OCTOPETALOUS, a. [Gr. eight and a petal.] Having eight petals or flower-leaves.
OCTORADIATED, a. [L. octo, eight, and radius, ray.] Having eight rays.
OCTOSPERMOUS, a. [Gr. eight, and seed.] Containing eight seeds.
OCTOSTYLE, n. [Gr. eight, and style.] In ancient architecture, the face of an edifice adorned with eight columns, or a range of eight columns.
OCTOSYLLABLE, a. [L. octo, eight, and syllaba, syllable.] Consisting of eight syllables.
OCTUPLE, a. [L. octuplus; octo, eight, and plico, to fold.] Eight-fold.
OCULAR, a. [L. ocularius, from oculus, eye.]
Depending on the eye; known by the eye; received by actual sight; as ocular proof; ocular demonstration or evidence.NWAD OCULAR.2
OCULARLY, adv. By the eye, sight or actual view.
OCULATE, a. [L. oculatus.] Furnished with eyes; knowing by the eye.
OCULIFORM, a. [L. oculus, eye, and forma, form.]
In the form of an eye; resembling the eye in form; as an oculiform pebble.NWAD OCULIFORM.2
OCULIST, n. [from L. oculus, the eye.] One skilled in diseases of the eyes, or one who professes to cure them.
Oculus beli, a semi-pellucid gem, a variety of agate of a grayish white color, variegated with yellow, and with a black central nucleus. Its variegations resemble the pupil and iris of the eye.NWAD OCULIST.2
Oculus cati, cat’s eye or asteria, a beautiful gem approaching the nature of the opal, having a bright color which seems to be lodged deep in the stone, and which shifts as it is moved in various directions. It is larger than a pea, and generally of a semi-circular form, naturally smooth. It is found in the East and West Indies, and in Europe.NWAD OCULIST.3
Oculus mundi, otherwise called hydrophane and lapis mutabilis, a precious stone of an opake whitish brown color, but becoming transparent by infusion in an aqueous fluid, and resuming its opacity when dry. It is found in beds over the opals in Hungary, Silesia and Saxony, and over the chalcedonies and agates in Iceland.NWAD OCULIST.4
1. Not even; not divisible into equal numbers; as one, three, five, seven, etc.NWAD ODD.2
Good luck lies in odd numbers.NWAD ODD.3
2. Left or remaining after the union, estimate or use of even numbers; or remaining after round numbers or any number specified; as the odd number; the odd man.NWAD ODD.4
Sixteen hundred and odd years after the earth was made, it was destroyed by a deluge.NWAD ODD.5
3. Singular; extraordinary; differing from what is usual; strange; as an odd phenomenon.NWAD ODD.6
It sometimes implies dislike or contempt; as an odd fellow.NWAD ODD.7
4. Not noted; unheeded; not taken into the common account.NWAD ODD.8
There are yet missing some few odd lads that you remember not.NWAD ODD.9
5. Uncommon; particular.NWAD ODD.10
The odd man to perform all three perfectly is Joannes Sturmis.NWAD ODD.11
6. Uncommon; in appearance improper or not likely to answer the purpose. This is an odd way of doing things.NWAD ODD.12
Locke’s Essay would be an odd book for a man to make himself master of, who would get a reputation by his critical writings.NWAD ODD.13
7. Separate from that which is regularly occupied; remaining unemployed. I will take some odd time to do this business. He may do it at odd times.NWAD ODD.14
1. Singularity; strangeness; as the oddity of dress, manners or shape; oddity of appearance.NWAD ODDITY.2
2. A singular person; in colloquial language. This man is an oddity.NWAD ODDITY.3
1. Not evenly. [Little used.]NWAD ODDLY.2
2. Strangely; unusually; irregularly; singularly; uncouthly; as oddly dressed; oddly formed.NWAD ODDLY.3
A figure oddly turned.NWAD ODDLY.4
A black substance lying on the ground very oddly shaped.NWAD ODDLY.5
1. The state of being not even.NWAD ODDNESS.2
2. Singularity; strangeness; particularity; irregularity; uncouthness; as the oddness of dress or shape; the oddness of an event or accident.NWAD ODDNESS.3
ODDS, n. s as z. [It is used both in the singular and plural.]
