Extract of a Letter from Rev. John A. Sillick
To Rev. J. Litch.—“Since last year I have been a subscriber to the Literalist, which I have read with great interest, and from which I have received much interesting light and information. The idea of the personal appearing and reign of Christ with all his saints upon this earth was new and enrapturing. I was convinced, from a fair investigation of the subject, that my former views had been traditional rather than scriptural. Though I was much pleased with the general views set forth in the Literalist, yet there were many things which I could not subscribe to.APEC 4.2
“Your little work gave me a more clear, and, I think, scriptural view of the subject. I think it must strike the mind of every candid reader with the force of the truth. Whether yon are correct in fixing the dates of the prophetic time, will soon be determined, At any rate, if the general theory is correct, the time is near, even at the door; and it becomes us to sound the midnight cry, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. The more I examine the prophecies and compare these prophetic periods with history, the more I am convinced that you are not far out of the way.”APEC 4.3
The additions that have been made by the author, particularly relating to the fall of the Turkish empire, cannot fail to make the work still more interesting.APEC 4.4
Boston, July 15, 1841. Joshua V. Himes.