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Self (Part 1 of 2) TopIndex .Self.1

Self TopIndex .Self.1

Self, abased when men have most exalted concepts of Christ’s glory and excellence GW 323 TopIndex .Self.2

alive and quivering at every touch 4T 221 TopIndex .Self.3

all-absorbing theme of life of many people is 1SM 81 TopIndex .Self.4

ambition to exalt Ev 26 TopIndex .Self.5

ambitious for, youth is tempted to be COL 53 TopIndex .Self.6

angels are with persons who fight hardest battles with MH 105 TopIndex .Self.7

as long as Satan reigns men shall have to subdue 7BC 947 TopIndex .Self.8

attempt to govern, child should be encouraged in 4T 198 TopIndex .Self.9

battle against, each person must fight his own CH 561 TopIndex .Self.10

battle with: few people have fought and conquered in 5T 82 TopIndex .Self.11

God is to be with you in your 2BC 994-5 TopIndex .Self.12

maintain constant GW 135 TopIndex .Self.13

no stopping place in 7BC 947 TopIndex .Self.14

be distrustful of Ev 341 TopIndex .Self.15

be ever on guard over FE 284 TopIndex .Self.16

be guarded continually to keep, out of sight 3T 235 TopIndex .Self.17

believers who will forget, in desire to save souls 8T 83 TopIndex .Self.18

best viewed in secret prayer 5T 163 TopIndex .Self.19

better that, be maimed or crippled if need be to enter into life MB 61 TopIndex .Self.20

bundle of, men carry around with them a 9T 189 TopIndex .Self.21

can be overcome with Christ’s help MYP 347 TopIndex .Self.22

cannot appear in Christian experience TM 339 TopIndex .Self.23

cannot be made center in God’s work DA 369 TopIndex .Self.24

care of, is not beneath God’s notice 2T 133-4 TopIndex .Self.25

carefully and tenderly cherishing, results of Ev 101 TopIndex .Self.26

careless gratification of, leads to suicide Ev 26 TopIndex .Self.27

cease petting 5T 117 TopIndex .Self.28

cease sympathizing with 5T 508 TopIndex .Self.29

cherishing and flattering, danger in 1SM 79-80 TopIndex .Self.30

Cheyne’s (Dr. John) experience in hiding MM 51-2 TopIndex .Self.31

Christian has no desire to live for 7T 10 TopIndex .Self.32

Christian should not cherish COL 49 TopIndex .Self.33

Christian’s daily study is to glorify God and subdue 4T 38 TopIndex .Self.34

Christians who live for, dishonor Christ 5BC 1096 TopIndex .Self.35

clamors constantly for victory 3T 537 TopIndex .Self.36

close discipline of, some people have gained victories by 2T 637 TopIndex .Self.37

close examination of, is needed 3BC 1146 TopIndex .Self.38

come to cross and there renounce 2T 263 TopIndex .Self.39

compromise with, God sanctions no 4T 148 TopIndex .Self.40

confidence cannot be placed in, with safety COL 155 TopIndex .Self.41

conflict between, and grace of God 2T 687 TopIndex .Self.42

persons who have AA 565 TopIndex .Self.43

conquest of: demonstrate to world Christ’s power for 9T 190 TopIndex .Self.44

greatest conquest is 9T 183 TopIndex .Self.45

how to obtain 7T 49 TopIndex .Self.46

is difficult 4T 349 TopIndex .Self.47

is our allotted task 5T 345 TopIndex .Self.48

man’s greatest victory is MYP 134 TopIndex .Self.49

men are more than conquerors through Christ by CS 21-2 TopIndex .Self.50

must be done day by day and year by year MH 487; SD 204 TopIndex .Self.51

things essential to MH 487 TopIndex .Self.52

constant battle with, maintain AA 565 TopIndex .Self.53

constant conflict with, Paul’s life was MH 452-3 TopIndex .Self.54

sanctification is 8T 313 TopIndex .Self.55

constant efforts to control, world will never know your GW 323 TopIndex .Self.56

constant renunciation of, you walk safely only by COL 160 TopIndex .Self.57

control of, through Christ man may gain MYP 136 TopIndex .Self.58

covetousness is desire of benefit for sake of COL 259 TopIndex .Self.59

crucified by him who takes God at His word MYP 98 TopIndex .Self.60

crucifixion of: it is hard to submit to 3T 543 TopIndex .Self.61

love for souls for whom Christ died means DA 417 TopIndex .Self.62

true happiness as result of every 4T 345 TopIndex .Self.63

daily battle with, Christ is to be with you in SD 160 TopIndex .Self.64

daily crucifixion of, is needed 3T 324 TopIndex .Self.65

daily dying to, is needed LS 237 TopIndex .Self.66

danger in making, a center 3T 309 TopIndex .Self.67

dear, with its dignity EW 112 TopIndex .Self.68

death of, religious experience that results in TM 88 TopIndex .Self.69

death to, seems repulsive AA 565; GW 135 TopIndex .Self.70

deification of, by spiritualism GC 554-5 TopIndex .Self.71

deny, instead of yielding to your own desires 2T 412 TopIndex .Self.72

deny and keep, in subordination in common walks of life 2T 132 TopIndex .Self.73

desire to favor, to disadvantage of others must be overcome 7BC 921 TopIndex .Self.74

desire to make, a center CS 24 TopIndex .Self.75

die daily to 1T 699 TopIndex .Self.76

dies hard CT 403 TopIndex .Self.77

discipline of, essential to religious experience CT 100 TopIndex .Self.78

discipline yourself to die to 4T 215 TopIndex .Self.79

disposition to glorify, persons doing work God has given them to do find no time and have no 5T 577 TopIndex .Self.80

distrust of, David’s fall teaches lesson of PP 724 TopIndex .Self.81

do not depreciate 8T 63 TopIndex .Self.82

do not glorify 8T 63 TopIndex .Self.83

do not look to, for salvation PP 431 TopIndex .Self.84

do not make, a center SC 72 TopIndex .Self.85

do not pamper CT 485 TopIndex .Self.86

do not pity Ev 625 TopIndex .Self.87

do not plan and study for 4T 344 TopIndex .Self.88

do not spend large amount of time and money on, for sake of appearance 1SM 86; 9T 56 TopIndex .Self.89

