Stuffing; farce; chopped meat or bread, etc. used to stuff legs of veal; called also salmagundi. [I believe not used.]NWAD SALPICON.2
SALSAMENTARIOUS, a. [L. salsamentarius.] Pertaining to salt things. [Not in use.]
SALSIFY, n. Goat’s beard, a plant of the genus Tragopogon.
SALSOACID, a. [L. salsus, salt, and acidus, acid.]
Having a taste compounded of saltness and acidness. [Little used.]NWAD SALSOACID.2
SALSUGINOUS, a. [from L. salsugo, from sal, salt.] Saltish; somewhat salt.
SALT, n. [Gr.; L. The radical sense is probably pungent, and if s is radical, the word belongs to the root of L. salio; but this is uncertain.]
1. Common salt is the muriate of soda, a substance used for seasoning certain kinds of food, and for the preservation of meat, etc. It is found native in the earth, or it is produced by evaporation and crystallization from water impregnated with saline particles.NWAD SALT.2
2. In chimistry, a body compounded of an acid united to some base, which may be either an alkali, an earth, or a metallic oxyd. Accordingly, salts are alkaline, earthy, or metallic. Many compounds of this kind, of which common salt, (muriate of soda,) is the most distinguished, exist in nature; but most of these, together with many others not known in nature, have been formed by the artificial combination of their elements. Their entire number exceeds 2000. When the acid and base mutually saturate each other, so that the individual properties of each are lost, the compound is a neutral salt; when the acid predominates, it is a super salt; and when the base predominates, it is a sub salt. Thus we have a subcarbonate, a carbonate, and a supercarbonate of potash.NWAD SALT.3
3. Taste; sapor; smack.NWAD SALT.4
We have some salt of our youth in us.NWAD SALT.5
4. Wit; poignancy; as Attic salt.NWAD SALT.6
SALT, a.
1. Having the taste of salt; impregnated with salt; as salt beef; salt waterNWAD SALT.8
2. Abounding with salt; as a salt land. Jeremiah 17:6.NWAD SALT.9
3. Overflowed with salt water, or impregnated with it; as a salt marsh.NWAD SALT.10
4. Growing on salt marsh or meadows and having the taste of salt; as salt grass or hay.NWAD SALT.11
5. Producing salt water; as a salt spring.NWAD SALT.12
6. Lecherous; slacious.NWAD SALT.13
SALT, n.
1. The part of a river near the sea, where the water is salt.NWAD SALT.15
2. A vessel for holding salt.NWAD SALT.16
SALT, v.t.
1. To sprinkle, impregnate or season with salt; as, to salt fish, beef or pork.NWAD SALT.18
2. To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber.NWAD SALT.19
SALT, v.i. To deposit salt from a saline substance; as, the brine begins to salt. [Used by manufacturers.]
SALT, n. A leap; the act of jumping. [Not in use.]
SALTANT, a. [L. saltans, from salto, to leap.] Leaping; jumping; dancing.
SALTATION, n. [L. saltatio, from salto, to leap.]
1. A leaping or jumping.NWAD SALTATION.2
2. Beating or palpitation; as the saltation of the great artery.NWAD SALTATION.3
SALTCAT, n. A lump or heap of salt, made at the salt-works, which attracts pigeons.
SALT-CELLAR, n. [salt and cellar.] A small vessel used for holding salt on the table.
SALTED, pp. Sprinkled, seasoned or impregnated with salt.
1. One who salts; one who gives or applies salt.NWAD SALTER.2
2. One that sells salt.NWAD SALTER.3
SALTERN, n. A salt-work; a building in which salt is made by boiling or evaporation.
SALTIER, n. [L. salto, to leap.]
In heraldry, one of the honorable ordinaries, in the form of St. Andrew’s cross.NWAD SALTIER.2
SALTINBANCO, n. A mountebank; a quack. [Not in use.]
SALTING, ppr. Sprinkling, seasoning or impregnating with salt.
SALTING, n. The act of sprinkling or impregnating with salt.
