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Self (Part 2 of 2) TopIndex .Self.685

joy from, TopIndex .Self.685

in giving for the needy and for the truth HP 301:5 TopIndex .Self.686

of seeing souls saved HP 300:4 TopIndex .Self.687

lacking although Christ laid aside crown for us 3SM 248:1 TopIndex .Self.688

learn, from Christ OHC 99:2 TopIndex .Self.689

lesson of, needed; unselfishness glorifies God PM 112:1 TopIndex .Self.690

life of God’s children characterized by LHU 48:3 TopIndex .Self.691

light from works of, to shine TDG 327:3 TopIndex .Self.692

light reflected to others by RC 235:2 TopIndex .Self.693

likeness to Christ in, sometimes not discernible HP 167:4 TopIndex .Self.694

little, is known by many TMK 174:3 TopIndex .Self.695

marriage considered by one not knowing LYL 22:1 TopIndex .Self.696

message requiring, many oppose, but proclaim truth TDG 179:4 TopIndex .Self.697

moral heros today living lives of RC 346:6 TopIndex .Self.698

narrow, TopIndex .Self.699

path of UL 355:4 TopIndex .Self.700

pathway requires Mar 110:2 TopIndex .Self.701

necessary in addition to belief Mar 236:4 TopIndex .Self.702

needed for working in Southern field SW 60:2, 64:1 TopIndex .Self.703

never step aside from path of TMK 123:2 TopIndex .Self.704

offerings that are the fruit of HP 306:6 TopIndex .Self.705

others elevated in the practice of FLB 235:2 TopIndex .Self.706

overcoming requires, 1 Cor. 9:24, 25 TMK 315:2 TopIndex .Self.707

Christ left an example Con 66:1 TopIndex .Self.708

path of, UL 69:2 TopIndex .Self.709

leads to eternal life UL 139:6 TopIndex .Self.710

people of God to come in, and do His work TDG 221:3 TopIndex .Self.711

practice of, OHC 198:6 TopIndex .Self.712

by all who follow Christ OHC 287:2 TopIndex .Self.713

if intent on character perfection RC 296:5 TopIndex .Self.714

missionary work to be more extensive TDG 80:2 TopIndex .Self.715

to relieve suffering OHC 198:4 TopIndex .Self.716

quality of Christian experience seen in HP 266:4 TopIndex .Self.717

readiness to practice, for the cause proves love 1MCP 242:2 TopIndex .Self.718

(rebuke) to be taught by Christ OHC 37:5 TopIndex .Self.719

redeemed around the throne came from HP 371:3 TopIndex .Self.720

refusing, TopIndex .Self.721

corruption by intemperance CME 45:5 TopIndex .Self.722

repentance and TDG 221:2 TopIndex .Self.723

when Christ has promised to be with us TDG 330:3 TopIndex .Self.724

religion of the Bible requires AG 248:5 TopIndex .Self.725

requirement of, TopIndex .Self.726

even of those with little means HP 301:5 TopIndex .Self.727

for being joint heirs with Christ UL 235:4 TopIndex .Self.728

in contrast with habits of world TMK 317:3 TopIndex .Self.729

revealing beauty of the Christ-life through RC 232:6 TopIndex .Self.730

reward of, sitting nearest Christ on His throne AG 67:3; HP 68:2 TopIndex .Self.731

runners in Christian race need OHC 308:3 TopIndex .Self.732

sermon hardest to preach and practice RC 232:4 TopIndex .Self.733

service, TopIndex .Self.734

for others by, brings good character, etc. RC 200:6 TopIndex .Self.735

in, recommends one to God TDG 356:2 TopIndex .Self.736

of Christ requires 2MCP 380:3 TopIndex .Self.737

shrinking from, does not bring peace OHC 327:2 TopIndex .Self.738

steps, TopIndex .Self.739

in narrow pathway mean OHC 172:4 TopIndex .Self.740

of the lost sheep returning TDG 212:6 TopIndex .Self.741

to final victory TMK 253:2 TopIndex .Self.742

stomach unfortunately crowded when there is need for 2MCP 391:4 TopIndex .Self.743

support of the work by, forgotten in the kingdom Mar 317:4 TopIndex .Self.744

sweetness of OHC 199:3 TopIndex .Self.745

temptation presenting, as unimportant Con 38:2 TopIndex .Self.746

thank God for UL 109:5 TopIndex .Self.747

treasure in heaven for those practicing 3SM 274:2 TopIndex .Self.748

turned aside from TDG 374:2 TopIndex .Self.749

unconscious, in helping others Mar 342:4 TopIndex .Self.750

value of individual in, by Christ’s merits TMK 77:3 TopIndex .Self.751

victory requires OHC 82:6 TopIndex .Self.752

walking the narrow path requires TDG 108:6 TopIndex .Self.753

words and thoughts not on, when peace of Christ in heart FW 87:3 TopIndex .Self.754

work, TopIndex .Self.755

advanced by PM 27:2 TopIndex .Self.756

for others with TDG 79:5 TopIndex .Self.757

workers needed with TDG 349:5 TopIndex .Self.758

world, TopIndex .Self.759

does not see value of TMK 310:4 TopIndex .Self.760

has right to look for, in Christians HP 316:3 TopIndex .Self.761

would rush to heaven’s way if without OHC 288:6 TopIndex .Self.762

yoked up with Christ in PM 301:1 TopIndex .Self.763

youth need to learn OHC 199:4 TopIndex .Self.764

See also Humility TopIndex .Self.765

dependence on, TopIndex .Self.766

clothed in Christ’s righteousness without FW 66:0 TopIndex .Self.767

for strength and wisdom futile TMK 269:4 TopIndex .Self.768

instead!instead of on God TMK 226:3 TopIndex .Self.769

judging after finite comprehension FW 27:1 TopIndex .Self.770

worker fortified against RC 358:3 TopIndex .Self.771

depreciating, wrong UL 237:6 TopIndex .Self.772

despised seeing God’s regard for selfish disposition TDG 289:4 TopIndex .Self.773