do not stand in defense of, while defending truth Ev 625 TopIndex .Self.90

do not talk much about 2T 320 TopIndex .Self.91

easily exalted 3T 185 TopIndex .Self.92

education gained by persons who make, prominent CH 560 TopIndex .Self.93

effects of weaving, into your labors 1SM 405 TopIndex .Self.94

emptied of, result of being 8T 334 TopIndex .Self.95

empty yourself of 1SM 191 TopIndex .Self.96

enemy men most need to fear is MH 485 TopIndex .Self.97

enthronement of, no religion in COL 402 TopIndex .Self.98

ever cherishes high estimate of self TM 189 TopIndex .Self.99

ever ready to take credit when success attends God’s work DA 493 TopIndex .Self.100

exaltation of, men reveal their weakness by 6BC 1115 TopIndex .Self.101

expensive and peculiar methods of gospel labor to place, on exhibition Ev 139 TopIndex .Self.102

fate of persons who give first place to, in their lives 1SM 81 TopIndex .Self.103

fate that overtakes people who live to glorify 3T 378 TopIndex .Self.104

few men have fought and conquered 5T 82 TopIndex .Self.105

filthy garment of, accept Christ’s righteousness in place of TM 186 TopIndex .Self.106

forget: and think of something cheerful 2T 530 TopIndex .Self.107

entirely in God’s work CH 560 TopIndex .Self.108

in desire to do good to others 2T 132 TopIndex .Self.109

in work of soulsaving GW 35 TopIndex .Self.110

forgetfulness of, grow in grace in WM 157 TopIndex .Self.111

forgotten in: contemplation of Christ SC 45 TopIndex .Self.112

life flowing out in love and sympathy for humanity WM 308 TopIndex .Self.113

persons who desire to do good to others 2T 129 TopIndex .Self.114

glorifying of, that testifies that you have not obeyed God 5T 88 TopIndex .Self.115

God can make man a new creature when, is renounced DA 280 TopIndex .Self.116

God cannot work for men when, is not humble TM 326 TopIndex .Self.117

god of antediluvians was 1BC 1090 TopIndex .Self.118

god of Sodom and Gomorrah was 1BC 1090 TopIndex .Self.119

God’s grace and, close conflict between 2T 687 TopIndex .Self.120

government of, best government is 4T 348 TopIndex .Self.121

greatest conquest is to subdue 3T 183 TopIndex .Self.122

had no part in Christ’s labor SC 78 TopIndex .Self.123

hard battle with, God notes your hours of COL 404 TopIndex .Self.124

hardest battle with, angels help persons who have DA 440 TopIndex .Self.125

heart must be emptied of COL 420 TopIndex .Self.126

hearts of many believers are not dead to EW 113 TopIndex .Self.127

heaven’s light can be received only as you are willing to be emptied of DA 181; GW 57 TopIndex .Self.128

heaviest load that mortal can lift is 3BC 1161 TopIndex .Self.129

hidden in Christ will not be brought to surface frequently 5T 539 TopIndex .Self.130

hope resting on, is built on sand MB 152 TopIndex .Self.131

how to: conquer 5T 345 TopIndex .Self.132

grow out of 4T 190 TopIndex .Self.133

humble views of: clear conception of God and His requirements gives 5T 24 TopIndex .Self.134

gospel workers should entertain GW 79 TopIndex .Self.135

safety in 5T 586 TopIndex .Self.136

humblest thoughts of, persons who have 5T 223 TopIndex .Self.137

humbling of, needed every step to win victory MB 142 TopIndex .Self.138

idol of, dethronement of MYP 74 TopIndex .Self.139

idol of many rich men is 7T 88 TopIndex .Self.140

idol of servers of mammon is 5T 205 TopIndex .Self.141

idol of some people is 2T 26 TopIndex .Self.142

idolatry of, paralyzes conscience and affections 3T 231 TopIndex .Self.143

warning against WM 292 TopIndex .Self.144

imagination centered on 2SM 236 TopIndex .Self.145

important, appears everywhere 5T 74 TopIndex .Self.146

indulgence of, majority of people live for CS 54 TopIndex .Self.147

is: lifted up 5T 538 TopIndex .Self.148

shifting sand DA 314 TopIndex .Self.149

talked about 5T 538 TopIndex .Self.150

John the Baptist was emptied of DA 180; GW 56; 8T 334 TopIndex .Self.151

Judas Iscariot was constantly planning to benefit 6T 264 TopIndex .Self.152

justification of, that grieves angels EW 119 TopIndex .Self.153

justifying, men may deny Christ by DA 357 TopIndex .Self.154

keep, out of sight 1SM 155 TopIndex .Self.155

kept prominent by unconverted Christians 1SM 80 TopIndex .Self.156

knowledge of, is great knowledge CT 419; FE 525 TopIndex .Self.157

labor not in, but in God 4T 382 TopIndex .Self.158

laborers together with God do not strive to exalt MM 133 TopIndex .Self.159

language of youth is that, must be gratified 1T 155 TopIndex .Self.160

large class of professed Christians constantly plan to benefit 6T 264 TopIndex .Self.161

lay, as willing sacrifice on God’s altar CS 55 TopIndex .Self.162

upon God’s altar EW 66-7 TopIndex .Self.163

learn to distrust 2BC 1017 TopIndex .Self.164

leave, out of your thoughts as much as possible 5T 97 TopIndex .Self.165

less confidence in, need of LS 323 TopIndex .Self.166

less of, and more of Christ is needed CSW 125 TopIndex .Self.167

and more of God is needed in His work Ev 558 TopIndex .Self.168

is needed TM 245-51 TopIndex .Self.169

less talking of, is needed 5T 130 TopIndex .Self.170

less vindicating of, is needed 5T 130 TopIndex .Self.171

less you exalt, the more you will see in Christ to exalt 5T 652 TopIndex .Self.172

