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    REMEMORATE, v.t. [L. rememoratus, rememoror.]

    To remember; to revive in the memory. [Not in use.]NWAD REMEMORATE.2

    REMEMORATION, n. Remembrance. [Not in use.]

    REMERCIE, REMERCY, v.t. To thank. [Not in use.]

    REMIGRATE, v.i. [L. remigro; re and migro, to migrate.]

    To remove back again to a former place or state; to return. [See Migrate.]NWAD REMIGRATE.2

    REMIGRATION, n. Removal back again; a migration to a former place.

    REMIND, v.t. [re and mind.]

    1. To put in mind; to bring to the remembrance of; as, to remind a person of his promise.NWAD REMIND.2

    2. To bring to notice or consideration. The infirmities of old age remind us of our mortality.NWAD REMIND.3

    REMINDED, pp. Put in mind.

    REMINDING, ppr. Putting in mind; calling attention to.

    REMINISCENCE, n. [L. reminiscens, reminiscor, Gr. See Memory.]

    1. That faculty of the mind by which ideas formerly received into it, but forgotten, are recalled or revived in the memory.NWAD REMINISCENCE.2

    2. Recollection; recovery of ideas that had escaped from the memory.NWAD REMINISCENCE.3

    REMINISCENTIAL, a. Pertaining to reminiscence or recollection.

    REMISE, v.t. s as z. [L. remissus, remitto; re and mitto, to send.]

    To give or grant back; to release a claim; to resign or surrender by deed. A B hath remised, released, and forever quitclaimed to B C, all his right to the manor of Dale.NWAD REMISE.2

    REMISED, pp. Released.

    REMISING, ppr. Surrendering by deed.

    REMISS, a. [L. remissus, supra.]

    1. Slack; dilatory; negligent; not performing duty or business; not complying with engagements at all, or not in due time; as to be remiss in attendance on official duties; remiss in payment of debts.NWAD REMISS.2

    2. Slow; slack; languid.NWAD REMISS.3

    3. Not intense.NWAD REMISS.4

    These nervous, bold; those languid and remiss.NWAD REMISS.5

    REMISSIBLE, a. That may be remitted or forgiven.

    REMISSION, n. [L. remissio, from remitto, to send back.]

    1. Abatement; relaxation; moderation; as the remission of extreme rigor.NWAD REMISSION.2

    2. Abatement; diminution of intensity; as the remission of the sun’s heat; the remission of cold; the remission of close study or of labor.NWAD REMISSION.3

    3. Release; discharge or relinquishment of a claim or right; as the remission of a tax or duty.NWAD REMISSION.4

    4. In medicine, abatement; a temporary subsidence of the force or violence of a disease or of pain, as distinguished from intermission, in which the disease leaves the patient entirely for a time.NWAD REMISSION.5

    5. Forgiveness; pardon; that is, the giving up of the punishment due to a crime; as the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:22.NWAD REMISSION.6

    6. The act of sending back. [Not in use.]NWAD REMISSION.7

    REMISSLY, adv.

    1. Carelessly; negligently; without close attention.NWAD REMISSLY.2

    2. Slowly; slackly; not vigorously; not with ardor.NWAD REMISSLY.3

    REMISSNESS, n. Slackness; slowness; carelessness; negligence; want of ardor or vigor; coldness; want of ardor; want of punctuality; want of attention to any business, duty or engagement in the proper time or with the requisite industry.

    REMIT, v.t. [L. remitto, to send back; re and mitto, to send.]

    1. To relax, as intensity; to make less tense or violent.NWAD REMIT.2

    So willingly doth God remit his ire.NWAD REMIT.3

    2. To forgive; to surrender the right of punishing a crime; as, to remit punishment.NWAD REMIT.4

    3. To pardon, as a fault or crime.NWAD REMIT.5

    Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them. John 20:23.NWAD REMIT.6

    4. To give up; to resign.NWAD REMIT.7

    In grievous and inhuman crimes, offenders should be remitted to their prince.NWAD REMIT.8

    5. To refer; as a clause that remitted all to the bishop’s discretion.NWAD REMIT.9

    6. To send back.NWAD REMIT.10

    The pris’ner was remitted to the guard.NWAD REMIT.11

    7. To transmit money, bills or other thing in payment for goods received. American merchants remit money, bills of exchange or some species of stock, in payment for British goods.NWAD REMIT.12

    8. To restore.NWAD REMIT.13

    In this case, the law remits him to his ancient and more certain right.NWAD REMIT.14

    REMIT, v.i.

