RESALE, n. [re and sale.]
1. A sale at second hand.NWAD RESALE.2
2. To return a salutation.NWAD RESALE.3
RESALUTE, v.t. [L. resaluto; re and saluto, to salute.]
1. To salute or greet anew.NWAD RESALUTE.2
2. To return a salutation.NWAD RESALUTE.3
RESALUTED, pp. Saluted again.
RESALUTING, ppr. Saluting anew.
RESCIND, v.t. [L. rescindo; re and scindo; to cut.]
1. To abrogate; to revoke; to annul; to vacate an act by the enacting authority or by superior authority; as, to rescind a law, a resolution or a vote; to rescind an edict or decree; to rescind a judgment.NWAD RESCIND.2
2. To cut off. [Not used.]NWAD RESCIND.3
RESCISSION, n. resizh’on. [L. rescissus.]
1. The act of abrogating, annulling or vacating; as the rescission of a law, decree or judgment.NWAD RESCISSION.2
2. A cutting off.NWAD RESCISSION.3
RESCISSORY, a. Having power to cut off or to abrogate.
RESCOUS, in law. [See Rescue.]
RESCRIBE, v.t. [L. rescribo; re and scribo, to write.]
1. To write back.NWAD RESCRIBE.2
2. To write over again.NWAD RESCRIBE.3
RESCRIPT, n. [L. rescriptum, rescribo.] The answer of an emperor, when consulted by particular persons on some difficult question. This answer serves as a decision of the question, and is therefore equivalent to an edict or decree.
RESCRIPTIVELY, adv. By rescript. [Unusual.]
RESCUABLE, a. That may be rescued.
RESCUE, v.t. res’cu. [L. re and quatio.]
To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger or evil; to liberate from actual restraint, or to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from an officer; to rescue seamen from destruction by shipwreck.NWAD RESCUE.2
So the people rescued Jonathan that he died not. 1 Samuel 14:45; 1 Samuel 30:18; Psalm 35:17.NWAD RESCUE.3
Cattle taken by distress contrary to law, may be rescued by the owner, while on their way to the pound.NWAD RESCUE.4
Estimate the value of one soul rescued from eternal guilt and agony, and destined to grow forever in the knowledge and likeness of God.NWAD RESCUE.5
RESCUE, n. [See the Verb.]
1. Deliverance from restraint, violence or danger, by force or by the interference of an agent.NWAD RESCUE.7
2. In law, rescue or rescous, the forcible retaking of a lawful distress from the distrainor, or from the custody of the law; also, the forcible liberation of a defendant from the custody of the officer, in which cases, the remedy is by writ of rescous. But when the distress is unlawfully taken, the owner may lawfully make rescue.NWAD RESCUE.8
The rescue of a prisoner from the court, is punished with perpetual imprisonment and forfeiture of goods.NWAD RESCUE.9
RESCUED, pp. Delivered from confinement or danger; or forcibly taken from the custody of the law.
RESCUER, n. One that rescues or retakes.
RESCUING, ppr. Liberating from restraint or danger; forcibly taking from the custody of the law.
RESEARCH, n. reserch’. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as researches of human wisdom.
RESEARCH, v.t. reserch’.
1. To search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently for the truth.NWAD RESEARCH.3
It is not easy to research with due distinction, in the actions of eminent personages, both how much may have been blemished by the envy of others, and what was corrupted by their own felicity. [Unusual.]NWAD RESEARCH.4
2. To search again; to examine anew.NWAD RESEARCH.5
RESEARCHER, n. reserch’er. One who diligently inquires or examines.
RESEAT, v.t. [re and seat.] To seat or set again.
RESEATED, pp. Seated again.
RESEATING, ppr. Seating again.
RESECTION, n. [L. resectio, reseco.] The act of cutting or paring off.
RESEEK, v.t. pret. and pp. resought. [re and seek.]
To seek again.NWAD RESEEK.2
RESEIZE, v.t. [re and seize.]
1. To seize again; to seize a second time.NWAD RESEIZE.2
2. In law, to take possession of lands and tenements which have been disseized.NWAD RESEIZE.3
Whereupon the sheriff is commanded to reseize the land and all the chattels thereon, and keep the same in his custody till the arrival of the justices of assize.NWAD RESEIZE.4
RESEIZED, pp. Seized again.
