April 15, 1897
The Present Truth, vol. 13
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April 15, 1897
“‘Put Not Your Trust in Princes’” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Some time since the Daily Mail, in publishing a special article on All Saints, Margaret-street, with a description of the highly Roman service at “the High Celebration on Sunday morning,“ remarked that “the Prince and Princess of Wales are frequent worshippers at All Saints.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.1
Commenting upon this the English Churchman says: “That which is seen and taught every Sunday in this church is decidedly opposed to that ‘Protestant religion’ which the Prince of Wales may some day be called upon to swear to support.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.2
Why should a ruler be called upon to swear to support any pecuniary form of religion, and what is the value of such an oath? It is perfectly evident it can have no spiritual value. There is certainly no salvation to himself in any such oath, or in any action which he may take under it. Neither is his oath the means of spiritual regeneration to others. The highest effect which it can possibly have is purely material. He swears to preserve to a certain organised religious body its loaves and fishes. Thenceforth, therefore, this organisation looks to the ruler, who has sworn to support it, for its loaves and fishes, instead of to Him who will provide for those who trust Him. Then it follows that the organisation which calls itself the Church is putting its trust in princes rather than in its God.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.3
“The State Against the Gospel” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Twenty years ago, writing in the Contemporary Review, Mr. A. Taylor Innes said:—PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.4
There is probably nothing which so excites the loathing of mankind as when the State persecutes for a faith which it is already beginning to lose. And yet, obviously, that is precisely the time when it happens.... There are laws which are invalid because they strike against the basis of all law.... Christianity was incompatible with the Roman public law, and that not merely because its contents were different from those of the old religion of Rome, but because its claim to universal individual acceptance and public confession conflicted with the unlimited and unbalanced sovereignty of the Roman State. And on these very points that law came into conflict with the Author of Christianity.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.5
All will acknowledge that these statements as regards the relations between Christ, and His Gospel, and the Roman government are true.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.6
But how many will acknowledge that, with a difference, the relations between Christ, and His Gospel, and the dominating governmental powers of the world to-day are practically the same as in the days of the Roman supremacy? Yet it is true that they are, and the difference is in the favour of the old Roman. Then Christianity was not professed as a national religion. Now it is, and under the cloak of a professed Christianity governments coerce their subjects into those things which are contrary to the teachings and precepts of the Author of Christianity.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.7
Note as examples of this, in Roman Catholic countries, the laws enforcing respect for images, holy days, the host, etc., and in all so-called Christian lands the Sunday laws, and the military laws. On all these points human law has come “into conflict with the Author of Christianity.” And if He were again to-day personally upon earth, the courts of law, or the courts martial, would condemn Him upon any of these counts with less reluctance even than did the Roman governor, and though the prison cell, or the rifle bullet, would be substituted for the cross, the result would be the same.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.8
Is it not the first requisite of all legislation that it should be within the jurisdiction of the legislators and the courts which are to enforce it? And should not the basis of all law be the best good of mankind? If these basic principles were held in view in all legislation, would human laws ever come into conflict with the Author of Christianity? Certainly they would not. But is it not true that all laws which traverse these principles are, in reality, “invalid because they strike against the basis of all law”? Again nothing can be more obvious than that when a State which professes Christianity begins to persecute, it has already lost the Christianity which it professed.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.9
It is impossible that laws upon religious subjects should exist without their enforcement becoming persecution. All nations have enacted religious laws. All civilised nations are dominated to-day by the military idea. What becomes then of the Christianity which the nations profess?PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.10
They who condemn the just are equally an abomination in the sight of the Lord with them who justify the wicked. How will those who enforce the laws and control the affairs of the nations of the world escape this condemnation?PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.11
“Islam and the Russian Church” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Russia has a large Mohammedan population now in the Caucasian provinces, which has been a great perplexity to the “Holy Synod,“ engaged in the work of persuading or dragooning dissenters into the State Church. The Mohammedan regards the Greek Churchman, with his images and pictures, as a rank idolater. And according to a German journal Islam makes converts from the Russian Church in this region.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.12
“The coercive means,“ says the Danziger Zeitung, by which the conversion of the Catholics is brought about is ineffective with the Mohammedans. On the other hand, the propaganda of Islamism is steadily advancing in the Eastern provinces. Education has done much to bring this about, especially among the Tartars. Since they have learned to read, they are influenced by printed and written tracts. A secret organisation serves the interests of Mohammedanism in Russia, and the clergy keep up a lively intercourse with such centres of Mohammedan learning as China, Bucharia, and Cairo. The Mecca pilgrims also exercise much influence, both over their co-religionists and such members of the Orthodox Church asreveal discontent with their faith. The Mecca pilgrims have brought to Russia the doctrine of a future Messiah, a Mahdi who will be stronger than even the Czar.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 227.13
“Peace Amidst Trouble” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.” To whom?—To everybody; and He has given it to us.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.1