    1. To slacken; to become less intense or rigorous.NWAD REMIT.16

    When our passions remit, the vehemence of our speech remits too.NWAD REMIT.17

    So we say, cold or heat remits.NWAD REMIT.18

    2. To abate in violence for a time, without intermission; as, a fever remits at a certain hour every day.NWAD REMIT.19


    1. The act of remitting to custody.NWAD REMITMENT.2

    2. Forgiveness; pardon.NWAD REMITMENT.3

    REMITTAL, n. A remitting; a giving up; surrender; as the remittal of the first fruits.


    1. In commerce, the act of transmitting money, bills or the like, to a distant place, in return or payment for goods purchased.NWAD REMITTANCE.2

    2. The sum or thing remitted in payment.NWAD REMITTANCE.3

    REMITTED, pp. Relaxed; forgiven; pardoned; sent back; referred; given up; transmitted in payment.

    REMITTER, n.

    1. One who remits, or makes remittance for payment.NWAD REMITTER.2

    2. In law, the restitution of a more ancient and certain right to a person who has right to lands, but is out of possession and hath afterwards the freehold cast upon him by some subsequent defective title, by virtue of which he enters.NWAD REMITTER.3

    3. One that pardons.NWAD REMITTER.4

    REMNANT, n. [contracted from remanent. See Remain.]

    1. Residue; that which is left after the separation, removal or destruction of a part.NWAD REMNANT.2

    The remnant that are left of the captivity. Nehemiah 1:3.NWAD REMNANT.3

    2. That which remains after a part is done, performed, told or passed.NWAD REMNANT.4

    The remnant of my tale is of a length to tire your patience.NWAD REMNANT.5

    Where I may think the remnant of my thoughts.NWAD REMNANT.6

    REMNANT, a. Remaining; yet left.

    And quiet dedicate her remnant life to the just duties of a humble wife. [Little used.]NWAD REMNANT.8

    REMODEL, v.t. [re and model.] To model or fashion anew.

    REMODELED, pp. Modeled anew.

    REMODELING, ppr. Modeling again.

    REMOLD, v.t. [re and mold.] To mold or shape anew.

    REMOLDED, pp. Molded again.

    REMOLDING, ppr. Molding anew.

    REMOLTEN, a. or pp. [re and molten, from melt.] Melted again.


    1. Show; discovery. [Not in use.]NWAD REMONSTRANCE.2

    2. Expostulation; strong representation of reasons against a measure, either public or private, and when addressed to a public body, a prince or magistrate, it may be accompanied with a petition or supplication for the removal or prevention of some evil or inconvenience. A party aggrieved presents a remonstrance to the legislature.NWAD REMONSTRANCE.3

    3. Pressing suggestions in opposition to a measure or act; as the remonstrances of conscience or of justice.NWAD REMONSTRANCE.4

    4. Expostulatory counsel or advice; reproof.NWAD REMONSTRANCE.5

    REMONSTRANT, a. Expostulatory; urging strong reasons against an act.

    REMONSTRANT, n. One who remonstrates. The appellation of remonstrants is given to the Arminians who remonstrated against the decisions of the Synod of Dort, in 1618.

    REMONSTRATE, v.i. [L. remonstro; re and monstro, to show. See Muster.]

    1. To exhibit or present strong reasons against an act, measure of any course of proceedings; to expostulate. Men remonstrate by verbal argument, or by a written exposition of reasons.NWAD REMONSTRATE.2

    2. To suggest urgent reasons in opposition to a measure. conscience remonstrates against a profligate life.NWAD REMONSTRATE.3

    REMONSTRATE, v.t. To show by a strong representation of reasons.

    REMONSTRATING, ppr. Urging strong reasons against a measure.

    REMONSTRATION, n. The act of remonstrating. [Little used.]

    REMONSTRATOR, n. One who remonstrates.

    REMORA, n. [L. from re and moror, to delay.]