RESEIZER, n. One who seizes again.
RESEIZING, ppr. Seizing again.
RESEIZURE, n. resc’zhur. A second seizure; the act of seizing again.
RESELL, v.t. To sell again; to sell what has been bought or sold.
RESEMBLABLE, a. [See Resemble.] That may be compared. [Not in use.]
1. Likeness; similitude, either of external form or of qualities. We observe a resemblance between persons, a resemblance in shape, a resemblance in manners, a resemblance in dispositions. Painting and poetry bear a great resemblance to each other, as one object of both is to please.NWAD RESEMBLANCE.2
2. Something similar; similitude; representation.NWAD RESEMBLANCE.3
These sensible things which religion hath allowed, are resemblances formed according to things spiritual.NWAD RESEMBLANCE.4
Fairest resemblance of thy Maker fair -NWAD RESEMBLANCE.5
RESEMBLE, v.t. s as z. [See Similar.]
1. To have the likeness of; to bear the similitude of something, either in form, figure or qualities. One man may resemble another in features; he may resemble a third person in temper or deportment.NWAD RESEMBLE.2
Each one resembled the children of a king. Judges 8:18.NWAD RESEMBLE.3
2. To liken; to compare; to represent as like something else.NWAD RESEMBLE.4
The torrid parts of Africa are resembled to a libbard’s skin, the distance of whose spots represents the dispersed situation of the habitations.NWAD RESEMBLE.5
RESEMBLED, pp. Likened; compared.
RESEMBLING, ppr. Having the likeness of; likening; comparing.
RESEND, v.t. pret. and pp. resent. [re and send.]
To send again; to send back. [Not in use.]NWAD RESEND.2
RESENT, v.t. s as z. [L. sentio.]
1. To take well; to receive with satisfaction. Obs.NWAD RESENT.2
2. To take ill; to consider as an injury or affront; to be in some degree angry or provoked at.NWAD RESENT.3
Thou with scorn and anger would’st resent the offer’d wrong.NWAD RESENT.4
RESENTED, pp. Taken ill; being in some measure angry at.
1. One who resents; one that feels an injury deeply.NWAD RESENTER.2
2. In the sense of one that takes a thing well. Obs.NWAD RESENTER.3
RESENTFUL, a. Easily provoked to anger; of an irritable temper.
RESENTING, ppr. Taking ill; feeling angry at.
1. With a sense of wrong or affront; with a degree of anger.NWAD RESENTINGLY.2
2. With deep sense or strong perception. Obs.NWAD RESENTINGLY.3
RESENTIVE, a. Easily provoked or irritated; quick to feel an injury or affront.
1. The excitement of passion which proceeds from a sense of wrong offered to ourselves, or to those who are connected with us; anger. This word usually expresses less excitement than anger, though it is often synonymous with it. It expresses much less than wrath, exasperation, and indignation. In this use, resentment is not the sense or perception of injury, but the excitement which is the effect of it.NWAD RESENTMENT.2
Can heavenly minds such high resentment show?NWAD RESENTMENT.3
2. Strong perception of good. [Not in use.]NWAD RESENTMENT.4
RESERVATION, n. s as z. [L. reservo.]
1. The act of reserving or keeping back or in the mind; reserve; concealment or withholding from disclosure; as mental reservation.NWAD RESERVATION.2
2. Something withheld, either not expressed or disclosed, or not given up or brought forward.NWAD RESERVATION.3
With reservation of a hundred knights.NWAD RESERVATION.4
In the United States, a tract of land not sold with the rest, is called a reservation.NWAD RESERVATION.5
3. Custody; state of being treasured up or kept in store.NWAD RESERVATION.6
4. In law, a clause or part of an instrument by which something is reserved, not conceded or granted; also, a proviso.NWAD RESERVATION.7
Mental reservation is the withholding of expression or disclosure of something that affects a proposition or statement, and which if disclosed, would materially vary its import.NWAD RESERVATION.8
Mental reservations are the refuge of hypocrites.NWAD RESERVATION.9
RESERVATIVE, a. Keeping; reserving.
RESERVATORY, n. [from reserve.] A place in which things are reserved or kept.
RESERVE, v.t. rezerv’. [L. reservo; re and servo, to keep.]
