TRIRADIATED, a. [L. tres and radius.] Having three rays.
TRIREME, n. [L. triremis; tres and remus.] A galley or vessel with three benches or ranks of oars on a side.
TRIRHOMBOIDAL, a. [tri and rhomboidal.] Having the form of three rhombs.
TRISACRAMENTARIAN, n. [L. tres, three, and sacrament.]
One of a religious sect who admit of three sacraments and no more.NWAD TRISACRAMENTARIAN.2
TRISAGION, n. [Gr. three, and holy.] A hymn in which the word holy is repeated three times.
TRISECT, v.t. [L. tres, three, and seco, to cut.] To cut or divide into three equal parts.
TRISECTED, pp. Divided into three equal parts.
TRISECTING, ppr. Dividing into three equal parts.
TRISECTION, n. [L. tres and sectio, a cutting.] The division of a thing into three parts; particularly in geometry, the division of an angle into three equal parts.
TRISEPALOUS, a. In botany, having three sepals to a calyx.
TRISPAST, TRISPASTON, n. [Gr. to draw.] In mechanics, a machine with three pulleys for raising great weights.
TRISPERMOUS, a. [Gr. three, and seed.] Three-seeded; containing three seeds; as a trispermous capsule.
TRIST, TRISTFUL, a. [L. tristis, sad.] Sad; sorrowful; gloomy. [Not used.]
TRIPERSONALITY, n. The state of existing in three persons in one Godhead.
TRISULC, n. [L. trisulcus.] Something having three points. [Not in use.]
TRISYLLABIC, TRISYLLABICAL, a. [from trisyllable.] Pertaining to a trisyllable; consisting of three syllables; as a trisyllabic word or root.
TRISYLLABLE, n. [L. tres, three, and syllaba, syllable.] A word consisting of three syllables.
TRITE, a. [L. tritus, from tero, to wear.] Worn out; common; used till so common as to have lost its novelty and interest; as a trite remark; a trite subject.
TRITELY, adv. In a common manner.
TRITENESS, n. Commonness; staleness; a state of being worn out; as the triteness of an observation or a subject.
TRITERNATE, a. [L. tres, three, and ternate.] Having three biternate leaves, or the divisions of a triple petiole subdivided into threes; a species of superdecompound leaf.
TRITHEISM, n. The opinion or doctrine that there are three Gods in the Godhead.
TRITHEIST, n. One who believes that there are three distinct Gods in the Godhead, that is, three distinct substances, essences of hypostases.
TRITHEISTIC, a. Pertaining to tritheism.
TRITHING, n. [from three.] One of the divisions of the county of York in England, which is divided into three parts. It is now called Riding.
TRITICAL, a. [from trite.] Trite; common. [Not in use.]
TRITICALNESS, n. Triteness. [Not used.]
TRITON, n. In mythology, a fabled sea demi-god, supposed to be the trumpeter of Neptune. He is represented by poets and painters as half man and half fish.
1. A genus of the molluscal order of worms.NWAD TRITON.2
2. A bird of the West Indies, famous for its notes.NWAD TRITON.3
TRITONE, n. [L. tres and tonus.] In music, a false concord, consisting of three tones, two major and one minor tone, or of two tones and two semitones; a dissonant interval.
TRITOXYD, n. [Gr. third, and oxyd.] In chimistry, a substance oxydized in the third degree.
TRITURABLE, a. [See Triturate.] Capable of being reduced to a fine powder by pounding, rubbing or grinding.
TRITURATE, v.t. [L. trituro, from tritus, tero, to wear.] To rub or grind to a very fine powder, and properly to a finer powder than that made by pulverization.
TRITURATED, pp. Reduced to a very fine powder.
TRITURATING, ppr. Grinding or reducing to a very fine powder.
TRITURATION, n. The act of reducing to a fine powder by grinding.
TRITURE, n. A rubbing or grinding. [Not used.]
TRITURIUM, n. A vessel for separating liquors of different densities.
TRIUMPH, n. [L. triumphus.]
1. Among the ancient Romans, a pompous ceremony performed in honor of a victorious general, who was allowed to enter the city crowned, originally with laurel, but in later times with gold, bearing a truncheon in one hand and a branch of laurel in the other, riding in a chariot drawn by two white horses, and followed by the kings, princes and generals whom he had vanquished, loaded with chains and insulted by mimics and buffoons. The triumph was of two kinds, the greater and the less. The lesser triumph was granted for a victory over enemies of less considerable power, and was called an ovation.NWAD TRIUMPH.2
2. State of being victorious.NWAD TRIUMPH.3
Hercules from SpainNWAD TRIUMPH.4
Arriv’d in triumph, from Geryon slain.NWAD TRIUMPH.5
3. Victory; conquest.NWAD TRIUMPH.6
The vain coquets the trifling triumphs boast.NWAD TRIUMPH.7
4. Joy or exultation for success.NWAD TRIUMPH.8
Great triumph and rejoicing was in heav’n.NWAD TRIUMPH.9
5. A card that takes all others; now written trump, which see.NWAD TRIUMPH.10
TRIUMPH, v.i. To celebrate victory with pomp; to rejoice for victory.