dethroned through daily seeking grace HP 20:3 TopIndex .Self.774

devotion of, in undivided service TDG 303:2 TopIndex .Self.775

difficulties talked of because minds are on LHU 216:3 TopIndex .Self.776

disciples of Christ do not cling to TMK 163:3 TopIndex .Self.777

-discipline, TopIndex .Self.778

difficulties magnified by those needing 2MCP 630:1 TopIndex .Self.779

hardship endured by TDG 65:2 TopIndex .Self.780

importance of, in God’s cause, more than talent 1MCP 102:0 TopIndex .Self.781

living the truth (in diet) requires 2MCP 388:0 TopIndex .Self.782

need for; avoid being led astray 1MCP 301 TopIndex .Self.783

need for, in one to whom Ellen White wrote 2MCP 801:3 TopIndex .Self.784

novel reading robs of HP 215:4 TopIndex .Self.785

stimulated by the religion of Christ OHC 29:3 TopIndex .Self.786

strength requires, for proper behavior 2MCP 735:3 TopIndex .Self.787

discipline of Christ for, by prayer and study OHC 101:7 TopIndex .Self.788

discontent on face of one living for HP 325:4 TopIndex .Self.789

dissatisfaction with, viewing own heart TDG 62:3 TopIndex .Self.790

distrust of, LHU 40:4; OHC 212:6 TopIndex .Self.791

better than self-importance UL 95:4 TopIndex .Self.792

cry to God in, for salvation OHC 82:5 TopIndex .Self.793

leaning on God for guidance and strength TMK 252:3 TopIndex .Self.794

learned by looking to Jesus OHC 216:5 TopIndex .Self.795

needed by all called by the Lord SW 24:1 TopIndex .Self.796

safety only in FLB 336:2 TopIndex .Self.797

when demanded to renounce God’s law Mar 204:4 TopIndex .Self.798

doubter keeps eye on, and cannot conform to Christ’s image HP 106:3 TopIndex .Self.799

drop, TopIndex .Self.800

into hands of God UL 346:6 TopIndex .Self.801

out of sight and let Jesus appear HP 230:5 TopIndex .Self.802

dwelling on, with perverted thinking; suspicion of people 2MCP 381:3 TopIndex .Self.803

