TIME-SERVING, a. Obsequiously complying with the humors of men in power.
TIME-SERVING, n. An obsequious compliance with the humors of men in power, which implies a surrender of one’s independence, and sometimes of one’s integrity.
TIME-WORN, a. Impaired by time.
TIMID, a. [L. timidus, from timeo, to fear.] Fearful; wanting courage to meet danger; timorous; not bold.
Poor is the triumph o’er the timid hare.NWAD TIMID.2
TIMIDITY, n. [L. timiditas.] Fearfulness; want of courage or boldness to face danger; timorousness; habitual cowardice. Timidity in one person may be a good trait of character, while in another it is a deep reproach.
TIMIDLY, adv. In a timid manner; weakly; without courage.
TIMOCRACY, n. [Gr. honor, worth, and to hold.] Government by men of property, who are possessed of a certain income.
TIMONEER, n. [L. temo.] A helmsman.
TIMOROUS, a. [L. timor. See Timid.]
1. Fearful of danger; timid; destitute of courage; as a timorous doubts; timorous beliefs.NWAD TIMOROUS.2
TIMOROUSLY, adv. Fearfully; timidly; without boldness; with much fear.
Let dastard souls be timorously wise.NWAD TIMOROUSLY.2
TIMOROUSNESS, n. Fearfulness; timidity; want of courage.
TIMOUS, a. [from time.] Early; timely. [Not in use.]
TIMOUSLY, adv. In good season. [Not in use.]
TIN, n. [L. stannum; stagnum.]
1. A white metal, with a slight tinge of yellow. It is soft, non-elastic, very malleable, and when a bar of it is bent near the ear, distinguished by a crackling sound called the cry of tin. It is used for culinary vessels, being for this purpose usually combined with lead, forming pewter; and alloyed with small proportions of antimony, copper and bismuth, is formed into various wares resembling silver, under the names of block-tin, brittania, etc. Equal parts of tin and lead compose soder. Tin united with copper in different proportions, forms bronze, bell-metal, and speculum-metal.NWAD TIN.2
2. Thin plates of iron covered with tin.NWAD TIN.3
TIN, v.t. To cover with tin, or overlay with tinfoil.
TINCT, v.t. [L. tingo, tinctus.] To stain or color; to imbue.
TINCT, n. Stain; color. [Obsolete. We now use tinge and tincture.]
TINCTURE, n. [L. tinctura.]
1. The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a menstruum; or an extract of a part of the substance of a body, communicated to the menstruum. Hence,NWAD TINCTURE.2
2. In medicine, a spiritus solution of such of the proximate principles of vegetables and animals as are soluble in pure alcohol or proof-spirit; wine or spirits containing medicinal substances in solution.NWAD TINCTURE.3
3. A tinge or shade of color; as a tincture of red.NWAD TINCTURE.4
4. Slight taste superadded to any substance; as a tincture or orange-peel.NWAD TINCTURE.5
5. Slight quality added to any thing; as a tincture of French manners.NWAD TINCTURE.6
All manners take a tincture from our own.NWAD TINCTURE.7
TINCTURE, v.t. To tinge; to communicate a slight foreign color to; to impregnate with some extraneous matter.
A little black paint will tincture and spoil twenty gay colors.NWAD TINCTURE.9
1. To imbue the mind; to communicate a portion of any thing foreign; as a mind tinctured with skepticism.NWAD TINCTURE.10
TINCTURED, pp. Tinged; slightly impregnated with something foreign.
TINCTURING, ppr. Tinging; imbuing; impregnating with a foreign substance.
TIND, v.t. [Eng. tine; tinder.] To kindle. Obs. But hence,
TINDER, n. Something very inflammable used for kindling fire from a spark; as scorched linen.
TINDER-BOX, n. [tinder and box.] A box in which tinder is kept.
TINDERLIKE, a. [tinder and like.] Like tinder; very inflammable.
TINE, v.t. To kindle, to set on fire. [See Tind.]
