TALES, n. [L. talis, plu. tales.] In law, tales de circumstantibus, spectators in court, from whom the sheriff is to select men to supply any defect of jurors who are impaneled, but who may not appear, or may be challenged.
TALETELLER, n. One who tells tales or stories.
Talionis, lex talionis, [L.] in law, the law of retaliation. [See Retaliate.]NWAD TALETELLER.2
1. A magical figure cut or engraved under certain superstitious observances of the configuration of the heavens, to which wonderful effects are ascribed; or it is the seal, figure, character or image of a heavenly sign, constellation or planet, engraven on a sympathetic stone, or on a metal corresponding to the star, in order to receive its influence. The talismans of the Samothracians were pieces of iron, formed into images and set in rings, etc. They were held to be preservatives against all kinds of evils.NWAD TALISMAN.2
Talismans are of three kinds, astronomical, magical and mixed. Hence,NWAD TALISMAN.3
2. Something that produces extraordinary effects; as a talisman to destroy diseases.NWAD TALISMAN.4
TALISMANIC, a. Magical; having the properties of a talisman or preservative against evils by secret influence.
TALK, v.i. tauk.
1. To converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts.NWAD TALK.2
I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you; but I will not eat with you.NWAD TALK.3
In Aesop’s timeNWAD TALK.4
When all things talk’d, and talk’d in rhyme.NWAD TALK.5
I will come down and talk with thee. Numbers 11:17.NWAD TALK.6
Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way? Luke 24:32.NWAD TALK.7
2. To prate; to speak impertinently.NWAD TALK.8
3. To talk of, to relate; to tell; to give account. Authors talk of the wonderful remains of Palmyra.NWAD TALK.9
The natural histories of Switzerland talk much of the fall of these rocks, and the great damage done.NWAD TALK.10
So shall I talk of thy wondrous works. Psalm 119:27.NWAD TALK.11
4. To speak; to reason; to confer.NWAD TALK.12
Let me talk with thee of thy judgments. Jeremiah 12:1.NWAD TALK.13
To talk to, in familiar language, to advise or exhort; or to reprove gently. I will talk to my son respecting his conduct.NWAD TALK.14
TALK, n. tauk. Familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered by one person in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more.
Should a man full of talk be justified? Job 11:2.NWAD TALK.16
In various talk th’ instructive hours they past.NWAD TALK.17
1. Report; rumor.NWAD TALK.18
I hear a talk up and down of raising money.NWAD TALK.19
2. Subject of discourse. This noble achievement is the talk of the whole town.NWAD TALK.20
3. Among the Indians of North America, a public conference, as respecting peace or war, negotiation and the like; or an official verbal communication made from them to another nation or its agents, or made to them by the same.NWAD TALK.21
TALK, a mineral. [See Talck.]
TALKATIVE, a. tauk’ativ. Given to much talking; full of prate; loquacious; garrulous. One of the faults of old age is to be talkative.
TALKATIVENESS, n. tauk’ativness. Loquacity; garrulity; the practice or habit of speaking much in conversation.
TALKER, n. tauk’er. One who talks; also, a loquacious person, male or female; a prattler.
1. A boaster.NWAD TALKER.2
TALKING, ppr. tauk’ing. Conversing; speaking in familiar conversation. Matthew 17:3.
1. a. Given to talking; loquacious; as talking age.NWAD TALKING.2
TALKING, n. tauk’ing. The act of conversing familiarly; as foolish talking. Ephesians 5:4.
TALL, a. [Eng. dally; L. tollo.]
1. High in stature; long and comparatively slender; applied to a person, or to a standing tree, mast or pole. Tall always refers to something erect, and of which the diameter is small in proportion to the highth. We say, a tall man or woman, a tall boy for his age; a tall tree, a tall pole, a tall mast; but we never say, a tall house or a tall mountain. The application of the word to a palace or its shadow, in Waller, is now improper.NWAD TALL.2
Dark shadows cast, and as his palace tall.NWAD TALL.3
2. Sturdy; lusty; bold. [Unusual.]NWAD TALL.4
TALLAGE, TALLIAGE, n. Anciently, a certain rate or tax paid by barons, knights and inferior tenants, towards the public expenses. When it was paid out of knight’s fees, it was called scutage; when by cities and burghs, talliage; when upon lands not held by military tenure, hidage.
