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Counsels on Diet and Foods

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    Chapter 18—Fruits, Cereals, and Vegetables

    Part 1—Fruits

    A Blessing in Fresh Fruits

    464. I am so thankful to God that when Adam lost his Eden home, the Lord did not cut off the supply of fruit.—Letter 157, 1900CD 309.1

    465. The Lord desires those living in countries where fresh fruit can be obtained during a large part of the year, to awake to the blessing they have in this fruit. The more we depend upon the fresh fruit just as it is plucked from the tree, the greater will be the blessing.—Testimonies for the Church 7:126, 1902CD 309.2

    466. It would be well for us to do less cooking and to eat more fruit in its natural state. Let us teach the people to eat freely of the fresh grapes, apples, peaches, pears, berries, and all other kinds of fruit that can be obtained. Let these be prepared for winter use by canning, using glass, as far as possible, instead of tin.—Testimonies for the Church 7:134, 1902CD 309.3

    [Fruit Is Excellent Food, Saves Much Cooking—546]

    467. For a dyspeptic stomach, you may place upon your tables fruits of different kinds, but not too many at one meal.—Testimonies for the Church 2:373, 1870CD 309.4

    468. Fruit we would especially recommend as a health-giving agency. But even fruit should not be eaten after a full meal of other foods.—Manuscript 43, 1908CD 309.5

    469. Nicely prepared vegetables and fruits in their season will be beneficial, if they are of the best quality, not showing the slightest sign of decay, but are sound and unaffected by any disease or decay. More die by eating decayed fruit and decayed vegetables which ferment in the stomach and result in blood poisoning, than we have any idea of.—Letter 12, 1887CD 309.6

    470. A plain, simple, but liberal supply of fruit is the best food that can be placed before those who are preparing for the work of God.—Letter 103, 1896CD 310.1

    [Fruits and Grains, Food for Those Preparing for Translation- 488, 515]

    A Part of an Adequate Diet

    471. Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.—The Ministry of Healing, 296, 1905CD 310.2

    [Fruits, Grains, Vegetables with Milk and Cream, The Most Healthful Diet—487]

    [Vegetables on E. G. White's table—Appendix 1:4, 8, 15]

    472. In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements that we need. If we will come to the Lord in simplicity of mind, He will teach us how to prepare wholesome food free from the taint of flesh meat.—Manuscript 27, 1906CD 310.3

    [Fruit a Part of the Adequate Diet—483, 486, 513]

    [Nature's Ample Supply of Fruits, Nuts, and Grains—485]

    [Fruit a Constituent of Health Foods—399, 400, 403, 404, 407, 810]

    A Temporary Fruit Diet

    473. Intemperate eating is often the cause of sickness, and what nature most needs is to be relieved of the undue burden that has been placed upon her. In many cases of sickness, the very best remedy is for the patient to fast for a meal or two, that the overworked organs of digestion may have an opportunity to rest. A fruit diet for a few days has often brought great relief to brain workers. Many times a short period of entire abstinence from food, followed by simple, moderate eating, has led to recovery through nature's own recuperative effort. An abstemious diet for a month or two would convince many sufferers that the path of self-denial is the path to health.—The Ministry of Healing, 235, 1905CD 310.4

    Replacing Injurious Articles

    474. In our medical institutions clear instruction should be given in regard to temperance. The patients should be shown the evil of intoxicating liquor, and the blessing of total abstinence. They should be asked to discard the things that have ruined their health, and the place of these things should be supplied with an abundance of fruit. Oranges, lemons, prunes, peaches, and many other varieties can be obtained; for the Lord's world is productive, if painstaking effort is put forth.—Letter 145, 1904CD 311.1

    475. Do not eat largely of salt, avoid the use of pickles and spiced foods, eat an abundance of fruit, and the irritation that calls for so much drink at mealtime will largely disappear.—The Ministry of Healing, 305, 1905CD 311.2

    [To Take the Place of Flesh Meat—149, 312, 320, 492, 514, 649, 795]

    [To Take Place of Desserts—546]

    [Not Relished by Those Accustomed to Rich and Highly Seasoned Foods—563]

    [To Take the Place of Much Porridge Eating—490, 499]

    Canning and Drying

    476. Wherever fruit can be grown in abundance, a liberal supply should be prepared for winter, by canning or drying. Small fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, can be grown to advantage in many places where they are but little used, and their cultivation is neglected.CD 311.3

    For household canning, glass, rather than tin cans, should be used whenever possible. It is especially necessary that the fruit for canning should be in good condition. Use little sugar, and cook the fruit only long enough to ensure its preservation. Thus prepared, it is an excellent substitute for fresh fruit.CD 311.4

    Wherever dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes, apples, pears, peaches, and apricots, are obtainable at moderate prices, it will be found that they can be used as staple articles of diet much more freely than is customary, with the best results to the health and vigor of all classes of workers.—The Ministry of Healing, 299, 1905CD 311.5

    477. Applesauce, put up in glass, is wholesome and palatable. Pears and cherries, if they can be obtained, make very nice sauce for winter use.—Letter 195, 1905CD 312.1

    478. If you can get apples, you are in a good condition as far as fruit is concerned, if you have nothing else.... I do not think such large varieties of fruit are essential, yet they should be carefully gathered and preserved in their season for use when there are no apples to be had. Apples are superior to any fruit for a standby that grows.—Letter 5, 1870CD 312.2

    Fresh From Orchard and Garden

    479. There is another advantage to be gained by carrying on the cultivation of fruit in connection with our sanitariums. Thus fruit absolutely free from decay, and fresh from the trees, can be obtained for table use.—Manuscript 114, 1902CD 312.3

    480. Families and institutions should learn to do more in the cultivation and improvement of land. If people only knew the value of the products of the ground, which the earth brings forth in their season, more diligent efforts would be made to cultivate the soil. All should be acquainted with the special value of fruits and vegetables fresh from the orchard and garden. As the number of patients and students increases, more land will be needed. Grapevines could be planted, thus making it possible for the institution to produce its grapes. The orange orchard that is on the place would be an advantage.—Manuscript 13, 1911CD 312.4

    [Importance of Raising Fruit and Vegetables for the Table—519]

    [Fruit and Vegetables at Same Meal—188, 190, 722]

    [Use of fruit on E. G. White's table—Appendix 1:4, 9, 15, 22, 23]

    [Fruit in Sanitarium Dietary—441]

    [Use of Fruit on the Helpers’ Table—444, 651]

    [Fruit in the Camp Meeting Diet—124, 765]

    [To Be Included in a Simple Diet for Visitors—129]

    [A Part of a Wholesome, Palatable Diet—204, 503]

    [Tomatoes recommended by E. G. White—Appendix 1:16, 22, 23]

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