PARENTAL, a. Pertaining to parents; as parental government.
1. Becoming parents; tender; affectionate; as parental care of solicitude.NWAD PARENTAL.2
PARENTATION, n. [from L. parento.]
Something done or said in honor of the dead.NWAD PARENTATION.2
PARENTHESIS, n. [Gr. to insert.] A sentence, or certain words inserted in a sentence, which interrupt the sense or natural connection of words, but serve to explain or qualify the sense of the principal sentence. The parenthesis is usually included in hooks or curved lines, thus.
These officers, whom they still call bishops, are to be elected to a provision comparatively mean, through the same arts, (that is, electioneering arts,) by men of all religious tenets that are known or can be invented.NWAD PARENTHESIS.2
Do not suffer every occasional thought to carry you away into a long parenthesis.NWAD PARENTHESIS.3
PARENTHETICICAL, a. Pertaining to a parenthesis; expressed in a parenthesis.
1. Using parenthesis.NWAD PARENTHETICICAL.2
PARENTICIDE, n. [L. parens and coedo.] One who kills a parent.
PARENTLESS, a. Deprived of parents.
PARER, n. [from pare.] He or that which pares; an instrument for paring.
PARERGY, n. [Gr. beyond, and work.] Something unimportant, or done by the by. [Not used.]
PARGASITE, n. [from the isle Pargas, in Finland.] A mineral of a grayish or bluish green, in rounded grains, with a dull, dun surface, rarely bright; or in crystals in carbonate of lime, in little plates mixed with lamellar mica; a variety of actinolite.
PARGET, n. Gypsum or plaster stone.
1. Plaster laid on roofs or walls.NWAD PARGET.2
2. Paint.NWAD PARGET.3
Parget is applied to the several kinds of gypsum, which when slightly calcined, is called plaster of Paris, and is used in casting statues, in stucco for floors, ceilings, etc.NWAD PARGET.4
PARGET, v.t. To plaster walls.
1. To paint; to cover with paint.NWAD PARGET.6
PARGETED, pp. Plastered; stuccoed.
PARGETER, n. A plasterer.
PARGETING, ppr. Plastering; as a noun, plaster or stucco.
PARHELION, n. [Gr. near, and the sun.] A mock sun or meteor, appearing in the form of a bright light near the sun; sometimes tinged with colors like the rainbow, with a luminous train.
PARIAL, PAIR-ROYAL, n. Three of a sort in certain games of cards.
PARIAN, a. Pertaining to Paros, an isle in the Egean sea; as Parian marble.
Parian chronicle, a chronicle of the city of Athens, engraved on marble in capital letters in the isle of Paros. It contains a chronological account of events from Cecrops, 1582 years before Christ, to the archonship of Diognetus, 264 years before that era; but the chronicle of the last 90 years is lost. This marble was procured from Asia Minor in 1627, by the earl of Arundel, and being broken, the pieces are called Arundelian marbles. They are now deposited in the university of Oxford. The antiquity of the inscription has been disputed.NWAD PARIAN.2
PARIETAL, a. [from L. paries, a wall, properly a partition wall, from the root of part or pare.] Pertaining to a wall.
1. The parietal bones form the sides and upper part of the skull. They are so called because they defend the brain like walls.NWAD PARIETAL.2
PARIETARY, n. [L. paries, a wall.] A plant, the pellitory of the wall, of the genus Parietaria.
PARIETINE, n. [L. paries, wall.] A piece of a wall. [Not used.]
PARING, ppr. Cutting or shaving off the extremities.
PARING, n. That which is pared off; rind separated from fruit; a piece clipped off.
1. The act or practice of cutting off the surface of grass land, for tillage.NWAD PARING.3
PARIS, n. A plant, herb Paris or true-love, or rather a genus of plants of one species.
PARISH, n. [Low L. parochia; Gr. a dwelling or near residence; near, and house, or to dwell; or more probably from the Gr. a salary or largess, an allowance for support; to afford, yield or supply, whence L. parocha, entertainment given to embassadors at the public expense. If parish is to be deduced from either of these sources, it is probably from the latter, and parish is equivalent to benefice, living, as prebend, from L. proebeo.]
