SAVORLY, a. Well seasoned; of good taste.
SAVORLY, adv. With a pleasing relish.
SAVORY, a. [from savor.] Pleasing to the organs of smell or taste; as a savory odor.
Make me savory meat. Genesis 27:4, 7.NWAD SAVORY.2
SAVORY, n. A plant of the genus Satureia.
SAVOY, n. A variety of the common cabbage, much cultivated for winter use.
SAW, pret. of see.
SAW, n. [See the Verb.]
1. A cutting instrument consisting of a blade or thin plate of iron or steel, with one edge dentated or toothed.NWAD SAW.3
2. A saying; proverb; maxim; decree. Obs. [See Say.]NWAD SAW.4
SAW, v.t. pret. sawed; pp. sawed or sawn. [L. seco;]
1. To cut with a saw; to separate with a saw; as, to saw timber or marble.NWAD SAW.6
2. To form by cutting with a saw; as, to saw boards or planks, that is, to saw timber into boards or planks.NWAD SAW.7
SAW, v.i.
1. To use a saw; to practice sawing; as, a man saws well.NWAD SAW.9
2. To cut with a saw; as, the mill saws fast or well.NWAD SAW.10
3. To be cut with a saw; as, the timber saws smooth.NWAD SAW.11
SAW-DUST, n. Dust or small fragments of wood or stone made by the attrition of a saw.
SAWED, pp. Cut, divided or formed with a saw.
SAWER, n. One that saws; corrupted into sawyer.
SAW-FISH, n. A fish of the genus Pristis, which has a long beak or snout, with spines growing like teeth on both edges, and four or five spiracles or breathing holes in the sides of the neck.
SAW-FLY, n. A genus of flies, having a serrated sting.
SAW-PIT, n. A pit over which timber is sawed by two men, one standing below the timber and the other above.
SAW-WORT, n. A plant of the genus Serratula, so named from its serrated leaves.
SAW-WREST, n. An instrument used to wrest or turn the teeth of saws a little outwards, that they may make a kerf somewhat wider than the thickness of the blade.
1. One whose occupation is to saw timber into planks or boards, or to saw wood for fuel.NWAD SAWYER.2
2. In America, a tree which, being undermined by a current of water, and falling into the stream, lies with its branches above water, which are continually raised and depressed by the force of the current, from which circumstance the name is derived. The sawyers in the Mississippi render the navigation dangerous, and frequently sink boats which run against them.NWAD SAWYER.3
SAXIFRAGE, n. [L. saqxifraga; composed of saxum, a stone, and frango, to break.]
A medicine that has the property of breaking or dissolving the stone in the bladder. But in botany, a genus of plants of many species. The burnet saxifrage is of the genus Pimpinella; the golden saxifrage is of the genus Chrysoplenium; the meadow saxifrage is of the genus Peucedanum.NWAD SAXIFRAGE.2
SAXIFRAGOUS, a. Dissolving the stone.
1. One of the nation or people who formerly dwelt in the northern part of Germany, and who invaded and conquered England in the fifth and sixth centuries. The Welsh still call the English Saesons.NWAD SAXON.2
2. The language of the Saxons.NWAD SAXON.3
SAXON, a. Pertaining to the Saxons, to their country, or to their language.
SAXONISM, n. An idiom of the Saxon language.
SAXONIST, n. One versed in the Saxon language.
SAY, v.t. pret. and pp. said, contracted from sayed.
