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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    THEOSOPHIST, n. One who pretends to divine illumination; one who pretends to derive his knowledge from divine revelation.

    THEOSOPHY, n. Divine wisdom; godliness.

    1. Knowledge of God.NWAD THEOSOPHY.2

    THERAPEUTIC, a. [Gr. to nurse, serve or cure.] Curative; that pertains to the healing art; that is concerned in discovering and applying remedies for diseases.

    Medicine is justly distributed into prophylactic, or the art of preserving health, and therapeutic, or the art of restoring it.NWAD THERAPEUTIC.2

    THERAPEUTICS, n. That part of medicine which respects the discovery and application of remedies for diseases. Therapeutics teaches the use of diet and of medicines.

    1. A religious sect described by Philo. They were devotees to religion.NWAD THERAPEUTICS.2

    THERE, adv.

    1. In that place.NWAD THERE.2

    The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed. Genesis 2:8.NWAD THERE.3

    2. It is sometimes opposed to here; there denoting the place most distant.NWAD THERE.4

    Darkness there might well seem twilight here.NWAD THERE.5

    3. Here and there, in one place and another; as here a little and there a little.NWAD THERE.6

    4. It is sometimes used by way of exclamation; calling the attention to something distant; as there, there; see there; look there.NWAD THERE.7

    5. There is used to begin sentences or before a verb; sometimes pertinently, and sometimes without signification; but its use is to firmly established that it cannot be dispensed with.NWAD THERE.8

    Wherever there is sense or perception, there some idea is actually produced.NWAD THERE.9

    There have been that have delivered themselves from their ills by their good fortune or virtue.NWAD THERE.10

    And there came a voice from heaven, saying, thou art my beloved Son. Mark 1:11.NWAD THERE.11

    6. In composition, there has the sense of a pronoun, as in Saxon; as thereby, which signifies by that.NWAD THERE.12

    THEREABOUT, THEREABOUTS, adv. [there and about. The latter is less proper, but most commonly used.]

    1. Near that place.NWAD THEREABOUT.2

    2. Nearly; near that number, degree or quantity; as ten men or thereabouts.NWAD THEREABOUT.3

    3. Concerning that. [Not much used.] Luke 24:4.NWAD THEREABOUT.4

    THEREAFTER, adv. [there and after.]

    1. According to that; accordingly.NWAD THEREAFTER.2

    When you can draw the head indifferently well, proportion the body thereafter.NWAD THEREAFTER.3

    2. After that.NWAD THEREAFTER.4

    THEREAT, adv. [there and at.] At that place.

    Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. Matthew 7:13.NWAD THEREAT.2

    1. At that; at that thing or event; on that account.NWAD THEREAT.3

    Every error is a stain to the beauty of nature; for which cause it blusheth thereat.NWAD THEREAT.4

    THEREBY, adv. [there and by.] By that; by that means; in consequence of that.

    Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace; thereby good shall come to thee. Job 22:21.NWAD THEREBY.2

    THEREFOR, adv. [there and for.] For that or this, or it.

    THEREFORE, adv. ther’fore. [there and for.]

    1. For that; for that or this reason, referring to something previously stated.NWAD THEREFORE.2

    I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. Luke 14:20.NWAD THEREFORE.3

    2. Consequently.NWAD THEREFORE.4

    He blushes; therefore he is guilty.NWAD THEREFORE.5

    3. In return or recompense for this or that.NWAD THEREFORE.6

    What shall we have therefore? Matthew 19:27.NWAD THEREFORE.7

    THEREFROM, adv. [there and from.] From this or that.

    --Turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left. Joshua 23:6.NWAD THEREFROM.2

    THEREIN, adv. [there and in.] In that or this place, time or thing.

    Bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein. Genesis 9:7.NWAD THEREIN.2

    Ye shall keep the sabbath--whosoever doeth any work therein--that soul shall be cut off. Exodus 31:14.NWAD THEREIN.3

    Therein our letters do not well agree.NWAD THEREIN.4

    THEREINTO, adv. [there and into.] Into that.

    THEREOF, adv. [there and of.] Of that or this.

    In the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17.NWAD THEREOF.2

    THEREON, adv. [there and on.] On that or this.

    Then the king said, hang him thereon. Esther 7:9.NWAD THEREON.2

    THEREOUT, adv. [there and out.] Out of that or this. Leviticus 2:2.

    THERETO, THEREUNTO, adv. [there and to or unto.] To that or this.