1. The precinct or territorial jurisdiction of a secular priest, or the precinct, the inhabitants of which belong to the same church.NWAD PARISH.2
2. In some of the American states, parish is an ecclesiastical society not bounded by territorial limits; but the inhabitants of a town belonging to one church, though residing promiscuously among the people belonging to another church, are called a parish. This is particularly the case in Massachusetts. In Connecticut, the legal appellation of such a society is ecclesiastical society.NWAD PARISH.3
PARISH, a. Belonging to a parish; having the spiritual charge of the inhabitants belonging to the same church; as a parish priest.
1. Belonging to a parish; as a parish church; parish records.NWAD PARISH.5
2. Maintained by the parish; as parish poor.NWAD PARISH.6
PARISHIONER, n. One that belongs to a parish.
Having equal or like syllables.NWAD PARISYLLABIC.2
PARITOR, n. [for apparitor.] A beadle; a summoner of the courts of civil law.
PARITY, n. [L. par, equal. See Pair and Peer.]
1. Equality; as parity of reason.NWAD PARITY.2
2. Equality; like state or degree; as a parity of orders or persons.NWAD PARITY.3
PARK, n. [L. parcus, saving.] A large piece of ground inclosed and privileged for wild beasts of chase, in England, by the king’s grant or by prescription. To constitute a park, three things are required; a royal grant or license; inclosure by pales, a wall or hedge; and beasts of chase, as deer, etc.
Park of artillery, or artillery park, a place in the rear of both lines of any army for encamping the artillery, which is formed in lines, the guns in front, the ammunition wagons behind the guns, and the pontoons and tumbrils forming the third line. The whole is surrounded with a rope. The gunners and matrosses encamp on the flanks; the bombardiers, pontoon-men and artificers in the rear.NWAD PARK.2
Also, the whole train of artillery belonging to an army or division of troops.NWAD PARK.3
Park of provisions, the place where the settlers pitch their tents and sell provisions, and that where the bread wagons are stationed.NWAD PARK.4
P`ARK, v.t. To inclose in a park.
PARKER, n. The keeper of a park.
PARKLEAVES, n. A plant of the genus Hypericum.
PARLANCE, n. Conversation; discourse; talk.
PARLE, n. parl. Conversation; talk; oral treaty or discussion. [Not used.] [See Parley.]
PARLEY, v.i. [L. fero, or pario.] In a general sense, to speak with another; to discourse; but appropriately, to confer with on some point of mutual concern; to discuss orally; hence, to confer with an enemy; to treat with by words; as on an exchange of prisoners, on a cessation of arms, or the subject of peace.
P`ARLEY, n. Mutual discourse or conversation; discussion; but appropriately, a conference with an enemy in war.
We yield on parley, but are storm’d in vain.NWAD PARLEY.3
To beat a parley, in military language, to beat a drum or sound a trumpet, as a signal for holding a conference with the enemy.NWAD PARLEY.4
PARLIAMENT, n. Literally, a speaking, conference, mutual discourse or consultation; hence,
1. In Great Britain, the grand assembly of the three estates, the lords spiritual, lords temporal, and the commons; the general council of the nation constituting the legislature, summoned by the king’s authority to consult on the affairs of the nation, and to enact and repeal laws. Primarily, the king may be considered as a constituent branch of parliament; but the word is generally used to denote the three estates above named, consisting of two distinct branches, the house of lords and house of commons.NWAD PARLIAMENT.2
The word parliament was introduced into England under the Norman kings. The supreme council of the nation was called under the Saxon kings, wittenage-mote, the meeting of wise men or sages.NWAD PARLIAMENT.3
2. The supreme council of Sweden, consisting of four estates; the nobility and representatives of the gentry; the clergy, one of which body is elected from every rural deanery of ten parishes; the burghers, elected by the magistrates and council of every corporation; and the peasants, elected by persons of their own order.NWAD PARLIAMENT.4
3. In France, before the revolution, a council or court consisting of certain noblemen.NWAD PARLIAMENT.5
PARLIAMENTARIAN, PARLIAMENTEER, n. One of those who adhered to the parliament in the time of Charles I.
