OSTENTATIOUSNESS, n. Vain display; vanity; boastfulness.
OSTENTATOR, n. [L.] One who makes a vain show; a boaster. [Little used.]
OSTENTOUS, a. Fond of making a show. [Little used.]
OSTEOCOL, OSTEOCOLLA, n. [Gr. a bone, and glue.] A carbonate of lime, a fossil formed by incrustation on the stem of a plant. It is found in long, thick, and irregular cylindric pieces, generally hollow, sometimes filled with calcarious earth, and in size, from that of a crow’s quill to that of a man’s arm. It is always found in sand.
That word takes its name from an opinion that it has the quality of uniting fractured bones.NWAD OSTEOCOL.2
OSTEOCOPE, n. [Gr. a bone, and labor, uneasiness.]
Pain in the bones; a violent fixed pain in any part of a bone.NWAD OSTEOCOPE.2
OSTEOLOGER, OSTEOLOGIST, n. [See Osteology.] One who describes the bones of animals.
OSTEOLOGIC, OSTEOLOGICAL, a. Pertaining to a description of the bones.
OSTEOLOGICALLY, adv. According to osteology.
OSTEOLOGY, n. [Gr. a bone, and discourse.]
1. A description of the bones; that part of anatomy which treats of the bones.NWAD OSTEOLOGY.2
2. The system of animal bones.NWAD OSTEOLOGY.3
OSTIARY, n. [L. ostium, mouth.] The mouth or opening by which a river discharges its waters into the sea, or into a lake.
OSTLER. [See Hostler.]
OSTLERY. [See Hostlery.]
OSTMEN, n. plu. East men; Danish settlers in Ireland, so called.
OSTRACISM, n. [Gr. from a shell, or potter’s ware.]
1. In Grecian antiquity, banishment by the people of Athens, of a person whose merit and influence gave umbrage to them. It takes this name from the shell on which the name or the note of acquittal or condemnation was written. It is however most probable that this shell was a piece of baked earth, rendered by the Latins testa.NWAD OSTRACISM.2
2. Banishment; expulsion; separation.NWAD OSTRACISM.3
Sentenced to a perpetual ostracism from the esteem and confidence, and honors and emoluments of his country.NWAD OSTRACISM.4
OSTRACITE, n. [Gr. from a shell.]
An oyster shell in its fossil state, or a stone formed in the shell, the latter being dissolved. This stone is found in many parts of England, and has been in repute for its efficacy in cases of the gravel.NWAD OSTRACITE.2
OSTRACIZE, v.t. [See Ostracism.] To banish by the popular voice, particularly a person eminent for public services, but who has lost his popularity.
OSTRICH, n. [L. struthio-camelus; Gr. a sparrow, and an ostrich. The meaning of the name is not obvious. Eng. strut, L. struthio, Gr., L. avis. The primary sense of struz, struthio, etc. is to reach, stretch, extend or erect; but whether this name was given to the fowl from its stately walk or appearance, or from some part of its plumage, let the reader judge.]
A fowl now considered as constituting a distinct genus, the Struthio. This is the largest of all fowls, being four feet high from the ground to the top of the back and seven, eight, and it is said even ten to the top of the head, when standing erect. Its thighs and the sides of the body are naked, and the wings are so short as to be unfit for flying. The plumage is elegant, and much used in ornamental and showy dress. The speed of this fowl in running exceeds that of the fleetest horse.NWAD OSTRICH.2
OTACOUSTIC, a. [Gr. ears, and to hear.] Assisting the sense of hearing; as an otacoustic instrument.
OTACOUSTIC, n. An instrument to facilitate hearing.
OTHER, a. [Heb.]
