WELTERING, ppr. Rolling; wallowing; as in mire, blood, or other filthy matter.
WEM, n. A spot; a scar.
WEM, v.t. To corrupt.
WEN, n. An encysted swelling or tumor; also, a fleshy excrescence growing on animals, sometimes to a large size.
1. A young woman. [Little used.]NWAD WENCH.2
2. A young woman of ill fame.NWAD WENCH.3
3. In America, a black or colored female servant; a negress.NWAD WENCH.4
WENCH, v.i. To frequent the company of women of ill fame.
WENCHER, n. A lewd man.
WENCHING, ppr. Frequenting women of ill fame.
1. To go; to pass to or from. [Obsolete, except in poetry; but its preterit, went, is in common use.]NWAD WEND.2
2. To turn round. [Wend and wind are from the same root.]NWAD WEND.3
WENNEL, n. A weanel. [See Weanel.]
WENNISH, WENNY, a. [from wen.] Having the nature of a wen.
WENT, pret. of the obsolete verb wend. We now arrange went in grammar as the preterit of go, but in origin it has no connection with it.
WEPT, pret. and pp. of weep.
When he had come near, he beheld the city and wept over it. Luke 19:41.NWAD WEPT.2
WERE, pron. er, which when prolonged, becomes ware. This is used as the imperfect tense plural of be; we were, you were, they were; and in some other tenses. It is the Danish verb vaerer, to be, to exist, and in origin has no connection with be, nor with was. It is united with be, to supply its want of tenses, as went is with go.
WERE, n. A dam. [See Wear.]
WEREGILD, n. Formerly, the price of a man’s head; a compensation paid for a man killed, partly to the king for the loss of a subject, and partly tot he lord of the vassal, and partly to the next of kin. It was paid by the murderer.
WERNERIAN, a. Pertaining to Werner, the German mineralogist, who arranged minerals in classes, etc. according to their external characters.
WERNERITE, n. A mineral, regarded by Werener as a subspecies of scapolite; called foliated scapolite. It is named from that distinguished mineralogist, Werner. It is found massive, and crystalized in octahedral prisms with four sided pyramidical terminations, disseminated in rocks or grayish or red feldspar. It is imperfectly lamellar, of a greenish, grayish, or olive green color, with a pearly or resinous luster. It is softer than feldspar, and melts into a white enamel.
WERT, the second person singular of the subjunctive imperfect tense of be. [See Were.]
Werth, worth, in names, signifies a farm, court or village.NWAD WERT.2
WESIL, for weasand. [Not in use.]
WEST, n. [L., a decline or fall, departure. In elements, it coincides with waste.]
1. In strictness, that point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinox, or any point in a direct line between the spectator or other object, and that point of the horizon; or west is the intersection of the prime vertical with the horizon, on that side where the sun sets. West is directly opposite to east, and one of the cardinal points. In a less strict sense, west is the region of the hemisphere near the point where the sun sets when in the equator. Thus we say, a star sets in the west, a meteor appears in the west, a cloud rises in the west.NWAD WEST.2
2. A country situated in the region towards the sun-setting, with respect to another. Thus in the United States, the inhabitants of the Atlantic states speak of the inhabitants of Ohio, Kentucky or Missouri, and call them people of the west; and formerly, the empire of Rome was called the empire of the West, in opposition to the empire of the East, the seat of which was Constantinople.NWAD WEST.3
WEST, a.
1. Being in a line towards the point where the sun sets when in the equator; or in a looser sense, being in the region near the line of direction towards that point, either on the earth or in the heavens.NWAD WEST.5
This shall be your west border. Numbers 34:6.NWAD WEST.6
2. Coming or moving from the west or western region; as a west wind.NWAD WEST.7
WEST, adv. To the western region; at the westward; more westward; as, Ireland lies west of England.
WEST, v.i. To pass to the west; to set, as the sun. [Not in use.]
