SPHERICS, n. The doctrine of the sphere.
SPHEROID, n. [sphere and form.] A body or figure approaching to a sphere, but not perfectly spherical. A spheroid is oblate or prolate. The earth is found to be a oblate spheroid, that is, flatted at the poles, whereas some astronomers formerly supposed it to be prolate or oblong.
1. Having the form of a sheriod.NWAD SPHEROIDAL.2
2. In crystalography, bounded by several convex faces.NWAD SPHEROIDAL.3
SPHEROIDITY, n. The state or quality of being spheroidal.
SPHEROSIDERITE, n. A substance found in the basaltic compact lava of Steinheim; called also glass lava or hyatite.
SPHERULE, n. [L. spharula.] A little sphere or spherical body. Mercury or quicksilver when poured upon a plane, divides itself into a great number of minute spherules.
SPHERULITE, n. A variety of obsidian or pearl-stone, found in rounded grains.
1. Belonging to the sphere.NWAD SPHERY.2
2. Round; spherical.NWAD SPHERY.3
SPHINCTER, n. In anatomy, a muscle that contracts or shuts; as the sphincter labiorum; sphincter vesica.
SPHINX, n. [L. sphinx.]
1. A famous monster in Egypt, having the body of a lion and the face of a young woman.NWAD SPHINX.2
2. In entomology, the hawk-moth, a genus of insects.NWAD SPHINX.3
SPHRAGID, n. A species of ocherous clay which falls to pieces in water with the emission of many bubbles; called also earth of Lemons.
SPIAL, n. A spy; a scout. [Not in use.]
SPICATE, a. [L. spicatus, from spica, a spike.] Having a spike or ear.
1. A vegetable production, fragrant or aromatic to the smell and pungent to the taste; used in sauces and in cookery.NWAD SPICE.2
2. A small quantity; something that enriches or alters the quality of a thing in a small degree, as spice alters the taste of a thing.NWAD SPICE.3
3. A sample.NWAD SPICE.4
SPICE, v.t.
1. To season with spice; to mix aromatic substances with; as, to spice wine.NWAD SPICE.6
2. To tincture; as the spiced Indian air.NWAD SPICE.7
3. To render nice; to season with scruples.NWAD SPICE.8
SPICED, pp. Seasoned with spice.
1. One that seasons with spice.NWAD SPICER.2
2. One that deals in spice.NWAD SPICER.3
1. Spices in general; fragrant and aromatic vegetable substances used in seasoning.NWAD SPICERY.2
2. A repository of spices.NWAD SPICERY.3
SPICK AND SPAN, bright; shining; as a garment spick and span new, or span-new. brightness; spiccare, to shine; spiccar le parole, to speak distinctly; spicciare, to rush out, the radical sense of which is to shoot or dart. Span is probably from the root of spangle, a mirror.
SPICKNEL, SPIGNEL, n. The herb maldmony or bear wort. the Athamanta Meum, Ethusa Meum.
SPICOSITY, n. [L. spica.] The state of having or being full of ears, like corn. [Not in use.]
SPICULAR, a. [L. spiculum, a dart.] Resembling a dart; having sharp points.
SPICULATE, v.t. [L. spiculo, to sharpen, from spiculum, a dart, from spica, or its root. See Spike.] To sharpen to a point.
SPICY, a. [from spice.]
1. Producing spice; abounding with spices; as the spicy shore of Arabia.NWAD SPICY.2
2. Having the qualities of spice; fragrant; aromatic; as spicy plants. Led by new stars and borne by spicy gales.NWAD SPICY.3
SPIDER, n. [I know not from what source this word is derived.] The common name of the insects of the genus Aranea, remarkable for spinning webs for taking their prey and forming a convenient habitation, and for the deposit of their food. The spider’s touch, how exquisitely fine!
SPIDERLIKE, a. Resembling a spider.
SPIDERWORT, n. A plant of the genus Anthericum.
SPIGNEL. [See Spicknel.]
SPIGOT, n. A pin or peg used to stop a faucet, or to stop a small hole in a cask of liquor.