1. Not the same; different; not this or these.NWAD OTHER.2
Then the other company which is left shall escape. Genesis 32:8.NWAD OTHER.3
Behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. Exodus 4:7.NWAD OTHER.4
Other lords besides thee have had dominion over us. Isaiah 26:13.NWAD OTHER.5
There is one God, and there is none other but he. Mark 12:32.NWAD OTHER.6
2. Not this, but the contrary; as, on this side of the river stands Troy, on the other side stands Albany.NWAD OTHER.7
Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39.NWAD OTHER.8
3. Noting something besides. To the knowledge of the Latin and Greek, join as much other learning as you can.NWAD OTHER.9
4. Correlative to each, and applicable to any number of individuals.NWAD OTHER.10
They asked each other of their welfare. Exodus 18:7.NWAD OTHER.11
5. Opposed to some; as,”some fell among thorns - but other fell into good ground.” Matthew 13:7-8.NWAD OTHER.12
6. The next.NWAD OTHER.13
7. The third part.NWAD OTHER.14
Other is used as a substitute for a noun, and in this use has the plural number, and the sign of the possessive case.NWAD OTHER.15
- The fool and the brutish person die, and leave their wealth to others. Psalm 49:10.NWAD OTHER.16
What do ye more than others? Matthew 5:47.NWAD OTHER.17
We were children of wrath even as others. Ephesians 2:3.NWAD OTHER.18
The confusion arises, when the one will put their sickle into the other’s harvest.NWAD OTHER.19
With the sign of the possessive, other is preceded by the, as in the last example.NWAD OTHER.20
Other is sometimes put elliptically for other thing. From such a man, we can expect no other.NWAD OTHER.21
The other day, at a certain time past, not distant but indefinite; not long ago.NWAD OTHER.22
OTHERGATES, adv. [other and gate, for way, manner.] Of another manner. Obs.
OTHERGUISE, adv. [other and guise, manner.] Of another kind. [corruptly pronounced otherguess.]
OTHERWHERE, adv. [other and where.] In some other place; or in other places.
OTHERWHILE, OTHERWHILES, adv. [other and while.] At other times.
OTHERWISE, adv. [other and wise, manner.]
1. In a different manner.NWAD OTHERWISE.2
Thy father was a worthy prince, and merited, alas! a better fate; but heaven thought otherwise.NWAD OTHERWISE.3
2. By other causes.NWAD OTHERWISE.4
Sir John Norris failed in the attempt of Lisborn, and returned with the loss, by sickness and otherwise, of 8000 men.NWAD OTHERWISE.5
3. In other respects.NWAD OTHERWISE.6
It is said truly, that the best men otherwise, are not always the best in regard to society.NWAD OTHERWISE.7
OTOMO, n. A fowl of the Lagopus kind, about the size of a tame pigeon, a native of Germany, and highly esteemed for food.
OTTER, ATTAR, n. The essential oil or essence of roses.
OTTER, n. [L. lutra.]
A quadruped of the genus Mustela, nearly two feet in length, of a brown color, with short legs, amphibious and feeding on fish. It burrows in the banks of rivers and ponds, and its toes being webbed, it swims with great rapidity. There are several other species, of which the sea otter is the largest, being about three feet in length.NWAD OTTER.3
OTTER, n. The name of a coloring substance.
OTTOMAN, a. Designating something that pertains to the Turks or to their government; as the ottoman power or empire. The word originated in Othman or Osman, the name of a sultan who assumed the government about the year 1300.
1. A bezil or socket in which a precious stone or seal is set. Exodus 39:6.NWAD OUCH.2
2. The blow given by a boar’s tusk.NWAD OUCH.3
OUGHT. [See Aught, the true orthography.]
OUGHT, v. imperfect, aut.
1. To be held or bound in duty or moral obligation.NWAD OUGHT.3
These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Matthew 23:23.NWAD OUGHT.4
We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak. Romans 15:1.NWAD OUGHT.5
Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers. Matthew 25:27.NWAD OUGHT.6
2. To be necessary; to behoove.NWAD OUGHT.7
Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into glory? Luke 24:26.NWAD OUGHT.8
3. To be fit or expedient in a moral view.NWAD OUGHT.9
My brethren, these things ought not so to be. James 3:10.NWAD OUGHT.10
4. As a participle, owed; been indebted to.NWAD OUGHT.11
The love and duty I long have ought you.NWAD OUGHT.12
That followed, sir, which to myself I ought.NWAD OUGHT.13
[In this sense, obsolete.]NWAD OUGHT.14
5. In Chaucer’s time, it was used impersonally. “Wel ought us werke,” that is, well it behooveth us to work.NWAD OUGHT.15
OUNCE, n. ouns. [L. uncia, the twelfth part of any thing; Gr; but the Greek is from Latin. Inch is from the same root, being the twelfth part of a foot.]
1. A weight, the twelfth part of a pound troy, and the sixteenth of a pound avoirdupois. In troy weight, the ounce is 20 pennyweights, each of 24 grains.NWAD OUNCE.2
2. An animal of the genus Felis. [See Once.]NWAD OUNCE.3
OUNDED, OUNDING, a. Waving. [L. unda. Not used.]
OUPHE, n. oof’y. A fairy; a goblin; an elf. Obs.
OUPHEN, n. oof’en. Elfish. Obs.