let, be dethroned MB 15 TopIndex .Self.173

let not, appear in rash words GW 163 TopIndex .Self.174

life centered in, is squandered COL 200-1 TopIndex .Self.175

no growth in COL 67 TopIndex .Self.176

life is too valuable to be wasted in pleasing MH 198 TopIndex .Self.177

life spent on, is like grain that is eaten DA 624 TopIndex .Self.178

little catechizing of, on special occasions is not enough 5T 332 TopIndex .Self.179

live not for CT 522 TopIndex .Self.180

living and thinking and acting for, man becomes useless as servant of God by 4T 340 TopIndex .Self.181

living for, result of COL 258 TopIndex .Self.182

look away from, to Christ 7BC 958 TopIndex .Self.183

love for, swallowed up in love for Christ in His true messengers DA 179-80; GW 56; 8T 333 TopIndex .Self.184

love of: active in church 1SM 387 TopIndex .Self.185

blinds eye MB 91 TopIndex .Self.186

brings unrest DA 330 TopIndex .Self.187

chills religious zeal 9T 155 TopIndex .Self.188

church members warned against AA 305 TopIndex .Self.189

destroys your peace MB 16 TopIndex .Self.190

excludes love of Christ 7BC 962 TopIndex .Self.191

heart filled with 1T 500 TopIndex .Self.192

leads to substitution of human theories and traditions for God’s precepts DA 409 TopIndex .Self.193

lies at foundation of greatest trials Ev 102 TopIndex .Self.194

men may deny Christ in life by 1T 304 TopIndex .Self.195

must be overcome 2T 189 TopIndex .Self.196

open door that leads to 4T 45 TopIndex .Self.197

should be swallowed up in love for Christ DA 179; GW 56; 8T 333 TopIndex .Self.198

warning against 2SM 58 TopIndex .Self.199

youth have hearts filled with 1T 500 TopIndex .Self.200

lover of, is transgressor of God’s law COL 392; MB 79 TopIndex .Self.201

makes timid and cowardly servant AH 431 TopIndex .Self.202

main object to which everything must bow is 1T 115 TopIndex .Self.203

man cannot be happy when his thoughts are centered on 3T 330 TopIndex .Self.204

man cannot be reconciled to God until, is crucified 5T 46 TopIndex .Self.205

man cannot serve, and at same time be Christ’s servant 2T 129 TopIndex .Self.206

man has to subdue, as long as Satan reigns 1T 340 TopIndex .Self.207

man is naturally inclined to live for 5T 382 TopIndex .Self.208

man may deny Christ by seeking to maintain and justify 3T 332 TopIndex .Self.209

man must be emptied of, in order to be believer in Christ in fullest sense DA 280 TopIndex .Self.210

man must die to 2T 129; 5T 75; 6T 51 TopIndex .Self.211

daily 4T 66 TopIndex .Self.212

men cease to worship, when they see what Christ suffered for them 1SM 80 TopIndex .Self.213

men often gratify, while thinking they are doing God’s will TM 503 TopIndex .Self.214

men selfishly try to get all they can for Ev 559 TopIndex .Self.215

many people make, their idol 1SM 80 TopIndex .Self.216

mastered only through long and severe struggles 4T 612 TopIndex .Self.217

mastery of, Daniel was unyielding in his PK 546 TopIndex .Self.218

mastery over, angels co-operate with men striving for 8T 181 TopIndex .Self.219

may figure largely in false religion TM 339 TopIndex .Self.220

mind dwelling on, is turned away from Christ SC 71 TopIndex .Self.221

mind not settled on, is wanted 5T 568 TopIndex .Self.222

mind should be drawn away from CH 629 TopIndex .Self.223

ministers should keep humble and distrustful of GW 166 TopIndex .Self.224

miserable and filthy garment of, must be destroyed TM 186 TopIndex .Self.225

much less of, and more of Christ is needed 2SM 376 TopIndex .Self.226

must be: abased 5T 110; 8T 234 TopIndex .Self.227

buried with Christ Ev 472 TopIndex .Self.228

conquered day by day and year by year 5T 345 TopIndex .Self.229

controlled by Spirit 1SM 165 TopIndex .Self.230

crucified 6BC 1100; 4T 63, 221; 6T 125 TopIndex .Self.231

entirely surrendered to God 9T 165 TopIndex .Self.232

hid with Christ in God TM 512 TopIndex .Self.233

hidden in Christ Ev 134 TopIndex .Self.234

humiliated and Christ exalted CSW 110 TopIndex .Self.235

kept in background AA 278 TopIndex .Self.236

kept in subjection 2T 163 TopIndex .Self.237

kept out of sight 4T 376; 5T 651 TopIndex .Self.238

lost sight of 4BC 1154 TopIndex .Self.239

made subordinate to God 4T 63 TopIndex .Self.240

overcome 1SM 317 TopIndex .Self.241

put in background CH 560 TopIndex .Self.242

put out of sight COL 162 TopIndex .Self.243

sanctified by truth and righteousness 2SM 170 TopIndex .Self.244

slain 3T 475 TopIndex .Self.245

yielded to Spirit’s disposal MB 15 TopIndex .Self.246

must be subdued 2T 163; 3T 537 TopIndex .Self.247

as long as Satan reigns AA 560 TopIndex .Self.248

must die FE 511; 1T 508; 2T 260; 5T 219, 538 TopIndex .Self.249

and Christ must live in you 2T 88 TopIndex .Self.250

at baptism 6BC 1075 TopIndex .Self.251

before God can work through you 9T 181 TopIndex .Self.252

daily EW 67 TopIndex .Self.253

in ministers 3T 552 TopIndex .Self.254

to world 1T 169 TopIndex .Self.255

must not be: consulted 1T 705 TopIndex .Self.256

exalted 8T 234 TopIndex .Self.257

must not be made prominent 4BC 1154 TopIndex .Self.258

in gospel workers TM 168 TopIndex .Self.259

must not obtain mastery 4T 419 TopIndex .Self.260

nations and families and individuals filled with desire to make, a center CS 24 TopIndex .Self.261