SALTISH, a. Somewhat salt; tinctured or impregnated moderately with salt.
SALTISHLY, adv. With a moderate degree of saltness.
SALTISHNESS, n. A moderate degree of saltness.
SALTLESS, a. Destitute of salt; insipid.
SALTLY, adv. With taste of salt; in a salt manner.
SALT-MINE, n. A mine where fossil salt is obtained.
1. The quality of being impregnated with salt; as the saltness of sea water or of provisions.NWAD SALTNESS.2
2. Taste of salt.NWAD SALTNESS.3
SALT-PAN, SALT-PIT, n. A pan, bason or pit where salt is obtained or made.
SALTPETER, SALTPETRE, n. [salt and Gr. stone.] A neutral salt formed by the nitric acid in combination with potash, and hence denominated nitrate of potash. It is found native in the East Indies, in Spain, in Naples and other places. It is also found on walls sheltered from rain, and it is extracted by lixiviation from the earths under cellars, stables and barns, etc.
SALTPETROUS, a. Pertaining to saltpeter, or partaking of its qualities; impregnated with saltpeter.
SALTS, n. The salt water of rivers entering from the ocean.
SALT-WATER, n. Water impregnated with salt; sea water.
SALT-WORK, n. A house or place where salt is made.
SALT-WORT, n. A plant of the genus Salicornia; jointed glasswort.
SALUBRIOUS, a. [L. saluber, salubris, from salus. See Safe.]
Favorable to health; healthful; promoting health; as salubrious air or water; a salubrious climate.NWAD SALUBRIOUS.2
SALUBRIOUSLY, adv. So as to promote health.
SALUBRITY, n. [L. salubritas.] Wholesomeness; healthfulness; favorableness to the preservation of health; as the salubrity of aid, of a country or climate.
1. Wholesomeness; the quality of contributing to health or safety.NWAD SALUTARINESS.2
2. The quality of promoting good or prosperityNWAD SALUTARINESS.3
SALUTARY, a. [L. salutaris, from salus, health.]
1. Wholesome; healthful; promoting health. Diet and exercise are salutary to men of sedentary habits.NWAD SALUTARY.2
2. Promotive of public safety; contributing to some beneficial purpose. The strict discipline of youth has a salutary effect on society.NWAD SALUTARY.3
SALUTATION, n. [L. salutatio. See Salute.]
The act of saluting; a greeting; the act of paying respect or reverence by the customary words or actions; as in inquiring of persons their welfare, expressing to them kind wishes, bowing, etc. Luke 1:29, 41; Mark 12:38.NWAD SALUTATION.2
In all public meetings and private addresses, use the forms of salutation, reverence and decency usual among the most sober people.NWAD SALUTATION.3
SALUTE, v.t. [L. saluto; salus or salvus.]
1. To greet; to hail; to address with expressions of kind wishes.NWAD SALUTE.2
If ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Matthew 5:47.NWAD SALUTE.3
2. To please; to gratify. [Unusual.]NWAD SALUTE.4
3. To kiss.NWAD SALUTE.5
4. In military and naval affairs, to honor some person or nation by a discharge of cannon or small arms, by striking colors, by shouts, etc.NWAD SALUTE.6
1. The act of expressing kind wishes or respect; salutation; greeting.NWAD SALUTE.8
2. A kiss.NWAD SALUTE.9
3. In military affairs, a discharge of cannon or small arms in honor of some distinguished personage. A salute is sometimes performed by lowering the colors or beating the drums. The officers also salute each other by bowing their half pikes.NWAD SALUTE.10
4. In the navy, a testimony of respect or deference rendered by the ships of one nation to the ships of another, or by ships of the same nation to a superior or equal. This is performed by a discharge of cannon, volleys of small arms, striking the colors or top-sails, or by shouts of the seamen mounted on the masts or rigging. When two squadrons meet, the two chiefs only are to exchange salutes.NWAD SALUTE.11
SALUTED, pp. Hailed; greeted.
SALUTER, n. One who salutes.
