REGRAFTING, ppr. Grafting anew.
REGRANT, v.t. [re and grant.] To grant back.
REGRANT, n. The act of granting back to a former proprietor.
REGRANTED, pp. Granted back.
REGRANTING, ppr. Granting back.
1. To offend; to shock. [Little used.]NWAD REGRATE.2
2. To buy provisions and sell them again in the same market or fair; a practice which, by raising the price is a public offense and punishable. Regrating differs from engrossing and monopolizing, which signify the buying the whole of certain articles, or large quantities, and from forestalling, which signifies the purchase of provisions on the way, before they reach the market.NWAD REGRATE.3
REGRATER, n. One who buys provisions and sells them in the same market or fair.
REGRATING, ppr. Purchasing provisions and selling them in the same market.
REGREET, v.t. [re and greet.] To greet again; to resalute.
REGREET, n. A return or exchange of salutation.
REGREETED, pp. Greeting again or in return.
REGREETING, ppr. Greeting again; resaluting.
REGRESS, n. [L. regressus, regredior.]
1. Passage back; return; as ingress and regress.NWAD REGRESS.2
2. The power of returning or passing back.NWAD REGRESS.3
REGRESS, v.i. To go back; to return to a former place or state.
REGRESSION, n. The act of passing back or returning.
REGRESSIVE, a. Passing back; returning.
REGRESSIVELY, adv. In a backward way or manner; by return.
1. Grief; sorrow; pain of mind. We feel regret at the loss of friends, regret for our own misfortunes, or for the misfortunes of others.NWAD REGRET.2
Never any prince expressed a more lively regret for the loss of a servant.NWAD REGRET.3
Her piety itself would blame, if her regrets should waken thine.NWAD REGRET.4
2. Pain of conscience; remorse; as a passionate regret at sin.NWAD REGRET.5
3. Dislike; aversion. [Not proper nor in use.]NWAD REGRET.6
REGRET, v.t.
1. To grieve at; to lament; to be sorry for; to repent.NWAD REGRET.8
Calmly he look’d on either life, and here saw nothing to regret, or there to fear.NWAD REGRET.9
2. To be uneasy at. [Not proper nor in use.]NWAD REGRET.10
REGRETFUL, a. Full of regret.
REGRETTING, ppr. Lamenting; grieving at; repenting.
REGUERDON, n. regerd’on. [See Reward.]
A reward; a recompense. [Not in use.]NWAD REGUERDON.2
REGUERDON, v.t. regerd’on. To reward. [Not in use.]
REGULAR, a. [L. regularis, from regula, a rule, from rego, to rule.]
1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law or principle, to a prescribed mode or to established customary forms; as a regular epic poem; a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular plan; a regular building.NWAD REGULAR.2
2. Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in a course or practice; as regular in diet; regular in attending on divine worship.NWAD REGULAR.3
3. In geometry, a regular figure is one whose sides and angles are equal, as a square, a cube, or an equilateral triangle. Regular figures of more than three or four sides are usually called regular polygons.NWAD REGULAR.4
4. Instituted or initiated according to established forms or discipline; as a regular physician.NWAD REGULAR.5
5. Methodical; orderly; as a regular kind of sensuality or indulgence.NWAD REGULAR.6
6. Periodical; as the regular return of day and night; a regular trade wind or monsoon.NWAD REGULAR.7
7. Pursued with uniformity or steadiness; as a regular trade.NWAD REGULAR.8
8. Belonging to a monastic order; as regular clergy, in distinction from the secular clergy.NWAD REGULAR.9
Regular troops, troops of a permanent army; opposed to militia.NWAD REGULAR.10
1. In a monastery, one who has taken the vows, and who is bound to follow the rules of the order.NWAD REGULAR.12
2. A soldier belonging to a permanent army.NWAD REGULAR.13
1. Agreeableness to a rule or to established order; as the regularity of legal proceedings.NWAD REGULARITY.2
2. Method; certain order. Regularity is the life of business.NWAD REGULARITY.3
3. Conformity to certain principles; as the regularity of a figure.NWAD REGULARITY.4
4. Steadiness or uniformity in a course; as the regularity of the motion of a heavenly body. There is no regularity in the vicissitudes of the weather.NWAD REGULARITY.5
1. In a manner accordant to a rule or established mode; as a physician or lawyer regularly admitted to practice; a verse regularly formed.NWAD REGULARLY.2
2. In uniform order; at certain intervals or periods; as day and night regularly returning.NWAD REGULARLY.3
3. Methodically; in due order; as affairs regularly performed.NWAD REGULARLY.4
1. To adjust by rule, method or established mode; as, to regulate weights and measures; to regulate the assize of bread; to regulate our moral conduct by the laws of God and of society; to regulate our manners by the customary forms.NWAD REGULATE.2
2. To put in good order; as, to regulate the disordered state of a nation or its finances.NWAD REGULATE.3
3. To subject to rules or restrictions; as, to regulate trade; to regulate diet.NWAD REGULATE.4
REGULATED, pp. Adjusted by rule, method or forms; put in good order; subjected to rules or restrictions.