TALLAGE, v.t. To lay an impost.
TALLNESS, n. Highth of stature. [See Tall.]
TALLOW, n. A sort of animal fat, particularly that which is obtained from animals of the sheep and ox kinds. We speak of the tallow of an ox or cow, or of sheep. This substance grows chiefly about the kidneys and on the intestines. The fat of swine we never call tallow, but lard or suet. I see in English books, mention is made of the tallow of hogs, [See Cyclopedia, article Tallow;] but in America I never heard the word thus applied. It may be applied to the fat of goats and deer. The fat of bears we call bear’s grease. Tallow is applied to various uses, but chiefly to the manufacture of candles.
TALLOW, v.t. To grease or smear with tallow.
1. To fatten; to cause to have a large quantity of tallow; as, to tallow sheep.NWAD TALLOW.3
TALLOW-CANDLE, n. A candle made of tallow.
TALLOW-CHANDLER, n. One whose occupation is to make, or to make and sell tallow candles.
TALLOWED, pp. Greased or smeared with tallow.
1. Made fat; filled with tallow.NWAD TALLOWED.2
TALLOWER, n. An animal disposed to form tallow internally.
TALLOW-FACED, a. Having a sickly complexion; pale.
TALLOWING, ppr. Greasing with tallow.
1. Causing to gather tallow; a term in agriculture.NWAD TALLOWING.2
TALLOWING, n. The act, practice or art of causing animals to gather tallow; or the property in animals of forming tallow internally; a term in agriculture.
TALLOWISH, a. Having the properties or nature of tallow.
TALLOWY, a. Greasy, having the qualities of tallow.
1. A piece of wood on which notches or scores are cut, as the marks of number. In purchasing and selling, it is customary for traders to have two sticks, or one stick cleft into two parts, and to mark with a score or notch on each, the number or quantity of goods delivered; the seller keeping one stick, and the purchaser the other. Before the use of writing, this or something like it was the only method of keeping accounts, and tallies are received as evidence in courts of justice. In the English exchequer are tallies of loans, one part being kept in the exchequer, the other being given to the creditor in lieu of an obligation for money lent to government.NWAD TALLY.2
2. One thing made to suit another.NWAD TALLY.3
They were framed the tallies for each other.NWAD TALLY.4
TALLY, v.t. To score with correspondent notches; to fit; to suit; to make to correspond.
They are not so well tallied to the present juncture.NWAD TALLY.6
1. In seamanship, to pull aft the sheets or lower corners of the main and fore-sail.NWAD TALLY.7
TALLY, v.i. To be fitted; to suit; to correspond.
I found pieces of tiles that exactly tallied with the channel.NWAD TALLY.9
TALLY, adv. Stoutly; with spirit.
TALLYING, ppr. Fitting to each other; making to correspond.
1. Agreeing; corresponding.NWAD TALLYING.2
2. Hauling aft the corners of the main and fore-sail.NWAD TALLYING.3
TALLYMAN, n. [tally and man.] One who sells for weekly payment.
1. One who keeps the tally, or marks the sticks.NWAD TALLYMAN.2
TALMUD, n. The body of the Hebrew laws, traditions and explanations; or the book that contains them. The Talmud contains the laws, and a compilation of expositions of duties imposed on the people, either in Scripture, by tradition, or by authority of their doctors, or by custom. It consists of two parts, the Mischna, and the Gemara; the former being the written law, the latter a collection of traditions and comments of Jewish doctors.
TALMUDIC, TALMUDICAL, a. Pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; as Talmudic fables.
TALMUDIST, n. One versed in the Talmud.
TALMUDISTIC, a. Pertaining to the Talmud; resembling the Talmud.
1. The claw of a fowl.NWAD TALON.2
2. In architecture, a kind of molding, concave at the bottom, and convex at the top. When the concave part is at the top, it is called an inverted talon. It is usually called by workmen an ogee, or O G, and by authors an upright or inverted cymatium.NWAD TALON.3
TALUS, n. [L. talus, the ankle.] In anatomy, the astragalus, or that bone of the foot which is articulated to the leg.
1. In architecture, a slope; the inclination of any work.NWAD TALUS.2
2. In fortification, the slope of a work, as a bastion, rampart or parapet.NWAD TALUS.3
TAMABLE, a. [from tame.] That may be tamed; capable of being reclaimed from wildness or savage ferociousness; that may be subdued.