1. Inequality; excess of either compared with the other; difference in favor of one and against another.NWAD ODDS.2
Preeminent by so much odds.NWAD ODDS.3
In this example, much marks the singular number, and many cannot be used.NWAD ODDS.4
Cromwell, with odds of number and of fate -NWAD ODDS.5
All the odds between them has been the different scope given to their understandings to range in.NWAD ODDS.6
Judging is balancing an account and determining on which side the odds lie.NWAD ODDS.7
There appeared at least four to one odds against them.NWAD ODDS.8
2. Advantage; superiority.NWAD ODDS.9
3. Quarrel; dispute; debate.NWAD ODDS.10
It is odds, more likely than the contrary. It is odds that he will find a shrewd temptation.NWAD ODDS.11
At odds, in dispute; at variance; in controversy or quarrel.NWAD ODDS.12
That sets us all at odds.NWAD ODDS.13
Or they must always be at odds.NWAD ODDS.14
ODE, n. [L. ode; Gr.] A short poem or song; a poetical composition proper to be set to music or sung; a lyric poem. The ode is of the greater or less kind; the less is characterized by sweetness and ease; the greater by sublimity, rapture and quickness of transition.
Pindar has left Olympic odes, Pythian odes, Nemean odes, and Isthmian odes.NWAD ODE.2
The ode consists of unequal verses in stanzas or strophes.NWAD ODE.3
ODIOUS, a. [L. odiosus, from odi, I hated, Eng. hate.]
1. Hateful; deserving hatred. It expresses something less than detestable and abominable; as an odious name; odious vice.NWAD ODIOUS.2
All wickedness is odious.NWAD ODIOUS.3
2. Offensive to the senses; disgusting; as an odious sight; an odious smell.NWAD ODIOUS.4
3. Causing hate; invidious; as, to utter odious truth.NWAD ODIOUS.5
4. Exposed to hatred.NWAD ODIOUS.6
He rendered himself odious to the parliament.NWAD ODIOUS.7
1. Hatefully; in a manner to deserve or excite hatred.NWAD ODIOUSLY.2
2. Invidiously; so as to cause hate.NWAD ODIOUSLY.3
1. Hatefulness; the quality that deserves or may excite hatred; as the odiousness of sin.NWAD ODIOUSNESS.2
2. The state of being hated. [Not usual.]NWAD ODIOUSNESS.3
1. Hatred; dislike. This measure brought a general odium on his government.NWAD ODIUM.2
2. The quality that provokes hatred; offensiveness.NWAD ODIUM.3
She threw the odium of the fact on me.NWAD ODIUM.4
ODONTALGIC, a. [Gr. a tooth, and pain.] Pertaining to the tooth-ache.
ODONTALGIC, n. A remedy for the tooth-ache.
ODOR, n. [L.] Smell; scent; fragrance; a sweet or an offensive smell; perfume.
ODORAMENT, n. [L. odoramentum.] A perfume; a strong scent.
ODORATE, a. [L. odoratus.] Scented; having a strong scent, fetid or fragrant.
ODORATING, a. Diffusing odor or scent; fragrant.
ODORIFEROUS, a. [L. odoriferus; odor and fero, to bear.]
1. Giving scent; diffusing fragrance; fragrant; perfumed; usually, sweet of scent; as odoriferous spices; odoriferous flowers.NWAD ODORIFEROUS.2
2. Bearing scent; as odoriferous gales.NWAD ODORIFEROUS.3
ODORIFEROUSNESS, n. The quality of diffusing scent; fragrance; sweetness of scent.
ODOROUS, a. Sweet of scent; fragrant.
ODOROUSNESS, n. Fragrance; the quality of diffusing scent, or of exciting the sensation of smell.
OECONOMICAL, OECONOMY, OEDEMATOUS, OESOPHAGUS. [See Economical, Economy, Edematous, Esophagus.]
OEILIAD, n. A glance; a wink.
OER, contracted from over, which see.
OF, prep. ov. [Gr.]
