REBUKING, ppr. Chiding; reproving; checking; punishing.
REBULLITION, n. [See Ebullition and Boil.] Act of boiling or effervescing. [Little used.]
REBURY, v.t. reber’ry. [re and bury.] To inter again.
REBUS, n. [L. from res, which is of the class Rd, Rs, and of the same family as riddle. See Riddle, Read and Real.]
1. An enigmatical representation of some name, etc. by using figures or pictures instead of words. A gallant in love with a woman named Rose Hill, painted on the border of his gown, a rose, a hill, an eye, a loaf and a well, which reads, Rose Hill I love well.NWAD REBUS.2
2. A sort of riddle.NWAD REBUS.3
3. In some chimical writers, sour milk; sometimes, the ultimate matter of which all bodies are composed.NWAD REBUS.4
4. In heraldry, a coat of arms which bears an allusion to the name of the person; as three cups, for Butler.NWAD REBUS.5
REBUT, v.t. [See Butt and Pout.]
To repel; to oppose by argument, plea or countervailing proof. [It is used by lawyers in a general sense.]NWAD REBUT.2
REBUT, v.i.
1. To retire back. Obs.NWAD REBUT.4
2. To answer, as a plaintiff’s sur-rejoinder.NWAD REBUT.5
The plaintiff may answer the rejoinder by a sur-rejoinder; on which the defendant may rebut.NWAD REBUT.6
REBUTTED, pp. Repelled; answered.
REBUTTER, n. In law pleadings, the answer of a defendant to a plaintiff’s sur-rejoinder.
If I grant to a tenant to hold without impeachment of waste, and afterward implead him for waste done, he may debar me of this action by showing my grant, which is a rebutter.NWAD REBUTTER.2
REBUTTING, ppr. Repelling; opposing by argument, countervailing allegation or evidence.
RECALL, v.t. [re and call.]
1. To call back; to take back; as, to recall words or declarations.NWAD RECALL.2
2. To revoke; to annul by a subsequent act; as, to recall a decree.NWAD RECALL.3
3. To call back; to revive in memory; as, to recall to mind what has been forgotten.NWAD RECALL.4
4. To call back from a place or mission; as, to recall a minister from a foreign court; to recall troops from India.NWAD RECALL.5
1. A calling back; revocation.NWAD RECALL.7
2. The power of calling back or revoking.NWAD RECALL.8
‘Tis done, and since ‘tis done, ‘tis past recall.NWAD RECALL.9
RECALLABLE, a. That may be recalled.
Delegates recallable at pleasure.NWAD RECALLABLE.2
RECALLED, pp. Called back; revoked.
RECALLING, ppr. Calling back; revoking.
RECANT, v.t. [L. recanto; re and canto. See Cant.]
To retract; to recall; to contradict a former declaration.NWAD RECANT.2
How soon would ease recant vows made in pain, as violent as void.NWAD RECANT.3
RECANT, v.i. To recall words; to revoke a declaration or proposition; to unsay what has been said. Convince me I am wrong, and I will recant.
RECANTATION, n. The act of recalling; retraction; a declaration that contradicts a former one.
RECANTED, pp. Recalled; retracted.
RECANTER, n. One that recants.
RECANTING, ppr. Recalling; retracting.
RECAPACITATE, v.t. [re and capacitate.] To qualify again; to confer capacity on again.
RECAPACITATING, ppr. Conferring capacity again.
RECAPITULATE, v.t. [L. capitulum. See Capitulate.]
To repeat the principal things mentioned in a preceding discourse, argument or essay; to give a summary of the principal facts, points or arguments.NWAD RECAPITULATE.2
RECAPITULATED, pp. Repeated in a summary.
RECAPITULATING, ppr. Repeating the principal things in a discourse or argument.
1. The act of recapitulating.NWAD RECAPITULATION.2
2. A summary or concise statement or enumeration of the principal points or facts in a preceding discourse, argument or essay.NWAD RECAPITULATION.3
RECAPITULATORY, a. Repeating again; containing recapitulation.
RECAPTION, n. [L. re and captio; capio, to take.]