SALUTIFEROUS, a. [L. salutifer; salus, health, and fero, to bring.] Bringing health; healthy; as salutiferous air.
SALVABILITY, n. [from salvable.] The possibility of being saved or admitted to everlasting life.
SALVABLE, a. [L. salvus, safe; salvo, to save.]
That may be saved, or received to everlasting happiness.NWAD SALVABLE.2
SALVAGE, n. [L. salvus, salvo.]
In commerce, a reward or recompense allowed by law for the saving of a ship, or goods from loss at sea, either by shipwreck or other means, or by enemies or pirates.NWAD SALVAGE.2
SALVAGE, for savage, not used. [See Savage.]
SALVATION, n. [L. salvo, to save.]
1. The act of saving; preservation from destruction, danger or great calamity.NWAD SALVATION.2
2. Appropriately in theology, the redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him everlasting happiness. This is the great salvation.NWAD SALVATION.3
Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:10.NWAD SALVATION.4
3. Deliverance from enemies; victory. Exodus 14:13.NWAD SALVATION.5
4. Remission of sins, or saving graces. Luke 19:9.NWAD SALVATION.6
5. The author of man’s salvation. Psalm 27:1.NWAD SALVATION.7
6. A term of praise or benediction. Revelation 19:1.NWAD SALVATION.8
SALVATORY, n. A place where things are preserved; a repository.
SALVE, n. sav. [L. salvus.]
1. A glutinous composition or substance to be applied to wounds or sores; when spread on leather or cloth, it is called a plaster.NWAD SALVE.2
2. Help; remedy.NWAD SALVE.3
SALVE, v.t. sav.
1. To heal by applications or medicaments. [little used.]NWAD SALVE.5
2. To help; to remedy. [Little used.]NWAD SALVE.6
3. To help or remedy by a salvo, excuse or reservation. [Little used.]NWAD SALVE.7
4. To salute. [Not in use.]NWAD SALVE.8
SALVER, n. A piece of plate with a foot; or a plate on which any thing is presented.
SALVIFIC, a. [L. salvus and facio.] Tending to save or secure safety. [A bad word and not used.]
SALVO, n. [from the L. salvo jure, an expression used in reserving rights.] An exception; a reservation; an excuse.
They admit many salvos, cautions and reservations.NWAD SALVO.2
SALVOR, n. One who saves a ship or goods at sea.
1. Pertaining to Samaria, the principal city of the ten tribes of Israel, belonging to the tribe of Ephraim, and after the captivity of those tribes, repeopled by Cuthites from Assyria or Chaldea.NWAD SAMARITAN.2
2. Denoting the ancient characters and alphabet used by the Hebrews.NWAD SAMARITAN.3
1. An inhabitant of Samaria, or one that belonged to the sect which derived their appellation from that city. The Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans.NWAD SAMARITAN.5
2. The language of Samaria, a dialect of the Chaldean.NWAD SAMARITAN.6
SAMBO, n. The offspring of a black person and a mulatto.
SAME, a. [L. simul, together. Gr. Shall we suppose then that s has passed into an aspirate in this word, as in salt, Gr. or has the Greek word lost s? The word same may be the L. idem or dem, dialectically varied. The primary sense is to set, to place, to put together.]
1. Identical; not different or other.NWAD SAME.2
Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Psalm 102:27.NWAD SAME.3
The Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. 1 Corinthians 11:23.NWAD SAME.4
2. Of the identical kind or species, though not the specific thing. We say, the horse of one country is the same animal as the horse of another country. The same plants and fruits are produced in the same latitudes. We see in men in all countries, the same passions and the same vices.NWAD SAME.5
Th’ etherial vigor is in all the same.NWAD SAME.6
3. That was mentioned before.NWAD SAME.7
Do but think how well the same he spends, who spends his blood his country to relieve.NWAD SAME.8
4. Equal; exactly similar. One ship will not run the same distance as another in the same time, and with the same wind. Two balls of the same size have not always the same weight. Two instruments will not always make the same sound.NWAD SAME.9
SAME, adv. Together. Obs.
