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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    REINSPECT, v.t. [re and inspect.] To inspect again, as provisions.

    REINSPECTION, n. The act of inspecting a second time.

    REINSPIRE, v.t. [re and inspire.] To inspire anew.

    REINSPIRED, pp. Inspired again.

    REINSPIRING, ppr. Inspiring again.

    REINSTALL, v.t. [re and install.] To install again; to seat anew.

    REINSTALLED, pp. Installed anew.

    REINSTALLING, ppr. Installing again.

    REINSTALLMENT, n. A second installment.

    REINSTATE, v.t. [re and instate.] To place again in possession or in a former state; to restore to a state from which one has been removed; as, to reinstate a king in the possession of the kingdom; to reinstate one in the affections of his family.

    REINSTATED, pp. Replaced in possession or in a former state.

    REINSTATEMENT, n. The act of putting in a former state; re-establishment.

    REINSTATING, ppr. Replacing in a former state; putting again in possession.

    REINSURANCE, n. [re and insurance. See Sure.]

    An insurance of property already insured; a second insurance of the same property. Such reinsurance is permitted by the French commercial code; but in England is prohibited by statute, except when the first underwriter is insolvent.NWAD REINSURANCE.2

    REINSURE, v.t. [re and insure.] To insure the same property a second time by other underwriters.

    The insurer may cause the property insured to be reinsured by other persons.NWAD REINSURE.2

    REINSURED, pp. Insured a second time by other persons.

    REINSURING, ppr. Insuring a second time by other persons.

    REINTEGRATE, v.t. [L. redintegro; red, re, and integro, from integer.]

    To renew with regard to any state or quality; to restore. [Little used.]NWAD REINTEGRATE.2

    REINTERROGATE, v.t. [re and interrogate.]

    To interrogate again; to question repeatedly.NWAD REINTERROGATE.2

    REINTHRONE, v.t. [re and inthrone. See Enthrone.]

    To replace on the throne.NWAD REINTHRONE.2

    REINTHRONED, pp. Placed again on the throne.

    REINTHRONING, ppr. Replacing on the throne.

    REINTHRONIZE, v.t. To reinthrone. [Not in use.]

    REINVEST, v.t. [re and invest.] To invest anew.

    REINVESTED, pp. Invested again.

    REINVESTING, ppr. Investing anew.

    REINVESTMENT, n. The act of investing anew; a second or repeated investment.

    REINVIGORATE, v.t. To revive vigor in; to reanimate.

    REIT, n. Sedge; sea weed.

    REITERATE, v.t. [L. re and itero.]

    To repeat; to repeat again and again; as reiterated crimes; to reiterate requests.NWAD REITERATE.2

    REITERATED, pp. Repeated again and again.

    REITERATING, ppr. Repeating again and again.

    REITERATION, n. Repetition.

    REJECT, v.t. [L. rejicio, rejectus, re and jacio, to throw.]

    1. To throw away, as any thing useless or vile.NWAD REJECT.2

    2. To cast off.NWAD REJECT.3

    Have I rejected those that me ador’d?NWAD REJECT.4

    3. To cast off; to forsake. Jeremiah 7:29.NWAD REJECT.5

    4. To refuse to receive; to slight; to despise.NWAD REJECT.6

    Because thou has rejected knowledge, I will reject thee. Hosea 4:6; 1 Samuel 15:23.NWAD REJECT.7

    5. To refuse to grant; as, to reject a prayer or request.NWAD REJECT.8

    6. To refuse to accept; as, to reject an offer.NWAD REJECT.9

    REJECTABLE, a. That may be rejected.

    REJECTAMENTA, n. [from L. rejecto.] Things thrown out or away. [Ill formed.]

    REJECTANEOUS, a. [from the L.] Not chosen or received; rejected.

    REJECTED, pp. Thrown away; cast off; refused; slighted.

    REJECTER, n. One that rejects or refuses.

    REJECTING, ppr. Throwing away; casting off; refusing to grant or accept; slighting.