The act of retaking; reprisal; the retaking of one’s own goods, chattels, wife or children from one who has taken them and wrongfully detains them.NWAD RECAPTION.2
Writ of recaption, a writ to recover property taken by a second distress, pending a replevin for a former distress for the same rent or service.NWAD RECAPTION.3
RECAPTOR, n. [re and captor.] One who retakes; one that takes a prize which had been previously taken.
RECAPTURE, n. [re and capture.]
1. The act of retaking; particularly, the retaking of a prize or goods from a captor.NWAD RECAPTURE.2
2. A prize retaken.NWAD RECAPTURE.3
RECAPTURE, v.t. To retake; particularly, to retake a prize which had been previously taken.
RECAPTURING, ppr. Retaking, as a prize from the captor.
RECARNIFY, v.t. [re and carnify, from L. caro, flesh.]
To convert again into flesh. [Not much used.]NWAD RECARNIFY.2
RECARRIED, pp. Carried back or again.
RECARRY, v.t. [re and carry.] To carry back.
RECARRYING, ppr. Carrying back.
RECAST, v.t. [re and cast.]
1. To cast again; as, to recast cannon.NWAD RECAST.2
2. To throw again.NWAD RECAST.3
3. To mold anew.NWAD RECAST.4
4. To compute a second time.NWAD RECAST.5
RECAST, pp. Cast again; molded anew.
RECASTING, ppr. Casting again; molding anew.
RECEDE, v.i. [L. recedo; re and cedo.]
1. To move back; to retreat; to withdraw.NWAD RECEDE.2
Like the hollow roar of tides receding from th’ insulted shore.NWAD RECEDE.3
All bodies moved circularly, endeavor to recede from the center.NWAD RECEDE.4
2. To withdraw a claim or pretension; to desist from; to relinquish what had been proposed or asserted; as, to recede from a demand; to recede from terms or propositions.NWAD RECEDE.5
RECEDE, v.t. [re and cede.] To cede back; to grant or yield to a former possessor; as, to recede conquered territory.
RECEDED, pp. Ceded back; regranted.
1. Withdrawing; retreating; moving back.NWAD RECEDING.2
2. Ceding back; regranting.NWAD RECEDING.3
RECEIPT, RECEIT, n. rece’t. [L. receptus. This word wought to follow the analogy of conceit, deceit, from L. conceptus, deceptus, and be written without p, receit.]
1. The act of receiving; as the receit of a letter.NWAD RECEIPT.2
2. The place of receiving; as the receit of custom. Matthew 9:9.NWAD RECEIPT.3
3. Reception; as the receit of blessings or mercies.NWAD RECEIPT.4
4. Reception; welcome; as the kind receit of a friend. Obs.NWAD RECEIPT.5
[In this sense, reception is now used.]NWAD RECEIPT.6
5. Recipe; prescription of ingredients for any composition, as of medicines, etc.NWAD RECEIPT.7
6. In commerce, a writing acknowledging the taking of money or goods. A receit of money may be in part or in full payment of a debt, and it operates as an acquittance or discharge of the debt either in part or in full. A receit of goods makes the receiver liable to account for the same, according to the nature of the transaction, or the tenor of the writing. It is customary for sheriffs to deliver goods taken in execution, to some person who gives his receit for them, with a promise to redeliver them to the sheriff at or before the time of sale.NWAD RECEIPT.8
RECEIPT, RECEIT, v.t. rece’t. To give a receit for; as, to receit goods delivered by a sheriff.
RECEIVABLE, a. That may be received.
RECEIVABLENESS, n. Capability of being received.
RECEIVE, v.t. [L. recipio; re and capio, to take.]