WESTERING, a. Passing to the west. [I believe not now used.]
1. Being towards the west; situated in the western region; as the westerly parts of England.NWAD WESTERLY.2
2. Moving from the westward; as a westerly wind.NWAD WESTERLY.3
WESTERLY, adv. Tending, going or moving towards the west; as a man traveling westerly.
1. Being in the west, or int he region nearly in the direction of west; being in that quarter where the sun sets; as the western shore of France; the western ocean.NWAD WESTERN.2
2. Moving in a line to the part where the sun sets; as, the ship makes a western course.NWAD WESTERN.3
WESTING, n. Space or distance westward; or departure; as the westing and southing of a ship.
WESTWARD, adv. [L.] Towards the west; as, to ride or sail westward.
WESTWARDLY, adv. In a direction towards the west; as, to pass westwardly.
WET, a. [Gr., L.]
1. Containing water, as wet land, or a wet cloth; or having water or other liquid upon the surface, as a wet table. Wet implies more water or liquid than moist or humid.NWAD WET.2
2. Rainy; as wet weather; a wet season.NWAD WET.3
WET, n.
1. Water or wetness; moisture or humidity in considerable degree. Wear thick shoes or pattens to keep your feet from the wet.NWAD WET.5
2. Rainy weather; foggy or misty weather.NWAD WET.6
WET, v.t. pret. and pp. wet. But wetted is sometimes used.
1. To fill or moisten with water or other liquid; to sprinkle or humectate; to cause to have water or other fluid adherent to the surface; to dip or soak in liquor; as, to wet a spunge; to wet the hands; to wet cloth.NWAD WET.8
Wet the thirsty earth with falling showrs.NWAD WET.9
2. To moisten with drink.NWAD WET.10
WETHER, n. A ram castrated.
1. The state of being wet, either by being soaked or filled with liquor, or by having a liquid adherent to the surface; as the wetness of land; the wetness of a cloth. It implies more water or liquid than humidness or moisture.NWAD WETNESS.2
2. A watery or moist state of the atmosphere; a state of being rainy, foggy or misty; as the wetness of weather or the season.NWAD WETNESS.3
WETTISH, a. Somewhat wet; moist; humid.
WEX, v.t. or i. To grow; to wax. [Not to be used.] [See Wax.]
WEZAND, for weasand. [See the latter.] [Note--In words beginning with wh, the letter h, or aspirate, when both letters are pronounced, precedes the sound of w. Thus what, when, are pronounced hwat, hwen. So they were written by our ancestors, and so they ought to be written still, as they are by the Danes and Swedes.]
WHACK, v.t. To strike. This is probably the primary word on which is formed thwack. [See Twit.] Whack is a vulgar word.
WHALE, n. [G., to stir, agitate or rove.] The general name of an order of animals inhabiting the ocean, arranged in zoology under the name of Cete or Cetacea, and belonging to the class Mammalia in the Linnean system. The common whale is of the genus Balaena. It is the largest animal of which we have any account, and probably the largest in the world. It is sometimes ninety feet in length in the northern seas, and in the torrid zone much larger. The whale furnishes us with oil, whalebone, etc. [See Cachalot.]
WHALEBONE, n. [whale and bone.] A firm elastic substance taken from the upper jaw of the whale, used as a stiffening in stays, fans, screens, etc.
WHALE-FISHERY, n. The fishery or occupation of taking whales.
WHALY, a. Marked with streaks; properly wealy.
WHAME, n. A species of fly, tabanus, the burrel fly, that annoys horses.
WHANG, n. A lether thong. [Not in use.]
WHANG, v.t. To beat. [Not in use or local.]
WHAP, n. A blow. [Vulgar.] [See Awhape.]
WHAPPER, n. Something uncommonly large of the kind. So thumper is connected with thump, to strike with a heavy blow. [Vulgar.]
