RECONDUCTED, pp. Conducted back or again.
RECONDUCTING, ppr. Conducting back or again.
RECONFIRM, v.t. [re and confirm.] To confirm anew.
RECONJOIN, v.t. [re and conjoin.] To join or conjoin anew.
To view; to survey; to examine by the eye; particularly in military affairs, to examine the state of an enemy’s army or camp, or the ground for military operations.NWAD RECONNOITER.2
RECONNOITERED, pp. Viewed; examined by personal observation.
RECONNOITERING, ppr. Viewing; examining by personal observation.
RECONQUER, v.t. recon’ker. [re and conquer.]
1. To conquer again; to recover by conquest.NWAD RECONQUER.2
2. To recover; to regain.NWAD RECONQUER.3
RECONQUERED, pp. Conquered again; regained.
RECONQUERING, ppr. Conquering again; recovering.
RECONSECRATE, v.t. [re and consecrate.] To consecrate anew.
RECONSIDER, v.t. [re and consider.]
1. To consider again; to turn in the mind again; to review.NWAD RECONSIDER.2
2. To annul; to take into consideration a second time and rescind; as, to reconsider a motion in a legislative body; to reconsider a vote. The vote has been reconsidered, that is, rescinded.NWAD RECONSIDER.3
1. A renewed consideration or review in the mind.NWAD RECONSIDERATION.2
2. A second consideration; annulment; recision.NWAD RECONSIDERATION.3
RECONSIDERED, pp. Considered again; rescinded.
RECONSIDERING, ppr. Considering again; rescinding.
RECONSOLATE, v.t. To console or comfort again. [Not in use.]
RECONVENE, v.t. [re and convene.] To convene or call together again.
RECONVENE, v.i. To assemble or come together again.
RECONVENED, pp. Assembled anew.
RECONVENING, ppr. Assembling anew.
RECONVERSION, n. [re and conversion.] A second conversion.
RECONVERT, v.t. [re and convert.] To convert again.
RECONVEY, v.t. [re and convey.]
1. To convey back or to its former place; as, to reconvey goods.NWAD RECONVEY.2
2. To transfer back to a former owner; as, to reconvey an estate.NWAD RECONVEY.3
RECONVEYED, pp. Conveyed back; transferred to a former owner.
RECONVEYING, ppr. Conveying back; transferring to a former owner.
RECORD, v.t. [L. recorder, to call to mind, to remember, from re and cor, cordis, the heart or mind.]
1. To register; to enroll; to write or enter in a book or on parchment, for the purpose of preserving authentic or correct evidence of a thing; as, to record the proceedings of a court; to record a deed or lease; to record historical events.NWAD RECORD.2
2. To imprint deeply on the mind or memory; as, to record the sayings of another in the heart.NWAD RECORD.3
3. To cause to be remembered.NWAD RECORD.4
So ev’n and morn recorded the third day.NWAD RECORD.5
4. To recite; to repeat. [Not in use.]NWAD RECORD.6
5. To call to mind. [Not in use.]NWAD RECORD.7
RECORD, v.i. To sing or repeat a tune. [Not in use.]
1. A register; an authentic or official copy of any writing, or account of any facts and proceedings, entered in a book for preservation; or the book containing such copy or account; as the records of statutes or of judicial courts; the records of a town or parish. Records are properly the registers of official transactions, made by officers appointed for the purpose, or by the officer whose proceedings are directed by law to be recorded.NWAD RECORD.10
2. Authentic memorial; as the records of past ages.NWAD RECORD.11
Court of record, is a court whose acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled on parchment or in books for a perpetual memorial; and their records are the highest evidence of facts, and their truth cannot be called in question.NWAD RECORD.12
Debt of record, is a debt which appears to be due by the evidence of a court of record, as upon a judgment or a recognizance.NWAD RECORD.13
Trial by record, is where a matter of record is pleaded and the opposite party pleads that there is no such record. In this case, the trial is by inspection of the record itself, no other evidence being admissible.NWAD RECORD.14
RECORDATION, n. [L. recordatio.] Remembrance. [Not in use.]
RECORDED, pp. Registered; officially entered in a book or on parchment; imprinted on the memory.
1. A person whose official duty is to register writings or transactions; one who enrolls or records.NWAD RECORDER.2
2. An officer of a city who is keeper of the rolls or records, or who is invested with judicial powers.NWAD RECORDER.3
3. Formerly, a kind of flute, flageolet or wind instrument.NWAD RECORDER.4
The figures of recorders, flutes and pipes are straight; but the recorder hath a less bore and a greater above and below.NWAD RECORDER.5
RECORDING, ppr. Registering; enrolling; imprinting on the memory.