efforts of, Christ’s image never received through RC 20:3 TopIndex .Self.804

eliminate, from plans; act like Christ would TDG 79:2 TopIndex .Self.805

Ellen White wanted to lose sight of TMK 55:5 TopIndex .Self.806

emptying of, TopIndex .Self.807

as Jacob wrestling with the angel TDG 298:4 TopIndex .Self.808

brings fullness of Christ HP 155:5 TopIndex .Self.809

Moses spent forty years for TDG 321:2 TopIndex .Self.810

opening door to Christ TDG 74:2 TopIndex .Self.811

to be noble 1MCP 16:4 TopIndex .Self.812

to give room to Jesus TMK 165:2 TopIndex .Self.813

when one is justified TDG 358:5 TopIndex .Self.814

-esteem, See Self-confidence TopIndex .Self.815

esteemed too highly UL 237:5 TopIndex .Self.816

exaltation/glorification of, TopIndex .Self.817

above God by a false Sabbath Mar 238:5 TopIndex .Self.818

absorbs mind, heart and soul with many 1MCP 274:1 TopIndex .Self.819

blessings given when they do not bring TDG 356:5 TopIndex .Self.820

bubble; money and position CC 193:5 TopIndex .Self.821

by extolling abilities, deeds knowledge HP 221:6 TopIndex .Self.822

by many who profess God; not just wealthy LHU 54:3 TopIndex .Self.823

cause for, no one has HP 221:2 TopIndex .Self.824

caution against; abilities come from God TDG 193:3 TopIndex .Self.825

ceases with heart open to Jesus OHC 114:3 TopIndex .Self.826

Christ will not tolerate UL 85:8 TopIndex .Self.827

Christian character does not have HP 185:4 TopIndex .Self.828

Christ’s sacrifice made vain by AG 66:4 TopIndex .Self.829

consecration prevents 2MCP 737:4 TopIndex .Self.830

criticism of others’ shortcomings for LHU 110:2 TopIndex .Self.831

crucified, TopIndex .Self.832

in those partaking of divine nature TDG 118:4 TopIndex .Self.833

with the divine nature LHU 301:3 TopIndex .Self.834

dependence entirely on God rather than PM 102:1 TopIndex .Self.835

destroyed only by seeking the Lord 1MCP 274:1 TopIndex .Self.836

discouragement and, are both wrong TDG 316:5 TopIndex .Self.837

displaying abilities and knowledge is TDG 132:2 TopIndex .Self.838

dreaming of great things involving self makes 2MCP 592:2 TopIndex .Self.839

fabric of character to have no thread of HP 165:5 TopIndex .Self.840

failing expectations of Christ HP 158:5 TopIndex .Self.841

forgetting that beauty comes from Christ TDG 128:2 TopIndex .Self.842

gifts of God not to be used for TDG 132:4 TopIndex .Self.843

help is vain for those trapped in 2MCP 793:2 TopIndex .Self.844

hopelessness of; in Satan’s science 2MCP 725:4 TopIndex .Self.845

humbling by God follows UL 120:3 TopIndex .Self.846

humility and work for souls to replace TDG 343:7 TopIndex .Self.847

idea of, is not good UL 28:2 TopIndex .Self.848

in service professedly for God TDG 326:2 TopIndex .Self.849

instead of lifting up Jesus LHU 216:6 TopIndex .Self.850

laborer with God does not do TMK 128:4 TopIndex .Self.851

need of the Saviour not felt by one with HP 236:3 TopIndex .Self.852

not done when looking to the cross TDG 261:4 TopIndex .Self.853

pray to be a blessing to others instead of HP 113:5 TopIndex .Self.854

prevented by love and learning of Christ UL 271:6 TopIndex .Self.855

prevents learning life lessons from Christ LHU 245:3 TopIndex .Self.856

protected against ruin from RC 358:3 TopIndex .Self.857

put away feelings of TDG 125:5 TopIndex .Self.858

reveals lack of wisdom; gifts come from God TDG 200:5 TopIndex .Self.859

sanctification (false) has spirit of Mar 232:2 TopIndex .Self.860

Satan’s power over those with UL 115:2 TopIndex .Self.861

soul ruined by OHC 315:4; UL 114:5 TopIndex .Self.862

souls are harmed by families with TDG 73:3 TopIndex .Self.863

talents not given for RC 346:2 TopIndex .Self.864

temptation of, less in closeness to Jesus UL 46:4 TopIndex .Self.865

with spurious sanctification FW 87:2 TopIndex .Self.866

work of God has no place for TMK 122:2 TopIndex .Self.867

working in Christ’s lines without TDG 242:3 TopIndex .Self.868

wrong even when doing our best TDG 132:5 TopIndex .Self.869

yielding to, shows control of enemy TDG 192:4 TopIndex .Self.870

See also First; Superiority TopIndex .Self.871

-examination/evaluation of, TopIndex .Self.872

ascertain own weak points by HP 97:5 TopIndex .Self.873

before it is too late UL 66:2 TopIndex .Self.874

by contemplating Christ TMK 61:3 TopIndex .Self.875

by God’s Word to see deviations LHU 342:4 TopIndex .Self.876

correct and incorrect HP 131:2 TopIndex .Self.877

critical TDG 37:4 TopIndex .Self.878

disasters in Battle Creek call for PM 175:2 TopIndex .Self.879

in Heaven’s light HP 177:2 TopIndex .Self.880

in the light of the Word of God TMK 298:2 TopIndex .Self.881

in this important time LHU 15:2 TopIndex .Self.882

making calling and election sure requires OHC 74:4 TopIndex .Self.883

mistake discerned by, with Holy Spirit TMK 239:4 TopIndex .Self.884

of kindness to others HP 287:4 TopIndex .Self.885

purifying and, leaves no time for criticism TMK 184:4 TopIndex .Self.886

to see what must be laid aside HP 145:5 TopIndex .Self.887

to see whether standard is being met HP 265:5 TopIndex .Self.888

exhibition of, TopIndex .Self.889

by singer 3SM 334:0; VSS 424:1 TopIndex .Self.890

spirit of Christ not seen in our midst TDG 261:2 TopIndex .Self.891

eyes, TopIndex .Self.892

constantly on, dishonors God UL 180:5 TopIndex .Self.893

not to center on TMK 224:4 TopIndex .Self.894

failure to conquer, in own strength by lowering self 1MCP 39:2 TopIndex .Self.895

faith that sees our inability to save, and holds to Jesus RC 21:2 TopIndex .Self.896

feeling sorry for, TopIndex .Self.897

David might have tried to excuse TSB 179:1 TopIndex .Self.898

sing and talk courage instead of TSB 50:3 TopIndex .Self.899

fidelity to, assures peace and communion HP 24:3 TopIndex .Self.900

forgetfulness of, HP 180:6 TopIndex .Self.901

and brighten lives of others HP 273:3 TopIndex .Self.902

as Jesus is loved more UL 46:4 TopIndex .Self.903

Christian finds true joy in HP 180:5 TopIndex .Self.904

courtesy in 3SM 240:4 TopIndex .Self.905

in helping others brings happiness HP 325:5 TopIndex .Self.906

in loving service for others HP 230:3 TopIndex .Self.907

in ministering to happiness of others RC 157:2 TopIndex .Self.908

pleases God TDG 45:2 TopIndex .Self.909

true dignity in RC 305:5 TopIndex .Self.910

gifts from God centered on, SW 37:2; TDG 90:4 TopIndex .Self.911

instead of exalting God TDG 90:3 TopIndex .Self.912

giving, TopIndex .Self.913

to Christ, eternal loss by all who refuse TDG 53:2 TopIndex .Self.914

to God becomes fruitful branch HP 305:5 TopIndex .Self.915

to Him who sacrificed all for us RC 295 TopIndex .Self.916

(unmanageable) to God because you are not your own LYL 43:3 TopIndex .Self.917

gladness for those who forget OHC 63:3 TopIndex .Self.918

glorification of, See Self, exaltation of TopIndex .Self.919

glory not seen in, when beholding Jesus OHC 203:3 TopIndex .Self.920

God, TopIndex .Self.921

died to purify us 3SM 201:0 TopIndex .Self.922

dishonored by threads of TMK 88:2 TopIndex .Self.923

will reveal, to you TMK 237:3 TopIndex .Self.924

works in, for salvation; no human is to be our pattern 2MCP 427:1 TopIndex .Self.925

god, TopIndex .Self.926

made of, TDG 57:5; UL 203:3, 346:3 TopIndex .Self.927

of antediluvians and Sodom; passions bore sway TSB 147:1 TopIndex .Self.928

God’s claims forgotten by those absorbed with HP 230:2 TopIndex .Self.929

grace missed by mingling, with all activity RC 304:4 TopIndex .Self.930

-gratification, TopIndex .Self.931

hours squandered in OHC 187:4 TopIndex .Self.932

no part of our being is to be used for RC 165:4 TopIndex .Self.933

guard, TopIndex .Self.934

lest evil agencies lead us to please the enemy UL 24:7 TopIndex .Self.935

setting good example for those we would criticize TMK 177:4 TopIndex .Self.936

when alive HP 249:5 TopIndex .Self.937

handling, not possible TMK 323:4 TopIndex .Self.938

happiness not found in pleasing, but in learning of Christ TMK 121:3 TopIndex .Self.939