WHARF, n. A perpendicular bank or mound or timber or stone and earth, raised on the shore of a harbor, or extending some distance into the water, for the convenience of lading and unlading ships and other vessels. This name is also given to the wider part of a canal, where boats lie while loading and unloading. The two longest wharfs in New England are at Boston and at New Haven. The latter is much the longest, extending into the harbor about three quarter of a mile.
WHARF, v.t. To guard or secure by a wharf or firm wall of timber or stone; as, the western bank of the Connecticut is wharfed at Hartford, to prevent the river from wearing away the land.
WHARFAGE, n. The fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods, timber, wood, etc.
WHARFING, n. Wharfs in general.
WHARFINGER, n. A man who has the care of a wharf, or the proprietor of a wharf.
WHAT, pronoun relative or substitute. [G., L. See Wight.]
1. That which. Say what you will, is the same as say that which you will.NWAD WHAT.2
2. Which part. Consider what is due to nature, and what to art or labor.NWAD WHAT.3
3. What is the substitute for a sentence or clause of a sentence. I tell thee what, corporal, I could tear her. Here what relates to the last clause, I could tear her; this is what I tell you.NWAD WHAT.4
4. What is used as an adjective, of both genders, often in specifying sorts or particulars. See what colors this silk exhibits. I know what qualities you desire in a friend; that is, I know the qualities which you desire.NWAD WHAT.5
5. What is much used in asking questions. What sort of character is this? What poem is this? What man is this we see coming?NWAD WHAT.6
6. What time, at the time or on the day when.NWAD WHAT.7
What time the morn mysterious visions brings.NWAD WHAT.8
7. To how great a degree.NWAD WHAT.9
What a partial judges are our love and hate!NWAD WHAT.10
8. Whatever.NWAD WHAT.11
Whether it was the shortness of his foresight, the strength of his will--or what it was--NWAD WHAT.12
9. Some part, or some. The year before, he had so used the matter, that what by force, what by policy, he had taken from the Christians above thirty castles; that is, he had taken above thirty castles; that is, he had taken above thirty castles, a part or some by force, a part or some by policy; or what may be interpreted partly. Sometimes what has no verb to govern it, and it must be considered as adverbially used. What with carrying apples and fuel, he finds himself in a hurry; that is, partly, in part.NWAD WHAT.13
10. What is sometimes used elliptically for what is this, or how is this?NWAD WHAT.14
What! Could ye not watch with me one hour? Matthew 26:40.NWAD WHAT.15
11. What is used interrogatively and elliptically, as equivalent to what will be the consequence? What will follow? As in the phrase, what if I undertake this business myself?NWAD WHAT.16
What though, that is, grant this or that; allow it to be so.NWAD WHAT.17
What ho, an exclamation of calling.NWAD WHAT.18
WHAT, n. Fare; things; matter. [Not in use.]
WHATEVER, pron. [what and ever.]
1. Being this or that; being of one nature or another; being one thing or another; any thing that may be. Whatever is read, let it be read with attention. Whatever measure may be adopted, let it be with due caution. Whatever you do, let it be done with prudence.NWAD WHATEVER.2
2. All that; the whole that; all particulars that.NWAD WHATEVER.3
At once came forth whatever creeps.NWAD WHATEVER.4
WHATSOEVER, a compound of what, so, and ever, has the sense of whatever, and is less used than the latter. Indeed it is nearly obsolete. Whatso, in a like sense, is entirely obsolete.
WHEAL, n. A pustule. [See Weal.]
WHEAT, n. [G.] A plant of the genus Triticum, and the seed of the plant, which furnishes a white flour for bread, and next to rice, is the grain most generally used by the human race. Of this grain the varieties are numerous, as red wheat, white wheat, bald wheat, bearded wheat, winter wheat, summer wheat, etc.
WHEAT-BIRD, n. A bird that feeds on wheat.
WHEAT-EAR, n. The English name of the Motacilla aenanthe; called also white-tail and fallow-finch.
WHEATEN, a. Hweetn. Made of wheat; as wheaten bread.