1. From or out of; proceeding from, as the cause, source, means, author or agent bestowing.NWAD OF.2
I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered to you. 1 Corinthians 11:23.NWAD OF.3
For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts. Joshua 11:20.NWAD OF.4
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Lamentations 3:22.NWAD OF.5
The whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. Proverbs 16:33.NWAD OF.6
Go, inquire of the Lord for me. 2 Chronicles 34:21.NWAD OF.7
That holy thing that shall be born of thee. Luke 1:35.NWAD OF.8
Hence of is the sign of the genitive case, the case that denotes production; as the son of man, the son proceeding from man, produced from man. This is the primary sense, although we now say, produced by man. “Part of these were slain;” that is, a number separate, for part denotes a division; the sense then is, a number from or out of the whole were slain. So also, “some of these were slain;” that is, some from or out of others. “I have known him of old, or of a child;” that is, from old times, from a child. “He is of the race of kings;” that is, descended from kings. “He is of noble blood or birth, or of ignoble origin.” “No particle of matter, or no body can move of itself;” that is, by force or strength proceeding from itself, derived from itself.NWAD OF.9
“The quarrel is not now of fame and tribute, or of wrongs done;” that is, from fame or wrongs, as the cause, and we may render it concerning, about, relating to.NWAD OF.10
“Of this little he had some to spare;” that is, some from the whole. It may be rendered out of.NWAD OF.11
“Of all our heroes thou canst boast alone;” that is, thou alone from the number of heroes. This may be rendered among.NWAD OF.12
“The best of men, the most renowned of all;” that is, the best from the number of men, the most renowned from the whole; denoting primarily separation, like part.NWAD OF.13
“I was well entertained of the English Consul;” that is, entertained from the Consul; my entertainment was from the Consul. This use is obsolete, and we use by in lieu of it.NWAD OF.14
“This does of right belong to us;” that is, from right, de jure; our title proceeds from right.NWAD OF.15
“The chariot was all of cedar;” that is, made from cedar. So we say, made of gold, made of clay; an application corresponding with our modern use of from; manufactured from wool, or from raw materials. Hence we say, cloth consisting of wool. “This is a scheme of his own devising;” that is, from his own devising or device. “If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth;” that is, as from the ability, as the source of action.NWAD OF.16
“Of happy, he is become miserable;” that is, from happy; from being happy, he has passed to being miserable. “Of necessity this must prove ruinous;” that is, from necessity, as the cause or source. “Of a hundred take fifty;” that is, from a hundred, or out of a hundred, from among a hundred.NWAD OF.17
Of sometimes implies a part or share.NWAD OF.18
It is a duty to communicate of those blessings we have received.NWAD OF.19
From is then the primary sense of this preposition; a sense retained in off, the same word differently written for distinction. But this sense is appropriately lost in many of its applications; as a man of genius, a man of courage, a man of rare endowments, a fossil of a red color, or of a hexagonal figure. he lost all hope of relief. This is an affair of the cabinet. He is a man of decayed fortune. What is the price of corn? We say that of, in these and similar phrases, denotes property or possession, making of the sign of the genitive or possessive case. These applications, however, all proceeded from the same primary sense. That which proceeds from or is produced by a person, is naturally the property or possession of that person, as the son of John; and this idea of property in the course of time would pass to things not thus produced, but still bearing a relation to another thing. Thus we say, the father of a son, as well as the son of a father. In both senses, other languages also use the same word, as in the French de, de la, and Italian di, dell. Of then has one primary sense, from, departing, issuing, proceeding from or out of, and a derivative sense denoting possession or property.NWAD OF.20
OFF, a. auf. Most distant; as the off horse in a team.
OFF, adv. auf.
