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The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement

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    Two Bookstore Proprietors

    In one of the large cities of America a man was looking over books in a secondhand bookstore: “He asked for the religious books, and was directed to a miscellaneous assortment in the back of the store. He remarked to the proprietor that he saw none in which he was interested. Being asked what author he preferred, he said, “Mrs. E. G. White.’ ‘Oh,’ said the proprietor, ‘that’s different. Her writings are not classed with those back there at all. We have them here in the front, with the Bibles. They are in a class by themselves. ’ ”—Pacific Union Recorder, July 25, 1934.SPIAM 40.2

    This reminds me of a conversation with Mr. A. W. Anderson, of Australia. He told me he was once talking with the leading bookseller of that country:SPIAM 40.3

    “What a remarkable lady that Mrs. White was! Her books are absolutely wonderful!” said the merchant.SPIAM 40.4

    “What do you know about them?” Mr. Anderson asked.SPIAM 40.5

    “Occasionally we get them in our secondhand department,” was the reply, “and I have looked over them. I think they are wonderful books.”SPIAM 40.6

    Mr. Anderson then explained that the author began her work with no literary training and with no education to form the basis for literary work.SPIAM 40.7

    “There is only one explanation for that sort of thing,” the merchant replied, “and that is inspiration.”SPIAM 40.8

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