Blessing of the New Covenant
Ye who know your sins forgiven,
And are happy in the Lord.
Have you read that gracious promise,
Which is left upon record:
I will sprinkle you with water,
I will cleanse you from all sin:
Sanctify and make you holy,
I will dwell and reign within.MILHA 64.1
Tho’ you have much peace and comfort,
Greater things you yet may find,
Freedom from unholy tempers,
Freedom from the carnal mind.
To procure your perfect freedom,
Jesus suffer’d, groan’d, and died,
On the cross the healing fountain,
Gushed from his wounded side.MILHA 65.1
If you have obtained this treasure,
Search and you shall surely find
All the Christian marks and graces,
Planted, growing, in your mind.
Perfect faith, and perfect patience,
Perfect lowliness, and then
Perfect hope, and perfect meekness,
Perfect love for God and man.MILHA 65.2
But be sure to gain the witness,
Which asides both day and night;
This your God has plainly promis’d,
This is like a stream of light.
While you keep the blessed witness,
All is clear and calm within;
God himself assures you by it
That your heart is cleansed from sin.MILHA 65.3
Be as holy and as happy,
And as useful here below,
As it is your Father’s pleasures,
Jesus, only Jesus know.
Spread, O spread the holy fire,
Tell, O tell what God has done,
Till the nations are conformed
To the image of his Son.MILHA 65.4
Witnesses might be produced,
Of this glorious work of love,
Paul and James, and John and Peter,
Long before they went above.
Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands,
Have, and do, and will appear;
Let me ask the solemn question,
Has the Lord a witness here.MILHA 65.5
Wake up brother, wake up sister,
Seek, O seek this holy state;
None but holy ones can enter
Thro’ the pure celestial gate.
Can you bear the tho’t of losing
All the joys that are above?
No, my brother, no, my sister,
God will perfect you in love.MILHA 65.6