    Add the fifth part thereto. Leviticus 5:16.NWAD THERETO.2

    THEREUNDER, adv. [there and under.] Under that or this.

    THEREUPON, adv. [there and upon.] Upon that or this.

    The remnant of the house of Judah, they shall feed thereupon. Zephaniah 2:7.NWAD THEREUPON.2

    1. In consequence of that.NWAD THEREUPON.3

    He hopes to find you forward,NWAD THEREUPON.4

    And thereupon he sends you this good news.NWAD THEREUPON.5

    2. Immediately.NWAD THEREUPON.6

    THEREWHILE, adv. [there and while.] At the same time.

    THEREWITH, adv. [there and with.] With that or this.

    I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11.NWAD THEREWITH.2

    THEREWITHAL, adv. [there and withal.]

    1. Over and above.NWAD THEREWITHAL.2

    2. At the same time.NWAD THEREWITHAL.3

    3. With that. [This word is obsolete.]NWAD THEREWITHAL.4

    [The foregoing compounds of there with the prepositions, are for the most part deemed inelegant and obsolete. Some of them however are in good use, and particularly in the law style.]NWAD THEREWITHAL.5

    THERF-BREAD, a. therf’bred. Unleavened bread. [Not in use.]

    THERIAC, THERIACA, n. [L. theriaca; Gr. treacle.] A name given by the ancients to various compositions esteemed efficacious against the effects of poison, but afterwards restrained chiefly to what has been called Theriaca Andromachi, or Venice-treacle, which is a compound of sixty four drugs, prepared, pulverized, and reduced by means of honey to an electuary.

    THERIAC, THERIACAL, a. Pertaining to theriac; medicinal.

    THERMAL, a. [L. thermoe, warm baths; Gr. to warm.]

    Pertaining to heat; warm.NWAD THERMAL.2

    Thermal waters, are warm or tepid mineral waters, whose heat varies from 92 deg. to 112 deg.NWAD THERMAL.3

    THERMOLAMP, n. [Gr. warm, from heat, and lamp.]

    An instrument for furnishing light by means of inflammable gas.NWAD THERMOLAMP.2

    THERMOMETER, n. [Gr. warm, from heat, and measure.] An instrument for measuring heat; founded on the property which heat possesses of expanding all bodies, the rate or quantity of expansion being supposed proportional to the degree of heat applied, and hence indicating that degree. The thermometer indicates only the sensible heat of bodies, and gives us no information respecting the quantity of latent heat, or of combined heat, which those bodies may contain.

    THERMOMETRICAL, a. Pertaining to a thermometer; as the thermometrical scale or tube.

    1. Made by a thermometer; as thermometrical observations.NWAD THERMOMETRICAL.2

    THERMOMETRICALLY, adv. By means of a thermometer.

    THERMOSCOPE, n. [Gr. heat, and to see.] An instrument showing the temperature of the air, or the degree of heat and cold.

    THESE, pron. plu. of this. pronounced theez, and used as an adjective or substitute. These is opposed to those, as this is to that, and when two persons or things or collections of things are named, these refers to the things or persons which are nearest in place or order, or which are last mentioned.

    Some place the bliss in action, some in ease;NWAD THESE.2

    Those call it pleasure, and contentment theseNWAD THESE.3

    Here these is a substitute for these persons, and for the persons last mentioned, who place their bliss in ease.NWAD THESE.4

    THESIS, n. [L. thesis; Gr. a position, to set.]

    1. A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument; a theme; a subject.NWAD THESIS.2

    2. In logic, every proposition may be divided into thesis and hypothesis. Thesis contains the thing affirmed or denied, and hypothesis the conditions of the affirmation or negation.NWAD THESIS.3

    THETICAL, a. [See Thesis.] Laid down.

    THEURGIC, THEURGICAL, a. [from theurgy.] Pertaining to the power of performing supernatural things.

    Theugic hymns, songs of incantation.NWAD THEURGIC.2

    THEURGIST, n. One who pretends to or is addicted to theurgy.

    THEURGY, n. [Gr. God, and work.] The art of doing things which it is the peculiar province of God to do; or the power or act of performing supernatural things by invoking the names of God or of subordinate agents; magic. This has been divided by some writers into three parts; theurgy, or the operation by divine or celestial means; natural magic, performed by the powers of nature; and necromancy, which proceeds by invoking demons.

    THEW, n. Manner; custom; habit; form of behavior. [Not in use.]