1. To speak; to utter in words; as, he said nothing; he said many things; he says not a word. Say a good word for me.NWAD SAY.2
It is observable that although this word is radically synonymous with speak and tell, yet the uses are applications of these words are different. Thus we say, to speak an oration, to tell a story; but in these phrases, say cannot be used. Yet to say a lesson is good English, though not very elegant. We never use the phrases to say a sermon or discourse, to say an argument, to say a speech, to say testimony.NWAD SAY.3
A very general use of say is to introduce a relation, narration or recital, either of the speaker himself or of something said or done or to be done by another. Thus Adam said, this is bone of my bone; Noah said, blessed be the Lord God of Shem. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. Say to the cities of Judah, behold your God. I cannot say what I should do in a similar case. Say thus precedes a sentence. But it is perhaps impracticable to reduce the peculiar and appropriate uses of say, speak and tell, to general rules. They can be learned only by observation.NWAD SAY.4
2. To declare. Genesis 38:13.NWAD SAY.5
3. To utter; to pronounce.NWAD SAY.6
Say now Shibboleth. Judges 12:6.NWAD SAY.7
4. To utter, as a command.NWAD SAY.8
God said, let there be light. Genesis 1:3.NWAD SAY.9
5. To utter, as a promise. Luke 23:29-30.NWAD SAY.10
6. To utter, as a question or answer. Mark 11:3.NWAD SAY.11
7. To affirm; to teach. Matthew 17:20.NWAD SAY.12
8. To confess. Luke 17:4.NWAD SAY.13
9. To testify. Acts 26:22.NWAD SAY.14
10. To argue; to allege by way of argument.NWAD SAY.15
After all that can be said against a thing -NWAD SAY.16
11. To repeat; to rehearse; to recite; as, to say a lesson.NWAD SAY.17
12. To pronounce; to recite without singing. Then shall be said or sung as follows.NWAD SAY.18
13. To report; as in the phrases, it is said, they say.NWAD SAY.19
14. To answer; to utter by way of reply; to tell.NWAD SAY.20
Say, Stella, feel you no content, reflecting on a life well spent?NWAD SAY.21
[Note - This verb is not properly intransitive. In the phrase, “as when we say, Plato is no fool,” the last clause is the object after the verb; that is, “we say what follows.” If this verb is properly intransitive in any case, it is in the phrase, “that is to say,” but in such cases, the subsequent clause is the object of the verb, being that which is said, uttered or related.]NWAD SAY.22
SAY, n. A speech; something said. [In popular use, but not elegant.]
SAY, n. [for assay.]
1. A sample. Obs.NWAD SAY.25
2. Trial by sample. Obs.NWAD SAY.26
SAY, n. A thin silk. Obs.
SAY, SAYE, n. In commerce, a kind of serge used for linings, shirts, aprons, etc.
SAYING, ppr. Uttering in articulate sounds or words; speaking; telling; relating; reciting.
1. An expression; a sentence uttered; a declaration.NWAD SAYING.3
Moses fled at this saying. Acts 7:29.NWAD SAYING.4
Cicero treasured up the sayings of Scaevola.NWAD SAYING.5
2. A proverbial expression. Many are the sayings of the wise.NWAD SAYING.6
SCAB, n. [L. scabbies, scaber, rough.]
1. An encrusted substance, dry and rough, formed over a sore in healing.NWAD SCAB.2
2. The itch or mange in horses; a disease of sheep.NWAD SCAB.3
3. A mean, dirty paltry fellow. [Low.]NWAD SCAB.4
SCABBARD, n. The sheath of a sword.
SCABBARD, v.t. To put in a sheath.
SCABBED, a. [from scab.]
1. Abounding with scabs; diseased with scabs.NWAD SCABBED.2
2. Mean; paltry; vile; worthless.NWAD SCABBED.3
SCABBEDNESS, n. The state of being scabbed.
SCABBINESS, n. [from scabby.] The quality of being scabby.
SCABBY, a. [from scab.]
1. Affected with scabs; full of scabs.NWAD SCABBY.2
2. Diseased with the scab or mange; mangy.NWAD SCABBY.3
SCABIOUS, a. [L. scabisus, from scabies, scab.]
Consisting of scabs; rough itch; leprous; as scabious eruptions.NWAD SCABIOUS.2
SCABIOUS, n. A plant of the genus Scabiosa.
SCABREDITY, n. [L. scabredo, scabrities.] Roughness; ruggedness. [Not in use.]