1. To take, as a thing offered or sent; to accept. He had the offer of a donation, but he would not receive it.NWAD RECEIVE.2
2. To take as due or as a reward. He received the money on the day it was payable. He received ample compensation.NWAD RECEIVE.3
3. To take or obtain from another in any manner, and either good or evil.NWAD RECEIVE.4
Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? Job 2:10.NWAD RECEIVE.5
4. To take, as a thing communicated; as, to receive a wound by a shot; to receive a disease by contagion.NWAD RECEIVE.6
The idea of a solidity we receive by our touch.NWAD RECEIVE.7
5. To take or obtain intellectually; as, to receive an opinion or notion from others.NWAD RECEIVE.8
6. To embrace.NWAD RECEIVE.9
Receive with meekness the engrafted word. James 1:21.NWAD RECEIVE.10
7. To allow; to hold; to retain; as a custom long received.NWAD RECEIVE.11
8. To admit.NWAD RECEIVE.12
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Psalm 73:24.NWAD RECEIVE.13
9. To welcome; to lodge and entertain; as a guest.NWAD RECEIVE.14
They kindled a fire and received us every one, because of the present rain and because of the cold. Acts 28:2.NWAD RECEIVE.15
10. To admit into membership or fellowship.NWAD RECEIVE.16
Him that is weak in the faith, receive ye. Romans 14:1.NWAD RECEIVE.17
11. To take in or on; to hold; to contain.NWAD RECEIVE.18
The brazen altar was too little to receive the burnt-offering. 1 Kings 8:64.NWAD RECEIVE.19
12. To be endowed with.NWAD RECEIVE.20
Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1:8.NWAD RECEIVE.21
13. To take into a place or state.NWAD RECEIVE.22
After the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up into heaven. Mark 16:19.NWAD RECEIVE.23
14. To take or have as something ascribed; as, to receive praise or blame. Revelation 4:11; Revelation 5:12.NWAD RECEIVE.24
15. To bear with or suffer. 2 Corinthians 11:16.NWAD RECEIVE.25
16. To believe in. John 1:11-12.NWAD RECEIVE.26
17. To accept or admit officially or in an official character. The minister was received by the emperor or court.NWAD RECEIVE.27
18. To take stolen goods from a thief, knowing them to be stolen.NWAD RECEIVE.28
RECEIVED, pp. Taken; accepted; admitted; embraced; entertained; believed.
RECEIVEDNESS, n. General allowance or belief; as the receivedness of an opinion.
1. One who takes or receives in any manner.NWAD RECEIVER.2
2. An officer appointed to receive public money; a treasurer.NWAD RECEIVER.3
3. One who takes stolen goods from a thief, knowing them to be stolen, and incurs the guilt of partaking in the crime.NWAD RECEIVER.4
4. A vessel for receiving and containing the product of distillation.NWAD RECEIVER.5
5. The vessel of an air pump, for containing the thing on which an experiment is to be made.NWAD RECEIVER.6
6. One who partakes of the sacrament.NWAD RECEIVER.7
RECEIVING, ppr. Taking; accepting; admitting; embracing; believing; entertaining.
RECELEBRATE, v.t. [re and celebrate.] To celebrate again.
RECELEBRATION, n. A renewed celebration.
RECENCY, n. [L. recens.]
1. Newness; new state; late origin; as the recency of a wound or tumor.NWAD RECENCY.2
2. Lateness in time; freshness; as the recency of a transaction.NWAD RECENCY.3
RECENSE, v.t. recens’. [L. recenso; re and censeo.]
To review; to revise.NWAD RECENSE.2
RECENSION, n. [L. recensio.] Review; examination; enumeration.
RECENT, a. [L. recens.]
1. New; being of late origin or existence.NWAD RECENT.2
The ancients believed some parts of Egypt to be recent, and formed by the mud discharged into the sea by the Nile.NWAD RECENT.3
2. Late; modern; as great and worthy men ancient or recent. [Modern is now used.]NWAD RECENT.4
3. Fresh; lately received; as recent news or intelligence.NWAD RECENT.5
4. Late; of late occurrence; as a recent event or transaction.NWAD RECENT.6
5. Fresh; not long dismissed, released or parted from; as Ulysses, recent from the storms.NWAD RECENT.7
RECENTLY, adv. Newly; lately; freshly; not long since; as advices recently received; a torn recently built or repaired; an isle recently discovered.
RECENTNESS, n. Newness; freshness; lateness of origin or occurrence; as the recentness of alluvial land; the recentness of news or of events.
RECEPTACLE, n. [L. receptaculum, from receptus, recipio.]
