Gospel Workers (1892/1893 ed.)
- Contents- Preface
- Ambassadors for Christ
- Consecration to the Work
- The Need of Preaching Christ
- Labor in New Fields
- Pastoral Labor
- Faithfulness in Reproving Sin
- Compassion for the Erring
- Decision and Promptness in the Work of God
- Thoroughness in the Work
- Division of Labor
- A Personal Faith in Christ Our Greatest Need
- Meditation and Prayer
- Answers to Prayer
- The Cause of Doubts
- Danger in Cherishing Doubts
- The Importance of Bible Study
- How Shall We Search the Scriptures?
- Examination for the Ministry
- Young Ministers
- Manner of Speaking
- Danger in Overwork
- Order and Discipline
- Carefulness in Dress
- Physical Labor and Mental Activity
- Our Duty to Preserve Health
- Discussions Not to be Sought
- Engaging in Secular Business
- Proper Remuneration for Ministers
- Danger in Self-Confidence
- Respect for the Sabbath
- The Minister's Wife
- Labor at Camp-Meetings
- Popular Holiness Meetings
- Business Meetings
- Co-Operation Among the Churches
- Education for the Missionary Work
- Young Men as Missionaries
- Methods of Labor
- Christ Our Source of Strength
- Love is Power
- No Respect of Persons With God
- Christ's Example a Rebuke to Bigotry and Exclusiveness
- The Danger of Formalism
- Personal Effort
- Bible Readings with Families
- The Work of the Colporteur
- Importance of the Canvassing Work
- Cautions to Canvassers
- Economy in Mission Work
- Encouraging Words to the Workers
- Christ Our Righteousness
- Christian Deportment and Influence
- Trust in God
- Effectual Prayer
- Are We in the Faith?
- Christ's Followers the Light of the World
- Courage in the Lord
- Love Among Brethren
- Humility and Faithfulness in Laborers
- Diligence and Consecration Needed
- Our Mighty Helper
- Consistency in the Christian Life
- Duties and Privileges of the Christian Laborer