SPIKE, n. [L. L. spica, and ear of corn. It signifies a shoot or point.]
1. A large uail; always in American applied to a nail or pin of metal. A similar thing made of word is called a peg or pin. In England, it is sometimes used for a sharp point of wood.NWAD SPIKE.2
2. An ear of corn or grain. It is applied to the heads of wheat, rye and barley; and is particularly applicable to the ears of maiz.NWAD SPIKE.3
3. A shoot.NWAD SPIKE.4
4. [L. spica.] In botany, a species of inflorescence, in which sessile flowers are alternate on a common simple peduncle, as in wheat and rye, lavender, etc.NWAD SPIKE.5
SPIKE, n. A smaller species of lavender.
SPIKE, v.t.
1. To fasten with spikes or long and large nails; as, to spike down the planks of a floor or bridge.NWAD SPIKE.8
2. To set with spikes. A youth leaping over the spiked pales-was caught by the spikes. [Unusual.]NWAD SPIKE.9
3. To stop the vent with spikes; as, to spike cannon.NWAD SPIKE.10
SPIKED, pp. Furnished with spikes, as corn; fastened with spikes; stopped with spikes.
SPIKELET, n. In botany, a small spike of a large one; or a subdivision of a spike.
SPIKENARD, n. spik’nard. [L. spica nardi.]
1. A plant of the genus Nardus.NWAD SPIKENARD.2
2. The oil of balsam procured from the spikenard.NWAD SPIKENARD.3
SPIKING, ppr. Fastening with spikes; stopping with large nails.
SPIKY, a. Having a sharp point.
SPILE, n. [L. pilus, pilum, etc.]
1. A small peg or wooden pin, used to stop a hole.NWAD SPILE.2
2. A stake driven into the ground to protect a bank, etc.NWAD SPILE.3
SPILL, n. [a different orthography of spile, supra.]
1. A small peg or pin for stopping a cask; as a vent hole stopped with a spill.NWAD SPILL.2
2. A little bar or pin of iron.NWAD SPILL.3
3. A little sum of money. [Not in use.]NWAD SPILL.4
SPILL, v.t. pret. spilled or spilt; pp. id.
1. To suffer to fall or run out of a vessel; to lose to suffer to be scattered; applied only to fluids and to substances whose particles are small and loose. Thus we spill water from a pail; we spill spirit or oil from a bottle; we spill quicksilver or powders form a vessel or a paper; we spill sand or flour.NWAD SPILL.6
2. To suffer to be shed; as, a man spills his own blood.NWAD SPILL.7
3. To cause to flow out or lose; to shed; as, a man spills another’s blood. [This is applied to cases of murder or other homicide, but not to venesection. In the later case we say, to let or take blood.]NWAD SPILL.8
4. To mischief; to destroy; as, to spill the mind or soul; to spill glory; to spill forms, etc. [This application is obsolete and now improper.]NWAD SPILL.9
5. TO throw away.NWAD SPILL.10
6. In seamen’s language, to discharge the wind out of the cavity or belly of a sail.NWAD SPILL.11
SPILL, v.i.
1. To waste; to be prodigal. [Not in use.]NWAD SPILL.13
2. TO be shed; to be suffered to fall, he lost or wasted. He was so topfull of himself, that he let it spill on all the company.NWAD SPILL.14
SPILLED, pp. Suffered to fall, as liquids; shed.
1. One that spills or sheds.NWAD SPILLER.2
2. A kind of fishing line.NWAD SPILLER.3
SPILLING, ppr. Suffering to fall or run out, as liquids; shedding.
SPILLING-LINES, in a ship, are ropes for furling more conveniently the square sails.
SPILT, pret. and pp. of spill.
SPILTH, n. [from spill.] Any thing spilt. [Not in use.]
SPIN, v.t. pret. and pp. spun. Span is not used. [If the sense is to draw out or extend, this coincides in origin with span.]
