NON-RESEMBLANCE, n. Unlikeness; dissimilarity.
NON-RESIDENCE, n. Failure or neglect of residing at the place where one is stationed, or where official duties require one to reside, or on one’s own lands.
NON-RESIDENT, a. Not residing in a particular place, on one’s own estate, or in one’s proper place; as a non-resident clergyman or proprietor of lands.
NON-RESIDENT, n. One who does not reside on one’s own lands, or in the place where official duties require. In the United States, lands in one state or township belonging to a person residing in another state or township, are called the lands of non-residents.
NON-RESISTANCE, n. The omission of resistance; passive obedience; submission to authority, power or usurpation without opposition.
NON-RESISTANT, a. Making no resistance to power or oppression.
NON-SANE, a. [L. non, not, and sound.] Unsound; not perfect; as a person of nonsane memory.
1. No sense; words or language which have no meaning, or which convey no just ideas; absurdity.NWAD NONSENSE.2
2. Trifles; things of no importance.NWAD NONSENSE.3
NONSENSICAL, a. Unmeaning; absurd; foolish.
NONSENSICALLY, adv. Absurdly; without meaning.
NONSENSICALNESS, n. Jargon; absurdity; that which conveys no proper ideas.
NONSENSITIVE, a. Wanting sense or perception.
NON-SOLUTION, n. Failure of solution or explanation.
NON-SOLVENCY, n. Inablility to pay debts.
NON-SOLVENT, a. Not able to pay debts; insolvent.
NON-SPARING, a. Sparing none; alldestroying; merciless.
NONSUCH. [See Nonesuch.]
NONSUIT, n. In law, the default, neglect or non-appearance of the plaintiff in a suit, when called in court, by which the plaintiff signifies his intention to drop the suit. Hence a nonsuit amounts to a stoppage of the suit. A nonsuit differs from a retraxit; a nonsuit is the default or neglect of the plaintiff, and after this he may bring another suit for the same cause; but a retraxit is an open positive renunciation of the suit, by which he forever loses his action. [See the Verb.]
NONSUIT, v.t. To determine or record that the plaintiff drops his suit, on default of appearance when called in court. When a plaintiff being called in court, declines to answer, or when he neglects to deliver his declaration, he is supposed to drop his suit; he is therefore nonsuited, that is, his non-appearance is entered on the record, and this entry amounts to a judgment of the court that the plaintiff has dropped the suit.
When two are joined in a writ, and one is nonsuited--NWAD NONSUIT.3
NONSUIT, a. Nonsuited.
The plaintiff must become nonsuit.NWAD NONSUIT.5
NONSUITED, pp. Adjudged to have deserted the suit by default of appearance; as a plaintiff.
NONSUITING, ppr. Adjudging to have abandoned the suit by non-appearance or other neglect; as a plaintiff.
1. A not using; failure to use; neglect of official duty; default of performing the duties and services required of an officer.NWAD NON-USER.2
An office may be forfeited by misuser or nonuser.NWAD NON-USER.3
2. Neglect or omission of use.NWAD NON-USER.4
A franchise may be lost by misuser or non-user.NWAD NON-USER.5
NOODLE, n. A simpleton. [A vulgar word.]
NOOK, n. [See Nich.] A corner; a narrow place formed by an angle in bodies or between bodies; as a hollow nook.
NOON, n. [said to be from naw, that is up or ultimate, that limits, also nine. I has been supposed that the ninth hour, among the Romans, was the time of eating the chief meal; this hour was three o’clock, P.M. In Danish, none is an afternooning, a collation.]
1. The middle of the day; the time when the sun is in the meridian; twelve o’clock.NWAD NOON.2
2. Dryden used the word for midnight. “At the noon of night.”NWAD NOON.3
NOON, a. Meridional.
How of the noon bell.NWAD NOON.5
NOONDAY, n. Mid-day; twelve o’clock in the day.
NOONDAY, a. Pertaining to mid-day; meridional; as the noonday heat.
NOONING, n. Repose at noon; sometimes, repast at noon.
NOONSTEAD, n. The station of the sun at noon.
NOONTIDE, n. [See Tide, which signifies time.] The time of noon; mid-day.
NOONTIDE, a. Pertaining to noon; meridional.
NOOSE, n. A running knot, which binds the closer the more it is drawn.