PARLIAMENTARIAN, a. Serving the parliament in opposition to king Charles I.
PARLIAMENTARY, a. Pertaining to parliament; as parliamentary authority.
1. Enacted or done by parliament; as a parliamentary act.NWAD PARLIAMENTARY.2
2. According to the rules and usages of parliament, or to the rules and customs of legislative bodies.NWAD PARLIAMENTARY.3
PARLOR, n. Primarily, the apartment in a nunnery where the nuns are permitted to meet and converse with each other; hence with us, the room in a house which the family usually occupy when they have no company, as distinguished from a drawing room intended for the reception of company, or from a dining room, when a distinct apartment is allotted for that purpose. In most houses, the parlor is also the dining room.
PARLOUS, a. Keen; sprightly; waggish. [Not used.]
PAROCHIAL, a. [from L. parochia.] Belonging to a parish; as parochial clergy; parochial duties.
PAROCHIALITY, n. The state of being parochial.
PAROCHIAN, a. Pertaining to a parish.
PAROCHIAN, n. [supra.] A parishioner.
PARODIC, PARODICAL, a. [See Parody.] Copying after the manner of parody.
PARODY, n. [Gr. ode.]
1. A kind of writing in which the words of an author or his thoughts are, by some slight alterations, adapted to a different purpose; a kind of poetical pleasantry, in which verses written on one subject, are altered and applied to another by way of burlesque.NWAD PARODY.2
2. A popular maxim, adage or proverb.NWAD PARODY.3
PARODY, v.t. To alter, as verses or words, and apply to a purpose different from that of the original.
I have translated, or rather parodied a poem of Horace.NWAD PARODY.5
PAROL, PAROLE, n. [L. parabola.]
1. Properly, a word; hence, in a legal sense, words or oral declaration; word of mouth. Formerly, conveyances were made by parol or word of mouth only.NWAD PAROL.2
2. Pleadings in a suit; as anciently all pleadings were viva voce or ore tenus.NWAD PAROL.3
The parol may demur.NWAD PAROL.4
PAROL, PAROLE, a. Given by word of mouth; oral; not written; as parol evidence.
[It would be well to write this word parole, in uniformity with the following, there being no good reason for a distinction.]NWAD PAROL.6
PAROLE, n. [See Parol.] Word of mouth. In military affairs, a promise given by a prisoner of war, when he has leave to depart from custody, that he will return at the time appointed, unless discharged. A parole is properly a verbal or unwritten promise, but I believe it is customary to take a promise in writing.
PARONOMASIA, PARONOMASY, n. [from Gr. to transgress law or rule.]
A rhetorical figure, by which words nearly alike in sound, but of different meanings, are affectedly or designedly used; a play upon words; a pun. [See Pun.]NWAD PARONOMASIA.2
PARONOMASTIC, PARONOMASTICAL, a. Pertaining to paronomasy; consisting in a play upon words.
PARONYCHIA, n. [Gr. by, and the nail.] In surgery, a whitlow or felon.
PARONYMOUS, a. [Gr. name.] Resembling another word.
PAROQUET, PAROKET, n. A small species of parrot.
[More properly perroquet, which see.]NWAD PAROQUET.2
PAROTID, a. [Gr. near, and ear.] Pertaining to or denoting certain glands below and before the ears, or near the articulation of the lower jaw. The parotid glands secrete a portion of the saliva.
PAROTIS, n. [Gr. See Parotid.]
1. The parotid gland; a secreting salivary conglomerate gland below and before the ear.NWAD PAROTIS.2
2. An inflammation or abscess of the parotid gland.NWAD PAROTIS.3
PAROXYSM, n. [Gr. to excite or sharpen; and sharp.] An exasperation or exacerbation of a disease; a fit of higher excitement or violence in a disease that has remissions or intermissions; as the paroxysm of a fever or gout.