heart emptied of, and mind illuminated OHC 154:5 TopIndex .Self.940

heaven unimportant if all powers are used for TMK 222:3 TopIndex .Self.941

help, TopIndex .Self.942

believing Christ helps you; refuse unbelief TSB 50:1 TopIndex .Self.943

from Jesus in fighting against OHC 88:4 TopIndex .Self.944

others instead of UL 374:5 TopIndex .Self.945

those with burdens instead of closing up for HP 239:3 TopIndex .Self.946

hidden, TopIndex .Self.947

by consecration and devotion TMK 37:4 TopIndex .Self.948

in Christ in planning for aggressive warfare TDG 13:2 TopIndex .Self.949

in working for the Master UL 296:2 TopIndex .Self.950

holding fast to, doubting Jesus’ promise of rest TDG 158:3 TopIndex .Self.951

holy thoughts and unselfish acts cannot originate in TMK 21:5 TopIndex .Self.952

honor for, true messengers will not seek UL 308:6 TopIndex .Self.953

hopes centering in, poison happiness TMK 253:5 TopIndex .Self.954

humbled, TopIndex .Self.955

and God and His truth exalted by Bible study HP 133:4 TopIndex .Self.956

to receive Christ’s image UL 238:3 TopIndex .Self.957

humility, TopIndex .Self.958

felt by those emptied of, when looking to Christ HP 60:4 TopIndex .Self.959

of Christ contemplated when tempted by TDG 298:2 TopIndex .Self.960

imagination entangles HP 205:4 TopIndex .Self.961

imperfections lead us to look from, to Christ OHC 183:3 TopIndex .Self.962

importance of, TopIndex .Self.963

felt by one taken in Satan’s snare 1MCP 39:1 TopIndex .Self.964

Holy Spirit places, in submission to Christ HP 236:7 TopIndex .Self.965

in God’s temple is not the question TMK 150:3 TopIndex .Self.966

less in those looking to Jesus UL 268:3 TopIndex .Self.967

not to be overestimated UL 237:6 TopIndex .Self.968

penitent learns uselessness of HP 64:6 TopIndex .Self.969

prevents accepting invitation in Matt. 11 UL 271:3 TopIndex .Self.970

religion of Christ never leads to HP 141:5 TopIndex .Self.971

useless UL 238:4 TopIndex .Self.972

See also Pride TopIndex .Self.973

-improvement, TopIndex .Self.974

by improving talents to God’s glory TMK 233:3 TopIndex .Self.975

gifts from God are for TDG 137:6 TopIndex .Self.976

youth need OHC 219:2 TopIndex .Self.977

incapable, TopIndex .Self.978

of keeping; we are kept by God’s power TDG 44:5 TopIndex .Self.979

of managing OHC 215:4 TopIndex .Self.980

-indulgence, See Indulgence TopIndex .Self.981

injury to, by surmising evil 2MCP 381:3 TopIndex .Self.982

Job abhorred, when he heard the voice of God TMK 175:3 TopIndex .Self.983

justification of, TopIndex .Self.984

God approached in humility not in HP 71:5 TopIndex .Self.985

put away to find rest OHC 97:6 TopIndex .Self.986

seen more than evidence of grace UL 56:2 TopIndex .Self.987

when counsel about life changes rejected 3SM 80:3 TopIndex .Self.988

keep, TopIndex .Self.989

out of view UL 180:5 TopIndex .Self.990

quiet, walking in God; Satan has snares for our feet TDG 171:2 TopIndex .Self.991

knowing weakness of, leads us to seek strength from Jesus TDG 148:4 TopIndex .Self.992

knowledge of, TopIndex .Self.993

before thinking of marriage LYL 36:2 TopIndex .Self.994

is difficult HP 145:5 TopIndex .Self.995

leads to seeing own motives and weakness RC 352:2 TopIndex .Self.996

Moses spent forty years in purification and TDG 321:2 TopIndex .Self.997

laid, TopIndex .Self.998

at feet of Christ HP 107:4 TopIndex .Self.999

on the altar to reach higher standard OHC 21:3 TopIndex .Self.1000

law of, controversy between, and the will of God RC 56:4 TopIndex .Self.1001

lay off burden of, at the feet of Jesus 2MCP 541:0 TopIndex .Self.1002

less of, TopIndex .Self.1003

and more of Christ RC 79:2, 205:6; SW 18:0 TopIndex .Self.1004

exhibited when power of the Holy Spirit is felt RC 217:2 TopIndex .Self.1005

if Christ’s humiliation had been studied carefully OHC 114:4 TopIndex .Self.1006

in life UL 356:2 TopIndex .Self.1007

showing confidence removing cloud around mind 2MCP 436:1 TopIndex .Self.1008

lesson of right use of, balancing physical and mental powers 1MCP 197:1 TopIndex .Self.1009