Where the hangman does dispose to special friend the knot of noose.NWAD NOOSE.2
NOOSE, v.t. To tie in a noose; to catch in a noose; to entrap; to ensnare.
NOPAL, n. A Plant of the genus Cactus, from which the cochineal is collected in Mexico; Indian fig or raquette. The fruit resembles a fig.
NOPE, n. A provincial name for the bullfinch or red tail.
NOR, connective. [ne and or.]
1. A word that denies ro renders negative the second or subsequent part of a proposition, or a proposition following another negative proposition; correlative to neither or not.NWAD NOR.2
I neither love no fear thee.NWAD NOR.3
Fight neither with small nor great. 1 Kings 22:31.NWAD NOR.4
2. Nor sometimes begins a sentence, but in this case a negative proposition has preceded it in the foregoing sentence.NWAD NOR.5
3. In some cases, usually in poetry, neither is omitted, and the negation which it would express is included in nor.NWAD NOR.6
Simois nor Xanthus shall be wanting there. That is, neither Simois nor Xanthus.NWAD NOR.7
4. Sometimes in poetry, nor is used for neither, in the first part of the proposition.NWAD NOR.8
I whom nor avarice nor pleasures move.NWAD NOR.9
NORMAL, a. [L. a square, a rule.]
1. According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle.NWAD NORMAL.2
2. According to a rule or principle.NWAD NORMAL.3
3. Relating to rudiments or elements; teaching rudiments or first principles; as normal schools in France.NWAD NORMAL.4
NORMAN, n. In seamen’s language, a short wooden bar to be thrust into a hole of the windlass, on which to fasten the cable.
NORMAN, n. [north-man or nord-man.] A Norwegian, or a native of Normandy.
NORMAN, a. Pertaining to Normandy; as the Norman language.
NORROY, n. [north and roy, north king.] The title of the third of the three kings at arms or provincial heralds.
NORTH, n. [I know not the origin of this word, nor its primary sense. It may have been applied first to the pole star, or to the wind, like Boreas.] One of the cardinal points, being that point of the horizon which is directly opposite to the sun in the meridian, on the left hand when we stand with the face to the east; or it is that point of intersection of the horizon and meridian which is nearest our pole.
NORTH, a. Being in the north; as the north polar star.
NORTHEAST, n. The point between the north and east, at an equal distance from each.
NORTHEAST, a. Pertaining to the northeast, or proceeding from that point; as a northeast wind.
NORTHERLY, a. Being towards the north, or nearer towards the north than to any other cardinal point. [We use this word and northern with considerable latitude.]
1. Towards the north; as, to sail northerly.NWAD NORTHERLY.3
2. In a northern direction; as a northerly course.NWAD NORTHERLY.4
3. Proceeding from a northern point.NWAD NORTHERLY.5
1. Being in the north, or nearer to that point than to the east or west.NWAD NORTHERN.2
2. In a direction towards the north, or a point near it; as, to steer a northern course.NWAD NORTHERN.3
NORTHERNLY, adv. Toward the north. [Not used.]
1. The motion or distance of a planet from the equator northward.NWAD NORTHING.2
As the tides of the sea obey the southing and northing of the sea--NWAD NORTHING.3
2. Course or distance northward of the equator.NWAD NORTHING.4
NORTH-STAR, n. The north polar star.
NORTHWARD, a. Being towards the north, or nearer to the north than to the east and west points.
NORTHWARD, adv. Towards the north, or towards a point nearer to the north than the east and west points.
NORTHWEST, n. The point in the horizon between the north and west, and equally distant from each.
1. Pertaining to the point between the north and west; being in the northwest; as the northwest coast.NWAD NORTHWEST.3
2. Proceeding from the northwest; as a northwest wind.NWAD NORTHWEST.4
NORTHWESTERN, a. Pertaining to or being in the northwest, or in a direction to the northwest; as a northwestern course.
NORTH-WIND, n. The wind that blows from the north.
NORWEGIAN, a. Belonging to Norway.
NORWEGIAN, n. A native of Norway.