1. Identity; the state of being not different or other; as the sameness of an unchangeable being.NWAD SAMENESS.2
2. Near resemblance; correspondence; similarity; as a sameness of manner; a sameness of sound; the sameness of objects in a landscape.NWAD SAMENESS.3
Samian earth. [Gr. the isle.] The name of a marl of two species, used in medicine as an astringent.NWAD SAMENESS.4
SAMIEL, SIMOOM, n. A hot and destructive wind that sometimes blows in Arabia.
SAMITE, n. A species of silk stuff. Obs.
SAMLET, n. A little salmon.
SAMP, n. A species of food composed of maize broken or bruised, boiled and mixed with milk; a dish borrowed from the natives of America, but not much used.
SAMPANE, n. A kind of vessel used by the Chinese.
SAMPHIRE, n. [said to be a corruption of Saint Pierre.]
A plant of the genus Crithmum. The golden samphire is of the genus Inula.NWAD SAMPHIRE.2
Samphire grows on rocks near the sea shore, where it is washed by the salt water. It is used for pickling.NWAD SAMPHIRE.3
SAMPLE, n. [L. exemplum.]
1. A specimen; a part of any thing presented for inspection or intended to be shown, as evidence of the quality of the whole; as a sample of cloth or of wheat. Goods are often purchased in market by samples.NWAD SAMPLE.2
I design this as a sample of what I hope more fully to discuss.NWAD SAMPLE.3
2. Example; instance.NWAD SAMPLE.4
SAMPLE, v.t. To show something similar.
SAMPLER, n. [L. exemplar, supra.] A pattern of work; a specimen; particularly, a piece of needle work by young girls for improvement.
SAMSON’S-POST, n. In ships, a notched post used instead of a ladder; also, a piece of timber that forms a return for a tackle fall.
SANABLE, a. [L. sanabilis, from sano, to heal; sanus, sound. See Sound.]
That may be healed or cured; susceptible of remedy.NWAD SANABLE.2
SANATION, n. [L. sanatio, from sano, to heal.] The act of healing or curing. [Not used.]
SANATIVE, a. [L. sano, to heal.] Having the power to cure or heal; healing; tending to heal.
SANATIVENESS, n. The power of healing.
SANCTIFICATE, v.t. To sanctify. [Not in use.]
1. The act of making holy. In an evangelical sense, the act of God’s grace by which the affections of men are purified or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to a supreme love to God.NWAD SANCTIFICATION.2
God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2.NWAD SANCTIFICATION.3
2. The act of consecrating or of setting apart for a sacred purpose; consecration.NWAD SANCTIFICATION.4
1. Made holy; consecrated; set apart for sacred services.NWAD SANCTIFIED.2
2. Affectedly holy.NWAD SANCTIFIED.3
SANCTIFIER, n. He that sanctifies or makes holy. In theology, the Holy Spirit is, by way of eminence, denominated the Sanctifier.
SANCTIFY, v.t. [Low L. sanctifico; from sanctus, holy, and facio, to make.]
1. In a general sense, to cleanse, purify or make holy.NWAD SANCTIFY.2
2. To separate, set apart or appoint to a holy, sacred or religious use.NWAD SANCTIFY.3
God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. Genesis 2:3.NWAD SANCTIFY.4
So under the Jewish dispensation, to sanctify the altar, the temple, the priests, etc.NWAD SANCTIFY.5
3. To purify; to prepare for divine service, and for partaking of holy things. Exodus 19:10.NWAD SANCTIFY.6
4. To separate, ordain and appoint to the work of redemption and the government of the church. John 10:36.NWAD SANCTIFY.7
5. To cleanse from corruption; to purify from sin; to make holy be detaching the affections from the world and its defilements, and exalting them to a supreme love to God.NWAD SANCTIFY.8
Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. John 17:17; Ephesians 5:26.NWAD SANCTIFY.9
6. To make the means of holiness; to render productive of holiness or piety.NWAD SANCTIFY.10
Those judgments of God are the more welcome, as a means which his mercy hath sanctified so to me, as to make me repent of that unjust act.NWAD SANCTIFY.11
7. To make free from guilt.NWAD SANCTIFY.12
That holy man amaz’d at what he saw, made haste to sanctify the bliss by law.NWAD SANCTIFY.13
8. To secure from violation.NWAD SANCTIFY.14
Truth guards the poet, sanctifies the line.NWAD SANCTIFY.15
To sanctify God, to praise and celebrate him as a holy being; to acknowledge and honor his holy majesty, and to reverence his character and laws. Isaiah 8:13.NWAD SANCTIFY.16
God sanctifies himself or his name, by vindicating his honor from the reproaches of the wicked, and manifesting his glory. Ezekiel 36:23.NWAD SANCTIFY.17
1. Making holy; purifying from the defilements of sin; separating to a holy use.NWAD SANCTIFYING.2
2. a. Tending to sanctify; adapted to increase holiness.NWAD SANCTIFYING.3
SANCTIMONIOUS, a. [L. sanctimonia, from sanctus, holy.]