1. To draw out and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton or flax; to spin goats’ hair. All the yarn which Penelope spun in Ulysses’ absence did but fill Ithaca with moths.NWAD SPIN.2
2. To draw out tediously; to form by a slow process of be degrees; with out; as, to spin out large volumes on a subject.NWAD SPIN.3
3. To extend to a great length; as, to spin out a subject.NWAD SPIN.4
4. To draw out; to protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in the idleness By one delay after another, they spin out their whole lives.NWAD SPIN.5
5. To whirl with a thread; to turn or cause to whirl; as, to spin a top.NWAD SPIN.6
6. To draw out from the stomach in a filament; as, a spider spins a web.NWAD SPIN.7
To spin hay, in military language, is to twist it into ropes for convenient carriage on an expedition.NWAD SPIN.8
SPIN, v.i.
1. To practice spinning; to work at drawing and twisting threads; as, the woman knows how to spin. They neither know to spin, nor car to toil.NWAD SPIN.10
2. To perform the act of drawing and twisting threads; as, a machine or jenny spins with great exactness.NWAD SPIN.11
3. To move round rapidly; to whirl; as a top or a spindle.NWAD SPIN.12
4. To stream or issue in a thread or small current; as, blood spins from a vein.NWAD SPIN.13
SPINACH, SPINAGE, n. [L. spinacia.] A plant of the genus Spinacia.
SPINAL, a. [See Spine.] Pertaining to the spine or back bone of an animal; as the spinal marrow; spinal muscles; spinal arteries.
SPINDLE, a. [See Spin.]
1. The pin used in spinning wheels for twisting the thread, and on which the thread when twisted, is wound.NWAD SPINDLE.2
2. A slender pointed rod or pin on which any thing turn; as the spindle of a vane.NWAD SPINDLE.3
3. The fusee of a watch.NWAD SPINDLE.4
4. A long slender stalk.NWAD SPINDLE.5
5. The lower end of a capstan, shod with iron; the pivot.NWAD SPINDLE.6
SPINDLE, v.i. To shoot or grow in a long slender stalk or body.
SPINDLE-SHAPED, a. Having the shape of a spindle; fusiform.
SPINDLE-TREE, n. A plant, prick-wood, of the genus Euonymus.
1. The back bone of an animal.NWAD SPINE.2
2. The shin of the leg.NWAD SPINE.3
3. A thorn; a sharp process from the woody part of a plant. It differs from a prickle, which proceeds form the bark. A spine which proceeds from the bark. A spine sometimes terminates a branch or a leaf, and sometimes is axillary, growing at the angle formed by the branch or leaf with the stem. The wild apple and pear are armed with thorns; the rose, bramble, gooseberry. etc. are armed with prickles.NWAD SPINE.4
SPINEL, SPINELLE, n. The spinelle ruby, says Hauy; is the true ruby, a gem of a red color, blended with tints of blue or yellow. It is in grains more or less crystalized. A subspecies of octahedral corundum.
SPINELLANE, n. A mineral occurring in small crystaline masses and in minute crystals. It has been found only near the lake of Laach.
SPINESCENT, a. [from spine.] Becoming hard and thorny.
SPINET, n. An instrument of music resembling a harpsichord, but smaller; a virginal; a clavichord.
SPINET, n. [L. spinetum.] A small wood or place where briars and thorns grow. [Not in use.]
SPINIFEROUS, a. [L. spina, spine, and fero, to bear.] Producing spines; bearing thorns.
SPINK, n. A bird; a finch.
1. One that spins; one skilled in spinning.NWAD SPINNER.2
2. A spider.NWAD SPINNER.3
SPINNING, ppr. Drawing out and twisting into threads; drawing out; delaying.
1. The act, practice or art of drawing out and twisting into threads, as wool, flax and cotton.NWAD SPINNING.3
2. The act or practice of forming webs, as spiders.NWAD SPINNING.4
SPINNING-JENNY, n. An engine or complicated machine for spinning wool or cotton, in the manufacture of cloth.
SPINING-WHEEL, n. A wheel for spinning wool, cotton or flax into threads.
SPINOLET, n. A small bird of the lark kind.
SPINOSITY, n. The state of being spiny or thorny; crabbedness.
SPINOUS, a. [L. spinosus, from spina.] Full of spines; armed with thorns; thorny.
