1. To move faster than in walking, as a horse or other quadruped, by lifting one fore foot and the hind foot of the opposite side at the same time.NWAD TROT.2
2. To walk or move fast; or to run.NWAD TROT.3
He that rises late must trot all day, and will scarcely overtake his business at night.NWAD TROT.4
TROT, n. The pace of a horse or other quadruped, when he lifts one fore foot and the hind foot of the opposite side at the same time. This pace is the same as that of a walk, but more rapid. The trot is often a jolting hard motion, but in some horses, it is as easy as the amble or pace, and has a more stately appearance.
1. An old woman; in contempt.NWAD TROT.6
1. Belief; faith; fidelity; as, to plight one’s troth.NWAD TROTH.2
2. Truth; verity; veracity; as in troth; by my troth.NWAD TROTH.3
TROTHLESS, a. Faithless; treacherous.
TROTH-PLIGHT, v.t. To betroth or affiance.
TROTH-PLIGHT, a. Betrothed; espoused; affianced.
TROTH-PLIGHT, n. The act of betrothing or plighting faith.
TROTTER, n. A beast that trots, or that usually trots.
1. A sheep’s foot.NWAD TROTTER.2
TROTTING, ppr. Moving with a trot; walking fast, or running.
TROUBLE, v.t. trub’l. [L. turbo; turba, a crowd, and perhaps trova, a turn. The primary sense is to turn or to stir, to whirl about, as in L. turbo, turbinis, a whirlwind. Hence the sense of agitation, disturbance.]
1. To agitate; to disturb; to put into confused motion.NWAD TROUBLE.2
God looking forth will trouble all his host.NWAD TROUBLE.3
An angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water. John 5:4.NWAD TROUBLE.4
2. To disturb; to perplex.NWAD TROUBLE.5
Never trouble yourself about those faults which age will cure.NWAD TROUBLE.6
3. To afflict; to grieve; to distress.NWAD TROUBLE.7
Those that trouble me, rejoice when I am moved. Psalm 13:4.NWAD TROUBLE.8
4. To busy; to cause to be much engaged or anxious.NWAD TROUBLE.9
Martha, thou art careful, and troubled about many things. Luke 10:41.NWAD TROUBLE.10
5. To tease; to vex; to molest.NWAD TROUBLE.11
The boy so troubles me,NWAD TROUBLE.12
‘Tis past enduring.NWAD TROUBLE.13
6. To give occasion for labor to. I will not trouble you to deliver the letter. I will not trouble myself in this affair.NWAD TROUBLE.14
7. To sue for a debt. He wishes not to trouble his debtors.NWAD TROUBLE.15
TROUBLE, n. trub’l. Disturbance of mind; agitation; commotion of spirits; perplexity; a word of very extensive application.
1. Affliction; calamity.NWAD TROUBLE.17
He shall deliver thee in six troubles. Job 5:19.NWAD TROUBLE.18
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. Psalm 25:22.NWAD TROUBLE.19
2. Molestation; inconvenience; annoyance.NWAD TROUBLE.20
Lest the fiend some new trouble raise.NWAD TROUBLE.21
3. Uneasiness; vexation.NWAD TROUBLE.22
4. That which gives disturbance, annoyance or vexation; that which afflicts.NWAD TROUBLE.23
TROUBLED, pp. trub’ld. Disturbed; agitated; afflicted; annoyed; molested.
TROUBLER, n. trub’ler. One who disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as a troubler of the peace.
The rich troublers of the world’s repose.NWAD TROUBLER.2
TROUBLESOME, a. trub’lsome. Giving trouble or disturbance; molesting; annoying; vexatious. In warm climates, insects are very troublesome.
1. Burdensome; tiresome; wearisome.NWAD TROUBLESOME.2
My mother will never be troublesome to me.NWAD TROUBLESOME.3
2. Giving inconvenience to. I wish not to be troublesome as a guest.NWAD TROUBLESOME.4
3. Teasing; importunate; as a troublesome applicant.NWAD TROUBLESOME.5
TROUBLESOMELY, adv. trub’lsomely. In a manner or degree to give trouble; vexatiously.
