Appendix 5—Rabbinic Theology and Literature (Book I. ch. 8.)
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Appendix
- Contents- Appendix 1—Pseudepigraphic Writings
- Appendix 2—Philo of Alexandria and Rabbinic Theology
- Appendix 3—Rabbinic Views as to the Lawfulness of Images, Pictorial Representations on Coins, etc.
- Appendix 4—An Abstract of Jewish History from the Reign of Alexander the Great to the Ascension of Herod (See Book I. ch. 8.)
- Appendix 5—Rabbinic Theology and Literature (Book I. ch. 8.)
- Appendix 7—On the Date of the Nativity of Our Lord (Book II. ch. 3. and other passages).
- Appendix 8—Rabbinic Traditions about Elijah the Forerunner of the Messiah
- Appendix 9—List of Old Testament Passages Messianically Applied in Ancient Rabbinic Writings (Book II. ch. 5.)
- Appendix 10—On the Supposed Temple-Synagogue. (Book II. ch. 10.).
- Appendix 11—On the Prophecy, Isaiah 40:3 (See Book II. ch. 11.)
- Appendix 12—The Baptism of Proselytes (See Book II. ch. 11.)
- Appendix 14—The Law in Messianic Times. (See Book III. ch. 3.)
- Appendix 16—On The Jewish Views about Demons and the Demonised Together with some Notes on the Intercourse between Jews and Jewish Christians in the First Centuries. (See Book III. ch. 14.)
- Appendix 17—The Ordinances and Law of the Sabbath as Laid Down in the Mishnah and the Jerusalem Talmud. (See Book III. ch. 35.)
- Appendix 18—Haggadah about Simeon Kepha (Legend of Simon Peter.) (pyk Nw (m#d)tdg—Book III. ch. 37.)
- Appendix 19—On Eternal Punishment, according to the Rabbis and the New Testament (See Book V. ch. 6.)
- The End of the Second Volume.
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Appendix 5—Rabbinic Theology and Literature (Book I. ch. 8.)
1. The Traditional Law.—The brief account given in vol. i. p. 100, of the character and authority claimed for the traditional law may here be supplemented by a chronological arrangement of the Halakhoth in the order of their supposed introduction or promulgation.LTJMBA 48.1
In the first class, or Halakhoth of Moses from Sinai tradition enumerates fifty-five, 1The numbers given by Maimonides, in his Preface to the Mishnah, and their arrangement, are somewhat different, but I prefer the more critical (sometimes even hypercritical) enumeration of Herzfeld. They are also enumerated in Peiser’s Nachlath Shimoni, Part I. pp. 47-49 b. which may be thus designated: religio-agrarian, four; 2Peah ii. 6; Yad. iv. 3; Tos. Peah iii. 2; Orlah iii. 9. ritual, including questions about clean and unclean twenty-three; 3Erub. 4 a; Nidd. 72 b; Ab. d. R. N. 19, 25; Tos. Chall. 1:6; Shabb 70 a; Bekh. 16 a; Naz. 28 b; Chull. 27 a, 28 a; 42 a, 43 a; Moed Q 3 b. Of these, the most interesting to the Christian reader are about the 11 ingredients of the sacred incensed (Ker. 6 b); about the 26 kinds of work prohibited on the Sabbath (Shabb. 70 a); that the father, but not the mother, might dedicate a child under age to the Nazirate (Naz. 28 b); the 7 rules as to slaughtering animals; to cut the neck; to cut through the trachea, and, in the case of four-footed animals, also through the gullet; not to pause while slaughtering; to use a knife perfectly free of all notches, and quite sharp; not to strike with the knife; not to cut too near the head; and not to stick, the knife into the throat; certain determinations about the Feast of Tabernacles, such as about the pouring out of the water, &c. concerning women and intercourse between the sexes, three; 4Ab. Z. 36 b; Niddah 45 a, 72 b. concerning formalities to be observed in the copying, fastening, &c., of the Law and the phylacteries, eighteen; 5Jer. Meg. i. 9; Shabb. 28 b; Men. 32 a; 35 a. exegetical, four; 6Ned. 37 b. These four Halakhoth are: as to the authoritative pronunciation of certain words in the Bible; as to the Itur Sopherim, or syntactic and stylistic emendation in the following five passages: Genesis 18:5, 24:55; Numbers 31:2; Psalm 68:22 (A.V. 21); 36:7 (A.V. 6); about the Qeri velo Kethibh, words read but not written in the text; and the Kethibh velo Qeri, words written but not read in the text. purely superstitious, one; 7Pes. 110 b. Not to eat two (even numbers) of an egg, a nut, or cucumber, &c. not otherwise included, two. 8Eduy. viii. 7; Tanch. 60 a. The first of these Halakhoth speaks of the activity of Elijah in preparation for the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 3:23, 24, A.V 4:5, 6), as directed to restore those of pure Israelitish descent who had been improperly extruded, and to extrude those who had been improperly admitted. Eighteen ordinances are ascribed to Joshua, of which only one is ritual, the other seventeen being agrarian and police regulations. 9Baba K. 81 a; Tos. Baba M. 11; Jer. Baba K. iii. 2. Among the police regulations is this curious one, that all were allowed to fish in the Lake of Galilee, but not to lay down nets, so as not to impede the navigation. The other traditions can only be briefly noted. Boaz, or else the tribunal of Samuel fixed, that Deuteronomy 23:3 did not apply to alliances with Ammonite and Moabite women. Two ordinances are ascribed to David, two to Solomon, one to Jehoshaphat, and one to Jehoida. The period of Isaiah and of Hezekiah is described as of immense Rabbinic activity. To the prophets at Jerusalem three ritual ordinances are ascribed. Daniel is represented as having prohibited the bread, wine and oil of the heathen (Daniel 1:5). Two ritual determinations are ascribed to the prophets of the Exile.LTJMBA 48.2