1. Pertaining or belonging to us; as our country; our rights; our troops.NWAD OUR.2
2. Ours, which is primarily the possessive case of our, is never used as an adjective, but as a substitute for the adjective and the noun to which it belongs. Your house is on a plain; ours is on a hill. This is good English, but certainly ours must be the nominative to is, or it has none.NWAD OUR.3
Their organs are better disposed than ours for receiving grateful impressions from sensible objects.NWAD OUR.4
Here ours stands in the place of our organs, and cannot, in conformity with any rule of construction, be in the possessive case.NWAD OUR.5
The same thing was done by them in suing in their courts, which is now done by us in suing in ours.NWAD OUR.6
OURANOGRAPHY, n. [Gr. heaven, and to describe.] A description of the heavens.
OURSELF, pron. reciprocal. [our and self.] This is added after we and us, and sometimes is used without either for myself, in the regal style only, as, we ourself will follow.
- Unless we would denude ourself of all force to defend us.NWAD OURSELF.2
OURSELVES, plu. of ourself. We or us, not others; added to we, by way of emphasis or opposition.
We ourselves might distinctly number in words a great deal farther than we usually do.NWAD OURSELVES.2
Safe in ourselves, while on ourselves we stand.NWAD OURSELVES.3
OUSE, n. ooz. [from ooze.] Tanner’s bark.
OUSEL, n. oo’zl. The blackbird, a species of the genus Turdus.
OUST, v.t. [I take this to be our vulgar oost, used in the sense of lift. The usual signification then will be that of the Latin tollo, sustuli.]
1. To take away; to remove.NWAD OUST.2
Multiplications of actions upon the case were rare formerly, and thereby wager of law ousted.NWAD OUST.3
2. To eject; to disseize.NWAD OUST.4
Afterward the lessor, reversioner or remainder-man or any stranger doth eject or oust the lessee of his term.NWAD OUST.5
OUSTED, pp. Taken away; removed; ejected.
OUSTER, n. Amotion of possession; disseizin; dispossession; ejection.
Ouster of the freehold is effected by abatement, intrusion, disseizin, discontinuance or deforcement.NWAD OUSTER.2
A delivery of lands out of the bands of a guardian, or out of the king’s hands; or a judgment given for that purpose.NWAD OUSTER.3
OUSTING, ppr. Taking away; removing; ejecting.
1. Without; on the outside; not within; on the exterior or beyond the limits of any inclosed place or given line; opposed to in or within; as, to go out and come in; to rush out.NWAD OUT.2
2. Abroad; not at home. The master of the house is out; a colloquial phrase for gone out.NWAD OUT.3
3. In a state of disclosure or discovery. The secret is out, that is, has come out, is disclosed. We shall find out the rogue.NWAD OUT.4
4. Not concealed.NWAD OUT.5
When these are gone, the woman will be out.NWAD OUT.6
5. In a state of extinction. The candle or the fire is out.NWAD OUT.7
6. In a state of being exhausted. The wine is out.NWAD OUT.8
7. In a state of destitution. We are out of bread corn.NWAD OUT.9
8. Not in office or employment. I care not who is in or who is out. He is out of business.NWAD OUT.10
9. Abroad or from home, in a party, at church, in a parade, etc. He was not out today. The militia companies are out. The man was out in a frolic last night.NWAD OUT.11
10. To the end.NWAD OUT.12
Hear me out.NWAD OUT.13
11. Loudly; without restraint; as, to laugh out.NWAD OUT.14
12. Not in the hands of the owner. The land is out upon a lease.NWAD OUT.15
13. In an error.NWAD OUT.16
As a musician that will always play, and yet is always out at the same note.NWAD OUT.17
14. At a loss; in a puzzle.NWAD OUT.18
I have forgot my part, and I am out.NWAD OUT.19
15. Uncovered; with clothes torn; as, to be out at the knees or elbows.NWAD OUT.20
16. Away, so as to consume; as, to sleep out the best time in the morning.NWAD OUT.21
17. Deficient; having expended. He was out of pocket. He was out fifty pounds.NWAD OUT.22
18. It is used as an exclamation with the force of command, away; begone; as, out with the dog.NWAD OUT.23
Out upon you, out upon it, expressions of dislike or contempt.NWAD OUT.24
Out is much used as a modifier of verbs; as, to come out, to go out, to lead out, to run out, to leak out, to creep out, to flow out, to pass out, to look out, to burn out, to cut out, to saw out, to grow out, to spin out, to write out, to boil out, to beat out, etc. bearing the sense of issuing, extending, drawing from, separating, bringing to open view, or in short, the passing of a limit that incloses or restrains; or bearing the metaphorical sense of vanishing, coming to an end.NWAD OUT.25