1. The prominent part of the face which is the organ of smell, consisting of two similar cavities called nostrils. The nose serves also to modulate the voice in speaking, and to discharge the tears which flow through the lachrymal ducts. Through this organ also the air usually passes in respiration, and it constitutes no small part of the beauty of the face. In man, the nose is situated near the middle of the face; but in quadrupeds, the nose is at or near the lower extremity of the head.NWAD NOSE.2
2. The end of any thing; as the nose of a bellows.NWAD NOSE.3
3. Scent; sagacity.NWAD NOSE.4
We are not offended with a dog for a better nose than his master.NWAD NOSE.5
To lead by the nose, to lead blindly.NWAD NOSE.6
To be led by the nose, to follow another obsequiously, or to be led without resistance or enquiring the reason.NWAD NOSE.7
To thrust one’s nose into the affairs of others, to meddle officiously in other people’s matters; to be a busy-body.NWAD NOSE.8
To put one’s nose out of joint, to alienate the affections from another.NWAD NOSE.9
NOSE, v.t.
1. To small; to scent.NWAD NOSE.11
2. To face; to oppose to the face.NWAD NOSE.12
NOSE, v.i. To look big; to bluster. [Not used.]
1. A hemorrhage or bleeding at the nose.NWAD NOSEBLEED.2
2. A plant of the genus Achillea.NWAD NOSEBLEED.3
1. Having a nose; as in long-nosed.NWAD NOSED.2
2. Having sagacity.NWAD NOSED.3
NOSE-FISH, n. A fish of the lether-mouthed kind, with a flat blunt snout; called also broad-snout.
NOSEGAY, n. A bunch of flowers used to regale the sense of smelling.
As on the nosegay in her breast reclined.NWAD NOSEGAY.2
NOSELESS, a. Destitute of a nose.
NOSE-SMART, n. A plant, nasturtium; cresses.
NOSLE, n. [from nose.] A little nose; the extremity of a thing; as the nosle of a bellows. [See Nozzle.]
NOSOLOGICAL, a. [See Nosology.] Pertaining to nosology, or a systematic classification of diseases.
NOSOLOGIST, n. One who classifies diseases, arranges them in order and gives them suitable names.
NOSOLOGY, n. [Gr. disease, and discourse.]
1. A treatise on diseases, or a systematic arrangement or classification of diseases with names and definitions, according to the distinctive character of each class, order, genus and species.NWAD NOSOLOGY.2
2. That branch of medical science which treats of the classification of diseases.NWAD NOSOLOGY.3
NOSOPOETIC, a. [Gr. disease, and to produce.] Producing diseases. [Little used.]
NOSTRIL, n. [Thyrl or thirel is an opening or perforation; thirlian, thyrlian, to bore, to perforate, to thrill, to drill. See Drill.] An aperture or passage through the nose. The nostrils are the passages through which air is inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
NOSTRUM, n. [L. from ours.] A medicine, the ingredients of which are kept secret for the purpose of restricting the profits of sale to the inventor or proprietor.
NOT, adv. [See Naught.]
1. A word that expreses negation, denial or refusal; as, he will no go; will you remain? I will not. In the first member of a sentence, it may be followed by nor or neither; as not for a price nor reward; I was not in sfety, neither had I rest.NWAD NOT.2
2. With the substantive verb in the following phrase, it denies being, or denotes extinction of existence.NWAD NOT.3
Thine eyes are open upon me, and I am not. Job 7:8.NWAD NOT.4
NOTABLE, a. [L. known; to know.]
1. Remarkable; worthy of notice; memorable; observable; distinguished or noted.NWAD NOTABLE.2
They bore two or three charges from the horse with notable courage.NWAD NOTABLE.3
Two young men of notable strength. 2 Maccabees 3:26.NWAD NOTABLE.4
2. Active; industrious; careful; as a notable woman.NWAD NOTABLE.5
[In both senses, this word is obsolete in elegant style, or used only in irony. The second sense is in colloquial use in New England.]NWAD NOTABLE.6
3. In Scripture, conspicuous; sightly; as a notable horn. Daniel 8:5, 8.NWAD NOTABLE.7
4. Notorious. Matthew 27:16.NWAD NOTABLE.8
5. Terrible. Acts 2:20.NWAD NOTABLE.9
6. Known or apparent. Acts 4:16.NWAD NOTABLE.10
1. In France, the nobles or persons of rank and distinction were formerly called notables.NWAD NOTABLE.12
2. A thing worthy of observation.NWAD NOTABLE.13
1. Activity; industriousness; care. [Little used.]NWAD NOTABLENESS.2
2. Remarkableness.NWAD NOTABLENESS.3
1. Memorably; remarkably; eminently.NWAD NOTABLY.2
2. With show of consequence or importance.NWAD NOTABLY.3
NOTARIAL, a. [from notary.]