TINE, v.t. [L. teneo.] To shut or inclose; to fill. [Not in use or local.]
TINE, n. [L. dens.]
1. The tooth or spike of a fork; a prong; also, the tooth of a harrow or drag.NWAD TINE.4
2. Trouble; distress. [Not in use.]NWAD TINE.5
TINE, v.i. To rage; to smart; to fight.
TINEMAN, n. Anciently an officer of the forest in England, who had the nocturnal care of vert and venison.
TINET, n. [tine, to shut, supra.] In old writers, brushwood and thorns for making and repairing hedges.
TINFOIL, n. [tin and L. folium, a leaf.] Tin reduced to a thin leaf.
TING, n. A sharp sound. [Not in use. Children use ding, dong. See Tingle.]
TING, v.i. To sound or ring. [Not in use.]
TINGE, v.t. [L. tingo; Eng. to dye.] To imbue or impregnate with something foreign; to communicate the qualities of one substance, in some degree, to another, either by mixture, or by adding them to the surface; as, to tinge a blue color with red; an infusion tinged with a yellow color by saffron; to tinge a decoction with a bitter taste. The jaundice tinges the eyes with yellow.
The virtues of sir Roger, as well as his imperfections, are tinged with extravagance.NWAD TINGE.2
TINGE, n. Color; dye; taste; or rather a slight degree of some color, taste, or something foreign, infused into another substance or mixture, or added to it; tincture; as a red color that has a tinge of blue; a dish of food that has a tinge of orange peel in its taste.
TINGED, pp. Imbued or impregnated with a small portion of something foreign.
TINGENT, a. Having the power to tinge.
As for the white part, it appeared much less enriched with the tingent property. [Little used.]NWAD TINGENT.2
TINGING, ppr. Imbuing or impregnating with something foreign.
TIN-GLASS, n. Bismuth, which see.
TINGLE, v.i. [L. tinnio.]
1. To feel a kind of thrilling sound.NWAD TINGLE.2
At which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. 1 Samuel 3:11.NWAD TINGLE.3
2. To feel a sharp thrilling pain.NWAD TINGLE.4
The pale boy senator yet tingling stands.NWAD TINGLE.5
3. To have a thrilling sensation, or a sharp slight penetrating sensation.NWAD TINGLE.6
They suck pollution through their tingling veins.NWAD TINGLE.7
TINGLING, ppr. Having a thrilling sensation.
TINGLING, n. A thrilling sensation.
TINK, v.i. To make a sharp shrill noise; to tinkle. [The latter is generally used.]
TINKAL, n. Borax in its crude state or unrefined. It consists of small crystals of a yellowish color, and is unctuous to the feel.
TINKER, n. A mender of brass kettles, pans and the like.
TINKERLY, adv. In the manner of a tinker.
1. To make small quick sharp sounds, as by striking on metal; to clink.NWAD TINKLE.2
--And have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1; Isaiah 3:18.NWAD TINKLE.3
The sprightly horseNWAD TINKLE.4
Moves to the music of his tinkling bells.NWAD TINKLE.5
The moment the money tinkles in the chest, the soul mounts out of purgatory.NWAD TINKLE.6
2. To hear a small sharp sound.NWAD TINKLE.7
And his ears tinkled, and his color fled.NWAD TINKLE.8
TINKLE, v.t. To cause to clink or make sharp quick sounds.
TINKLING, ppr. Making a small quick sharp noise.
TINKLING, n. A small quick sharp sound.
Making a tinkling with their feet. Isaiah 3:16.NWAD TINKLING.3
TINMAN, n. [tin and man.] A manufacturer of tin vessels; a dealer in tin ware.
TIN-MINE, n. [tin and mine.] A mine where tin is obtained.
TINNED, pp. Covered with tin.
TINNER, n. [from tin.] One who works in the tin mines.
TINNING, ppr. [from tin.] Covering with tin or tinfoil.