PAROXYSMAL, a. Pertaining to paroxysm; as a paroxysmal disposition.
PARREL, n. [L. paro. It coincides with apparel, which see.]
Among seamen, an apparatus or frame made or ropes, trucks and ribs, so contrived as to go round the mast, and being fastened at both ends to a yard, serves to hoist it.NWAD PARREL.2
PARRICIDAL, PARRIDICIOUS, a. [See Parricide.] Pertaining to parricide; containing the crime of murdering a parent or child.
1. Committing parricide.NWAD PARRICIDAL.2
PARRICIDE, n. [L. paricida, from pater, father, and coedo, to kill.]
1. A person who murders his father or mother.NWAD PARRICIDE.2
2. One who murders an ancestor, or any one to whom he owes reverence. Blackstone applies the word to one who kills his child.NWAD PARRICIDE.3
3. The murder of a parent or one to whom reverence is due.NWAD PARRICIDE.4
4. One who invades or destroys any to whom he owes particular reverence, as his country or patron.NWAD PARRICIDE.5
PARRIED, pp. [See Parry.] Warded off; driven aside.
1. The name of fowls of the genus Psittacus, of numerous species. The bill is hooked and the upper mandible movable. The hooked bill of the parrot is used in climbing. These fowls are found almost every where in tropical climates. They breed in hollow trees and subsist on fruits and seeds. They are also remarkable for the faculty of making indistinct articulations of words in imitation of the human voice.NWAD PARROT.2
2. A fish found among the Bahama isles, esteemed to be delicate food and remarkable for the richness of its colors.NWAD PARROT.3
1. In fencing, to ward off; to stop or to put or turn by; as, to parry a thrust.NWAD PARRY.2
2. To ward off; to turn aside; to prevent a blow from taking effect.NWAD PARRY.3
3. To avoid; to shift off.NWAD PARRY.4
The French government has parried the payment of our claims.NWAD PARRY.5
PARRY, v.i. To ward off; to put by thrusts or strokes; to fence.
PARRYING, ppr. Warding off, as a thrust or blow.
PARSE, v.t. p`ars. [from L. pars, part.] In grammar, to resolve a sentence into its elements, or to show the several parts of speech composing a sentence, and their relation to each other by government or agreement.
PARSIMONIOUS, a. [See Parsimony.] Sparing in the use or expenditure of money; covetous; near; close. It differs from frugal, in implying more closeness or narrowness of mind, or an attachment to property somewhat excessive, or a disposition to spend less money that is necessary or honorable.
Extraordinary funds for one campaign may spare us the expense of many years; whereas a long parsimonious war will drain us of more men and money.NWAD PARSIMONIOUS.2
[It is sometimes used in a good sense for frugal.]NWAD PARSIMONIOUS.3
PARSIMONIOUSLY, adv. With a very sparing use of money; covetously.
PARSIMONIOUSNESS, n. A very sparing use of money, or a disposition to save expense.
PARSIMONY, n. [L. parsimonia, from parcus, saving, literally close; Eng. park.] Closeness or sparingness in the use or expenditure of money; sometimes used perhaps in a good sense, implying due or justifiable caution in expenditure, in which sense it differs little from frugality and economy. More generally, it denotes an excessive caution or closeness; in which case, it is allied to covetousness, but it implies less meanness than niggardliness. It generally implies some want of honorable liberality.
The ways to enrich are many; parsimony is one of the best, and yet is not innocent, for it withholdeth men from works of liberality.NWAD PARSIMONY.2
PARSLEY, n. [L. petroselinon; Gr. a stone, and parsley; stone-parsley, a plant growing among rocks.] A plant of the genus Apium. The leaves of parsley are used in cookery, and the root is an aperient medicine.
PARSNEP, n. [L. napus, which occurs also in turnep.] A plant of the genus Pastinaca. The root of the garden parsnep is deemed a valuable esculent.
