Intimately connected with the foregoing, is what is termed the restoration of the Jews.APEC 40.1
The substance of the prevailing opinion on this subject is, That the Jews, the literal descendants of Jacob, are to be gathered from their dispersed condition among the nations of the earth, and restored to the land of Palestine, where they are to enjoy an independent, national government and privileges, among the nations of the earth, never to be dispersed again, to the end of time.APEC 40.2
If this doctrine can be supported, it must prove fatal to the doctrine maintained in these pages. For if this event is to take place, then there must be time for its accomplishment. And it will be worth the while for any man who would undertake to overthrow the doctrine of the near approach of the glorious, everlasting kingdom of God, to pursue this theme, and establish the above position, if it can be done.APEC 40.3
And it must be confessed that there are many passages of Scripture which at first view seem to favor the sentiment; and were there no others to counteract them, or explain their meaning, we could arrive at no other conclusion than that the Jews must be restored.APEC 40.4
The course which will be pursued in discussing this deeply interesting subject, will be,—1. To examine the original promise made to the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the time when, and the manner in which those promises are to be fulfilled. And,—APEC 41.1
2. Examine those texts which are supposed to refer to the restoration of the Jews, and show their agreement with the original promise.APEC 41.2