SCHOOLING, ppr. Instructing; teaching; reproving.
1. Instruction in school; tuition.NWAD SCHOOLING.3
2. Compensation for instruction; price or reward paid to an instructor for teaching pupils.NWAD SCHOOLING.4
3. Reproof; reprimand. He gave his son a good schooling.NWAD SCHOOLING.5
SCHOOLMAID, n. [See Maid.] A girl at school.
1. A man versed in the niceties of academical disputation or of school divinity.NWAD SCHOOLMAN.2
Unlearn’d, he knew no schoolman’s subtil art.NWAD SCHOOLMAN.3
2. A writer of scholastic divinity or philosophy.NWAD SCHOOLMAN.4
Let subtil schoolmen teach these friends to fight.NWAD SCHOOLMAN.5
1. The man who presides over and teaches a school; a teacher, instructor or preceptor of a school. [Applied now only or chiefly to the teachers of primary school.]NWAD SCHOOLMASTER.2
Adrian VI. was sometime schoolmaster to Charles V.NWAD SCHOOLMASTER.3
2. He or that which disciplines, instructs and leads.NWAD SCHOOLMASTER.4
The law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. Galatians 3:24.NWAD SCHOOLMASTER.5
SCHOOLMISTRESS, n. [See Mistress.] A woman who governs and teaches a school.
SCHOONER, n. A vessel with two masts, whose main-sail and fore- sail are suspended by gaffs, like a sloop’s main-sail, and stretched below by booms.
SCHORL. [See Shorl.]
SCIAGRAPHICAL, a. Pertaining to sciagraphy.
SCIAGRAPHY, n. [Gr. a shadow, and to describe.]
1. The art of sketching or delineating.NWAD SCIAGRAPHY.2
2. In architecture, the profile or section of a building to exhibit its interior structure.NWAD SCIAGRAPHY.3
3. In astronomy, the art of finding the hour of the day or night by the shadows of objects, caused by the sun, moon or stars; the art of dialing.NWAD SCIAGRAPHY.4
Belonging to a sun-dial. [Little used.]NWAD SCIATHERIC.2
SCIATHERICALLY, adv. After the manner of a sun-dial.
SCIATIC, SCIATICA, n. [L. sciatica, from Gr. pain in the hips, from the hip, from the loin.] Rheumatism in the hip.
1. Pertaining to the hip; as the sciatic artery.NWAD SCIATIC.3
2. Affecting the hip; as sciatic pains.NWAD SCIATIC.4
SCIENCE, n. [L. scientia, from scio, to know.]
1. In a general sense, knowledge, or certain knowledge; the comprehension or understanding of truth or facts by the mind. The science of God must be perfect.NWAD SCIENCE.2
2. In philosophy, a collection of the general principles or leading truths relating to any subject. Pure science, as the mathematics, is built on self-evident truths; but the term science is also applied to other subjects founded on generally acknowledged truths, as metaphysics; or on experiment and observation, as chimistry and natural philosophy; or even to an assemblage of the general principles of an art, as the science of agriculture; the science of navigation. Arts relate to practice, as painting and sculpture.NWAD SCIENCE.3
A principle in science is a rule in art.NWAD SCIENCE.4
3. Art derived from precepts or built on principles.NWAD SCIENCE.5
Science perfects genius.NWAD SCIENCE.6
4. Any art or species of knowledge.NWAD SCIENCE.7
No science doth make known the first principles on which it buildeth.NWAD SCIENCE.8
5. One of the seven liberal branches of knowledge, viz grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.NWAD SCIENCE.9
[Note - Authors have not always been careful to use the terms art and science with due discrimination and precision. Music is an art as well as a science. In general, an art is that which depends on practice or performance, and science that which depends on abstract or speculative principles. The theory of music is a science; the practice of it an art.]NWAD SCIENCE.10
SCIENT, a. [L. sciens.] Skillful. [Not used.]
SCIENTIAL, Producing science.