1. Pertaining to a notary; as a notarial seal; notarial evidence or attestation.NWAD NOTARIAL.2
2. Done or taken by a notary.NWAD NOTARIAL.3
NOTARY, n. [L. known.]
1. Primarily, a person employed to take notes of contracts, trials and proceedings in courts among the Romans.NWAD NOTARY.2
2. In modern usage, an officer authorized to attest contracts or writings of any kind, to give them the evidence of authenticity. This officer is often styled notary public.NWAD NOTARY.3
NOTATION, n. [L. to mark.]
1. The act or practice of recording any thing by marks, figures or characters; particularly in arithmetic and algebra, the expressing of numbers and quantities by figures, signs or characters appropriate for the purpose.NWAD NOTATION.2
2. Meaning; signification.NWAD NOTATION.3
Conscience, according to the very notation of the word, imports a double knowledge. [Unusual.]NWAD NOTATION.4
NOTCH, n. [G. to crack or flaw. It seems to be the same word in origin as niche, nick.]
1. A hollow cut in any thing; a nick; an indentation.NWAD NOTCH.2
And on the stick ten equal notches makes.NWAD NOTCH.3
2. An opening or narrow passge through a mountain or hill. We say, the notch of a mountain.NWAD NOTCH.4
NOTCH, v.t. To cut in small hollows; as, to notch a stick.
NOTCH-WEED, n. A plant called orach.
NOTE, for ne wote, knew not or could not.
NOTE, n. [L. to know.]
1. A mark or token; something by which a thing may be known; a visible sign.NWAD NOTE.3
They who appertain to the visible church have all the notes of external profession.NWAD NOTE.4
2. A mark made in a book, indicating something worthy of a particular notice.NWAD NOTE.5
3. A short remark; a passage or explanation in the margin of a book.NWAD NOTE.6
4. A minute, memorandum or short writing intended to assist the memory.NWAD NOTE.7
5. Notice; heed.NWAD NOTE.8
Give order to my servants that they take no note at all of our being absent hence.NWAD NOTE.9
6. Reputation; consequence; distinction; as men of note. Romans 16:7.NWAD NOTE.10
7. State of being observed.NWAD NOTE.11
Small matters, continually in use and note. [Little used.]NWAD NOTE.12
8. In music, a character which marks a sound, or the sound itself; as a semibreve, a minim, etc. Notes are marks of sounds in relation to elevation or depresion, or to the time of continuing sounds.NWAD NOTE.13
9. Tune; voice; harmonious or melocious sounds.NWAD NOTE.14
The wakeful bird tunes her nocturnal note.NWAD NOTE.15
One common note on either lyre did strike.NWAD NOTE.16
10. Abbreviation; symbol.NWAD NOTE.17
11. A short letter; a billet.NWAD NOTE.18
12. Annotation; commentary; as the notes in Scott’s Bible; to write notes on Homer.NWAD NOTE.19
13. A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt and promising payment; as a promissory note; a bank-note; a note of hand; a negotiable note.NWAD NOTE.20
14. Notes, plu. a writing; a written discourse; applied equally to minutes or heads of a discourse or argument, or to a discourse fully written. The advocate often has notes to assist his memory, and clergymen preach with notes or without them.NWAD NOTE.21
15. A diplomatic communication in writing; an official paper sent from one minister or envoy to another.NWAD NOTE.22
My note of January 10th still remains unanswered.NWAD NOTE.23
NOTE, v.t.
1. To observe; to notice with particular care; to heed; to attend to.NWAD NOTE.25
No more of that; I have noted it well.NWAD NOTE.26
Their manners noted and their states survey’d.NWAD NOTE.27
2. To set down in writing.NWAD NOTE.28
Note it in a book. Isaiah 30:8.NWAD NOTE.29
3. To charge, as with a crime; with of or for.NWAD NOTE.30
They were both noted of incontinency.NWAD NOTE.31
NOTE, v.t. To butt; to push with the horns. [Not used.]