There are some people that do not believe He has given it, and they do not take it, and there are some people who do not want it; but the fact remains that God has given His peace.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.2
But what about that peace-“My peace,“-the peace of God, which passeth all understanding? Read further: “Not as the world giveth; give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.3
Do not worry. What was the characteristic of Christ's peace? Some think that peace is a sort of happy-go-lucky feeling of complacence, an easy, lazy feeling, because one has nothing to disturb the even tenor of life; everything is prosperous with him, and he has peace,-nothing to do, nothing to worry him.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.4
That is what men think of peace, but that is not the way of Christ. From the cradle to the grave, the devil was seeking every possible opportunity to take His life.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.5
The scribes and Pharisees were continually nagging Him, criticising every word He uttered. He had lies told about Him. They said, He has a devil; He is mad; He is a fanatic; He deceives the people; He is leading them astray.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.6
And those things He had to endure. Not only His enemies, but even His brethren did not believe on Him.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.7
And so wherever He went He found trouble always;-something to oppose Him, something to come upon Him. He was always in turmoil, He was always in trouble; but He was never troubled. He said, “I will put My trust in Him,“ and the Father never failed Him.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.8
“In the world ye shall have tribulation,“ but do not be troubled. “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Christ's gift is of such a nature that a man can have trouble, and not be troubled; he can have affliction and sorrow, and not be sorrowful; he can have heaviness, and yet rejoice; he can have warfare, and be at peace. That is the peace that Christ gives. It cannot be manufactured; but whoever receives Jesus Christ into the life-receives the peace of God, “the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.9
No one was allowed to make any oil like the oil with which the priests were anointed. What do we learn from that? It was not merely an arbitrary prohibition. This is the lesson: Do not try to manufacture an artificial joy. It was to show that it could not be done that this prohibition was made. Just receive the free grace of God.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.10
“‘Therefore Be Ye also Ready’” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Why are men so deceived in reference to the facts of religious truth? The Word of the Lord, on all vital points, is very clear. It is a very important thing, indeed it is vital, to look for, wait for, and love the coming of the Lord,-and so to understand and know when and how He is to come, so far as He has told us.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.11
In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew He enumerated the signs which should precede His second coming, and said, “When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” To be at the very door is surely being near. But He speaks even more definitely than that,-He tells them who listened, and us, that not all the generation which sees these signs shall have passed out of existence before He will come again: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.12
Yet He warns us that it is not possible for any man to fix the exact date: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” “Watch, therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.13
Nothing can possibly be more clear than that He will come within one generation from the fulfilment of the signs which He has named, and that no one knows, other than God Himself, what date within that generation will be the day of His coming.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.14
But He warned us all to beware of deception: “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chamber; believe it not.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.15
And then He told them, very plainly indeed, just what His coming would be like: “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.16
And this was supplemented by the words of the angels to those who stood and gazed after Him as He disappeared from their sight in the heavens. “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.17
What more explicit than this is needed to protect men from delusions? The generation in which He will come is pointed out to those who will take the trouble to inform themselves. The manner of His coming is so definitely described that none need mistake any counterfeit for the real advent. Is it not strange, then, that so many are ignorant or deceived? Not so surprising as it might appear. When an ocean-going ship is lost, and an investigation is had, it is always asked, Had the captain made his observations, and consulted his chart? If the answer is, “No; he had done neither of these; he had not even studied his course,“ then all would say it is not surprising that he lost his ship. It would have been remarkable had he not been wrecked.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.18
But men undertake this life, ignorant of their course and the dangers which beset it, and not only that but either uncertain or unaware of their destination; yes, even scouting the idea of there being any possible approximate knowledge of when they will reach port.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.19
It is not strange, then, that men are deluded and deceived. That which is strange is that they do not inform themselves, and when delusions arise-believe them not.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.20
“The Evil Servant” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
The Evil Servant. -He is the one who says in his heart, “My Lord delayeth His coming.” He has not sufficient courage to say it openly, it may be, but the language of his heart is expressed in his conduct: Upon him the Lord will come in a day when he looketh not for Him.” Matthew 24:48-50.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 228.21
“Hold Fast That Which Is Good” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
It is characteristic of a wise man to enjoy the good things of this world wisely. It is the part of wisdom to know what things are good, and then to make such use of them that they may give their greatest value.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.1
There are many good things in this world. God made the world, and everything in it. When He had finished His work He considered it, and it was all good. Everything, then, which is as it came direct from the hand of God, is good. If the devil has interfered with it since, we may know that to just that extent it has become worthless if not harmful or deadly.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.2