    1. Brawn. [Not in use.]NWAD THEW.2

    THEWED, a. Accustomed; educated. [Not in use.]

    THEY, pron. plu.; objective case, them.

    1. The men, the women, the animals, the things. It is never used adjectively, but always as a pronoun referring to persons, or as a substitute referring to things.NWAD THEY.2

    They and their fathers have transgressed against me. Ezekiel 2:3.NWAD THEY.3

    They of Italy salute you. Hebrews 13:24.NWAD THEY.4

    Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Matthew 5:6.NWAD THEY.5

    2. It is used indefinitely, as our ancestors used man, and as the French use on. They say, [on dit,] that is, it is said by persons, indefinitely.NWAD THEY.6

    THIBLE, n. A slice; a skimmer; a spatula. [Not in use or local.]

    THICK, a.

    1. Dense; not thin; as thick vapors; a thick fog.NWAD THICK.2

    2. Inspissated; as, the paint is too thick.NWAD THICK.3

    3. Turbid; muddy; feculent; not clear; as, the water of a river is thick after a rain.NWAD THICK.4

    4. Noting the diameter of a body; as a piece of timber seven inches thick.NWAD THICK.5

    My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins. 1 Kings 12:10.NWAD THICK.6

    5. Having more depth or extent from one surface to its opposite than usual; as a thick plank; thick cloth; thick paper.NWAD THICK.7

    6. Close; crowded with trees or other objects; as a thick forest or wood; thick grass; thick corn.NWAD THICK.8

    The people were gathered thick together.NWAD THICK.9

    7. Frequent; following each other in quick succession. The shot flew thick as hail.NWAD THICK.10

    Favors came thick upon him.NWAD THICK.11

    Not thicker billows beat the Libyan main.NWAD THICK.12

    8. Set with things close to each other; not easily pervious.NWAD THICK.13

    Black was the forest, thick with beech it stood.NWAD THICK.14

    9. Not having due distinction of syllables or good articulation; as a thick utterance.NWAD THICK.15

    He speaks too thick.NWAD THICK.16

    10. Dull; somewhat deaf; as thick of hearing.NWAD THICK.17

    THICK, n. The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest.

    In the thick of the dust and smoke he presently entered his men.NWAD THICK.19

    1. A thicket. [Not in use.]NWAD THICK.20

    Thick and thin, whatever is in the way.NWAD THICK.21

    Through thick and thin she follow’d him.NWAD THICK.22

    THICK, adv. Frequently; fast.

    I hear the trampling of thick beating feet.NWAD THICK.24

    1. Closely; as a plat of ground thick sown.NWAD THICK.25

    2. To a great depth, or to a thicker depth than usual; as a bed covered thick with tan; land covered thick with manure.NWAD THICK.26

    Thick and threefold, in quick succession, or in great numbers. [Not in use.]NWAD THICK.27

    THICK, v.i. To become thick or dense. [Not used.]

    THICKEN, v.t. thik’n. To make thick or dense.

    1. To make close; to fill up interstices; as, to thicken cloth.NWAD THICKEN.2

    2. To make concrete; to inspissate; as, to thicken paint, mortar or a liquid.NWAD THICKEN.3

    3. To strengthen; to confirm.NWAD THICKEN.4

    And this may help to thicken other proofs. [Not used.]NWAD THICKEN.5

    4. To make frequent, or more frequent; as, to thicken blows.NWAD THICKEN.6

    5. To make close, or more close; to make more numerous; as, to thicken the ranks.NWAD THICKEN.7

    THICKEN, v.i. thik’n. To become thick or more thick; to become dense; as, the fog thickens.

    1. To become dark or obscure.NWAD THICKEN.9

    Thy luster thickensNWAD THICKEN.10

    When he shines by.NWAD THICKEN.11

    2. To concrete; to be consolidated; as, the juices of plants thicken into wood.NWAD THICKEN.12

    3. To be inspissated; as, vegetable juices thicken, as the more volatile parts are evaporated.NWAD THICKEN.13

    4. To become close, or more close or numerous.NWAD THICKEN.14

    The press of people thickens to the court.NWAD THICKEN.15

    5. To become quick and animated.NWAD THICKEN.16

    The combat thickens.NWAD THICKEN.17

    6. To become more numerous; to press; to be crowded. Proofs of the fact thicken upon us at every step.NWAD THICKEN.18

    THICKENED, pp. Made dense, or more dense; made more close or compact; made more frequent; inspissated.