1. The priest of a parish or ecclesiastical society; the rector or incumbent of a parish, who has the parochial charge or cure of souls. It is used in this sense by all denominations of christians; but among independents or congregationalists it is merely a colloquial word.NWAD PARSON.2
2. A clergyman; a man that is in orders or has been licensed to preach.NWAD PARSON.3
PARSONAGE, n. In America, the glebe and house belonging to a parish or ecclesiastical society, and appropriated to the maintenance of the incumbent or settled pastor of a church.
1. In England, the benefice of a parish, or the house appropriated to the residence of the incumbent.NWAD PARSONAGE.2
Parsonically, in Chesterfield, is not an authorized word.NWAD PARSONAGE.3
PART, n. [L. pars, partis.]
1. A portion, piece or fragment separated from a whole thing; as, to divide an orange into five parts.NWAD PART.2
2. A portion or quantity of a thing not separated in fact, but considered or mentioned by itself. In what part of England is Oxford situated? So we say, the upper part or lower part, the fore part, a remote part, a small part, or a great part.NWAD PART.3
The people stood at the nether part of the mount. Exodus 19:17.NWAD PART.4
3. A portion of number, separated or considered by itself; as a part of the nation or congregation.NWAD PART.5
4. A portion or component particle; as the component parts of a fossil or metal.NWAD PART.6
5. A portion of man; as the material part or body, or the intellectual part, the soul or understanding; the perishable part; the immortal part.NWAD PART.7
6. A member.NWAD PART.8
All the parts were formed in his mind into one harmonious body.NWAD PART.9
7. Particular division; distinct species or sort belonging to a whole; as all the parts of domestic business or of a manufacture.NWAD PART.10
8. Ingredient in a mingled mass; a portion in a compound.NWAD PART.11
9. That which falls to each in division; share; as, let me bear my part of the danger.NWAD PART.12
10. Proportional quantity; as four parts of lime with three of sand.NWAD PART.13
11. Share; concern; interest.NWAD PART.14
Sheba said, we have no part in David. 2 Samuel 20:1.NWAD PART.15
12. Side; party; interest; faction.NWAD PART.16
And make whole kingdoms take her brother’s part.NWAD PART.17
13. Something relating or belonging to; that which concerns; as for your part; for his part; for her part.NWAD PART.18
For my part, I have no servile end in my labor.NWAD PART.19
14. Share of labor, action or influence; particular office or business.NWAD PART.20
Accuse not nature, she hath done her part,NWAD PART.21
Do thou but thine.NWAD PART.22
15. Character appropriated in a play. The parts of the comedy were judiciously cast and admirable performed.NWAD PART.23
16. Action; conduct.NWAD PART.24
17. In mathematics, such a portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity. Thus 3 is a part of 12. It is the opposite of multiple.NWAD PART.25
Parts, in the plural, qualities; powers; faculties; accomplishments.NWAD PART.26
Such licentious parts tend for the most part to the hurt of the English--NWAD PART.27
Parts, applied to place, signifies quarters, regions, districts.NWAD PART.28
When he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece. Acts 20:2.NWAD PART.29
All parts resound with tumults, plaints and fears.NWAD PART.30
In general, parts is used for excellent or superior endowments, or more than ordinary talents. This is what we understand by the phrase, a man of parts.NWAD PART.31
In good part, as well done; favorably; acceptably; in a friendly manner; not in displeasure.NWAD PART.32
God accepteth it in good part at the hands of faithful man. ill part, as ill done; unfavorably; with displeasure.NWAD PART.33
For the most part, commonly; oftener than otherwise.NWAD PART.34
In part, in some degree or extent; partly.NWAD PART.35
Logical part, among schoolmen, a division of some universal as its whole; in which sense, species are parts of a genus, and individuals are parts of a species.NWAD PART.36
Physical parts, are of two kinds, homogeneous and heterogeneous; the first is of the same denomination; the second of different ones.NWAD PART.37
Aliquot part, is a quantity which being repeated any number of times, becomes equal to an integer. Thus 6 is an aliquot part of 24.NWAD PART.38
Aliquant part, is a quantity which being repeated any number of times, becomes greater or less than the whole, as 5 is an aliquant part of 17.NWAD PART.39
Part of speech, in grammar, a sort or class of words of a particular character. Thus the noun is part of speech, denoting the names of things, or those vocal sounds which usage has attached to things. The verb is a part of speech expressing motion, action or being.NWAD PART.40
P`ART, v.t. [L. partio.]
