RECKONED, pp. rek’nd. Counted; numbered; esteemed; reputed; computed; set or assigned to in account.
RECKONER, n. rek’ner. One who reckons or computes.
Reckoners without their host must reckon twice.NWAD RECKONER.2
RECKONING, ppr. rek’ning. Counting; computing; esteeming; reputing; stating an account mutually.
1. The act of counting or computing; calculation.NWAD RECKONING.3
2. An account of time.NWAD RECKONING.4
3. A statement of accounts with another; a statement and comparison of accounts mutually for adjustment; as in the proverb, “short reckonings make long friends.”NWAD RECKONING.5
The way to make reckonings even, is to make them often.NWAD RECKONING.6
4. The charges or account made by a host.NWAD RECKONING.7
A coin would have a nobler use than to pay a reckoning.NWAD RECKONING.8
5. Account taken. 2 Kings 22:7.NWAD RECKONING.9
6. Esteem; account; estimation.NWAD RECKONING.10
You make no further reckoning of the beauty, than of an outward fading benefit nature bestowed.NWAD RECKONING.11
7. In navigation, an account of the ship’s course and distance calculated from the log-board without the aid of celestial observation. This account from the log-board, is called the dead reckoning.NWAD RECKONING.12
RECKONING-BOOK, n. a book in which money received and expended is entered.
RECLAIM, v.t. [L. reclama. re and clamo, to call. See Claim.]
1. To claim back; to demand to have returned. The vender may reclaim the goods.NWAD RECLAIM.2
2. To call back from error, wandering or transgression, to the observance of moral rectitude; to reform; to bring back to correct deportment or course of life.NWAD RECLAIM.3
It is the intention of Providence in its various expressions of goodness, to reclaim mankind.NWAD RECLAIM.4
3. To reduce to the state desired.NWAD RECLAIM.5
Much labor is requir’d in trees, to tame their wild disorder, and in ranks reclaim.NWAD RECLAIM.6
4. To call back; to restrain.NWAD RECLAIM.7
Or is her tow’ring flight reclaim’d by seas from Icarus’ downfall nam’d?NWAD RECLAIM.8
5. To recall; to cry out against.NWAD RECLAIM.9
The headstrong horses hurried Octavius along, and were deaf to his reclaiming them. [Unusual.]NWAD RECLAIM.10
6. To reduce from a wild to a tame or domestic state; to tame; to make gentle; as, to reclaim a hawk, an eagle or a wild beast.NWAD RECLAIM.11
7. To demand or challenge; to make a claim; a French use.NWAD RECLAIM.12
8. To recover.NWAD RECLAIM.13
9. In ancient customs, to pursue and recall, as a vassal.NWAD RECLAIM.14
10. To encroach on what has been taken from one; to attempt to recover possession.NWAD RECLAIM.15
A tract of land [Holland snatched from an element perpetually reclaiming its prior occupancy.]NWAD RECLAIM.16
RECLAIM, v.i. To cry out; to exclaim.
RECLAIMABLE, a. That may be reclaimed, reformed or tamed.
RECLAIMANT, n. One that opposes, contradicts or remonstrates against.
RECLAIMED, pp. Recalled from a vicious life; reformed; tamed; domesticated; recovered.
RECLAIMING, ppr. Recalling to a regular course of life; reforming; recovering; taking; demanding.
2. Demand; challenge of something to be restored; claim made.NWAD RECLAMATION.3
RECLINATE, a. [L. reclinatus. See Recline.]
In botany, reclined, as a leaf; bend downwards, so that the point of the leaf is lower than the base.NWAD RECLINATE.2
A reclinate stem is one that bends in an arch towards the earth.NWAD RECLINATE.3
RECLINATION, n. That act of leaning or reclining.
RECLINE, v.t. [L. reclino; re and clino, to lean.]