After the return from Babylon traditionalism rapidly expanded, and its peculiar character more and more clearly developed. No fewer than twelve traditions are traced back to the three prophets who flourished at that period, while four other important legal determinations are attributed to the prophet Haggai individually. It will readily be understood that Ezra occupied a high place in tradition. Fifteen ordinances are ascribed to him, of which some are ritual. Three of his supposed ordinances have a general interest. They enjoin the general education of children, and the exclusion of Samaritans from admission into the Synagogue and from social intercourse. If only one legal determination is assigned to Nehemiah, the men of the great Synagogue are credited with fifteen, of which six bear on important critical and exegetical points connected with the text of the Scriptures, the others chiefly on questions connected with ritual and worship. Among the pairs (Zugoth) which succeeded the Great Synagogue three alleviating ordinances (of a very punctilious character) are ascribed to Jose, the son of Joezer, 10According to tradition (Sot. 47 a and b) the Eshkoloth, or bunches of grapes ceased with José. The expression refers to the Rabbis, and Herzfeld ingeniously suggests this explanation of the designation, that after José they were no longer undivided like bunches of grapes, but divided in their opinions. For other explanations comp. Derenbourg, u. s. pp. 88, 456-458. and two, intended render all contact with heathens impossible, to him and his colleague. Under the Maccabees the feast of the dedication of the Temple was introduced. To Joshua the son of Perachya, one punctilious legal determination is ascribed. Of the decrees of the Maccabean High-Priest Jochanan we have already spoken in another place; similarly, of those of Simon the son of Shetach and of his learned colleague. Four legal determinations of their successors Shemayah and Abhtalion are mentioned. Next in order comes the prohibition of Greek during the war between the Maccabean brothers Hyrcanus and Aristobulus. This brings us to the time of Hillel and Shammai, that is, to the period of Jesus, to which further reference will have to be made in another place.LTJMBA 49.1
2. The Canon of Scripture.—Reference has been made in the text (vol. i. p. 107) to the position taken by Traditionalism in reference to the written as compared with what was regarded as the oral Revelation. Still, nominally, the Scriptures were appealed to by the Palestinians as of supreme authority. The views which Josephus expresses in this respect, although in a popular and Grecianised form, were substantially those entertained by the Rabbis and by his countrymen generally (comp. Ag. Apion, i. 7, 8). 11For a detailed account of the views of Josephus on the Canon and on Inspiration, I take leave to refer to my article in Smith’s Dictionary of Christian Biography vol. iii. pp. 453, 454. A sharp distinction was made between canonical and non-canonical books. The test of the former was inspiration, which had ceased in the time of Artaxerxes, that is, with the prophet Malachi. Accordingly, the work of the elder Jesus the son of Sirach (Jeshua ben Sira, ben Eliezer) was excluded from the Canon, although it is not unfrequently referred to by Rabbinic authorities in terms with which ordinarily only Biblical quotations are introduced. 12Comp. Zunz, Gottesd Vortr. pp. 101, 102, and C. Seligmann, d Buch d Weish d. Jesus Sirach. The Talmudic quotations from the work of the elder Jesus have been repeatedly collated I may here take leave to refer to my collection translation of them in Append. II. to the History of the Jewish Nation.’ According to the view propounded by Josephus, not only were the very words inspired in which a prediction was uttered, but the prophets were unconscious and passive vehicles of the Divine message (Ant. iv. 6. 5, comp generally, Ant ii. 8. 1; 6:8, 2; 8:13, 3; 9:3, 2, 8, 6; 10:2, 2; 4, 3). Although pre-eminence in this respect was assigned to Moses (Ant. iv. 8, 49), yet Divine authority equally attached to the sayings of the prophets, and even, though perhaps in a still inferior degree, to the Hymns as the Hagiographa generally were called from the circumstance that the Psalter stood at the head of them (comp. Philo, De Vita contempl., ed. Mangey, voi. ii. p. 475; St. Luke 24:44). Thus the division of the Bible into three sections—the Law, the Prophets, and the other Writings’—which already occurs in the prologue to the work of Jesus the son of Sirach, 13Comp. also 2 Macc. ii. 13, 14. seems to have been current at the time. And here it is of great interest, in connection with modern controversies, that Josephus seems to attach special importance to the prophecies of Daniel as still awaiting fulfilment (Ant. x. 10. 4; 11. 7).LTJMBA 50.1