WHEEDLE, v.t. [Gr.] To flatter; to entice by soft words.
To learn th unlucky art of wheeling fools.NWAD WHEEDLE.2
WHEEDLE, v.i. To flatter; to coax.
WHEEDLED, pp. Flattered; enticed; coaxed.
WHEEDLING, ppr. Flattering; enticing by soft words.
WHEEDLING, n. The act of flattering or enticing.
1. A circular frame of wood, iron or other metal, consisting of a nave or hub, into which are inserted spokes which sustain a rim or felly; the whole turning on an axis. The name is also given to a solid circular or round piece of wood or metal, which revolves on an axis. The wheel and axle constitute one of the mechanical powers.NWAD WHEEL.2
2. A circular body.NWAD WHEEL.3
3. A carriage that moves on wheels.NWAD WHEEL.4
4. An instrument for torturing criminals; as an examination made by the rack and the wheel.NWAD WHEEL.5
5. A machine for spinning thread, of various kinds.NWAD WHEEL.6
6. Rotation; revolution; turn; as the vicissitude and wheel of things.NWAD WHEEL.7
7. A turning about; a compass.NWAD WHEEL.8
He throws his flight in many an airy wheel.NWAD WHEEL.9
8. In pottery, a round board turned by a lathe in a horizontal position, on which the clay is shaped by the hand.NWAD WHEEL.10
WHEEL-ANIMAL, n. A genus of animalcules, with arms for taking their prey, resembling wheels.
WHEEL-BARROW, n. [wheel and barrow.] A barrow moved on a single wheel.
WHEEL-BOAT, n. [wheel and boat.] A boat with wheels, to be used either on water or upon inclined planes or rail-ways.
WHEEL-CARRIAGE, n. [wheel and carriage.] A carriage moved on wheels.
WHEELER, n. A maker of wheels.
WHEEL-FIRE, n. [wheel and fire.] In chemistry, a fire which encompasses the crucible without touching it.
WHEEL-SHAPED, a. [wheel and shape.] In botany, rotate; monopetalous, expanding into a flat border at top, with scarcely any tube; as a wheel-shaped corol.
WHEEL-WRIGHT, n. [wheel and wright.] A man whose occupation is to make wheels and wheel-carriages, as carts and wagons.
WHEEL, v.t.
1. To convey on wheels; as, to wheel a load of hay or wood.NWAD WHEEL.2
2. To put into a rotary motion; to cause to turn round.NWAD WHEEL.3
WHEEL, v.i.
1. To turn on an axis.NWAD WHEEL.5
2. To turn; to move round; as, a body of troops wheel to the right or left.NWAD WHEEL.6
3. To fetch a compass.NWAD WHEEL.7
Then wheeling down the steep of heavn he flies.NWAD WHEEL.8
4. To roll forward.NWAD WHEEL.9
Must wheel on th earth, devouring where it rolls.NWAD WHEEL.10
WHEELED, pp. Conveyed on wheels; turned; rolled round.
WHEELING, ppr. Conveying on wheels or in a wheel-carriage; turning.
1. The act of conveying on wheels.NWAD WHEELING.3
2. The act of passing on wheels, or convenience for passing on wheels. We say, it is good wheeling, or bad wheeling, according to the state of the roads.NWAD WHEELING.4
3. A turning or circular movement of troops embodied.NWAD WHEELING.5
WHEELY, a. Circular; suitable to rotation.
WHEEZE, v.i. [L.] To breathe hard and with an audible sound, as persons affected with asthma.
WHEEZING, ppr. Breathing with difficulty and noise.
1. A wrinkle; inequality on the surface; protuberance; a pustule. [See Welk and Weal.]NWAD WHELK.2
2. A shell of the genus Bussinum, or trumpetshell, univalvular, spiral and gibbous, with an oval aperture ending in a short canal or gutter.NWAD WHELK.3
WHELKY, a. Protuberant; embossed; rounded.