1. A place or vessel into which something is received or in which it is contained, as a vat, a tun, a hollow in the earth, etc. The grave is the common receptacle of the dead.NWAD RECEPTACLE.2
2. In botany, one of the parts of the fructification; the base by which the other parts of the fructification are connected. A proper receptacle belongs to one fructification only; a common receptacle connects several florets or distinct fructifications. The receptacle of the fructification is common both to the flower and the fruit, or it embraces the corol and germ. The receptacle of the flower, is the base to which the parts of the flower, exclusive of the germ, are fixed. The receptacle of the fruit, is the base of the fruit only. The receptacle of the seeds, is the base to which the seeds are fixed.NWAD RECEPTACLE.3
3. In anatomy, the receptacle of the chyle is situated on the left side of the upper verteber of the loins, under the aorta and the vessels of the left kidney.NWAD RECEPTACLE.4
RECEPTACULAR, a. In botany, pertaining to the receptacle or growing on it, as the nectary.
RECEPTARY, n. Thing received. [Not in use.]
RECEPTIBILITY, n. The possibility of receiving.
RECEPTION, n. [L. receptio.]
1. The act of receiving; in a general sense; as the reception of food into the stomach, or of air into the lungs.NWAD RECEPTION.2
2. The state of being received.NWAD RECEPTION.3
3. Admission of any thing sent or communicated; as the reception of a letter; the reception of sensation or ideas.NWAD RECEPTION.4
4. Readmission.NWAD RECEPTION.5
All hope is lost of my reception into grace.NWAD RECEPTION.6
5. Admission of entrance for holding or containing; as a sheath fitted for the reception of a sword; a channel for the reception of water.NWAD RECEPTION.7
6. A receiving or manner of receiving for entertainment; entertainment. The guests were well pleased with their reception. Nothing displeases more than a cold reception.NWAD RECEPTION.8
7. A receiving officially; as the reception of an envoy by a foreign court.NWAD RECEPTION.9
8. Opinion generally admitted.NWAD RECEPTION.10
Philosophers who have quitted the popular doctrines of their countries, have fallen into as extravagant opinions, as even common reception countenanced. [Not in use.]NWAD RECEPTION.11
9. Recovery. [Not in use.]NWAD RECEPTION.12
RECEPTIVE, a. Having the quality of receiving or admitting what is communicated.
Imaginary space is receptive of all bodies.NWAD RECEPTIVE.2
RECEPTIVITY, n. The state or quality of being receptive.
RECEPTORY, a. Generally or popularly admitted or received. [Not in use.]
RECESS, n. [L. recessus, from recedo. See Recede.]
1. A withdrawing or retiring; a moving back; as the recess of the tides.NWAD RECESS.2
2. A withdrawing from public business or notice; retreat; retirement.NWAD RECESS.3
My recess hath given them confidence that I may be conquered.NWAD RECESS.4
And every neighboring grove sacred to soft recess and gentle love.NWAD RECESS.5
3. Departure.NWAD RECESS.6
4. Place of retirement or secrecy; private abode.NWAD RECESS.7
This happy place, our sweet recess.NWAD RECESS.8
5. State of retirement; as lords in close recess.NWAD RECESS.9
In the recess of the jury, they are to consider their evidence.NWAD RECESS.10
6. Remission or suspension of business or procedure; as, the house of representatives had a recess of half an hour.NWAD RECESS.11
7. Privacy; seclusion from the world or from company.NWAD RECESS.12
Good verse recess and solitude requires.NWAD RECESS.13
8. Secret or abstruse part; as the difficulties and recesses of science.NWAD RECESS.14
9. A withdrawing from any point; removal to a distance.NWAD RECESS.15
10. An abstract or registry of the resolutions of the imperial diet. [Not in use.]NWAD RECESS.16
11. The retiring of the shore of the sea or of a lake from the general line of the shore, forming a bay.NWAD RECESS.17
RECESSION, n. [L. recessio.]
1. The act of withdrawing, retiring or retreating.NWAD RECESSION.2
2. The act of receding from a claim, or of relaxing a demand.NWAD RECESSION.3
3. A cession or granting back; as the recession of conquered territory to its former sovereign.NWAD RECESSION.4
RECHANGE, v.t. [re and change.] To change again.
RECHANGED, pp. Changed again.
RECHANGING, ppr. Changing again.
RECHARGE, v.t. [re and charge.]
1. To charge or accuse in return.NWAD RECHARGE.2
2. To attack again; to attack anew.NWAD RECHARGE.3
RECHARGED, pp. Accused in return; attacked anew.
RECHARGING, ppr. Accusing in return; attacking anew.
