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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 7 (1891-1892)

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    Lt 68, 1892

    White, Ella May

    Preston, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    June 10, 1892

    Previously unpublished.

    My Dear Granddaughter, Ella May White:

    It would be very pleasant to walk into your pleasant home this morning and give you my hand and a kiss, but about eight thousand miles of water are between us. Many prayers ascend to our heavenly Father that He will bless you and preserve you in health.7LtMs, Lt 68, 1892, par. 1

    I am glad that you have the privilege of attending the school in Battle Creek. You can make your teacher happy by cultivating habits of promptness. See if you cannot excel in being first, not delay one minute at any time and thus get bad marks. You must remember you are one of Christ’s little ones and you want the Lord Jesus to see you trying to be prompt and ever obedient. If you are neglectful of doing that which you ought to do promptly, it pleases Satan and creates unhappy, and maybe impatient, feelings; and you may commit sin and displease the dear Saviour.7LtMs, Lt 68, 1892, par. 2

    Ella, try to please the Lord Jesus, who loves you as His own little one. He sees your tardy movements, when you ought to be prompt. Now, dear child, ever remember that Jesus will pronounce a heavenly benediction upon all who are good and faithful, and if you are unfaithful in just that which you regard as little things, you will be unfaithful in much.7LtMs, Lt 68, 1892, par. 3

    There is a precious blessing that will be given all who are obedient, promptly obedient. I want you, my precious child, to love Jesus. He loves you and He wants you to love Him. You want the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. You may have the grace of Christ to help you to overcome every fault, and you may be a great help to your sister Mabel, and you may, through your good behaviour, teach her that it is always best to be good and prompt in doing right and obeying rules.7LtMs, Lt 68, 1892, par. 4

    Much love from your Grandmother.7LtMs, Lt 68, 1892, par. 5

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