1. To keep in store for future or other use; to withhold from present use for another purpose. The farmer sells his corn, reserving only what is necessary for his family.NWAD RESERVE.2
Hast thou seen the treasures of hail, which I have reserved against the day of trouble? Job 38:23.NWAD RESERVE.3
2. To keep; to hold; to retain.NWAD RESERVE.4
Will he reserve his anger for ever? Jeremiah 3:5.NWAD RESERVE.5
3. To lay up and keep for a future time. 2 Peter 2:9.NWAD RESERVE.6
Reserve your kind looks and language for private hours.NWAD RESERVE.7
RESERVE, n. rezerv’.
1. That which is kept for other or future use; that which is retained from present use or disposal.NWAD RESERVE.9
The virgins, besides the oil in their lamps, carried likewise a reserve in some other vessel for a continual supply.NWAD RESERVE.10
2. Something in the mind withheld from disclosure.NWAD RESERVE.11
However any one may concur in the general scheme, it is still with certain reserves and deviations.NWAD RESERVE.12
3. Exception; something withheld.NWAD RESERVE.13
Is knowledge so despis’d? or envy, or what reserve forbids to taste?NWAD RESERVE.14
4. Exception in favor.NWAD RESERVE.15
Each has some darling lust, which pleads for a reserve.NWAD RESERVE.16
5. Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior. Reserve may proceed from modesty, bashfulness, prudence, prudery or sullenness.NWAD RESERVE.17
My soul surpris’d, and from her sex disjoin’d, left all reserve, and all the sex behind.NWAD RESERVE.18
6. In law, reservation.NWAD RESERVE.19
In reserve, in store; in keeping for other or future use. He has large quantities of wheat in reserve. He has evidence or arguments in reserve.NWAD RESERVE.20
Body of reserve, in military affairs, the third or last line of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to sustain the other lines as occasion may require; a body of troops kept for an exigency.NWAD RESERVE.21
1. Kept for another or future use; retained.NWAD RESERVED.2
2. a. Restrained from freedom in words or actions; backward in conversation; not free or frank.NWAD RESERVED.3
To all obliging, yet reserv’d to all.NWAD RESERVED.4
Nothing reserv’d or sullen was to see.NWAD RESERVED.5
1. With reserve; with backwardness; not with openness or frankness.NWAD RESERVEDLY.2
2. Scrupulously; cautiously; coldly.NWAD RESERVEDLY.3
RESERVEDNESS, n. Closeness; want of frankness, openness or freedom. A man may guard himself by that silence and reservedness which every one may innocently practice.
RESERVER, n. One that reserves.
RESERVING, ppr. Keeping back; keeping for other use or for use at a future time; retaining.
RESERVOIR, n. A place where any thing is kept in store, particularly a place where water is collected and kept for use when wanted, as to supply a fountain, a canal or a city by means of aqueducts, or to drive a mill-wheel and the like; a cistern; a mill-pond; a bason.
RESET, n. In Scots law, the receiving and harboring of an outlaw or a criminal.
RESETTLE, v.t. [re and settle.]
1. To settle again.NWAD RESETTLE.2
2. To install, as a minister of the gospel.NWAD RESETTLE.3
RESETTLE, v.i. to settle in the ministry a second time; to be installed.
RESETTLED, pp. Settled again; installed.
1. The act of settling or composing again.NWAD RESETTLEMENT.2
The resettlement of my discomposed soul.NWAD RESETTLEMENT.3
2. The state of settling or subsiding again; as the resettlement of lees.NWAD RESETTLEMENT.4
3. A second settlement in the ministry.NWAD RESETTLEMENT.5
RESETTLING, ppr. Settling again; installing.
RESHIP, v.t. [re and ship.] To ship again; to ship what has been conveyed by water or imported; as coffee and sugar imported into New York, and reshipped for Hamburg.
1. the act of shipping or loading on board of a ship a second time; the shipping for exportation what has been imported.NWAD RESHIPMENT.2
2. That which is reshipped.NWAD RESHIPMENT.3
RESHIPPED, pp. Shipped again.
RESHIPPING, ppr. Shipping again.
RESIANCE, n. [See Resiant.] Residence; abode. Obs.
RESIANT, a. [L. resideo. See Reside.]
Resident; dwelling; present in a place. Obs.NWAD RESIANT.2
RESIDE, v.i. s as z. [L. resideo, resido; re and sedeo, to sit, to settle.]