Among hunters, a lesson which the huntsman winds on the horn when the hounds have lost the game, to call them back from pursuing a counter scent.NWAD RECHEAT.2
RECHEAT, v.t. To blow the recheat.
RECHOOSE, v.t. rechooz’. To choose a second time.
RECHOSEN, pp. or a. recho’zn. Re-elected; chosen again.
RECIDIVATION, n. [L. recidivus, from recido, to fall back; re and cado, to fall.]
A falling back; a backsliding. [Not much used.]NWAD RECIDIVATION.2
RECIDIVOUS, a. [L. recidivus.] Subject to backslide. [Little used.]
RECIPE, n. res’ipy. [L. imperative of recipio, to take.]
A medical prescription; a direction of medicines to be taken by a patient.NWAD RECIPE.2
RECIPIENT, n. [L. recipiens, recipio.]
1. A receiver; the person or thing that receives; he or that to which any thing is communicated.NWAD RECIPIENT.2
2. The receiver of a still.NWAD RECIPIENT.3
RECIPROCAL, a. [L. reciprocus.]
1. Acting in vicissitude or return; alternate.NWAD RECIPROCAL.2
Corruption is reciprocal to generation.NWAD RECIPROCAL.3
2. Mutual; done by each to the other; as reciprocal love; reciprocal benefits or favors; reciprocal duties; reciprocal aid.NWAD RECIPROCAL.4
3. Mutually interchangeable.NWAD RECIPROCAL.5
These two rules will render a definition reciprocal with the thing defined.NWAD RECIPROCAL.6
Reciprocal terms, in logic, those terms that have the same signification, and consequently are convertible and may be used for each other.NWAD RECIPROCAL.7
Reciprocal quantities, in mathematics, are those which, multiplied together, produce unity.NWAD RECIPROCAL.8
Reciprocal figures, in geometry, are those which have the antecedents and consequents of the same ratio in both figures.NWAD RECIPROCAL.9
Reciprocal ratio, is the ratio between the reciprocals of two quantities; as, the reciprocal ratio of 4 to 9, is that of 1/4 to 1/9.NWAD RECIPROCAL.10
RECIPROCAL, n. The reciprocal of any quantity, is unity divided by that quantity. Thus the reciprocal of 4 is 1/4.
RECIPROCALLY, adv. Mutually; interchangeably; in such a manner that each affects the other and is equally affected by it.
These two particles do reciprocally affect each other with the same force.NWAD RECIPROCALLY.2
RECIPROCALNESS, n. Mutual return; alternateness.
RECIPROCATE, v.i. [L. reciproco.] To act interchangeably; to alternate.
One brawny smith the puffing bellows plies, and draws and blows reciprocating air.NWAD RECIPROCATE.2
RECIPROCATE, v.t. To exchange; to interchange; to give and return mutually; as, to reciprocate favors.
RECIPROCATED, pp. Mutually given and returned; interchanged.
RECIPROCATING, ppr. Interchanging; each giving or doing to the other the same thing.
1. Interchange of acts; a mutual giving and returning; as the reciprocation of kindnesses.NWAD RECIPROCATION.2
2. Alternation; as the reciprocation of the sea in the flow and ebb of tides.NWAD RECIPROCATION.3
3. Regular return or alternation of two symptoms or diseases.NWAD RECIPROCATION.4
RECIPROCITY, n. Reciprocal obligation or right; equal mutual rights or benefits to be yielded or enjoyed. The commissioners offered to negotiate a treaty on principles of reciprocity.
RECISION, n. s as z. [L. recisio, from recido, to cut off; re and caedo.]
The act of cutting off.NWAD RECISION.2
RECITAL, n. [from recite.]
1. Rehearsal; the repetition of the words of another or of a writing; as the recital of a deed; the recital of testimony.NWAD RECITAL.2
2. Narration; a telling of the particulars of an adventure or of a series of events.NWAD RECITAL.3
3. Enumeration.NWAD RECITAL.4
1. Rehearsal; repetition of words.NWAD RECITATION.2
2. In colleges and schools, the rehersal of a lesson by pupils before their instructor.NWAD RECITATION.3
Reciting; rehearsing; pertaining to musical pronunciation.NWAD RECITATIVE.2
RECITATIVE, n. a kind of musical pronunciation, such as that in which the several parts of the liturgy are rehearsed in churches, or that of actors on the stage, when they express some action or passion, relate some event or reveal some design.