How long shall the wicked triumph? Psalm 94:3.NWAD TRIUMPH.12
1. To obtain victory.NWAD TRIUMPH.13
There fix thy faith, and triumph o’er the world.NWAD TRIUMPH.14
Attir’d with stars, we shall forever sitNWAD TRIUMPH.15
Triumphing over death.NWAD TRIUMPH.16
2. In insult upon an advantage gained.NWAD TRIUMPH.17
Let not my enemies triumph over me. Psalm 25:2.NWAD TRIUMPH.18
Sorrow on all the pack of youNWAD TRIUMPH.19
That triumph thus upon my misery.NWAD TRIUMPH.20
3. To be prosperous; to flourish.NWAD TRIUMPH.21
Where commerce triumph’d on the favoring gales.NWAD TRIUMPH.22
To triumph over, to succeed in overcoming; to surmount; as, to triumph over all obstacles.NWAD TRIUMPH.23
TRIUMPHAL, a. [L. triumphalis.] Pertaining to triumph; used in a triumph; as a triumphal crown or car; a triumphal arch.
TRIUMPHAL, n. A token of victory.
TRIUMPHANT, a. [L. triumphans.] Celebrating victory; as a triumphant chariot.
1. Rejoicing as for victory.NWAD TRIUMPHANT.2
Successful beyond hope to lead you forthNWAD TRIUMPHANT.3
Triumphant out of this infernal pit.NWAD TRIUMPHANT.4
2. Victorious; graced with conquest.NWAD TRIUMPHANT.5
So shall it be in the church triumphant.NWAD TRIUMPHANT.6
Athena, war’s triumphant maid--NWAD TRIUMPHANT.7
3. Celebrating victory; expressing joy for success; as a triumphant song.NWAD TRIUMPHANT.8
TRIUMPHANTLY, adv. In a triumphant manner; with the joy and exultation that proceeds from victory or success.
Through armed ranks triumphantly she drives.NWAD TRIUMPHANTLY.2
1. Victoriously; with success.NWAD TRIUMPHANTLY.3
Triumphantly tread on thy country’s ruin.NWAD TRIUMPHANTLY.4
2. With insolent exultation.NWAD TRIUMPHANTLY.5
TRIUMPHER, n. One who triumphs or rejoices for victory; one who vanquishes.
1. One who was honored with a triumph in Rome.NWAD TRIUMPHER.2
TRIUMPHING, ppr. Celebrating victory with pomp; vanquishing; rejoicing for victory; insulting on an advantage.
TRIUMVIR, n. [L. tres, three, and vir, man.] One of three men united in office. The triumvirs, L. triumviri, of Rome, were three men who jointly obtained the sovereign power in Rome. The first of these were Caesar, Crassus and Pompey.
TRIUMVIRATE, a. A coalition of three men; particularly, the union of three men who obtained the government of the Roman empire.
1. Government by three men in coalition.NWAD TRIUMVIRATE.2
TRIUNE, a. [L. tres and unus.] Three in one; an epithet applied to God, to express the unity of the Godhead in a trinity of persons.
TRIUNITY, n. Trinity. [Not used.]
TRIVALVULAR, a. Three-valved; having three valves.
TRIVERBIAL, a. [L. triverbium.] Triverbial days, in the Roman calendar, were juridical or court days, days allowed to the pretor for hearing causes; called also dies fasti. There were only twenty eight in the year.
TRIVET, n. A three legged stool. [See Trevet.]
TRIVIAL, a. [L. trivialis; probably from Gr.; L. tero, trivi, to wear, or from trivium, a highway.]
1. Trifling; of little worth or importance; inconsiderable; as a trivial subject; a trivial affair.NWAD TRIVIAL.2
2. Worthless; vulgar.NWAD TRIVIAL.3
Trivial name, in natural history, the common name for the species, which added to the generic name forms the complete denomination of the species; the specific name. Thus in Lathyrus aphaca, Lathyrus is the generic name, and aphaca the trivial or specific name, and the two combined form the complete denomination of the species. Linne at first applied the term specific name to the essential character of the species, now called the specific definition or difference; but it is now applied solely to the trivial name.NWAD TRIVIAL.4
TRIVIALITY, n. Trivialness. [Not much used.]