SCABROUS, a. [L. scabrosus, scaber, from scabies, scab.]
1. Rough; rugged; having sharp points.NWAD SCABROUS.2
2. Harsh; unmusical.NWAD SCABROUS.3
SCABROUSNESS, n. Roughness; ruggedness.
SCABWORT, n. A plant, a species of Helenium.
1. A fish, the shad which see.NWAD SCAD.2
2. A fish of the genus Caranx.NWAD SCAD.3
SCAFFOLD, n. [The last syllable is the L. fala.]
1. Among builders, an assemblage or structure of timbers, boards or planks, erected by the wall of a building to support the workmen.NWAD SCAFFOLD.2
2. A temporary gallery or stage raised either for shows or spectators.NWAD SCAFFOLD.3
3. A stage or elevated platform for the execution of a criminal.NWAD SCAFFOLD.4
SCAFFOLD, v.t. To furnish with a scaffold; to sustain; to uphold.
SCAFFOLDAGE, n. A gallery; a hollow floor.
1. A frame or structure for support in an elevated place.NWAD SCAFFOLDING.2
2. That which sustains; a frame; as the scaffolding of the body.NWAD SCAFFOLDING.3
3. Temporary structure for support.NWAD SCAFFOLDING.4
4. Materials for scaffolds.NWAD SCAFFOLDING.5
SCALABLE, a. That may be sealed.
SCALADE, SCALADO, n. [L. scala, a latter. See Scale.]
A storm or assault on a fortified place, in which the soldiers enter the place by means of ladders. It is written also escalade.NWAD SCALADE.2
SCALARY, a. Resembling a ladder; formed with steps. [Little used.]
SCALD, v.t. [L. caleo, caida, calidus. I suppose the primary sense of caleo is to contract, to draw, to make hard.]
1. To burn or painfully affect and injure by immersion in or contact with a liquor of a boiling heat, or a heat approaching it; as, to scald the hand or foot. We scald the part, when the heat of the liquor applied is so violent as to injure the skin and flesh. Scald is sometimes used to express the effect of the heat of other substances than liquids.NWAD SCALD.2
Here the blue flames of scalding brimstone fall.NWAD SCALD.3
2. To expose to a boiling or violent heat over a fire, or in water or other liquor; as, to scald meat or milk.NWAD SCALD.4
SCALD, n. [supra.] A burn, or injury to the skin and flesh by hot liquor.
SCALD, n. Scab; scurf on the head.
SCALD, a. Scurvy; paltry; poor; as scald rhymers.
Among the ancient Scandinavians, a poet; one whose occupation was to compose poems in honor of distinguished men and their achievements, and to recite and sing them on public occasions. The scalds of Denmark and Sweden answered to the bards of the Britons or Celts.NWAD SCALD.9
SCALDED, pp. Injured by a hot liquor; exposed to boiling heat.
SCALDER, n. A scald; a Scandinavian poet.
SCALDHEAD, n. [See Scald.] A lothesome affection of the head, in which it is covered with a continuous scab.
SCALDIC, a. Pertaining to the scalds or poets of antiquity; composed by scalds.
1. Burning or injuring by hot liquor.NWAD SCALDING.2
2. Exposing to a boiling heat in liquor.NWAD SCALDING.3
SCALDING-HOT, a. So hot as to scald the skin.
SCALE, n. [L. id. If the sense is to strip, it coincides with the Gr. to spoil.]