In recitative, the composer and the performer endeavor to imitate the inflections, accent and emphasis of natural speech.NWAD RECITATIVE.4
[Note. The natural and proper English accent of this word is on the second syllable. The foreign accent may well be discarded.]NWAD RECITATIVE.5
RECITATIVELY, adv. In the manner of recitative.
RECITE, v.t. [L. recito; re and cito, to call or name.]
1. To rehearse; to repeat the words of another or of a writing; as, to recite the words of an author or of a deed or covenant.NWAD RECITE.2
2. In writing, to copy; as, the words of a deed are recited in the pleading.NWAD RECITE.3
3. To tell over; to relate; to narrate; as to recite past events; to recite the particulars of a voyage.NWAD RECITE.4
4. To rehearse, as a lesson to an instructor.NWAD RECITE.5
5. To enumerate.NWAD RECITE.6
RECITE, v.i. To rehearse a lesson. The class will recite at eleven o’clock.
RECITE. for recital. [Not in use.]
RECITED, pp. Rehearsed; told; repeated; narrated.
RECITER, n. One that recites or rehearses; a narrator.
RECITING, ppr. Rehearsing; telling; repeating narrating.
RECK, v.i. [L. rego. See Rack and Reckon.]
To care; to mind; to rate at much; as we say, to reckon much of; followed by of. Obs.NWAD RECK.2
Thou’s but a lazy loorde, and recks much of thy swinke.NWAD RECK.3
I reck as little what betideth me, as much I wish all good befortune you.NWAD RECK.4
Of night or loneliness it recks me not.NWAD RECK.5
RECK, v.t. To heed; to regard; to care for.
This son of mine not recking danger.NWAD RECK.7
[This verb is obsolete unless in poetry. We observe the primary sense and application in the phrase, “it recks me not,” that is, it does not strain or distress me; it does not rack my mind. To reck danger is a derivative form of expression, and a deviation from the proper sense of the verb.]NWAD RECK.8
RECKLESS, a. Careless; heedless; mindless.
I made the king reckless, as them diligent.NWAD RECKLESS.2
RECKLESSNESS, n. Heedlessness; carelessness; negligence.
[These words, formerly disused, have been recently revived.]NWAD RECKLESSNESS.2
RECKON, v.t. rek’n. [L. rego, rectus, whence regnum, regno, Eng. to reign and right.]
1. To count; to number; that is, to tell the particulars.NWAD RECKON.2
The priest shall reckon to him the money, according to the years that remain, even to the year of jubilee, and it shall be abated. Leviticus 27:18.NWAD RECKON.3
I reckoned above two hundred and fifty on the outside of the church.NWAD RECKON.4
2. To esteem; to account; to repute. Romans 8:18.NWAD RECKON.5
For him I reckon not in high estate.NWAD RECKON.6
3. To repute; to set in the number or rank of.NWAD RECKON.7
He was reckoned among the transgressors. Luke 22:37.NWAD RECKON.8
4. To assign in an account. Romans 4:4.NWAD RECKON.9
5. to compute; to calculate.NWAD RECKON.10
RECKON, v.i.
1. To reason with one’s self and conclude from arguments.NWAD RECKON.12
I reckoned till morning, that as a lion, so will he break all my bones. Isaiah 38:13.NWAD RECKON.13
2. To charge to account; with on.NWAD RECKON.14
I call posterity into the debt, and reckon on her head.NWAD RECKON.15
3. To pay a penalty; to be answerable; with for.NWAD RECKON.16
If they fall in their bounden duty, they shall reckon for it one day.NWAD RECKON.17
1. To reckon with, to state an account with another, compare it with his account, ascertain the amount of each and the balance which one owes to the other. In this manner the countrymen of New England who have mutual dealings, reckon with each other at the end of each year, or as often as they think fit.NWAD RECKON.18
After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. Matthew 25:19.NWAD RECKON.19
2. To call to punishment.NWAD RECKON.20
God suffers the most grievous sins of particular persons to go unpunished in this world, because his justice will have another opportunity to meet and reckon with them.NWAD RECKON.21
To reckon on or upon, to lay stress or dependence on. He reckons on the support of his friends.NWAD RECKON.22