1. Producing certain knowledge or demonstration; as scientific evidence.NWAD SCIENTIFIC.2
2. According to the rules or principles of science; as a scientific arrangement of fossils.NWAD SCIENTIFIC.3
3. Well versed in science; as a scientific physician.NWAD SCIENTIFIC.4
1. In such a manner as to produce knowledge.NWAD SCIENTIFICALLY.2
It is easier to believe, than to be scientifically instructed.NWAD SCIENTIFICALLY.3
2. According to the rules or principles of science.NWAD SCIENTIFICALLY.4
SCILLITIN, n. [See Squill.] a white transparent acrid substance, extracted from squills by Vogel.
SCINK, n. a cast calf. [Not in use or local.]
SCINTILLANT, a. [See Scintillate.] emitting sparks or fine igneous particles; sparkling.
SCINTILLATE, v.i. [L. scintillo. This word seems to be a diminutive formed on the Teutonic scinan, Eng. to shine.]
1. To emit sparks or fine igneous particles.NWAD SCINTILLATE.2
Marbles do not scintillate with steel.NWAD SCINTILLATE.3
2. to sparkle, as the fixed stars.NWAD SCINTILLATE.4
SCINTILLATING, ppr. emitting sparks; sparkling.
SCINTILLATION, n. the act of emitting sparks or igneous particles; the act of sparkling.
SCIOLISM, n. [See Sciolist.] Superficial knowledge.
SCIOLIST, n. [L. sciolus, a diminutive formed on scio, to know.]
One who knows little, or who knows many things superficially; a smatterer.NWAD SCIOLIST.2
These passages in that book, were enough to humble the presumption of our modern sciolists, if their pride were not as great as their ignorance.NWAD SCIOLIST.3
SCIOLOUS, a. Superficially or imperfectly knowing.
SCIOMACHY, n. [Gr. a shadow, and a battle.]
A battle with a shadow. [Little used.]NWAD SCIOMACHY.2
SCION. [See Cion.]
SCIOPTIC, a. [Gr. shadow and to see.]
Pertaining to the camera obscura, or to the art of exhibiting images through a hole in a darkened room.NWAD SCIOPTIC.2
SCIOPTIC, n. A sphere or globe with a lens made to turn like the eye; used in experiments with the camera obscura.
SCIOPTICS, n. The science of exhibiting images of external objects, received through a double convex glass into a darkened room.
SCIRE FACIAS, n. [L.] In law, a judicial writ summoning a person to show cause to the court why something should not be done, as to require sureties to show cause why the plaintiff should not have execution against them for debt and damages, or to require a third person to show cause why goods in his hands by replevin, should not be delivered to satisfy the execution, etc.
SCIROC, SCIROCCO, n. In Italy, a southeast wind; a hot suffocating wind, blowing from the burning deserts of Africa. This name is given also, in the northeast of Italy, to a cold bleak wind from the Alps.
SCIRROSITY, n. [See Scirrus.] An induration of the glands.
1. Indurated; hard; knotty; as a gland.NWAD SCIRROUS.2
2. Proceeding from scirrus; as scirrous affections; scirrous disease.NWAD SCIRROUS.3
SCIRRUS, n. [L. scirrus; Gr.]
In surgery and medicine, a hard tumor on any part of the body, usually proceeding from the induration of a gland, and often terminating in a cancer.NWAD SCIRRUS.2
SCISCITATION, n. [L. sciscitor, to inquire or demand.]
The act of inquiring; inquiry; demand. [Little used.]NWAD SCISCITATION.2
SCISSIBLE, a. [L. scissus, scindo, to cut.] Capable of being cut or divided by a sharp instrument; as scissible matter or bodies.
SCISSILE, a. [L. scissilis, from scindo, to cut.]
That may be cut or divided by a sharp instrument.NWAD SCISSILE.2
SCISSION, n. sizh’on. [L. scissio, scindo, to cut.]
The act of cutting or dividing by an edged instrument.NWAD SCISSION.2
SCISSORS, n. siz’zors, plu. [L. scissor, from scindo, to cut, Gr.]
A cutting instrument resembling shears, but smaller, consisting of two cutting blades movable on a pin in the center, by which they are fastened. Hence we usually say, a pair of scissors.NWAD SCISSORS.2
SCISSURE, n. [L. scissura, from scindo, to cut.]