That the Rabbis entertained the same views of inspiration, appears not only from the distinctive name of Holy Writings given to the Scriptures, but also from the directions that their touch defiled the hands, 14The general statement that this decree was intended to prevent a common or profane use of the Scripture does not explain its origin. The latter seems to have been as follows: At first the priests in the Temple were wont to deposit the Terumah near the copy of the Law there kept (Shabb 14 a). But as mice were thereby attracted, and damage to the Sacred roll was apprehended, it was enacted that the Sacred Roll in the Temple rendered all meat that touched it unclean. This decree gave rise to another, by way of further precaution, that even the hands which touched the Sacred Roll, or any other part of the Bible became unclean (so that, having touched the latter, they could not touch the Terumah). Then followed (in the course of development) a third decree, that such touch defiled also outside the Temple. Finally, the first decree was modified to the effect that the Sacred Roll in the Temple did not defile the hands, while all other Scriptures (anywhere else) defiled them (Chel 15:6) The explanation offered to the Sadducees by R. Jochanan b. Zakkai is evidently intended to mislead (Yad iv. 6), Comp. Levy, Neuhebr Wörterb. vol. ii. pp. 163, 164. and that it was duty on the Sabbath to save them from conflagration, and to gather them up if accidentally scattered, and that it was not lawful for heirs to make division of a sacred roll (Comp. Shabb. xvi. 1; Erub. x. 3; Kel. xv. 6; Yad. iii. 2-5; 4:5 [where special reference is made to Daniel 6]). From what we know of the state of feeling, we might have inferred, even if direct evidence had not existed that a distinctive and superior place would be ascribed to the Books of Moses. In point of fact, the other books of Scripture, alike the Prophets and the Hagiographa, 15The difference in the degree of inspiration between the Prophetic and the Hagiographic books is not accurately defined. Later Jewish theologians rather evade it by describing the former as given by the spirit of prophecy the latter by the Holy Spirit. It must, however, be admitted that in Jewish writings the Holy Spirit is not only not a Personality, but an influence very inferior to what we associate with the designation. are only designated as Qabbalah (received handed down, tradition), which is also the name given to oral tradition. 16The proof-passages are quoted in Zunz, u. s. p. 44 note, also in J. Delitzsch, De Inspir. Script. S. pp. 7, 8. It was said that the Torah was given to Moses (Jer. Sheq. vi. 1) in (letters of) white fire graven upon black fire although it was matter of dispute whether he received it volume by volume or complete as a whole (Gitt. 60 a). But on the question of its inspiration not the smallest doubt could be tolerated. Thus, to admit generally, that the Torah as a whole was from heaven, except this (one) verse, which the Holy One, blessed be He, did not speak, but Moses of himself was to become an infidel and a blasphemer (Sanh. 99 a). 17At the same time, in Meg. 31 b the formulation of the curses by Moses in Leviticus 26. is said to have been hrwbgh ypm (from God directly), while that in Deuteronomy 28. was ymc(ypm (from Moses himself). Even the concluding verses in Deuteronomy had been dictated by God to Moses, and he wrote them down—not repeating them, however, as before, but weeping as he wrote. It will readily be understood in what extravagant terms Moses himself was spoken of. It is not only that the expression man of God was supposed to imply, that while as regarded the lower part of his nature Moses was man, as regarded the higher he was Divine, but that his glorification and exaltation amount to blasphemy. 18A more terribly repulsive instance of this can scarcely be conceived than in Debar R. 11, of which the worst parts are reproduced in Yalkut 304 a, b, c. So far as inspiration or revelation is concerned, it was said that Moses saw in a clear glass, the prophets in a dark one’—or, to put it otherwise: he saw through one glass, they through seven. Indeed, although the opening words of Psalm 75. showed, that the Psalms were as much revelation as the Law, yet, if Israel had not sinned, they would have only received the Pentateuch, and the Book of Joshua and, in the time to come, of all Scripture the Pentateuch alone would retain its place. It was somewhat contemptuously remarked, that the Prophets uttered nothing as regarded practice that had not already been told in the Pentateuch (Taan. 9 a). It was but natural for Rabbinism to declare that the Law alone fully explained its meaning (at least according to their interpretation of it), while the Prophets left much in obscurity. 19Comp. generally Hamburger’s Real. Encycl. vols. i. and ii. See also Delitzsch’s work already quoted, and Fürst, Kanon d. Alten Test. nach Talmud u. Midrasch. To mark the distinction, it was forbidden to put the Law in the same wrapper with the Prophets, so as not to place perhaps the latter on the top of the former (Tos. Meg. iv. 20). Among the Prophets themselves there was a considerable difference, not only in style and training but even in substance (Sanh. 89 a), although all of them had certain common qualifications (comp. Ab. de R. Nathan, 37). Of all the prophets Isaiah was greatest, and stood next to Moses. Ezekiel saw all that Isaiah saw—but the former was like a villager, the latter like a townsman who saw the king (Chag. 13 b). Jeremiah and Amos were, so to speak, scolding, owing to the violence of their temperament, while Isaiah’s was the book of consolation, especially in response to Jeremiah.LTJMBA 51.1
