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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    UNAPOCRYPHAL, a. Not apocryphal; not of doubtful authority.

    UNAPPALLED, a. Not appalled; not daunted; not impressed with fear.

    With eyes erect and visage unappall’d.NWAD UNAPPALLED.2

    UNAPPARELED, a. Not appareled; not clothed.

    UNAPPARENT, a. Not apparent; obscure; not visible.

    UNAPPEALABLE, a. Not appealable; admitting no appeal; that cannot be carried to a high court by appeal; as an appealable cause.

    UNAPPEASABLE, a. s as z.

    1. Not to be appeased or pacified; as an unappeasable clamor.NWAD UNAPPEASABLE.2

    2. Not placable; as unappeasable wrath.NWAD UNAPPEASABLE.3

    UNAPPEASED, a. s as z. Not appeased; not pacified.

    UNAPPLIABLE, a. Inapplicable. [Little used.]

    UNAPPLICABLE, a. Inapplicable; that cannot be applied. [We now use inapplicable.]

    UNAPPLIED, a. Not applied; not used according to the destination; as unapplied funds.

    UNAPPOSITE, a. s as z. Not apposite; not suitable.

    UNAPPRECIATED, a. Not duly estimated or valued.


    1. Not apprehended; not taken.NWAD UNAPPREHENDED.2

    2. Not understood.NWAD UNAPPREHENDED.3

    UNAPPREHENSIBLE, a. Not capable of being understood.


    1. Not apprehensive; not fearful or suspecting.NWAD UNAPPREHENSIVE.2

    2. Not intelligent; not ready of conception.NWAD UNAPPREHENSIVE.3

    UNAPPRISED, a. s as z. Not apprised; not previously informed.

    UNAPPROACHABLE, a. That cannot be approached; inaccessible.

    UNAPPROACHABLENESS, n. Inaccessibleness.

    UNAPPROACHED, a. Not approached; not to be approached.


    1. Not appropriated; not applied or directed to be applied to any specific object; as money or funds.NWAD UNAPPROPRIATED.2

    2. Not granted or given to any person, company or corporation; as unappropriated lands.NWAD UNAPPROPRIATED.3

    UNAPPROVED, a. Not approved; not having received approbation.

    UNAPT, a.

    1. Not apt; not ready or propense.NWAD UNAPT.2

    A soldier, unapt to weep.NWAD UNAPT.3

    2. Dull; not ready to learn.NWAD UNAPT.4

    3. Unfit; not qualified; not disposed; with to, before a verb, and for, before a noun; as unapt to admit a conference with reason.NWAD UNAPT.5

    Unapt for noble, wise, spiritual employments.NWAD UNAPT.6

    4. Improper; unsuitable.NWAD UNAPT.7

    UNAPTLY, adv. Unfitly; improperly.


    1. Unfitness; unsuitableness.NWAD UNAPTNESS.2

    2. Dullness; want of quick apprehension.NWAD UNAPTNESS.3

    3. Unreadiness; disqualification; want of propension. The mind, by excess of exertion, gets an unaptness to vigorous attempts.NWAD UNAPTNESS.4

    UNARGUED, a.

    1. Not argued; not debated.NWAD UNARGUED.2

    2. Not disputed; not opposed by argument.NWAD UNARGUED.3

    3. Not censured; a Latinism. [Not used.]NWAD UNARGUED.4

    UNARM, v.t. To disarm; to strip of armor or arms. [Not used. See Disarm.]

    UNARMED, a.

    1. Not having an arms or armor; not equipped. Man is born unarmed. It is mean to attack even an enemy unarmed.NWAD UNARMED.2

    2. Not furnished with scales, prickles or other defense; as animals and plants.NWAD UNARMED.3

    UNARRAIGNED, a. Not arraigned; not brought to trial.

    UNARRANGED, a. Not arranged; not disposed in order.


    1. Not arrayed; not dressed.NWAD UNARRAYED.2

    2. Not disposed in order.NWAD UNARRAYED.3

    UNARRIVED, a. Not arrived. [Ill formed.]

    UNARTED, a. Ignorant of the arts. [Not in use.]

    UNARTFUL, a.