RECOUCH, v.i. [re and couch.] To retire again to a lodge, as lions.
RECOUNT, v.t. [re and count.]
To relate in detail; to recite; to tell or narrate the particulars; to rehearse.NWAD RECOUNT.2
Say from these glorious seeds what harvest flows, recount our blessings, and compare our woes.NWAD RECOUNT.3
RECOUNTED, pp. Related or told in detail; recited.
RECOUNTING, ppr. Relating in a series; narrating.
RECOUNTMENT, n. Relation in detail; recital. [Little used.]
RECOURED, for recovered or recured. [Not used.]
RECOURSE, n. [L. recursus; re and cursus, curro, to run.] Literally, a running back; a return.
1. Return; a new attack. [Not in use.]NWAD RECOURSE.2
2. A going to with a request or application, as for aid or protection. Children have recourse to their parents for assistance.NWAD RECOURSE.3
3. Application of efforts, art or labor. The general had recourse to stratagem to effect his purpose.NWAD RECOURSE.4
Our last recourse is therefore to our art.NWAD RECOURSE.5
4. Access. [Little used.]NWAD RECOURSE.6
5. Frequent passage.NWAD RECOURSE.7
RECOURSE, v.i. To return. [Not used.]
RECOURSEFUL, a. Moving alternately. [Not in use.]
RECOVER, v.t. [L. recupero; re and capio, to take.]
1. To regain; to get or obtain that which was lost; as, to recover stolen goods; to recover a town or territory which an enemy had taken; to recover sight or senses; to recover health or strength after sickness.NWAD RECOVER.2
David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away. 1 Samuel 30:18.NWAD RECOVER.3
2. To restore from sickness; as, to recover one from leprosy. 2 Kings 5:3.NWAD RECOVER.4
3. To revive from apparent death; as, to recover a drowned man.NWAD RECOVER.5
4. To regain by reparation; to repair the loss of, or to repair an injury done by neglect; as, to recover lost time.NWAD RECOVER.6
Good men have lapses and failings to lament and recover.NWAD RECOVER.7
5. To regain a former state by liberation from capture or possession.NWAD RECOVER.8
That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil. 2 Timothy 2:26.NWAD RECOVER.9
6. To gain as a compensation; to obtain in return for injury or debt; as, to recover damages in trespass; to recover debt and cost in a suit at law.NWAD RECOVER.10
7. To reach; to come to.NWAD RECOVER.11
The forest is not three leagues off; if we recover that, we’re sure enough.NWAD RECOVER.12
8. To obtain title to by judgment in a court of law; as, to recover lands in ejectment or common recovery.NWAD RECOVER.13
1. To regain health after sickness; to grow well; followed by of or from.NWAD RECOVER.15
Go, inquire of Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this disease. 2 Kings 1:2.NWAD RECOVER.16
2. To regain a former state or condition after misfortune; as, to recover from a state of poverty or depression.NWAD RECOVER.17
3. To obtain a judgment in law; to succeed in a lawsuit. The plaintiff has recovered in his suit.NWAD RECOVER.18
1. That may be regained or recovered. Goods lost or sunk in the ocean are not recoverable.NWAD RECOVERABLE.2
2. That may be restored from sickness.NWAD RECOVERABLE.3
3. That may be brought back to a former condition.NWAD RECOVERABLE.4
A prodigal course is like the sun’s, but not like his recoverable.NWAD RECOVERABLE.5
4. That may be obtained from a debtor or possessor. The debt is recoverable.NWAD RECOVERABLE.6
RECOVERED, pp. Regained; restored obtained by judicial decision.
RECOVEREE, n. In law, the tenant or person against whom a judgment is obtained in common recovery.
RECOVERING, ppr. Regaining; obtaining in return or by judgment in law; regaining health.
RECOVEROR, n. In law, the demandant or person who obtains a judgment in his favor in common recovery.