1. A book in which memorandums are written.NWAD NOTE-BOOK.2
2. A book in which notes of hand are registered.NWAD NOTE-BOOK.3
1. Set down in writing.NWAD NOTED.2
2. Observed; noticed.NWAD NOTED.3
3. Remarkable; much known by reputation or reprot; eminent; celebrated; as a noted author; a noted commander; a noted traveler.NWAD NOTED.4
NOTEDLY, adv. With observation or notice.
NOTEDNESS, n. Conspicuousness; eminence; celebrity.
NOTELESS, a. Not attracting notice; not conspicuous.
NOTER, n. One who takes notice; an annotator.
NOTEWORTHY, a. Worthy of observation or notice.
NOTHING, n. [no and thing.]
1. Not any thing; not any being or existence; a word that denies the existence of any thing; non-entity; opposed to something. The world was created from nothing.NWAD NOTHING.2
2. Non-existnce; a state of annihilation.NWAD NOTHING.3
3. Not any thing; not any particular thing, deed or event. Nothing was done to redeem our character. He thought nothing done, while any thing remained to be done.NWAD NOTHING.4
A determination to choose nothing is a determination not to choose the truth.NWAD NOTHING.5
4. No other thing.NWAD NOTHING.6
Nothing but this will entitle you to God’s acceptance.NWAD NOTHING.7
5. No part, portion, quantity or degree. The troops manifested nothing of irresolution in the attack.NWAD NOTHING.8
Yet had his aspect nothing of severe.NWAD NOTHING.9
6. No importance; no value; no use.NWAD NOTHING.10
Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of naught. Isaiah 41:24.NWAD NOTHING.11
7. No possession of estate; a low condition.NWAD NOTHING.12
A man that from very nothing is grown to an unspeakable estate.NWAD NOTHING.13
8. A thing of no proportion to something, or of trifling value or advantage.NWAD NOTHING.14
The charge of making the ground, and otherwise, is great, but nothing to the profit.NWAD NOTHING.15
9. A trifle; a thing of no consideration or importance.NWAD NOTHING.16
Tis nothing, says the fool; but says the friend, this nothing, sir, will bring you to your end.NWAD NOTHING.17
To make nothing of, to make no difficulty or to consider as trifling, light or unimportant.NWAD NOTHING.18
We are industrious to presere our bodies from slavery, but we make nothing of suffering our souls to be slaves to our lusts.NWAD NOTHING.19
NOTHING, adv. In no degree; not at all.
Adam, with such counsel nothing sway’d--NWAD NOTHING.21
In the phrase, nothing worth, the words are transposed; the natural order being, worth nothing.NWAD NOTHING.22
1. Nihility; non-existence.NWAD NOTHINGNESS.2
2. Nothing; a thing of no value.NWAD NOTHINGNESS.3
1. Observation by the eye or by the other senses. We take notice of objects passing or standing before us; we take notice of the owrds of a speaker; we take notice of a peculiar taste of food, or of the smeel of an orange, and of our peculiar sensations. Notice then is the act by which we gain knowledge of something within the reach of the senses, or the effect of an impression on some of the senses.NWAD NOTICE.2
2. Observation by the mind or intellectual power; as, to take notice of a distinction between truth and veracity.NWAD NOTICE.3
3. Information; intelligence by whatever means communicated; knowledge given or received; as, I received notice by a messenger or by letter. He gave notice of his arrival. The bell gives notice of the hour of the day. The merchant gives notice that a bill of exchange is not accepted.NWAD NOTICE.4
4. A paper that communicates information.NWAD NOTICE.5
5. Attention; respectful treatment; civility.NWAD NOTICE.6
6. Remark; observation.NWAD NOTICE.7
NOTICE, v.t.
1. To observe; to see. We noticed the conduct of the speaker; we notcied no improper conduct.NWAD NOTICE.9
2. To heed; to regard. His conduct was rude, but I did not notice it.NWAD NOTICE.10
3. To remark; to mention or make observations on.NWAD NOTICE.11
This plant deserves to be noticed in this place.NWAD NOTICE.12
Another circumstance was noticed in connection with the suggestion last discussed.NWAD NOTICE.13
4. To treat with attention and civilities; as, to notice strangers.NWAD NOTICE.14
5. To observe intellectually.NWAD NOTICE.15
NOTICEABLE, a. That may be observed; worthy of observation.