SPINOZISM, n. The doctrines or principles of Spinoza, a native of Amsterdam, consisting in atheism and pantheism, or naturalism and hulotheism, which allows of no God but nature or the universe.
SPINSTER, n. [spin and ster.]
1. A woman who spins, or whose occupation is to spin. Hence,NWAD SPINSTER.2
2. In law, the common title by which a woman without rank or distinction is designated. If a gentlewoman is termed a spinster, she may abate the writ.NWAD SPINSTER.3
SPINSTRY, n. The business of spinning.
SPINTHERE, n. A mineral of a greenish gray color.
SPINY, a. [from spine.]
1. Full of spines; thorny; as a spiny tree.NWAD SPINY.2
2. Perplexed; difficult; troublesome.NWAD SPINY.3
SPIRACLE, n. [L. spiraculum, form spiro, to breathe.]
1. A small aperture in animal and vegetable bodies, by which air or other fluid is exhaled or inhaled; a small hole, orifice or vent; a pore; a minute passage; as the spiracles of the human skin.NWAD SPIRACLE.2
2. Any small aperture, hole or vent.NWAD SPIRACLE.3
SPIRAL, a. [L. spira, a spire.] Winding round a cylinder or other round body, or in a circular form, and at the same time rising or advancing forward; winding like a screw. The magnificent column in the Place Vendeme, at Paris, is divided by a spiral line into compartments. It is formed with spiral compartments, on which are engraved figures emblematical of the victories of the French armies. A whirlwind is so named from the spiral motion of the air. Water in a tunnel descends in a spiral form.
SPIRALLY, adv. In a spiral form or direction; in the manner of a screw.
SPIRATION, n. [L. spiratio.] A breathing. [Not used.]
SPIRE, n. [L. spira; from the root of L. spiro, to breathe. The primary sense of the root is to throw, to drive, to send, but it implies a winding motion, like throw, warp, and many others.]
1. A winding line like the threads of a screw; any thing wreathed or contorted; a curl; a twist; a wreath. His neck erect amidst his circling spires. A dragon’s fiery form belied the god; sublime on radiant spires he rode.NWAD SPIRE.2
2. A body that shoots up to a point; a tapering body; a round pyramid or pyramidical body; a steeple. With glist’ring spires and pinnacles adorn’d.NWAD SPIRE.3
3. A stalk or blade of grass or other plant. How humble ought man to be, who cannot make a single spire or grass.NWAD SPIRE.4
4. The top or uppermost point of a thing.NWAD SPIRE.5
SPIRE, v.i.
1. To shoot; to shoot up pyramidically.NWAD SPIRE.7
2. To breathe. [Not in use.]NWAD SPIRE.8
3. To sprout, as grain in malting.NWAD SPIRE.9
SPIRED, a. Having a spire.
SPIRIT, n. [L. spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.]
1. Primarily, wind; air in motion; hence, breath. All bodies have spirits and pneumatical parts within them. [This sense is now unusual.]NWAD SPIRIT.2
2. Animal excitement, or the effect of it; life; ardor; fire; courage; elevation or vehemence of mind. The troops attacked the enemy with great spirit. The young man has the spirit of youth. He speaks or act with spirit. Spirits, in the plural, is used in nearly a like sense. The troops began to recover their spirits.NWAD SPIRIT.3
3. Vigor of intellect; genius. His wit, his beauty and his spirit. The noblest spirit or genius cannot deserve enough of mankind to pretend to the esteem of heroic virtue.NWAD SPIRIT.4
4. Temper; disposition of mind, habitual or temporary; as a man of a generous spirit, or of a revengeful spirit; the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Let us go to the house of God in the spirit of prayer.NWAD SPIRIT.5
5. The soul of man; the intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of human beings. [See Soul.] the spirit shall return to God that gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7.NWAD SPIRIT.6
6. An immaterial intelligent substance. Spirit is a substance in which thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving do subsist. Hence,NWAD SPIRIT.7