    THICKENING, ppr. Making dense or more dense, more close, or more frequent; inspissating.

    THICKENING, n. Something put into a liquid or mass to make it more thick.

    THICKET, n. A wood or collection of trees or shrubs closely set; as a ram caught in a thicket. Genesis 22:13.

    THICKHEADED, a. Having a thick skull; dull; stupid.

    THICKISH, a. Somewhat thick.

    THICKLY, adv. Deeply; to great depth.

    1. Closely; compactly.NWAD THICKLY.2

    2. In quick succession.NWAD THICKLY.3

    THICKNESS, n. The state of being thick; denseness; density; as the thickness of fog, vapor or clouds.

    1. The state of being concrete or inspissated; consistence; spissitude; as the thickness of paint or mortar; the thickness of honey; the thickness of the blood.NWAD THICKNESS.2

    2. The extent of a body from side to side, or from surface to surface; as the thickness of a tree; the thickness of a board; the thickness of the hand; the thickness of a layer of earth.NWAD THICKNESS.3

    3. Closeness of the parts; the state of being crowded or near; as the thickness of trees in a forest; the thickness of a wood.NWAD THICKNESS.4

    4. The state of being close, dense or impervious; as the thickness of shades.NWAD THICKNESS.5

    5. Dullness of the sense of hearing; want of quickness or acuteness; as thickness of hearing.NWAD THICKNESS.6

    THICKSET, a. [thick and set.] Close planted; as a thickset wood.

    1. Having a short thick body.NWAD THICKSET.2

    THICKSKULL, n. [thick and skull.] Dullness; or a dull person; a blockhead.

    THICKSKULLED, a. Dull; heavy; stupid; slow to learn.

    THICKSKIN, n. [thick and skin.] A coarse gross person; a blockhead.

    THICKSPRUNG, a. [thick and sprung.] Sprung up close together.

    THIEF, n. plu. thieves.

    1. One who secretly, unlawfully and feloniously takes the goods or personal property of another. The thief takes the property of another privately; the robber by open force.NWAD THIEF.2

    2. One who takes the property of another wrongfully, either secretly or by violence. Job 30:5.NWAD THIEF.3

    3. One who seduces by false doctrine. John 10:1.NWAD THIEF.4

    4. One who makes it his business to cheat and defraud; as a den of thieves. Matthew 21:13.NWAD THIEF.5

    5. An excrescence in the snuff of a candle.NWAD THIEF.6

    THIEF-CATCHER, n. [thief and catch.] One who catches thieves, or whose business is to detect thieves and bring them to justice.

    THIEF-LEADER, n. [thief and lead.] One who leads or takes a thief. [Not much used.]

    THIEF-TAKER, n. [thief and taker.] One whose business is to find and take thieves and bring them to justice.

    THIEVE, v.i. [from thief.] To steal; to practice theft.

    THIEVERY, n. The practice of stealing; theft. [See Theft.]

    Among the Spartans, thievery was a practice morally good and honest.NWAD THIEVERY.2

    1. That which is stolen.NWAD THIEVERY.3

    THIEVISH, a. Given to stealing; addicted to the practice of theft; as a thievish boy.

    Or with a base and boist’rous sword enforceNWAD THIEVISH.2

    A thievish living on the common road.NWAD THIEVISH.3

    1. Secret; sly; acting by stealth; as thievish minutes.NWAD THIEVISH.4

    2. Partaking of the nature of theft; as a thievish practice.NWAD THIEVISH.5

    THIEVISHLY, adv. In a thievish manner; by theft.

    THIEVISHNESS, n. The disposition to steal.

    1. The practice or habit of stealing.NWAD THIEVISHNESS.2

    THIGH, n. That part of men, quadrupeds and fowls, which is between the leg and the trunk.

    As the word signifies, it is the thick part of the lower limbs.NWAD THIGH.2

    THILK, pron. The same.

    THILL, n. The shaft of a cart, gig or other carriage. The thills are the two pieces of timber extending from the body of the carriage on each side of the last horse, by which the carriage is supported in a horizontal position.

    THILLER, THILL-HORSE, n. The horse which goes between the thills or shafts, and supports them. In a team, the last horse.

    THIMBLE, n. [I know not the origin or primary sense of this word. Possibly it may be from thumb.]