1. to dwell permanently or for a length of time; to have a settled abode for a time. the peculiar uses of this word are to be noticed. When the word is appliced to the natives of a state, or others who dwell in it as permanent citizens, we use it only with reference to the part of a city or country in which a man dwells. We do not say generally that Englishmen reside in England, but a particular citizen resides in London or York, or at such a house in such a street, in the Strand, etc.NWAD RESIDE.2
When the word is applied to strangers or travelers, we do not say, a man resides in an inn for a night, but he resided in London or Oxford a month, or a year; or part of his life. A man lodges, stays, remains, abides, for a day or very short time, but reside implies a longer time, though not definite.NWAD RESIDE.3
2. To sink to the bottom of liquors; to settle. Obs.NWAD RESIDE.4
[In this sense, subside is now used.]NWAD RESIDE.5
1. The act of abiding or dwelling in a place for some continuance of time; as the residence of an American in France or Italy for a year.NWAD RESIDENCE.2
The confessor had often made considerable residences in Normandy.NWAD RESIDENCE.3
2. The place of abode; a dwelling; a habitation.NWAD RESIDENCE.4
Caprea had been - the residence of Tiberius for several years.NWAD RESIDENCE.5
3. That which falls to the bottom of liquors. Obs.NWAD RESIDENCE.6
4. In the canon and common law, the abode of a person or incumbent on his benefice; opposed to non-residence.NWAD RESIDENCE.7
RESIDENT, a. [L. residens.]
Dwelling or having an abode in a place for a continuance of time, but not definite; as a minister resident at the court of St. James. A B is now resident in South America.NWAD RESIDENT.2
1. One who resides or dwells in a place for some time. A B is now a resident in London.NWAD RESIDENT.4
2. A public minister who resides at a foreign court. It is usually applied to ministers of a rank inferior to that of embassadors.NWAD RESIDENT.5
RESIDENTIARY, n. An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence.
RESIDER, n. One who resides in a particular place.
RESIDING, ppr. Dwelling in a place for some continuance of time.
RESIDUAL, a. Remaining after a part is taken.
RESIDUARY, a. [L. residuus. See Reside.]
Pertaining to the residue or part remaining; as the residuary advantage of an estate.NWAD RESIDUARY.2
Residuary legatee, in law, the legatee to whom is bequeathed the part of goods and estate which remains after deducting all the debts and specific legacies.NWAD RESIDUARY.3
RESIDUE, n. [L. residuus.]
1. That which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed or designated.NWAD RESIDUE.2
The locusts shall eat the residue of that which has escaped. Exodus 10:5.NWAD RESIDUE.3
The residue of them will I deliver to the sword. Jeremiah 15:9.NWAD RESIDUE.4
2. The balance or remainder of a debt or account.NWAD RESIDUE.5
1. Residue; that which is left after any process of separation or purification.NWAD RESIDUUM.2
2. In law, the part of an estate or of goods and chattels remaining after the payment of debts and legacies.NWAD RESIDUUM.3
RESIEGE, v.t. [re and siege.] To seat again; to reinstate. Obs.
RESIGN, v.t. rezi’ne. [L. resigno; re and signo, to sign. The radical sense of sign is to send, to drive, hence to set. To resign is to send, to drive, hence to set. To resign is to send back or send away.]
1. To give up; to give back, as an office or commission, to the person or authority that conferred it; hence, to surrender an office or charge in a formal manner; as, a military officer resigns his commission; a prince resigns his crown.NWAD RESIGN.2
Phoebus resigns his darts, and Jove his thunder, to the god of love.NWAD RESIGN.3
2. To withdraw, as a claim. He resigns all pretensions to skill.NWAD RESIGN.4
3. To yield; as, to resign the judgment to the direction of others.NWAD RESIGN.5
4. To yield or give up in confidence.NWAD RESIGN.6
What more reasonable, than that we should in all things resign ourselves to the will of God?NWAD RESIGN.7
5. To submit, particularly to Providence.NWAD RESIGN.8
A firm, yet cautious mind; sincere, though prudent; constant, yet resign’d.NWAD RESIGN.9
6. To submit without resistance or murmur.NWAD RESIGN.10
RESIGN, v.t. To sign again.
RESIGN, n. Resignation. Obs.