Out of. In this connection, out may be considered as adverb, and of as a preposition.NWAD OUT.26
1. Proceeding from; as produce. Plants grow out of the earth. He paid me out of his own funds.NWAD OUT.27
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.NWAD OUT.28
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. James 3:10.NWAD OUT.29
2. From or proceeding from a place, or the interior of a place; as, to take any thing out of the house. Mark 13:15.NWAD OUT.30
3. Beyond; as out of the power of fortune.NWAD OUT.31
They were astonished out of measure. Mark 10:26.NWAD OUT.32
4. From, noting taking or derivation.NWAD OUT.33
To whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets. Acts 28:23.NWAD OUT.34
5. Not in, noting extraordinary exertion.NWAD OUT.35
Be instant in season, out of season. 2 Timothy 4:2.NWAD OUT.36
6. Not in, noting exclusion, dismission, departure, absence or dereliction; as out of favor; out of use; out of place; out of fashion.NWAD OUT.37
7. Not in, noting unfitness or impropriety. He is witty out of season. The seed was sown out of season.NWAD OUT.38
8. Not within, noting extraordinary delay; as, a ship is out of time.NWAD OUT.39
9. Not within; abroad; as out of the door or house.NWAD OUT.40
10. From, noting copy from an original; as, to cite or copy out of Horace.NWAD OUT.41
11. From, noting rescue or liberation; as, to be delivered out of afflictions.NWAD OUT.42
Christianity recovered the law of nature out of all those errors.NWAD OUT.43
12. Not in, noting deviation, exorbitance or irregularity. This is out of all method; out of all rule. He goes out of his way to find cause of censure. He is out of order.NWAD OUT.44
13. From, noting dereliction or departure. He will not be flattered or frightened out of his duty. He attempted to laugh men out of virtue.NWAD OUT.45
14. From, noting loss or change of state. The mouth is out of taste; the instrument is out of tune.NWAD OUT.46
15. Not according to, noting deviation; as, he acts or speaks out of character.NWAD OUT.47
16. Beyond; not within the limits of; as, to be out of hearing, out of sight, out of reach. Time out of mind, is time beyond the reach of memory.NWAD OUT.48
17. Noting loss or exhaustion, as, to be out of breath.NWAD OUT.49
18. Noting loss; as out of hope.NWAD OUT.50
19. By means of.NWAD OUT.51
Out of that will I cause those of Cyprus to mutiny.NWAD OUT.52
20. In consequence of, noting the motive, source or reason.NWAD OUT.53
What they do not grant out of the generosity of their nature, they may grant out of mere impatience.NWAD OUT.54
So we say, a thing is done out of envy, spite or ambition.NWAD OUT.55
Out of hand, immediately, as that is easily used which is ready in the hand.NWAD OUT.56
Gather we our forces out of hand.NWAD OUT.57
Out of print, denotes that a book is not in market, or to be purchased; the copies printed having been all sold.NWAD OUT.58
OUT, v.t. To eject; to expel; to deprive by expulsion.
The French having been outed of their holds.NWAD OUT.60
In composition, out signifies beyond, more, ejection or extension.NWAD OUT.61
For the participles of the following compounds, see the simple verbs.NWAD OUT.62
OUTACT, v.t. To do beyond; to exceed in act.
He has made me heir to treasures, would make me outact a read widow’s whining.NWAD OUTACT.2
OUTBALANCE, v.t. To out weigh; to exceed in weight or effect.
Let dull Ajax bear away my right, when all his days outbalance this one night.NWAD OUTBALANCE.2
OUTBAR, v.t. To shut out by bars or fortification.
These to outbar with painful pionings.NWAD OUTBAR.2
OUTBID, v.t. To bid more than another; to offer a higher price.
For Indian spices, for Peruvian gold, prevent the greedy and outbid the bold.NWAD OUTBID.2
OUTBID, OUTBIDDEN, pp. Exceeded in the price offered.
OUTBIDDER, n. One that outbids.
OUTBIDDING, ppr. Bidding a price beyond another.
OUTBLOWN, pp. Inflated; swelled with wind.
OUTBLUSH, v.t. To exceed in rosy color.
OUTBORN, a. Foreign; not native. [Little used.]
OUTBOUND, a. Destined or proceeding from a country or harbor to a distant country or port; as an outbound ship.