    REJECTION, n. [L. rejectio.] The act of throwing away; the act of casting off or forsaking; refusal to accept or grant.

    REJECTIVE, a. That rejects, or tends to cast off.

    REJECTMENT, n. Matter thrown away.

    REJOICE, v.i. rejois’.

    To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult.NWAD REJOICE.2

    When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2.NWAD REJOICE.3

    I will rejoice in thy salvation. Psalm 9:14.NWAD REJOICE.4

    REJOICE, v.t. rejois’. To make joyful; to gladden; to animate with lively pleasurable sensations; to exhilarate.

    Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father. Proverbs 29:3.NWAD REJOICE.6

    While she, great saint, rejoices heaven.NWAD REJOICE.7

    REJOICED, pp. Made glad; exhilarated.

    REJOICER, n. One that rejoices.

    REJOICING, ppr. Animating with gladness; exhilarating; feeling joy.

    REJOICING, ppr. Animating with gladness; exhilarating; feeling joy.

    1. The act of expressing joy and gladness.NWAD REJOICING.4

    The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous. Psalm 118:15.NWAD REJOICING.5

    2. The subject of joy.NWAD REJOICING.6

    Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever, for they are the rejoicing of my heart. Psalm 119:111.NWAD REJOICING.7

    3. The experience of joy. Galatians 6:4.NWAD REJOICING.8

    REJOICINGLY, adv. With joy or exultation.

    REJOIN, v.t. [re and join.]

    1. To join again; to unite after separation.NWAD REJOIN.2

    2. To meet one again.NWAD REJOIN.3

    REJOIN, v.i.

    1. To answer to a reply.NWAD REJOIN.5

    2. In law pleadings, to answer, as the defendant to the plantif’s replication.NWAD REJOIN.6


    1. An answer to a reply; or in general, an answer.NWAD REJOINDER.2

    2. In law pleadings, the defendants’s answer to the plantif’s replication.NWAD REJOINDER.3

    REJOINED, pp. Joined again; reunited.

    REJOINING, ppr. Joining again; answering a plaintiff’s replication.

    REJOINT, v.t. [re and joint.] To reunite joints.

    REJOLT, n. [re and jolt.] A reacting jolt or shock. [Not used.]

    REJOURN, v.t. rejurn’. [See Adjourn.]

    To adjourn to another hearing or inquiry. [Not used.]NWAD REJOURN.2

    REJUDGE, v.t. rejuj’. [re and judge.] To judge again; to re-examine; to review; to call to a new trial and decision.

    Rejudge his acts, and dignify disgrace.NWAD REJUDGE.2

    REJUDGED, pp. Reviewed; judged again.

    REJUDGING, ppr. Judging again.

    REJUVENESCENCE, REJUVENESCENCY, n. [L. re and juvenescens; juvenis, a youth.]

    A renewing of youth; the state of being young again.NWAD REJUVENESCENCE.2

    REKINDLE, v.t. [re and kindle.]

    1. To kindle again; to set on fire anew.NWAD REKINDLE.2

    2. To inflame again; to rouse anew.NWAD REKINDLE.3

    REKINDLED, pp. Kindled again; inflamed anew.

    REKINDLING, ppr. Kindling again; inflaming anew.

    RELAID, pp. Laid a second time.

    RELAND, v.t. [re and land.] To land again; to put on land what had been shipped or embarked.

    RELAND, v.i. To go on shore after having embarked.

    RELANDED, pp. Put on shore again.

    RELANDING, ppr. Landing again.

    RELAPSE, v.i. relaps’. [L. relapsus, relabor, to slide back; re and labor, to slide.]

    1. To slip or slide back; to return.NWAD RELAPSE.2

    2. To fall back; to return to a former state or practice; as, to relapse into vice or error after amendment.NWAD RELAPSE.3

    3. To fall back or return from recovery or a convalescent state; as, to relapse into a fever.NWAD RELAPSE.4

    RELAPSE, n. relaps’. A sliding or falling back, particularly into a former bad state, either of body or of morals; as a relapse into a disease from a convalescent state; a relapse into a vicious course of life. [In the sense of a person relapsing, not used.]