TAMABLENESS, n. The quality of being tamable.
TAMARIN, n. A small monkey of South America, with large ears; the great eared monkey, (Simia midas.)
TAMARIND, n. A tree, a native of the East Indies, and of Arabia and Egypt. It is cultivated in both the Indies for the sake of its shade and for its cooling, grateful acid fruit, the pulp of which, mixed with boiled sugar, is imported into northern countries. The stem of the tree is lofty, large, and crowned with wide spreading branches; the flowers are in simple clusters, terminating the short lateral branches.
TAMARINDS, n. plu. The preserved seed-pods of the tamarind, which abound with an acid pulp.
TAMARISK, n. A tree or shrub of the genus Tamarix, of several species.
TAMBAC, n. A mixture of gold and copper, which the people value more highly than gold itself.
1. A small drum, used by the Biscayans as an accompaniment to the flageolet.NWAD TAMBOR.2
2. In architecture, a term applied to the Corinthian and composite capitals, which bear some resemblance to a drum. It is also called the vase, and campana, or the bell.NWAD TAMBOR.3
3. A little box of timber work covered with a ceiling, within the porches of certain churches.NWAD TAMBOR.4
4. A round course of stones, several of which form the shaft of a pillar, not so high as a diameter.NWAD TAMBOR.5
5. In the arts, a species of embroidery, wrought on a kind of cushion or spherical body, which is properly the tambor, and so names from its resemblance to a drum.NWAD TAMBOR.6
TAMBOR, v.t. To embroider with a tambor.
1. A small Drum.NWAD TAMBORIN.2
2. A lively French dance, formerly in vogue in operas.NWAD TAMBORIN.3
1. That has lost its native wildness and shyness; mild; accustomed to man; domestic; as a tame deer; a tame bird.NWAD TAME.2
2. Crushed; subdued; depressed; spiritless.NWAD TAME.3
And you, tame slaves of the laborious plow.NWAD TAME.4
3. Spiritless; unanimated; as a tame poem. [Not elegant nor in use.]NWAD TAME.5
TAME, v.t. [L. domo; Heb. to be silent, dumb.]
1. To reclaim; to reduce from a wild to a domestic state; to make gentle and familiar; as, to tame a wild beast.NWAD TAME.7
2. To civilize; as, to tame the ferocious inhabitants of the forest.NWAD TAME.8
3. To subdue; to conquer; to depress; as, to tame the pride or passions of youth.NWAD TAME.9
4. To subdue; to repress; as wildness or licentiousness.NWAD TAME.10
The tongue can no man tame. James 3:8.NWAD TAME.11
TAMED, pp. Reclaimed from wildness; domesticated; made gentle; subdued.
TAMELESS, a. Wild; untamed; untamable. [Not much used.]
TAMELY, adv. With unresisting submission; meanly; servilely; without manifesting spirit; as, to submit tamely to oppression; to bear reproach tamely.
TAMENESS, n. The quality of being tame or gentle; a state of domestication.
1. Unresisting submission; meanness in bearing insults or injuries; want of spirit.NWAD TAMENESS.2
TAMER, n. One that tames or subdues; one that reclaims from wildness.
TAMING, ppr. Reclaiming from a wild state; civilizing; subduing.
TAMKIN, n. A stopper. [See Tampion.]
TAMPER, v.i. To meddle; to be busy; to try little experiments;, as to tamper with a disease.
1. To meddle; to have to do with without fitness or necessity.NWAD TAMPER.2
‘Tis dangerous tamp’ring with a muse.NWAD TAMPER.3
2. To deal; to practice secretly.NWAD TAMPER.4
Others tamper’dNWAD TAMPER.5
For Fleetwood, Desborough and Lambert.NWAD TAMPER.6
TAMPERING, ppr. Meddling; dealing; practicing secretly.
TAMPERING, n. The act of meddling or practicing secretly.
TAMPING, n. [allied probably to tame, dam, stem, stamp, etc.]
The matter that is driven into the hole bored into any thing for blasting. The powder being first put into the hole, and a tube for a conductor of the fire, the hole is rammed to fullness with brick-dust or other matter. This is called tamping.NWAD TAMPING.2
TAMPION, TOMPION, n. The stopper of a cannon or other piece of ordnance, consisting of a cylinder of wood.