A longitudinal opening in a body, made by cutting. [This cannot legitimately be a crack, rent or fissure. In this use it may be an error of the press for fissure.]NWAD SCISSURE.2
SCITAMINEOUS, a. Belonging to the Scitamineae, one of Linne’s natural orders of plants.
SCLAVONIAN, SLAVONIC, a. [from Sclavi, a people of the north of Europe.]
Pertaining to the Sclavi, a people that inhabited the country between the rivers Save and Drave, or to their language. Hence the word came to denote the language which is now spoken in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Bohemia, etc.NWAD SCLAVONIAN.2
SCLEROTIC, a. [Gr. hard; hardness.]
Hard; firm; as the sclerotic coat or tunicle of the eye.NWAD SCLEROTIC.2
1. The firm white outer coat of the eye.NWAD SCLEROTIC.4
2. A medicine which hardens and consolidates the parts to which it is applied.NWAD SCLEROTIC.5
SCOAT. [See Scot.]
SCOBIFORM, a. [L. scobs, saw dust, and form.]
Having the form of saw dust or raspings.NWAD SCOBIFORM.2
SCOBS, n. [L. from scabo, to scrape.] Raspings of ivory, hartshorn or other hard substance; dross of metals, etc.
SCOFF, v.i. [Gr. The primary sense is probably to throw. But I do not find the word in the English and Greek sense, in any modern language except the English.]
To treat with insolent ridicule, mockery or contumelious language; to manifest contempt by derision; with at. To scoff at religion and sacred things is evidence of extreme weakness and folly, as well as of wickedness.NWAD SCOFF.2
They shall scoff at the kings. Habakkuk 1:10.NWAD SCOFF.3
SCOFF, v.t. To treat with derision or scorn.
SCOFF, n. Derision, ridicule, mockery or reproach, expressed in language of contempt; expression of scorn or contempt.
With scoffs and scorns and contumelious taunts.NWAD SCOFF.6
SCOFFER, n. One who scoffs; one that mocks, derides or reproaches in the language of contempt; a scorner.
There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming?” 2 Peter 3:3.NWAD SCOFFER.2
SCOFFING, ppr. Deriding or mocking; treating with reproachful language.
SCOFFINGLY, adv. In mockery or contempt; by way of derision.
Aristotle applied this hemistich scoffingly to the sycophants at Athens.NWAD SCOFFINGLY.2
To find fault or rail with rude clamor; to brawl; to utter railing or harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke; with at; as, to scold at a servant. A scolding tongue, a scolding wife, a scolding husband, a scolding master, who can endure?NWAD SCOLD.2
Pardon me, ‘tis the first time that ever I’m forc’d to scold.NWAD SCOLD.3
SCOLD, v.t. To chide with rudeness and boisterous clamor; to rate. [The transitive use of this word is of recent origin, at least within my knowledge.]
1. A rude, clamorous, foul-mouthed woman.NWAD SCOLD.6
Scolds answer foul-mouth’d scolds.NWAD SCOLD.7
2. A scolding; a brawl.NWAD SCOLD.8
SCOLDER, n. One that scolds or rails.
1. Railing with clamor; uttering rebuke in rude and boisterous language.NWAD SCOLDING.2
2. a. Given to scolding.NWAD SCOLDING.3
SCOLDING, The uttering of rude, clamorous language by way of rebuke or railing; railing language.
SCOLDINGLY, adv. With rude clamor or railing.
1. A pectinated shell. [See Scallop.]NWAD SCOLLOP.2
2. An indenting or cut like those of a shell.NWAD SCOLLOP.3
SCOLLOP, v.t. To form or cut with scollops.
1. A venomous serpent.NWAD SCOLOPENDRA.2
2. A genus of insects of the order of Apters, destitute of wings. These insects have as many feet on each side as there are segments in the body. There are several species.NWAD SCOLOPENDRA.3
3. A plant. [L. scolopendrium.]NWAD SCOLOPENDRA.4
SCOMM, n. [L. scomma; Gr. See Scoff.]