All things which God made were full of life,-there was no death in them. Through the devil came death into the world. Fermentation is a process of decay and death. Therefore those who eat and drink foods and liquids before decay and fermentation has begun while yet full of that wholesome life which God gave them, still untainted by the growing seeds of death which the enemy has sown, are partaking of the good things which the beneficent Creator gave them for their enjoyment. While those who eat and drink the products of decay and fermentation, are eating the devil's food and drinking the devil's broth.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.3
If there is any truth in the accepted adage-“He who drinks beer thinks beer;” and according to what men eat and drink so they think; then, as we know positively that, “as a man thinketh so is he,“ therefore, he who eats and drinks decay and death becomes himself a walking death, a galvanised corpse.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.4
We see such often, even in public places, and we sometimes say of them that they are the “image of death.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.5
They have continually taken into their bodies more and more of death and less and less of life, until now they begin to resemble the death upon which they have fed. They have at last so incorporated these deadly elements with their own frames that they cannot by any means, short of the miraculous, recreating word of God, be delivered from the body of this physical death, to which the little life that remains in them is hopelessly chained.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.6
These things are true of the material body and of this life; they are just as true, on the other hand, of the spiritual life. The food which we consume makes our bodies what they are, and our lives are governed accordingly. The spiritual food with which we feed our hearts and minds determines the character of our spiritual growth, and whether it is to life or death.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.7
Truly it is the part of a wise man to hold fast, and use, only that which is good.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 231.8
“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Statistics show that out of 15,083 cases treated in Liverpool dispensaries nearly 8,000 were those of persons injured while in a drunken state.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.1
Statistics show an enormous increase in the consumption of tobacco in France. In the year 1896 the French Government received 12,000,000 francs more from the use of tobacco by its citizens than during the preceding year.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.2
-The amount raised for India by all the funds in this country and Canada Is about ?800,000.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.3
-The Penrhyn quarry strike has lasted over seven mouths and has caused a loss of over ?200,000 in wages.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.4
-Practically half of the sea-going tonnage of the world is owned in the United Kingdom, and over half sails under the British flag.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.5
-The Portuguese have a serious native riving on their hands la the Delagoa Bay country. About 25,000 natives are rebelling. The locality of the rising is near the Transvaal border.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.6
-The French Minister of Marine has offered a bill authorising an expenditure of eighty millions of francs for new vessels. The intent is to place France on an equal naval footing with other powers.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.7
-An English mining expert is negotiating with the Chinese Government for gold mining in China. It is thought that rich deposits can be found. China will soon have an “Outlanders” question if gold is discovered.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.8
-During the financial years 1897-98 the number of British war vessels either building or completing will be fourteen battleships, seventeen cruisers, fifty-two torpedo boat destroyers, and fourteen other crafts of various kinds.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.9
-There has just died in the Basque Provinces a man aged one hundred and forty-eight pare six months and nine days. His widow has attained her one hundred and thirty-filth birthday, one daughter is aged one hundred and two, whilst two eons are respectively eighty-six and ninety-seven.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.10
-During a review in honour of the new governor of Beyrout last week a “Christian” filled a police officer baton the eyes of the assembled force, and afterwards two “Christians” were assassinated by Mussulmans in revenge. It is this temper of the people in Syria that loads to trouble continually and threatens to cause widespread disturbance.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.11
-On both sides of the Greco-Turkish frontier the troops have long been shouting for war, the Greeks especially seeming anxious for it. There is no doubt that the training which soldiers receive makes them fighting machines by working upon the naturally brutal love of fighing, and the thousands of men facing one another say they will be bitterly disappointed if not allowed to cut one another's throats.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.12
-Last week the Sultan of Zanzibar proclaimed the abolition of slavery in his territory. Compensation is to be given masters of slaves. The proclamation was quietly received, due it is said to compensation being more than expected by the proprietors, and also because the recent bombarding of the former Sultan's palace had subdued the natives. As in America and elsewhere, so in Zanzibar it may be expected that the curse of slavery will still rest upon the Workers, but at any rate it will give them a chance to escape from masters whom they are unwilling to serve. But the forced labour system in Rhodesia and other petite of Africa is little better, if not worse in some cases, than legalised slavery.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 238.13
“Back Page” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
The total native population of Africa can be estimated, but some idea of its immensity may be formed from the estimate that there are 50,000,000 under British rule alone.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.1
The cables bring the message that New South Wales is suffering from so severe a drought that the Government have proclaimed the sixteen of this month to be observed as a day of humiliation and of prayer for rain.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.2
The “Golden Rose” is the Pope's annual gift to the person whom he most delights to honour. It is reported that he intends presenting it to the Queen this year, but it seems altogether improbable that she could consent to receive it. The Church Association, however, has sent a protest against it to the Prime Minister.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.3