1. Vexatiousness; the quality of giving trouble or of molesting.NWAD TROUBLESOMENESS.2
2. Unseasonable intrusion; importunity.NWAD TROUBLESOMENESS.3
TROUBLE-STATE, n. A disturber of the community. [Not used.]
TROUBLING, ppr. trub’ling. Disturbing; agitating; molesting; annoying; afflicting.
TROUBLING, n. trub’ling. The act of disturbing or putting in commotion. John 5:4.
1. The act of afflicting.NWAD TROUBLING.3
TROUBLOUS, a. trub’lus. Agitated; tumultuous; full of commotion.
A tall ship toss’d in troublous seas.NWAD TROUBLOUS.2
1. Full of trouble or disorder; tumultuous; full of affliction.NWAD TROUBLOUS.3
The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Daniel 9:25.NWAD TROUBLOUS.4
1. A vessel hollow longitudinally, or a large log or piece of timber excavated longitudinally on the upper side; used for various purposes.NWAD TROUGH.2
2. A tray. [This is the same word dialectically altered.]NWAD TROUGH.3
3. A canoe; the rude boat of uncivilized men.NWAD TROUGH.4
4. The channel that conveys water, as in mills.NWAD TROUGH.5
The trough of the sea, the hollow between waves.NWAD TROUGH.6
TROUL, for troll. [See Troll.]
TROUNCE, v.t. trouns. To punish, or to beat severely. [A low word.]
TROUSE, n. trooz. [See Trowsers.] A kind of trowsers worn by children.
TROUT, n. [L. trutta.] A river fish of the genus Salmo, variegated with spots, and esteemed as most delicate food.
TROUT-COLORED, a. White with spots of black, bay or sorrel; as a trout-colored horse.
TROUT-FISHING, n. The fishing for trouts.
TROUT-STREAM, n. A stream in which trout bread.
TROVER, n. Trover is properly the finding of any thing. Hence,
1. In law, the gaining possession of any goods, whether by finding or by other means.NWAD TROVER.2
2. An action which a man has against another who has found or obtained possession of any of his goods, and who refuses to deliver them on demand. This is called an action of trover and conversion. In this case, the trover or finding is an immaterial fact, but the plaintiff must prove his own property, and the possession and conversion of the goods by the defendant.NWAD TROVER.3
TROW, v.i. To believe; to trust; to think or suppose.
TROW, is used in the imperative, as a word of inquiry. What means the fool, trow?
TROWEL, n. [L. trulla.]
1. A mason’s tool, used in spreading and dressing mortar, and breaking bricks to shape them.NWAD TROWEL.2
2. A gardener’s tool, somewhat like a trowel, made of iron and scooped; used in taking up plants and for other purposes.NWAD TROWEL.3
TROWSERS, n. plu. s as z. A loose garment worn by males, extending from the waist to the knee or to the ankle, and covering the lower limbs.
TROY, TROY-WEIGHT, n. The weight by which gold and silver, jewels, etc. are weighed. In this weight, 20 grains = a scruple, 3 scruples = a dram, 8 drams = an ounce, and 12 ounces = one pound.
TRUANT, a. Idle; wandering from business; loitering; as a truant boy.
While truant Jove, in infant price,NWAD TRUANT.2
Play’d barefoot on Olympus’side.NWAD TRUANT.3
TRUANT, n. An idler; an idle boy.
TRUANT, v.i. To idle away time; to loiter or be absent from employment.
TRUANTLY, adv. Like a truant; an idleness.
TRUANTSHIP, n. Idleness; neglect of employment.
TRUBS, n. An herb.
TRUBTAIL, n. A short squat woman.
1. In war, a suspension of arms by agreement of the commanders; a temporary cessation of hostilities, either for negotiation or other purpose.NWAD TRUCE.2
2. Intermission of action, pain or contest; temporary cessation; short quiet.NWAD TRUCE.3
There he may findNWAD TRUCE.4
Truce to his restless thoughts.NWAD TRUCE.5
TRUCE-BREAKER, n. [truce and breaker.] One who violates a truce, covenant or engagement. 2 Timothy 3:3.
TRUCHMAN, n. An interpreter. [See Dragoman.]