REGULATING, ppr. Adjusting by rule, method or forms; reducing to order; subjecting to rules or restrictions.
1. The act of regulating or reducing to order.NWAD REGULATION.2
2. A rule or order prescribed by a superior for the management of some business, or for the government of a company or society.NWAD REGULATION.3
1. One who regulates.NWAD REGULATOR.2
2. The small spring of a watch, which regulates its motions by retarding or accelerating them.NWAD REGULATOR.3
3. Any part of a machine which regulates its movements.NWAD REGULATOR.4
REGULINE, a. [See Regulus.] Pertaining to regulus or pure metal.
Bodies which we can reduce to the metallic or reguline state.NWAD REGULINE.2
REGULIZE, v.t. To reduce to regulus or pure metal; to separate pure metal from extraneous matter.
REGULUS, n. [L. a petty king.]
In chimistry, the finer or pure part of a metallic substance, which, in the melting of ores, falls to the bottom of the crucible.NWAD REGULUS.2
REGURGITATE, v.t. [L. re and gurges.]
To throw or pour back as from a deep or hollow place; to pour or throw back in great quantity.NWAD REGURGITATE.2
REGURGITATE, v.i. To be thrown or poured back.
REGURGITATED, pp. Thrown or poured back.
REGURGITATING, ppr. Throwing or pouring back.
1. The act of pouring back.NWAD REGURGITATION.2
2. The act of swallowing again; reabsorption.NWAD REGURGITATION.3
To restore to a former capacity; to reinstate; to qualify again; to restore, as a delinquent to a former right, rank or privilege lost or forfeited; a term of the civil and canon law.NWAD REHABILITATE.2
REHABILITATED, pp. Restored to a former rank, right privilege or capacity; reinstated.
REHABILITATING, ppr. Restoring to a former right, rank, privilege or capacity; reinstating.
REHABILITATION, n. The act of reinstating in a former rank or capacity; restoration to former rights.
REHEAR, v.t. pret. and pp. reheard. [re and hear.]
To hear again; to try a second time; as, to rehear a cause in the court of king’s bench.NWAD REHEAR.2
REHEARD, pp. Heard again.
REHEARING, ppr. Hearing a second time.
1. A second hearing.NWAD REHEARING.3
2. In law, a second hearing or trial.NWAD REHEARING.4
REHEARSAL, n. rehers’al. [from rehearse.]
1. Recital; repetition of the words of another or of a written work; as the rehearsal of the Lord’s prayer.NWAD REHEARSAL.2
2. Narration; a telling or recounting, as of particulars in detail; as the rehearsal of a soldier’s adventures.NWAD REHEARSAL.3
3. The recital of a place before the public exhibition of it; as the rehearsal of a comedy.NWAD REHEARSAL.4
1. To recite; to repeat the words of a passage or composition; to repeat the words of another.NWAD REHEARSE.2
When the words were heard which David spoke, they rehearsed them before Saul. 1 Samuel 17:31.NWAD REHEARSE.3
2. To narrate or recount events or transactions.NWAD REHEARSE.4
There shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord. Judges 5:11; Acts 11:4.NWAD REHEARSE.5
3. To recite or repeat in private for experiment and improvement, before a public representation; as, to rehearse a tragedy.NWAD REHEARSE.6
REHEARSED, pp. rehers’ed. Recited; repeated; as words; narrated.
REHEARSER, n. rehers’er. One who recites or narrates.
REHEARSING, ppr. rehers’ing. Reciting; repeating words; recounting; telling; narrating.
REIGLE, n. A hollow cut or channel for guiding any thing; as the reigle of a side post for a flood gate.
REIGN, v.i. rane. [L. regno, a derivative of rego, regnum.]
1. To possess or exercise sovereign power or authority; to rule; to exercise government, as a king or emperor; or to hold the supreme power. George the third reigned over Great Britain more than fifty years.NWAD REIGN.2
Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness. Isaiah 32:1.NWAD REIGN.3
2. To be predominant; to prevail.NWAD REIGN.4
Pestilent diseases which commonly reign in summer or autumn.NWAD REIGN.5
3. To rule; to have superior or uncontrolled dominion. Romans 6:12.NWAD REIGN.6
[This word is never applied to the exercise of supreme power by a legislative body or the executive administration, in the United States.]NWAD REIGN.7
REIGN, n. rane. [L. regnum.]