An authority on law says: “It is a settled principle of what is called “International Law’ that sovereign nations will disregard treaty stipulations whenever in their judgment their own interests require that they should do so. The only remedy the other parties to the treaty have, is to thrash the violator into a different opinion.” All the nations are founded on the principle of force and selfishness, and therefore there can be no real peace in this world.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.4
Each year sees more attention paid to Lent, and “Holy Week” and the Catholic festivals generally amongst non-Romanists. God has made holy but one day, “the Sabbath of the Lord,“ “the seventh day,“ but just to the degree in which the religious world tramples upon that it exalts the times which God never commanded. It says to God, “You made a day holy and blessed and sanctified it, and gave it to man, but we don't care for it; we will make holy days and times ourselves.” It is the very spirit that exalts itself “above all that is called God or that is worshipped.” It is an insult thrown in God's face continually.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.5
To the family of Spiritualism belong the different theosophical cults. The natural superstition of the heart that does not know God leaves it a prey to the deceptions of Satan, who is clearly reviving the accompaniments of the ancient pagan worships. For instance, a modern follower of the magical arts told an interviewer a little time ago:—PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.6
It is a common mistake that only servant girls and ignorant people want their fortunes told. Among my clients are some of the best-educated and most cultivated people in London. A well-known politician comes always during a political crisis or situation.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.7
“Are the educated as much impressed as are the ignorant?”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.8
Education and training are only skin-deep. Prick the surface and the natural man appears. If I were only enough of a humbug I could make my fortune out of love-philtres and charms, for which I am constantly asked.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.9
The world lies in darkness and only those who walk in the light of Christ's life are safe against the multiform deceptions that increase on every side.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.10
The sixpenny book on “Sunday: the Origin of its Observance” deals fully with the question to which we devote considerable space this week. It quotes very largely from Protestant historians. All should read it, as the question is most important. It is the question, Shall we follow Jesus Christ or the Papacy?PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.11
“One Day's Fruits” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
One Day's Fruits .—Some organisation, desiring to secure statistics of one day's fruits of the drink traffic, procured a copy of every newspaper in England for a certain day. From the police reports it was estimated that every day there are from 8,000 to 10,000 cases brought before magistrates in which drink is a contributory cause of the offending. The offences range from murder to the common “drunk and incapable.”PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.12
“Jesuits in Germany” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Jesuits in Germany .—The attempt to keep the Jesuits out of Germany by legislation has been a failure all along, but it has hindered their organised workings in some ways, and so their friends are ceaseless in their efforts to repeal the law. Recently, for the fifth time, the Reichstag has voted for repeal, but so far the higher authorities have not yielded. Now the Federal Council wishes to pass naval budgets which the Reichstag has thrown out. With the support of the Catholic party the Government could pass their bill. Now it is said that support may be purchased by surrender on the Anti-Jesuit laws. Catholic influence grows apace in Germany, and doubtless those who have tried to fight Romanism by Rome's weapon, the civil law, will soon find the weapon turned against themselves.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.13
“Deplorable Ignorance” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
Deplorable Ignorance .—Speakers at the recent meeting of the society calling itself the “Workingmen's Lord's Day Rest Association,“ bewailed the ignorance regarding the question of Sunday observance, and, as Lord Kinnaird said, they felt that “our Lord's commands with regard to the observance of Sunday” should be impressed upon the people. Considering the fact that our Lord's commands relate altogether to another day, the seventh instead of the first, it is evident that the ignorance on this question, so much deplored, is not confined to the masses of the people.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.14
“The Bond of Confederacy” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
The Bond of Confederacy .—The Association pronounced for stricter Sunday laws (to supply the lack of Divine authority) and a London County Councillor urged that candidates for election to the Council should be pledged to support Sunday statutes. Mr. R. W. Perks, M.P., the Chairman of the meeting, said that in pursuit of these aims—the promotion and enforcement of Sunday observance,—PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.15
Churchmen might join with Salvationist, Methodist with Baptist, the Welsh Dissenter with the strictest Anglican Ecclesiastic, and Presbyterian with Plymouth Brother.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.16
He omitted the Roman Catholic, but it may be taken for granted that Rome will rally to the help of these who are blindly working to force the world into observing this mark of Rome's authority.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.17
“A Thousand Years Ago” The Present Truth, 13, 15.
A Thousand Years Ago .—Mr. G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S., one of the speakers, cited old Acts of Parliament, and declared that in striving to uphold the Sunday they were simply maintaining the common law “during the last thousand years.” Of course; and everybody knows that a thousand years ago out-and-out Roman Catholics made the laws of England. There were then no great churches in England professedly Protestant to unite with Rome in moulding legislation to uphold Roman tradition and strike at the Sabbath of the Lord. It is a mark of sad apostasy when Protestant churches are now rallied together in a confederacy to maintain the wicked laws enacted in the days of Rome's supremacy in England. A thousand years ago England and Europe were in the Dark Ages, and it is back to the Dark Ages that the champions of Sunday laws would lead the world.PTUK April 15, 1897, page 240.18