April 22, 1908
The Medical Missionary, vol. 17
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April 22, 1908
“Through the Bible—V” The Medical Missionary, 17, 17, pp. 223-225.
GOD is Creator. Whatever he accomplishes is by creation. The Bible, the Word of God, presents no other thought than that all the works of God are of creation only.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.1
See: “In the beginning God created.” He “created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 11.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.2
“These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created.” Genesis 2:4.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.3
“By Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him.” Colossians 1:16.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.4
“Ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth.” Deuteronomy 4:32.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.5
“Create in me a clean heart, O God.” Isaiah 57:10.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.6
“I create the fruit of the lips.” Isaiah 57:19.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.7
“The people that shall be created shall praise the Lord.” Psalm 102:18.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 223.8
“They are created now, and not iron the beginning.” Isaiah 48:7.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.1
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Ephesians 2:10.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.2
“Put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:24.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.3
“Remember now thy Creator.” Ecclesiastes 12:1.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.4
“Behold I create new heavens and a new earth.... Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy.” Isaiah 65:17, 18.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.5
There are many, many more such scriptures, but these are sufficient to make plain the truth that in all things God is Creator, and that whatsoever he does, is by creation.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.6
Now it is the essential characteristic of creation that it is done immediately, that it is done suddenly, at the moment, upon the speaking of the creative word.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.7
“By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth; ... for he spoke and it was.” Psalm 33:6, 9.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.8
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.9
“And God said, Let there be a firmament, ... and it was so.”MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.10
“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.”MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.11
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.” Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.12
“I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.” Isaiah 48:3.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.13
“They are created now, and not froth the beginning.” Isaiah 48:7.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.14
It must ever be borne in mind that it was by the Lord Jesus that God created, and ever creates all things (Ephesians 3:9); and that it was the Lord Jesus who spoke the creative word.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.15
This “same Lord Jesus came to the earth in the form and flesh of man, and still spoke here the word of God, the creative word. And in every instance, as soon as the word was spoken, the thing was done.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.16
The centurion whose servant was sick of the palsy, said to Jesus, “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” Jesus spoke the word, “and his servant was healed in the self-same hour.” Matthew 8:8, 13.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.17
When the nobleman came to Cana, asking that Jesus would come down and heal his son who was sick at Capernaum, Jesus said, “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” And “at the same hour ... the fever left him.” John 4:46-53.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.18
When the leper called to Jesus, “If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean,” Jesus answered, “I will, be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.” Mark 1:40-42.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.19
Lazarus was dead four days, and was in the tomb, but when Jesus spoke the word, he came forth immediately.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.20
These scriptures make plain the certain truth of the whole Bible that when a thing is created, when the creative word is spoken, it is done “immediately,” “suddenly,” “now.” And it is certain that the whole Bible, from beginning to end, deals primarily and pre-eminently with the Creator and creation only.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.21
And this truth that the, word and work of creation is ever accomplished “immediately,” “suddenly,” and “now,”—this sweeps utterly away forever all possibility of there being any truth in the theory of evolution; that is, the theory that it is only through a long, long succession of ages that the things that are came to be. It confirms by the best possible evidence, the Word of God, the perfect truth of the statement of one of the three original and always leading modern evolutionists that “evolution is antagonistic to creation.”MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.22
That is the truth, and so perfectly the truth that it is simply impossible to hold both at once. Yet there are those who try to hold both under a theory of so-called theistic evolution. But “theistic evolution” is a contradiction in terms. “Theistic” is from theos, which means “God.” “Theistic evolution,” then, is “God evolution” or evolution with God. But God is Creator. And creation is “immediate,” “sudden,” and “now;” while evolution is only long drawn out through untold ages. So, to dub evolution “theistic” does not, and can not, save it from what its modern originators declared it to be, “antagonistic to creation.”MEDM April 22, 1908, page 326.23
That is the plain truth as to the principle and the fact of creation. And the plain record of the creation in the first chapter of Genesis confirms and emphasizes that truth. There were six days of the creation, and nine successive creative steps from “the beginning” to the finishing of the creative purpose.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.1
The first was the creation of the heaven and the earth; and the earth was without form and void, and, darkness was upon the face of the deep, while the Spirit of God brooded upon the face of the waters.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.2
The second was the creation of the light.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.3
The third was the creation of the firmament or atmosphere.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.4
The fourth was the creation of the dry land.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.5
The fifth was the creation of all vegetation.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.6
The sixth was the creation of the lights in the heavens.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.7
The seventh was the creation of the creatures of the sea and of the air.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.8
The eighth was the creation of the beasts and other moving things upon the earth.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.9
The ninth was the creation of man.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.10
Note that in these nine successive steps to the completion of the one creative purpose, each one of the nine was a distinct creation itself. Each time there was spoken the creative word, as distinctly as if it were the only one. And all possibility, of evolution anywhere in the course is excluded, not only by the creative word, but also by the very older of the successive steps.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.11
The first was a condition of darkness and water. The second was light. But light is not an evolution from either darkness or water.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.12
The third is the firmament or atmospheric heaven. But atmosphere is not an evolution from light. The fourth is the dry land. But dry land is not an evolution from atmosphere.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.13
The fifth is the whole vegetable kingdom. And while it might be possible to present a plausible argument in favor of vegetation being an evolution from the dry land, it, would be only plausible, for the plain word is against it.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.14
But whatever plausible plea might be made in behalf of vegetation being an evolution from dry land, it is certain that all possibility of any such plea is excluded in connection with the sixth step in the succession; for that is the “lights in the firmament of heaven,” and it is absolutely certain that the lights and stars of heaven were never as evolution from vegetation on the earth.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.15
Likewise the seventh, which is the fishes of the waters and the fowl of the air, could never by any possibility be an evolution from the sixth, which is the lights and stars of heaven.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.16
The eighth is the beasts and other creatures that move upon the ground, which are not by any possible means an evolution from those creatures that move in the water and in the air.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.17
And the ninth is man, “the thinker,” mind, “in the image of God;” and he is not an evolution from beasts nor from creeping things.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.18
Thus evolution is not only “antagonistic to creation,” it is likewise antagonistic in every way to the plain word and structure of the first chapter of Genesis. And however confidently people may hold the theory of evolution as true, it is certain that it can not be held at the same time either with the idea of creation, or with the plain reading and structure of the first chapter of Genesis.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.19
No; the whole thought of the Word of God is creation, not evolution. The plain word, the whole structure, and the all-pervading idea of the first chapter of Genesis is creation, not evolution.MEDM April 22, 1908, page 327.20