    1. Delay; obstacle; hinderance. [Not in use.]NWAD REMORA.2

    2. The sucking fish, a species of Echeneis, which is said to attach itself to the bottom or side of a ship and retard its motion.NWAD REMORA.3

    REMORATE, v.t. [L. remoror.] To hinder; to delay. [Not in use.]

    REMORD, v.t. [L. remordeo; re and mordeo, to gnaw.]

    To rebuke; to excite to remorse. [Not in use.]NWAD REMORD.2

    REMORD, v.i. To feel remorse. [Not in use.]

    REMORDENCY, n. Compunction; remorse.

    REMORSE, n. remors’. [L. remorsus, from remordeo.]

    1. The keen pain or anguish excited by a sense of guilt; compunction of conscience for a crime committed.NWAD REMORSE.2

    2. Sympathetic sorrow; pity; compassion.NWAD REMORSE.3

    Curse on th’ unpard’ning prince, whom tears can draw to no remorse.NWAD REMORSE.4

    [This sense is nearly or quite obsolete.]NWAD REMORSE.5

    REMORSED, a. Feeling remorse or compunction. [Not used.]

    REMORSEFUL, a. remors’ful.

    1. Full of remorse.NWAD REMORSEFUL.2

    2. Compassionate; feeling tenderly. [Not in use.]NWAD REMORSEFUL.3

    3. Pitiable. [Not in use.]NWAD REMORSEFUL.4

    REMORSELESS, a. remors’less. Unpitying; cruel; insensible to distress; as the remorseless deep.

    Remorseless adversaries.NWAD REMORSELESS.2

    REMORSELESSLY, adv. remors’lessly. Without remorse.

    REMORSELESSNESS, n. remors’lessness. Savage cruelty; insensibility to distress.

    REMOTE, a. [L. remotus, removeo; re and moveo, to move.]

    1. Distant in place; not near; as a remote country; a remote people.NWAD REMOTE.2

    Give me a life remote from guilty courts.NWAD REMOTE.3

    2. Distant in time, past or future; as remote antiquity. Every man is apt to think the time of his dissolution to be remote.NWAD REMOTE.4

    3. Distant; not immediate.NWAD REMOTE.5

    It is not all remote and even apparent good that affects us.NWAD REMOTE.6

    4. Distant; primary; not proximate; as the remote causes of a disease.NWAD REMOTE.7

    5. Alien; foreign; not agreeing with; as a proposition remote from reason.NWAD REMOTE.8

    6. Abstracted; as the mind placed by thought amongst or remote from all bodies.NWAD REMOTE.9

    7. Distant in consanguinity or affinity; as a remote kinsman.NWAD REMOTE.10

    8. Slight; inconsiderable; as a remote analogy between cases; a remote resemblance is form or color.NWAD REMOTE.11

    REMOTELY, adv.

    1. At a distance in space or time; not nearly.NWAD REMOTELY.2

    2. At a distance in consanguinity or affinity.NWAD REMOTELY.3

    3. Slightly; in a small degree; as, to be remotely affected by an event.NWAD REMOTELY.4


    1. State of being distant in space or time; distance; as the remoteness of a kingdom or of a star; the remoteness of the deluge from our age; the remoteness of a future event, of an evil or of success.NWAD REMOTENESS.2

    2. Distance in consanguinity or affinity.NWAD REMOTENESS.3

    3. Distance in operation or efficiency; as the remoteness of causes.NWAD REMOTENESS.4

    4. Slightness; smallness; as remoteness of resemblance.NWAD REMOTENESS.5

    REMOTION, n. The act of removing; the state of being removed to a distance. [Little used.]

    REMOUNT, v.t. To mount again; as, to remount a horse.

    REMOUNT, v.i. To mount again; to reascend.

    REMOVABILITY, n. The capacity of being removable from an office or station; capacity of being displaced.

    REMOVABLE, a. [from remove.]

    1. That may be removed from an office or station.NWAD REMOVABLE.2

    Such curate is removable at the pleasure of the rector of the mother church.NWAD REMOVABLE.3

    2. That may be removed from one place to another.NWAD REMOVABLE.4

    REMOVAL, n.