TINNING, n. The act, art or practice of covering or lining any thing with melted tin or with tinfoil, as kitchen utensils, locks, bits, etc.
TINNY, a. Abounding with tin.
TINPENNY, n. [tin and penny.] A customary duty in England, formerly paid to tithingmen.
TINSEL, n. Something very shining and gaudy; something superficially shining and showy, or having a false luster, and more gay than valuable.
Who can discern the tinsel from the gold?NWAD TINSEL.2
If the man will too curiously examine the superficial tinsel good, he undeceives himself to his cost.NWAD TINSEL.3
1. A kind of shining cloth.NWAD TINSEL.4
2. A kind of lace.NWAD TINSEL.5
TINSEL, a. Gaudy; showy to excess; specious; superficial.
TINSEL, v.t. To adorn with something glittering and showy without much value; to make gaudy.
She, tinsel’d o’er in robes of varying hues--NWAD TINSEL.8
TINSELED, pp. Decorated with gaudy ornaments.
TINSELING, ppr. Adorning with tinsel or superficial luster.
TINT, n. [L. tinctus, tingo. See Tinge.] A dye; a color, or rather a slight coloring or tincture distinct from the ground or principal color; as red with a blue tint, or tint of blue. In painting, tints are the colors considered as more or less bright, deep or thin, by the due use and intermixture of which a picture receives its shades, softness and variety.
Or blend in beauteous tint the color’d mass.NWAD TINT.2
Their vigor sickens, and their tints decline.NWAD TINT.3
TINT, v.t. To tinge; to give a slight coloring to.
TIN-WORM, n. [tin and worm.] An insect.
TINY, a. [from the root of thin, which see.] Very small; little; puny. [A word used by children, and in burlesque.]
When that I was a little tiny boy.NWAD TINY.2
1. The end; the point or extremity of any thing small; as the tip of the finger; the tip of a spear; the tip of the tongue; the tip of the ear.NWAD TIP.2
2. One part of the play at nine-pins.NWAD TIP.3
3. In botany, an anther.NWAD TIP.4
TIP, v.t. To form a point with something; to cover the tip, top or end; a, to tip any thing with gold or silver.
With truncheon tipp’d with iron head.NWAD TIP.6
Tipp’d with jet,NWAD TIP.7
Fair ermines spotless as the snows they press.NWAD TIP.8
1. [for tap.] To strike slightly, or with the end of any thing small; to tap.NWAD TIP.9
A third rogue tips me by the elbow.NWAD TIP.10
2. To lower one end, or throw upon the end; as, to tip a cart for discharging a load. [N. England.]NWAD TIP.11
To tip the wink, to direct a wink, or to wink to another for notice.NWAD TIP.12
TIP, v.i. In the phrase, to tip off, that is, to fall headlong; hence, to die.
TIPPED, TIPT, pp. Having the end covered.
TIPPET, n. A narrow garment or covering for the neck, worn by females. It is now made of fur, though formerly of some kind of cloth.
TIPPING, ppr. Covering the end or tip.
TIPPLE, v.i. To drink spiritus or strong liquors habitually; to indulge in the frequent and improper use of spiritus liquors. When a man begins to tipple, let his creditors secure their debts.
TIPPLE, v.t. To drink, as strong liquors, in luxury or excess.
--Himself for saving charges.NWAD TIPPLE.3
A peel’d, slic’d onion eats, and tipples verjuice.NWAD TIPPLE.4
TIPPLE, n. Drink; liquor taken in tippling.
TIPPLED, pp. Drank in excess.
1. a. Intoxicated; inebriated.NWAD TIPPLED.2
TIPPLER, n. One who habitually indulges in the excessive use of spiritus liquors; a drunkard; a sot. It however signifies often a person who habitually drinks strong liquors, without absolute drunkenness.
TIPPLING, ppr. Indulging in the habitual use of strong or spiritus liquors.
TIPPLING, n. The habitual practice of drinking strong or spiritus liquors; a drinking to excess.
