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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    OUTWARD, a. [L. versus.]

    1. External; exterior; forming the superficial part; as the outward coat of an onion; an outward garment.NWAD OUTWARD.2

    2. External; visible; opposed to inward; as outward hate.NWAD OUTWARD.3

    3. Extrinsic; adventitious.NWAD OUTWARD.4

    And outward honor for an inward toil.NWAD OUTWARD.5

    4. Foreign; not intestine; as an outward war. [Not now used. We now say, external or foreign war.]NWAD OUTWARD.6

    5. Tending to the exterior part.NWAD OUTWARD.7

    The fire will force its outward way.NWAD OUTWARD.8

    6. In Scripture, civil; public; as opposed to religious. 1 Chronicles 26:29.NWAD OUTWARD.9

    7. In theology, carnal; fleshly; corporeal; not spiritual; as the outward man.NWAD OUTWARD.10

    OUTWARD, n. External form.

    1. To the outer parts; tending or directed towards the exterior.NWAD OUTWARD.13

    The light falling on them [black bodies] is not reflected outwards.NWAD OUTWARD.14

    2. From a port or country; as a ship bound outwards.NWAD OUTWARD.15

    OUTWARD-BOUND, a. Proceeding from a port or country.

    OUTWARDLY, adv.

    1. Externally; opposed to inwardly; as outwardly content, but inwardly uneasy.NWAD OUTWARDLY.2

    2. In appearance; not sincerely. Many may inwardly reverence the goodness which they outwardly seem to despise.NWAD OUTWARDLY.3

    OUTWASH, v.t. To wash out; to cleanse from. [Little used.]

    OUTWATCH, v.t. To surpass in watching.

    OUTWEAR, v.t.

    1. To wear out. [Not used.]NWAD OUTWEAR.2

    2. To pass tediously to the end.NWAD OUTWEAR.3

    By the stream, if I the night outwear -NWAD OUTWEAR.4

    3. To last longer than something else. [This is the common signification.]NWAD OUTWEAR.5

    OUTWEED, v.t. To weed out; to extirpate, as a weed.

    OUTWEEP, v.t. To exceed in weeping.

    OUTWEIGH, v.t. outwa’y. [See Weigh.]

    1. To exceed in weight.NWAD OUTWEIGH.2

    2. To exceed in value, influence or importance.NWAD OUTWEIGH.3

    One self-approving hour whole years outweighs of stupid starers and of loud huzzas.NWAD OUTWEIGH.4

    OUTWELL, v.t. or i. To pour out. [Not used.]

    OUTWENT, pret. of outgo.

    OUTWHORE, v.t. To exceed in lewdness.

    OUTWIN, v.t. To get out of. [Not used.]

    OUTWIND, v.t. To extricate by winding; to unloose.

    OUTWING, v.t. To move faster on the wing; to outstrip.

    OUTWIT, v.t. To surpass in design or stratagem; to overreach; to defeat or frustrate by superior ingenuity.

    OUTWORK, n. The part of a fortification most remote from the main fortress or citadel.

    OUTWORN, pp. [See Wear.] Worn out; consumed by use.

    OUTWORTH, v.t. To exceed in value.

    OUTWREST, v.t. outrest’. To extort; to draw from or forth by violence.

    OUTWRITE, v.t. outri’te. To surpass in writing.

    OUTWROUGHT, pp. outraut’. [See Work.] Outdone; exceeded in act or efficacy.

    OUTZANY, v.t. [See Zany.] To exceed in buffoonery.

    OVAL, a. [L. ovum, an egg.]

    1. Of the shape or figure of an egg; oblong; curvilinear; resembling the longitudinal section of an egg. It is sometimes synonymous with elliptical; but an ellipsis is equally broad at both ends, and is not strictly egg-shaped.NWAD OVAL.2

    2. Pertaining to eggs; done in the egg; as oval conceptions.NWAD OVAL.3

    OVAL, n. A body or figure in the shape of an egg.

    OVARIOUS, a. Consisting of eggs; as ovarious food.

    OVARY, n. [L. ovarium, from ovum, an egg.]