    1. The act of moving from one place to another for residence; as the removal of a family.NWAD REMOVAL.2

    2. The act of displacing from an office or post.NWAD REMOVAL.3

    3. The act of curing or putting away; as the removal of a disease.NWAD REMOVAL.4

    4. The state of being removed; change of place.NWAD REMOVAL.5

    5. The act of putting an end to; as the removal of a grievance.NWAD REMOVAL.6

    REMOVE, v.t. [L. removeo; re and moveo, to move.]

    1. To cause to change place; to put from its place in any manner; as, to remove a building.NWAD REMOVE.2

    Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s landmark. Deuteronomy 19:14.NWAD REMOVE.3

    2. To displace from an office.NWAD REMOVE.4

    3. To take or put away in any manner; to cause to leave a person or thing; to banish or destroy; as, to remove a disease or complaint.NWAD REMOVE.5

    Remove sorrow from thine heart. Ecclesiastes 11:10.NWAD REMOVE.6

    4. To carry from one court to another; as, to remove a cause or suit by appeal.NWAD REMOVE.7

    5. To take from the present state of being; as, to remove one by death.NWAD REMOVE.8

    REMOVE, v.i.

    1. To change place in any manner.NWAD REMOVE.10

    2. To go from one place to another.NWAD REMOVE.11

    3. To change the place of residence; as, to remove from New York to Philadelphia.NWAD REMOVE.12

    REMOVE, n.

    1. Change of place.NWAD REMOVE.14

    2. Translation of one to the place of another.NWAD REMOVE.15

    3. State of being removed.NWAD REMOVE.16

    4. Act of moving a man in chess or other game.NWAD REMOVE.17

    5. Departure; a going away.NWAD REMOVE.18

    6. The act of changing place; removal.NWAD REMOVE.19

    7. A step in any scale of gradation.NWAD REMOVE.20

    A freeholder is but one remove from a legislator.NWAD REMOVE.21

    8. Any indefinite distance; as a small or great remove.NWAD REMOVE.22

    9. The act of putting a horse’s shoes on different feet.NWAD REMOVE.23

    10. A dish to be changed while the rest of the course remains.NWAD REMOVE.24

    11. Susceptibility of being removed. [Not in use.]NWAD REMOVE.25

    REMOVED, pp.

    1. Changed in place; carried to a distance; displaced from office; placed far off.NWAD REMOVED.2

    2. a. Remote; separate from others.NWAD REMOVED.3

    REMOVEDNESS, n. State of being removed; remoteness.

    REMOVER, n. One that removes; as a remover of landmarks.

    REMOVING, ppr. changing place; carrying or going from one place to another; displacing; banishing.

    REMUNERABILITY, n. the capacity of being rewarded.

    REMUNERABLE, a. [from remunerate.] That may be rewarded; fit or proper to be recompensed.

    REMUNERATE, v.t. [L. remunero; re and munero, from munus, a gift.]

    To reward; to recompense; to requite; in a good sense; to pay an equivalent to for any service, loss, expense or other sacrifice; as, to remunerate the troops of an army for their services and sufferings; to remunerate men for labor. the pious usfferer in this life will be remunerated in the life to come.NWAD REMUNERATE.2

    REMUNERATED, pp. Rewarded; compensated.

    REMUNERATING, ppr. Rewarding; recompensing.


    1. Reward; recompense; the act of paying an equivalent for services, loss or sacrifices.NWAD REMUNERATION.2

    2. The equivalent given for services, loss or sufferings.NWAD REMUNERATION.3

    REMUNERATIVE, a. Exercised in rewarding; that bestows rewards; as remunerative justice.

    REMUNERATORY, a. Affording recompense; rewarding.

    REMURMUR, v.t. [L. remurmuro; re and murmuro.]

    To utter back in murmurs; to return in murmurs; to repeat in low hoarse sounds.NWAD REMURMUR.2

    The trembling trees in every plain and wood, her fate remurmur to the silver flood.NWAD REMURMUR.3

    REMURMUR, v.i. to murmur back; to return or echo in low rumbling sounds.

    The realms of Mars remurmur’d all around.NWAD REMURMUR.5

    REMURMURED, pp. Uttered back in murmurs.

    REMURMURING, ppr. uttering back in low sounds.

    RENAL, a. [L. renalis, from renes, the kidneys.]

    Pertaining to the kidneys or reins; as the renal arteries.NWAD RENAL.2

    RENARD, n. a fox; a name used in fables, but not in common discourse.