TRIVIALLY, adv. Commonly; vulgarly.
1. Lightly; inconsiderably; in a trifling degree.NWAD TRIVIALLY.2
1. Lightness; unimportance.NWAD TRIVIALNESS.2
TROAT, v.i. To cry, as a buck in rutting time.
TROAT, n. The cry of a buck in rutting time.
TROCAR, n. A surgical instrument for tapping dropsical persons and the like.
TROCHAIC, TROCHAICAL, a. [See Trochee.] In poetry, consisting of trochees; as trochaic measure or verse.
TROCHANTER, n. [Gr.] In anatomy, the trochanters are two processes of the thigh bone, called major and minor, the major on the outside, and the minor on the inside.
TROCHE, n. [Gr. a wheel.] A form of medicine in a cake or tablet, or a stiff paste cut into proper portions and dried. It is made by mixing the medicine with sugar and the mucilage of gum tragacanth, intended to be gradually dissolved in the mouth and slowly swallowed, as a demulcent to sheath the epiglottis, and as a remedy for the bronchocele.
TROCHEE, n. [L. trochoeus.] In verse, a foot of two syllables, the first long and the second short.
TROCHILIC, a. Having power to draw out or turn round.
TROCHILICS, n. [L. trochilus.] The science of rotary motion.
TROCHILUS, TROCHIL, n. [L. trochilus; Gr. to run.]
1. An aquatic bird, a swift runner, with long legs, which is said to get its meat out of the crocodile’s mouth.NWAD TROCHILUS.2
2. A name given to the golden crowned wren.NWAD TROCHILUS.3
3. In zoology, the humming bird or honeysucker, a kind of beautiful little birds, natives of America.NWAD TROCHILUS.4
4. In architecture, a hollow ring round a column; called also scotia, and by workmen, the casement.NWAD TROCHILUS.5
TROCHINGS, n. The small branches on the top of a deer’s head.
TROCHISCH, n. [Gr.] A kind of tablet or lozenge.
TROCHITE, n. [L. trochus; Gr. to run.]
1. In natural history, a kind of figured fossil stone, resembling parts of plants, called St. Cuthbert’s beads. These stones are usually of a brownish color; they break like spar, and are easily dissolved in vinegar. Their figure is generally cylindrical, sometimes a little tapering. Two, three or more of these joined, constitute an entrochus.NWAD TROCHITE.2
2. Fossil remains of the shells called trochus.NWAD TROCHITE.3
TROCHLEA, n. [L. a pulley, from Gr. to run.] A pulley-like cartilage, through which the tendon of the trochleary muscle passes.
TROCHLEARY, a. [from L. trochlea.] Pertaining to the trochlea; as the trochleary muscle, the superior oblique muscle of the eye; the trochleary nerve, the pathetic nerve, which goes to that muscle.
TROCHOID, n. [L. trochus, to run.] In geometry, a curve generated by the motion of a wheel; the cycloid.
TROD, pret. of tread.
TROD, TRODDEN, pp. of tread.
Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles. Luke 21:24.NWAD TROD.3
TRODE, old pret. of tread.
TRODE, n. Tread; footing.
TROGLODYTE, n. [Gr. a cavern, and to enter.] The Troglodytes were a people of Ethiopia, represented by the ancients as living in caves, about whom we have many fables.
TROLL, v.t. To move in a circular direction; to roll; to move volubly; to turn; to drive about.
They learn to roll the eye, and troll the tongue.NWAD TROLL.2
Troll about the bridal bow.NWAD TROLL.3
TROLL, v.i. To roll; to run about; as, to troll in a coach and six.
1. Among anglers, to fish for pikes with a rod whose line runs on a wheel or pulley.NWAD TROLL.5
TROLLED, pp. Rolled; turned about.
TROLLING, ppr. Rolling; turning; driving about; fishing with a rod and reel.
TROLLOP, n. A stroller; a loiterer; a woman loosely dressed; a slattern.
TROLLOPEE, n. Formerly, a loose dress for females.
TROLMYDAMES, n. The game of nine-holes.
TROMP, n. [See Trumpet.] A blowing machine formed of a hollow tree, used in furnaces.
TROMPIL, n. An aperture in a tromp.
TRONAGE, n. Formerly, a toll or duty paid for weighing wool.
TRONATOR, n. An officer in London, whose business was to weigh wool.
TRONCO, n. [L. truncus.] A term in Italian music, directing a note or sound to be cut short, or just uttered and then discontinued.
TRONE, n. A provincial word in some parts of England for a small drain.
