RICHES, n. [This is in the singular number in fact, but treated as the plural.]
1. Wealth; opulence; affluence; possessions of land, good or money in abundance.NWAD RICHES.2
Riches do not consist in having more gold and silver, but in having more in proportion than our neighbors.NWAD RICHES.3
2. Splendid sumptuous appearance.NWAD RICHES.4
The riches of heav’n’s pavement, trodden gold.NWAD RICHES.5
3. In Scripture, an abundance of spiritual blessings. Luke 16:11.NWAD RICHES.6
The riches of God, his fullness of wisdom, power, mercy, grace and glory, Ephesians 1:7, 18; Ephesians 2:4, 7; or the abundance supplied by his works. Psalm 104:24.NWAD RICHES.7
The riches of Christ, his abundant fullness of spiritual and eternal blessings for men. Ephesians 3:8.NWAD RICHES.8
The riches of a state or kingdom, consist less in a full treasury than in the productiveness of its soil and manufactures, and in the industry of its inhabitants.NWAD RICHES.9
1. With riches; with opulence; with abundance of goods or estate; with ample funds; as a hospital richly endowed.NWAD RICHLY.2
In Belmont is a lady richly left.NWAD RICHLY.3
2. Gaily; splendidly; magnificently; as richly dressed; richly ornamented.NWAD RICHLY.4
3. Plenteously; abundantly; amply as, to be richly paid for services. The reading of ancient authors will richly reward us for the perusal.NWAD RICHLY.5
4. Truly; really; abundantly; fully; as a chastisement richly deserved.NWAD RICHLY.6
1. Opulence; wealth.NWAD RICHNESS.2
2. Finery; splendor.NWAD RICHNESS.3
3. Fertility; fecundity; fruitfulness; the qualities which render productive; as the richness of a oil.NWAD RICHNESS.4
4. Fullness; abundance; as the richness of a treasury.NWAD RICHNESS.5
5. Quality of abounding with something valuable; as the richness of a mine or an ore; the richness of milk or of cane-juice.NWAD RICHNESS.6
6. Abundance of any ingredient or quality; as the richness of spices or of fragrance.NWAD RICHNESS.7
7. Abundance of beautiful scenery; as the richness of a landscape or prospect.NWAD RICHNESS.8
8. Abundance of nutritious qualities; as the richness of diet.NWAD RICHNESS.9
9. Abundance of high seasoning; as the richness of cake.NWAD RICHNESS.10
10. Strength; vividness; or whatever constitutes perfection; as the richness of color or coloring.NWAD RICHNESS.11
11. Abundance of imagery or of striking ideas; as richness of description.NWAD RICHNESS.12
RICK, n. [Eng. ridge.]
A heap or pile of grain or hay in the field or open air, but sheltered with a kind of roof. In America, we usually give this name to a long pile; the round and conical pile being called stack. In the north of England, it is said this name is given to small piles of corn in the field.NWAD RICK.2
RICKETS, n. [In technical language, rachitis, Gr. from back or spine, Eng. rack, applied to the neck piece of meat. See Rack and Ridge.]
A disease which affects children, and in which the joints become knotted, and the legs and spine grow crooked. As the child advances in life, the head is enlarged, the thorax is compressed on the sides, and the sternum rises.NWAD RICKETS.2
1. Affected with rickets.NWAD RICKETY.2
2. Weak; feeble in the joints; imperfect.NWAD RICKETY.3
RICOCHET, n. In gunnery, the firing of guns, mortars or howitzers with small charges, and elevated a few degrees, so as to carry the balls or shells just over the parapet, and cause them to roll along the opposite rampart. This is called ricochet-firing, and the batteries are called ricochet-batteries.
RID, pret. of ride.
RID, v.t. pret. rid; pp. id.
1. To free; to deliver; properly, to separate, and thus to deliver or save.NWAD RID.3
That he might rid him out of their hands. Genesis 37:22.NWAD RID.4
I will rid you out of their bondage. Exodus 6:6.NWAD RID.5
2. To separate; to drive away.NWAD RID.6
I will rid evil beasts out of the land. Leviticus 26:6.NWAD RID.7
[This use is not common.]NWAD RID.8
3. To free; to clear; to disencumber; as, to rid one of his care. It is not easy to rid the sea of pirates.NWAD RID.9
Resolv’d at once to rid himself of pain.NWAD RID.10
4. To dispatch.NWAD RID.11
For willingness rids away.NWAD RID.12
5. To drive away; to remove by violence; to destroy.NWAD RID.13
Ah death’s men! you have rid this sweet young prince.NWAD RID.14
RID, pp. or a. Free; clear; as, to be rid of trouble.