    1. Not artful; artless; not having cunning.NWAD UNARTFUL.2

    2. Wanting skill. [Little used.]NWAD UNARTFUL.3

    UNARTFULLY, adv. Without art; in an unartful manner.

    [In lieu of these words, artless and artlessly are generally used.]NWAD UNARTFULLY.2

    UNARTICULATED, a. Not articulated or distinctly pronounced.

    UNARTIFICIAL, a. Not artificial; not formed by art.

    UNARTIFICIALLY, adv. Not with art; in a manner contrary to art.

    UNASCENDIBLE, a. That cannot be ascended.

    UNASCERTAINABLE, a. That cannot be ascertained, or reduced to a certainty; that cannot be certainly known.

    The trustees are unascertainable.NWAD UNASCERTAINABLE.2

    UNASCERTAINED, a. Not reduced to a certainty; not certainly known.

    UNASKED, a.

    1. Not asked; unsolicited; as, to bestow favors unasked; that was an unasked favor.NWAD UNASKED.2

    2. Not sought by entreaty or care.NWAD UNASKED.3

    The bearded corn ensu’d from earth unask’d.NWAD UNASKED.4

    UNASPECTIVE, a. Not having a view to.

    UNASPIRATED, a. Having no aspirate.

    UNASPIRING, a. Not aspiring; not ambitious.

    UNASSAILABLE, a. Not assailable; that cannot be assaulted.

    UNASSAILED, a. Not assailed; not attacked by violence.

    To keep my life and honor unassail’d.NWAD UNASSAILED.2

    UNASSAULTED, a. Not assault’ed not attacked.


    1. Not essayed; not attempted. [We now use unessayed.]NWAD UNASSAYED.2

    2. Not subjected to assay or trial.NWAD UNASSAYED.3

    UNASSEMBLED, a. Not assembled or congregated.

    UNASSERTED, a. not asserted; not affirmed; not vindicated.

    UNASSESSED, a. Not assessed; not rated.

    UNASSIGNABLE, a. Not assignable; that cannot be transferred by assignment or indorsement.

    UNASSIGNED, a. Not assigned; not declared; not transferred.


    1. Not assimilated; not made to resemble.NWAD UNASSIMILATED.2

    2. In physiology, not formed or converted into a like substance; not animalized, as food.NWAD UNASSIMILATED.3

    UNASSISTED, a. Not assisted; not aided or helped; as unassisted reason.

    UNASSISTING, a. Giving no help.


    1. Not associated; not united with a society.NWAD UNASSOCIATED.2

    2. In Connecticut, not united with an association; as an unassociated church.NWAD UNASSOCIATED.3

    UNASSORTED, a. Not assorted; not distributed into sorts.

    UNASSUMING, a. Not assuming; not bold or forward; not making lofty pretensions; not arrogant; modest; as an unassuming youth; unassuming manners.

    UNASSURED, a. [See Sure.]

    1. Not assured; not confident; as an unassured countenance.NWAD UNASSURED.2

    2. Not to be trusted; as an unassured foe.NWAD UNASSURED.3

    3. Not insured against loss; as goods unassured.NWAD UNASSURED.4

    UNATONABLE, a. Not to be appeased; not to be reconciled.

    UNATONED, a. Not expiated.

    A brother’s blood yet unaton’d.NWAD UNATONED.2


    1. Not attached; not arrested.NWAD UNATTACHED.2

    2. Not closely adhering; having no fixed interest; as unattached to any party.NWAD UNATTACHED.3

    3. Not united by affection.NWAD UNATTACHED.4

    UNATTACKED, a. Not attacked; not assaulted.

    UNATTAINABLE, a. Not to be gained or obtained; as unattainable good.

    UNATTAINABLENESS, n. The state of being beyond the reach or power.

    UNATTAINTED, a. Not attainted; not corrupted.

    UNATTEMPERED, a. Not tempered by mixture.

    UNATTEMPTED, a. Not attempted; not tried; not essayed.

    Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.NWAD UNATTEMPTED.2


    1. Not attended; not accompanied; having no retinue or attendance.NWAD UNATTENDED.2

    2. Forsaken.NWAD UNATTENDED.3

    3. Not medically attended; not dressed; as unattended wounds.NWAD UNATTENDED.4

    UNATTENDING, a. Not attending or listening; not being attentive.

    Ill is lost that praise that is address’d to unattending ears.NWAD UNATTENDING.2

    UNATTENTIVE, a. Not regarding; inattentive. [The latter word is now used.]

    UNATTESTED, a. Not attested; having no attestation.

    UNATTIRED, a. Not attired; not adorned.

    UNATTRACTED, a. Not attracted; not affected by attraction.

    UNAUGMENTED, a. Not augmented or increased; in grammar, having no augment, or additional syllable.

    UNAUTHENTIC, a. Not authentic; not genuine or true.

    UNAUTHENTICATED, a. Not authenticated; not made certain by authority.

    UNAUTHORIZED, a. Not authorized; not warranted by proper authority; not duly commissioned.

    UNAVAILABLE, a. Not available; not having sufficient power to produce the intended effect; not effectual; vain; useless.

    UNAVAILABLENESS, n. Inefficacy; uselessness.

    UNAVAILING, a. Not having the effect desired; ineffectual; useless; vain; as unavailing efforts; unavailing prayers.


    1. Not avenged; not having obtained satisfaction; as, a person is unavenged.NWAD UNAVENGED.2

    2. Not punished; as, a crime is unavenged.NWAD UNAVENGED.3

    UNAVERTED, a. Not averted; not turned away.


    1. That cannot be made null or void.NWAD UNAVOIDABLE.2

    2. Not avoidable; not to be shunned; inevitable; as unavoidable evils.NWAD UNAVOIDABLE.3

    3. Not to be missed in ratiocination.NWAD UNAVOIDABLE.4

    UNAVOIDABLENESS, n. That state of being unavoidable; inevitableness.

    UNAVOIDABLY, adv. Inevitably; in a manner that prevents failure or escape.


    1. Not avoided or shunned.NWAD UNAVOIDED.2

    2. Inevitable. [Not legitimate.]NWAD UNAVOIDED.3

    UNAVOWED, a. Not avowed; not acknowledged; not owned; not confessed.


    1. Not awakened; not roused from sleep.NWAD UNAWAKED.2

    2. Not roused from spiritual slumber or stupidity.NWAD UNAWAKED.3

    UNAWARE, a. Without thought, inattentive.


    1. Suddenly; unexpectedly; without previous preparation. The evil came upon us unawares.NWAD UNAWARE.3

    2. Without premeditated design. He killed the man unawares.NWAD UNAWARE.4

    At unawares, unexpectedly.NWAD UNAWARE.5

    He breaks at unawares upon our walks.NWAD UNAWARE.6

    UNAWED, a. Not awed; not restrained by fear; undaunted.

    UNBACKED, a.

    1. Not having been backed; as an unbacked colt.NWAD UNBACKED.2

    2. Not tamed; not taught to bear a riderNWAD UNBACKED.3

    3. Unsupported; left without aid.NWAD UNBACKED.4

    UNBAKED, a. Not baked.


    1. Not balanced; not poised; not in equipoise.NWAD UNBALANCED.2

    Let earth unbalanc’d from her orbit fly.NWAD UNBALANCED.3

    2. Not adjusted; not settled; not brought to an equality of debt and credit; as an unbalanced account.NWAD UNBALANCED.4

    3. Not restrained by equal power; as unbalanced parties.NWAD UNBALANCED.5

    UNBALLAST, v.i. To free from ballast; to discharge the ballast from.


    1. Freed from ballast.NWAD UNBALLASTED.2

    2. a. Not furnished with ballast; not kept steady by ballast or by weight; unsteady; as unballasted wits.NWAD UNBALLASTED.3

    “Unballast vessel,” for unballasted, in Addison, is an unauthorized phrase.NWAD UNBALLASTED.4

    UNBANDED, a. Stripped of a band; having no band.

    UNBANNERED, a. Having no banner.

    UNBAPTIZED, a. Not baptized.

    UNBAR, v.t. To remove a bar or bars from; to unfasten; to open; as, to unbar a gate.

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