REPERCUSS, v.t. [L. repercutio; re and percutio; per and quatio, to shake, to beat.] To beat back.
1. The act of driving back; reverberation; as the repercussion of sound.NWAD REPERCUSSION.2
2. In music, frequent repetition of the same sound.NWAD REPERCUSSION.3
1. Driving back; having the power of sending back; causing to reverberate; as repercussive rocks.NWAD REPERCUSSIVE.2
2. Repellent; as a repercussive medicine. [Not in use.]NWAD REPERCUSSIVE.3
3. Driven back; reverberated.NWAD REPERCUSSIVE.4
REPERCUSSIVE, n. A repellent. Obs.
REPERTITIOUS, a. [from L. repertus, reperio.] Found; gained by finding. [Not in use.]
REPERTORY, n. [L. repertorium, from reperio, to find again; re and aperio, to uncover.]
1. A place in which things are disposed in an orderly manner, so that they can be easily found, as the index of a book, a common-place book, etc.NWAD REPERTORY.2
2. A treasury; a magazine.NWAD REPERTORY.3
REPETEND, n. [L. repetendus, repeto.] The parts of decimals continually repeated.
REPETITION, n. [L. repetitio. See Repeat.]
1. The act of doing or uttering a second time; iteration of the same act, or of the same words or sounds.NWAD REPETITION.2
2. The act of reciting or rehearsing; the act of reading over.NWAD REPETITION.3
4. Recital from memory, as distinct from reading.NWAD REPETITION.5
5. In music, the art of repeating, singing or playing the same part a second time.NWAD REPETITION.6
6. In rhetoric, reiteration, or a repeating the same word, or the same sense in different words, for the purpose of making a deeper impression on the audience.NWAD REPETITION.7
REPINE, v.i. [re and pine.]
1. To fret one’s self; to be discontented; to feel inward discontent which preys on the spirits; with at or against. It is our duty never to repine at the allotments of Providence.NWAD REPINE.2
2. To complain discontentedly; to murmur.NWAD REPINE.3
Multitudes repine at the want of that which nothing but idleness hinders them from enjoying.NWAD REPINE.4
3. To envy.NWAD REPINE.5
REPINER, n. One that repines or murmurs.
1. Fretting one’s self; feeling discontent that preys on the spirits; complaining; murmuring.NWAD REPINING.2
2. a. Disposed to murmur or complain; as a repining temper.NWAD REPINING.3
REPINING, n. The act of fretting or feeling discontent or of murmuring.
REPININGLY, adv. With murmuring or complaint.
1. To put again in the former place; as, to replace a book.NWAD REPLACE.2
The earl - was replaced in his government.NWAD REPLACE.3
2. To put in a new place.NWAD REPLACE.4
3. To repay; to refund; as, to replace a sum of money borrowedNWAD REPLACE.5
4. To put a competent substitute in the place of another displaced or of something lost. The paper is lost and cannot be replaced.NWAD REPLACE.6
REPLACED, pp. Put again in a former place; supplied by a substitute. Thus in petrification, the animal or vegetable substance gradually wastes away, and is replaced by silex.
REPLACEMENT, n. The act of replacing.
REPLACING, ppr. Putting again in a former place; supplying the place of with a substitute.
REPLAIT, v.t. [re and plait.] To plait or fold again; to fold one part over another again and again.
REPLAITED, pp. Folded again or often.
REPLAITING, ppr. Folding again or often.
REPLANT, v.t. To plant again.
REPLANTABLE, a. That may be planted again.
REPLANTATION, n. The act of planting again.
REPLANTED, pp. Planted anew.
REPLANTING, ppr. Planting again.
REPLEAD, v.t. [re and plead.] To plead again.
REPLEADER, n. In law, a second pleading or course of pleadings; or the power of pleading again.
Whenever a repleader is granted, the pleadings must begin de novo.NWAD REPLEADER.2
REPLENISH, v.t. [L. re and plenus, full.]
1. To fill; to stock with numbers or abundance. The magazines are replenished with corn. The springs are replenished with water.NWAD REPLENISH.2
Multiply and replenish the earth. Genesis 1:28.NWAD REPLENISH.3
2. To finish; to complete. [Not in use.]NWAD REPLENISH.4
REPLENISH, v.i. To recover former fullness.