TRUCIDATION, n. [L. trucido, to kill.] The act of killing.
TRUCK, v.i. [L. trochus, a round thing; Eng. truck.] To exchange commodities; to barter. Our traders truck with the Indians, giving them whiskey and trinkets for skins. [Truck is now vulgar.]
TRUCK, v.t. To exchange; to give in exchange; to barter; as, to truck knives for gold dust. [Vulgar.]
TRUCK, n. Permutation; exchange of commodities; barter.
1. A small wooden wheel not bound with iron; a cylinder.NWAD TRUCK.4
2. A small wheel; hence trucks, a low carriage for carrying goods, stone, etc. Indeed this kind of carriage is often called a truck, in the singular.NWAD TRUCK.5
TRUCKAGE, n. The practice of bartering goods.
TRUCKER, n. One who traffics by exchange of goods.
TRUCKING, ppr. Exchanging goods; bartering.
TRUCKLE, n. A small wheel or caster.
TRUCKLE, v.i. [dim. of truck.] To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to submit; to creep. Small states must truckle to large ones.
Religion itself is forced to truckle with worldly policy.NWAD TRUCKLE.3
TRUCKLE-BED, n. [truckle and bed.] A bed that runs on wheels and may be pushed under another; a trundle-bed.
TRUCKLING, ppr. Yielding obsequiously to the will of another.
TRUCULENCE, n. [L. truculentia, from trux, fierce, savage.]
1. Savageness of manners; ferociousness.NWAD TRUCULENCE.2
2. Terribleness of countenance.NWAD TRUCULENCE.3
TRUCULENT, a. Fierce; savage; barbarous; as the truculent inhabitants of Scythia.
1. Of a ferocious aspect.NWAD TRUCULENT.2
2. Cruel; destructive; as a truculent plague.NWAD TRUCULENT.3
TRUDGE, v.i. To travel on foot. The father rode; the son trudged on behind.
1. To travel or march with labor.NWAD TRUDGE.2
--And trudg’d to Rome upon my naked feet.NWAD TRUDGE.3
1. Conformable to fact; being in accordance with the actual state of things; as a true relation or narration; a true history. A declaration is true, when it states the facts. In this sense, true is opposed to false.NWAD TRUE.2
2. Genuine; pure; real; not counterfeit, adulterated or false; as true balsam; the true bark; true love of country; a true christian.NWAD TRUE.3
--The true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. John 1:9.NWAD TRUE.4
3. Faithful; steady in adhering to friends, to promises, to a prince or to the state; loyal; not false, fickle or perfidious; as a true friend; a true lover; a man true to his king, true to his country, true to his word; a husband true to his wife; a wife true to her husband; a servant true to his master; an officer true to his charge.NWAD TRUE.5
4. Free from falsehood; as a true witness.NWAD TRUE.6
5. Honest; not fraudulent; as good men and true.NWAD TRUE.7
If king Edward be as true and just--NWAD TRUE.8
6. Exact; right to precision; conformable to a rule or pattern; as a true copy; a true likeness of the original.NWAD TRUE.9
7. Straight; right; as a true line; the true course of a ship.NWAD TRUE.10
8. Not false or pretended; real; as, Christ was the true Messiah.NWAD TRUE.11
9. Rightful; as, George IV is the true king of England.NWAD TRUE.12
TRUEBORN, a. [true and born.] Of genuine birth; having a right by birth to any title; as a true born Englishman.
TRUEBRED, a. [true and bred.] Of a genuine or right breed; as a truebred beast.
1. Being of genuine breeding or education; as a truebred gentleman.NWAD TRUEBRED.2
TRUEHEARTED, a. [true and heart.] Being of a faithful heart; honest; sincere; not faithless or deceitful; as a truehearted friend.
TRUEHEARTEDNESS, n. Fidelity; loyalty; sincerity.
TRUELOVE, n. [true and love.] One really beloved.
1. A plant, the herb Paris.NWAD TRUELOVE.2
TRUELOVE-KNOT, n. A knot composed of lines united with many involutions; the emblem of interwoven affection or engagements.
TRUENESS, n. Faithfulness; sincerity.