never favor, to disadvantage of another person 7BC 942 TopIndex .Self.262

no honor can be received by, in God’s work DA 369 TopIndex .Self.263

no longer pet, pity, and exalt 5T 17 TopIndex .Self.264

no man can empty himself of COL 159 TopIndex .Self.265

no victory so precious as that over MH 485; 4T 544 TopIndex .Self.266

nobody will think of, in heaven 2T 132 TopIndex .Self.267

not subdued in lovers of pleasure 3T 29 TopIndex .Self.268

often so important that God cannot mold men as He pleases FE 511 TopIndex .Self.269

oversight of, must not be relaxed for moment 1SM 405 TopIndex .Self.270

parents should discipline CT 128-9 TopIndex .Self.271

person hoarding treasure for, cannot take any of it to heaven COL 266 TopIndex .Self.272

person who exalts, will never see kingdom of God 8T 140 TopIndex .Self.273

person who indulges, must pay penalty CD 40 TopIndex .Self.274

person who learns of Christ is emptied of MB 15 TopIndex .Self.275

persons given to adoration of, will be found wanting 1T 508 TopIndex .Self.276

persons in whom, is so large they cannot see anything else DA 584 TopIndex .Self.277

persons trusting in, do not realize their spiritual poverty DA 280 TopIndex .Self.278

Satan easily defeats 5BC 1102 TopIndex .Self.279

persons who bring, into their work cannot be trusted 5BC 1096 TopIndex .Self.280

persons who make, prominent gain education that soon becomes second nature CH 560 TopIndex .Self.281

persons who weave, into all that they do 1SM 82 TopIndex .Self.282

persons who will be troubled as long as they think much of SD 142 TopIndex .Self.283

persons whose god is TM 335 TopIndex .Self.284

petting, warning against 4T 341 TopIndex .Self.285

practical Christian does not live for Ev 86 TopIndex .Self.286

pray that you may be divested of 2BC 1004 TopIndex .Self.287

preparation to defend, is not evidence of noble mind 2T 426 TopIndex .Self.288

professed Christians who act only in reference to DA 584 TopIndex .Self.289

professed Christians who become enslaved by AA 504 TopIndex .Self.290

prominent among many of God’s people 4T 403 TopIndex .Self.291

provision to please and glorify, persons who constantly make TM 159 TopIndex .Self.292

publican regarded, as nothing but shame COL 159 TopIndex .Self.293

put: in background CH 560 TopIndex .Self.294

out of sight and let Christ appear 9T 181 TopIndex .Self.295

under your feet 2T 77 TopIndex .Self.296

putting, first places Christ secondly and even thirdly 1T 453 TopIndex .Self.297

regarded as of great importance TM 288 TopIndex .Self.298

remember that you cannot trust in 6T 420 TopIndex .Self.299

renewed efforts needed daily in restraining 4T 429 TopIndex .Self.300

renunciation of, must be made at every step heavenward COL 159-60; MH 455; 8T 316 TopIndex .Self.301

outward observances cannot take place of entire COL 159 TopIndex .Self.302

resist, deny, and conquer 5T 231 TopIndex .Self.303

results of making, your loftiest ideal GC 555 TopIndex .Self.304

rich fool lived and planned for COL 258 TopIndex .Self.305

rich fool rejected life by living for COL 258 TopIndex .Self.306

right use of, most valuable lesson that can be learned is SD 171 TopIndex .Self.307

risings of, in conversation of some people EW 47 TopIndex .Self.308

rules on right hand and on left FE 511 TopIndex .Self.309

sacrifice of, Christ’s teachings demand DA 213 TopIndex .Self.310

safety in not building up TM 250 TopIndex .Self.311

Satan desired to live for CT 33 TopIndex .Self.312

Satan labors earnestly to keep hearts bound up in 5T 150 TopIndex .Self.313

say little about, and exalt Christ 2T 638 TopIndex .Self.314

seek earnestly to put, out of the question TM 70-1 TopIndex .Self.315

service and exaltation of, Lucifer sought GC 494 TopIndex .Self.316

service of, heart open to evil thoughts is easily diverted to 1SM 108 TopIndex .Self.317

many people use their blessings in 8T 24 TopIndex .Self.318

SDA must die to EW 120 TopIndex .Self.319

should sink in love of Christ 4T 133 TopIndex .Self.320

simple and natural, act your 4T 522 TopIndex .Self.321

sink, in Christ 3BC 1136 TopIndex .Self.322

sinks into insignificance when: heart is aglow with love of Christ 6T 51 TopIndex .Self.323

it contemplates God and Christ FE 451 TopIndex .Self.324

slow advancement in understanding, why such 5T 332-3 TopIndex .Self.325

so large in many people that it strives for mastery FE 284 TopIndex .Self.326

some people without peace or gladness because they never get out of range of SD 88 TopIndex .Self.327

spirit of Satan is to get and draw to COL 259 TopIndex .Self.328

spiritual dwarfs consume their means on Ev 357; WM 19 TopIndex .Self.329

strict guard upon, Paul knew need of putting AA 314 TopIndex .Self.330

strives for mastery 2T 687 TopIndex .Self.331

strives for supremacy in most religious controversies TM 71 TopIndex .Self.332

strongest foe man has to meet is ML 70; MYP 134 TopIndex .Self.333

struggle for conquest over, is lifelong struggle MH 452; 5T 412-3; 8T 313 TopIndex .Self.334

subduing, is everyday work 5T 70 TopIndex .Self.335

subjection of, greatest conquest man can achieve is 3T 183 TopIndex .Self.336

subjection to God is restoration to one’s DA 466 TopIndex .Self.337

successful work keeps, out of sight as much as possible Ev 152 TopIndex .Self.338