REPLENISHED, pp. Filled; abundantly supplied.
REPLENISHING, ppr. Filling; supplying with abundance.
REPLETE, a. [L. repletus; re and pleo, to fill.] Completely filled; full.
His words replete with guile.NWAD REPLETE.2
REPLETION, n. [L. repletio.]
1. The state of being completely filled; or superabundant fullness.NWAD REPLETION.2
2. In medicine, fullness of blood; plethorn.NWAD REPLETION.3
REPLETIVE, a. Filling; replenishing.
REPLEVIABLE, a. [See Replevy.] In law, that may be replevied.
REPLEVIED, pp. Taken by a writ of replevin.
REPLEVIN, n. [See Replevy.]
1. An action or remedy granted on a distress, by which a person whose cattle or goods are distrained, has them returned to his own possession upon giving security to try the right of taking in a suit at law, and if that should be determined against him, to return the cattle or goods into the possession of the distrainor.NWAD REPLEVIN.2
2. The writ by which a distress is replevied.NWAD REPLEVIN.3
REPLEVISABLE, a. That may be replevied; but little used, being superseded by repleviable.
REPLEVY, v.t. [re and pledge. Law L. replegiabilis and replegiare.]
1. To take back, by a writ for that purpose cattle or goods that have been distrained, upon giving security to try the right of distraining in a suit at law, and if that should be determined against the plaintiff, to return the cattle or goods into the hands of the distrainor. In this case, the person whose goods are distrained becomes the plaintiff, and the person distraining the defendant or avowant.NWAD REPLEVY.2
2. To bail.NWAD REPLEVY.3
REPLEVYING, ppr. Retaking a distress. [See Replevy.]
REPLICATION, n. [L. replicatio. See Reply.]
1. An answer; a reply. Particularly,NWAD REPLICATION.2
2. In law pleadings, the reply of the plaintiff to the defendant’s plea.NWAD REPLICATION.3
3. Return or repercussion of sound. [Not used.]NWAD REPLICATION.4
REPLIER, n. One who answers; he that speaks or writes in return to something spoken or written.
REPLY, v.i. [L. replico; re and plico, to fold, that is, to turn or send to. See Apply, Employ and Ply.]
1. To answer; to make a return in words or writing to something said or written by another.NWAD REPLY.2
O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Romans 9:20.NWAD REPLY.3
2. In law, to answer a defendant’s plea. The defendant pleads in bar to the plaintiff’s declaration; the plaintiff replies to the defendant’s plea in bar.NWAD REPLY.4
REPLY, v.t. To return for an answer. He knows not what to reply.
1. An answer; that which is said or written in answer to what is said or written by another.NWAD REPLY.7
2. A book or pamphlet written in answer to another.NWAD REPLY.8
REPLYING, ppr. Answering either in words or writing.
REPOLISH, v.t. To polish again.
REPOLISHED, pp. Polished again.
REPORT, v.t. [L. reporto, to carry back; re and porto, to bear.]
1. To bear or bring back an answer, or to relate what has been discovered by a person sent to examine, explore or investigate; as, a messenger reports to his employer what he has seen or ascertained. The committee reported the whole number of votes.NWAD REPORT.2
2. To give an account of; to relate; to tell.NWAD REPORT.3
They reported his good deeds before me. Nehemiah 6:19; Acts 4:23.NWAD REPORT.4
3. To tell or relate from one to another; to circulate publicly, as a story; as in the common phrase, it is reported.NWAD REPORT.5
It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel. Nehemiah 6:6.NWAD REPORT.6
In this form of expression, it refers to the subsequent clause of the sentence; “that thou and the Jews think to rebel, is reported.”NWAD REPORT.7
4. To give an official account or statement; as, the secretary of the treasury reports to congress annually the amount of revenue and expenditure.NWAD REPORT.8
5. To give an account or statement of cases and decisions in a court of law or chancery.NWAD REPORT.9
6. To return, as sound; to give back.NWAD REPORT.10
To be reported, or usually, to be reported of, to be well or ill spoken of; to be mentioned with respect or reproach. Acts 16:2; Romans 3:8NWAD REPORT.11
REPORT, v.i. To make a statement of facts. The committee will report at twelve o’clock.