To lean back; to lean to one side or sideways; as, to recline the head on a pillow, or on the bosom of another, or on the arm.NWAD RECLINE.2
The mother reclin’d her dying head upon his breast.NWAD RECLINE.3
RECLINE, v.i. To lean; to rest or repose; as, to recline on a couch.
RECLINE, a. [L. reclinis.] Leaning; being in a leaning posture.
They sat recline on the soft downy bank damask’d with flowers. [Little used.]NWAD RECLINE.6
RECLINED, pp. Inclined back or sideways.
RECLINING, ppr. Leaning back or sideways; resting; lying.
RECLOSE, v.t. s as z. [re and close.] To close or shut again.
RECLOSED, pp. Closed again.
RECLOSING, ppr. Closing again.
RECLUDE, v.t. [L. recludo; re and claudo, cludo.] To open. [Little used.]
Shut up; sequestered; retired from the world or from public notice; solitary; as a recluse monk or hermit; a recluse life.NWAD RECLUSE.2
I all the live-long day consume in meditation deep, recluse from human converse.NWAD RECLUSE.3
1. A person who live in retirement or seclusion from intercourse with the world; as a hermit or monk.NWAD RECLUSE.5
2. A person who confines himself to a cell in a monastery.NWAD RECLUSE.6
RECLUSELY, adv. In retirement or seclusion from society.
RECLUSENESS, n. Retirement; seclusion from society.
RECLUSION, n. s as z. A state of retirement from the world; seclusion.
RECLUSIVE, a. Affording retirement from society.
RECOAGULATION, n. [re and coagulation.] A second coagulation.
RECOCT, a. [L. recoctus, recoquo.] New vamped. [Not used.]
RECOGNITION, n. reconish’on or recognish’on. [L. recognitio.]
1. Acknowledgment; formal avowal; as the recognition of a final concord on a writ of covenant.NWAD RECOGNITION.2
2. Acknowledgment; memorial.NWAD RECOGNITION.3
3. Acknowledgment; solemn avowal by which a thing is owned or declared to belong to, or by which the remembrance of it is revived.NWAD RECOGNITION.4
The lives of such saints had, at the time of their yearly memorials, solemn recognition in the church of God.NWAD RECOGNITION.5
4. Knowledge confessed or avowed; as the recognition of a thing present; memory of it as passed.NWAD RECOGNITION.6
RECOGNITOR, n. recon’itor. One of a jury upon assize.
RECOGNIZABLE, a. recon’izable. [from recognize.] That may be recognized or acknowledged.
1. Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; as the recognizance of christians, by which they avow their belief in their religion.NWAD RECOGNIZANCE.2
2. In law, an obligation of record which a man enters into before some court of record or magistrate duly authorized, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear at the assizes, to keep the peace or pay a debt. This recognizance differs from a bond, as it does not create a new debt, but it is the acknowledgment of a former debt or record. This is witnessed by the record only, and not by the party’s seal. There is also a recognizance in the nature of a statute staple, acknowledged before either of the chief justices or their substitutes, the mayor of the staple at Westminster and the recorder of London, which is to be enrolled and certified into chancery.NWAD RECOGNIZANCE.3
3. The verdict of a jury impaneled upon assize.NWAD RECOGNIZANCE.4
RECOGNIZE, v.t. rec’onize. [L. recognosco; re and cognosco, to know. The g in these words has properly no sound in English.]
1. To recollect or recover the knowledge of, either with an avowal of that knowledge or not. We recognize a person at a distance, when we recollect that we have seen him before, or that we have formerly known him. We recognize his features or his voice.NWAD RECOGNIZE.2
Speak, vassal; recognize thy sovereign queen.NWAD RECOGNIZE.3
2. To review; to re-examine.NWAD RECOGNIZE.4
RECOGNIZE, v.i. To enter an obligation of record before a proper tribunal. A B recognized in the sum of twenty pounds.
RECOGNIZED, pp. Acknowledged; recollected as known; bound by recognizance.