The Hagiographa or Kethubhim also bear in the Talmud the general designation of Chokhmah wisdom. It has been asserted that, as the Prophetic Books, so the Hagiographa, were distinguished into anterior (Psalms, Proverbs, Job) and posterior or else into great and small. But the statement rests on quite insufficient evidence. 20Fürst, u. s. pp. 57-59, quotes Ber. 57 b and Sot. 7 b, Ab. de R. Nathan 40. But no one who reads either Ber. 57 b, or Ab. de R. Nathan 40, would feel inclined to draw from passages so strange and repulsive any serious inference, while Sot. 7 b is far too vague to serve as a basis. In general, this is one of the many instances in which Fürst, as, indeed, many modern Jewish writers, propounds as matters of undoubted fact, what, on critical examination, is seen to rest on no certain historical basis—sometimes on no basis at all. Certain, however, it is, that the Hagiographa, as we possess them, formed part of the Canon in the time of Jesus the son of Sirach—that is, even of the latest computation of his authorship, 21Which in another place we have shown to be erroneous. about the year 130 b.c. 22Fürst, p. 56. See also Reuss, Gesch. d. Heil. Schr. A. T. (p. 550), who gives its date as 132. Even so, it would not be easy to vindicate, on historical grounds, the so-called Maccabean authorship of the Book of Daniel, which would fix its date about 105 b.c. For, if other considerations did not interfere, few students of Jewish history would be disposed to assert that a book, which dated from 104 b.c., could have found a place in the Jewish Canon. 23Fürst, who holds the Maccabean origin of the Book of Daniel, is so frequently inconsistent with himself in the course of his remarks on the subject, that it is sometimes difficult to understand him. Occasionally, when argument is wanting, he asserts that a thing is self-evident (es versteht sich von selbst). Such a self evident assertion, for which, however, no historical evidence is offered—which, indeed, runs in the opposite direction—is summarized on page 100. But the word self-evident has no place in historical discussions, where only that is evident which rests on historical grounds. But, as explained in vol. i. p. 26, we would assign a much earlier date to the Book of Sirach. The whole question in its bearing on the New Testament is so important, that one or two further remarks may be allowed. Leaving aside most serious critical objections, and the unquestionable fact, that no amount of ingenuity can conciliate the Maccabean application of Daniel 9:24-27 with the chronology of that period, 24This is admitted even by Mr. Drummond (Jewish Messiah pp. 246, 245-257, 260). Mr. Drummond’s book is quoted as representing the advocacy by a distinguished English scholar of the Maccabean theory of the authorship of Daniel. while the Messianic interpretation fits in with it, 25Drummond, u. s. p. 261. other, and seemingly insuperable difficulties are in the way of the theory impugned. It implies, that the Book of Daniel was not an Apocryphal, but a Pseudepigraphic work; that of all such works it alone has come down to us in its Hebrew or Chaldee original; that a Pseudepigraphic work, nearly contemporary with the oldest portion of the Book of Enoch, should not only be so different from it, but that it should find admission into the Canon, while Enoch was excluded; that a Pseudepigraphon younger that Jesus the Son of Sirach should have been on the Khethubhim; and, finally, that it should have passed the repeated revision of different Rabbinic Colleges’—and that at times of considerable theological activity—without the suspicion being even raised that its authorship dated from so late a period as a century an a half before Christ. And we have evidence that since the Babylonish exile, at least four revisions of the Canon took place within periods sufficiently distant from each other.LTJMBA 54.1
