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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    SYNTHETICALLY, adv. By synthesis; by composition.

    SYNTHETIZE, v.t. To unite in regular structure. [Not much used.]

    SYNTONIC, a. [Gr. with, and tone.] In music, sharp; intense.

    SYPHILIS. [See Siphilis.]

    SYPHON, n. [Gr.] A tube or pipe. More correctly siphon, which see.

    SYRIAC, n. The language of Syria, especially the ancient language of that country.

    SYRIAC, a. [from Syria.] Pertaining to Syria, or its language; as the Syriac version of the Pentateuch; Syriac Bible.

    SYRIACISM, n. A Syrian idiom.

    SYRIAN, a. Pertaining to Syria.

    SYRIANISM, n. A Syrian idiom, or a peculiarity in the Syrian language.

    SYRIASM, n. The same as syrianism.

    SYRINGA, n. [Gr. a pipe.] A genus of plants, the lilac.

    SYRINGE, n. syr’inj. [supra.] An instrument for injecting liquids into animal bodies, into wounds, etc.; or an instrument in the form of a pump, serving to imbibe any fluid, and then to expel it with force.

    SYRINGE, v.t. To inject by means of a pipe or syringe; to wash and cleanse by injections from a syringe.

    SYRINGOTOMY, n. [Gr. a pipe, and to cut.] The operation of cutting for the fistula.

    SYRTIS, n. [L.] A quicksand. [Not English.]

    SYRUP. [See Sirup.]

    SYSTASIS, n. [Gr.] The consistence of a thing; constitution. [Little used.]

    SYSTEM, n. [L. systema; Gr. to set.]

    1. An assemblage of things adjusted into a regular whole; or a whole plan or scheme consisting of many parts connected in such a manner as to create a chain of mutual dependencies; or a regular union of principles or parts forming one entire thing. Thus we say, a system of logic, a system of philosophy, a system of government, a system of principles, the solar system, the Copernican system, a system of divinity, a system of law, a system of morality, a system of husbandry, a system of botany or of chimistry.NWAD SYSTEM.2

    2. Regular method or order.NWAD SYSTEM.3

    3. In music, an interval compounded or supposed to be compounded of several lesser intervals, as the fifth octave, etc. the elements of which are called diastems.NWAD SYSTEM.4

    SYSTEMATICICAL, a. Pertaining to system; consisting in system, methodical; formed with regular connection and adaptation or subordination of parts to each other, and to the design of the whole; as a systematic arrangement of plants or animals; a systematic course of study.

    1. Proceeding according to system or regular method; as a systematic writer.NWAD SYSTEMATICICAL.2

    SYSTEMATICALLY, adv. In the form of a system; methodically.

    SYSTEMATIST, n. One who forms a system, or reduces to system.

    SYSTEMIZATION, n. [from systemize.] The act or operation of systemizing; the reduction of things to system or regular method.

    SYSTEMIZE, v.t. To reduce to system or regular method; as, to systemize the principles of moral philosophy; to systemize plants or fossils.

    SYSTEMIZED, pp. Reduced to system or method.

    SYSTEMIZER, n. One who reduces things to system.

    SYSTEMIZING, ppr. Reducing to system or due method.

    SYSTEM-MAKER, n. One who forms a system.

    SYSTEM-MONGER, n. One given to the forming of systems.

    SYSTOLE, SYSTOLY, n. [Gr. to contract; to send.]

    1. In grammar, the shortening of a long syllable.NWAD SYSTOLE.2

    2. In anatomy, the contraction of the heart for expelling the blood and carrying on the circulation. [See Diastole.]NWAD SYSTOLE.3

    SYSTYLE, n. [Gr. with or together, and a column.] In architecture, the manner of placing columns, where the place between the two shafts consists of two diameters or four modules.

    SYTHE, n. [Heb. an ax.]

    1. An instrument for mowing grass, or cutting other grain or vegetables. It consists of a long curving blade with a sharp edge, made fast to a handle, which in New England is called a snath, and which is bent into a convenient form for swinging the blade to advantage. The blade is hung to the snath at an acute angle.NWAD SYTHE.2

    In mythology, Saturn or Time is represented with a sythe, the emblem of destruction.NWAD SYTHE.3

    2. The curved sharp blade used anciently in war chariots.NWAD SYTHE.4

    SYTHE, v.t. To mow. [Not in use.]

    SYTHED, a. Armed with sythes, as a chariot.

    SYTHEMAN, n. One who uses a sythe; a mower.

    SYZYGY, n. [Gr. to join.] The conjunction or opposition of a planet with the sun, or of any two of the heavenly bodies. On the phenomena and circumstances of the syzygies, depends a great part of the lunar theory.

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