To get rid of, to free one’s self.NWAD RID.16
1. Deliverance; a setting free; as riddance from all adversity.NWAD RIDDANCE.2
2. Disencumbrance.NWAD RIDDANCE.3
3. The act of clearing away.NWAD RIDDANCE.4
Thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field. Leviticus 23:22.NWAD RIDDANCE.5
RIDDEN, RID, pp. of ride.
RIDDING, ppr. Freeing; clearing; disencumbering.
RIDDLE, n. [See Cradle.]
An instrument for cleaning grain, being a large sieve with a perforated button, which permits the grain to pass through it, but retains the chaff.NWAD RIDDLE.2
RIDDLE, v.t. To separate, as grain from the chaff with a riddle; as, to riddle wheat. [Note. The machines now used have nearly superseded the riddle.]
RIDDLE, n. [See Read.]
1. An enigma; something proposed for conjecture, or that is to be solved by conjecture; a puzzling question; an ambiguous proposition. Judges 14:12-19.NWAD RIDDLE.5
2. Any thing ambiguous or puzzling.NWAD RIDDLE.6
RIDDLE, v.t. To solve; to explain; but we generally use unriddle, which is more proper.
Riddle me this, and guess him if you can.NWAD RIDDLE.8
RIDDLE, v.i. To speak ambiguously, obscurely or enigmatically.
RIDDLER, n. One who speaks ambiguously or obscurely.
RIDDLINGLY, adv. In the manner of a riddle; secretly.
RIDE, v.i. pret. rode or rid; pp. rid, ridden. [L rheda, a chariot or vehicle.]
1. To be carried on horseback, or on any beast, or in any vehicle. We ride on a horse, on a camel, in a coach, chariot, wagon, etc.NWAD RIDE.2
2. To be borne on or in a fluid. A ship rides at anchor; the ark rode on the flood; a balloon rides in the air.NWAD RIDE.3
He rode on a cherub and did fly; yea, he did fly on the wings of the wind. Psalm 18:10.NWAD RIDE.4
3. To be supported in motion.NWAD RIDE.5
Strong as the axle-tree on which heaven rides.NWAD RIDE.6
4. To practice riding. He rides often for his health.NWAD RIDE.7
5. To manage a horse well.NWAD RIDE.8
He rode, he fenc’d, he mov’d with graceful ease.NWAD RIDE.9
6. To be supported by something subservient; to sit.NWAD RIDE.10
On whose foolish honesty my practices rid easy.NWAD RIDE.11
To ride easy, in seaman’s language, is when a ship does not labor or feel a great strain on her cables.NWAD RIDE.12
To ride hard, is when a ship pitches violently, so as to strain her cables, masts and hull.NWAD RIDE.13
To ride out, as a gale, signifies that a ship does not drive during a storm.NWAD RIDE.14
RIDE, v.t.
1. To sit on, so as to be carried; as, to ride a horse.NWAD RIDE.16
They ride the air in whirlwind.NWAD RIDE.17
2. To manage insolently at will; as in priestridden.NWAD RIDE.18
The nobility could no longer endure to be ridden by bakers, cobblers and brewers.NWAD RIDE.19
3. To carry. [Local.]NWAD RIDE.20
RIDE, n.
1. An excursion on horseback or in a vehicle.NWAD RIDE.22
2. A saddle horse. [Local.]NWAD RIDE.23
3. A road cut in a wood or through a ground for the amusement of riding; a riding.NWAD RIDE.24
1. One who is borne on a horse or other beast, or in a vehicle.NWAD RIDER.2
2. One who breaks or manages a horse.NWAD RIDER.3
3. The matrix of an ore.NWAD RIDER.4
4. An inserted leaf or an additional clause, as to a bill in parliament.NWAD RIDER.5
5. In ship building, a short of interior rib fixed occasionally in a ships’s hold, opposite to some of the timbers to which they are bolted, and reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen her frame.NWAD RIDER.6
RIDGE, n. [L. rugo.]