1. From, noting distance. The house is a mile off.NWAD OFF.3
2. From, with the action of removing or separating; as, to take off the hat or cloke. So we say, to cut off, to pare off, to clip off, to peel off, to tear off, to march off, to fly off.NWAD OFF.4
3. From, noting separation; as, the match is off.NWAD OFF.5
4. From, noting departure, abatement, remission or a leaving. The fever goes off; the pain goes off.NWAD OFF.6
5. In painting, it denotes projection or relief.NWAD OFF.7
This comes off well and excellent.NWAD OFF.8
6. From, a way; not towards; as, to look off; opposed to on or toward.NWAD OFF.9
7. On the opposite side of a question.NWAD OFF.10
The questions no way touch upon puritanism, either off or on.NWAD OFF.11
Off hand, without study or preparation. She plays a tune off hand. He speaks fluently off hand.NWAD OFF.12
Off and on, at one time applying and engaged, then absent or remiss.NWAD OFF.13
To be off, in colloquial language, to depart or to recede from an agreement or design.NWAD OFF.14
To come off, to escape, or to fare in the event.NWAD OFF.15
1. To get off, to alight; to come down.NWAD OFF.16
2. To make escapeNWAD OFF.17
1. To go off, to depart; to desert.NWAD OFF.18
2. To take fire; to be discharged; as a gun.NWAD OFF.19
Well off, ill off, badly off, having good or ill success.NWAD OFF.20
OFF, prep.
1. Not on; as, to be off one’s legs. He was not off the bed the whole day.NWAD OFF.22
2. Distant from; as about two miles off this town. [Not now used.]NWAD OFF.23
OFF, as an exclamation, is a command to depart, either with or without contempt or abhorrence.
1. Waste meat; the parts of an animal butchered which are unfit for use or rejected.NWAD OFFAL.2
2. Carrion; coarse meat.NWAD OFFAL.3
3. Refuse; that which is thrown away as of no value, or fit only for beasts.NWAD OFFAL.4
4. Any thing of no value; rubbish.NWAD OFFAL.5
OFFEND, v.t. [L. offendo; of and fendo, Obs. to strike, hit, meet, or thrust against. We use the simple verb in fend, to fend off, to fence.]
1. To attack; to assail. [Not used.]NWAD OFFEND.2
2. To displease; to make angry; to affront. It expresses rather less than make angry, and without any modifying word, it is nearly synonymous with displease. We are offended by rudeness, incivility and harsh language. Children offend their parents by disobedience, and parents offend their children by unreasonable austerity or restraint.NWAD OFFEND.3
The emperor was grievously offended with them who had kept such negligent watch.NWAD OFFEND.4
A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city. Proverbs 18:19.NWAD OFFEND.5
3. To shock; to wound; as, to offend the conscience.NWAD OFFEND.6
4. To pain; to annoy; to injure; as, a strong light offends weak eyes.NWAD OFFEND.7
5. To transgress; to violate; as, to offend the laws. But we generally use the intransitive verb in this sense, with against; to offend against the law.NWAD OFFEND.8
6. To disturb, annoy, or cause to fall or stumble.NWAD OFFEND.9
Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165.NWAD OFFEND.10
7. To draw to evil, or hinder in obedience; to cause to sin or neglect duty.NWAD OFFEND.11
If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out - if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off. Matthew 5:29-30.NWAD OFFEND.12
OFFEND, v.i.
1. To transgress the moral or divine law; to sin; to commit a crime.NWAD OFFEND.14
Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, is guilty of all. James 2:10.NWAD OFFEND.15
In many things we offend all. James 3:2.NWAD OFFEND.16
2. To cause dislike or anger.NWAD OFFEND.17
I shall offend, either to detain or to give it.NWAD OFFEND.18
But this phrase is really elliptical, some person being understood.NWAD OFFEND.19
3. To be scandalized; to be stumbled.NWAD OFFEND.20
If meat make my brother to offend. 1 Corinthians 8:13.NWAD OFFEND.21
1. To offend against, to act injuriously or unjustly.NWAD OFFEND.22
Nor yet against Caesar have I offended any thing at all. Acts 25:8.NWAD OFFEND.23
2. To transgress; to violate; as, to offend against the laws of society, the laws of God, or the rules of civility or propriety.NWAD OFFEND.24
We have offended against the Lord already. 2 Chronicles 28:13.NWAD OFFEND.25
OFFENDED, pp. Displeased.
OFFENDER, n. One that offends; one that violates any law, divine or human; a criminal; a trespasser; a transgressor; one that does an injury. The man who robs, steals, or commits an assault, is an offender.
OFFENDING, ppr. Displeasing; making angry; causing to stumble; committing sin.
OFFENDRESS, n. A female that offends.