    RENASCENCY, n. The state of springing or being produced again.

    RENASCENT, a. [L. renascens, renascor; re and nascor, to be born.]

    Springing or rising into being again; reproduced.NWAD RENASCENT.2

    RENASCIBLE, a. That may be reproduced; that may spring again into being.

    RENAVIGATE, v.t. [re and navigate.] To navigate again; as, to renavigate the Pacific ocean.

    RENAVIGATED, pp. Navigated again; sailed over anew.

    RENAVIGATING, ppr. Navigating again.

    RENCOUNTER, n. Literally, a meeting of two bodies. Hence,

    1. A meeting in opposition or contest.NWAD RENCOUNTER.2

    The jostling chiefs in rude rencounter join.NWAD RENCOUNTER.3

    2. A casual combat; a sudden contest or fight without premeditation; as between individuals or small parties.NWAD RENCOUNTER.4

    3. A casual action; an engagement between armies or fleets.NWAD RENCOUNTER.5

    The confederates should - outnumber the enemy in all rencounters and engagements.NWAD RENCOUNTER.6

    4. Any combat, action or engagement.NWAD RENCOUNTER.7

    RENCOUNTER, v.t.

    1. To meet unexpectedly without enmity or hostility. [This use is found in some recent publications, but is not common.]NWAD RENCOUNTER.9

    2. To attack hand to hand.NWAD RENCOUNTER.10

    RENCOUNTER, v.i.

    1. To meet an enemy unexpectedly.NWAD RENCOUNTER.12

    2. To clash; to come in collision.NWAD RENCOUNTER.13

    3. To skirmish with another.NWAD RENCOUNTER.14

    4. To fight hand to hand.NWAD RENCOUNTER.15

    REND, v.t. pret. and pp. rent. [Eng. cranny, L. crena, Gr.]

    1. To separate any substance into parts with force or sudden violence; to tear asunder; to split; as, powder rends a rock in blasting; lightning rends an oak.NWAD REND.2

    An empire from its old foundation rent.NWAD REND.3

    I rend my tresses, and by breast I wound.NWAD REND.4

    Neither rend your clothes, lest ye die. Leviticus 10:6.NWAD REND.5

    2. To separate or part with violence.NWAD REND.6

    I will surely rend the kingdom from thee. 1 Kings 11:11.NWAD REND.7

    To rend the heart, in Scripture, to have bitter sorrow for sin. Joel 2:13.NWAD REND.8

    To rend the heavens, to appear in majesty. Isaiah 64:1.NWAD REND.9

    Rend differs somewhat from lacerate. We never say, to lacerate a rock or a kingdom, when we mean to express splitting or division. Lacerate is properly applicable to the tearing off of small pieces of a thing, as to lacerate the body with a whip or scourge; or to the tearing of the flesh or other thing without entire separation.NWAD REND.10

    RENDER, n. [from rend.] One that tears by violence.

    RENDER, v.t. [This is probably the L. reddo, with a casually inserted.]

    1. To return; to pay back.NWAD RENDER.3

    See that none render evil for evil to any man. 1 Thessalonians 5:15.NWAD RENDER.4

    2. To inflict, as a retribution.NWAD RENDER.5

    I will render vengeance to my enemies. Deuteronomy 32:41.NWAD RENDER.6

    3. To give on demand; to give; to assign.NWAD RENDER.7

    The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit, than seven men that can render a reason. Proverbs 26:16.NWAD RENDER.8

    4. To make or cause to be, by some influence upon a thing, or by some change; as, to render a person more safe or more unsafe; to render him solicitous or cautious; to render a fortress more secure or impregnable; to render a ferocious animal more mild and tractable.NWAD RENDER.9

    5. To translate, as from one language into another; as, to render Latin into English. We say, to render a word, a sentence a book, or an author into a different language.NWAD RENDER.10

    6. To surrender; to yield or give up the command or possession of; as, to render one’s self to his enemies.NWAD RENDER.11

    [Less used than surrender.]NWAD RENDER.12

    7. To afford; to give for use or benefit.NWAD RENDER.13

    Washington rendered great service to his country.NWAD RENDER.14

    8. To represent; to exhibit.NWAD RENDER.15

    He did render him the most unnatural that liv’d amongst men. [Not in use.]NWAD RENDER.16

    To render back, to return; to restore.NWAD RENDER.17

    RENDER, n.