1. A buffoon. [Not in use.]NWAD SCOMM.2
2. A flout; a jeer. [Not in use.]NWAD SCOMM.3
1. A fort or bulwark; a work for defense. Obs.NWAD SCONCE.2
2. A hanging or projecting candlestick, generally with a mirror to reflect the light.NWAD SCONCE.3
Golden sconces hang upon the walls.NWAD SCONCE.4
3. The circular tube with a brim in a candlestick, into which the candle is inserted, that is, the support, the holder of the candle; and from this sense the candlestick, in the preceding definition, has its name.NWAD SCONCE.5
4. A fixed seat or shelf. [Local.]NWAD SCONCE.6
1. Sense; judgment; discretion or understanding. This sense has been in vulgar use in New England within my memory.NWAD SCONCE.8
2. The head; a low word.NWAD SCONCE.9
3. A mulet or fine.NWAD SCONCE.10
SCONCE, v.t. To mulet; to fine. [A low word and not in use.]
1. A large ladle; a vessel with a long handle fastened to a dish, used for dipping liquors; also, a little hollow piece of wood for bailing boats.NWAD SCOOP.2
2. An instrument of surgery.NWAD SCOOP.3
3. A sweep; a stroke; a swoop.NWAD SCOOP.4
SCOOP, v.t.
1. To lade out; properly, to take out with a scoop or with a sweeping motion.NWAD SCOOP.6
He scoop’d the water from the crystal flood.NWAD SCOOP.7
2. To empty by lading; as, he scooped it dry.NWAD SCOOP.8
3. To make hollow, as a scoop or dish; to excavate; as, the Indians scoop the trunk of a tree into a canoe.NWAD SCOOP.9
Those carbuncles the Indians will scoop, so as to hold above a pint.NWAD SCOOP.10
4. To remove, so as to leave a place hollow.NWAD SCOOP.11
A spectator would think this circular mount had been actually scooped out of that hollow space.NWAD SCOOP.12
SCOOPED, pp. Taken out as with a scoop or ladle; hollowed; excavated; removed so as to leave a hollow.
SCOOPER, n. One that scoops; also, a water fowl.
SCOOPING, ppr. Lading out; making hollow; excavating; removing so as to leave a hollow.
SCOOP-NET, n. A net so formed as to sweep the bottom of a river.
SCOPE, n. [L. scopus; Gr. from to see or view; Heb. to see, to behold.] The primary sense is to stretch or extend, to reach; properly, the whole extent, space or reach, hence the whole space viewed, and hence the limit or ultimate end.
1. Space; room; amplitude of intellectual view; as a free scope for inquiry; full scope for the fancy or imagination; ample scope for genius.NWAD SCOPE.2
2. The limit of intellectual view; the end or thing to which the mind directs its view; that which is purposed to be reached or accomplished; hence, ultimate design, aim or purpose; intention; drift. It expresses both the purpose and thing purposed.NWAD SCOPE.3
Your scope is as mine own, so to enforce and qualify the laws, as to your soul seems good.NWAD SCOPE.4
The scope of all their pleading against man’s authority, is to overthrow such laws and constitutions of the church -NWAD SCOPE.5
3. Liberty; freedom from restraint; room to move in.NWAD SCOPE.6
4. Liberty beyond just limits; license.NWAD SCOPE.7
Give him line and scope.NWAD SCOPE.8
5. Act of riot; sally; excess. Obs.NWAD SCOPE.9
6. Extended quantity; as a scope of land. Obs.NWAD SCOPE.10
7. Length; extent; sweep; as scope of cable.NWAD SCOPE.11
SCOPIFORM, a. [L. scopa, a broom, and form.] Having the form of a broom or besom.
Zeolite, stelliform or scopiform.NWAD SCOPIFORM.2
SCOPPET, v.t. To lade out. [Not in use.]
SCOPTICAL, a. [Gr.] Scoffing. [Not in use.]
SCOPULOUS, a. [L. scopulosus.] Full of rocks; rocky. [Not in use.]
SCORBUTE, n. [L. scorbutus.] Scurvy. [Not in use.]
SCORBUTIC, SCORBUTICAL, a. [L. scorbutus, the scurvy. See Scurf, Scurvy.]