OFFENSE, n. offens’. [L. offensus, offensa.]
1. Displeasure; anger, or moderate anger. He gave them just cause of offense. He took offense.NWAD OFFENSE.2
2. Scandal; cause of stumbling. Christ is called a stone of stumbling and rock of offense to both the houses of Israel. Isaiah 8:14.NWAD OFFENSE.3
3. Any transgression of law, divine or human; a crime; sin; act of wickedness or omission of duty.NWAD OFFENSE.4
Christ was delivered for our offenses, and raised again for our justification. Romans 4:25.NWAD OFFENSE.5
4. An injury.NWAD OFFENSE.6
I have given my opinion against the authority of two great men, but I hope without offense to their memories.NWAD OFFENSE.7
5. Attack; assault; as a weapon of offense.NWAD OFFENSE.8
6. Impediment. Matthew 16:23.NWAD OFFENSE.9
OFFENSEFUL, a. offens’ful. Giving displeasure; injurious. [Not used.]
OFFENSELESS, a. offens’less. Unoffending; innocent; inoffensive.
1. Causing displeasure or some degree of anger; displeasing. All sin is offensive to God. Rude behavior is offensive to men. Good breeding forbids us to use offensive words.NWAD OFFENSIVE.2
2. Disgusting; giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; as an offensive taste or smell; an offensive sight. discordant sounds are offensive to the ears.NWAD OFFENSIVE.3
3. Injurious.NWAD OFFENSIVE.4
It is an excellent opener for the liver, but offensive to the stomach.NWAD OFFENSIVE.5
4. Assailant; used in attack; opposed to defensive; as an offensive weapon or engine.NWAD OFFENSIVE.6
5. Assailant; invading; making the first attack; opposed to defensive; as an offensive war.NWAD OFFENSIVE.7
A league offensive and defensive, is one that requires both or all parties to make war together against a nation, and each party to defend the other in case of being attacked.NWAD OFFENSIVE.8
OFFENSIVE, n. The part of attacking; as, to act on the offensive.
1. In a manner to give displeasure; as language offensively harsh or sarcastic.NWAD OFFENSIVELY.2
2. Injuriously; mischievously.NWAD OFFENSIVELY.3
3. By way of invasion or first attack. The enemy was not in a condition to act offensively.NWAD OFFENSIVELY.4
4. Unpleasantly to the senses.NWAD OFFENSIVELY.5
1. The quality that offends or displeases; as the offensiveness of rude language or behavior.NWAD OFFENSIVENESS.2
2. Injuriousness; mischief.NWAD OFFENSIVENESS.3
3. Cause of disgust; the quality that gives pain to the senses, or unpleasant sensations; as the offensiveness of smell or taste.NWAD OFFENSIVENESS.4
OFFER, v.t. [L. offero; ob and fero, to bring.]
1. Literally, to bring to or before; hence, to present for acceptance or rejection; to exhibit something that may be taken or received or not. He offered me a sum of money. He offered me his umbrella to defend me from the rain.NWAD OFFER.2
The heathen women under the Mogul, offer themselves to the flames at the death of their husbands.NWAD OFFER.3
2. To present in words; to proffer; to make a proposal to.NWAD OFFER.4
I offer thee three things. 2 Samuel 24:12.NWAD OFFER.5
3. To present, as an act of worship; to immolate; to sacrifice; often with up.NWAD OFFER.6
Thou shalt offer every day a bullock as a sin-offering for atonement. Exodus 29:36.NWAD OFFER.7
The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning.NWAD OFFER.8
A holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices. 1 Peter 2:5.NWAD OFFER.9
4. To present in prayer or devotion.NWAD OFFER.10
Offer to God thanksgiving. Psalm 50:14.NWAD OFFER.11
5. To bid, as a price, reward or wages; as, to offer ten eagles for a ring; to offer a hundred dollars a year for a laborer; to offer a salary.NWAD OFFER.12
6. To present to the view or to the mind; as ideas which sense or reflection offers to the mind.NWAD OFFER.13
To offer violence, to assault; to attack or commence attack.NWAD OFFER.14
OFFER, v.i.