1. A collection of people; a company; a number; a multitude. Genesis 49:19; 2 Samuel 23:11; Hosea 7:1.NWAD TROOP.2
That which should accompany old age,NWAD TROOP.3
As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,NWAD TROOP.4
I must not look to have.NWAD TROOP.5
2. A body of soldiers. But applied to infantry, it is now used in the plural, troops, and this word signifies soldiers in general, whether more or less numerous, including infantry, cavalry and artillery. We apply the word to a company, a regiment or an army. The captain ordered his troops to halt; the colonel commanded his troops to wheel and take a position on the flank; the general ordered his troops to attack; the troops of France amounted to 400,000 men.NWAD TROOP.6
3. Troop, in the singular, a small body or company of cavalry, light horse or dragoons, commanded by a captain.NWAD TROOP.7
4. A company of stage-players.NWAD TROOP.8
TROOP, v.i. To collect in numbers.
Armies at the call of trumpet,NWAD TROOP.10
Troop to their standard.NWAD TROOP.11
1. To march in a body.NWAD TROOP.12
I do not, as an enemy to peace,NWAD TROOP.13
Troop in the throngs of military men.NWAD TROOP.14
2. To march in haste or in company.NWAD TROOP.15
TROOPER, n. A private or soldier in a body of cavalry; a horse soldier.
TROOPING, ppr. Moving together in a crowd; marching in a body.
TROPE, n. [L. tropus; Gr. to turn.] In rhetoric, a word or expression used in a different sense from that which it properly signifies; or a word changed from its original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea, as when we call a stupid fellow an ass, or a shrewd man a fox.
Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. Some authors make figure the genus, of which trope is a species; others make them different things, defining trope to be a change of sense, and figure to be any ornament, except what becomes so by such change.NWAD TROPE.2
TROPHIED, a. [from trophy.] Adorned with trophies.
--The trophied arches, storied halls invade.NWAD TROPHIED.2
TROPHY, n. [L. tropoeum.]
1. Among the ancients, a pile of arms taken from a vanquished enemy, raised on the field of battle by the conquerors; also, the representation of such a pile in marble, on medals and the like; or according to others, trophies were trees planted in conspicuous places of the conquered provinces, and hung with the spoils of the enemy, in memory of the victory. Hence,NWAD TROPHY.2
2. Any thing taken and preserved as a memorial of victory, as arms, flags, standards and the like, taken from an enemy.NWAD TROPHY.3
Around the posts hung helmets, darts and spears,NWAD TROPHY.4
And captive chariots, axes, shields and bars,NWAD TROPHY.5
And broken beaks of ships, the trophies of their wars.NWAD TROPHY.6
3. In architecture, an ornament representing the stem of a tree, charged or encompassed with arms and military weapons, offensive and defensive.NWAD TROPHY.7
4. Something that is evidence of victory; memorial of conquest.NWAD TROPHY.8
Present every hearer to Christ as a trophy of grace.NWAD TROPHY.9
TROPHY-MONEY, n. A duty paid in England annually by house-keepers, towards providing harness, drums, colors, etc. for the militia.
TROPIC, n. [L. tropicus; from Gr. a turning; to turn.]
1. In astronomy, a circle of the sphere drawn through a solstitial point, parallel to the equator; or the line which bounds the sun’s declination from the equator, north or south. This declination is twenty-three degrees and a half nearly. There are two tropics; the tropic of Cancer, on the north of the equator, and the tropic of Capricorn on the south.NWAD TROPIC.2
2. Tropics, in geography, are two lesser circles of the globe, drawn parallel to the equator through the beginning of Cancer and of Capricorn.NWAD TROPIC.3
TROPICAL, a. Pertaining to the tropics; being within the tropics; as tropical climates; tropical latitudes; tropical heat; tropical winds.
1. Incident to the tropics; as tropical diseases.NWAD TROPICAL.2
2. [from trope.] Figurative; rhetorically changed from its proper or original sense.NWAD TROPICAL.3
The foundation of all parables is some analogy or similitude between the tropical or allusive part of the parable, and the thing intended by it.NWAD TROPICAL.4
Tropical writing or hieroglyphic, is such as represents a thing by qualities which resemble it.NWAD TROPICAL.5
TROPICALLY, adv. In a tropical or figurative manner.
TROPIC-BIRD, n. An aquatic fowl of the genus Phaeton, with a long slender tail and remarkable powers of flight.
TROPIST, n. [from trope.] One who explains the Scriptures by tropes and figures of speech; one who deals in tropes.
TROPOLOGICAL, a. [See Tropology.] Varied by tropes; changed from the original import of the words.
TROPOLOGY, n. [Gr. trope, and discourse.] A rhetorical mode of speech, including tropes, or change from the original import of the word.
TROSSERS, n. Trowsers. [Not used.] [See Trowsers.]