    1. A kind of cap or cover for the finger, usually made of metal, used by tailors and seamstresses for driving the needle through cloth.NWAD THIMBLE.2

    2. In sea language, an iron ring with a hollow or groove round its whole circumference, to receive the rope which is spliced about it.NWAD THIMBLE.3

    THIME. [See Thyme.]

    THIN, a. [L. tenuis; Gr. narrow.]

    1. Having little thickness or extent from one surface to the opposite; as a thin plate of metal; thin paper; a thin board; a thin covering.NWAD THIN.2

    2. Rare; not dense; applied to fluids or to soft mixtures; as thin blood; thin milk; thin air.NWAD THIN.3

    In the day, when the air is more thin.NWAD THIN.4

    3. Not close; not crowded; not filling the space; not having the individuals that compose the thing in a close or compact state; as, the trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin. A thin audience in church is not uncommon. Important legislative business should not be transacted in a thin house.NWAD THIN.5

    4. Not full or well grown.NWAD THIN.6

    Seven thin ears. Genesis 41:6.NWAD THIN.7

    5. Slim; small; slender; lean. A person becomes thin by disease. Some animals are naturally thin.NWAD THIN.8

    6. Exile; small; fine; not full.NWAD THIN.9

    Thin hollow sounds, and lamentable screams.NWAD THIN.10

    7. Not thick or close; of a loose texture; not impervious to the sight; as a thin vail.NWAD THIN.11

    8. Not crowded or well stocked; not abounding.NWAD THIN.12

    Ferrara is very large, but extremely thin of people.NWAD THIN.13

    9. Slight; not sufficient for a covering; as a thin disguise.NWAD THIN.14

    THIN, adv. Not thickly or closely; in a scattered state; as seed sown thin.

    Spain is thin sown as people.NWAD THIN.16

    THIN, v.t. [L. tenuo. See Attenuate.]

    1. To make thin; to make rare or less thick; to attenuate; as, to thin the blood.NWAD THIN.18

    2. To make less close, crowded or numerous; as, to thin the ranks of an enemy; to thin the trees or shrubs of a thicket.NWAD THIN.19

    3. To attenuate; to rarefy; to make less dense; as, to thin the air; to thin the vapors.NWAD THIN.20

    THINE, pronominal adj. Thy; belonging to thee; relating to thee; being the property of thee. It was formerly used for thy, before a vowel.

    Then thou mightest eat grapes thy fill, at thine own pleasure. Deuteronomy 23:24.NWAD THINE.2

    But in common usage, thy is now used before a vowel in all cases.NWAD THINE.3

    The principal use of thine now is when a verb is interposed between this word and the noun to which it refers. I will not take any thing that is thine. Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory.NWAD THINE.4

    In the following passage, thine is used as a substitute for thy righteousness.NWAD THINE.5

    I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. Psalm 71:16.NWAD THINE.6

    In some cases, it is preceded by the sign of the possessive case, like nouns, and is then also to be considered as a substitute.NWAD THINE.7

    If any of thine be driven out to the utmost parts of heaven-- Deuteronomy 30:4.NWAD THINE.8

    It is to be observed that thine, like thou, is used only in the solemn style. In familiar and common language, your and yours are always used in the singular number as well as the plural.NWAD THINE.9

    THING, n. [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio.]

    1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events.NWAD THING.2

    And the thing was very grievous in Abraham’s sight, because of his son. Genesis 21:11.NWAD THING.3

    Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Genesis 24:50.NWAD THING.4

    And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Genesis 42:36.NWAD THING.5

    I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21:24.NWAD THING.6

    These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12:41.NWAD THING.7

    In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language.NWAD THING.8

    2. Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity.NWAD THING.9

    He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt-- Genesis 45:23.NWAD THING.10

    They took the things which Micah had made. Judges 18:27.NWAD THING.11

    3. An animal; as every living thing; every creeping thing. Genesis 1:24.NWAD THING.12

    [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]NWAD THING.13

    4. A portion or part; something.NWAD THING.14

    Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom--NWAD THING.15

    5. In contempt.NWAD THING.16

    I have a thing in prose.NWAD THING.17

    6. Used of persons in contempt.NWAD THING.18

    See, sons, what things you are,NWAD THING.19

    The poor thing sigh’d.NWAD THING.20

    I’ll be this abject thing no more.NWAD THING.21

    7. Used in a sense of honor.NWAD THING.22

    I see thee here,NWAD THING.23

    Thou noble thing!NWAD THING.24

    THINK, v.i. pret. and pp. thought, pron. thaut. [L. duco.]