1. The back or top of the back.NWAD RIDGE.2
2. A long or continued range of hills or mountains; or the upper part of such a range. We say, a long ridge of hills, or the highest ridge.NWAD RIDGE.3
3. A steep elevation, eminence or protuberance.NWAD RIDGE.4
Part rise in crystal wall, or ridge direct.NWAD RIDGE.5
4. A long rising land, or a strip of ground thrown up by a plow or left between furrows. Psalm 65:10.NWAD RIDGE.6
5. The top of the roof of a building.NWAD RIDGE.7
6. Any long elevation of land.NWAD RIDGE.8
7. Ridges of a horse’s mouth, are wrinkles or risings of flesh in the roof of the mouth.NWAD RIDGE.9
RIDGE, v.t.
1. To form a ridge; as bristles that ridge the back of a boar.NWAD RIDGE.11
2. In tillage, to form into ridges with the plow. The farmers in Connecticut ridge their land for maize, leaving a balk between two ridges.NWAD RIDGE.12
3. To wrinkle.NWAD RIDGE.13
RIDGIL, RIDGLING, n. The male of any beast half gelt.
RIDGY, a. Having a ridge or ridges; rising in a ridge.
RIDICULE, n. [L. ridiculum, from rideo, to laugh or laugh at.]
1. Contemptuous laughter; laughter with some degree of contempt; derision. It expresses less than scorn. Ridicule is aimed at what is not only laughable, but improper, absurd or despicable. Sacred subjects should never be treated with ridicule. [See Ludicrous.]NWAD RIDICULE.2
Ridicule is too rough an entertainment for the polished and refined. It is banished from France, and is losing ground in England.NWAD RIDICULE.3
2. That species of writing which excites contempt with laughter. It differs from burlesque, which may excite laughter without contempt, or it may provoke derision.NWAD RIDICULE.4
Ridicule and derision are not exactly the same, as derision is applied to persons only, and ridicule to persons or things. We deride the man, but ridicule the man or his performances.NWAD RIDICULE.5
1. To laugh at with expressions of contempt; to deride.NWAD RIDICULE.7
2. To treat with contemptuous merriment; to expose to contempt or derision by writing.NWAD RIDICULE.8
RIDICULE, a. Ridiculous. [Not in use.]
RIDICULED, pp. Treated with laughter and contempt; derided.
RIDICULER, n. One that ridicules.
RIDICULING, ppr. Laughing at in contempt; exposing to contempt and derision.
That may justly excite laughter with contempt; as a ridiculous dress; ridiculous behavior. A fop and a dandy are ridiculous in their dress.NWAD RIDICULOUS.2
RIDICULOUSLY, adv. In a manner worthy of contemptuous merriment; as a man ridiculously vain.
RIDICULOUSNESS, n. The quality of being ridiculous; as the ridiculousness of worshiping idols.
RIDING, ppr. [from ride.]
1. Passing or traveling on a beast or in a vehicle; floating.NWAD RIDING.2
2. a. Employed to travel on any occasion.NWAD RIDING.3
No suffragan bishop shall have more than one riding apparitor.NWAD RIDING.4
1. A road cut in a wood or through a ground, for the diversion of riding therein.NWAD RIDING.6
2. [corrupted from trithing, third.] One of the three intermediate jurisdictions between a three and a hundred, into which the county of York, in England, is divided, anciently under the government of a reeve.NWAD RIDING.7
RIDING-CLERK, n. In England, one of the six clerks in chancery.
RIDING-COAT, n. A coat for riding on a journey.
RIDING-HABIT, n. A garment worn by females when they ride or travel.
RIDING-HOOD, n. A hood used by females when they ride; a kind of cloak with a hood.
RIDING-SCHOOL, n. A school or place where the art of riding is taught. It may in some places be called a riding-house.
RIDOTTO, n. [L. reductus.]
1. A public assembly.NWAD RIDOTTO.2
2. A musical entertainment consisting of singing and dancing, in the latter of which the whole company join.NWAD RIDOTTO.3
RIE. [See Rye.]
RIFE, a. [Heb. to multiply.]
Prevailing; prevalent. It is used of epidemic diseases.NWAD RIFE.2
The plague was then rife in Hungary.NWAD RIFE.3
RIFELY, adv. Prevalently; frequently.