    The part of a female animal in which the eggs are formed or lodged; or the part in which the fetus is supposed to be formed.NWAD OVARY.2

    OVATE, OVATED, a. [L. ovatus, from ovum, an egg.] Egg-shaped; as an ovate leaf.

    OVATE-LANCEOLATE, a. Having something of the form of an egg and a lance, inclining to the latter.

    OVATE-SUBULATE, a. Having something of the form of an egg and an awl, but most tending to the latter.

    OVATION, n. [L. ovatio.] In Roman antiquity, a lesser triumph allowed to commanders who had conquered without blood, or defeated an inconsiderable enemy.

    OVATO-OBLONG, a. Oblong in the shape of an egg, or with the end lengthened.

    OVEN, n. uv’n.

    An arch of brick or stone work, for baking bread and other things for food. Ovens are made in chimneys or set in the open air.NWAD OVEN.2

    OVER, prep. [L. super., Gr.]

    1. Across; from side to side; implying a passing or moving either above the substance or thing, or on the surface of it. Thus we say, a dog leaps over a stream, or over a table; a boat sails over a lake.NWAD OVER.2

    2. Above in place or position; opposed to below; as the clouds over our heads. The smoke rises over the city.NWAD OVER.3

    The mercy-seat that is over the testimony. Exodus 30:6.NWAD OVER.4

    3. Above, denoting superiority in excellence, dignity or value; as the advantages which the christian world has over the heathen.NWAD OVER.5

    Young Pallas shone conspicuous o’er the rest.NWAD OVER.6

    4. Above in authority, implying the right or power of superintending or governing; opposed to under.NWAD OVER.7

    Thou shalt be over my house. Genesis 41:40.NWAD OVER.8

    I will make thee ruler over many things. Matthew 25:23.NWAD OVER.9

    5. Upon the surface or whole surface; through the whole extent; as, to wander over the earth; to walk over a field, or over a city.NWAD OVER.10

    6. Upon. Watch over your children.NWAD OVER.11

    Dost thou not watch over my sin? Job 14:16.NWAD OVER.12

    His tender mercies are over all his works. Psalm 145:9.NWAD OVER.13

    7. During the whole time; from beginning to end; as, to keep any thing over night; to keep corn over winter.NWAD OVER.14

    8. Above the top; covering; immersing; as, the water is over the shoes or boots.NWAD OVER.15

    Over night. In this phrase, over sometimes signifies before; as, when preparing for a journey, we provide things necessary over night.NWAD OVER.16

    Over, in poetry, is often contracted into o’er.NWAD OVER.17

    OVER, adv.

    1. From side to side; as a board a foot over; a tree a foot over, a foot in diameter.NWAD OVER.19

    2. On the opposite side. The boat is safe over.NWAD OVER.20

    3. From one to another by passing; as, to deliver over goods to another.NWAD OVER.21

    4. From one country to another by passing; as, to carry any thing over to France, or to bring any thing over to England.NWAD OVER.22

    5. On the surface.NWAD OVER.23

    6. Above the top.NWAD OVER.24

    Good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. Luke 6:38.NWAD OVER.25

    7. More than the quantity assigned; beyond a limit.NWAD OVER.26

    He that gathered much had nothing over. Exodus 16:18.NWAD OVER.27

    8. Throughout; from beginning to end; completely; as, to read over a book; to argue a question over again.NWAD OVER.28

    Over and over, repeatedly; once and again.NWAD OVER.29

    And every night review’d it o’er and o’er.NWAD OVER.30

    Over again, once more; with repetition.NWAD OVER.31

    O kill not all my kindred o’er again.NWAD OVER.32

    Over and above, besides; beyond what is supposed or limited.NWAD OVER.33

    He gained, over and above, the good will of the people.NWAD OVER.34

    Over against, opposite; in front.NWAD OVER.35

    Over against this church stands a large hospital.NWAD OVER.36

    Over is used with rolling or turning from side to side; as, to turn over; to roll over.NWAD OVER.37

    1. To give over, to cease from; as, to give over an enterprize.NWAD OVER.38

    2. To consider as in a hopeless state; as, the physicians have given over their patient.NWAD OVER.39

    Over, in composition, denotes spreading, covering above; as in overcast, overflow; or across, as to overhear; or above, as to overhang; or turning, changing sides, as in overturn; or more generally beyond, implying excess or superiority, as in overact, overcome.NWAD OVER.40

    OVER, a.