1. An account returned; a statement or relation of facts given in reply to inquiry, or by a person authorized to examine and make return to his employer.NWAD REPORT.14
From Thetis sent as spies to make report.NWAD REPORT.15
2. Rumor; common fame; story circulated. Report, though often originating in fact, soon becomes incorrect, and is seldom deserving of credit. When we have no evidence but popular report, it is prudent to suspend our opinions in regard to the facts.NWAD REPORT.16
3. Repute; public character; as evil report and good report. 2 Corinthians 6:8.NWAD REPORT.17
Cornelius was of good report among the Jews. Acts 10:22.NWAD REPORT.18
4. Account; story; relation.NWAD REPORT.19
It was a true report that I heard in my own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. 1 Kings 10:6.NWAD REPORT.20
5. Sound; noise; as the report of a pistol or cannon.NWAD REPORT.21
6. An account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of a case argued and determined in a court of law, chancery, etc. The books containing such statements are also called reports.NWAD REPORT.22
7. An official statement of facts, verbal or written; particularly, a statement in writing of proceedings and facts exhibited by an officer to his superiors; as the reports of the heads of departments to congress, of a master in chancery to the court, of committees to a legislative body and the like.NWAD REPORT.23
REPORTED, pp. Told, related or stated in answer to inquiry or direction; circulated in popular rumors; reputed; stated officially.
1. One that gives an account, verbal or written, official or unofficial.NWAD REPORTER.2
2. An officer or person who makes statements of law proceedings and decisions, or of legislative debates.NWAD REPORTER.3
REPORTING, ppr. Giving account; relating; presenting statements of facts or of adjudged cases in law.
REPORTINGLY, adv. By report or common fame.
REPOSAL, n. s as z. [from repose.] The act of reposing or resting.
REPOSE, v.t. s as z. [L. repono, reposui.]
1. To lay at rest.NWAD REPOSE.2
- After the toil of battle, to repose your wearied virtue.NWAD REPOSE.3
2. To lay; to rest, as the mind, in confidence or trust; as, to repose trust or confidence in a person’s veracity.NWAD REPOSE.4
3. To lay up; to deposit; to lodge; as pebbles reposed in cliffs.NWAD REPOSE.5
4. To place in confidence.NWAD REPOSE.6
REPOSE, v.i.
1. To lie at rest; to sleep.NWAD REPOSE.8
Within a thicket I repos’d.NWAD REPOSE.9
2. To rest in confidence. I repose on the faith and honor of a friend.NWAD REPOSE.10
3. To lie; to rest; as trap reposing on sand.NWAD REPOSE.11
1. A lying at rest.NWAD REPOSE.13
2. Sleep; rest; quiet.NWAD REPOSE.14
3. Rest of mind; tranquility; freedom from uneasiness.NWAD REPOSE.15
4. Cause of rest.NWAD REPOSE.16
5. In poetry, a rest; a pause.NWAD REPOSE.17
6. In painting, harmony of colors, as when nothing glaring appears.NWAD REPOSE.18
REPOSED, pp. Laid at rest; placed in confidence.
REPOSEDNESS, n. State of being at rest.
REPOSING, ppr. Laying at rest; placing in confidence; lying at rest; sleeping.
REPOSIT, v.t. [L. repositus, repono.] To lay up; to lodge, as for safety or preservation.
Others reposit their young in holes.NWAD REPOSIT.2
REPOSITED, pp. Laid up; deposited for safety or preservation.
REPOSITING, ppr. Laying up or lodging for safety or preservation.
REPOSITION, n. The act of replacing; as the reposition of a bone.
REPOSITORY, n. [L. repositorium, from repono.]
A place where things are or may be deposited for safety or preservation. A granary is a repository for corn, an arsenal for arms. The mind or memory is called the repository of ideas.NWAD REPOSITORY.2
REPOSSESS, v.t. [re and possess.] To possess again.
Nor shall my father repossess the land.NWAD REPOSSESS.2
To repossess one’s self, to obtain possession again.NWAD REPOSSESS.3
REPOSSESSING, ppr. Possessing again; obtaining possession again.