1. To cover with water or other fluid; to cover by immersion in something that envelops on all sides; as, to whelm a person or a company in the seas; to whelm a caravan in sand or dust.NWAD WHELM.2
2. To cover completely; to immerse deeply; to overburden; as, to whelm one in sorrows.NWAD WHELM.3
3. To throw over so as to cover. [Not used.]NWAD WHELM.4
WHELMED, pp. Covered, as by being plunged or immersed.
WHELMING, ppr. Covering, as by immersion.
1. The young of the canine species, and of several other beasts of prey; a puppy; a cub; as a bear robbed of her whelps; lions whelps.NWAD WHELP.2
2. A son; in contempt.NWAD WHELP.3
3. A young man; in contempt.NWAD WHELP.4
WHELP, v.i. To bring forth young, as the female of the canine species and some other beasts of prey.
WHEN, adv. [G., L.]
1. At the time. We were present when General LaFayette embarked at Havre for New York.NWAD WHEN.2
2. At what time, interrogatively.NWAD WHEN.3
When shall these things be? Matthew 24:3.NWAD WHEN.4
3. Which time.NWAD WHEN.5
I was adopted heir by his consent; since when, his oath is broke.NWAD WHEN.6
4. After the time that. When the act is passed, the public will be satisfied.NWAD WHEN.7
5. At what time.NWAD WHEN.8
Kings may take their advantage, when and how they list.NWAD WHEN.9
When as, at the time when; what time.NWAD WHEN.10
When as sacred light began to dawn.NWAD WHEN.11
1. From what place.NWAD WHENCE.2
Whence and what art thou?NWAD WHENCE.3
2. From what source. Whence shall we derive hope? Whence comes this honor?NWAD WHENCE.4
Whence hath this man this wisdom? Matthew 13:54.NWAD WHENCE.5
3. From which premises, principles or facts. These facts or principles are admitted, whence it follows, that judgment must be entered for the plaintiff.NWAD WHENCE.6
4. How; by what way or means. Mark 12:37.NWAD WHENCE.7
5. In general, from which person, cause, place, principle or circumstance.NWAD WHENCE.8
From whence may be considered as tautological, from being implied in whence; but the use is well authorized, and in some cases the use of it seems to give force or beauty to the phrase. We ascended the mountain, from whence we took a view of the beautiful plains below.NWAD WHENCE.9
Of whence is not now used.NWAD WHENCE.10
WHENCESOEVER, adv. [whence, so, and ever.] From what place soever; from what cause or source soever.
Any idea, whencesoever we have it--NWAD WHENCESOEVER.2
WHENCEVER. [See Whensoever.]
WHENEVER, adv. [when and ever.] At whatever time. Whenever you come, you will be kindly received.
WHENSOEVER, adv. [when, so, and ever.] At what time soever; at whatever time.
1. At which place or places.NWAD WHERE.2
She visited the place where first she was so happy--NWAD WHERE.3
In all places where I record my name, I will come to thee and I will bless thee. Exodus 20:24.NWAD WHERE.4
2. At or in what place.NWAD WHERE.5
Adam, where art thou? Genesis 3:9.NWAD WHERE.6
3. At the place in which.NWAD WHERE.7
Where I though the remnant of my age should have been cherishd by her child-like duty.NWAD WHERE.8
4. Whither; to what place, or from what place. Where are you going? Where are you from? [These uses of where are common, and the first cannot be condemned as vulgar.]NWAD WHERE.9
Any where, in any place. I sought the man, but could not find him any where.NWAD WHERE.10
[Note. Where seems to have been originally a noun, and was so used by Spenser. He shall find no where safe to him. In this sense, it is obsolete; yet it implies place, its original signification.]NWAD WHERE.11
WHEREABOUT, adv. [where and about.]