1. The act of regaining, retaking or obtaining possession of anything lost. The crusades were intended for the recovery of the holy land from the Saracens. We offer a reward for the recovery of stolen goods.NWAD RECOVERY.2
2. Restoration from sickness or apparent death. The patient has a slow recovery from a fever. Recovery from a pulmonary affection is seldom to be expected. Directions are given for the recovery of drowned persons.NWAD RECOVERY.3
3. The capacity of being restored to health. The patient is past recovery.NWAD RECOVERY.4
4. The obtaining of right to something by a verdict and judgment of court from an opposing party in a suit; as the recovery of debt, damages and costs by a plaintiff; the recovery of cost by a defendant; the recovery of land in ejectment.NWAD RECOVERY.5
Common recovery, in law, is a species of assurance by matter of record, or a suit or action, actual or fictitious, by which lands are recovered against the tenant of the freehold; which recovery binds all persons, and vests an absolute fee simple in the recoveror.NWAD RECOVERY.6
RECREANT, a. [See Craven.]
1. Crying for mercy, as a combatant in the trial by battle; yielding; hence, cowardly; mean spirited.NWAD RECREANT.2
2. Apostate; false.NWAD RECREANT.3
Who for so many benefits receiv’d, turn’d recreant to God, ingrate and false.NWAD RECREANT.4
RECREANT, n. One who yields in combat and cries craven; one who begs for mercy; hence, a mean spirited, cowardly wretch.
RECREATE, v.t. [L. recero; re and creo, to create.]
1. To refresh after toil; to reanimate, as languid spirits or exhausted strength; to amuse or divert in weariness.NWAD RECREATE.2
Painters when they work on white grounds, place before them colors mixed with blue and green, to recreate their eyes.NWAD RECREATE.3
St. John is said to have recreated himself with sporting with a tame partridge.NWAD RECREATE.4
2. To gratify; to delight.NWAD RECREATE.5
These ripe fruits recreate the nostrils with their aromatic scent.NWAD RECREATE.6
3. To relieve; to revive; as, to recreate the lungs with fresh air.NWAD RECREATE.7
RECREATE, v.i. To take recreation.
RE-CREATE, v.t. To create or form anew.
An opening the campaign of 1776, instead of reinforcing, it was necessary to re-create the army.NWAD RE-CREATE.2
RECREATED, pp. Refreshed; diverted; amused; gratified.
RE-CREATED, pp. Created or formed anew.
RECREATING, ppr. Refreshing after toil; reanimating the spirits or strength; diverting; amusing.
RE-CREATING, ppr. Creating or forming anew.
1. Refreshment of the strength and spirits after toil; amusement; diversion.NWAD RECREATION.2
2. Relief from toil or pain; amusement in sorrow or distress.NWAD RECREATION.3
RECREATIVE, a. Refreshing; giving new vigor or animation; giving relief after labor or pain; amusing; diverting. Choose such sports as are recreative and healthful.
Let the music be recreative.NWAD RECREATIVE.2
RECREATIVELY, adv. With recreation or diversion.
RECREATIVENESS, n. The quality of being refreshing or diverting.
RECREMENT, n. [L. recrementum; probably re and cerno, to secrete.]
Superfluous matter separated from that which is useful; dross; scoria; spume; as the recrement of ore or of the blood.NWAD RECREMENT.2
RECREMENTAL, RECREMENTITIAL, RECREMENTITIOUS, a. Drossy; consisting of superfluous matter separated from that which is valuable.
RECRIMINATE, v.i. [L. re and criminor, to accuse.]
1. To return one accusation with another.NWAD RECRIMINATE.2
It is not my business to recriminate.NWAD RECRIMINATE.3
2. To charge an accuser with the like crime.NWAD RECRIMINATE.4
RECRIMINATE, v.t. To accuse in return.
RECRIMINATING, ppr. Returning one accusation with another.
1. The return of one accusation with another.NWAD RECRIMINATION.2
2. In law, an accusation brought by the accused against the accuser upon the same fact.NWAD RECRIMINATION.3
RECRIMINATOR, n. He that accuses the accuser of a like crime.
RECROSS, v.t. To cross a second time.
RECROSSED, pp. Crossed a second time.
RECROSSING, ppr. Crossing a second time.
RECRUDESCENCE, RECRUDESCENCY, n. [from L. recrudescens; re and crudesco, to grow raw; crudus, raw.]
The state of becoming sore again.NWAD RECRUDESCENCE.2
RECRUDESCENT, a. Growing raw, sore or painful again.
RECRUIT, v.t. [L. cresco.]