    1. To have the mind occupied on some subject; to have ideas, or to revolve ideas in the mind.NWAD THINK.2

    --For that I amNWAD THINK.3

    I know, because I think.NWAD THINK.4

    These are not matters to be slightly thought on.NWAD THINK.5

    2. To judge; to conclude; to hold as a settled opinion. I think it will rain tomorrow. I think it not best to proceed on our journey.NWAD THINK.6

    Let them marry to whom they think best. Numbers 36:6.NWAD THINK.7

    3. To intend.NWAD THINK.8

    Thou thought’st to help me.NWAD THINK.9

    I thought to promote thee to great honor. Numbers 24:11.NWAD THINK.10

    4. To imagine; to suppose; to fancy.NWAD THINK.11

    Edmund, I think, is goneNWAD THINK.12

    In pity of his misery, to dispatchNWAD THINK.13

    His ‘nighted life.NWAD THINK.14

    Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12.NWAD THINK.15

    5. To muse; to meditate.NWAD THINK.16

    While Peter thought on the vision-- Acts 10:19.NWAD THINK.17

    Think much, speak little.NWAD THINK.18

    6. To reflect; to recollect or call to mind.NWAD THINK.19

    And when Peter thought thereon, he wept. Mark 14:72.NWAD THINK.20

    7. To consider; to deliberate. Think how this thing could happen.NWAD THINK.21

    He thought within himself, saying, what shall I do? Luke 12:17.NWAD THINK.22

    8. To presume.NWAD THINK.23

    Think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father-- Matthew 3:9.NWAD THINK.24

    9. To believe; to esteem.NWAD THINK.25

    To think on or upon, to muse on; to meditate on.NWAD THINK.26

    If there by any virtue, and if there by any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8.NWAD THINK.27

    1. To light on by meditation. He has just thought on an expedient that will answer the purpose.NWAD THINK.28

    2. To remember with favor.NWAD THINK.29

    Think upon me, my God, for good. Nehemiah 5:19.NWAD THINK.30

    To think of, to have ideas come into the mind. He thought of what you told him. I would have sent the books, but I did not think of it.NWAD THINK.31

    To think well of, to hold in esteem; to esteem.NWAD THINK.32

    THINK, v.t. To conceive; to imagine.

    Charity--thinketh no evil. 1 Corinthians 13:5.NWAD THINK.34

    1. To believe; to consider; to esteem.NWAD THINK.35

    Nor think superfluous others’ aid.NWAD THINK.36

    2. To seem or appear, as in the phrases, me thinketh or methinks, and methought. These are genuine Saxon phrases, equivalent to it seems to me, it seemed to me. In these expressions, me is actually in the dative case; almost the only instance remaining in the language. Sax “genoh thuht,” satis visum est, it appeared enough or sufficient; “me thineth,” mihi videtur, it seems to me; I perceive.NWAD THINK.37

    To think much, to grudge.NWAD THINK.38

    He thought not much to clothe his enemies.NWAD THINK.39

    To think much of, to hold in high esteem.NWAD THINK.40

    To think scorn, to disdain. Esther 3:6.NWAD THINK.41

    THINKER, n. One who thinks; but chiefly, one who thinks in a particular manner; as a close thinker; a deep thinker; a coherent thinker.

    THINKING, ppr. Having ideas; supposing; judging; imagining; intending; meditating.

    1. a. Having the faculty of thought; cogitative; capable of a regular train of ideas.NWAD THINKING.2

    Man is a thinking being.NWAD THINKING.3

    THINKING, n. Imagination; cogitation; judgment.

    I heard a bird so sing,NWAD THINKING.5

    Whose music, to my thinking, pleas’d the king.NWAD THINKING.6

    THINLY, adv. [from thin.] In a loose scattered manner; not thickly; as ground thinly planted with trees; a country thinly inhabited.

    THINNESS, n. The state of being thin; smallness of extent from one side or surface to the opposite; as the thinness of ice; the thinness of a plate; the thinness of the skin.

    1. Tenuity; rareness; as the thinness of air or other fluid.NWAD THINNESS.2

    2. A state approaching to fluidity, or even fluidity; opposed to spissitude; as the thinness of honey, of white wash or of paint.NWAD THINNESS.3

    3. Exility; as the thinness of a point.NWAD THINNESS.4

    4. Rareness; a scattered state; paucity; as the thinness of trees in a forest; the thinness of inhabitants.NWAD THINNESS.5

    THIRD, a. thurd. [L. tertius.] The first after the second; the ordinal of three. The third hour in the day among the ancients, was nine o’clock in the morning.