The question hitherto treated has been exclusively of the date of the composition of the Book of Daniel, without reference to who may have been its author, whether its present is exactly the same as its original form, and finally, whether it ever belonged to those books whose right to canonicity, though nor their age, was in controversy, that is, whether it belonged, so to speak, to the Old Testament antilegomena. As this is not the place for a detailed discussion of the canonicity of the Book of Daniel—or, indeed, of any other in the Old Testament canon—we shall only add, to prevent misunderstanding, that no opinion is here expressed as to possible, greater or less, interpolations on the Book of Daniel, or in any other part of the Old Testament. We must here bear in mind that the moral view taken of such interpolations, as we would call them, was entirely different in those times from ours; and it may perhaps be an historically and critically no unwarranted proposition, that such interpolations were, to speak moderately, not all unusual in ancient documents. In each case the question must be separately critically examined in the light of internal and (if possible) external evidence. But it would be a very different thing to suggest that there may be an interpolation, or, it may be, a re-arrangement in a document (although at present we make no assertions on the subject, one way or the other), and to pronounce a whole document a fabrication dating from a much later period. The one would, at any rate, be quite in the spirit of those times; the other implies, beside insuperable critical difficulties, a deliberate religious fraud, to which no unprejudiced student could seriously regard the so-called Pseudepigrapha as forming any real analogon.LTJMBA 55.1
But as regards the Book of Daniel, it is an important fact that the right of the Book of Daniel to canonicity was never called in question in the ancient Synagogue. The fact that it was distinguish as visions (Chezyonoth) from the other prophecies has, of course, no bearing on the question, any more than the circumstance that later Rabbinism, which, naturally enough, could not find its way through the Messianic prophecies of the book, declare that even Daniel was mistaken in, and could not make anything of the predictions concerning the latter days (Ber. R. 98). 26And yet there are frequent indications that Rabbinism sought guidance on these very subjects in the prophecies of Daniel. Thus, in the Pirqé de R. Eliezer there are repeated references to the four monarchies—the Persian, Median, Macedonian, and Roman—when, in the time of the fifth monarchy, that of the children of Ishmael—after a terrible war against Rome, the Messiah would come (comp. Pirqé de R. El. 19, and especially 28, 30, and 48). On the other hand, Daniel was elevated to almost the same pinnacle as Moses, while it was said that, as compared with heathen sages, if they were all placed in one scale, and Daniel in the other, he would outweigh them all. We can readily understand that, in times of national sorrow or excitement, these prophecies would be eagerly resorted to, as pointing to a glorious future.LTJMBA 56.1
But although the Book of Daniel was not among the Antilegomena, doubts were raised, not indeed about the age, but about the right to canonicity of certain other portions of the Bible. Thus, certain expressions in the prophecies of Ezekiel were questioned as apparently incompatible with statements in the Pentateuch 27Among them the following may be mentioned (Chull. 37 b): Ezekiel 4:14 &c., and (Mop 45 a), Ezekiel 14:31 were regarded as suggesting that these prohibitions applied only to priests; (Moed. K. 5 a) Ezekiel 44:19, seemed to imply that an ordinary Israelite might perform sacrificial service, while Ezekiel 14:18 appeared to enjoin a sacrifice nowhere mentioned in the Pentateuch. (Men. 45 a), and although a celebrated Rabbi, Chananyah, the son of Chizkuyah, the son of Garon (about the time of Christ), with immense labour, sought to conciliate them, and thus preserved the Book of Ezekiel (or, at least, part of it) from being relegated among the Apocrypha, it was deemed safest to leave the final exposition of the meaning of Ezekiel, till Elijah come as the restorer of all things.LTJMBA 57.1
The other objections to canonicity apply exclusively to the third division of the Old Testament, the Kethubhim or Hagiographa. Here even the Book of Proverbs seems at one time to have been called in question (Ab. R. Nathan 1), partly on the ground of its secular contents, and partly as containing supposed contradictory statements 28For ex. Proverbs 26:4, 5. (Shabb. 30 b). Very strong doubts were raised on the Book of Ecclesiastes (Yad. iii. 5; Eduy. v. 3), first, on that ground of its contradiction to some of the Psalms 29As for ex. Psalm 115:17 compared with Ecclesiastes 4:2 and 9:4. (Shabb. 30 a); secondly, on that of its inconsistencies 30For ex. Ecclesiastes 2:2 comp. with vii. 3; and again, vii. 15, or iv. 2 comp. with ix. 4. (Shabb. 30 b); and thirdly, because it seemed to countenance the denial of another life, and, as in Ecclesiastes 11:1, 3, 9, other heretical views (Vayyikra R. 28, at the beginning). 31The school of Shammai was against, that of Hillel in favour of the Canonicity of Ecclesiastes (Eduy. v. 3). In Tos. Yad. ii. Ecclesiastes is said to be uninspired, and to contain only the wisdom of Solomon. But these objections were finally answered by great ingenuity, while an appeal to Ecclesiastes 12:12, 13, was regarded as removing the difficulty about another life and future rewards and punishments. And as the contradictions in Ecclesiastes had been conciliated, it hopefully argued deeper study would equally remove those in the Book of Proverbs (Shabb. 30 b). 