7. An immaterial intelligent being. By which he went and preached to the spirit in prison. 1 Peter 3:19. God is a spirit. John 4:24.NWAD SPIRIT.8
8. Turn of mind; temper; occasions; state of the mind. A perfect judge will read each work of wit, with the same spirit that its author writ.NWAD SPIRIT.9
9. Powers of mind distinct from the body. In spirit perhaps he also saw Rich Mexico, the seat of Montezume.NWAD SPIRIT.10
10. Sentiment; perception. You spirit is too true, your fears too certain.NWAD SPIRIT.11
11. Eager desire; disposition of mind excited and directed to a particular object. God has made a spirit of building succeed a spirit of pulling down.NWAD SPIRIT.12
12. A person of activity; a man of life, vigor or enterprise. The watery kingdom is no bar to stop the foreign spirits, but they come.NWAD SPIRIT.13
13. Persons distinguished by qualities of the mind. Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges.NWAD SPIRIT.14
14. Excitement of mind; animation; cheerfulness; usually in the plural. We found our friend in very good spirits. He has a great flow of spirits. -To sing thy praise, would heaven my breath prolong, Infusing spirits worthy such a song.NWAD SPIRIT.15
15. Life or strength of resemblance; essential qualities; as, to set off the face in its true spirit. The copy has not the spirit of the original.NWAD SPIRIT.16
16. Something eminently pure and refined. Nor doth the eye itself, that most pure spirit of sense, behold itself.NWAD SPIRIT.17
17. That which hath power or energy; the quality of any substance which manifest life, activity, or the power of strongly affecting other bodies; as the spirit of wine or of any liquor.NWAD SPIRIT.18
18. A strong, pungent or stimulation liquor, usually obtained by distillation, as rum, brandy, gin, whiskey. In America, spirit, used without other words explanatory of its meaning, signifies the liquor distilled from cane-juice, or rum. We say, new spirit, or old spirit, Jamaica spirit, etc.NWAD SPIRIT.19
19. An apparition; a ghost.NWAD SPIRIT.20
20. The renewed nature of man. Matthew 26:41; Galatians 5:16-18.NWAD SPIRIT.21
21. The influences of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 22:43.NWAD SPIRIT.22
Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity.NWAD SPIRIT.23
SPIRIT, v.t.
1. To animate; to actuate; as a spirit.NWAD SPIRIT.2
So talkd the spirited sly snake. [Little used.]NWAD SPIRIT.3
2. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; as, civil dissensions spirit the ambition of private man.NWAD SPIRIT.4
It is sometimes followed by up; as, to spirit up.NWAD SPIRIT.5
3. To kidnap.NWAD SPIRIT.6
To spirit away, to entice or seduce.NWAD SPIRIT.7
SPIRITALLY, adv. By means of the breath. [Not in use.]
1. Animated; encouraged; incited.NWAD SPIRITED.2
2. a. Animated; full of life; lively; full of spirit or fire; as a spirited address or oration; a spirited answer. It is used in composition, noting the state of the mind; as in high-spirited, low-spirited, mean-spirited.NWAD SPIRITED.3
SPIRITEDLY, adv. In a lively manner; with spirit; with strength; with animation.
1. Life; animation.NWAD SPIRITEDNESS.2
2. Disposition or make of mind; used in compounds; as high-spiritedness, low-spiritedness, mean-spiritedness, narrow-spiritedness.NWAD SPIRITEDNESS.3
SPIRITFUL, a. Lively; full of spirit. [Not used.]
SPIRITFULLY, adv. In a lively manner. [Not used.]
SPIRITFULNESS, n. Liveliness; sprightliness. [Not used.]
1. Destitute of spirits; wanting animation; wanting cheerfulness; dejected; depressed.NWAD SPIRITLESS.2
2. Destitute of vigor; wanting life, courage or fire; as a spiritless slave.NWAD SPIRITLESS.3
A man so faint, so spiritless, so dull, so dead in look--NWAD SPIRITLESS.4
3. Having no breath; extinct; dead.NWAD SPIRITLESS.5
SPIRITLESSLY, adv. Without spirit; without exertion.
SPIRITLESSNESS, n. Dullness; want of life or vigor.
