June 6, 1904
Australasian Signs of the Times, vol. 19
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June 6, 1904
“‘Ye Must Be Born Again’” Australasian Signs of the Times 19, 23 pp. 276, 277.
“Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.” “A good tree can not bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matthew 12:33; 7:18.BEST June 6, 1904, page 276.1
So long, and just as certainly, as a person is a child of the wicked one, the lusts of his father will he do. And just as certainly as a person is a child of God, the virtues of his Father will he show.BEST June 6, 1904, page 276.2
It all depends upon what you are. And what you are depends upon whose child you are. Look to your parentage; whose child are you?BEST June 6, 1904, page 276.3
Do you do evil things? Do you fulfil the lusts of the flesh? It is all because of your parentage and birth. But do not be discouraged: get a new parentage: get a new birth. Then, being of a new parentage, being born again, being; a new creature, being a child of God, you will “show forth the virtues of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”BEST June 6, 1904, page 276.4
Nor is it enough to have been born again. We must be born again. It is well to have been born again, if we are born again. But for a person to have been born again, and yet he be not now born again,—this counts nothing.BEST June 6, 1904, page 276.5
No; “Ye must be born again.” The new birth must be continued in all its newness and power. We must be born into newness of life,—larger experiences, new experiences, and greater grace, every day, and every hour of the day.BEST June 6, 1904, page 277.1
This is what it is to be born again, in truth. “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. Are you in Christ? If so, then you are a new creature. Not you were a new creature: but you are. And being a new creature, it is easy to do new things: indeed, new things are only what are done: for “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”BEST June 6, 1904, page 277.2
Born of the Spirit, living in the Spirit, led of the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit, ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. This is Christian experience.BEST June 6, 1904, page 277.3