32But it must be admitted that some of these conciliations are sufficiently curious. Still, the controversy about the canonicity of Ecclesiastes continue so late as the second century of our era (comp. Yad. iii. 5). That grave doubts also existed about the Song of Solomon, appears even from the terms in which its canonicity is insisted upon (Yad. u. s.), not to speak of express statements in opposition to it (Ab. de. R. Nathan 1). Even when by an allegorical interpretation it was shown to be the wisdom of all wisdom the most precious gem, the holy of holies, tradition still ascribed its composition to the early years of Solomon (Shir haSh. R. 1). It had been his first work, and was followed by Proverbs, and finally by Ecclesiastes. 33But on this subject opinion differ very widely (see Shir haSh. R. 1, ed. Warshan, pp. 3 b and 4 a) the only point on which all are agreed being that he wrote Ecclesiastes last—Rabbi Jonathan irreverently remarking that when a man is old he utters dibhré hadhalim—vain words! But perhaps the greatest objections were those taken to the Book of Esther (Meg. 7 a). It excited the enmity of other nations against Israel, and it was outside the canon. Grave doubts prevailed whether it was canonical or inspired by the Holy Spirit (Meg. u. s.; Yoma 29 a). The books of Ezra and Nehemiah were anciently regarded as one—the name of the latter author being kept back on account of his tendency to self-exaltation (Sanh. 93 b). Lastly, the genealogical parts of the Book of Chronicles were made the subject of very elaborate secret commentation (Pes. 62 b).LTJMBA 57.2
Two points still require brief mention. Even from a comparison of the LXX. Version with our Hebrew text, it is evident that there were not only many variations, but that spurious additions (as Daniel) were eliminated. This critical activity, which commenced with Ezra, whose copy of the Pentateuch was, according to tradition, placed in the Temple, that the people might correct their copies by it, must have continued for many centuries. 34In Jer. Tann. 68 a we read three codices of the Pentateuch, respectively named after one word in each codex, the reading of which was either rejected or adopted on comparison with the others. There is abundant evidence of frequent divergences—though perhaps minute—and although later Rabbinism laid down the most painfully minute directions about the mode of writing and copying the rolls of the Law, there is such discrepancy, even where least it might be expected, 35Thus, we have different notices about the number of verses in the Bible, the arrangement of the psalter, the medial letter and medial word in the Pentateuch, and the number of its sections and chapters (Kidd. 30 a; Yalkut i. § 855). But the sum total of verses in the Bible (23,199) differs by 99 from that in our present text. Similarity, one of the most learned Rabbinic critics of the third century declares himself at a loss about the exact medial letter, word, and verse of the Pentateuch, while in Palestine that Pentateuch seems to have been arranged into 1,085, in Babylonia into 378 chapters (comp. Fürst, Kultur-u. Liter. Gesch. p. 62). as to show that the purification of the text was by no means settled. Considering the want of exegetical knowledge and historical conscientiousness, and keeping in view how often the Rabbis, for Haggadic purposes, alter letters, and thus change the meaning of words, we may well doubt the satisfactory character of their critical labours. Lastly, as certain omissions were made, and as the Canon underwent (as will be shown) repeated revision, it may have been certain portions were added as well as left out, and words changed as well as restored.LTJMBA 58.1
For, ancient tradition ascribes a peculiar activity to certain Colleges’—as they are termed—in regard to the Canon. In general, the well-known Baraita (Baba B. 14 b, 15 a) bears, that Moses wrote the Pentateuch, the book (Prophecies?) of Balaam, and Job; Joshua the work that bears his name, and the last eight verses of Deuteronomy; 36But comp. and opinion, previously quoted, about the last verses in Deut. Samuel the corresponding books, Judges and Ruth; David with the ten Elders Adam, Melchisedek, Abraham, Moses, Heman, Jeduthun, Asaph, and the three sons of Korah, the Psalter; Jeremiah wrote his prophecies, Lamentations, and Kings; King Hezekiah and his Sanhedrin compiled, or edited, the Prophecies of Isaiah, Proverbs, the Song, and Ecclesiastes; and the men of the Great Synagogue the Prophecies of Ezekiel, of the twelve Minor Prophets, and the books of Daniel and Esther; Ezra wrote his own book and Chronicles, the work being completed by Nehemiah, the son of Chakaliah. The last verse of Joshua were written by Eleazar and Phinehas; the last chapters of Samuel by Gad and Nathan. 37History of the Jewish Nation p. 418.LTJMBA 59.1