TAMPOE, n. A fruit of the East Indies, somewhat resembling an apple. It is eaten by the natives, and called sometimes mangoustan, though a different fruit and less agreeable to the taste.
TAMTAM, n. A large flat drum used by the Hindoos.
1. In the arts, to convert animal skins into leather by steeping them in an infusion of oak or some other bark, by which they are impregnated with tannin, an astringent substance which exists in several species of bark, and thus rendered firm, durable, and in some degree, impervious to water.NWAD TAN.2
2. To make brown; to imbrown by exposure to the rays of the sun; as, to tan the skin.NWAD TAN.3
His face all tann’d with scorching sunny rays.NWAD TAN.4
TAN, n. The bark of the oak, etc. bruised and broken by a mill for tanning hides. It bears this name before and after it has been used. Tan, after being used in tanning, is used in gardening for making hotbeds; and it is also made into cakes and used as fuel.
TAN-BED, n. [tan and bed.] In gardening, a bed made of tan; a bark bed.
TAN-PIT, n. [tan and pit.] A bark pit; a vat in which hides are laid in tan.
TAN-SPUD, n. [tan and spud.] An instrument for peeling the bark from oak and other trees. [Local.]
TAN-STOVE, n. [tan and stove.] A hot house with a bark bed.
TAN-VAT, n. [tan and vat.] A vat in which hides are steeped in liquor with tan.
TANG, n. [Gr. rancor; rancid.]
1. A strong taste; particularly, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself; as, wine or cider has a tang of the cask.NWAD TANG.2
2. Relish; taste. [Not elegant.]NWAD TANG.3
3. Something that leaves a sting or pain behind.NWAD TANG.4
She had a tongue with a tang.NWAD TANG.5
4. Sound; tone. [Not in use.]NWAD TANG.6
TANG, v.i. To ring with. [Not in use.]
[This may be allied to ding, dong.]NWAD TANG.8
TANGENT, n. [L. tangens, touching. See Touch.]
In geometry, a right line which touches a curve, but which when produced, does not cut it. In trigonometry, the tangent of an arc, is a right line touching the arc at one extremity, and terminated by a second passing through the other extremity.NWAD TANGENT.2
TANGIBILITY, n. [from tangible.] The quality of being perceptible to the touch or sense of feeling.
TANGIBLE, a. [from L. tango, to touch.]
1. Perceptible by the touch; tactile.NWAD TANGIBLE.2
2. That may be possessed or realized.NWAD TANGIBLE.3
1. To implicate; to unite or knit together confusedly; to interweave or interlock, as threads, so as to make it difficult to ravel the knot.NWAD TANGLE.2
2. To ensnare; to entrap; as, to be tangled in the folds of dire necessity.NWAD TANGLE.3
Tangled in amorous nets.NWAD TANGLE.4
3. To embroil; to embarrass.NWAD TANGLE.5
When my simple weakness strays,NWAD TANGLE.6
Tangled in forbidden ways.NWAD TANGLE.7
[Entangle, the compound, is the more elegant word.]NWAD TANGLE.8
TANGLE, v.i. To be entangled or united confusedly.
TANGLE, n. A knot of threads or other things united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged; as hair or yarn in tangled.
1. A kind of sea weed.NWAD TANGLE.11
TANIST, n. [Gr. a lord, to be powerful or able; L. teneo.]
Among the descendants of the Celts in Ireland, a lord, or the proprietor of a tract of land; a governor or captain. This office or rank was elective, and often obtained by purchase or bribery.NWAD TANIST.2
TANISTRY, n. In Ireland, a tenure of lands by which the proprietor had only a life estate, and to this he was admitted by election. The primitive intention seems to have been that the inheritance should descend to the oldest or most worthy of the blood and name of the deceased. This was in reality giving it to the strongest, and the practice often occasioned bloody wars in families.
TANK, n. A large bason or cistern; a reservoir of water.
TANKARD, n. A large vessel for liquors, or a drinking vessel, with a cover.
Marius was the first who drank out of a silver tankard, after the manner of Bacchus.NWAD TANKARD.2
TANKARD-TURNEP, n. A sort of turnep that stands high above the ground.
TANLING, n. One tanned or scorched by the heat of the sun.
TANNED, pp. [from tan.] converted into leather. [See Tan.]
1. Darkened by the rays of the sun.NWAD TANNED.2
TANNER, n. One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
TANNERY, n. The house and apparatus for tanning.