1. Like spirit; refined; defecated; pure.NWAD SPIRITOUS.2
More refind, more spiritous and pure.NWAD SPIRITOUS.3
2. Fine ardent; active.NWAD SPIRITOUS.4
SPIRITOUSNESS, n. A refined state; fineness and activity of parts; as the thinness and spiritousness of liquor.
1. Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as a spiritual substance or being. The soul of man is spiritual.NWAD SPIRITUAL.2
2. Mental; intellectual; as spiritual armor.NWAD SPIRITUAL.3
3. Not gross; refined from external things; not sensual; relative to mind only; as a spiritual and refined religion.NWAD SPIRITUAL.4
4. Not lay or temporal; relating to sacred things; ecclesiastical; as the spiritual functions of the clergy; the lords spiritual and temporal; a spiritual corporation.NWAD SPIRITUAL.5
5. Pertaining to spirit or to the affections; pure; holy.NWAD SPIRITUAL.6
Gods law is spiritual; it is a transcript of the divine nature, and extends its authority to the acts of the soul of man.NWAD SPIRITUAL.7
6. Pertaining to the renewed nature of man; as spiritual life.NWAD SPIRITUAL.8
7. Not fleshly; not material; as spiritual sacrifices. 1 Peter 2:5.NWAD SPIRITUAL.9
8. Pertaining to divine things; as spiritual songs. Ephesians 5:19.NWAD SPIRITUAL.10
Spiritual court, an ecclesiastical court; a court held by a bishop or other ecclesiastic.NWAD SPIRITUAL.11
1. Essence distinct from matter; immateriality.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.2
If this light be not spiritual, it approacheth nearest to spirituality.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.3
2. Intellectual nature; as the spirituality of the soul.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.4
3. Spiritual nature; the quality which respects the spirit or affections of the heart only, and the essence of true religion; as the spirituality of Gods law.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.5
4. Spiritual exercises and holy affections.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.6
Much of our spirituality and comfort in public worship depend on the state of mind in which we come.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.7
5. That which belongs to the church, or to a person as an ecclesiastic, or to religion; as distinct from temporalities.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.8
During the vacancy of a see, the archbishop is guardian of the spiritualities thereof.NWAD SPIRITUALITY.9
6. An ecclesiastical body. [Not in use.]NWAD SPIRITUALITY.10
SPIRITUALIZATION, n. The act of spiritualizing. In chemistry, the operation of extracting spirit from natural bodies.
1. To refine the intellect; to purify from the feculences of the world; as, to spiritualize the soul.NWAD SPIRITUALIZE.2
2. In chemistry, to extract spirit from natural bodies.NWAD SPIRITUALIZE.3
3. To convert to a spiritual meaning.NWAD SPIRITUALIZE.4
SPIRITUALLY, adv. Without corporeal grossness or sensuality; in a manner conformed to the spirit of true religion; with purity of spirit or heart.
Spiritually minded, under the influence of the Holy Spirit or of holy principles; having the affections refined and elevated above sensual objects, and placed on God and his law. Romans 8:6.NWAD SPIRITUALLY.2
Spiritually discerned, known, not by carnal reason, but by the peculiar illumination of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14.NWAD SPIRITUALLY.3
1. Containing spirit; consisting of refined spirit; ardent; as spirituous liquors. [This might well be written spiritous.]NWAD SPIRITUOUS.2
2. Having the quality of spirit; fine; pure; active; as the spirituous part of a plant.NWAD SPIRITUOUS.3
3. Lively; gay; vivid; airy. [Not in use.]NWAD SPIRITUOUS.4
1. The quality of being spirituous; ardor; heat; stimulating quality; as the spirituousness of liquors.NWAD SPIRITUOUSNESS.2
2. Life; tenuity; activity.NWAD SPIRITUOUSNESS.3
SPIRT. [See Spurt, the more correct orthography.]
1. Of a spiral form; wreathed; curled; as the spiry volumes of a serpent.NWAD SPIRY.2
2. Having the form of a pyramid; pyramidical; as spiry turrets.NWAD SPIRY.3
SPISS, a. [L.] Thick; close; dense. [Not in use.]