    1. A surrender; a giving up.NWAD RENDER.19

    2. A return; a payment of rent.NWAD RENDER.20

    In those early times, the king’s household was supported by specific renders of corn and other victuals from the tenants of the domains.NWAD RENDER.21

    3. An account given.NWAD RENDER.22

    RENDERABLE, a. That may be rendered.

    RENDERED, pp. Returned; paid back; given; assigned; made; translated; surrendered; afforded.

    RENDERING, ppr. Returning; giving back; assigning; making; translating; surrendering; affording.

    RENDERING, n. Version; translation.

    RENDEZVOUS, n. [This word is anglicized, and may well be pronounced as an English word.]

    1. A place appointed for the assembling of troops, or the place where they assemble; or the port or place where ships are ordered to join company.NWAD RENDEZVOUS.2

    2. A place of meeting, or a sign that draws men together. [Rarely used.]NWAD RENDEZVOUS.3

    3. An assembly; a meeting. [Rarely used.]NWAD RENDEZVOUS.4

    RENDEZVOUS, v.i. To assemble at a particular place, as troops.

    The place where the Gauls and Bruti had rendezvoused.NWAD RENDEZVOUS.6

    RENDEZVOUS, v.t. To assemble or bring together at a certain place.

    RENDEZVOUSING, ppr. Assembling at a particular place.

    RENDIBLE, a.

    1. That may be yielded or surrendered.NWAD RENDIBLE.2

    2. That may be translated. [little used in either sense.]NWAD RENDIBLE.3

    RENDITION, n. [from render.]

    1. The act of yielding possession; surrender.NWAD RENDITION.2

    2. Translation.NWAD RENDITION.3

    RENEGADE, RENEGADO, n. [L. re and nego, to deny.]

    1. An apostate from the faith.NWAD RENEGADE.2

    2. One who deserts to an enemy; a deserter.NWAD RENEGADE.3

    3. A vagabond. [This is the sense in which this word is mostly used in popular language.]NWAD RENEGADE.4

    RENEGE, v.t. [L. renego.] To deny; to disown. Obs.

    RENEGE, v.i. To deny. Obs.

    RENERVE, v.t. renerv’. [re and nerve.] To nerve again; to give new vigor to.

    RENERVED, pp. Nerved anew.

    RENERVING, ppr. Giving new vigor to.

    RENEW, v.t. [L. renovo; re and novo, or re and new.]

    1. To renovate; to restore to a former state, or to a good state, after decay or depravation; to rebuild; to repair.NWAD RENEW.2

    Asa renewed the altar of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 15:8.NWAD RENEW.3

    2. To re-establish; to confirm.NWAD RENEW.4

    Let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom there. 1 Samuel 11:14.NWAD RENEW.5

    3. To make again; as, to renew a treaty or covenant.NWAD RENEW.6

    4. To repeat; as, to renew expressions of friendship; to renew a promise; to renew an attempt.NWAD RENEW.7

    5. To revive; as, to renew the glories of an ancestor or of a former age.NWAD RENEW.8

    6. To begin again.NWAD RENEW.9

    The last great age renews its finish’d course.NWAD RENEW.10

    7. To make new; to make fresh or vigorous; as, to renew youth; to renew strength; to renew the face of the earth. Psalms 103:5; Psalms 104:30; Isaiah 40:3.NWAD RENEW.11

    8. In theology, to make new; to renovate; to transform; to change from natural enmity to the love of God and his law; to implant holy affections in the heart; to regenerate.NWAD RENEW.12

    Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23.NWAD RENEW.13

    RENEWABLE, a. That may be renewed; as a lease renewable at pleasure.

    RENEWAL, n.

    1. The act of renewing; the act of forming anew; as the renewal of a treaty.NWAD RENEWAL.2

    2. Renovation; regeneration.NWAD RENEWAL.3

    3. Revival; restoration to a former or to a good state.NWAD RENEWAL.4

    RENEWED, pp. Made new again; repaired; re-established; repeated; revived; renovated; regenerated.

    RENEWEDNESS, n. State of being renewed.

    RENEWER, n. One who renews.

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