RECOGNIZEE, n. reconizee’. The person to whom a recognizance is made.
RECOGNIZING, ppr. Acknowledging; recollecting as known; entering a recognizance.
RECOGNIZOR, n. reconizor’. One who enters into a recognizance.
1. To move or start back; to roll back; as, a cannon recoils when fired; waves recoil from the shore.NWAD RECOIL.2
2. To fall back; to retire.NWAD RECOIL.3
3. To rebound; as, the blow recoils.NWAD RECOIL.4
4. To retire; to flow back; as, the blood recoils with horror at the sight.NWAD RECOIL.5
5. To start back; to shrink. Nature recoils at the bloody deed.NWAD RECOIL.6
6. To return. The evil will recoil upon his own head.NWAD RECOIL.7
RECOIL, v.t. To drive back. [Not used.]
RECOIL, n. A starting or falling back; as the recoil of fire-arms; the recoil of nature of the blood.
RECOILING, ppr. Starting or falling back; retiring; shrinking.
RECOILING, n. The act of starting or falling back; a shrinking; revolt.
RECOILINGLY, adv. With starting back or retrocession.
RECOIN, v.t. [re and coin.] To coin again; as, to recoin gold or silver.
1. The act of coining anew.NWAD RECOINAGE.2
2. That which is coined anew.NWAD RECOINAGE.3
RECOINED, pp. Coined again.
RECOINING, ppr. Coining anew.
RECOLLECT, v.t. [re and collect; L. recolligo, recollectus.]
1. To collect again; applied to ideas that have escaped from the memory; to recover or call back ideas to the memory. I recollect what was said at a former interview; or I cannot recollect what was said.NWAD RECOLLECT.2
2. To recover or recall the knowledge of; to bring back to the mind or memory. I met a man whom I thought I had seen before, but I could not recollect his name or the place where I had seen him. I do not recollect you, sir.NWAD RECOLLECT.3
3. To recover resolution or composure of mind.NWAD RECOLLECT.4
The Tyrian queen admir’d his fortunes, more admir’d the man, then recollected stood.NWAD RECOLLECT.5
[In this sense, collected is more generally used.]NWAD RECOLLECT.6
RE-COLLECT, v.t. To gather again; to collect what has been scattered; as, to re-collect routed troops.
RECOLLECTED, pp. Recalled to the memory.
RECOLLECTING, ppr. Recovering to the memory.
1. The act of recalling to the memory, as ideas that have escaped; or the operation by which ideas that have escaped; or the operation by which ideas are recalled to the memory or revived in the mind. Recollection differs from remembrance, as it is the consequence of volition, or an effort of the mind to revive ideas; whereas remembrance implies no such volition. We often remember things without any voluntary effort. Recollection is called also reminiscence.NWAD RECOLLECTION.2
2. The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance. The events mentioned are not within my recollection.NWAD RECOLLECTION.3
3. In popular language, recollection is used as synonymous with remembrance.NWAD RECOLLECTION.4
RECOLLECTIVE, a. Having the power of recollecting.
RECOLLET, n. A monk of a reformed order of Franciscans.
RECOMBINATION, n. Combination a second time.
RECOMBINE, v.t. [re and combine.] To combine again.
If we recombine these two elastic fluids.NWAD RECOMBINE.2
RECOMBINING, ppr. Combining again.
RECOMFORT, v.t. [re and comfort.]
1. To comfort again; to console anew.NWAD RECOMFORT.2
2. To give new strength.NWAD RECOMFORT.3
RECOMFORTLESS, a. Without comfort. [Not used.]
RECOMMENCE, v.t. recommens’. [re and commence.] To commence again; to begin anew.
RECOMMEND, v.t. [re and commend.]