NOTICED, pp. Observed; seen; remarked; treated with attention.
NOTICING, ppr. Observing; seeing; regarding; remarking on; treating with attention.
1. The act of notifying or giving notice; the act of making known, particularly the act of givning official notice or information to the public, or to individuals, corporations, companies or societies, by words, by writing or by other means.NWAD NOTIFICATION.2
2. Notice given in words or writing, or by signs.NWAD NOTIFICATION.3
3. The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, citation, etc.NWAD NOTIFICATION.4
1. Made known; applied to things. This design of the king was notified to the court of Berlin.NWAD NOTIFIED.2
2. Informed by words, writing or toher means; applied to persons. The inhabitants of the city have been notified that a meeting is to be held at the State House.NWAD NOTIFIED.3
NOTIFY, v.t. [L. known, and to make.]
1. To make known; to declare; to publish. The laws of God notify to man his will and our duty.NWAD NOTIFY.2
2. To make known by private communication; to give information of. The allied sovereigns have notified the spanish court of thier purpose of maintaining legitimate government.NWAD NOTIFY.3
3. To give notice to; to inform by words or writing, in person or by message, or by any signs which are understood. The constable has notified the citizens to meet at the City Hall. The bell notifies us of the time of meeting.NWAD NOTIFY.4
The President of the United States has notified the House of Representatives, that he has approved and signed the act.NWAD NOTIFY.5
[Note. This application of notify has been condemned, but it is in constant good use in the United States, and in perfect accordance with the use of certify.]NWAD NOTIFY.6
NOTIFYING, ppr. Making known; giving notice to.
NOTION, n. [L. known; to know.]
1. Conception; mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined. We may have a just notion of power, or false notions respecting spirit.NWAD NOTION.2
Notion and idea are primarily different; idea being the conception of something visible, as the idea of a square or a triangle; and notion the conception of things invisible or intellectual, as the notion we have of spirits. But from negligence in the use of idea, the two words are constantly confounded.NWAD NOTION.3
What hath been generally agreed on, I content myself to assume under the notion of principles.NWAD NOTION.4
Few agree in their notions about these words.NWAD NOTION.5
That notion of hunger, bold, sound, color, thought, wish or fear, which is in the mind, is called the idea of hunger, cold, etc.NWAD NOTION.6
2. sentiment; opinion; as the extravagant notions they entertain of themselves.NWAD NOTION.7
3. Sense; understanding; intellectual power. [Not used.]NWAD NOTION.8
4. Inclination; in vulgar use; as, I have a notion to do this or that.NWAD NOTION.9
1. Imaginary; ideal; existing in idea only; visionary; fantastical.NWAD NOTIONAL.2
Notional good, by fancy only made. A notional and imaginary thing.NWAD NOTIONAL.3
2. Dealing in imaginary things; whimsical; fanciful; as a notional man.NWAD NOTIONAL.4
NOTIONALITY, n. Empty ungrounded opinion. [Not used.]
NOTIONALLY, adv. In mental apprehension; in conception; not in reality.
Two faculties notionally or really distinct.NWAD NOTIONALLY.2
NOTIONIST, n. One who holds to an ungrounded opinion.
NOTORIETY, n. [See Notorious.]
1. Exposure to public knowledge; the state of being publicly or generally known; as the notoriety of a crime.NWAD NOTORIETY.2
2. Public knowledge.NWAD NOTORIETY.3
They were not subjects in their own nature so exposed to public notoriety.NWAD NOTORIETY.4
1. Publicly knwon; manifest to the world; evident; usually, knwon to disadvantage; hence almost always used in all ill sense; as a notorious thief; a notorious crime or vice; a man notorious for lewdness or gaming.NWAD NOTORIOUS.2
2. In a good sense.NWAD NOTORIOUS.3
Your goodness, since you provoke me, shall be most notorious.NWAD NOTORIOUS.4
NOTORIOUSLY, adv. Publicly; openly; in a manner to be known or manifest.
NOTORIOUSNESS, n. The state of being open or known; notoriety.
NOTT, a. Shorn.
NOTUS, n. [L.] The south wind.
NOTWHEAT, n. [smooth, shorn.] Wheat not bearded.