supremacy of, ministers warned against GW 381 TopIndex .Self.339

supreme love of, must be surrendered DA 519 TopIndex .Self.340

should be changed for supreme love for God 1SM 310 TopIndex .Self.341

surplus of, God’s word must cut away 7BC 928 TopIndex .Self.342

surrender of, to God is greatest battle ever fought by man MB 141 TopIndex .Self.343

to God makes victory sure 1BC 1095 TopIndex .Self.344

swallowed in Christ when men are truly united with Him TM 400 TopIndex .Self.345

talk about, strengthens nobody 2T 320 TopIndex .Self.346

temptation to exalt, is constant TM 223 TopIndex .Self.347

temptation to indulge, resist MYP 141 TopIndex .Self.348

testimonies exalting, abound in world LS 202 TopIndex .Self.349

thorough acquaintance with, is needed ML 97 TopIndex .Self.350

thorough conversion slays 2T 496 TopIndex .Self.351

to live for, is to perish COL 259 TopIndex .Self.352

to rule your spirit is to keep, under discipline MYP 134 TopIndex .Self.353

too much, and too little of Christ CT 282 TopIndex .Self.354

mingled in presentation of truth CW 82 TopIndex .Self.355

triumph over, more valuable than man can estimate CT 20 TopIndex .Self.356

true knowledge of, obtained in only one way COL 159 TopIndex .Self.357

trust less in, and more in Christ 2BC 1004 TopIndex .Self.358

unconsecrated, man’s great conflict is with CS 21 TopIndex .Self.359

under control, no longer clamors for supremacy 3BC 1161 TopIndex .Self.360

vacuum created when man is fully emptied of GW 287 TopIndex .Self.361

victor over, man must be 5T 384 TopIndex .Self.362

victory over: cannot be attained without Christ’s help 5T 345 TopIndex .Self.363

how to obtain 5T 345 TopIndex .Self.364

may be hard and long struggle 7T 49 TopIndex .Self.365

must be won 5T 47 TopIndex .Self.366

obtained only by constant help from God MH 393; 7T 44 TopIndex .Self.367

promise for persons sincerely striving for ML 99 TopIndex .Self.368

trials used as God’s means of gaining 5T 344-5 TopIndex .Self.369

wants to be first 6T 103 TopIndex .Self.370

warfare against, greatest battle ever fought is SC 43; 3T 106 TopIndex .Self.371

is difficult 3T 106 TopIndex .Self.372

watch 5T 532 TopIndex .Self.373

watchful guarding keeps, from asserting itself AH 31 TopIndex .Self.374

woman who made, a center 2T 433 TopIndex .Self.375

woman who was shut up to 2T 231 TopIndex .Self.376

work of him who serves, no spirituality in MM 133 TopIndex .Self.377

worshipers of, belong to Satan’s kingdom DA 57 TopIndex .Self.378

worst of tyrants is PP 676 TopIndex .Self.379

woven into: exhibitions of fanatics 2SM 45 TopIndex .Self.380

God’s work as offering of strange fire TM 260 TopIndex .Self.381

wrestles for mastery with all its strength 2T 572 TopIndex .Self.382

you cannot depend on, for one moment MYP 48 TopIndex .Self.383

you cannot retain, and enter God’s kingdom MB 143 TopIndex .Self.384

you must battle with, in order to deal patiently with the tempted Ev 631 TopIndex .Self.385

you must crucify, in order for God to save you TM 453 TopIndex .Self.386

you must forget, and grow in grace Ev 468 TopIndex .Self.387

Supplement TopIndex .Self.388

abasement of, TopIndex .Self.389

combined with majesty in Christ RC 35:5 TopIndex .Self.390

given by God; no merit in it FW 23:2 TopIndex .Self.391

shows that soul has seen Jesus UL 22:3 TopIndex .Self.392

walking in the shadow of the cross Mar 235:5 TopIndex .Self.393

with exalted views of Christ OHC 99:5; TDG 261:3 TopIndex .Self.394

-abuse, See Masturbation TopIndex .Self.395

actions not to please, UL 64:5 TopIndex .Self.396

because you are the Lord’s property OHC 41:2 TopIndex .Self.397

admiration of, true Christian does not have HP 185:4 TopIndex .Self.398

aggrandizement of, Christians will not be working for SW 17:2 TopIndex .Self.399

agonizing views of, thought necessary in coming to Christ 2MCP 809:0 TopIndex .Self.400

ailments of, talked and thought about 2MCP 683:3 TopIndex .Self.401

angels communicate with those who lose Mar 110:4 TopIndex .Self.402

appearance of, in one who did not know sanctification 3SM 146:2 TopIndex .Self.403

appreciation for, TopIndex .Self.404

needed in cooperation with Christ 2MCP 577:4 TopIndex .Self.405

thought lacking; confidence lost in Christ LHU 273:4 TopIndex .Self.406

assertion of, put away, and let actions speak TMK 133:4 TopIndex .Self.407

attending to, keeping busy in Christ’s strength; witness HP 321:4 TopIndex .Self.408