1. To praise to another; to offer or commend to another’s notice, confidence or kindness by favorable representations.NWAD RECOMMEND.2
Maecenas recommended Virgil and Horace to Augustus.NWAD RECOMMEND.3
[In this sense, commend, though less common, is the preferable word.]NWAD RECOMMEND.4
2. To make acceptable.NWAD RECOMMEND.5
A decent boldness ever meets with friends, succeeds, and ev’n a stranger recommends.NWAD RECOMMEND.6
3. To commit with prayers.NWAD RECOMMEND.7
Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by the brethren to the grace of God. Acts 15:40.NWAD RECOMMEND.8
[Commend here is much to be preferred.]NWAD RECOMMEND.9
RECOMMENDABLE, a. That may be recommended; worthy of recommendation or praise.
1. The act of recommending or of commending; the act of representing in a favorable manner for the purpose of procuring the notice, confidence or civilities of another. We introduce a friend to a stranger by a recommendation of his virtues or accomplishments.NWAD RECOMMENDATION.2
2. That which procures a kind or favorable reception. The best recommendation of a man to favor is politeness. Misfortune is a recommendation to our pity.NWAD RECOMMENDATION.3
RECOMMENDATORY, a. That commends to another; that recommends.
RECOMMENDED, pp. Praised; commended to another.
RECOMMENDING, ppr. Praising to another; commending.
RECOMMISSION, v.t. [re and commission.] To commission again.
Officers whose time of service had expired, were to be recommissioned.NWAD RECOMMISSION.2
RECOMMIT, v.t. [re and commit.]
1. To commit again; as, to recommit persons to prison.NWAD RECOMMIT.2
2. To refer again to a committee; as, to recommit a bill to the same committee.NWAD RECOMMIT.3
RECOMMITMENT, n. A second or renewed commitment; a renewed reference to a committee.
RECOMMITTED, pp. Committed anew; referred again.
RECOMMITTING, ppr. Committing again; referring again to a committee.
RECOMMUNICATE, v.i. [re and communicate.] To communicate again.
RECOMPACT, v.t. [re and compact.] To join anew.
Repair and recompact my scatter’d body.NWAD RECOMPACT.2
1. To compensate; to make return of an equivalent for any thing given, done or suffered; as, to recompense a person for services, for fidelity or for sacrifices of time, for loss or damages.NWAD RECOMPENSE.2
The word is followed by the person or the service. We recompense a person for his services, or we recompense his kindness. It is usually found more easy to neglect than to recompense a favor.NWAD RECOMPENSE.3
2. To require; to repay; to return an equivalent; in a bad sense.NWAD RECOMPENSE.4
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Romans 12:17.NWAD RECOMPENSE.5
3. To make an equivalent return in profit or produce. The labor of man is recompensed by the fruits of the earth.NWAD RECOMPENSE.6
4. To compensate; to make amends by any thing equivalent.NWAD RECOMPENSE.7
Solyman - said he would find occasion for them to recompense that disgrace.NWAD RECOMPENSE.8
5. To make restitution or an equivalent return for. Numbers 5:7.NWAD RECOMPENSE.9
1. An equivalent returned for any thing given, done or suffered; compensation; reward; amends; as a recompense for services, for damages, for loss, etc.NWAD RECOMPENSE.11
2. Requital; return of evil or suffering or other equivalent; as a punishment.NWAD RECOMPENSE.12
To me belongeth vengeance and recompense. Deuteronomy 32:35.NWAD RECOMPENSE.13
And every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. Hebrews 2:2.NWAD RECOMPENSE.14
RECOMPENSED, pp. Rewarded; requited.
RECOMPENSING, ppr. Rewarding; compensating; requiting.
RECOMPILEMENT, n. [re and compilement.] New compilation or digest; as a recompilement of laws.
RECOMPOSE, v.t. s as z. [re and compose.]
1. To quiet anew; to compose or tranquilize that which is ruffled or disturbed; as, to recompose the mind.NWAD RECOMPOSE.2
2. To compose anew; to form or adjust again.NWAD RECOMPOSE.3
We produced a lovely purple which we can destroy or recompose at pleasure.NWAD RECOMPOSE.4
RECOMPOSED, pp. Quieted again after agitation; formed anew; composed a second time.