REPOSSESSION, n. The act of possessing again; the state of possessing again.
REPOUR, v.t. [re and pour.] To pour again.
REPREHEND, v.t. [L. reprehendo; re and prehendo, to seize.]
1. To chide; to reprove.NWAD REPREHEND.2
Pardon me for reprehending thee.NWAD REPREHEND.3
2. To blame; to censure.NWAD REPREHEND.4
I nor advise, nor reprehend the choice.NWAD REPREHEND.5
3. To detect of fallacy.NWAD REPREHEND.6
This color will be reprehended or encountered, by imputing to all excellencies in compositions a kind of poverty. [Not in use.]NWAD REPREHEND.7
4. To accuse; to charge with a fault; with of; as Aristippus, being reprehended of luxury.NWAD REPREHEND.8
REPREHENDED, pp. Reproved; blamed.
REPREHENDER, n. One that reprehends; one that blames or reproves.
REPREHENDING, ppr. Reproving; blaming.
Blamable; culpable; censurable; deserving reproof; applied to persons or things; as a reprehensible person; reprehensible conduct.NWAD REPREHENSIBLE.2
REPREHENSIBLY, adv. Culpably; in a manner to deserve censure or reproof.
Reproof; censure; open blame. Faults not punishable, may deserve reprehension.NWAD REPREHENSION.2
REPRESENT, v.t. s as z. [L. repraesento; re and Low L. praesenter, from praesens, present.]
1. To show or exhibit by resemblance.NWAD REPRESENT.2
Before him burn seven lamps, as in a zodiac, representing the heavenly fires.NWAD REPRESENT.3
2. To describe; to exhibit to the mind in words.NWAD REPRESENT.4
The managers of the bank at Genoa have been represented as a second kind of senate.NWAD REPRESENT.5
3. To exhibit; to show by action; as a tragedy well represented.NWAD REPRESENT.6
4. To personate; to act the character or to fill the place of another in a play; as, to represent the character of king Richard.NWAD REPRESENT.7
5. To supply the place of; to act as a substitute for another. The parliament of Great Britain represents the nation. The congress of the United States represents the people or nation. The senate is considered as representing the states in their corporate capacity.NWAD REPRESENT.8
6. To show by arguments, reasoning or statement of facts. the memorial represents the situation of the petitioner. Represent to your son the danger of an idle life or profligate company.NWAD REPRESENT.9
7. To stand in the place of, in the right of inheritance.NWAD REPRESENT.10
All the branches inherit the same share that their root, whom they represent, would have done.NWAD REPRESENT.11
REPRESENTANCE, n. Representation; likeness. [Not used.]
REPRESENTANT, n. A representative. [Not in use.]
1. The act of representing, describing or showing.NWAD REPRESENTATION.2
2. That which exhibits by resemblance; image, likeness, picture or statue; as representations of God.NWAD REPRESENTATION.3
3. Any exhibition of the form or operations of a thing by something resembling it. A map is a representation of the world or a part of it. The terrestrial globe is a representation of the earth. An orrery is a representation of the planets and their revolutions.NWAD REPRESENTATION.4
4. Exhibition, as of a play on the stage.NWAD REPRESENTATION.5
5. Exhibition of a character in theatrical performance.NWAD REPRESENTATION.6
6. Verbal description; statement of arguments or facts in narration, oratory, debate, petition, admonition, etc.; as the representation of a historian, of a witness or an advocate.NWAD REPRESENTATION.7
7. The business of acting as a substitute for another; as the representation of a nation in a legislative body.NWAD REPRESENTATION.8
8. Representatives, as a collective body. It is expedient to have an able representation in both houses of congress.NWAD REPRESENTATION.9
9. Public exhibition.NWAD REPRESENTATION.10
10. The standing in the place of another, as an heir, or in the right of taking by inheritance.NWAD REPRESENTATION.11
1. Exhibiting a similitude.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.2
They own the legal sacrifices, though representative, to be proper and real.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.3
2. Bearing the character or power of another; as a council representative of the people.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.4
1. One that exhibits the likeness of another.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.6
A statue of Rumor, whispering an idiot in the ear, who was the representative of credulity.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.7
2. In legislative or other business, an agent, deputy or substitute who supplies the place of another or others, being invested with his or their authority. An attorney is the representative of his client or employer. A member of the house of commons is the representative of his constituents and of the nation. In matters concerning his constituents only, he is supposed to be bound by their instructions, but in the enacting of laws for the nation, he is supposed not to be bound by their instructions, as he acts for the whole nation.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.8
3. In law, one that stands in the place of another as heir, or in the right of succeeding to an estate of inheritance, or to a crown.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.9
4. That by which any thing is exhibited or shown.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.10
This doctrine supposes the perfections of God to be the representatives to us of whatever we perceive in the creatures.NWAD REPRESENTATIVE.11
1. In the character of another; by a representative.NWAD REPRESENTATIVELY.2
2. By substitution; by delegation of power.NWAD REPRESENTATIVELY.3
REPRESENTATIVENESS, n. The state or quality of being representative.