TIPPLING-HOUSE, n. [tipple and house.] A house in which liquors are sold in drams or small quantities, and where men are accustomed to spend their time and money in excessive drinking.
TIP-STAFF, n. [tip and staff.] An officer who bears a staff tipped with metal; a constable.
1. A staff tipped with metal.NWAD TIP-STAFF.2
TIPSY, a. [from tipple.] Fuddled; overpowered with strong drink; intoxicated.
TIPTOE, n. [tip and tow.] The end of the toe.
Upon his tiptoes stalketh stately by.NWAD TIPTOE.2
To be or to stand a tiptoe, to be awake or alive to any thing; to be roused; as, to be a tiptoe with expectation.NWAD TIPTOE.3
TOPTOP, n. The highest or utmost degree.
1. Formerly in French music, the filling of an interval by the intermediate diatonic notes.NWAD TIRADE.2
2. In modern usage, a strain or flight; a series of violent declamation.NWAD TIRADE.3
Here he delivers a violent tirade against all persons who profess to know any thing about angels.NWAD TIRADE.4
TIRE, n. [Heb. tur, a row or series.]
1. A tier; a row or rank. This is the same word as tier, differently written. [See Tier and Tour.]NWAD TIRE.2
2. A head dress; something that encompasses the head. [See Tiara.] Ezekiel 24:17; Isaiah 3:18.NWAD TIRE.3
On her head she wore a tire of gold.NWAD TIRE.4
3. Furniture; apparatus; as the tire of war.NWAD TIRE.5
4. Attire. [See Attire.]NWAD TIRE.6
5. A band or hoop of iron, used to bind the fellies of wheels, to secure them from wearing and breaking; as cart-tire; wagon-tire. This tire however is generally formed of different pieces, and is not one entire hoop.NWAD TIRE.7
TIRE, v.t. To adorn; to attire; to dress; as the head. Obs. [See Attire.] 2 Kings 9:30.
TIRE, v.t. [L. tero.]
1. To weary; to fatigue; to exhaust the strength by toil or labor; as, to tire a horse or an ox. A long day’s work in summer will tire the laborer.NWAD TIRE.10
Tir’d with toil, all hopes of safety past.NWAD TIRE.11
2. To weary; to fatigue; to exhaust the power of attending, or to exhaust patience with dullness or tediousness. A dull advocate may tire the court and jury, and injure his cause.NWAD TIRE.12
To tire out, to weary or fatigue to excess; to harass.NWAD TIRE.13
TIRE, v.i. To become weary; to be fatigued; to have the strength fail; to have the patience exhausted. A feeble body soon tires with hard labor.
TIRED, pp. Wearied; fatigued.
TIREDNESS, n. The state of being wearied; weariness.
TIRESOME, a. Wearisome; fatiguing; exhausting the strength; as a tiresome day’s work; a tiresome journey.
1. Tedious; exhausting the patience; as a tiresome discourse. The debates in congress are said to be sometimes very tiresome.NWAD TIRESOME.2
TIRESOMENESS, n. The act or quality of tiring or exhausting strength or patience; wearisomeness; tediousness; as the tiresomeness of work or of a dull speaker.
TIREWOMAN, n. [tire and woman.] A woman whose occupation is to make head dresses.
TIRING, ppr. Wearying; fatiguing; exhausting strength or patience.
TIRING-HOUSE, TIRING-ROOM, n. The room or place where players dress for the stage.
TIRWIT, n. A bird. [L. vanellus.]
N.B. The lapwing is called teewit in Scotland, (Ed Encyc.) and the lapwing is the vanellus.NWAD TIRWIT.2
TIS, a contraction of it is.
TISIC, TISICAL, a. s as z. [for phthisic, phthisical.] Consumptive.
TISIC, n. s as z. [supra.] Consumption; morbid waste.
TISRI, n. The first Hebrew month of the civil year, and the seventh of the ecclesiastical; answering to a part of our September and a part of October.