It was rifely reported that the Turks were coming in a great fleet.NWAD RIFELY.2
RIFENESS, n. Frequency; prevalence.
RIFFRAFF, n. Sweepings; refuse.
RIFLE, v.t. [This is one of the family of rip, rive, reap, raffle, L. rapio. Eng. rub, etc.]
1. To seize and bear away by force; to snatch away.NWAD RIFLE.2
Till time shall rifle ev’ry youthful grace.NWAD RIFLE.3
2. To strip; to rob; to pillage; to plunder.NWAD RIFLE.4
You have rifled my master.NWAD RIFLE.5
RIFLE, n. [This word belongs to the family of rip, rive, L. rapio, etc. supra. The word means primarily a channel or groove.]
A gun about the usual length and size of a musket, the inside of whose barrel is rifled, that is, grooved, or formed with spiral channels.NWAD RIFLE.7
RIFLE, v.t. To groove; to channel.
RIFLED, pp. Seized and carried away by violence; pillaged; channeled.
RIFLEMAN, n. A man armed with a rifle.
RIFLER, n. A robber; one that seizes and bears away by violence.
RIFLING, ppr. Plundering; seizing and carrying away by violence; grooving.
RIFT, n. [from rive.] A cleft; a fissure; an opening made by riving or splitting.
RIFT, v.t. to cleave; to rive; to split; as, to rift an oak or a rock.
RIFT, v.i.
1. to burst open; to split.NWAD RIFT.4
Timber - not apt to rift with ordnance.NWAD RIFT.5
2. to belch; to break wind. [Local.]NWAD RIFT.6
RIFTED, pp. split; rent; cleft.
RIFTING, ppr. splitting; cleaving; bursting.
RIG, n. A ridge, which see.
RIG, v.t.
1. to dress; to put on; when applied to persons, not elegant, but rather a ludicrous word, to express the putting on of a gay, flaunting or unusual dress.NWAD RIG.3
Jack was rigged out in his gold and silver lace, with a feather in his cap.NWAD RIG.4
2. To furnish with apparatus or gear; to fit with tackling.NWAD RIG.5
3. To rig a ship, in seamen’s language, is to fit the shrouds, stays, braces, etc. to their respective masts and yards.NWAD RIG.6
RIG, n. [See the Verb.]
1. Dress; also, bluster.NWAD RIG.8
2. A romp; a wanton; a strumpet.NWAD RIG.9
To run the rig, to play a wanton trick.NWAD RIG.10
To run the rig upon, to practice a sportive trick on.NWAD RIG.11
RIG, v.i. to play the wanton.
RIGADOON, n. a gay brisk dance performed by one couple, and said to have been borrowed from Provdence in France.
RIGATION, n. [L. rigatio, from rigo, Gr. See Rain.]
The act of watering; but irrigation is generally used.NWAD RIGATION.2
RIGGED, pp. Dressed; furnished with shrouds, stays, etc. as a ship.
RIGGER, n. One that rigs or dresses; one whose occupation is to fit the rigging of a ship.
RIGGING, ppr. Dressing; fitting with shrouds, braces, etc.
RIGGING, n. Dress; tackle; particularly, the ropes which support the masts, extend and contract the sails, etc. of a ship. This is of two kinds, standing rigging, as the shrouds and stays, and running rigging, such as braces, sheets, halliards, clewlines, etc.
RIGGISH, a. Wanton; lewd. [Not in use.]
RIGGLE, v.i. To move one way and the other. [See Wriggle.]
RIGHT, a. rite. [L. rectus, from the root of rego, properly to strain or stretch, whence straight.]