1. To divide, separate or break; to sever into two or more pieces.NWAD PART.42
2. To divide into shares; to distribute. Acts 2:45.NWAD PART.43
3. To separate or disunite, as things which are near each other. Ruth 1:17.NWAD PART.44
4. To keep asunder; to separate. A narrow sea parts England from France.NWAD PART.45
5. To separate, as combatants. Night parted the armies.NWAD PART.46
6. To secern; to secrete.NWAD PART.47
The liver minds his own affair,NWAD PART.48
And parts and strains the vital juices.NWAD PART.49
7. In seamen’s language, to break; as, the ship parted her cables.NWAD PART.50
8. To separate metals.NWAD PART.51
P`ART, v.i. To be separated, removed or detached.
Powerful hands will not partNWAD PART.53
Easily from possession won with arms.NWAD PART.54
1. To quit each other.NWAD PART.55
He wrung Bassanio’s hand, and so they parted.NWAD PART.56
2. To take or bid farewell.NWAD PART.57
3. To have a share.NWAD PART.58
They shall part alike. 1 Samuel 30:24.NWAD PART.59
4. To go away; to depart.NWAD PART.60
Thy fatherNWAD PART.61
Embraced me, parting for th’ Etrurian land.NWAD PART.62
5. To break; to be torn asunder. The cable parted. part with, to quit; to resign; to lose; to be separated from; as, to part with near friends.NWAD PART.63
Celia, for thy sake I partNWAD PART.64
With all that grew so near my heart.NWAD PART.65
PARTABLE. [See Partible.]
PARTAGE, n. Division; severance; the act of dividing or sharing; a French word. [Little used.]
PARTAKE, v.i. pret. partook; pp. partaken. [part and take.]
1. To take a part, portion or share in common with others; to have a share or part; to participate; usually followed by of, sometimes less properly by in. All men partake of the common bounties of Providence. Clodius was at the feast, but could not partake of the enjoyments.NWAD PARTAKE.2
2. To have something of the property, nature, claim or right.NWAD PARTAKE.3
The attorney of the duchy of Lancaster partakes partly of a judge, and partly of an attorney general.NWAD PARTAKE.4
3. To be admitted; not to be excluded.NWAD PARTAKE.5
PARTAKE, v.t. To have a part in; to share.
My royal father lives;NWAD PARTAKE.7
Let every one partake the general joy.NWAD PARTAKE.8
[This is probably elliptical, of being omitted.]NWAD PARTAKE.9
1. To admit to a part. [Not used.]NWAD PARTAKE.10
PARTAKEN, pp. Shared with others; participated.
PARTAKER, n. One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; usually followed by of.
If the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things-- Romans 15:27.NWAD PARTAKER.2
Sometimes followed by in.NWAD PARTAKER.3
Wish me partaker in thy happiness--NWAD PARTAKER.4
If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Matthew 23:30.NWAD PARTAKER.5
1. An accomplice; an associate.NWAD PARTAKER.6
When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. Psalm 50:18.NWAD PARTAKER.7
PARTAKING, ppr. Sharing with others; participating.
PARTAKING, n. An associating; combination in an evil design.
PARTED, pp. Separated; divided; severed.
PARTER, n. One that parts or separates.
PARTERRE, n. parta’re. In gardening, a level division of ground furnished with evergreens and flowers; sometimes cut into shell and scroll work with alleys.
PARTIAL, a. [L. pars.]