Saintly; having the appearance of sanctity; as a sanctimonious pretense.NWAD SANCTIMONIOUS.2
SANCTIMONIOUSNESS, n. State of being sanctimonious; sanctity, or the appearance of it. [little used.]
SANCTIMONY, n. [L. sanctimonia.] Holiness; devoutness; scrupulous austerity; sanctity, or the appearance of it. [Little used.]
SANCTION, n. [L. sanctio, from sanctus, holy, solemn, established.]
1. Ratification; an official act of a superior by which he ratifies and gives validity to the act of some other person or body. A treaty is not valid without the sanction of the president and senate.NWAD SANCTION.2
2. Authority; confirmation derived from testimony, character, influence or custom.NWAD SANCTION.3
The strictest professors of reason have added the sanction of their testimony.NWAD SANCTION.4
3. A law or decree. [Improper.]NWAD SANCTION.5
SANCTION, v.t. To ratify; to confirm; to give validity or authority to.
SANCTIONED, pp. Ratified; confirmed; authorized.
SANCTIONING, ppr. Ratifying; authorizing.
SANCTITUDE, n. [L. sanctus, sanctitudo.] Holiness; sacredness.
SANCTITY, n. [L. sanctitas.]
1. Holiness; state of being sacred or holy. God attributes no sanctity to place.NWAD SANCTITY.2
2. Goodness; purity; godliness; as the sanctity of love; sanctity of manners.NWAD SANCTITY.3
3. Sacredness; solemnity; as the sanctity of an oath.NWAD SANCTITY.4
4. A saint or holy being.NWAD SANCTITY.5
About him all the sanctities of heav’n - [Unusual.]NWAD SANCTITY.6
SANCTUARIZE, v.t. [from sanctuary.] To shelter by means of a sanctuary or sacred privileges. [A bad word and not used.]
SANCTUARY, n. [L. sanctuarium, from sanctus, sacred.]
1. A sacred place; particularly among the Israelites, the most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called the Holy of Holies, in which was kept the ark of the covenant, and into which no person was permitted to enter except the high priest, and that only once a year to intercede for the people. The same name was given to the most sacred part of the tabernacle. Leviticus 4:6; Hebrews 9:2.NWAD SANCTUARY.2
2. The temple at Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles 20:8.NWAD SANCTUARY.3
3. A house consecrated to the worship of God; a place where divine service is performed. Psalm 73:17.NWAD SANCTUARY.4
Hence sanctuary is used for a church.NWAD SANCTUARY.5
4. In catholic churches, that part of a church where the altar is placed, encompassed with a balustrade.NWAD SANCTUARY.6
5. A place of protection; a sacred asylum. Hence a sanctuary-man is one that resorts to a sanctuary for protection.NWAD SANCTUARY.7
6. Shelter; protection.NWAD SANCTUARY.8
Some relics of painting took sanctuary under ground.NWAD SANCTUARY.9
1. Any mass or collection of fine particles of stone, particularly of fine particles of silicious stone, but not strictly reduced to powder or dust.NWAD SAND.2
That finer matter called sand, is no other than very small pebbles.NWAD SAND.3
2. Sands, in the plural, tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of Arabia and Africa; as the Lybian sands.NWAD SAND.4
SAND, v.t.