1. To present itself; to be at hand.NWAD OFFER.16
Th’ occasion offers and the youth complies.NWAD OFFER.17
2. To present verbally; to declare a willingness. He offered to accompany his brother.NWAD OFFER.18
3. To make an attempt.NWAD OFFER.19
We came close to the shore and offered to land.NWAD OFFER.20
Formerly with at.NWAD OFFER.21
I will not offer at that I cannot master. Obs.NWAD OFFER.22
1. A proposal to be accepted or rejected; presentation to choice. The prince made liberal offers, but they were rejected.NWAD OFFER.24
When offers are disdained, and love deny’d.NWAD OFFER.25
2. First advance.NWAD OFFER.26
Force compels this offer.NWAD OFFER.27
3. The act of bidding a price, or the sum bid. By an offer we manifest a desire to buy. When the seller declines accepting, he manifests that he thinks the offer not sufficient.NWAD OFFER.28
4. Attempt; endeavor; essay.NWAD OFFER.29
It is the power of every one to make some essay, some offer and attempt. [Nearly obsolete.]NWAD OFFER.30
OFFERABLE, a. That may be offered.
OFFERED, pp. Presented for acceptance or rejection; presented in worship or devotion; immolated; bid; presented to the eye or the mind.
OFFERER, n. One that offers; one that sacrifices or dedicates in worship.
OFFERING, ppr. Presenting; proposing; sacrificing; bidding; presenting to the eye or mind.
OFFERING, n. That which is presented in divine service; an animal or a portion of bread or corn, or of gold and silver, or other valuable articles, presented to God as an atonement for sin, or as a return of thanks for his favors, or for other religious purpose; a sacrifice; an oblation. In the Mosaic economy, there were burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, peace-offerings, trespass-offerings, thank-offerings, wave-offerings, and wood-offerings. Pagan nations also present offerings to their deities. Christ by the offering of himself has superseded the use of all other offerings, having made atonement for all men.
When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed - Isaiah 53:10.NWAD OFFERING.3
OFFERTORY, n. The act of offering, or the thing offered. [Little used.]
1. Offertory was properly an anthem chanted or a voluntary played on the organ during the offering and a part of the mass, in the Catholic church; but since the reformation it denotes certain sentences in the communion-office, read while the alms are collecting.NWAD OFFERTORY.2
2. Anciently, the linen on which the offering was laid.NWAD OFFERTORY.3
OFFERTURE, n. Offer; proposal. [Not used.]
OFFICE, n. [L. officium; ob and facio, to make or do.]
1. A particular duty, charge or trust conferred by public authority and for a public purpose; an employment undertaken by commission or authority from government or those who administer it. Thus we speak of the office of secretary of state, of treasurer, of a judge, of a sheriff, of a justice of the peace, etc. Offices are civil, judicial, ministerial, executive, legislative, political, municipal, diplomatic, military, ecclesiastical, etc.NWAD OFFICE.2
2. A duty, charge or trust of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself; as the office of priest, in the Old Testament; and that of the apostles, in the New Testament.NWAD OFFICE.3
Insomuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify my office. Romans 11:13.NWAD OFFICE.4
3. Duty or employment of a private nature; as the office of a midwife. Exodus 1:16.NWAD OFFICE.5
4. That which is performed, intended or assigned to be done by a particular thing, or that which any thing is fitted to perform; answering to duty in intelligent beings. We enjoy health when the several organs of the body perform their respective offices.NWAD OFFICE.6
In this experiment, the several intervals of the teeth of the comb do the office of so many prisms.NWAD OFFICE.7
5. Business; particular employment.NWAD OFFICE.8
Hesperus, whose office is to bring twilight upon the earth.NWAD OFFICE.9
6. Act of good or ill voluntarily tendered; usually in a good sense; as kind offices; offices of pity; pious offices.NWAD OFFICE.10
7. Act of worship.NWAD OFFICE.11
8. Formulary of devotion.NWAD OFFICE.12
The Lord’s prayer, the ten commandments and the creed, is a very good office for children if they are not fitted for more regular offices.NWAD OFFICE.13
9. A house or apartment in which public officers and others transact business; as the register’s office; a lawyer’s office.NWAD OFFICE.14
10. In architecture, an apartment appropriated for the necessary business or occasions of a palace or nobleman’s house. The word is used also for a building pertaining to a farm.NWAD OFFICE.15
11. In the canon law, a benefice which has no jurisdiction annexed to it.NWAD OFFICE.16
12. The person or persons entrusted with particular duties of a public nature.NWAD OFFICE.17
- This office [of quarter-master-general] not to have the disposal of public money, except small occasional sums.NWAD OFFICE.18
OFFICE, v.t. To perform; to do; to discharge. [Not used.]