1. Near what place. Whereabout did you meet your friend?NWAD WHEREABOUT.2
2. Near which place.NWAD WHEREABOUT.3
3. Concerning which.NWAD WHEREABOUT.4
The object whereabout they are conversant.NWAD WHEREABOUT.5
WHEREAS, adv. s as z. [where and as.]
1. When in fact or truth, implying opposition to something that precedes.NWAD WHEREAS.2
Are not those found to be the greatest zealots, who are most notoriously ignorant? Whereas true zeal should always begin with true knowledge.NWAD WHEREAS.3
2. The thing being so that; considering that things are so; implying an admission of facts, sometimes followed by a different statement, and sometimes by inferences or something consequent, as in the law style, where a preamble introduces a law.NWAD WHEREAS.4
Whereas wars are generally causes of poverty--NWAD WHEREAS.5
3. Whereat; at which place.NWAD WHEREAS.6
4. But on the contrary. [See No. 1.]NWAD WHEREAS.7
WHEREAT, adv. [where and at.]
1. At which.NWAD WHEREAT.2
Whereat he was no less angry and ashamed, than desirous to obey Zelmane.NWAD WHEREAT.3
2. At what, interrogatively. Whereat are you offended?NWAD WHEREAT.4
WHEREBY, adv. [where and by.]
1. By which.NWAD WHEREBY.2
You take my life, when you do take the means whereby I live.NWAD WHEREBY.3
2. By what, interrogatively.NWAD WHEREBY.4
Whereby shall I know this? Luke 1:18.NWAD WHEREBY.5
WHEREFORE, adv. [where and for.]
1. For which reason.NWAD WHEREFORE.2
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20.NWAD WHEREFORE.3
2. Why; for what reason.NWAD WHEREFORE.4
Wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31.NWAD WHEREFORE.5
WHEREIN, adv. [where and in.]
1. In which; in which thing, time, respect, book, etc. This is the thing wherein you have erred.NWAD WHEREIN.2
2. In what.NWAD WHEREIN.3
Yet ye say, wherein have we wearied him? Malachi 2:17.NWAD WHEREIN.4
WHEREINTO, adv. [where and into.] Into which.
WHERENESS, n. Ubiety; imperfect locality.
A point hath no dimensions, but only a whereness, and is next to nothing.NWAD WHERENESS.2
[This word is not used, nor has it any intelligible signification.]NWAD WHERENESS.3
WHEREOF, adv. [where and of.]
1. Of which. We are not guilty of the crime whereof we are accused.NWAD WHEREOF.2
2. Of what. Whereof was this house built?NWAD WHEREOF.3
How this world, when and whereof created--NWAD WHEREOF.4
WHEREON, adv. [where and on.]
1. On which; as the ground whereon we tread.NWAD WHEREON.2
2. On what. Whereon do we stand?NWAD WHEREON.3
WHERESO, adv. [See Wheresoever.]
WHERESOEVER, adv. [where, so, and ever.] In what place soever; in whatever place, or in any place indefinitely. Seize the thief, wheresoever he may be found. [Wherever is the preferable word.]
WHERETHROUGH, through which, is not in use.
WHERETO, adv. [where and to.]
1. To which.NWAD WHERETO.2
Whereto we have already attained-- Philippians 3:16.NWAD WHERETO.3
2. To what; to what end. [Little used.]NWAD WHERETO.4
WHEREUNTO, adv. [where and unto.] The same as whereto. [Little used.]
The townsmen mutinied and sent to Essex, whereupon he came thither.NWAD WHEREUPON.2
WHEREEVER, adv. [where and ever.] At whatever place.
He cannot but love virtue, wherever it is.NWAD WHEREEVER.2
WHEREWITH, adv. [where an with.]
1. With which.NWAD WHEREWITH.2
The love wherewith thou hast loved me. John 17:26.NWAD WHEREWITH.3
2. With what, interrogatively.NWAD WHEREWITH.4
Wherewith shall I save Israel? Judges 6:15.NWAD WHEREWITH.5