    Third estate, in the British nation, is the commons; or in the legislature, the house of commons.NWAD THIRD.2

    Third order, among the Catholics, is a sort of religious order that observes the same rule and the same manner of life in proportion as some other two orders previously instituted; as the third order of Franciscans, instituted by St. Francis in 1221.NWAD THIRD.3

    Third point or tierce point, in architecture, the point of section in the vertex of an equilateral triangle.NWAD THIRD.4

    Third rate, in navies. A third rate ship carries from 64 to 80 guns.NWAD THIRD.5

    Third sound, in music. See the noun Third.NWAD THIRD.6

    THIRD, n. thurd. The third part of any thing. A man takes land and tills it for one third of the produce; the owner taking two thirds.

    1. The sixtieth part of a second of time.NWAD THIRD.8

    2. In music, an interval containing three diatonic sounds; the major composed to two tones, called by the Greeks ditone, and the minor called hemiditone, consisting of a tone and a half.NWAD THIRD.9

    THIRDBOROUGH, n. thurd’burro. [third and borough.]

    An under constable.NWAD THIRDBOROUGH.2

    THIRDINGS, n. The third year of the corn or grain growing on the ground at the tenant’s death, due to the lord for a heriot, within the manor of Turfat in Herefordshire.

    THIRDLY, adv. In the third place.

    THIRDS, n. plu. The third part of the estate of a deceased husband, which by law the widow is entitled to enjoy during her life.

    THIRL, v.t. thurl. To bore; to perforate. It is now written drill and thrill. [See these words, and see Nostril.]

    THIRLAGE, n. thurl’age. In English customs, the right which the owner of a mill possesses by contract or law, to compel the tenants of a certain district to bring all their grain to his mill for grinding.

    THIRST, n. thurst. [L. torreo.]

    1. A painful sensation of the throat or fauces, occasioned by the want of drink.NWAD THIRST.2

    Wherefore is it that thou hast brought us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? Exodus 17:3.NWAD THIRST.3

    2. A vehement desire of drink. Psalm 104:11.NWAD THIRST.4

    3. A want and eager desire after any thing.NWAD THIRST.5

    Thirst of worldly good.NWAD THIRST.6

    Thirst of knowledge.NWAD THIRST.7

    Thirst of praise.NWAD THIRST.8

    Thirst after happiness.NWAD THIRST.9

    But for is now more generally used after thirst; as a thirst for worldly honors; a thirst for praise.NWAD THIRST.10

    4. Dryness; drouth.NWAD THIRST.11

    The rapid current, through veinsNWAD THIRST.12

    Of porous earth with kindly thirst updrawn,NWAD THIRST.13

    Rose a fresh fountain--NWAD THIRST.14

    THIRST, v.i. thurst.

    1. To experience a painful sensation of the throat or fauces for want of drink.NWAD THIRST.16

    The people thirsted there for water. Exodus 17:3.NWAD THIRST.17

    2. To have a vehement desire for any thing.NWAD THIRST.18

    My soul thirsteth for the living God. Psalm 42:2.NWAD THIRST.19

    THIRST, v.t. To want to drink; as, to thirst blood. [Not English.]

    THIRSTINESS, n. [form thirsty.]

    The state of being thirsty; thirst.NWAD THIRSTINESS.2

    THIRSTING, ppr. Feeling pain for want of drink; having eager desire.

    THIRSTY, a. [from thirst.] Feeling a painful sensation of the throat or fauces for want of drink.

    Give me a little water, for I am thirsty. Judges 4:19.NWAD THIRSTY.2

    I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink. Matthew 25:42.NWAD THIRSTY.3

    1. Very dry; having no moisture; parched.NWAD THIRSTY.4

    The thirsty land shall become springs of water. Isaiah 35:7.NWAD THIRSTY.5

    2. Having a vehement desire of any thing; as in blood-thirsty. Isaiah 44:3; Isaiah 65:13.NWAD THIRSTY.6

    THIRTEEN, a. thur’teen. Ten and three; as thirteen times.

    THIRTEENTH, a. thur’teenth. [supra.] The third after the tenth; the ordinal of thirteen; as the thirteenth day of the month.

    THIRTEENTH, n. thur’teenth. In music, an interval forming the octave of the sixth, or sixth of the octave.