1. Affected or diseased with scurvy; as a scorbutic person.NWAD SCORBUTIC.2
2. Pertaining to scurvy, or partaking of its nature; as scorbutic complaints or symptoms.NWAD SCORBUTIC.3
3. Subject to scurvy; as a scorbutic habit.NWAD SCORBUTIC.4
SCORBUTICALLY, adv. With the scurvy, or with a tendency to it; as a woman scorbutically affected.
SCORCE. [See Scorse.]
1. To burn superficially; to subject to a degree of heat that changes the color of a thing, or both the color and texture of the surface. Fire will scorch linen or cotton very speedily in extremely cold weather.NWAD SCORCH.2
2. To burn; to affect painfully with heat. Scorched with the burning sun or burning sands of Africa.NWAD SCORCH.3
SCORCH, v.i. To be burnt on the surface; to be parched; to be dried up.
Scatter a little mungy straw and fern among your seedlings, to prevent the roots from scorching.NWAD SCORCH.5
SCORCHED, pp. Burnt on the surface; pained by heat.
SCORCHING, ppr. Burning on the surface; paining by heat.
SCORCHING-FENNEL, n. A plant of the genus Thapsia; deadly carrot.
SCORDIUM, n. [L.] A plant, the water-germander, a species of Teucrium.
1. A notch or incision; hence, the number twenty. Our ancestors, before the knowledge of writing, numbered and kept accounts of numbers by cutting notches on a stick or tally, and making one notch the representative of twenty. A simple mark answered the same purpose.NWAD SCORE.2
2. A line drawn.NWAD SCORE.3
3. An account or reckoning; as, he paid his score.NWAD SCORE.4
4. An account kept of something past; an epoch; an era.NWAD SCORE.5
5. Debt, or account of debt.NWAD SCORE.6
6. Account; reason; motive.NWAD SCORE.7
But left the trade, as many more have lately done on the same score.NWAD SCORE.8
7. Account; sake.NWAD SCORE.9
You act your kindness of Cydaria’s score.NWAD SCORE.10
8. In music, the original and entire draught of any composition, or its transcript.NWAD SCORE.11
To quit scores, to pay fully; to make even by giving an equivalent.NWAD SCORE.12
A song in score, the words with the musical notes of a song annexed.NWAD SCORE.13
SCORE, v.t.
1. To notch; to cut and chip for the purpose of preparing for hewing; as, to score timber.NWAD SCORE.15
2. To cut; to engrave.NWAD SCORE.16
3. To mark by a line.NWAD SCORE.17
4. To set down as a debt.NWAD SCORE.18
Madam, I know when, instead of five, you scored me ten.NWAD SCORE.19
5. To set down or take as an account; to charge; as, to score follies.NWAD SCORE.20
6. To form a score in music.NWAD SCORE.21
SCORED, pp. Notched; set down; marked; prepared for hewing.
In botany, a scored stem is marked with parallel lines or grooves.NWAD SCORED.2
SCORIA, n. [L. from the Gr. rejected matter, that which is thrown off.]
Dross; the recrement of metals in fusion, or the mass produced by melting metals and ores.NWAD SCORIA.2
SCORIACEOUS, a. Pertaining to dross; like dross or the recrement of metals; partaking of the nature of scoria.
SCORIFICATION, n. In metallurgy, the act or operation of reducing a body, either wholly or in part, into scoria.
SCORIFIED, pp. Reduced to scoria.
SCORIFORM, a. [L. scoria and form.] Like scoria; in the form of dross.
SCORIFY, v.t. To reduce to scoria or drossy matter.
SCORIFYING, ppr. Reducing to scoria.
SCORING, ppr. Notching; marking; setting down as an account or debt; forming a score.
SCORIOUS, a. Drossy; recrementitious.