life, TopIndex .Self.1010

Christian, has nothing of HP 122:4, 166:2 TopIndex .Self.1011

is not to live for; happiness in following Christ LYL 26:1 TopIndex .Self.1012

of pleasing, God is dishonored by RC 256:2 TopIndex .Self.1013

lifted out of, and filled with praise RC 217:6 TopIndex .Self.1014

lifting up others is better than exalting AG 67:4 TopIndex .Self.1015

live for something besides 1MCP 366:2 TopIndex .Self.1016

living for, HP 233:2 TopIndex .Self.1017

brings discontent, disappointment OHC 242:5 TopIndex .Self.1018

conflicts with thinking of Christ on the cross OHC 287:4 TopIndex .Self.1019

happiness and satisfaction not found in OHC 64:4 TopIndex .Self.1020

is to perish—to be cut off from life OHC 287:3 TopIndex .Self.1021

never satisfies HP 232:3; TDG 280:4 TopIndex .Self.1022

question asked in the judgment TMK 334:2 TopIndex .Self.1023

we cannot be Christians while TDG 155:5 TopIndex .Self.1024

while others need your help TDG 367:5 TopIndex .Self.1025

living to please, forfeiting Christ’s rest 1MCP 125:2 TopIndex .Self.1026

loathed, TopIndex .Self.1027

in viewing the character of Christ RC 63:2 TopIndex .Self.1028

when obedience full and law’s spiritual power seen OHC 140:2 TopIndex .Self.1029

look away from / turn from, TopIndex .Self.1030

deepest thoughts on your Saviour 3SM 327:1 TopIndex .Self.1031

doubt is sin 3SM 149:5 TopIndex .Self.1032

good works do not save 3SM 325:1 TopIndex .Self.1033

in beholding Christ HP 236:5 TopIndex .Self.1034

to give the message as John did UL 308:4 TopIndex .Self.1035

to Jesus; HP 16:2; 3SM 326:1; UL 337:5 TopIndex .Self.1036

claim Him as Saviour 2MCP 480:1 TopIndex .Self.1037

from disagreeable TMK 136:2 TopIndex .Self.1038

uplifted Saviour 2MCP 452:2 TopIndex .Self.1039

who gave Himself for us FW 96:1 TopIndex .Self.1040

who pleads for you HP 262:2 TopIndex .Self.1041

to others; ability (God’s Spirit) given RC 319:3 TopIndex .Self.1042

to the Source of virtue RC 213:5 TopIndex .Self.1043

to those lost in sin RC 235:5 TopIndex .Self.1044

to your Leader TDG 26:5 TopIndex .Self.1045

looking, TopIndex .Self.1046

at/to, TopIndex .Self.1047

for victory may bring despair; Jesus has it 2MCP 807:4 TopIndex .Self.1048

for worthiness; trying too hard to believe 3SM 145:1 TopIndex .Self.1049

instead of to Christ by power of Satan FW 27:2 TopIndex .Self.1050

when in difficulty 2MCP 811:1 TopIndex .Self.1051

beyond, to cause and effect of every movement TMK 164:5 TopIndex .Self.1052

within, and feeling like God has forsaken you 3SM 324:2 TopIndex .Self.1053

losing, in dependence on Christ; work daily as for eternity TDG 255:5 TopIndex .Self.1054

lost, TopIndex .Self.1055

behind the glory of Christ and power of the cross TMK 345:4 TopIndex .Self.1056

in sense of unworthiness and God’s glory TMK 122:4 TopIndex .Self.1057

love, TopIndex .Self.1058

of Jesus fills vacuum left by emptying of FLB 57:3 TopIndex .Self.1059

perfected leaves no place for RC 103:5 TopIndex .Self.1060

love of, TopIndex .Self.1061

affliction permitted to cleanse from HP 87:2 TopIndex .Self.1062

by girl Ellen White wrote to; misplaced affection a danger LYL 53:2 TopIndex .Self.1063

call to flee from TDG 295:4 TopIndex .Self.1064

cleansed of, by slow discipline of suffering FW 86:3 TopIndex .Self.1065

dies in contact with Christ UL 296:2 TopIndex .Self.1066

flee from UL 300:5 TopIndex .Self.1067

Judas chose to cultivate, not accepting transformation OHC 287:2 TopIndex .Self.1068

peace destroyed by HP 249:5 TopIndex .Self.1069

prompts to better opinion; examine own heart TDG 83:4 TopIndex .Self.1070

Satan seeks to establish, in our hearts HP 348:2 TopIndex .Self.1071

Spirit of God resisted by FLB 137:4 TopIndex .Self.1072

making others like, not God’s plan OHC 254:5 TopIndex .Self.1073

management of, TopIndex .Self.1074

feeling of confidence in, unsafe OHC 44:3 TopIndex .Self.1075

is most difficult HP 107:4; LYL 43:2; 2MCP 541:0; TSB 61:4; UL 218:5 TopIndex .Self.1076

marriage partners to forget HP 203:3 TopIndex .Self.1077

mastery never to be obtained by UL 24:4 TopIndex .Self.1078

measure of, by what could be, not by others’ opinions TDG 294:4 TopIndex .Self.1079

mind, TopIndex .Self.1080

diverted from, TopIndex .Self.1081

by useful activity 2MCP 401:0 TopIndex .Self.1082

dwelling on ennobling themes 2MCP 604:1 TopIndex .Self.1083

to make others happier RC 161:6 TopIndex .Self.1084

to perfection of Christ TSB 258:4 TopIndex .Self.1085

too much on; control fretfulness and passion 1MCP 275:1 TopIndex .Self.1086

ministers to let, die VSS 304:3 TopIndex .Self.1087

moral worth seeks no place for, by depreciating others OHC 234:4 TopIndex .Self.1088

motive as, not allegiance to God LHU 292:4 TopIndex .Self.1089

mourning over, as if we were our own Saviour RC 109:6 TopIndex .Self.1090

neglects and slights not taken to heart when, is dead HP 249:5 TopIndex .Self.1091

nothing, TopIndex .Self.1092

can be done of TMK 191:6 TopIndex .Self.1093

in, but Christ promises help for duty TDG 329:5 TopIndex .Self.1094

in, to recommend to God TDG 169:3 TopIndex .Self.1095

objectionable things may be found in, as in those criticized TDG 300:3 TopIndex .Self.1096

opinion of, TopIndex .Self.1097

high; loss of first love brings criticism 2MCP 636:3 TopIndex .Self.1098

humble, needed to be of use to God TDG 321:3 TopIndex .Self.1099

not too high as God’s Spirit molds OHC 72:2 TopIndex .Self.1100

too high without examining heart TDG 83:4 TopIndex .Self.1101

overcoming, TopIndex .Self.1102

needed to qualify men for important positions 3SM 146:4 TopIndex .Self.1103

quietly by people of prayer RC 218:3 TopIndex .Self.1104

ownership of, TopIndex .Self.1105

natural to feel OHC 40:2 TopIndex .Self.1106

not a right to claim TDG 132:3 TopIndex .Self.1107

peril of gratifying OHC 107:2 TopIndex .Self.1108

-pity, TopIndex .Self.1109

despondency increased by; difficulties enlarged 2MCP 630:1; RC 163:3 TopIndex .Self.1110

deteriorates characters and spoils happiness of other 2MCP 631:2 TopIndex .Self.1111