Properly; strained; stretched to straightness; hence,NWAD RIGHT.2
1. Straight. A right line in geometry is the shortest line that can be drawn or imagined between two points. A right line may be horizontal, perpendicular, or inclined to the plane of the horizon.NWAD RIGHT.3
2. In morals and religion, just; equitable; accordant to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God. That alone is right in the sight of God, which is consonant to his will or law; this being the only perfect standard of truth and justice. In social and political affairs, that is right which is consonant to the laws and customs of a country, provided these laws and customs are not repugnant to the laws of God. A man’s intentions may be right, though his actions may be wrong in consequence of a defect in judgment.NWAD RIGHT.4
3. Fit; suitable; proper; becoming. In things indifferent, or which are regulated by no positive law, that is right which is best suited to the character, occasion or purpose, or which is fitted to produce some good effect. It is right for a rich man to dress himself and his family in expensive clothing, which it would not be right for a poor man to purchase. It is right for every man to choose his own time for eating or exercise.NWAD RIGHT.5
Right is a relative term; what may be right for one end, may be wrong for another.NWAD RIGHT.6
4. Lawful; as the right heir of an estate.NWAD RIGHT.7
5. True; not erroneous or wrong; according to fact.NWAD RIGHT.8
If there be no prospect beyond the grave, the inference is certainly right, “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”NWAD RIGHT.9
6. Correct; passing a true judgment; not mistaken or wrong.NWAD RIGHT.10
You are right, justice, and you weigh this well.NWAD RIGHT.11
7. Not left; most convenient or dextrous; as the right hand, which is generally most strong or most convenient in use.NWAD RIGHT.12
8. Most favorable or convenient.NWAD RIGHT.13
The lady has been disappointed on the right side.NWAD RIGHT.14
9. Properly placed, disposed or adjusted; orderly; well regulated.NWAD RIGHT.15
10. Well performed, as an art or act.NWAD RIGHT.16
11. Most direct; as the right way from London to Oxford.NWAD RIGHT.17
12. Being on the same side as the right hand; as the right side.NWAD RIGHT.18
13. Being on the right hand of a person whose face is towards the mouth of a river; as the right bank of the Hudson.NWAD RIGHT.19
RIGHT, adv.
1. In a right or straight line; directly.NWAD RIGHT.21
Let thine eyes look right on. Proverbs 4:25.NWAD RIGHT.22
2. According to the law or will of God, or to the standard of truth and justice; as, to judge right.NWAD RIGHT.23
3. According to any rule of art.NWAD RIGHT.24
You with strict discipline instructed right.NWAD RIGHT.25
4. According to fact or truth; as, to tell a story right.NWAD RIGHT.26
5. In a great degree; very; as right humble; right noble; right valiant. [Obsolescent or inelegant.]NWAD RIGHT.27
6. It is prefixed to titles; as in right honorable; right reverend.NWAD RIGHT.28
RIGHT, is used elliptically for it is right, what you say is right, it is true, etc.
Right, cries his lordship.NWAD RIGHT.30
On the right, on the side with the right hand.NWAD RIGHT.31
1. Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. Right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.NWAD RIGHT.33
2. Conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice. When laws are definite, right and wrong are easily ascertained and understood. In arts, there are some principles and rules which determine what is right. In many things indifferent, or left without positive law, we are to judge what is right by fitness or propriety, by custom, civility or other circumstances.NWAD RIGHT.34
3. Justice; that which is due or proper; as, to do right to every man.NWAD RIGHT.35
Long love to her has borne the faithful knight, and well deserv’d had fortune done him right.NWAD RIGHT.36
4. Freedom from error; conformity with truth or fact.NWAD RIGHT.37
Seldom your opinions err, your eyes are always in the right.NWAD RIGHT.38
5. Just claim; legal title; ownership; the legal power of exclusive possession and enjoyment. In hereditary monarchies, a right to the throne vests in the heir on the decease of the king. A deed vests the right of possession in the purchaser of land. Right and possession are very different things. We often have occasion to demand and sue for rights not in possession.NWAD RIGHT.39
6. Just claim by courtesy, customs, or the principles of civility and decorum. Every man has a right to civil treatment. The magistrate has a right to respect.NWAD RIGHT.40
7. Just claim by sovereignty; prerogative. God, as the author of all things, has a right to govern and dispose of them at his pleasure.NWAD RIGHT.41
8. That which justly belongs to one.NWAD RIGHT.42
Born free, he sought his right.NWAD RIGHT.43
9. Property; interest.NWAD RIGHT.44
A subject in his prince may claim a right.NWAD RIGHT.45
10. Just claim; immunity; privilege. All men have a right to the secure enjoyment of life, personal safety, liberty and property. We deem the right of trial by jury invaluable, particularly in the case of crimes. Rights are natural, civil, political, religious, personal, and public.NWAD RIGHT.46
11. Authority; legal power. We have no right to disturb others in the enjoyment of their religious opinions.NWAD RIGHT.47
12. In the United States, a tract of land; or a share or proportion of property, as in a mine or manufactory.NWAD RIGHT.48
13. The side opposite to the left; as on the right. Look to the right.NWAD RIGHT.49
1. To rights, in a direct line; straight. [Unusual.]NWAD RIGHT.50
2. Directly; soon.NWAD RIGHT.51
To set to rights,NWAD RIGHT.52
To put to rights, to put into good order; to adjust; to regulate what is out of order.NWAD RIGHT.53
Bill of rights, a list of rights; a paper containing a declaration of rights, or the declaration itself.NWAD RIGHT.54
Writ of right, a writ which lies to recover lands in fee simple, unjustly withheld from the true owner.NWAD RIGHT.55
RIGHT, v.t.