1. Biased to one party; inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a question, more than the other; not indifferent. It is important to justice that a judge should not be partial.NWAD PARTIAL.2
Self-love will make men partial to themselves and friends.NWAD PARTIAL.3
2. Inclined to favor without reason. Authors are partial to their wit, and critics to their judgment.NWAD PARTIAL.4
3. Affecting a part only; not general or universal; not total. It has been much disputed whether the deluge was partial or total.NWAD PARTIAL.5
All partial evil, universal good.NWAD PARTIAL.6
4. More strongly inclined to one thing than to others. [Colloquial.]NWAD PARTIAL.7
5. In botany, subordinate; applied to subdivisions; as a partial umbel or umbellicle; a partial peduncle. A partial involucre is placed at the foot of a partial umbel.NWAD PARTIAL.8
PARTIALIST, n. One who is partial. [Unusual.]
PARTIALITY, n. parshal’ity. Inclination to favor one party or one side of a question more than the other; an undue bias of mind towards one party or side, which is apt to warp the judgment. Partiality springs from the will and affections, rather than from a love of truth and justice.
1. A stronger inclination to one thing than to others; as a partiality for poetry or painting; a colloquial use.NWAD PARTIALITY.2
PARTIALIZE, v.t. To render partial. [Not used.]
PARTIALLY, adv. With undue bias of mind to one party or side; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially.
1. In part; not totally; as, the story may be partially true; the body may be partially affected with disease; the sun and moon are often partially eclipsed.NWAD PARTIALLY.2
PARTIBILITY, n. [See Partible.] Susceptibility of division, partition or severance; separability; as the partibility of an inheritance.
PARTIBLE, a. Divisible; separable; susceptible of severance or partition; as, an estate of inheritance may be partible.
PARTICIPABLE, a. [See Participate.] That may be participated or shared.
PARTICIPANT, a. [See Participate.] Sharing; having a share or part; followed by of.
The prince saw he should confer with one participant of more than monkish speculations.NWAD PARTICIPANT.2
PARTICIPANT, n. A partaker; one having a share or part.
PARTICIPATE, v.i. [L. participo; pars, part, and capio, to take.]
1. To partake; to have a share in common with others. The heart of sensibility participates in the sufferings of a friend. It is sometimes followed by of.NWAD PARTICIPATE.2
He would participate of their wants.NWAD PARTICIPATE.3
2. To have part of more things than one.NWAD PARTICIPATE.4
Few creatures participate of the nature of plants and metals both.NWAD PARTICIPATE.5
PARTICIPATE, v.t. To partake; to share; to receive a part of.
Such as I seek, fit to participateNWAD PARTICIPATE.8
All rational delight--NWAD PARTICIPATE.9
PARTICIPATED, pp. Shared in common with others; partaken.
PARTICIPATING, ppr. Having a part or share; partaking.
PARTICIPATION, n. The state of sharing in common with others; as a participation of joys or sorrows.
1. The act or state of receiving or having part of something.NWAD PARTICIPATION.2
Those deities are so by participation, and subordinate to the Supreme.NWAD PARTICIPATION.3
2. Distribution; division into shares.NWAD PARTICIPATION.4
PARTICIPATIVE, a. Capable of participating.
PARTICIPIAL, a. [L. participialis. See Participle.]
1. Having the nature and use of a participle.NWAD PARTICIPIAL.2
2. Formed from a participle; as a participial noun.NWAD PARTICIPIAL.3
PARTICIPIALLY, adv. In the sense or manner of a participle.
PARTICIPLE, n. [L. participium, from participo; pars, part, and capio, to take.]
1. In grammar, a word so called because it partakes of the properties of a noun and of a verb; as having, making, in English; habens, faciens, in Latin. The English participles having, making, become nouns by prefixing the to them; as the having of property; the making of instruments. But all participles do not partake of the properties of a noun, as the passive participles for example, had, made.NWAD PARTICIPLE.2
Participles sometimes lose the properties of a verb and become adjectives, as willing, in the phrase, a willing heart; engaging, as engaging manners; accomplished, as an accomplished orator.NWAD PARTICIPLE.3
2. Any thing that participates of different things. [Not used.]NWAD PARTICIPLE.4
PARTICLE, n. [L. particula, from pars, part.]