[The usual phrase among seamen is outward bound.]NWAD OUTBOUND.2
1. To bear down by more daring or insolent conduct.NWAD OUTBRAVE.2
I would outstare the sternest eyes that look, outbrave the heart most daring on the earth, to win thee, lady.NWAD OUTBRAVE.3
2. To exceed in splendid appearance.NWAD OUTBRAVE.4
The towers as well as men outbrave the sky.NWAD OUTBRAVE.5
OUTBRAZEN, v.t. To bear down with a brazen face or impudence.
OUTBREAK, n. A bursting forth; eruption.
The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind.NWAD OUTBREAK.2
OUTBREAKING, n. That which bursts forth.
1. To weary by having better breath.NWAD OUTBREATHE.2
2. To expire.NWAD OUTBREATHE.3
OUTBUD, v.i. To sprout forth.
OUTBUILD, v.t. outbild’. To exceed in building, or in durability of building.
OUTCANT, v.t. To surpass in canting.
OUTCAST, pp. or a. Cast out; thrown away; rejected as useless.
OUTCAST, n. One who is cast out or expelled; an exile; one driven from home or country. Isaiah 16:3-4.
OUTCEPT, for except, is not in use.
OUTCLIMB, v.t. To climb beyond.
OUTCOMPASS, v.t. To exceed due bounds.
OUTCRAFT, v.t. To exceed in cunning.
1. A vehement or loud cry; cry of distress.NWAD OUTCRY.2
2. Clamor; noisy opposition or detestation.NWAD OUTCRY.3
3. Sale at public auction.NWAD OUTCRY.4
OUTDARE, v.t. To dare or venture beyond.
OUTDATE, v.t. To antiquate; as outdated ceremonies. [Not used.]
OUTDO, v.t. pret. outdid; pp. outdone. [See Do.]
To excel; to surpass; to perform beyond another.NWAD OUTDO.2
An imposture outdoes the original.NWAD OUTDO.3
I grieve to be outdone by Gay.NWAD OUTDO.4
OUTDOING, ppr. Excelling; surpassing in performance.
OUTDOING, n. Excess in performance.
OUTDONE, pp. Of outdo.
OUTDRINK, v.t. [See Drink.] To exceed in drinking.
OUTDWELL, v.t. To dwell or stay beyond.
OUTER, a. [comp. of out.] Being on the outside; external; opposed to inner; as the outer wall; the outer part of a thing; the outer court or gate.
OUTERLY, adv. Towards the outside.
OUTERMOST, a. [superl. from outer.] Being on the extreme external part; remotest from the midst; as the outermost row.
OUTFACE, v.t. To brave; to bear down with an imposing front or with impudence; to stare down.
OUTFALL, n. A fall of water; a canal.
OUTFAWN, v.t. To exceed in fawning or adulation.
OUTFEAST, v.t. To exceed in feasting.
OUTFIT, n. A fitting out, as of a ship for a voyage; usually in the plural, outfits, the expenses of equipping and furnishing a ship for a voyage.
OUTFLANK, v.t. To extend the flank of one army beyond that of another.
OUTFLY, v.t. To fly faster than another; to advance before in flight or progress.
OUTFOOL, v.t. To exceed in folly.
OUTFORM, n. External appearance.
OUTFROWN, v.t. To frown down; to overbear by frowning.
OUTGATE, n. An outlet; a passage outward.
OUTGENERAL, v.t. To exceed in generalship; to gain advantage over by superior military skill.
OUTGIVE, v.t. outgiv’. To surpass in giving.
OUTGO, v.t. [See Go.]
1. To go beyond; to advance before in going; to go faster.NWAD OUTGO.2
2. To surpass; to excel.NWAD OUTGO.3
3. To circumvent; to overreach.NWAD OUTGO.4
OUTGOING, ppr. Going beyond.
1. The act of going out.NWAD OUTGOING.3
2. The state of going out. Psalm 65:8.NWAD OUTGOING.4
3. Utmost border; extreme limit. Joshua 17:9.NWAD OUTGOING.5
OUTGRIN, v.t. To surpass in grinning.
1. To surpass in growth.NWAD OUTGROW.2
2. To grow too great or too old for any thing. Children outgrow their garments, and men outgrow their usefulness.NWAD OUTGROW.3
OUTGROWN, pp. Of outgrow.
OUTGUARD, n. A guard at a distance from the main body of an army; or a guard at the farthest distance; any thing for defense placed at a distance from the thing to be defended.
OUTHEROD, v.t. To surpass in enormity, absurdity or cruelty.
OUTHOUSE, n. A small house or building at a little distance from the main house.
OUTJEST, v.t. To overpower by jesting.
OUTJUGGLE, v.t. To surpass in juggling.