1. To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; as, to right an injured person.NWAD RIGHT.57
2. In seamen’s language, to right a ship, is to restore her to an upright position from a careen.NWAD RIGHT.58
To right the helm, to place it in the middle of the ship.NWAD RIGHT.59
RIGHT, v.i. To rise with the masts erect, as a ship.
RIGHTED, pp. Relieved from injustice; set upright.
RIGHTEN, v.t. To do justice to. Obs.
1. Just; accordant to the divine law. Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant of the divine commands in practice; as a righteous man. Applied to things, it denotes consonant to the divine will or to justice; as a righteous act. It is used chiefly in theology, and applied to God, to his testimonies and to his saints.NWAD RIGHTEOUS.2
The righteous, in Scripture, denote the servants of God, the saints.NWAD RIGHTEOUS.3
2. Just; equitable; merited.NWAD RIGHTEOUS.4
And I thy righteous doom will bless.NWAD RIGHTEOUS.5
RIGHTEOUSLY, adv. ri’chusly. Justly; in accordance with the laws of justice; equitably; as a criminal righteously condemned.
Thou shalt judge the people righteously. Psalm 67:4.NWAD RIGHTEOUSLY.2
1. Purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law. Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.2
2. Applied to God, the perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.3
3. The active and passive obedience of Christ, by which the law of God is fulfilled. Daniel 9:7.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.4
4. Justice; equity between man and man. Luke 1:75.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.5
5. The cause of our justification.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.6
The Lord our righteousness. Jeremiah 23:6.NWAD RIGHTEOUSNESS.7
RIGHTER, n. One who sets right; one who does justice or redresses wrong.
1. Having the right or just claim according to established laws; as the rightful heir to a throne or an estate.NWAD RIGHTFUL.2
2. Being by right, or by just claim; as a rightful lord; rightful property; rightful judge.NWAD RIGHTFUL.3
3. Just; consonant to justice; as a rightful cause; a rightful war.NWAD RIGHTFUL.4
RIGHTFULLY, adv. According to right, law or justice; as a title rightfully vested.
1. Justice; accordance with the rules of right; as the rightfulness of a claim to lands or tenements.NWAD RIGHTFULNESS.2
2. Moral rectitude.NWAD RIGHTFULNESS.3
But still although we fail of perfect rightfulness. [Not usual.]NWAD RIGHTFULNESS.4
RIGHT-HAND, n. The hand opposite to the left, usually the strongest, most convenient or dextrous hand, and hence its name in other languages, as well as in our.
RIGHTING, pp. Doing justice; to; setting upright.
1. According to justice; according to the divine will or moral rectitude; as duty rightly performed.NWAD RIGHTLY.2
2. Properly; fitly; suitably; as a person rightly named.NWAD RIGHTLY.3
3. According to truth or fact; not erroneously. He has rightly conjectured.NWAD RIGHTLY.4
4. Honestly; uprightly.NWAD RIGHTLY.5
5. Exactly.NWAD RIGHTLY.6
Thou didst not rightly see.NWAD RIGHTLY.7
6. Straightly; directly. [Not in use.]NWAD RIGHTLY.8
1. Correctness; conformity to truth or to the divine will, which is the standard of moral rectitude. It is important that a man should have such persuasion of the rightness of his conscience as to exclude rational doubt.NWAD RIGHTNESS.2
2. Straightness; as the rightness of a line.NWAD RIGHTNESS.3
RIGID, a. [Gr. to be stiff; L. frigeo, frigidus; Heb. to be still, to be stiff.]