difficulties magnified lead to FLB 316:4 TopIndex .Self.1112

marriage disappointment is no excuse for TSB 58:1 TopIndex .Self.1113

problem of; life passed in trifles 2MCP 801:3 TopIndex .Self.1114

placing, TopIndex .Self.1115

before saving souls is working on Satan’s side TDG 171:3 TopIndex .Self.1116

where God can work through you TSB 174:2 TopIndex .Self.1117

wholly on the Lord’s side TDG 258:4 TopIndex .Self.1118

pleasing, TopIndex .Self.1119

although bought with a price; guard habits 3SM 291:3 TopIndex .Self.1120

believing it conformity to God’s will TDG 251:3 TopIndex .Self.1121

call of Christ is not to FLB 151:5 TopIndex .Self.1122

Christ would be followed by many if it required OHC 288:3 TopIndex .Self.1123

disregarding the inclination for HP 223:3 TopIndex .Self.1124

goal in life is not; work earnestly TDG 155:3 TopIndex .Self.1125

heavenly discipline restrains one educated in HP 161:3 TopIndex .Self.1126

loss because of OHC 221:3 TopIndex .Self.1127

reflecting Christ instead of HP 46:3 TopIndex .Self.1128

while trying to please God, also RC 65:2 TopIndex .Self.1129

-possession, TopIndex .Self.1130

Christ maintained LHU 167; TMK 178:2 TopIndex .Self.1131

under trying circumstances TDG 263:4 TopIndex .Self.1132

possessions kept for, TopIndex .Self.1133

bring no reward OHC 191:2 TopIndex .Self.1134

instead of for the poor RC 232:2 TopIndex .Self.1135

praising, think less of self instead of TDG 37:5 TopIndex .Self.1136

prayer, TopIndex .Self.1137

reveals nothingness of HP 213:3 TopIndex .Self.1138

to know weaknesses of HP 88:2 TopIndex .Self.1139

prepare, well; then trust in God TDG 209:5 TopIndex .Self.1140

present, to God as servant HP 222:5 TopIndex .Self.1141

purchased by Christ’s blood, property of God already OHC 197:5 TopIndex .Self.1142

purification of, in (1 John 3:3) explained OHC 142:2 TopIndex .Self.1143

put away, TopIndex .Self.1144

and lay hold of Jesus by faith TMK 342:4 TopIndex .Self.1145

for access to hearts TDG 306:6 TopIndex .Self.1146

out of sight UL 245:2 TopIndex .Self.1147

to speak warning to companion in temptation OHC 287:4 TopIndex .Self.1148

recognition of, TopIndex .Self.1149

continually a temptation HP 220:3 TopIndex .Self.1150

crush desire for TDG 125:6 TopIndex .Self.1151

reflection of, in mirror of the home 1MCP 157:2 TopIndex .Self.1152

reformation of, before others UL 59:2, 88:5 TopIndex .Self.1153

-reliance, TopIndex .Self.1154

good but has dangers UL 349:4 TopIndex .Self.1155

purified of, by suffering, but some learn by love FW 86:3 TopIndex .Self.1156

responsibility accepted while avoiding AG 260:2 TopIndex .Self.1157

teach, habits of, in childhood OHC 263:4 TopIndex .Self.1158

religion, TopIndex .Self.1159

built on, is worthless OHC 342:2 TopIndex .Self.1160

consists of more than family and UL 147:4 TopIndex .Self.1161

renunciation of, TopIndex .Self.1162

by the reborn Christian FLB 137:5 TopIndex .Self.1163

intellect strengthened by TMK 135:4 TopIndex .Self.1164

life and happiness from God requires OHC 21:2 TopIndex .Self.1165

success assured in OHC 270:4 TopIndex .Self.1166

to receive grace to share with others HP 220:3 TopIndex .Self.1167

work of reform requires TDG 49:2 TopIndex .Self.1168

-respect/self-worth, TopIndex .Self.1169

anger to be avoided in, as Christ’s representative TDG 70:2 TopIndex .Self.1170

appropriate, but pride is wrong TMK 140:5 TopIndex .Self.1171

children and youth to be taught, and obedience to God 1MCP 172:3; PM 88:1 TopIndex .Self.1172

Christ would not have us banish TMK 241:4 TopIndex .Self.1173

cultivate, TopIndex .Self.1174

because you are purchased by Christ 1MCP 366:1 TopIndex .Self.1175

by clear conscience TMK 140:4 TopIndex .Self.1176

destruction of, Jesus asks one to stop TDG 63:5 TopIndex .Self.1177

duty neglected brings loss of HP 242:3 TopIndex .Self.1178

eat sparingly and exercise moderately to feel 2MCP 394:1 TopIndex .Self.1179

God’s Word does not condemn OHC 143:4 TopIndex .Self.1180

grows by approval of conscience, people and angels OHC 143:4 TopIndex .Self.1181

guard others’, to preserve your own 3SM 240:2 TopIndex .Self.1182

important for youth; they are bought with a price OHC 40:4 TopIndex .Self.1183

influence increased by, in wearing Christ’s yoke TDG 70:2 TopIndex .Self.1184

invalid given, by useful labor 1MCP 119:2 TopIndex .Self.1185

keep; bought with a price TSB 259:1 TopIndex .Self.1186

loss of, after sin; case of David TSB 174:3 TopIndex .Self.1187

preservation of own, requires respect for others 1MCP 198:2 TopIndex .Self.1188

preserve; Christ purchased you with His blood 2MCP 451:2 TopIndex .Self.1189

realized in letting light shine HP 318:5 TopIndex .Self.1190

selfish interest destroys 1MCP 271:2 TopIndex .Self.1191

understood when one is a laborer with Christ HP 173:3 TopIndex .Self.1192

wives would not lose, if courtesies maintained TDG 335:3 TopIndex .Self.1193

See also People, value of TopIndex .Self.1194

restored to, by restoration to God; in light of God’s word 1MCP 228:4 TopIndex .Self.1195

restraint of, See Restraint TopIndex .Self.1196

retaining, impossible if we are to have fullness of God HP 155:3 TopIndex .Self.1197

revelation of, hold to your Saviour for TDG 334:2 TopIndex .Self.1198

-righteousness, TopIndex .Self.1199

angel passed by ones with, to come to Cornelius 3SM 421:2 TopIndex .Self.1200

avoided by being touched by Christ’s Spirit RC 63:4 TopIndex .Self.1201

coming in; many will fall; grace not ruling TDG 314:4 TopIndex .Self.1202

coming to wedding in citizen’s dress of TMK 264:3 TopIndex .Self.1203

contemplation of Christ’s righteousness displaces OHC 60:2; TMK 159:2, 165:2 TopIndex .Self.1204