1. To sprinkle with sand. It is customary among the common people in America, to sand their floors with white sand.NWAD SAND.6
2. To drive upon the sand.NWAD SAND.7
SANDAL, n. [L. sandalium; Gr.]
1. A kind of shoe, consisting of a sole fastened to the foot. The Greek and Roman ladies wore sandals made of a rich stuff, ornamented with gold or silver.NWAD SANDAL.2
2. A shoe or slipper worn by the pope and other Romish prelates when they officiate. A like sandal is worn by several congregations of monks.NWAD SANDAL.3
A kind of wood which grows in the East Indies and on some of the isles of the Pacific. It is of three kinds, the white, the yellow, and the red. The tree which produces the two former is of the genus Santalum. It grows to the size of a walnut tree. Its wood has a bitter taste and an aromatic smell. The oriental nations burn it in their houses for the sake of its fragrant odor, and with the powder of it a paste is prepared, with which they anoint their bodies. The white and the yellow sandal-wood are different parts of the same tree; the white is the wood next to the bark; the yellow is the inner part of the tree. The red sandal-wood is obtained from a different tree, the Pierocarpus santolinus. It is of a dull red color, has little taste or smell, and is principally used as a coloring drug.NWAD SANDAL.5
1. A resin in white tears, more transparent than those of mastic; obtained from the juniper tree, in which it occupies the place between the bark and the wood. It is used in powder to prevent ink from sinking or spreading. This is the substance denoted by the Arabic word, and it is also called varnish. For distinction, this is called gum sandarac or sandaric.NWAD SANDARAC.2
The sandarach is obtained from the Thuya articulata, from the Juniperus cedrus.NWAD SANDARAC.3
2. A native fossil; also, a combination of arsenic and sulphur; orpiment.NWAD SANDARAC.4
SAND-BAG, n. A bag filled with sand; used in fortification.
SAND-BATH, n. A bath made by warm sand, with which something is enveloped.
SAND-BLIND, a. Having a defect of sight, by means of which small particles appear to fly before the eyes.
1. A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling paper with sand.NWAD SAND-BOX.2
2. A tree or plant of the genus Hura. It is said that the pericarp of the fruit will burst in the heat of the day with a loud report, and throw the seeds to a distance.NWAD SAND-BOX.3
1. Sprinkled with sand; as a sanded floor.NWAD SANDED.2
2. a. Covered with sand; barren.NWAD SANDED.3
3. Marked with small spots; variegated with spots; speckled; of a sandy color, as a hound.NWAD SANDED.4
4. Short sighted.NWAD SANDED.5
SAND-EEL, n. The ammodyte, a fish that resembles an eel. It seldom exceeds a foot in length; its head is compressed, the upper jaw larger than the under one, the body cylindrical, with scales hardly perceptible. There is one species only, a native of Europe. It coils with its head in the center, and penetrates into the sand; whence its name in Greek and English. It is a delicate food.
SANDERLING, n. A bird of the plover kind.
SANDERS. [See Sandal.]
Glass-gall; a whitish salt which is cast up from the materials of glass in fusion, and floating on the top, is skimmed off. A similar substance is thrown out in eruptions of volcanoes. It is used by gilders of iron, and in the fusion of certain ores. It is said to be good for cleansing the skin, and taken internally, is detergent.NWAD SANDEVER.2
SAND-FLOOD, n. A vast body of sand moving or borne along the deserts of Arabia.
SAND-HEAT, n. The heat of warm sand in chimical operations.
1. The state of being sandy; as the sandiness of a road.NWAD SANDINESS.2
2. The state of being of a sandy color.NWAD SANDINESS.3
SANDISH, a. [from sand.] Approaching the nature of sand; loose; not compact.
SANDIX, n. A kind of minium or red lead, made of ceruse, but inferior to the true minium.