1. Stiff; not pliant; not easily bent. It is applied to bodies or substances that are naturally soft or flexible, but not fluid. We never say, a rigid stone or rigid iron, nor do we say, rigid ice; but we say, an animal body or limb, when cold, is rigid. Rigid is then opposed to flexible, but expresses less than inflexible.NWAD RIGID.2
2. Strict in opinion, practice or discipline; severe in temper; opposed to lax or indulgent; as a rigid father or master; a rigid officer.NWAD RIGID.3
3. Strict; exact; as a rigid law or rule; rigid discipline; rigid criticism.NWAD RIGID.4
4. Severely just; as a rigid sentence or judgment.NWAD RIGID.5
5. Exactly according to the sentence or law; as rigid execution.NWAD RIGID.6
RIGIDITY, n. [L. rigiditas.]
1. Stiffness; want of pliability; the quality of not being easily bent.NWAD RIGIDITY.2
2. A brittle hardness, as opposed to ductibility, malleability and softness.NWAD RIGIDITY.3
3. Stiffness of appearance or manner; want of ease or airy elegance.NWAD RIGIDITY.4
1. Stuffy; unpliantly.NWAD RIGIDLY.2
2. Severely; strictly; exactly; without laxity, indulgence or abatement; as, to judge rigidly; to criticize rigidly; to execute a law rigidly.NWAD RIGIDLY.3
1. Stiffness of a body; the quality of not being easily bent; as the rigidness of a limb or of flesh.NWAD RIGIDNESS.2
2. Severity of temper; strictness in opinion or practice; but expressing less than inflexibility.NWAD RIGIDNESS.3
RIGLET, n. [L. regula, rego.] a flat thin piece of wood, used for picture frames; also used in printing; to regulate the margin, etc.
RIGMAROLE, n. a repetition of stories; a succession of stories.
RIGOL, n. A circle; a diadem.
RIGOLI, n. a musical instrument consisting of several sticks bound together, but separated by beads.
RIGOR, n. [L. from rigeo, to be stiff.]
1. Stiffness; rigidness; as Gorgonian rigor.NWAD RIGOR.2
2. In medicine, a sense of chilliness, with contradiction of the skin; a convulsive shuddering or slight tremor, as in the cold fit of a fever.NWAD RIGOR.3
3. Stiffness of opinion or temper; severity; sternness.NWAD RIGOR.4
All his rigor is turned to grief and pity.NWAD RIGOR.5
4. Severity of life; austerity; voluntary submission to pain, abstinence or mortification.NWAD RIGOR.6
5. Strictness; exactness without allowance, latitude or indulgence; as the rigor of criticism; to execute a law with rigor; to enforce moral duties with rigor.NWAD RIGOR.7
6. violence; fury. [Not in use.]NWAD RIGOR.8
7. Hardness; solidity. [Unusual.]NWAD RIGOR.9
8. Severity; asperity; as the rigors of a cold winter.NWAD RIGOR.10
1. Severe; allowing no abatement or mitigation; as a rigorous officer of justice.NWAD RIGOROUS.2
2. Severe; exact; strict; without abatement or relaxation; as a rigorous execution of law; an enforcement of rigorous discipline.NWAD RIGOROUS.3
3. Exact; strict; scrupulously accurate; as a rigorous definition or demonstration.NWAD RIGOROUS.4
4. Severe; very cold; as a rigorous winter.NWAD RIGOROUS.5
1. Severely; without relaxation, abatement or mitigation; as a sentence rigorously executed.NWAD RIGOROUSLY.2
2. Strictly; exactly; with scrupulous nicety; rigidly.NWAD RIGOROUSLY.3
The people would examine his works more vigorously than himself.NWAD RIGOROUSLY.4
1. Severity without relaxation or mitigation; exactness.NWAD RIGOROUSNESS.2
A small brook; a rivulet; a streamlet.NWAD RILL.2
RILL, v.i. to run in a small stream, or in streamlets.
RILLET, n. A small stream; a rivulet.
1. the border, edge or margin of a thing; as the rim of a kettle or bason; usually applied to things circular or curving.NWAD RIM.2
2. the lower part of the belly or abdomen.NWAD RIM.3
RIM, v.t. to put on a rim or hoop at the border.
RIME, n. [This is the more correct orthography, but rhyme is commonly used, which see.]