1. Reality; genuineness.NWAD TRUENESS.2
2. Exactness; as the trueness of a line.NWAD TRUENESS.3
TRUEPENNY, n. [true and penny.] A familiar phrase for an honest fellow.
TRUFFLE, n. A subterraneous vegetable production, or a kind of mushroom, of a fleshy fungous structure and roundish figure; an esculent substance, much esteemed. It is of the genus Tuber.
TRUFFLE-WORM, n. A worm found in truffles, the larva of a fly.
TRUG, n. A hod. This is our trough and tray; the original pronunciation being retained in some parts of England. The word was also used formerly for a measure of wheat, as much, I suppose as was carried in a trough; three trugs making two bushels.
TRUISM, n. [from true.] An undoubted or self-evident truth.
Trifling truisms clothed in great swelling words of vanity--NWAD TRUISM.2
TRULL, n. A low vagrant strumpet.
TRULLIZATION, n. [L. trullisso.] The laying of strata of plaster with a trowel.
TRULY, adv. [from true.] In fact; in deed; in reality.
1. According to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to see things truly; the facts are truly represented.NWAD TRULY.2
2. Sincerely; honestly; really; faithfully; as, to be truly attached to a lover. The citizens are truly loyal to their prince or their country.NWAD TRULY.3
3. Exactly; justly; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence.NWAD TRULY.4
1. A trumpet; a wind instrument of music; a poetical word used for trumpet. It is seldom used in prose, in common discourse; but is used in Scripture, where it seems peculiarly appropriate to the grandeur of the subject.NWAD TRUMP.2
At the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised. 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16.NWAD TRUMP.3
2. [contracted from triumph.] A winning card; one of the suit of cards which takes any of the other suits.NWAD TRUMP.4
3. An old game with cares.NWAD TRUMP.5
To put to the trumps,NWAD TRUMP.6
To put on the trumps, to reduce to the last expedient, or to the utmost exertion of power.NWAD TRUMP.7
TRUMP, v.i. To take with a trump card.
1. To obtrude; also, to deceive. [Not in use.]NWAD TRUMP.9
To trump up, to devise; to seek and collect from every quarter.NWAD TRUMP.10
TRUMP, v.i. To blow a trumpet.
TRUMPERY, n. Falsehood; empty talk.
1. Useless matter; things worn out and cast side.NWAD TRUMPERY.2
[This is the sense of the word in New England.]NWAD TRUMPERY.3
1. A wind instrument of music, used chiefly in war and military exercises. It is very useful also at sea, in speaking with ships. There is a speaking trumpet, and a hearing trumpet. They both consist of long tubular bodies, nearly in the form of a parabolic conoid, with wide mouths.NWAD TRUMPET.2
The trumpet’s loud clangorNWAD TRUMPET.3
Excites us to arms.NWAD TRUMPET.4
2. In the military style, a trumpeter.NWAD TRUMPET.5
He wisely desired that a trumpet might be first sent for a pass.NWAD TRUMPET.6
3. One who praises or propagates praise, or is the instrument or propagating it. A great politician was pleased to be the trumpet of his praises.NWAD TRUMPET.7
TRUMPET, v.t. To publish by sound of trumpet; also, to proclaim; as, to trumpet good tidings.
They did nothing but publish and trumpet all the reproaches they could devise against the Irish.NWAD TRUMPET.9
TRUMPETED, pp. Sounded abroad; proclaimed.
TRUMPETER, n. One who sounds a trumpet.
1. One who proclaims, publishes or denounces.NWAD TRUMPETER.2
These men are good trumpeters.NWAD TRUMPETER.3
2. A bird, a variety of the domestic pigeon. Also, a bird of South America, the agami, of the genus Psophia, about the size of the domestic fowl; so called from its uttering a hollow noise, like that of a trumpet.NWAD TRUMPETER.4
TRUMPET-FISH, n. A fish of the genus Centriscus, (C. scolopax;) called also the bellows fish.
TRUMPET-FLOWER, n. A flower of the genus Bignonia, and another of the genus Lonicera.
TRUMPETING, ppr. Blowing the trumpet; proclaiming.
TRUMPET-SHELL, n. The name of a genus of univalvular shells, of the form of a trumpet, (Buccinum, Linne.)