1. A minute part or portion of matter; as a particle of sand, of lime or of light.NWAD PARTICLE.2
2. In physics, a minute part of a body, an aggregation or collection of which constitutes the whole body or mass. The word is sometimes used in the same sense as atom, in the ancient Epicurean philosophy, and corpuscle in the latter. In this sense, particles are the elements or constituent parts of bodies.NWAD PARTICLE.3
3. Any very small portion or part; as, he has not a particle of patriotism or virtue; he would not resign a particle of his property.NWAD PARTICLE.4
4. In the Latin church, a crumb or little piece of consecrated bread.NWAD PARTICLE.5
5. In grammar, a word that is not varied or inflected; as a preposition.NWAD PARTICLE.6
Organic particles, very minute moving bodies, perceptible only by the help of the microscope, discovered in the semen of animals.NWAD PARTICLE.7
PARTICULAR, a. [Low L. particularis, from particula.]
1. Pertaining to a single person or thing; not general; as, this remark has a particular application.NWAD PARTICULAR.2
2. Individual; noting or designating a single thing by way of distinction. Each plant has its particular nutriment. Most persons have a particular trait of character. He alludes to a particular person.NWAD PARTICULAR.3
3. Noting some property or thing peculiar.NWAD PARTICULAR.4
Of this prince there is little particular memory.NWAD PARTICULAR.5
4. Attentive to things single or distinct; minute. I have been particular in examining the reasons of this law.NWAD PARTICULAR.6
5. Single; not general.NWAD PARTICULAR.7
6. Odd; singular; having something that eminently distinguishes one from others.NWAD PARTICULAR.8
7. Singularly nice in taste; as a man very particular in his diet or dress.NWAD PARTICULAR.9
8. Special; more than ordinary. He has brought no particular news.NWAD PARTICULAR.10
9. Containing a part only; as a particular estate, precedent to the estate in remainder.NWAD PARTICULAR.11
10. Holding a particular estate; as a particular tenant.NWAD PARTICULAR.12
PARTICULAR, n. A single instance; a single point.
I must reserve some particulars, which it is not lawful for me to reveal.NWAD PARTICULAR.14
1. A distinct, separate or minute part; as, he told me all the particulars of the story.NWAD PARTICULAR.15
2. An individual; a private person.NWAD PARTICULAR.16
3. Private interest; as, they apply their minds to those branches of public prayer, wherein their own particular is moved. [Not in use.]NWAD PARTICULAR.17
4. Private character; state of an individual.NWAD PARTICULAR.18
For his particular, I will receive him gladly. [Not in use.]NWAD PARTICULAR.19
5. A minute detail of things singly enumerated.NWAD PARTICULAR.20
The reader has a particular of the books wherein this law was written. [Not in use.]NWAD PARTICULAR.21
In particular, specially; peculiarly; distinctly.NWAD PARTICULAR.22
This, in particular, happens to the lungs.NWAD PARTICULAR.23
PARTICULARITY, n. Distinct notice or specification of particulars.
--Even descending to particularities, what kingdoms he should overcome.NWAD PARTICULARITY.2
1. Singleness; individuality; single act; single case.NWAD PARTICULARITY.3
2. Petty account; minute incident.NWAD PARTICULARITY.4
To see the titles that were most agreeable to such an emperor--with the like particularities--NWAD PARTICULARITY.5
3. Something belonging to single persons.NWAD PARTICULARITY.6
4. Something peculiar or singular.NWAD PARTICULARITY.7
I saw an old heathen altar with this particularity, that it was hollowed like a dish at one end, but not the end on which the sacrifice was laid.NWAD PARTICULARITY.8
5. Minuteness in detail. He related the story with great particularity.NWAD PARTICULARITY.9
PARTICULARIZE, v.t. To mention distinctly or in particulars; to enumerate or specify in detail.
He not only boasts of his parentage as an Israelite, but particularizes his descent from Benjamin.NWAD PARTICULARIZE.2
PARTICULARIZE, v.i. To be attentive to single things.
PARTICULARLY, adv. Distinctly; singly.
1. In an especial manner.NWAD PARTICULARLY.2
This exact propriety of Virgil I particularly regarded as a great part of his character.NWAD PARTICULARLY.3