danger of this age; it separates from Christ FW 96:3 TopIndex .Self.1205

expelled daily from receiver of truth TDG 48:2 TopIndex .Self.1206

garments of, kingdom of God not entered with HP 227:4 TopIndex .Self.1207

Jewish people clothed with UL 80:4 TopIndex .Self.1208

kindness shown by those stripped of TDG 326:2 TopIndex .Self.1209

part with, in spiritual warfare OHC 155:5 TopIndex .Self.1210

placed beyond reach of salvation by CC 284:5 TopIndex .Self.1211

renounce, and fall on the Rock FW 60:2 TopIndex .Self.1212

sanctification claimed by many who have FW 29:2 TopIndex .Self.1213

sensing the presence of Christ precludes FW 54:1 TopIndex .Self.1214

those with, farthest from kingdom of heaven TDG 197:4 TopIndex .Self.1215

See also Independence; Laodicea; Righteousness, own; Self-sufficiency; TopIndex .Self.1216

-sacrifice, See Sacrifice TopIndex .Self.1217

salvation, TopIndex .Self.1218

cannot be achieved by OHC 163:4 TopIndex .Self.1219

is not in; “I” is a leaky boat 2MCP 673:2 TopIndex .Self.1220

Satan, TopIndex .Self.1221

always meets victims on ground of OHC 126:4 TopIndex .Self.1222

desired to live for RC 51:5 TopIndex .Self.1223

Satan’s scheme to exalt, discerned at Christ’s death RC 60:3 TopIndex .Self.1224

satisfaction never to be found with; press upward VSS 305:2 TopIndex .Self.1225

saviour is not HP 106:3 TopIndex .Self.1226

scorn for, because of harsh words, but Jesus pities you TDG 225:6 TopIndex .Self.1227

seeing, as incomplete, repentance insufficient, etc. FW 107:4 TopIndex .Self.1228

seeking preference of, at the expense of others TDG 192:7 TopIndex .Self.1229

service to God not acceptable without laying, on altar RC 271:6 TopIndex .Self.1230

serving, TopIndex .Self.1231

desired while serving Christ TDG 240:2 TopIndex .Self.1232

indifferent to God’s claims OHC 42:4; TDG 367:3 TopIndex .Self.1233

sacrifice needed in every church 3SM 248:3 TopIndex .Self.1234

sowing to the flesh TMK 92:2 TopIndex .Self.1235

setting up, as a pattern OHC 176:2 TopIndex .Self.1236

shining not to please, but to honor God with all we are TDG 98:2 TopIndex .Self.1237

silence not excused by thoughts of, when warning needed TDG 21:5 TopIndex .Self.1238

sink, TopIndex .Self.1239

in Christ although difficult UL 141:5 TopIndex .Self.1240

into Christ and give the glory to God TMK 88:5 TopIndex .Self.1241

spending for, robs God UL 45:2 TopIndex .Self.1242

spiritual weakness results from looking at AG 259:2 TopIndex .Self.1243

striving of, but promise to overcomers 3SM 290:0 TopIndex .Self.1244

struggles with, peace will cost TMK 287:2 TopIndex .Self.1245

subduing, victory in resisting temptation TMK 91:4 TopIndex .Self.1246

submission of, TopIndex .Self.1247

purposes of God accomplished with HP 228:2 TopIndex .Self.1248

to God UL 376:2 TopIndex .Self.1249

to the yoke of Christ TDG 248:5 TopIndex .Self.1250

-sufficiency/self-satisfaction, TopIndex .Self.1251

blessings lost by feeling of UL 333:4 TopIndex .Self.1252

Christ, TopIndex .Self.1253

allows suffering/defeat/death of one with OHC 307:3 TopIndex .Self.1254

cuts into experience of UL 372:4 TopIndex .Self.1255

Christian never to have HP 183:6 TopIndex .Self.1256

Christ’s spirit is better than UL 256 TopIndex .Self.1257

danger of, TopIndex .Self.1258

avoided by difficulties RC 353:5 TopIndex .Self.1259

is great TMK 53:5 TopIndex .Self.1260

denial of counsel of Ellen White by one feeling 3SM 80:2 TopIndex .Self.1261

determine not to have TMK 209:3 TopIndex .Self.1262

feelings of, not when copying Jesus TDG 146:2; TSB 81:2 TopIndex .Self.1263

God despises TDG 40:3 TopIndex .Self.1264

heart emptied of, prepared to receive from God TDG 300:2 TopIndex .Self.1265

helplessness of, shown by trial HP 279:3 TopIndex .Self.1266

inflated with, while hoping all is well UL 301:5 TopIndex .Self.1267

ministers and people should avoid 3SM 390:2 TopIndex .Self.1268

need unseen with HP 267:4 TopIndex .Self.1269

none to feel, whom God has used UL 135:6 TopIndex .Self.1270

offensive to God FLB 138:3 TopIndex .Self.1271

overcome, realizing we are nothing alone TMK 300:4 TopIndex .Self.1272

partnership unwise because of UL 137:3 TopIndex .Self.1273

placing self above God UL 131:2 TopIndex .Self.1274

Satan traps those with 1MCP 39:1; 2MCP 793:1 TopIndex .Self.1275

soul of worker fortified against RC 358:3 TopIndex .Self.1276

trust (childlike) instead of TMK 231:3 TopIndex .Self.1277

warnings rejected by ones with FW 83:2 TopIndex .Self.1278

See also Independence; Laodicea; Self-righteousness; Trust TopIndex .Self.1279

-supporting work, See Work, self-supporting; Independence TopIndex .Self.1280

supremacy of, TopIndex .Self.1281

failure caused by seeking AG 324:4 TopIndex .Self.1282

reduces willingness to work for others TDG 125:4 TopIndex .Self.1283

sought rather than Christ’s humility TMK 104:2 TopIndex .Self.1284

surrender of, TopIndex .Self.1285

daily to build a strong character HP 148:3 TopIndex .Self.1286

recognizing truth is work of the Holy Spirit HP 236:6 TopIndex .Self.1287

requirement for rest and joy HP 49:3 TopIndex .Self.1288

rest is a result of OHC 97:6 TopIndex .Self.1289

that God may guide will and ways TMK 59:2 TopIndex .Self.1290

to God, TMK 201:4 TopIndex .Self.1291

unwilling to be found disobedient TMK 297:5 TopIndex .Self.1292

sympathy for, not longed for with Christ in the heart AG 115:4 TopIndex .Self.1293