1. The dish of a balance; and hence, the balance itself, or whole instrument; as, to turn the scale.NWAD SCALE.2
Long time in even scale the battle hung.NWAD SCALE.3
But in general, we use the plural, scales, for the whole instrument.NWAD SCALE.4
The scales are turn’d; her kindness weights no more now than my vows.NWAD SCALE.5
2. The sign of the balance or Libra, in the zodiac.NWAD SCALE.6
3. The small shell or crust which composes a part of the covering of a fish; and hence, any thin layer or leaf exfoliated or separated; a thin lamin; as scales of iron or of bone.NWAD SCALE.7
The scales of fish consist of alternate layers of membrane and phosphate of lime. The scales of serpents are composed of a horny membrane, without the calcarious phosphate.NWAD SCALE.8
4. A ladder; series of steps; means of ascending. [L. scala.]NWAD SCALE.9
5. The art of storming a place by mounting the wall on ladders; an escalade, or scalade.NWAD SCALE.10
6. A mathematical instrument of wood or metal, on which are marked line and figures for the purpose of measuring distances, extent or proportions; as a plain scale; a diagonal scale.NWAD SCALE.11
7. Regular gradation; a series rising by steps or degrees like those of a ladder. Thus we speak of the scale of being, in which man occupies a higher rank than brutes, and angels a higher rank than man.NWAD SCALE.12
8. Any instrument, figure or scheme, graduated for the purpose of measuring extent or proportions as a map drawn by a scale of half an inch to a league.NWAD SCALE.13
9. In music, a gamut; a diagram; or a series of lines and spaces rising one above another, on which notes are placed; or a scale consists of the regular gradations of sounds. A scale may be limited to an octave, called by the Greeks a tetrachord, or it may extend to the compass of any voice or instrument.NWAD SCALE.14
10. Any thing graduated or marked with degrees at equal distances.NWAD SCALE.15
SCALE, v.t.
1. To climb, as by a ladder; to ascend by steps; and applied to the walls of a fortified place, to mount in assault or storm.NWAD SCALE.17
Oft have I scal’d the craggy oak.NWAD SCALE.18
2. [from scale, a balance.] To measure; to compare; to weight.NWAD SCALE.19
3. [from scale, the covering of a fish.] to strip or clear of scales; as, to scale a fish.NWAD SCALE.20
4. To take off in thin lamins or scales.NWAD SCALE.21
5. To pare off a surface.NWAD SCALE.22
If all the mountains were scaled, and the earth made even -NWAD SCALE.23
6. In the north of England, to spread, as manure or loose substances; also, to disperse; to waste.NWAD SCALE.24
7. In gunnery, to clean the inside of a cannon by the explosion of a small quantity of powder.NWAD SCALE.25
SCALE, v.i. To separate and come off in thin layers or lamins.
The old shells of the lobster scale off.NWAD SCALE.27
1. Ascended by ladders or steps; cleared of scales; pared; scattered.NWAD SCALED.2
2. a. Having scales like a fish; squamous; as a scaled snake.NWAD SCALED.3
SCALELESS, a. Destitute of scales.
A scalene triangle, is one whose sides and angles are unequal.NWAD SCALENE.2
SCALENE, n. a scalene triangle.
SCALINESS, n. [from scaly.] the state of being scaly; roughness.
1. Ascending by ladders or steps; storming.NWAD SCALING.2
2. Stripping of scales.NWAD SCALING.3
3. Peeling; paring.NWAD SCALING.4
SCALING-LADDER, n. a ladder made for enabling troops to scale a wall.
SCALL, n. [See Scald and Scaldhead.]
Scab; scabbiness; leprosy.NWAD SCALL.2
It is a dry scall, even a leprosy on the head. Leviticus 13:30.NWAD SCALL.3
SCALLION, n. [ascalonia.]
A plant of the genus Allium; a variety of the common onion, which never forms a bulb at the root.NWAD SCALLION.2
SCALLOP, n. [This is from the root of shell, scale; coinciding with scalp.]
1. A shell fish, or rather a genus of shell fish, called pecten. The shell is bivalvular, the hinge toothless, having a small ovated hollow. The great scallop is rugged and imbricated with scales, grows to a large size, and in some countries is taken and barreled for market.NWAD SCALLOP.2
2. A recess or curving of the edge of any thing, like the segment of a circle; written also scallop.NWAD SCALLOP.3
SCALLOP, v.t. To mark or cut the edge or border of any thing into segments of circles.
