Promise to the Faithful Steward
It means much to sow beside all waters. It means a continual imparting of gifts and offerings. God will furnish facilities so that the faithful steward of His entrusted means shall be supplied with a sufficiency in all things, and be enabled to abound to every good work. “As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; He hath given to the poor: His righteousness remaineth forever. Now He that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:9, 10. The seed sown with full, liberal hand, is taken charge of by the Lord. He who ministers seed to the sower gives His worker that which enables him to cooperate with the Giver of the seed.—Testimonies for the Church 9:132.CS 129.4