RIME, n.
White or hoar frost; congealed dew or vapor.NWAD RIME.3
RIME, n. [L. rima.]
A chink; a fissure; a rent or long aperture. [Not in use.]NWAD RIME.5
RIME, v.i. to freeze or congeal into hoar frost.
RIMOSE, RIMOUS, a. [L. rimosus, from rima.] In botany, chinky; abounding with clefts, cracks or chinks; as the bark of trees.
RIMPLE, n. A fold or wrinkle. [See Rumple.]
RIMPLE, v.t. To rumple; to wrinkle.
RIMY, a. [from rime.] Abounding with rime; frosty.
RIND, n. [Gr.]
The bark of a plant; the skin or coat of fruit that may be pared or peeled off; also, the inner bark of trees.NWAD RIND.2
RIND, v.t. To bark; to decorticate. [Not in use.]
RINDLE, n. A small water course or gutter.
1. A circle, or a circular line, or any thing in the form of a circular line or hoop. Thus we say of men, they formed themselves into a ring, to see a wrestling match. Rings of gold were made for the ark. Exodus 25:12-15. Rings of gold or other material are worn on the fingers and sometimes in the ears, as ornaments.NWAD RING.2
2. A circular course.NWAD RING.3
Place me, O place me in the dusty ring, where youthful charioteers contend for glory.NWAD RING.4
RING, n. [from the verb.]
1. A sound; particularly, the sound of metals; as the ring of a bell.NWAD RING.6
2. Any loud sound, or the sounds of numerous voices; or sound continued, repeated or reverberated; as the ring of acclamations.NWAD RING.7
3. A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned.NWAD RING.8
RING, v.t. pret. and pp. rung.
To cause to sound, particularly by striking a metallic body; as, to ring a bell. This word expresses appropriately the sounding of metals.NWAD RING.10
RING, v.t. [from the noun.]
1. To encircle.NWAD RING.12
2. To fit with rings, as the fingers, or as a swine’s snout. Farmers ring swine to prevent their rooting.NWAD RING.13
And ring these fingers with thy household worms.NWAD RING.14
RING, v.i.
1. To sound, as a bell or other sonorous body, particularly a metallic one.NWAD RING.16
2. To practice the art of making music with bells.NWAD RING.17
3. To sound; to resound.NWAD RING.18
With sweeter notes each rising temple rung.NWAD RING.19
4. To utter, as a bell; to sound.NWAD RING.20
The shardborn beetle with his drowsy hums, hath rung night’s yawning peal.NWAD RING.21
5. To tinkle; to have the sensation of sound continued.NWAD RING.22
My ears still ring with noise.NWAD RING.23
6. To be filled with report or talk. The whole town rings with his fame.NWAD RING.24
RING-BOLT, n. An iron bolt with an eye to which is fitted a ring of iron.
RING-BONE, n. A callus growing in the hollow circle of the little pastern of a horse, just above the coronet.
RINGDOVE, n. A species of pigeon, the Columba palumbus, the largest of the European species.
RINGENT, a. [L. ringor, to make wry faces, that is, to wring or twist.]
In botany, a ringent or labiate corol is one which is irregular, monopetalous, with the border usually divided into two parts called the upper and lower lip; or irregular and gaping, like the mouth of an animal.NWAD RINGENT.2
RINGER, n. One who rings. [In the sense of wringer, not used.]
RINGING, ppr. Causing to sound, as a bell; sounding; fitting with rings.
RINGING, n. The act of sounding or of causing to sound.
RINGLEAD, v.t. To conduct. [Little used.]
RINGLEADER, n. [ring and leader.] The leader of any association of men engaged in violating of law or an illegal enterprise, as rioters, mutineers and the like. this name is derived from the practice which men associating to oppose law have sometimes adopted, of signing their names to articles of agreement in a ring, that no one of their number might be distinguished as the leader.
1. A small ring.NWAD RINGLET.2
2. A curl; particularly, a curl of hair.NWAD RINGLET.3
Her golden tresses in wanton ringlets wav’dNWAD RINGLET.4
3. A circle.NWAD RINGLET.5
To dance our ringlets in the whistling wind.NWAD RINGLET.6
RING-OUSEL, n. A bird of the genus Turdus, inhabiting the hilly and mountainous parts of Great Britain.