    RELAPSER, n. One that relapses into vice or error.

    RELAPSING, ppr. Sliding or falling back, as into disease or vice.

    RELATE, v.t. [L. relatus, refero; re and fero, to produce.]

    1. To tell; to recite; to narrate the particulars of an event; as, to relate the story of Priam; to relate the adventures of Don Quixote.NWAD RELATE.2

    2. To bring back; to restore. [Not in use.]NWAD RELATE.3

    3. To ally by connection or kindred.NWAD RELATE.4

    To relate one’s self, to vent thoughts in words.NWAD RELATE.5

    RELATE, v.i. To have reference or respect; to regard.

    All negative words relate to positive ideas.NWAD RELATE.7

    RELATED, pp.

    1. Recited; narrated.NWAD RELATED.2

    2. a. Allied by kindred; connected by blood or alliance, particularly by consanguinity; as a person related in the first or second degree.NWAD RELATED.3

    RELATER, n. One who tells, recites or narrates; a historian.

    RELATING, ppr.

    1. Telling; reciting; narrating.NWAD RELATING.2

    2. a. Having relation or reference; concerning.NWAD RELATING.3

    RELATION, n. [L. relatio, refero.]

    1. The act of telling; recital; account; narration; narrative of facts; as a historical relation. We listened to the relation of his adventures.NWAD RELATION.2

    2. Respect; reference; regard.NWAD RELATION.3

    I have been importuned to make some observations on this art, in relation to its agreement with poetry.NWAD RELATION.4

    3. Connection between things; mutual respect, or what one thing is with regard to another; as the relation of a citizen to the state; the relation of a subject to the supreme authority; the relation of husband and wife, or of master and servant; the relation of a state of probation to a state of retribution.NWAD RELATION.5

    4. Kindred; alliance; as the relation of parents and children.NWAD RELATION.6

    Relations dear, and all the charities of father, son and brother, first were known.NWAD RELATION.7

    5. A person connected by consanguinity or affinity; a kinsman or kinswoman. He passed a month with his relations in the country.NWAD RELATION.8

    6. Resemblance of phenomena; analogy.NWAD RELATION.9

    7. In geometry, ratio; proportion.NWAD RELATION.10

    RELATIONAL, a. Having relation or kindred.

    We might be tempted to take these two nations for relational stems.NWAD RELATIONAL.2

    RELATIONSHIP, n. The state of being related by kindred, affinity or other alliance.

    [This word is generally tautological and useless.]NWAD RELATIONSHIP.2

    RELATIVE, a. [L. relativus.]

    1. Having relation; respecting. The arguments may be good, but they are not relative to the subject.NWAD RELATIVE.2

    2. Not absolute or existing by itself; considered as belonging to or respecting something else.NWAD RELATIVE.3

    Every thing sustains both an absolute and a relative capacity; an absolute, as it is such a thing, endued with such a nature; and a relative, as it is a part of the universe, and so stands in such a relation to the whole.NWAD RELATIVE.4

    3. Incident to man in society; as relative rights and duties.NWAD RELATIVE.5

    4. Particular; positive. [Not in use.]NWAD RELATIVE.6

    Relative made, in music, the mode which the composer interweaves with the principal mode in the flow of the harmony.NWAD RELATIVE.7

    Relative terms, in logic, terms which imply relation, as guardian and ward; master and servant; husband and wife.NWAD RELATIVE.8

    Relative word, in grammar, a word which relates to another word, called its antecedent, or to a sentence or member of a sentence, or to a series of sentences.NWAD RELATIVE.9

    RELATIVE, n.