OFFICER, n. A person commissioned or authorized to perform any public duty. Officers are civil, military or ecclesiastical. There are great officers of state, and subordinate officers. Military and naval officers of the same grade usually take rank according to the dates of their commissions. Non-commissioned officers are nominated by their captains, and appointed by the commanding officers of regiments.
OFFICER, v.t. To furnish with officers; to appoint officers over.
Count Pulaski raised a legionary corps, which he officered principally with foreigners.NWAD OFFICER.3
OFFICERED, pp. Furnished with officers.
1. Pertaining to an office or public trust. The secretary is engaged in official duties.NWAD OFFICIAL.2
2. Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority; as an official statement or report. We have official intelligence of the battle.NWAD OFFICIAL.3
3. Conducive by virtue of appropriate powers.NWAD OFFICIAL.4
The stomach and other parts official to nutrition. [Unusual.]NWAD OFFICIAL.5
OFFICIAL, n. An ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc., with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction.
OFFICIALLY, adv. By the proper officer; by virtue of the proper authority; in pursuance of the special powers vested; as accounts or reports officially verified or rendered; letters officially communicated; persons officially notified.
OFFICIALTY, n. The charge or office of an official.
1. To act as an officer in his office; to transact the appropriate business of an office or public trust. At this court the chief justice officiated.NWAD OFFICIATE.2
The bishops and priests officiate at the altar.NWAD OFFICIATE.3
2. To perform the appropriate official duties of another.NWAD OFFICIATE.4
OFFICIATE, v.t. To give in consequence of office.
The stars officiate light. [Improper.]NWAD OFFICIATE.6
OFFICIATING, ppr. Performing the appropriate duties of an office; performing the office of another.
OFFICINAL, a. [L. officina, a shop.]
Used in a shop or belonging to it. Officinal drugs, medicines and simples are such as are required to be constantly kept in the shops of apothecaries.NWAD OFFICINAL.2
OFFICIOUS, a. [L. officiosus.]
1. Kind; obliging; doing kind offices.NWAD OFFICIOUS.2
Yet not to earth are those bright luminaries Officious.NWAD OFFICIOUS.3
2. Excessively forward in kindness; importunately interposing services.NWAD OFFICIOUS.4
You are too officious in her behalf that scorns your services.NWAD OFFICIOUS.5
3. Busy; intermeddling in affairs in which one has no concern.NWAD OFFICIOUS.6
1. Kindly; with solicitous care.NWAD OFFICIOUSLY.2
Let thy goats officiously be nurs’d.NWAD OFFICIOUSLY.3
2. With importunate or excessive forwardness.NWAD OFFICIOUSLY.4
Flattering crowds officiously appear, to give themselves, not you, a happy year.NWAD OFFICIOUSLY.5
3. In a busy meddling manner.NWAD OFFICIOUSLY.6
1. Eagerness to serve; usually, an excess of zeal to serve others, or improper forwardness, interposing in affairs without being desired, or with a disposition to meddle with the concerns of others.NWAD OFFICIOUSNESS.2
2. Service. [Little used.]NWAD OFFICIOUSNESS.3
OFFING, n. [from off.] That part of the sea which is at a good distance from the shore, or at a competent distance, where there is deep water and no need of a pilot. We saw a ship in the offing.
OFFSCOURING, n. [off and scour.] That which is scoured off; hence, refuse; rejected matter; that which is vile or despised. Lamentations 3:45; 1 Corinthians 4:13.
OFFSET, n. [off and set.]