SCALP, n. [L. scalpo.]
1. The skin of the top of the head; as a hairless scalp.NWAD SCALP.2
2. The skin of the top of the head cut or torn off. A scalp among the Indians of America is a trophy of victory.NWAD SCALP.3
SCALP, v.t. To deprive of the scalp, or integuments of the head.
SCALPED, pp. Deprived of the skin of the head.
SCALPEL, n. [L. scalpellum, from scalpo, to scrape.]
In surgery, a knife used in anatomical dissections and surgical operations.NWAD SCALPEL.2
SCALPER, SCALPING-IRON, n. An instrument of surgery, used in scraping foul and carious bones; a raspatory.
SCALPING, ppr. Depriving of the skin of the top of the head.
SCALY, a. [from scale.]
1. Covered or abounding with scales; rough; as a scaly fish; the scaly crocodile.NWAD SCALY.2
2. Resembling scales, lamina or layers.NWAD SCALY.3
3. In botany, composed of scales lying over each other, as a scaly bulb; having scales scattered over it, as a scaly stem.NWAD SCALY.4
1. To stir quick; to be busy; to scramble; to be bold or turbulent.NWAD SCAMBLE.2
2. To shift awkwardly.NWAD SCAMBLE.3
SCAMBLE, v.t. To mangle; to maul.
SCAMBLER, n. A bold intruder upon the generosity or hospitality of others.
SCAMBLING, ppr. Stirring; scrambling; intruding.
SCAMBLINGLY, adv. With turbulence and noise; with bold intrusiveness.
SCAMMONIATE, a. [from scammony.] Made with scammony. [Not used.]
SCAMMONY, n. [L. scammonia.]
1. A plant of the genus convolvulus.NWAD SCAMMONY.2
2. A gum resin, obtained from the plant of that name, of a blackish gray color, a strong nauseous smell, and a bitter and very acrid taste. The best scammony comes from Aleppo, in light spungy masses, easily friable. That of Smyrna is black, ponderous, and mixed with extraneous matter.NWAD SCAMMONY.3
To run with speed; to hasten escape.NWAD SCAMPER.2
SCAMPERING, ppr. Running with speed; hastening in flight.
SCAN, v.t. [L. ascendo. See Ascend.]
1. To examine with critical care; to scrutinize.NWAD SCAN.2
The actions of men in high stations are all conspicuous, and liable to be scanned and sifted.NWAD SCAN.3
2. To examine a verse by counting the feet; or according to modern usage, to recite or measure verse by distinguishing the feet in pronunciation. Thus in Latin and Greek, a hexameter verse is resolved into six feet by scanning, and the true quantities are determined.NWAD SCAN.4
SCANDAL, n. [L. scandalum; Gr. In Greek, this word signifies a stumbling block, something against which a person impinges, or which causes him to fall.]
1. Offense given by the faults of another.NWAD SCANDAL.2
His lustful orgies he enlarg’d even to the hill of scandal.NWAD SCANDAL.3
[In this sense, we now generally use offense.]NWAD SCANDAL.4
2. Reproachful aspersion; opprobrious censure; defamatory speech or report; something uttered which is false and injurious to reputation.NWAD SCANDAL.5
My known virtue is from scandal free.NWAD SCANDAL.6
3. Shame; reproach; disgrace. Such is the perverted state of the human mind that some of the most heinous crimes bring little scandal upon the offender.NWAD SCANDAL.7
1. To treat opprobriously; to defame; to asperse; to traduce; to blacken character.NWAD SCANDAL.9
I do fawn on men, and hug them hard, and after scandal them. [Little used.]NWAD SCANDAL.10
2. To scandalize; to offend. [Not used.]NWAD SCANDAL.11
SCANDALIZE, v.t. [Gr. L. scandalizo.]