    1. Past.NWAD OVER.42

    The Olympic games were over.NWAD OVER.43

    2. Upper; covering; as over-shoes; over-leather.NWAD OVER.44

    OVERABOUND, v.i. To abound more than enough; to be superabundant.

    OVERACT, v.t. To act or perform to excess; as, he overacted his part.

    OVERACT, v.i. To act more than is necessary.

    OVERAGITATE, v.t. To agitate or discuss beyond what is expedient.

    OVERALLS, n. A kind of trousers.

    OVERANXIOUS, a. Anxious to excess.

    OVERARCH, v.t. To arch over; to cover with an arch.

    Brown with o’erarching shades.NWAD OVERARCH.2

    OVERAWE, v.t. overaw’. To restrain by awe, fear or superior influence.

    The kind was present in person to overlook that magistrates and overawe the subjects with the terror of his sword.NWAD OVERAWE.2

    OVERBALANCE, v.t. To weigh down; to exceed in weight, value or importance. The evils which spring from vice overbalance all its pleasures.

    OVERBALANCE, n. Excess of weight or value; something more than an equivalent; as an overbalance of exports; an overbalance of probabilities.


    Too fruitful; exuberant. [Not used.]NWAD OVERBATTLE.2

    OVERBEAR, v.t. [See Bear.] To bear down; to repress; to subdue.

    The point of reputation, when the news first came of the battle lost, did overbear the reason of war.NWAD OVERBEAR.2

    Yet fortune, valor, all is overborne by numbers.NWAD OVERBEAR.3

    Till overborne with weight the Cyprians fell.NWAD OVERBEAR.4


    1. Bearing down; repressing.NWAD OVERBEARING.2

    2. a. Haughty and dogmatical; disposed or tending to repress or subdue by insolence or effrontery.NWAD OVERBEARING.3

    OVERBEND, v.t. To bend or stretch to excess.

    OVERBID, v.t.

    1. To bid or offer beyond.NWAD OVERBID.2

    2. To bid or offer more than an equivalent.NWAD OVERBID.3

    OVERBLOW, v.i.

    1. To blow with too much violence; a seaman’s phrase.NWAD OVERBLOW.2

    2. To blow over, or be past its violence. [Not used.]NWAD OVERBLOW.3

    OVERBLOW, v.t. To blow away; to dissipate by wind.

    OVERBLOWN, pp. Blown by and gone; blown away; driven by; past.

    And when this cloud of sorrow’s overblown.NWAD OVERBLOWN.2

    OVERBOARD, adv. Literally, over the side of a ship; hence, out of a ship or from on board; as, to fall overboard; which of course is to fall into the water.

    OVERBROW, v.t. To hang over.

    OVERBUILT, pp. overbilt’. Built over.

    OVERBULK, v.t. To oppress by bulk. [Not used.]

    OVERBURDEN, v.t. To load with too great weight.

    OVERBURDENED, pp. Overloaded.

    OVERBURN, v.t. To burn too much.

    OVERBUSY, a. overbiz’zy. Too busy; officious.

    OVERBUY, v.t. To buy at too dear a rate.

    OVERCANOPY, v.t. To cover as with a canopy.

    OVERCARE, n. Excessive care or anxiety.

    OVERCAREFUL, a. Careful to excess.

    OVERCARRY, v.t. To carry too far; to carry or urge beyond the proper point.

    OVERCAST, v.t.

    1. To cloud; to darken; to cover with gloom.NWAD OVERCAST.2

    The clouds that overcast our morn shall fly.NWAD OVERCAST.3

    2. To cast or compute at too high a rate; to rate too high.NWAD OVERCAST.4

    The king in his account of peace and calms did much overcast his fortunes -NWAD OVERCAST.5

    3. To sew over.NWAD OVERCAST.6

    OVERCAST, pp. Clouded; overspread with clouds or gloom.

    The dawn is overcast.NWAD OVERCAST.8

    Our days of age are sad and overcast.NWAD OVERCAST.9

    OVERCAUTIOUS, a. Cautious or prudent to excess.