1. Extreme contempt; that disdain which springs from a person’s opinion of the meanness of an object, and a consciousness or belief of his own superiority or worth.NWAD SCORN.2
He thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone. Esther 3:6.NWAD SCORN.3
Every sullen frown and bitter scorn but fann’d the fuel that too fast did burn.NWAD SCORN.4
2. A subject of extreme contempt, disdain or derision; that which is treated with contempt.NWAD SCORN.5
Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to them that are around us. Psalm 44:13.NWAD SCORN.6
To think scorn, to disdain; to despise. Obs.NWAD SCORN.7
To laugh to scorn, to deride; to make a mock of; to ridicule as contemptible.NWAD SCORN.8
They laughed us to scorn. Nehemiah 2:19.NWAD SCORN.9
SCORN, v.t.
1. to hold in extreme contempt; to despise; to contemn; to disdain. Job 16:20.NWAD SCORN.11
Surely he scorneth the scorner; but he giveth grace to the lowly. Proverbs 3:34.NWAD SCORN.12
2. to think unworth; to disdain.NWAD SCORN.13
Fame that delights around the world to stray, scorns not to take our Argos in her way.NWAD SCORN.14
3. To slight; to disregard; to neglect.NWAD SCORN.15
This my long suff’rance and my day of grace, those who neglect and scorn, shall never taste.NWAD SCORN.16
SCORN, v.i. To scorn at, to scoff at; to treat with contumely, derision or reproach. Obs.
SCORNED, pp. Extremely contemned or despised; disdained.
1. One that scorns; a contemner; a despiser.NWAD SCORNER.2
They are great scorners of death.NWAD SCORNER.3
2. A scoffer; a derider; in Scripture, one who scoffs at religion, its ordinances and teachers, and who makes a mock of sin and the judgments and threatenings of God against sinners. Proverbs 1:22; Proverbs 19:25.NWAD SCORNER.4
1. Contemptuous; disdainful; entertaining scorn; insolent.NWAD SCORNFUL.2
Th’ enamor’d deity the scornful damsel shuns.NWAD SCORNFUL.3
2. Acting in defiance or disregard.NWAD SCORNFUL.4
Scornful of winter’s frost and summer’s sun.NWAD SCORNFUL.5
3. In Scripture, holding religion in contempt; treating with disdain religion and the dispensations of God.NWAD SCORNFUL.6
SCORNFULLY, adv. With extreme contempt; contemptuously; insolently.
The sacred rights of the christian church are scornfully trampled on in print -NWAD SCORNFULLY.2
SCORNFULNESS, n. The quality of being scornful.
SCORNING, ppr. Holding in great contempt; despising; disdaining.
SCORNING, n. The act of contemning; a treating with contempt, slight or disdain.
How long will the scorners delight in their scorning? Proverbs 1:22; Psalm 123:4.NWAD SCORNING.3
SCORPION, n. [L. scorpio; Gr. probably altered from the Oriental.]
1. In zoology, an insect of the genus Scorpio, or rather the genus itself, containing several species, natives of southern or warm climates. This animal has eight feet, two claws in front, eight eyes, three on each side of the thorax and two on the back, and a long jointed tail ending in a pointed weapon or sting. It is found in the south of Europe, where it seldom exceeds four inches in length. In tropical climates, it grows to a foot in length, and resembles a lobster. The sting of this animal is sometimes fatal to life.NWAD SCORPION.2
2. In Scripture, a painful scourge; a kind of whip armed with points like a scorpion’s tail. 1 Kings 12:11.NWAD SCORPION.3
Malicious and crafty men, who delight in injuring others, are compared to scorpions. Ezekiel 2:6.NWAD SCORPION.4
3. In astronomy, the eighth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters, Oct. 23.NWAD SCORPION.5
4. A sea fish. [L. scorpius.]NWAD SCORPION.6
Water scorpion, an aquatic insect of the genus Nepa.NWAD SCORPION.7
SCORPION-FLY, n. An insect of the genus Panorna, having a tail which resembles that of a scorpion.
SCORPION-GRASS, SCORPION’S TAIL, n. A plant of the genus Scorpiurus, with trailing herbaceous stalks, and producing a pod resembling a caterpillar, whence it is called caterpillars.
The mouse-ear scorpion-grass, is of the genus Myosotis.NWAD SCORPION-GRASS.2
SCORPION-SENNA, n. A plant of the genus Coronilla.