1. To offend by some action supposed criminal.NWAD SCANDALIZE.2
I demand who they are whom we scandalize by using harmless things?NWAD SCANDALIZE.3
2. To reproach; to disgrace; to defame; as a scandalizing libeler.NWAD SCANDALIZE.4
SCANDALIZED, pp. Offended; defamed; disgraced.
SCANDALIZING, ppr. Giving offense to; disgracing.
1. Giving offense.NWAD SCANDALOUS.2
Nothing scandalous or offensive to any.NWAD SCANDALOUS.3
2. Opprobrious; disgraceful to reputation; that brings shame or infamy; as a scandalous crime or vice. How perverted must be the mind that considers seduction or dueling less scandalous than larceny!NWAD SCANDALOUS.4
3. Defamatory.NWAD SCANDALOUS.5
1. Shamefully; in a manner to give offense.NWAD SCANDALOUSLY.2
His discourse at table was scandalously unbecoming the dignity of his station.NWAD SCANDALOUSLY.3
2. Censoriously; with a disposition to find fault; as a critic scandalously nice.NWAD SCANDALOUSLY.4
SCANDALOUSNESS, n. The quality of being scandalous; the quality of giving offense, or of being disgraceful.
Scandalum magnatum, in law, a defamatory speech or writing made or published to the injury of a person of dignity.NWAD SCANDALOUSNESS.2
SCANDENT, a. [L. scandens, scando, to climb.]
Climbing, either with spiral tendrils for its support, or by adhesive fibers, as a stalk; climbing; performing the office of a tendril, as a petiole.NWAD SCANDENT.2
SCANNED, pp. Critically sifted or examined; resolved into feet in recital.
SCANNING, ppr. Critically examining; resolving into feet, as verse.
SCANSION, n. The act of scanning.
To limit; to straiten; as, to scant one in provisions; to scant ourselves in the use of necessaries; to scant a garment in cloth.NWAD SCANT.2
I am scanted in the pleasure of dwelling on your actions.NWAD SCANT.3
SCANT, v.i. To fail or become less; as, the wind scants.
1. Not full, large or plentiful; scarcely sufficient; rather less than is wanted for the purpose; as a scant allowance of provisions or water; a scant pattern of cloth for a garment.NWAD SCANT.6
2. Sparing; parsimonious; cautiously affording.NWAD SCANT.7
Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence. [Not in use.]NWAD SCANT.8
3. Not fair, free or favorable for a ship’s course; as a scant wind.NWAD SCANT.9
SCANT, adv. Scarcely; hardly; not quite.
The people - received of the bankers scant twenty shillings for thirty. [Obsolete or vulgar.]NWAD SCANT.11
SCANTILY, adv. [from scanty.]
1. Not fully; not plentifully. the troops were scantily supplied with flour.NWAD SCANTILY.2
2. Sparingly; niggardly; as, to speak scantily of one. [Unusual.]NWAD SCANTILY.3
1. Narrowness; want of space or compass; as the scantiness of our heroic verse.NWAD SCANTINESS.2
2. Want of amplitude, greatness or abundance; limited extent.NWAD SCANTINESS.3
Alexander was much troubled at the scantiness of nature itself.NWAD SCANTINESS.4
3. Want of fullness; want of sufficiency; as the scantiness of supplies.NWAD SCANTINESS.5
SCANTLE, v.t. To be deficient; to fail.
SCANTLE, v.i. To divide into thin or small pieces; to shiver.
SCANTLET, n. [See Scantling.] A small pattern; a small quantity. [Not in use.]
1. A pattern; a quantity cut for a particular purpose.NWAD SCANTLING.2
2. A small quantity; as a scantling of wit.NWAD SCANTLING.3
3. A certain proportion or quantity.NWAD SCANTLING.4
4. In the United States, timber sawed or cut into pieces of a small size, as for studs, rails, etc. This seems to be allied to the L. scandula, and it is the sense in which I have ever heard it used in this country.NWAD SCANTLING.5
5. In seamen’s language, the dimensions of a piece of timber, with regard to its breadth and thickness.NWAD SCANTLING.6
SCANTLING, a. Not plentiful; small. [Not in use.]