RECOMPOSING, ppr. Rendering tranquil after agitation; forming or adjusting anew.
1. Capable of being reconciled; capable of renewed friendship. The parties are not reconcilable.NWAD RECONCILABLE.2
2. That may be made to agree to be consistent; consistent.NWAD RECONCILABLE.3
The different accounts of the numbers of ships are reconcilable.NWAD RECONCILABLE.4
3. Capable of being adjusted; as, the difference between the parties is reconcilable.NWAD RECONCILABLE.5
1. The quality of being reconcilable; consistency; as the reconcilableness of parts of Scripture which apparently disagree.NWAD RECONCILABLENESS.2
2. Possibility of being restored to friendship and harmony.NWAD RECONCILABLENESS.3
RECONCILE, v.t. [L. reconcilio; re and concilio; con and calo, to call, Gr. The literal sense is to call back into union.]
1. To conciliate anew; to call back into union and friendship the affections which have been alienated; to restore to friendship or favor after estrangement; as, to reconcile men or parties that have been at variance.NWAD RECONCILE.2
Go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother - Matthew 5:24.NWAD RECONCILE.3
We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 1:20-21.NWAD RECONCILE.4
2. To bring to acquiescence, content or quiet submission; with to; as, to reconcile one’s self to afflictions. It is our duty to be reconciled to the dispensations of Providence.NWAD RECONCILE.5
3. To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or suitableness; followed by with or to.NWAD RECONCILE.6
The great men among the ancients understood how to reconcile manual labor with affairs of state.NWAD RECONCILE.7
Some figures monstrous and misshap’d appear, considered singly, or beheld too near; which but proportion’d to their light and place, due distance reconciles to form and grace.NWAD RECONCILE.8
4. To adjust; to settle; as, to reconcile differences or quarrels.NWAD RECONCILE.9
RECONCILED, pp. Brought into friendship from a state of disagreement or enmity; made consistent; adjusted.
1. Reconciliation; renewal of friendship. Animosities sometimes make reconcilement impracticable.NWAD RECONCILEMENT.2
2. Friendship renewed.NWAD RECONCILEMENT.3
No cloud of anger shall remain, but peace assured and reconcilement.NWAD RECONCILEMENT.4
1. One who reconciles; one who brings parties at variance into renewed friendship.NWAD RECONCILER.2
2. One who discovers the consistence of proposition.NWAD RECONCILER.3
1. The act of reconciling parties at variance; renewal of friendship after disagreement or enmity.NWAD RECONCILIATION.2
Reconciliation and friendship with God, really form the basis of all rational and true enjoyment.NWAD RECONCILIATION.3
2. In Scripture, the means by which sinners are reconciled and brought into a state of favor with God, after natural estrangement or enmity; the atonement; expiation.NWAD RECONCILIATION.4
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression and to make an end of sin, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. Daniel 9:24; Hebrews 2:17.NWAD RECONCILIATION.5
3. Agreement of things seemingly opposite, different or inconsistent.NWAD RECONCILIATION.6
RECONCILIATORY, a. Able or tending to reconcile.
RECONCILING, ppr. Bringing into favor and friendship after variance; bringing to content or satisfaction; showing to be consistent; adjusting; making to agree.
RECONDENSATION, n. The act of recondensing.
RECONDENSE, v.t. recondens’. [re and condense.] To condense again.
RECONDITE, a. [L. reconditus, recondo; re and condo to conceal.]
1. Secret; hidden from the view or intellect; abstruse; as recondite causes of things.NWAD RECONDITE.2
2. Profound; dealing in things abstruse; as recondite studies.NWAD RECONDITE.3
RECONDITORY, n. [supra.] A repository; a store-house or magazine. [Little used.]
RECONDUCT, v.t. [re and conduct.] To conduct back or again.