attention on, UL 328:2 TopIndex .Self.409

when being too precise about eating 2MCP 393:0 TopIndex .Self.410

battle with, TopIndex .Self.411

angels present to help in FLB 79:4; HP 100:5 TopIndex .Self.412

fought as long as there are temptations FW 85:2; TDG 148:3 TopIndex .Self.413

maintained and gospel standard exalted TDG 251:5 TopIndex .Self.414

needed to withstand Satan’s snares TDG 295:2 TopIndex .Self.415

not left alone to fight 2MCP 659:1 TopIndex .Self.416

to keep it from having the victory OHC 184:6 TopIndex .Self.417

will not decrease RC 108:6 TopIndex .Self.418

yielding the will in UL 300:3 TopIndex .Self.419

being own simple, not shadow of another 2MCP 428:1 TopIndex .Self.420

beliefs about, influenced by what we say TMK 137:2 TopIndex .Self.421

believers will follow example of Christ in denying PM 47:2 TopIndex .Self.422

binding, in captivity to Christ TMK 287:4 TopIndex .Self.423

boasting in, wrong UL 208:4 TopIndex .Self.424

broad road travelers occupied with TMK 303:3 TopIndex .Self.425

broken before God, although it is hard HP 30:2 TopIndex .Self.426

burden of, greatest in life HP 107:4 TopIndex .Self.427

calling attention to, when all comes from God TMK 176:3 TopIndex .Self.428

capabilities given by Heaven not to serve HP 221:5 TopIndex .Self.429

cause and effect to be seen beyond 1MCP 13:1 TopIndex .Self.430

centers of, TopIndex .Self.431

people before the end of time try to make 3SM 418:1 TopIndex .Self.432

See also Self, thoughts centered on TopIndex .Self.433

change needed in, when difficulties are magnified 2MCP 630:1 TopIndex .Self.434

character of church members spoiled by unconverted TDG 73:3 TopIndex .Self.435

children to be taught not to center thoughts on RC 252:2 TopIndex .Self.436

Christ, TopIndex .Self.437

did not live to please LHU 208:4; RC 37:4; TMK 306:3 TopIndex .Self.438

exalted instead of TMK 176:4 TopIndex .Self.439

is revealed by crucifying, and growing in Him TMK 164:5 TopIndex .Self.440

replaces, with water of life RC 304:4 TopIndex .Self.441

cleansing of, needed without leaving others who err TMK 186:4 TopIndex .Self.442

companionship with, See Friendships, own TopIndex .Self.443

comparing, TopIndex .Self.444

with Christ’s character UL 66:4 TopIndex .Self.445

with one you suppose to be at fault TDG 105:2 TopIndex .Self.446

concentrating on, doubting and 2MCP 673:2 TopIndex .Self.447

conferring with, instead of letting heart break before God LYL 73:2 TopIndex .Self.448

-confidence/self-esteem (used in a negative sense), TopIndex .Self.449

avoid depending on TSB 127:3 TopIndex .Self.450

Christ fortifies the soul against OHC 315:4 TopIndex .Self.451

Christ never had HP 221:6; TDG 132:2 TopIndex .Self.452

clinging to dignity which is really TMK 175:2 TopIndex .Self.453

confidence in Christ instead AG 260:2 TopIndex .Self.454

connection with God to avoid TDG 277:2 TopIndex .Self.455

corrodes the soul UL 333:5 TopIndex .Self.456

danger from, in healing UL 375:7 TopIndex .Self.457

depravity seen by one feeling LYL 73:1 TopIndex .Self.458

fall awaits those with TMK 267:3 TopIndex .Self.459

fall of many today is from, as it was for Peter OHC 307:3 TopIndex .Self.460

greatest when humility is most needed TDG 291:2 TopIndex .Self.461

heart emptied of, prepared to receive from God TDG 300:2 TopIndex .Self.462

impedes enriching current from Christ OHC 114:4 TopIndex .Self.463

inappropriate because Paul sensed his weakness TDG 277:3 TopIndex .Self.464

instead of repentance; God turns away RC 203:2 TopIndex .Self.465

laborers for God must not have UL 24:2 TopIndex .Self.466

laid in dust by watching Christ OHC 99:3 TopIndex .Self.467

less, and more in others God is leading TDG 306:3 TopIndex .Self.468

makes own way seem wise UL 318:6 TopIndex .Self.469

many have, standing where Peter stood TDG 259:4 TopIndex .Self.470

mountains and hills of, need to be brought low AG 249:2 TopIndex .Self.471

never safe Mar 236:2 TopIndex .Self.472

overcome, in character formation AG 232:4 TopIndex .Self.473

Peter fell through gradual development of Mar 236:2 TopIndex .Self.474

Peter’s ruin resulted from TDG 259:3 TopIndex .Self.475

prevents learning in school of Christ TMK 93:3 TopIndex .Self.476

refused for perfection UL 353:2 TopIndex .Self.477

religion of love and meekness instead of TMK 184:6 TopIndex .Self.478

relinquished seeing Christ’s preciousness FW 60:2 TopIndex .Self.479

renounce, and make a full surrender TDG 101:3 TopIndex .Self.480

Satan takes advantage of, of youth’s FLB 323:3 TopIndex .Self.481

sensing the presence of Christ precludes FW 54:1 TopIndex .Self.482

to be less UL 136:4 TopIndex .Self.483

trapped by the enemy in 2MCP 726:0 TopIndex .Self.484

trust wanted instead of TDG 27:5 TopIndex .Self.485

truth refused and not shared by remnant with RC 290:5 TopIndex .Self.486

watchfulness neglected by HP 97:5 TopIndex .Self.487

wrong kind of faith leads to UL 279:5 TopIndex .Self.488

See also Confidence; Self-sufficiency TopIndex .Self.489

conflict with, daily in Paul’s sanctification TDG 251:3 TopIndex .Self.490

conquering, TopIndex .Self.491

by looking beyond, to Christ OHC 126:4 TopIndex .Self.492

how to accomplish HP 231:3 TopIndex .Self.493

when slow to anger RC 292:2 TopIndex .Self.494

consecrate, to God, TopIndex .Self.495

by prayer UL 298:5 TopIndex .Self.496

each morning HP 213:4 TopIndex .Self.497

consideration for, TopIndex .Self.498

as unprofitable servant even when doing good works 3SM 200:2 TopIndex .Self.499

believing own judgment best TDG 125:4 TopIndex .Self.500

must give way to burden for souls TDG 171:6 TopIndex .Self.501

until we feel others have no claims HP 232:2 TopIndex .Self.502

-control, TopIndex .Self.503

aspirations purified by 1MCP 301:1 TopIndex .Self.504

attained by watchfulness and prayer RC 318:5 TopIndex .Self.505

children, TopIndex .Self.506

and youth to acquire; character RC 292:6 TopIndex .Self.507

learn, as they learn obedience and respect RC 184:3 TopIndex .Self.508

to be taught OHC 263:4 TopIndex .Self.509

(young) to be taught, and Jesus will help TMK 42:2 TopIndex .Self.510

Christ, TopIndex .Self.511

expects; character perfection LHU 376:2 TopIndex .Self.512

never lost TMK 178:3 TopIndex .Self.513

possessed, although afflicted TDG 263:2 TopIndex .Self.514

showed, stronger than hunger or death Con 37:1 TopIndex .Self.515

communion with God needed for, in presenting truth PM 307:1 TopIndex .Self.516

defiling practices overpower; brain is imbalanced 1MCP 227:5 TopIndex .Self.517

directors to learn TDG 270:4 TopIndex .Self.518

education without, less effective than ordinary minds 1MCP 102:0 TopIndex .Self.519