Loose and uncritical as these statements may appear, they so far help our investigations as to show that, according to tradition, certain portions of Scripture were compiled or edited by one or another Rabbinic College and that there were several Colleges which successively busied themselves with the codification and revision of the Canon. By these Colleges we are not to understand gatherings of certain members, who discussed and decided a question at one or more of their meetings. They rather indicate the learned activity of the authorities during a certain period, which are respectively designed by the generic names of the Sanhedrin of Hezekiah The men of the Synagogue the Legal Court of the Maccabees and finally, Chananayah and his College We have thus somewhat firmer historical ground. If in Proverbs 25:1, we read of the activity about the Canon of the Men of Hezekiah and bear in mind the Scriptural account of the religious revival of that reign (for ex. 2 Chronicles 29:25-30; 2 Chronicles 30:1), we scarcely required the frequent and elaborate glorification of tradition to lead us to infer that, if the collection of the Book of Proverbs was due to their activity, they must have equally collated the other portions of Scripture then existing, and fixed the Canon as their time. Again, if we are to credit the statement that they equally collected and edited the Prophecies of Isaiah, we are obliged to infer that the continuance of that College was not limited to the life of Hezekiah, since the latter died before Isaiah (Tos. Baba Bathra; Yeb. 49 b).LTJMBA 60.1
What has just been indicated is fully confirmated by what we know of the activity of Ezra (Ezra 7:6, 10), and of his successors in the great Synagogue. If we are to attach credit to the notice in 2 Macc. ii. 13, 38The expression the epistles of the kings concerning the holy gifts must refer to the official Persian documents concerning gifts to the Temple, &c. it points to such literary activity as tradition indicates. That the revision and determination of the Canon must have been among the main occupations of Ezra and his successors of the Great Synagogue’—whatever precise meaning may be attached to that institution—seems scarcely to require proof. The same remark applies to another period of religious reformation, that of the so-called Asmonaean College. Even if we had not the evidence of their exclusion of such works as those of Ben Sirach and others, there could be no rational doubt that in their time the Canon, as presently existing, was firmly fixed, and that no work of comparatively late date could have found admission into it. The period of their activity is sufficiently known, and too near what may be called the historical times of Rabbinism, for any attempt in that direction, without leaving traces of it. Lastly, we come to the indications of a critical revision of the text by Chananyah and his College 39Shabb. 13 b; Chag. 13 a; Men. 45 a. shortly before the time of our Lord. Thus we have, in all, a record of four critical revisions of the Canon up to time of Christ.LTJMBA 60.2
3. Any attempt to set forth in this place a detailed exposition of the Exegetical Canon of the Rabbis, or of their application, would manifestly be impossible. It would require almost a treatise of its own; and a cursory survey would neither be satisfactory to the writer nor instructive to the general reader. Besides, on all subjects connected with Rabbinic exegesis, a sufficient number of learned treatises exists, which are easily accessible to students, while the general reader can only be interested in such general results as have been frequently indicated throughout these volumes. Lastly, the treatment of certain branches of the subject, such as a criticism of the Targumim, really belongs to what is known as the science of Introduction either to the Old Testament, in manuals of which, as well as in special treaties, all such subjects are fully discussed. Besides these the student may be referred, for a general summary, to the labours of Dr. Hamburger (Real-Encycl.). Special works on various branches of the subject cannot here be named, since this would involve an analysis and critical disquisition. But for a knowledge of the Rabbinic statements in regard to the Codices and the text of the Old Testament, reference may here be made to the short but masterly analysis of Professor Strack (Prolegomena Critica), in which, first, the various codices of the Old Testament, and then the text as existing in Talmudical times, are discussed, and the literature of the subject fully and critically given. The various passage are also mentioned in which the Biblical quotations in the Mishanah and Gemara differ from our present text. 40There are in the Mishnah sixteen variations: Leviticus 11:33; 25:36; Numbers 28:5; 32:22; Deuteronomy 24:19; Joshua 8:33; 2 Samuel 15:6; Isaiah 10:13; Ezekiel 46:21; Amos 9:14: Malachi 3:16, 23 (A. V 4:5); Psalm 68:27; Job 1:1; Proverbs 22:28; 2 Chronicles 28:15. In the Talmud 105 such variations occur, viz., Genesis 7:8; 23; 15:2; 25:6, 35:18; Exodus 12:3, 6; 13:16; 24:5; 25:13; 31:1; Leviticus 4:25, 30, 34; 10:12; 15:10; 18:18; Numbers 5:19; 18:16; Deuteronomy 6:7, 9, 20; 23:1; 25:7; 33:27; 34:6; Joshua 3:17; 10:11; 14:7, 10; 16:6; 23:15; Judges 15:20; 16:31; 1 Samuel 2:24; 2 Samuel 3:25; 24:15; 2 Kings 17:31; 23:17; Isaiah 2:3; 38:16; 42:5; 59:7; Jeremiah 3:22; 29:11; Ezekiel 40:48; 44:9; 47:1; Hosea 4:11; Amos 4:6; 8:11; 9:14; Haggai 2:8; Mich. 4:2; Zechariah 12:10; Malachi 2:12; Psalm 5:5; 16:10 (where the difference is important); 26:5, 6; 37:32; 56:11; 62:12; 68:21; 95:5; 97. 