1. Scarcely; hardly. Obs.NWAD SCANTLY.2
2. Not fully or sufficiently; narrowly; penuriously; without amplitude.NWAD SCANTLY.3
SCANTNESS, n. [from scant.] Narrowness; smallness; as the scantness of our capacities.
SCANTY, a. [from scant, and having the same signification.]
1. Narrow; small; wanting amplitude or extent.NWAD SCANTY.2
His dominions were very narrow and scanty.NWAD SCANTY.3
Now scantier limits the proud arch confine.NWAD SCANTY.4
2. Poor; not copious or full; not ample; hardly sufficient; as a scanty language; a scanty supply of words; a scantly supply of bread.NWAD SCANTY.5
3. Sparing; niggardly; parsimonious.NWAD SCANTY.6
In illustrating a point of difficulty, be not too scanty of words.NWAD SCANTY.7
SCAPAISM, n. [Gr. to dig or make hollow.]
Among the Persians, a barbarous punishment inflicted on criminals by confining them in a hollow tree till they died.NWAD SCAPAISM.2
SCAPE, v.t. To escape; a contracted word, not now used except in poetry, and with a mark of elision. [See Escape.]
1. An escape. [See Escape.]NWAD SCAPE.3
2. Means of escape; evasion.NWAD SCAPE.4
3. Freak; aberration; deviation.NWAD SCAPE.5
4. Loose act of vice or lewdness. [Obsolete in all its senses.]NWAD SCAPE.6
SCAPE, n. [L. scopus; probably allied to scipio, and the Gr. scepter.]
In botany, a stem bearing the fructification without leaves, as in the narcissus and hyacinth.NWAD SCAPE.8
SCAPE-GOAT, n. [escape and goat.] In the Jewish ritual, a goat which was brought to the door of the tabernacle, where the high priest laid his hands upon him, confessing the sins of the people, and putting them on the heat of the goat; after which the goat was sent into the wilderness, bearing the iniquities of the people. Leviticus 16:10.
SCAPELESS, a. [from scape.] In botany, destitute of a scape.
SCAPEMENT, n. The method of communicating the impulse of the wheels to the pendulum of a clock.
SCAPHITE, n. [L. scapha.] Fossil remains of the scapha.
SCAPOLITE, n. [Gr. a rod, and a stone.]
A mineral which occurs massive, or more commonly in four or eight sides prisms, terminated by four sided pyramids. It takes its name from its long crystals, often marked with deep longitudinal channels, and collected in groups or masses of parallel, diverging or intermingled prisms. It is the radiated, foliated and compact scapolite of Jameson, and the paranthine and Wernerite of Hauy and Brongniart.NWAD SCAPOLITE.2
SCAPULA, n. [L.] The shoulder blade.
SCAPULAR, a. [L. scapularis.] Pertaining to the shoulder, or to the scapula; as the scapular arteries.
SCAPULAR, n. [supra.]
1. In anatomy, the name of two pairs of arteries, and as many veins.NWAD SCAPULAR.3
2. In ornithology, a feather which springs from the shoulder of the wing, and lies along the side of the back.NWAD SCAPULAR.4
SCAPULAR, SCAPULARY, n. A part of the habit of certain religious orders in the Romish church, consisting of two narrow slips of cloth worn over the gown, covering the back and breast, and extending to the feet. This is worn as a badge of peculiar veneration for the virgin Mary.
1. A mark in the skin or flesh of an animal made by a wound or an ulcer, and remaining after the wound or ulcer is healed. The soldier is proud of his scars.NWAD SCAR.2
2. Any mark or injury; a blemish.NWAD SCAR.3
The earth had the beauty of youth - and not a wrinkle, scar or fracture on its body.NWAD SCAR.4
3. [L. scarus; Gr.] A fish of the Labrus kind.NWAD SCAR.5
SCAR, v.t. To mark with a scar.