evidence of nobility in a Christian RC 292:3 TopIndex .Self.520

honors the Saviour OHC 102:5 TopIndex .Self.521

impurity overpowers HP 195:3 TopIndex .Self.522

influence for good by youth with LHU 127:4 TopIndex .Self.523

keep, although things seem wrong; imitate Christ TDG 263:3 TopIndex .Self.524

learn, to purify soul for heaven FW 86:3 TopIndex .Self.525

loss of, TopIndex .Self.526

by indulgence at Baal-peor CC 115:2 TopIndex .Self.527

caused by little things HP 231:2 TopIndex .Self.528

gives reason to believe accusers HP 246:3 TopIndex .Self.529

like letting go of horses’ reins OHC 11:3 TopIndex .Self.530

never to occur HP 246:4 TopIndex .Self.531

over unkind or untrue words; keep praying TDG 70:5 TopIndex .Self.532

when Israelites tempted at Baal-peor TSB 84:1 TopIndex .Self.533

when purity lacking in the character Mar 229:3 TopIndex .Self.534

when stimulants used instead of rest 2MCP 384:0 TopIndex .Self.535

mind disciplined for OHC 110:3 TopIndex .Self.536

mothers able to maintain, through prayer RC 171:5 TopIndex .Self.537

mothers under obligation to exercise 1MCP 134:0 TopIndex .Self.538

nobility shown by; copy example of Jesus TMK 139:2 TopIndex .Self.539

place the will on God’s side for OHC 219:3 TopIndex .Self.540

power for, TopIndex .Self.541

by God’s love and presence AG 278:3 TopIndex .Self.542

from God’s love and presence TMK 53:6 TopIndex .Self.543

sanctified reason rules lives with RC 295:5 TopIndex .Self.544

speaking loving words honoring Saviour TDG 339:5 TopIndex .Self.545

strength, TopIndex .Self.546

of character shown by, not feelings TDG 178:3 TopIndex .Self.547

of Christ for gaining RC 293:3 TopIndex .Self.548

of Enoch, Joseph and Daniel available for OHC 278:6 TopIndex .Self.549

teaching requires, and other traits 1MCP 189:4 TopIndex .Self.550

weakened; bands broken with God; passion controls 1MCP 228 TopIndex .Self.551

wearing yoke of Christ means OHC 174:3 TopIndex .Self.552

work not to be controlled by those without PM 151:3 TopIndex .Self.553

See also Restraint TopIndex .Self.554

credit for success not to be assumed by TMK 88:4 TopIndex .Self.555

criticism of, TMK 181:4 TopIndex .Self.556

by Bible increases trust in God’s wisdom UL 348:4 TopIndex .Self.557

instead of criticizing others OHC 181:5, 233:2; TMK 187:4 TopIndex .Self.558

severity in, compared to criticism of others OHC 233:4 TopIndex .Self.559

crucifixion of, HP 148:4 TopIndex .Self.560

allows Christ and the Holy Spirit to work OHC 21:2 TopIndex .Self.561

by blessing others strengthens graces TMK 118:5 TopIndex .Self.562

by those in the work of God TMK 122:2 TopIndex .Self.563

daily RC 108:6 TopIndex .Self.564

daily not now and then OHC 29:2 TopIndex .Self.565

eternal life is worth OHC 351:7; TMK 303:5 TopIndex .Self.566

freedom from sin through OHC 321:2 TopIndex .Self.567

in gaining the crown of life UL 134:2 TopIndex .Self.568

in preparation for translation OHC 323:3 TopIndex .Self.569

in those faithful to God UL 283:2 TopIndex .Self.570

is hard LHU 176:5 TopIndex .Self.571

learned by taking time in a retired place OHC 116:5 TopIndex .Self.572

means more than many suppose HP 117:4 TopIndex .Self.573

rather than seeking to crucify others 2MCP 522:2 TopIndex .Self.574

required TMK 280:4 TopIndex .Self.575

required daily HP 260:5 TopIndex .Self.576

to walk with newness UL 346:5 TopIndex .Self.577

cultivation of OHC 107:2 TopIndex .Self.578

danger in trusting HP 223:5 TopIndex .Self.579

dealing first with OHC 21:4 TopIndex .Self.580

death of, TMK 237:4; UL 87:2 TopIndex .Self.581

as Christ’s will becomes our will TMK 55:3 TopIndex .Self.582

by confessing sins TMK 239:3 TopIndex .Self.583

by those who behold Christ HP 236:5 TopIndex .Self.584

Christ must possess the soul temple 1MCP 320:2 TopIndex .Self.585

Christian’s life to show HP 57:2 TopIndex .Self.586

difficult even in view of God’s love TDG 64:3 TopIndex .Self.587

God will work with power through those with Mar 120:5 TopIndex .Self.588

hardest problem; hardness in spiritual life 1MCP 13:1 TopIndex .Self.589

in life of Christian TDG 159:2 TopIndex .Self.590

in person sanctified for Master’s use TDG 150:2 TopIndex .Self.591

is hard RC 350:5; UL 322:4 TopIndex .Self.592

must precede Christ’s living in us TMK 226:5 TopIndex .Self.593

needs to be understood UL 269:5 TopIndex .Self.594

seeing God’s plan for life OHC 335:3 TopIndex .Self.595

unknown to many RC 208:3 TopIndex .Self.596

when we are alive to God; names not blotted out LHU 326:3 TopIndex .Self.597

deception of, TopIndex .Self.598

affection for sin brings OHC 140:3 TopIndex .Self.599

ended in the better country HP 288:3 TopIndex .Self.600

false premise and work to make error true PM 128:0 TopIndex .Self.601

God sees all TMK 290:4 TopIndex .Self.602

great danger UL 295:7 TopIndex .Self.603

Kellogg’s, J. H., UL 119:6 TopIndex .Self.604