1. To repair by fresh supplies any thing wasted. We say, food recruits the flesh; fresh air and exercise recruit the spirits.NWAD RECRUIT.2
Her cheeks glow the bright, recruiting their color.NWAD RECRUIT.3
2. To supply with new men any deficiency of troops; as, to recruit an army.NWAD RECRUIT.4
1. To gain new supplies of any thing wasted; to gain flesh, health, spirits, etc.; as, lean cattle recruit in fresh pastures.NWAD RECRUIT.6
2. To gain new supplies of men; to raise new soldiers.NWAD RECRUIT.7
RECRUIT, n. The supply of any thing wasted; chiefly, a new raised soldier to supply the deficiency of an army.
RECRUITED, pp. Furnished with new supplies of what is wasted.
RECRUITING, ppr. Furnishing with fresh supplies; raising new soldiers for an army.
RECRUITING, n. The business of raising new soldiers to supply the loss of men in an army.
RECRUITMENT, n. The act or business of raising new supplies of men for an army.
RECRYSTALIZE, v.i. To crystalize a second time.
RECTANGLE, n. [L. rectangulus; rectus, right, and angulus, angle.]
1. A right angled parallelogram.NWAD RECTANGLE.2
2. In arithmetic, the product of two lines multiplied into each other.NWAD RECTANGLE.3
RECTANGLED, a. Having right angles, or angles of ninety degrees.
RECTANGULAR, a. Right angled; having angles of ninety degrees.
RECTANGULARLY, adv. with or at right angles.
RECTIFIABLE, a. [from rectify.] that may be rectified; capable of being corrected or set right; as a rectifiable mistake.
1. The act or operation of correcting, amending or setting right that which is wrong or erroneous; as the retification of errors, mistakes or abuses.NWAD RECTIFICATION.2
2. In chimistry, the process of refining or purifying any substance by repeated distiliation, which separates the grosser parts; as the rectification of spirits or sulphuric acid.NWAD RECTIFICATION.3
RECTIFIED, pp. Corrected; set or made right; refined by repeated distiliation or sublimation.
1. One that corrects or amends.NWAD RECTIFIER.2
2. One who refines a substance by repeated distiliation.NWAD RECTIFIER.3
3. An instrument that shows the variations of the compass, and rectifies the course of a ship.NWAD RECTIFIER.4
RECTIFY, v.t. [L. rectus, right, and facio, to make.]
1. To make right; to correct that which is wrong, erroneous or false; to amend; as, to rectify errors, mistakes or abuses; to rectify the will, the judgment, opinions; to rectify disorders.NWAD RECTIFY.2
2. In chimistry, to refine by repeated distiliation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser; as, to rectify spirit or wine.NWAD RECTIFY.3
3. To rectify the globe, is to bring the sun’s place in the ecliptic on the globe to the brass meridian.NWAD RECTIFY.4
RECTIFYING, ppr. Correcting; amending; refining by repeated distiliation or sublimation.
Right lined; consisting of a right line or of right lines; straight; as a rectilinear figure or course; a rectilinear side or way.NWAD RECTILINEAL.2
RECTITUDE, n. [L. rectus, right, straight.]
In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; rectitude of conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful, but debasing.NWAD RECTITUDE.2
There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude - in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming.NWAD RECTITUDE.3
RECTOR, n. [L. rector, from rego, rectum, to rule.]
1. A ruler or governor.NWAD RECTOR.2
God is the supreme rector of the world.NWAD RECTOR.3
[This application of the word is unusual.]NWAD RECTOR.4
2. A clergyman who has the charge and cure of a parish, and has the tithes, etc.; or the parson of an unimpropriated parish.NWAD RECTOR.5
3. The chief elective officer of some universities, as in France and Scotland. The same title was formerly given to the president of a college in New England, but it is now in disuse. In Scotland, it is still the title of the head master of a principal school.NWAD RECTOR.6
4. The superior officer or chief of a convent or religious house; and among the Jesuits, the superior of a house that is a seminary or college.NWAD RECTOR.7
RECTORSHIP, n. The office or rank of a rector.
1. A parish church, parsonage or spiritual living, with all its rights, tithes and glebes.NWAD RECTORY.2
2. A rector’s mansion or parsonage house.NWAD RECTORY.3
RECTRESS, RECTRIX, n. [L. rectrix.] A governess.
RECTUM, n. [L.] In anatomy, the third and last of the large intestines.
RECUBATION, n. [L. recubo; re and cubo, to lie down.]
The act of lying or leaning. [Little used.]NWAD RECUBATION.2
RECULE, v.i. To recoil. [Not used. See Recoil.]