    OVERCHARGE, v.t.

    1. To charge or load to excess; to cloy; to oppress.NWAD OVERCHARGE.2

    The heavy load of abundance with which we overcharge nature -NWAD OVERCHARGE.3

    2. To crowd too much.NWAD OVERCHARGE.4

    Our language is overcharged with consonants.NWAD OVERCHARGE.5

    3. To burden.NWAD OVERCHARGE.6

    4. To fill to excess; to surcharge; as, to overcharge the memory.NWAD OVERCHARGE.7

    5. To load with too great a charge, as a gun.NWAD OVERCHARGE.8

    6. To charge too much; to enter in an account more than is just.NWAD OVERCHARGE.9


    1. An excessive load or burden.NWAD OVERCHARGE.11

    2. A charge in an account of more than is just.NWAD OVERCHARGE.12

    3. A charge beyond what is proper.NWAD OVERCHARGE.13

    OVERCLIMB, v.t. To climb over.

    OVERCLOUD, v.t. To cover or overspread with clouds.

    OVERCLOY, v.t. To fill beyond satiety.

    OVERCOLD, a. Cold to excess.

    OVERCOME, v.t. [See Come.]

    1. To conquer; to vanquish; to subdue; as, to overcome enemies in battle.NWAD OVERCOME.2

    2. To surmount; to get the better of; as, to overcome difficulties or obstacles.NWAD OVERCOME.3

    3. To overflow; to surcharge. [Not used.]NWAD OVERCOME.4

    4. To come upon; to invade. [Not used.]NWAD OVERCOME.5

    OVERCOME, v.i. To gain the superiority; to be victorious. Romans 3:4.

    OVERCOMER, n. One who vanquishes or surmounts.

    OVERCOMINGLY, adv. With superiority.

    OVERCONFIDENCE, n. Excessive confidence.

    OVERCORN, v.t. To corn to excess.

    OVERCOUNT, v.t. To rate above the true value.

    OVERCOVER, v.t. To cover completely.

    OVERCREDULOUS, a. Too apt to believe.

    OVERCROW, v.t. To crow as in triumph. [Not used.]

    OVERCURIOUS, a. Curious or nice to excess.

    OVERDATE, v.t. To date beyond the proper period.

    OVERDIGHT, a. Covered over. Obs.

    OVERDILIGENT, a. Diligent to excess.

    OVERDO, v.t.

    1. To do or perform too much.NWAD OVERDO.2

    2. To harass; to fatigue; to oppress by too much action or labor.NWAD OVERDO.3

    3. To boil, bake or road too much.NWAD OVERDO.4

    OVERDO, v.i. To labor too hard; to do too much.

    OVERDONE, pp.

    1. Overacted; acted to excess.NWAD OVERDONE.2

    2. Wearied or oppressed by too much labor.NWAD OVERDONE.3

    3. Boiled, baked or roasted too much.NWAD OVERDONE.4

    OVERDOSE, n. Too great a dose.

    OVERDRESS, v.t. To dress to excess; to adorn too much.

    OVERDRINK, v.t. To drink to excess.

    OVERDRIVE, v.t. To drive too hard, or beyond strength. Genesis 33:13.

    OVERDRY, v.t. To dry too much.

    OVEREAGER, a. Too eager; too vehement in desire.

    OVEREAGERLY, adv. With excessive eagerness.

    OVEREAGERNESS, n. Excess of earnestness.

    OVEREAT, v.t. To eat to excess.

    OVERELEGANT, a. Elegant to excess.

    OVEREMPTY, v.t. To make too empty.

    OVEREYE, v.t.

    1. To superintend; to inspect. [Little used.]NWAD OVEREYE.2

    2. To observe to remark.NWAD OVEREYE.3

    OVERFALL, n. A cataract; the fall of a river.

    OVERFATIGUE, n. overfatee’g. To fatigue to excess.

    OVERFATIGUE, v.t. overfatee’g. To fatigue to excess.

    OVERFEED, v.t. To feed to excess.

    OVERFILL, v.t. To fill to excess; to surcharge.

    OVERFLOAT, v.t. To overflow; to inundate.

    OVERFLOURISH, v.t. overflur’ish. To make excessive display or flourish.

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