    THIRTIETH, a. thur’tieth. [from thirty.] The tenth threefold; the ordinal of thirty; as the thirtieth day of the month.

    THIRTY, a. thur’ty. Thrice ten; ten three times repeated; or twenty and ten. The month of June consists of thirty days. Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh.

    THIS, definitive adjective or substitute. plu. these.

    1. This is a definitive, or definitive adjective, denoting something that is present or near in place or time, or something just mentioned. Is this your younger brother? What trespass is this which ye have committed?NWAD THIS.2

    Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? John 9:2.NWAD THIS.3

    When they heard this, they were pricked to the heart. Acts 2:37.NWAD THIS.4

    In the latter passage, this is a substitute for what had preceded, the discourse of Peter just delivered. In like manner, this often represents a word, a sentence or clause, or a series of sentences of events.NWAD THIS.5

    In some cases, it refers to what is future, or to be immediately related.NWAD THIS.6

    But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Matthew 24:43.NWAD THIS.7

    Here this refers to the whole subsequent member of the sentence.NWAD THIS.8

    2. By this, is used elliptically for by this time; as, by this the mail has arrived.NWAD THIS.9

    3. This is used with words denoting time past; as, I have taken no snuff for this month; and often with plural words. I have not wept this forty years.NWAD THIS.10

    In this case, this, in the singular, refers to the whole term of time, or period; this period of forty years.NWAD THIS.11

    4. This is opposed to that.NWAD THIS.12

    This way and that the wav’ring sails they bend.NWAD THIS.13

    A body of this or that denomination is produced.NWAD THIS.14

    This and that, in this use, denote difference indefinitely.NWAD THIS.15

    5. When this and that refer to different things before expressed, this refers to the thing last mentioned, and that to the thing first mentioned. [See These.]NWAD THIS.16

    Their judgment in this we may not, and in that we need not, follow.NWAD THIS.17

    6. It is sometimes opposed to other.NWAD THIS.18

    Consider the arguments which the author had to write this, or to design the other, before you arraign him.NWAD THIS.19

    THISTLE, n. this’l. The common name of numerous prickly plants of the class Syngenesia, and several genera; as the common corn thistle, or Canada thistle, of the genus Serratula or Cnicus; the spear thistle of the genus Cnicus; the milk thistle of the genus Carduus; the blessed thistle of the genus Centaurea; the globe thistle of the genus Echinops; the cotton thistle of the genus Onopordon; and the sow thistle of the genus Sonchus. The name is also given to other prickly plants not of the class Syngenesia; as the fuller’s thistle or teasel of the genus Dipsacus, and the melon thistle and torch thistle of the genus Cactus.

    One species of thistle, (Cnicus arvensis,) grows in fields among grain, and is extremely troublesome to farmers. It is called in America the Canada thistle, as it first appeared in Canada, where it was probably introduced from France, as it abounds in Normandy, and also in England. A larger species in America (Cnicus lanceolatus,) is indigenous, but it spreads slowly and gives no trouble.NWAD THISTLE.2

    Thorns also and thistles shall it bring froth to thee. Genesis 3:18.NWAD THISTLE.3

    THISTLY, a. this’ly. Overgrown with thistles; as thistly ground.

    THITHER, adv. To that place; opposed to hither.

    This city is near, O let me escape thither. Genesis 19:20.NWAD THITHER.2

    Where I am, thither ye cannot come. John 7:34, 36.NWAD THITHER.3

    1. To that end or point.NWAD THITHER.4

    Hither and thither, to this place and to that; one way and another.NWAD THITHER.5

    THITHERWARD, adv. [thither and ward.] Toward that place.

    They shall ask the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward. Jeremiah 50:5.NWAD THITHERWARD.2

    THO, a contraction of though. [See Though.]

    1. Tho, for sax. thonne, then. [Not in use.]NWAD THO.2

    THOLE, n.

    1. A pin inserted into the gunwale of a boat, to keep the oar in the row-lock, when used in rowing.NWAD THOLE.2

    2. The pin or handle of a sythe-snath.NWAD THOLE.3

    THOLE, v.t. [L. tollo, tolero.]

    To bear; to endure; to undergo.NWAD THOLE.5

    THOLE, v.i. [supra.] To wait. [Local.]
    THOLE, n. [L. tholus.] The roof of a temple. [Not used or local.]

    THOMAISM, THOMISM, n. The doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas with respect to predestination and grace.

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