    1. A person connected by blood or affinity; strictly, one allied by blood; a relation; a kinsman or kinswoman.NWAD RELATIVE.11

    Confining our care either to ourselves and relatives.NWAD RELATIVE.12

    2. That which has relation to something else.NWAD RELATIVE.13

    3. In grammar, a word which relates to or represents another word, called its antecedent, or to a sentence or member of a sentence, or to a series of sentences, which constitutes its antecedent. “He seldom lives frugally, who lives by chance.” Here who is the relative, which represents he, the antecedent.NWAD RELATIVE.14

    “Judas declared him innocent, which he could not be, had he deceived his disciples.” Here which refers to innocent, an adjective, as its antecedent.NWAD RELATIVE.15

    “Another reason that makes me doubt of any innate practical principles is, that I think there cannot any one moral rule be proposed, whereof a man may not justly demand a reason; which would be perfectly ridiculous and absurd, if they were innate, or so much as self-evident, which every innate principle must needs be.”NWAD RELATIVE.16

    If we ask the question, what would be ridiculous and absurd, the answer must be, whereof a man may justly demand a reason, and this part of the sentence is the antecedent to which. Self-evident is the antecedent to which, near the close of the sentence.NWAD RELATIVE.17

    RELATIVELY, adv. In relation or respect to something else; not absolutely.

    Consider the absolute affections of any being as it is in itself, before you consider it relatively.NWAD RELATIVELY.2

    RELATIVENESS, n. The state of having relation.

    RELATOR, n. In law, one who brings an information in the nature of a quo warranto.

    RELAX, v.t. [L. relaxo; re and laxo, to slacken.]

    1. To slacken; to make less tense or rigid; as, to relax a rope or cord; to relax the muscles or sinews; to relax the reins in riding.NWAD RELAX.2

    2. To loosen; to make less close or firm; as, to relax the joints.NWAD RELAX.3

    3. To make less severe or rigorous; to remit or abate in strictness; as, to relax a law or rule of justice; to relax a demand.NWAD RELAX.4

    4. To remit or abate in attention, assiduity or labor; as, to relax study; to relax exertions or efforts.NWAD RELAX.5

    5. To unbend; to ease; to relieve from close attention; as, conversation relaxes the student or the mind.NWAD RELAX.6

    6. To relieve from constipation; to loosen; to open; as, medicines relax the bowels.NWAD RELAX.7

    7. To open; to loose.NWAD RELAX.8

    8. To make languid.NWAD RELAX.9

    RELAX, v.i.

    1. To abate in severity; to become more mild or less rigorous.NWAD RELAX.11

    In others she relax’d again, and govern’d with a looser rein.NWAD RELAX.12

    2. To remit in close attention. It is useful for the student to relax often, and give himself to exercise and amusements.NWAD RELAX.13

    RELAX, n. Relaxation. [Not used.]

    RELAXABLE, a. That may be remitted.

    RELAXATION, n. [L. relaxatio.]

    1. The act of slackening or remitting tension; as a relaxation of the muscles, fibers or nerves; a relaxation of the whole system.NWAD RELAXATION.2

    2. Cessation of restraint.NWAD RELAXATION.3

    3. Remission or abatement of rigor; as a relaxation of the law.NWAD RELAXATION.4

    4. Remission of attention or application; as a relaxation of mind, study or business.NWAD RELAXATION.5

    5. An opening or loosening.NWAD RELAXATION.6

    RELAXATIVE, a. Having the quality of relaxing. [See Laxative.]

    RELAXED, pp. Slackened; loosened; remitted or abated in rigor or in closeness; made less vigorous; languid.

    RELAXING, ppr. Slackening; loosening; remitting or abating in rigor, severity or attention; rendering languid.

    RELAY, n.

    1. A supply of horses placed on the road to be in readiness to relieve others, that a traveler may proceed without delay.NWAD RELAY.2

    2. Hunting dogs kept in readiness at certain places to pursue the game, when the dogs that have been in pursuit are weary.NWAD RELAY.3

    RELAY, v.t. [re and lay.] To lay again; to lay a second time; as, to relay a pavement.

    RELAYING, ppr. Laying a second time.

    RELEASE, v.t.

