Consecration, Courage, Confidence
During a series of meetings held in Great Grimsby just before the Council, Mrs. White had given several discourses teaching consecration, courage, and confidence. In closing a sermon on the experience of the disciples in connection with the resurrection of Jesus, she said:LS 291.2
“We should improve every opportunity given us day by day to overcome the temptations of the enemy. This life is a conflict, and we have a foe who never sleeps, who is watching constantly to destroy our minds and lure us away from our precious Saviour, who has given His life for us. Shall we lift the cross given us? or shall we go on in selfish gratification, and lose the eternity of bliss? We cannot afford to sin; we cannot afford to disgrace the law of God.LS 291.3
“The question should not be with us, How shall I make the most money in this world? The question should not be, Shall I serve God? Shall we serve God, or Baal? ‘Choose you this day whom ye will serve;’ ‘as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15.LS 292.1
“I do not look to the end for all the happiness; I get happiness as I go along. Notwithstanding I have trials and afflictions, I look away to Jesus. It is in the strait, hard places that He is right by our side, and we can commune with Him, and lay all our burdens upon the Burden Bearer, and say, ‘Here, Lord, I cannot carry these burdens longer.’ Then He says to us, ‘My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.’ Matthew 11:30. Do you believe it? I have tested it. I love Him; I love Him. I see in Him matchless charms. And I want to praise Him in the kingdom of God.LS 292.2
“Will we break the stony heart? Will we travel the thorny path that Jesus trod all the way from the manger to the cross? We see the tracks of blood. Shall the pride of the world come in? Shall we seek to make the world our standard? or shall we come out from among them? The invitation is, ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separate, ... and touch not the unclean; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters.’ 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.LS 292.3
“O, what an exaltation is this,—to be members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King; to have the Saviour of the universe, the King over all kings, to know us by name, and we to be heirs of God to the immortal inheritance, the eternal substance! This is our privilege. Will we have the prize? Will we fight the battles of the Lord? Will we press the battle to the gate? Will we be victorious?LS 292.4
“I have decided that I must have heaven, and I want you to have it. I never would have come from California to Europe, had I not wanted to tell you how precious the Saviour is, and what a precious truth we have.LS 293.1
“You should search the Bible; for it tells you of Jesus. As you read the Bible, you will see the matchless charms of Jesus. You will fall in love with the Man of Calvary, and at every step you can say to the world, ‘His ways are ways of pleasantness, and all His paths are peace.’ You are to represent Christ to the world. You may show to the world that you have a hope big with immortality. You may drink of the waters of salvation. Teach your children to love and fear God. You want the heavenly angels to be in your dwelling. You want the Sun of Righteousness shining in the darkened chambers of your mind, then your lips will speak thanksgiving to God.LS 293.2
“Jesus has gone to prepare mansions for us. He said: ‘Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.’ John 14:1-3. It is these mansions that I am looking to; it is not the earthly mansions here, for erelong they are to be shaken down by the mighty earthquake; but those heavenly mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for the faithful.LS 293.3
“We have no home here; we are only pilgrims and strangers, passing to a better country, even a heavenly. Place your mind upon these things, and while you are doing this, Christ will be right by your side. May God help us to win the precious boon of eternal life.”LS 293.4
Some of the workers responded with testimonies showing faith and determination. Some felt that she did not understand the difficulties of the field. Others were searching for some ground on which to base their hopes of future success.LS 294.1