talents not to amuse or gratify HP 170:6 TopIndex .Self.1294

talk of, no time for TMK 342:2 TopIndex .Self.1295

thoughts centered on, TopIndex .Self.1296

angels sorrow when humans have UL 95:3 TopIndex .Self.1297

distorts character RC 318:5 TopIndex .Self.1298

even in some apparently godly people TDG 274:2 TopIndex .Self.1299

makes saving souls impossible OHC 176:2 TopIndex .Self.1300

not to be UL 36:6 TopIndex .Self.1301

not when Christ possesses our hearts OHC 176:2 TopIndex .Self.1302

while the end is near UL 287:4 TopIndex .Self.1303

thoughts drawn away from, by labor and exercise of powers RC 161:3 TopIndex .Self.1304

thoughts of, TopIndex .Self.1305

and bowed head not evidence of true humility TMK 140:5 TopIndex .Self.1306

lost in prayer HP 67:3 TopIndex .Self.1307

should be few OHC 114:4 TopIndex .Self.1308

too much room found for; press to the mark 3SM 201:2 TopIndex .Self.1309

training of, first UL 125:3 TopIndex .Self.1310

trials could lead us to exhibit UL 62:2 TopIndex .Self.1311

true to, TopIndex .Self.1312

and humble TDG 37:5 TopIndex .Self.1313

keeps adverse power from destroying peace with God TDG 334:3 TopIndex .Self.1314

-trust ruled by, in obstinacy TDG 351:4 TopIndex .Self.1315

trust, TopIndex .Self.1316

Christ rather than, for strength LHU 267:2 TopIndex .Self.1317

in, allows easy defeat OHC 307:3 TopIndex .Self.1318

in, but God’s workers to come to Him TDG 209:2 TopIndex .Self.1319

in, by claiming to be saved Mar 236:3 TopIndex .Self.1320

in, have faith in God instead of TDG 204:3 TopIndex .Self.1321

in, put away following Christ in humility TDG 373:2 TopIndex .Self.1322

in, way of the King difficult to clear while TDG 325:3 TopIndex .Self.1323

in, wrong UL 55:3 TopIndex .Self.1324

truth, TopIndex .Self.1325

applied to, listening to Christ’s voice OHC 37:5 TopIndex .Self.1326

investigated with interference from TDG 93:2 TopIndex .Self.1327

unable to do anything true and pure HP 220:3 TopIndex .Self.1328

uniting with those serving, forfeits connection with God TDG 240:4 TopIndex .Self.1329

unknown chapters in, revealed through test RC 349:5 TopIndex .Self.1330

unseen when the Saviour abides in heart HP 237:5 TopIndex .Self.1331

unsubdued, TopIndex .Self.1332

impatient, fretful and complaining HP 246:5 TopIndex .Self.1333

no rest with HP 35:2 TopIndex .Self.1334

usefulness of one putting, aside is without limit HP 283:7 TopIndex .Self.1335

value, TopIndex .Self.1336

of, by the price paid CC 35:4 TopIndex .Self.1337

of, only through value of sacrifice made for us OHC 53:3 TopIndex .Self.1338

placed on, when seeking God’s will without Bible Mar 233:6 TopIndex .Self.1339

victory over, LHU 292:5 TopIndex .Self.1340

steps in the march to glory OHC 25:3 TopIndex .Self.1341

warfare against Satan begins by gaining victory over TMK 367:4 TopIndex .Self.1342

waters of life flow into heart emptied of OHC 203:4 TopIndex .Self.1343

ways of God obscure to one desiring to please RC 349:6 TopIndex .Self.1344

weakness of, TopIndex .Self.1345

consciousness of, leads to seek strength FW 86:0 TopIndex .Self.1346

look to power of the Word instead of to RC 308:7 TopIndex .Self.1347

seen; look to Jesus and live 2MCP 808 TopIndex .Self.1348

wealth used to gratify UL 113:2 TopIndex .Self.1349

wealthy living to please, dishonor God TDG 102:4 TopIndex .Self.1350

“well done” not heard by those living for UL 139:5 TopIndex .Self.1351

whisperings of, not to be heard FLB 137:4 TopIndex .Self.1352

will of, See Will, own TopIndex .Self.1353

withholding, TopIndex .Self.1354

from God TMK 59:2 TopIndex .Self.1355

from God is robbery TMK 90:3 TopIndex .Self.1356

while giving to God’s work TDG 333:5 TopIndex .Self.1357

work of God not to have, mingled with it VSS 67:2 TopIndex .Self.1358

work of, valued higher than actual worth PM 247:2 TopIndex .Self.1359

worker(s), TopIndex .Self.1360

often mingles, with work; then God interposes RC 358:2 TopIndex .Self.1361

praising God instead of glorifying LHU 123:6 TopIndex .Self.1362

who sees, and loses sight of God’s sufficiency OHC 315:3 TopIndex .Self.1363

working (driving); depend on Holy Spirit instead 2MCP 440:2 TopIndex .Self.1364

worship of, in sentimental heart OHC 203:2 TopIndex .Self.1365

-worth, See Self-respect TopIndex .Self.1366

worthiness of, no longer looked for, knowing Christ FW 108:0 TopIndex .Self.1367

woven into all actions of professed Christian TDG 57:6 TopIndex .Self.1368

youth to think of character and service rather than PM 88:0 TopIndex .Self.1369