1. Cloth interwoven with gold or silver, or with figured colors.NWAD TISSUE.2
A robe of tissue, stiff with golden wire.NWAD TISSUE.3
2. In anatomy, texture or organization of parts. The peculiar intimate structure of a part is called its tissue. A part of a fibrous structure is called a fibrous tissue. The organs of the body are made up of simpler elements, some generally diffused through the body, and others peculiar to particular organs. These simpler structures are called the tissues of the body; as the cellular tissue; the mucous tissue, etc. The cellular tissue is the cellular membrane.NWAD TISSUE.4
3. A connected series; as, the whole story is a tissue of forgeries or of falsehood.NWAD TISSUE.5
TISSUE, v.t. To form tissue; to interweave; to variegate.
The chariot was covered with cloth of gold tissued upon blue.NWAD TISSUE.7
TISSUED, pp. Interwoven; formed with variegated work.
TISSUING, ppr. Interweaving; forming with variegated work.
TIT, n. A small horse, in contempt; a woman, in contempt; a small bird; a titmouse or tomtit.
TITAN, TITANIUM, n. In mineralogy, a metal of modern discovery, and of a dark copper color, first found in Cornwall in England. It occurs in different states of oxydation or intermixture, in various parts of the world. It exists in three different states of oxydation; the first is blue or purple, the second red, and the third white. The ores of this metal are called menachanite, from Menachan in Cornwall, where it was originally found; iserine; from the river Iser, in Silesia; nigrine, from its black color; sphene, rutile, and octahedrite.
TITANIFEROUS, a. [titan or titanium, and L. fero.]
Producing titanium; as titaniferous pyrites.NWAD TITANIFEROUS.2
TITANITE, n. An ore or oxyd of titanium, commonly of a reddish brown color, when it is opake; it occurs also in prismatic crystals terminated by pyramids of a blood red color, and is then translucent or transparent.
TITBIT, n. A tender piece. [See Tidbit.]
TITHABLE, a. Subject to the payment of tithes.
TITHE, n. The tenth part of any thing; but appropriately, the tenth part of the increase annually arising from the profits of land and stock, allotted to the clergy for their support. Tithes are personal, predial, or mixed; personal, when accruing from labor, art, trade and navigation; predial, when issuing from the earth, as hay, wood and fruit; and mixed, when accruing from beasts, which are fed from the ground.
TITHE, v.t. To levy a tenth part on; to tax to the amount of a tenth.
When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase. Deuteronomy 26:12.NWAD TITHE.3
Ye tithe mint and rue. Luke 11:42.NWAD TITHE.4
TITHE, v.i. To pay tithes.
TITHED, pp. Taxed a tenth.
TITHE-FREE, a. Exempt from the payment of tithes.
TITHE-PAYING, a. Paying tithes; subjected to pay tithes.
TITHER, n. One who collects tithes.
TITHING, ppr. Levying a tax on, to the amount of a tenth.
TITHING, n. A decennary; a number or company of ten householders, who dwelling near each other, were sureties or free- pledges to the king for the good behavior of each other. The institution of tithings in England is ascribed to Alfred.
TITHINGMAN, n. [tithing and man.]
1. The chief man of a tithing; a headborrough; one elected to preside over the tithing.NWAD TITHINGMAN.2
2. A peace officer; an under constable.NWAD TITHINGMAN.3
3. In New England, a parish officer annually elected to preserve good order in the church during divine service, and to make complaint of any disorderly conduct.NWAD TITHINGMAN.4
TITHYMAL, n. [Gr. the breast.] A plant, milk thistle, of the genus Euphorbia.
TITILLATE, v.i. [L. titillo.] To tickle.
The pungent grains of titillating dust.NWAD TITILLATE.2
1. The act of tickling; or the state of being tickled.NWAD TITILLATION.2
2. Any slight pleasure.NWAD TITILLATION.3
The products of those titillations that reach no higher than the senses.NWAD TITILLATION.4
TITLARK, n. [tit and lark.] A small bird, a species of Alauda or lark.