1. The act of resigning or giving up, as a claim or possession; as the resignation of a crown or commission.NWAD RESIGNATION.2
2. Submission; unresisting acquiescence; as a blind resignation to the authority of other men’s opinions.NWAD RESIGNATION.3
3. Quiet submission to the will of Providence; submission without discontent, and with entire acquiescence in the divine dispensations. This is christian resignation.NWAD RESIGNATION.4
1. Given up; surrendered; yielded.NWAD RESIGNED.2
2. a. Submissive to the will of God.NWAD RESIGNED.3
RESIGNEDLY, adv. With submission.
RESIGNER, n. One that resigns.
RESIGNING, ppr. Giving up; surrendering; submitting.
RESIGNMENT, n. The act of resigning. Obs.
RESILAH, n. An ancient patriarchal coin.
RESILIENCE, RESILIENCY, n. s as z. [L. resiliens, resilio; re and salio, to spring.]
The act of leaping or springing back, or the act of rebounding; as the resilience of a ball or of sound.NWAD RESILIENCE.2
RESILIENT, a. [L. resiliens.] Leaping or starting back; rebounding.
RESILITION, n. [L. resilio.] The act of springing back; resilience.
RESIN, n. s as z. [L., Gr. to flow.]
An inflammable substance, hard when cool, but viscid when heated, exuding in a fluid state from certain kinds of trees, as pine, either spontaneously or by incision. Resins are soluble in oils and alcohol, and are said to be nothing but oils concreted by combination with oxygen. Resins differ from gums, which are vegetable mucilage; and they are less sweet and odorous than balsams.NWAD RESIN.2
RESINIFEROUS, a. [L. resina and fero, to produce.]
Yielding resin; as a resiniferous tree or vessels.NWAD RESINIFEROUS.2
RESINIFORM, a. Having the form of resin.
RESINO-ELECTRIC, a. Containing or exhibiting negative electricity, or that kind which is produced by the friction of resinous substances.
RESINO-EXTRACTIVE, a. Designating extractive matter in which resin predominates.
RESINOUS, a. Partaking of the qualities of resin; like resin. Resinous substances are combustible.
Resinous electricity, is that electricity which is excited by rubbing bodies of the resinous kind. This is generally negative.NWAD RESINOUS.2
RESINOUSLY, adv. By means of resin; as resinously electrified.
RESINOUSNESS, n. The quality of being resinous.
RESIPISCENCE, n. [L. resipisco, from resipio; re and sapio, to taste.]
Properly, wisdom derived from severe experience; hence, repentance. [Little used.]NWAD RESIPISCENCE.2
RESIST, v.t. rezist’. [L. resisto; re and sisto, to stand.]
1. Literally, to stand against; to withstand; hence, to act in opposition, or to oppose. a dam or mound resists a current of water passively, by standing unmoved and interrupting its progress. An army resists the progress of an enemy actively, by encountering and defeating it. We resist measures by argument or remonstrance.NWAD RESIST.2
Why doth he yet find fault? for who hath resisted his will? Romans 9:19.NWAD RESIST.3
2. To strive against; to endeavor to counteract, defeat or frustrate.NWAD RESIST.4
Ye do always resist the Holy Spirit. Acts 7:51.NWAD RESIST.5
3. To baffle; to disappoint.NWAD RESIST.6
God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. James 4:6.NWAD RESIST.7
RESIST, v.i. to make opposition.
1. The act of resisting; opposition. Resistance is passive, as that of a fixed body which interrupts the passage of a moving body; or active, as in the exertion of force to stop, repel or defeat progress or designs.NWAD RESISTANCE.2
2. The quality of not yielding to force or external impression; that power of a body which acts in opposition to the impulse or pressure of another, or which prevents the effect of another power; as the resistance of a ball which receives the force of another; the resistance of wood to a cutting instrument; the resistance of air to the motion of a cannon ball, or of water to the motion of a ship.NWAD RESISTANCE.3
RESISTANT, n. he or that which resists.
RESISTED, pp. Opposed; counteracted; withstood.
RESISTER, n. One that opposes or withstands.
1. The quality of resisting.NWAD RESISTIBILITY.2
The name body, being the complex idea of extension and resistibility together in the same subject -NWAD RESISTIBILITY.3
2. Quality of being resistible; as the resistibility of grace.NWAD RESISTIBILITY.4