1. Royal authority; supreme power; sovereignty.NWAD REIGN.9
He who like a father held his reign.NWAD REIGN.10
2. The time during which a king, queen or emperor possesses the supreme authority. The Spanish armada was equipped to invade England in the reign of queen Elizabeth. Magna Charta was obtained in the reign of king John.NWAD REIGN.11
3. Kingdom; dominion.NWAD REIGN.12
Saturn’s sons received the threefold reign of heav’n, of ocean, and deep hell beneath.NWAD REIGN.13
4. Power; influence.NWAD REIGN.14
5. Prevalence.NWAD REIGN.15
1. Holding or exercising supreme power; ruling; governing as king, queen or emperor.NWAD REIGNING.2
2. a. Predominating; prevailing; as a reigning vice or disease.NWAD REIGNING.3
REIMBARK. [See Re-embark.]
REIMBODY, v.i. [re and imbody or embody.]
To imbody again; to be formed into a body anew.NWAD REIMBODY.2
A loan has been made of two million of dollars, reimbursable in ten years.NWAD REIMBURSABLE.2
To refund; to replace in a treasury or in a private coffer, an equivalent to the sum taken from it, lost or expended; as, to reimburse the expenses of a war or a canal. The word is used before the person expending, or the treasury from which the advances are made, or before the expenses. We say, to reimburse the individual, to reimburse the treasury, or to reimburse the expenses. To reimburse the person, is to repay to him his losses, expenses or advances; to reimburse the treasury, is to refund to it the sum drawn from it; to reimburse losses or expenses, is to repay them or make them good.NWAD REIMBURSE.2
REIMBURSED, pp. Repaid; refunded; made good, as loss or expense.
REIMBURSEMENT, n. reimburs’ment. The act of repaying or refunding; repayment; as the reimbursement of principal and interest.
REIMBURSER, n. One who repays or refunds what has been lost or expended.
REIMBURSING, ppr. Repaying; refunding; making good, as loss or expense.
REIMPLANT, v.t. [re and implant.] To implant again.
REIMPORTUNE, v.t. [re and importune.] To importune again.
REIMPREGNATE, v.t. [re and impregnate.]
To impregnate again.NWAD REIMPREGNATE.2
REIMPRESS, v.t. [re and impress.] To impress anew.
REIMPRESSION, n. A second or repeated impression.
REIMPRINT, v.t. [re and imprint.] To imprint again.
REIN, n. [L. retina, retinaculum. If contracted from the Latin, it is from retineo, otherwise from the root of arrest.]
1. The strap of a bridle, fastened to the curb or snaffle on each side, by which the rider of a horse restrains and governs him.NWAD REIN.2
2. The instrument of curbing, restraining or governing; government.NWAD REIN.3
To give the reins, to give license; to leave without restraint.NWAD REIN.4
To take the reins, to take the guidance or government.NWAD REIN.5
REIN, v.t.
1. To govern by a bridle.NWAD REIN.7
2. To restrain; to control.NWAD REIN.8
A species of the cervine genus; more correctly written ranedeer, or rather rane, which is the true name.NWAD REINDEER.2
REINFECT, v.t. [re and infect.] To infect again.
REINFECTED, pp. Infected again.
REINFECTING, ppr. Infecting again.
REINFECTIOUS, a. Capable of infecting again.
REINFORCE, v.t. [re and enforce.] To give new force to; to strengthen by new assistance or support. [It is written also re-enforce; but reinforce seems now to be the most common.]
REINFORCED, pp. Strengthened by additional force.
REINFORCEMENT, n. New force added; fresh supplies of strength; particularly, additional troops or ships.
REINFORCING, ppr. Adding fresh force to.
REINGRATIATE, v.t. To ingratiate again.
REINGRATIATE, v.t. [re and ingratiate.] To ingratiate again; to recommend again to favor.
REINHABIT, v.t. [re and inhabit.] To inhabit again.
REINHABITING, ppr. Inhabiting a second time.
REINLESS, a. Without rein; without restraint; unchecked.
REINLIST, v.t. or i. [re and inlist.] To inlist again.
[It is written also re-enlist.]NWAD REINLIST.2
REINLISTMENT, n. The act of inlisting anew; the act of engaging again in military service.
REINQUIRE, v.t. To inquire a second time.
REINS, n. plu. [L. ren, renes.]
1. The kidneys; the lower part of the back.NWAD REINS.2
2. In Scripture, the inward parts; the heart, or seat of the affections and passions. Psalm 73:21.NWAD REINS.3
REINSERT, v.t. [re and insert.] To insert a second time.
REINSERTED, pp. Inserted again.
REINSERTING, ppr. Inserting again.
REINSERTION, n. A second insertion.