1. A shoot; a sprout from the roots of a plant.NWAD OFFSET.2
2. In surveying, a perpendicular let fall from the stationary lines to the hedge, fence or extremity of an inclosure.NWAD OFFSET.3
3. In accounts, a sum, account or value set off against another sum or account, as an equivalent.NWAD OFFSET.4
[This is also written set-off.]NWAD OFFSET.5
OFFSET, v.t. To set one account against another; to make the account of one party pay the demand of another.
OFFSPRING, n. [off and spring.]
1. A child or children; a descendant or descendants, however remote from the stock. Acts 17:28; Revelation 22:16.NWAD OFFSPRING.2
2. Propagation; generation.NWAD OFFSPRING.3
3. Production of any kind.NWAD OFFSPRING.4
OFFWARD, adv. [off and ward.] Leaning off, as a ship on shore.
OFT, adv. Often; frequently; not rarely. It was formerly used in prose and may be so used still; but is more generally used in poetry.
Oft she rejects, but never one offends.NWAD OFT.2
OFTEN, adv. of’n. comp. oftener; superl. oftenset. Frequently; many times; not seldom.
OFTEN, a. of’n. Frequent. [Improper.]
OFTENNESS, n. of’nness. Frequency. [Not used.]
OFTENTIMES, adv. of’ntimes. [often and times.] Frequently; often; many times.
OFTTIMES, adv. [oft and times.] Frequently; often.
OG. [See Ogee.]
OGDOASTICH, n. [Gr. eighth, and a verse.] A poem of eight lines. [Little used.]
1. In architecture, a molding consisting of two members, the one concave, the other convex, or of a round and a hollow somewhat like an S.NWAD OGEE.2
2. In gunnery, an ornamental molding in the shape of an S, used on guns, mortars and howitzers.NWAD OGEE.3
OGGANITION, n. [L. obgannio, ogganio, to growl.]
The murmuring of a dog; a grumbling or snarling. [Not used.]NWAD OGGANITION.2
OGHAM, n. A particular kind of stenography or writing in cipher practiced by the Irish.
OGIVE, n. o’jiv. In architecture, an arch or branch of the Gothic vault, which passing diagonally from one angle to another forms a cross with the other arches. The middle where the ogives cross each other, is called the key. The members or moldings of the ogives are called nerves, branches or reins, and the arches which separate the ogives, double arches.
OGLE, v.t. [L. oculus. See Eye.]
To view with side glances, as in fondness or with design to attract notice.NWAD OGLE.2
And ogling all their audience, then they speak.NWAD OGLE.3
OGLE, n. A side glance or look.
OGLER, n. One that ogles.
OGLING, ppr. Viewing with side glances.
OGLING, n. The act of viewing with side glances.
OGLIO, now written olio, which see.
OGRE, OGRESS, n. An imaginary monster of the East.
OGRESS, n. In heraldry, a cannon ball of a black color.
OH, exclam. Denoting surprise, pain, sorrow or anxiety.
OIL, n. It seems to be named from its inflammability, for aelan, is to kindle, and to oil; hence anaelan, to anneal; aeled, fire. [L. oleum; Gr.]
An unctuous substance expressed or drawn from several animal and vegetable substances. The distinctive characters of oil are inflammability, fluidity, and insolubility in water. Oils are fixed or fat, and volatile or essential. They have a smooth feel, and most of them have little taste or smell. Animal oil is found in all animal substances. Vegetable oils are produced by expression, infusion or distillation.NWAD OIL.2
OIL, v.t. To smear or rub over with oil; to lubricate with oil; to anoint with oil.
OIL-BAG, n. A bag, cyst or gland in animals containing oil.
OIL-COLOR, n. A color made by grinding a coloring substance in oil.
OILED, pp. Smeared or anointed with oil.
OILER, n. One who deals in oils and pickles.
OIL-GAS, n. Inflammable gas procured from oil, and used for lighting streets and apartments in buildings.
OILINESS, n. The quality of being oily; unctuousness; greasiness; a quality approaching that of oil.
OILING, ppr. Smearing or anointing with oil.
OILMAN, n. One who deals in oils and pickles.
OIL-NUT, n. The butternut of North America.
OIL-NUT, OIL-TREE, n. A plant, a species of Ricinus, the palma Christi, or castor, from which is procured castor oil.