TRUMPET-TONGUED, a. Having a tongue vociferous as a trumpet.
TRUMPLIKE, a. Resembling a trumpet.
TRUNCATE, v.t. [L. trunco, to cut off.] To cut off; to lop; to maim.
TRUNCATE, a. In botany, appearing as if cut off at the tip; ending in a transverse line; as a truncate leaf.
TRUNCATED, pp. Cut off; cut short; maimed. A truncated cone is one whose vertex is cut off by a plane parallel to its base.
1. Appearing as if cut off; plane; having no edge; as a mineral substance.NWAD TRUNCATED.2
TRUNCATION, n. The act of lopping or cutting off.
TRUNCHEON, n. [L. truncus.] A short staff; a club; a cudgel; a battoon; used by kings and great officers as a mark of command.
The marshal’s truncheon nor the judge’s robe.NWAD TRUNCHEON.2
TRUNCHEON, v.t. To beat with a truncheon; to cudgel.
TRUNCHEONEER, n. A person armed with a truncheon.
1. To roll, as on little wheels; as, a bed trundles under another.NWAD TRUNDLE.2
2. To roll; as a bowl.NWAD TRUNDLE.3
TRUNDLE, v.t. To roll, as a thing on little wheels; as, to trundle a bed or a gun-carriage.
TRUNDLE, n. A round body; a little wheel, or a kind or low cart with small wooden wheels.
TRUNDLE-BED, n. A bed that is moved on trundles or little wheels; called also truckle-bed.
TRUNDLE-TAIL, n. A round tail; a dog so called from his tail.
TRUNK, n. [L. truncus, from trunco, to cut off.]
1. The stem or body of a tree, severed form its roots. This is the proper sense of the word. But surprising as it may seem, it is used most improperly to signify the stem of a standing tree or vegetable, in general.NWAD TRUNK.2
2. The body of an animal without the limbs.NWAD TRUNK.3
3. The main body of any thing; as the trunk of a vein or of an artery, as distinct from the branches.NWAD TRUNK.4
4. The snout or proboscis of an elephant; the limb or instrument with which he feeds himself.NWAD TRUNK.5
5. A slender, oblong, hollow body, joined to the fore part of the head of many insects by means of which they suck the blood of animals or the juices of vegetables.NWAD TRUNK.6
6. In architecture, the fust or shaft of a column.NWAD TRUNK.7
7. A long tube through which pellets of clay are blown.NWAD TRUNK.8
8. A box or chest covered with skin.NWAD TRUNK.9
Fire-trunks, in fire ships, wooden funnels fixed under the shrouds to convey or lead the flames to the masts and rigging.NWAD TRUNK.10
TRUNK, v.t. To lop off; to curtail; to truncate. [Not in use.]
TRUNKED, pp. Cut off; curtailed.
1. Having a trunk.NWAD TRUNKED.2
TRUNK-HOSE, n. [trunk and hose.] Large breeches formerly worn.
TRUNNION, n. The trunnions of a piece of ordnance, are two knobs which project from the opposite sides of a piece, whether gun, mortar or howitzer, and serve to support it on the cheeks of the carriage.
TRUNNION-PLATE, n. The trunnion plates are two plates in traveling carriages, mortars and howitzers, which cover the upper parts of the side-pieces, and go under the trunnions.
TRUNNION-RING, n. A ring on a cannon next before the trunnions.
TRUSION, n. tru’zhon. [L. trudo.] The act of pushing or thrusting.
1. In a general sense, a bundle; as a truss of hay or straw. A truss of hay in England is half a hundred. A truss of straw is of different weights in different places.NWAD TRUSS.2
2. In surgery, a bandage or apparatus used in cases of ruptures, to keep up the reduced parts and hinder further protrusion, and for other purposes.NWAD TRUSS.3
3. Among botanists, a truss or bunch is a tuft of flowers formed at the top of the main stalk or stem of certain plants.NWAD TRUSS.4
4. In navigation, a machine to pull a lower yard close to its mast and retain it firmly in that position.NWAD TRUSS.5
5. [See Trous.]NWAD TRUSS.6
TRUSS, v.t. To bind or pack close.