Dr. Burnet observes that every thought is attended with consciousness and representativeness.NWAD REPRESENTATIVENESS.2
REPRESENTED, pp. Shown; exhibited; personated; described; stated; having substitutes.
1. One who shows, exhibits or describes.NWAD REPRESENTER.2
2. A representative; one that acts by deputation. [Little used.]NWAD REPRESENTER.3
REPRESENTING, ppr. Showing; exhibiting; describing; acting in another’s character; acting in the place of another.
REPRESENTMENT, n. Representation; image; an idea proposed as exhibiting the likeness of something.
REPRESS, v.t. [L. repressus, reprimo; re and premo, to press.]
1. To crush; to quell; to put down; to subdue; to suppress; as, to repress sedition or rebellion; to repress the first risings of discontent.NWAD REPRESS.2
2. To check; to restrain.NWAD REPRESS.3
Such kings favor the innocent, repress the bold.NWAD REPRESS.4
REPRESS, n. The act of subduing. [Not in use.]
REPRESSED, pp. Crushed; subdued.
REPRESSER, n. One that crushes or subdues.
REPRESSING, ppr. Crushing; subduing; checking.
1. The act of subduing; as the repression of tumults.NWAD REPRESSION.2
2. Check; restraint.NWAD REPRESSION.3
REPRESSIVE, a. Having power to crush; tending to subdue or restrain.
REPRIEVAL, n. Respit; reprieve. [Not in use.]
REPRIEVE, v.t. [I know not the origin of this word.]
1. To respit after sentence of death; to suspend or delay the execution of for a time; as, to reprieve a criminal for thirty days.NWAD REPRIEVE.2
He reprieves the sinner from time to time.NWAD REPRIEVE.3
2. To grant a respit to; to relieve for a time for any suffering.NWAD REPRIEVE.4
Company, though it may reprieve a man from his melancholy, yet cannot secure a man from his conscience.NWAD REPRIEVE.5
1. The temporary suspension of the execution of sentence of death on a criminal.NWAD REPRIEVE.7
2. Respit; interval of ease or relief.NWAD REPRIEVE.8
All that I ask is but a short reprieve, till I forgot to love, and learn to grieve.NWAD REPRIEVE.9
REPRIEVED, pp. Respited; allowed a longer time to live than the sentence of death permits.
REPRIEVING, ppr. Respiting; suspending the execution of for a time.
REPRIMAND, v.t. [If this word is from L. reprimo, it must be formed from the participle reprimendus.]
1. To reprove severely; to reprehend; to chide for a fault.NWAD REPRIMAND.2
Germanicus was severely reprimanded by Tiberius, for traveling into Egypt without his permission.NWAD REPRIMAND.3
2. To reprove publicly and officially, in execution of a sentence. The court ordered the officer to be reprimanded.NWAD REPRIMAND.4
REPRIMAND, n. Severe reproof for a fault; reprehension, private or public.
REPRIMANDED, pp. Severely reproved.
REPRIMANDING, ppr. Reproving severely.
REPRINT, v.t. [re and print.]
1. To print again; to print a second or any new edition.NWAD REPRINT.2
2. To renew the impression of any thing.NWAD REPRINT.3
The business of redemption is - to reprint God’s image on the soul.NWAD REPRINT.4
REPRINTED, pp. Printed anew; impressed again.