Laodicean message murmured at by many with TDG 278:2 TopIndex .Self.605

liable to, with too little faith 3SM 150:2 TopIndex .Self.606

living in, by a crossless religion FW 50:1; NL 38:1 TopIndex .Self.607

questioning God’s right to make requirements AG 150:2 TopIndex .Self.608

rescue from, through the Holy Spirit RC 217:2 TopIndex .Self.609

sinners practice UL 203:3 TopIndex .Self.610

story of UL 121:3 TopIndex .Self.611

stubbornness in, contrary to Spirit of God 2MCP 725:2 TopIndex .Self.612

watch against UL 208:5 TopIndex .Self.613

defects in, Holy Spirit, faith and prayer needed to discern TDG 173:3 TopIndex .Self.614

defilement from growth of; ship sunk by one leak 2MCP 728:4 TopIndex .Self.615

demeriting, displeases God OHC 143:4; TMK 140:4 TopIndex .Self.616

-denial, TopIndex .Self.617

Adam’s first moral lesson; self-government Con 12:2; TMK 14:3 TopIndex .Self.618

advancement resisted by those lacking in RC 201:5 TopIndex .Self.619

appreciation for, worker not to measure TDG 49:4 TopIndex .Self.620

Bible religion leads to AG 248:2 TopIndex .Self.621

Bible truth leads to continual RC 287:2 TopIndex .Self.622

blessings purchased by Christ understood by Con 93:2 TopIndex .Self.623

broad way does not require TMK 304:2 TopIndex .Self.624

canvassing work requires; Christ made sacrifices PM 301:1 TopIndex .Self.625

character perfection through OHC 198:4, 313:2; TDG 257:6; UL 109:4 TopIndex .Self.626

children of God have UL 75:7 TopIndex .Self.627

Christ, TopIndex .Self.628

bore, for us, will we bear cross for Him TMK 289:4 TopIndex .Self.629

calls us to follow His example of TMK 81:5 TopIndex .Self.630

came from heaven to teach us TDG 257:4 TopIndex .Self.631

followed in path of PM 47:2 TopIndex .Self.632

is not won without; work for Jesus CME 26:1 TopIndex .Self.633

practiced OHC 198:5 TopIndex .Self.634

reflected by OHC 247:3 TopIndex .Self.635

Christians practice, for Christ’s sake TMK 62:4 TopIndex .Self.636

Christlikeness through HP 300 TopIndex .Self.637

Christ’s, TopIndex .Self.638

charge requires UL 79:6 TopIndex .Self.639

fills with amazement TMK 104:4 TopIndex .Self.640

followers called to AG 149:4 TopIndex .Self.641

life illustrated TDG 155:4 TopIndex .Self.642

life of, to be followed TMK 120:6 TopIndex .Self.643

partaken of, to wear His crown OHC 288:4 TopIndex .Self.644

sacrifice should make our, not a hardship TDG 315:3 TopIndex .Self.645

whole life was one of TMK 156:2 TopIndex .Self.646

comparison of Christ’s, with our self-indulgence TDG 236:2 TopIndex .Self.647

condition of service to Christ OHC 270:2 TopIndex .Self.648

consecration is a principle leading to FLB 221:6; TDG 94:2 TopIndex .Self.649

courage needed for perseverance in, against appetite Con 77:1 TopIndex .Self.650

cross of, many are unwilling to take TDG 64:2 TopIndex .Self.651

cross taken up in, because Jesus sacrificed for us TDG 162:3 TopIndex .Self.652

daily, TopIndex .Self.653

eternal life requires TMK 313:3 TopIndex .Self.654

required in Luke 9:23 Mar 85:6 TopIndex .Self.655

definition of HP 223:3 TopIndex .Self.656

difficult to preach and practice HP 300:2 TopIndex .Self.657

easier as we practice it LHU 299:4 TopIndex .Self.658

eternal riches gained through, and by sacrifice TDG 152:5 TopIndex .Self.659

eternity risked by not practicing TDG 174:4 TopIndex .Self.660

exercising of, refused by professed Christians OHC 270:3 TopIndex .Self.661

experience of, many have not had OHC 189:5 TopIndex .Self.662

faith in Jesus leads to RC 130:2 TopIndex .Self.663

fellowship with Christ through AG 324:4 TopIndex .Self.664

followers of Christ must enter strait gate of TDG 155:5 TopIndex .Self.665

following Christ in HP 300:2; UL 113:5 TopIndex .Self.666

for others UL 31:7 TopIndex .Self.667

fruit to God’s glory borne through OHC 144:5 TopIndex .Self.668

giving in, discouraged by high wages in institutions PM 243:2 TopIndex .Self.669

God, TopIndex .Self.670

notices, of those revealing Christ’s meekness TMK 123:3 TopIndex .Self.671

shows us needed, and asks us to count the cost FW 92:2 TopIndex .Self.672

values people by their AG 67:4 TopIndex .Self.673

working on the heart causes UL 371:6 TopIndex .Self.674

grace influences liberality in TDG 347:2 TopIndex .Self.675

harder than making void the law of God FW 46:0 TopIndex .Self.676

heart defiled with sin does not have FLB 92:5 TopIndex .Self.677

heaven for those practicing UL 247:3 TopIndex .Self.678

helping others requires CME 24:3 TopIndex .Self.679

humility need not be strived for when following Jesus in OHC 114:4 TopIndex .Self.680

ideas about Christ may not encourage UL 258:2 TopIndex .Self.681

inappropriate speeches about; use of spoiling food RY 127:2 TopIndex .Self.682

increase of, in our work in the future CME 13:1 TopIndex .Self.683

intellect and means used in, as a gift of grace 2MCP 558:1 TopIndex .Self.684