1. To skewer; to make fast.NWAD TRUSS.8
To truss up, to strain; to make close or tight.NWAD TRUSS.9
TRUSSED, pp. Packed or bound closely.
TRUSSING, ppr. Packing or binding closely.
1. Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.NWAD TRUST.2
He that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25.NWAD TRUST.3
2. He or that which is the ground of confidence.NWAD TRUST.4
O Lord God, thou art my trust from my youth. Psalm 71:5.NWAD TRUST.5
3. Charge received in confidence.NWAD TRUST.6
Reward them well, if they observe their trust.NWAD TRUST.7
4. That which is committed to one’s care. Never violate a sacred trust.NWAD TRUST.8
5. Confident opinion of any event.NWAD TRUST.9
His trust was with th’ Eternal to be deem’dNWAD TRUST.10
Equal in strength.NWAD TRUST.11
6. Credit given without examination; as, to take opinions on trust.NWAD TRUST.12
7. Credit on promise of payment, actual or implied; as, to take or purchase goods on trust.NWAD TRUST.13
8. Something committed to a person’s care for use or management, and for which an account must be rendered. Every man’s talents and advantages are a trust committed to him by his Maker, and for the use or employment of which he is accountable.NWAD TRUST.14
9. Confidence; special reliance on supposed honesty.NWAD TRUST.15
10. State of him to whom something is entrusted.NWAD TRUST.16
I serve him truly, that will put me in trust.NWAD TRUST.17
11. Care; management. 1 Timothy 6:20.NWAD TRUST.18
12. In law, an estate, devised or granted in confidence that the devisee or grantee shall convey it, or dispose of the profits, at the will of another; an estate held for the use of another.NWAD TRUST.19
TRUST, v.t. To place confidence in; to rely on. We cannot trust those who have deceived us.
He that trusts every one without reserve, will at last be deceived.NWAD TRUST.21
1. To believe; to credit.NWAD TRUST.22
Trust me, you look well.NWAD TRUST.23
2. To commit to the care of, in confidence. Trust your Maker with yourself and all your concerns.NWAD TRUST.24
3. To venture confidently.NWAD TRUST.25
Fool’d by thee, to trust thee from my side.NWAD TRUST.26
4. To give credit to; to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment. The merchants and manufacturers trust their customers annually with goods to the value of millions.NWAD TRUST.27
It is happier to be sometimes cheated, than not to trust.NWAD TRUST.28
TRUST, v.i. To be confident of something present or future.
I trust to come to you, and speak face to face. 2 John 12.NWAD TRUST.30
We trust we have a good conscience. Hebrews 13:18.NWAD TRUST.31
1. To be credulous; to be won to confidence.NWAD TRUST.32
Well, you may fear too far--NWAD TRUST.33
Safer than trust too far.NWAD TRUST.34
To trust in, to confide in; to place confidence in; to rely on; a use frequent in the Scriptures.NWAD TRUST.35
Trust in the Lord, and do good. Psalm 37:3.NWAD TRUST.36
They shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven images. Isaiah 42:17.NWAD TRUST.37
To trust to, to depend on; to have confidence in; to rely on.NWAD TRUST.38
The men of Israel--trusted to the liars in wait. Judges 20:36.NWAD TRUST.39
TRUSTED, pp. Confided in; relied on; depended on; applied to persons.
1. Sold on credit; as goods or property.NWAD TRUSTED.2
2. Delivered in confidence to the care of another; as letters or goods trusted to a carrier or bailee.NWAD TRUSTED.3
TRUSTEE, a. A person to whom any thing or business is committed, in confidence that he will discharge his duty. The trustee of an estate is one to whom it is devised or granted in trust, or for the use of another.
1. A person to whom is confided the management of an institution; as the trustees of a college or of an academy.NWAD TRUSTEE.2
TRUSTER, n. One who trusts or gives credit.
TRUSTILY, adv. [from trusty.] Faithfully; honestly; with fidelity.
TRUSTINESS, n. [from trusty.] That quality of a person by which he deserves the confidence of others; fidelity; faithfulness; honesty; as the trustiness of a servant.
TRUSTING, ppr. Confiding in; giving credit; relying on.