it is used for nothing, or no concern. Israel would none of me, that is, Israel would not listen to me at all; they would have no concern with me; they utterly rejected my counsels.NWAD NONE.8

    6. As a substitute, none has a plural signification.NWAD NONE.9

    Terms of peace were none vouchsafed.NWAD NONE.10

    NON-ELECT, n. [L. non, not, and elected.] One who is not elected or chosen to salvation.

    NON-ELECTRIC, a. Conducting the electric fluid.

    NON-ELECTRIC, n. A substance that is not an electric, or which transmits the fluid; as metals.

    NON-EMPHATIC, a. Having no emphasis; unemphatic.

    NON-EMPHATICAL, a. Having no emphasis; unemphatic.

    NON-ENTITY, n.

    1. Non-existence; the negation of being.NWAD NON-ENTITY.2

    2. A thing not existing.NWAD NON-ENTITY.3

    There was no such thing as rendering evil for evil, when evil was a non-entity.NWAD NON-ENTITY.4

    NON-EPISCOPAL, a. Not episcopal; not of the episcopal church or denomination.

    NON-EPISCOPALIAN, n. One who does not belong to the episcopal church or denomination.

    NONES, n.

    1. In the Roman calendar, the fifth day of the months January, February, April, June, August, September, November and December, and the seventh day of March, May July and October. The nones were nine days from the ides.NWAD NONES.2

    2. Prayers, formerly so called.NWAD NONES.3

    NON-ESSENTIAL, n. Non-essentials are things not essential to a particular purpose.

    NONESUCH, n.

    1. An extraordinary thing; a thing that has not its equal.NWAD NONESUCH.2

    2. A plant of the genus Lychnis.NWAD NONESUCH.3

    NON-EXECUTION, n. Neglect of execution; non-performance.


    1. Absence of existence; the negation of being.NWAD NON-EXISTENCE.2

    2. A thing that has no existence or being.NWAD NON-EXISTENCE.3

    NON-EXPORTATION, n. A failure of exportation; a not exporting goods or commodities.

    NONILLION, n. [L. Nine and million] The number of nine million millions.

    NON-IMPORTATION, n. Want or failure of importation; a not importing goods.

    NON-JURING, a. [L. Non, not, and to swear.] Not swearing allegiance; an epithet applied to the party in Great Britain that would not swear allegiance to the Hanoverian family and government.

    NON-JUROR, n. In Great Britain, one who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the government and crown of England at the revolution, when James II abdicated the throne, and the Hanoverian family was introduced. The non-jurors were the adherents of James.

    NON-MANUFACTURING, a. Not carrying on manufactures; as non-manufacturing states.

    NON-METALLIC, a. Not consisting of metal.

    NON-NATURALS, n. In medicine, things which, by the abuse of them, become the causes of disease, as meat, drink, sleep, rest, motion, the passions, retentions, excretions, etc.

    Functions or accidents not strictly belonging to man.NWAD NON-NATURALS.2

    NON-OBSERVANCE, n. Neglect or failure to observe or fulfill.

    Non obstante, [L. Notwithstanding,] a clause in statutes and letters patent, importing a license form the king to do a thing which at common law might be lawfully done, but being restrained by act of parliament, cannot be done without such license.NWAD NON-OBSERVANCE.2

    NONPAREIL, n. nonparel’.

    1. Excellence unequaled.NWAD NONPAREIL.2

    2. A sort of apple.NWAD NONPAREIL.3

    3. A sort of printing type very small, and the smallest now used except three.NWAD NONPAREIL.4

    NONPAREIL, a. nonparel’. Having no equal; peerless.

    NON-PAYMENT, n. Neglect of payment.

    NONPLUS, n. [L. not, and plus, more, further.] Puzzle; insuperable difficulty; a state in which one is unable to proceed or decide.

    NONPLUS, v.t. To puzzle; to confound; to put to a stand; to stop by embarrassment.

    Your situation has nonplussed me.NWAD NONPLUS.3

    NON-PONDEROSITY, n. Destitution of weight; levity.

    NON-PONDEROUS, a. Having no weight.

    NON-PRODUCTION, n. A failure to produce or exhibit.

    NON-PROFICIENCY, n. Failure to make progress.

    NON-PROFICIENT, n. One who has failed to improve or make progress in any study or pursuit.

    Non Pros. contraction of nolle prosequi, the plaintiff will not prosecute. It is used also as a verb.NWAD NON-PROFICIENT.2

    NON-REGARDANCE, n. Want of due regard.

    NON-RENDITION, n. Neglect of rendition; the not rendering what is due.

    The non-payment of a debt, or the non-rendition of a service which is due, is an injury for which the subsequent reparation of the loss sustained- is and atonement.NWAD NON-RENDITION.2

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