TANNIERS, n. A variety of the arum esculentum, an esculent root.
TANNIN, n. The chimical name of that astringent substance contained in vegetables, particularly in the bark of the oak and chestnut, and in gall-nut; the substance used to change raw hides into leather.
TANNING, ppr. Converting raw hides into leather.
TANREC, n. A quadruped of the Indies, larger than a rat.
TANSY, n. s as z. [L. tanacetum.] A plant of the genus Tanacetum, of many species. It is extremely bitter to the taste, and used for medicinal and culinary purposes.
TANT, n. A small spider with two eyes and eight long legs, and of an elegant scarlet color.
TANTALISM, n. [See Tantalize.] The punishment of Tantalus, a teasing or tormenting by the hope or near approach of good which is not attainable.
Is not such a provision like tantalism to this people?NWAD TANTALISM.2
TANTALITE, n. The ore of tantalum or columbium, a newly discovered metal. It is an iron black color, sometimes with a tinge of blue. It is imbedded in angular pieces, from the size of a pea to that of a hazel-nut.
TANTALIZATION, n. The act of tantalizing.
TANTALIZE, v.t. [from Tantalus, in fable, who was condemned for his crimes to perpetual hunger and thirst, with food and water near him which he could not reach.]
To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view and exciting desire, but continually frustrating the expectations by keeping that good out of reach; to tease; to torment.NWAD TANTALIZE.2
Thy vain desires, at strifeNWAD TANTALIZE.3
Within themselves, have tantaliz’d thy life.NWAD TANTALIZE.4
TANTALIZED, pp. Teased or tormented by the disappointment of the hope of good.
TANTALIZER, n. One that tantalizes.
TANTALIZING, ppr. Teasing or tormenting by presenting to the view some unattainable good.
TANTALUM, n. Columbium, the metal obtained from tantalite, newly discovered.
TANTAMOUNT, a. [L. tantus, so much, and amount.] Equal; equivalent in value or signification; as a sum tantamount to all our expenses. Silence is sometimes tantamount to consent.
TANTIVY, adv. [L. tanta vi.] To ride tantivy, is to ride with great speed.
TANTLING, n. [See Tantalize.] One seized with the hope of pleasure unattainable.
TAP, v.t. To strike with something small, or to strike a very gentle blow; to touch gently; as, to tap one with the hand; to tap one on the shoulder with a cane.
TAP, v.i. To strike a gentle blow. He tapped at the door.
TAP, v.t.
1. To pierce or broach a cask, and insert a tap.NWAD TAP.4
2. To open a cask and draw liquor.NWAD TAP.5
3. To pierce for letting out a fluid; as, to tap a tumor; to tap a dropsical person.NWAD TAP.6
4. To box, or bore into; as, to tap a maple tree to obtain the sap for making sugar.NWAD TAP.7
TAP, n. A gentle blow; a slight blow with a small thing.
She gives her right hand woman a tap on the shoulder.NWAD TAP.9
1. A spile or pipe for drawing liquor from a cask.NWAD TAP.10
TAPE, n. A narrow fillet or band; a narrow piece of woven work, used for strings and the like; as curtains tied with tape.
TAPER, n. A small wax candle; a small lighted wax candle, or a small light.
Get me a taper in my study, Lucius.NWAD TAPER.2
TAPER, a. [supposed to be from the form of a taper.]
Regularly narrowed towards the point; becoming small towards one end; conical; pyramidical; as taper fingers.NWAD TAPER.4
TAPER, v.i. To diminish or become gradually smaller towards one end; as, a sugar loaf tapers towards a point.
TAPER, v.t. To make gradually smaller in diameter.
TAPERING, ppr. Making gradually smaller.
1. a. Becoming regularly smaller in diameter towards one end; gradually diminishing towards a point.NWAD TAPERING.2
TAPERNESS, n. The state of being taper.
TAPESTRY, n. [L. tapes, tapestry.] A kind of woven hangings of wool and silk, often enriched with gold and silver, representing figures of men, animals, landscapes, etc.
TAPET, n. [supra.] Worked or figured stuff.
TAPETI, n. An American animal of the hare kind.
TAPE-WORM, n. [tape and worm.] A worm bred in the human intestines or bowels. The body is jointed, and each joint has its mouth.
TAP-HOUSE, n. [tap and house.] A house where liquors are retailed.