    1. To set free from restraint of any kind, either physical or moral; to liberate from prison, confinement or servitude. Matthew 27:15; Mark 15:6.NWAD RELEASE.2

    2. To free from pain, care, trouble, grief, etc.NWAD RELEASE.3

    3. To free from obligation or penalty; as, to release one from debt, from a promise or covenant.NWAD RELEASE.4

    4. To quit; to let go, as a legal claim; as, to release a debt or forfeiture. Deuteronomy 15:1-3.NWAD RELEASE.5

    5. To discharge or relinquish a right to lands or tenements, by conveying it to another that has some right or estate in possession, as when the person in remainder releases his right to the tenant in possession; when one co-parcener releases his right to the other; or the mortgagee releases his claim to the mortgager.NWAD RELEASE.6

    6. To relax. [Not in use.]NWAD RELEASE.7

    RELEASE, n.

    1. Liberation or discharge from restraint of any kind, as from confinement or bondage.NWAD RELEASE.9

    2. Liberation from care, pain or any burden.NWAD RELEASE.10

    3. Discharge from obligation or responsibility, as from debt, penalty or claim of any kind; acquittance.NWAD RELEASE.11

    4. In law, a release or deed of release is a conveyance of a man’s right in lands or tenements to another who has some estate in possession; a quitclaim. The efficient words in such an instrument are, “remised, released, and forever quitclaimed.”NWAD RELEASE.12

    RELEASED, pp. Set free from confinement; freed from obligation or liability; freed from pain; quitclaimed.

    RELEASEMENT, n. The act of releasing from confinement or obligation.

    RELEASER, n. One who releases.

    RELEASING, ppr. Liberating from confinement or restraint; freeing from obligation or responsibility, or from pain or other evil; quitclaiming.

    RELEGATE, v.t. [L. relego; re and lego, to send.] To banish; to send into exile.

    RELEGATED, pp. Sent into exile.

    RELEGATING, ppr. Banishing.

    RELEGATION, n. [L. relegatio.] The act of banishment; exile.

    RELENT, v.i. [L. blandus, which unites the L. blandus with lentus. The English is from re and L. lentus, gentle, pliant, slow, the primary sense of which is soft or yielding. The L. lenis is probably of the same family. See Bland.]

    1. To soften; to become less rigid or hard; to give.NWAD RELENT.2

    In some houses, sweetmeats will relent more than in others.NWAD RELENT.3

    When op’ning buds salute the welcome day, and earth relenting feels the genial ray.NWAD RELENT.4

    [This sense of the word is admissible in poetry, but is not in common use.]NWAD RELENT.5

    2. To grow moist; to deliquesce; applied to salts; as the relenting of the air.NWAD RELENT.6

    Salt of tartar - placed in a cellar, will begin to relent.NWAD RELENT.7

    [This sense is not in use.]NWAD RELENT.8

    3. To become less intense. [Little used.]NWAD RELENT.9

    4. To soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion. [This is the usual sense of the word.]NWAD RELENT.10

    Can you behold my tears, and not once relent?NWAD RELENT.11

    RELENT, v.t.

    1. To slacken.NWAD RELENT.13

    And oftentimes he would relent his pace. Obs.NWAD RELENT.14

    2. To soften; to mollify. Obs.NWAD RELENT.15

    RELENT, pp. Dissolved. Obs.
    RELENT, n. Remission; stay. Obs.

    RELENTING, ppr. Softening in temper; becoming more mild or compassionate.

    RELENTING, n. The act of becoming more mild or compassionate.

    RELENTLESS, a. Unmoved by pity unpitying; insensible to the distress of others; destitute of tenderness; as a pray to relentless despotism.

    For this th’ avenging pow’r employs his darts,NWAD RELENTLESS.2

    Thus will persist relentless in his ire.NWAD RELENTLESS.3

    Relentless thoughts, in Milton, may signify unremitted, intently fixed on disquieting objects.NWAD RELENTLESS.4

    [This sense of the word is unusual and not to be countenanced.]NWAD RELENTLESS.5

    RELESSEE, n. [See Release.] The person to whom a release is executed.

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