7; 127:5; 139. 5; 6; 8; 13:4; 14. 16; 36:5, 11; Ruth 3:15; 4:11; Ecclesiastes 9:14, 15; 10:5; Daniel 2:29; 4:14; 6:18; 10:13; Ezra 4:3; Nehemiah 4:16; 8:8 (bis), 15, 17; 1 Chronicles 3:17; 4:10; 5:24; 65:5; 17:9; 26:8, 23; 27:34; 2 Chronicles 26:2; 31:5, 13. Most of them are, however, of no exegetical importance. On the exegesis of the Rabbis generally, I would take leave to refer to sketch of it given in the History of the Jewish Nation ch 11., and especially in App. V., on Rabbinical Exegesis where all its canons are enumerated. Some brief notices connected with Rabbinic Commentaries quoted in this work will be found at the beginning of vol. i.LTJMBA 61.1
4. Somewhat similar observations must be made in regard to the mystical Theology of the Synagogue, or the so-called Kabbalah. Its commencement must certainly be traced to, and before, the times described in these volumes. For a discussion of its origin and doctrines I must once more take leave to refer to the account given in the History of the Jewish Nation (pp. 435, &c.). The whole modern literature of the subject, besides much illustrative matter, is given in the Italian text annexed to David Castelli’s edition of Sabbatai Donnolo’s Hebrew Commentary on the Book Yetsirah, or the Book of Creation. For, the Kabbalah busies itself with these two subjects: the History of the Creation (Yetsirah, perhaps rather formation than Creation), and the Merkabhah or the Divine apparition as described by Ezekiel. Both refer to the great question, underlying all theosophic speculation: that of God’s connection with His creature. They treat of the mystery of Nature and of Providence, with especial bearing on Revelation; and the question, how the Infinite God can have any connection or intercourse with finite creatures, is attempted to be answered. Of the two points raised, that of Creation is of course the first in the order of thinking as well as of time—and the book Yetsirah is the oldest Kabbalistic document.LTJMBA 62.1
The Sepher Yetsirah is properly a monologue on the part of Abraham, in which, by the contemplation of all that is around him, he ultimately arrives at the conviction of the Unity of God.LTJMBA 63.1
We distinguish the substance and the form of creation; that which is, and the mode in which it is. We have already indicated that the original of all that exists is Divine. 1st, We have God; 2nd, God manifest, or the Divine entering into form; 3rd, That Divine in its form, from which in turn all original realities are afterwards derived. In the Sepher Yetsirah, these Divine realities (the substance) are represented by the ten numerals, and their form by the twenty-two letters which constitute the Hebrew alphabet—language being viewed as the medium of connection between the spiritual and the material; as the form in which the spiritual appears. At the same time, number and language indicate also the arrangement and the mode of creation, and, in general, its boundaries. “By thirty-two wonderful paths,” so begins the Sepher Yetsirah, “the Eternal, the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the Living God, the King of the World, the merciful and gracious God, the glorious One, He that inhabiteth eternity, Whose Name is high and holy, has created the world.” But these ten numerals are in reality the ten Sephiroth, or Divine emanations, arranged in triads, each triad consisting of two opposites (flowing or emanating from a superior triad until the Divine Unity is reached), and being reconciled in a middle point of connection. These ten Sephiroth, in the above arrangement, recur everywhere, and the sacred number ten is that of perfection. Each of these Sephiroth flows from its predecessor, and in this manner the Divine gradually evolves. This emanation of the ten Sephiroth then constitutes the substance of word; we may add, it constitutes everything else. In God, in the world, in man, everywhere we meet these ten Sephiroth, at the head of which is God manifest, or the Memra (Logos, the Word). If the ten Sephiroth give the Substance, the twenty-two letters are the form of creation and of revelation. “By giving them form and shape, and by interchanging them, God has made the soul of everything that has been made, or shall be made.” “Upon those letters, also, has the Holy One, Whose Name be praised, founded His holy and glorious Name.” These letters are next subdivided, and their application in all the departments of nature is shown. In the unit creation, the triad; world, time and man are found. Above all these is the Lord. Such is a very brief outline of the rational exposition of the Creation, attempted by the Sepher Yetsirah. 41History of the Jewish Nation pp. 435, 436.LTJMBA 63.2
We subjoin a translation of the book Yetsirah, only adding that much, not only as regards the meaning of the expressions but even their translation, is in controversy. Hence, not unfrequently, our rendering must be regarded rather as our interpretation of the mysterious original.LTJMBA 64.1