As soon as the council had been opened, the direction was given by—TTR 461.4
The imperial commissioners.—“Let the synod now declare what the true faith is, so that the erring may be brought back to the right way.”TTR 461.5
The bishops, protesting.—“No one can venture to draw up a new formula of the faith, but that which has already been laid down by the Fathers [at Nice, Constantinople, and the first of Ephesus] is to be held fast. This must not be departed from.”TTR 461.6
Cecropius, bishop of Sebastopol.—“On the Eutychian question a test has already been given by the Roman archbishop, which we [that is, he and his nearest colleagues] have all signed.”TTR 462.1
All the bishops, with acclamation.—“That we also say, the explanation already given by Leo suffices; another declaration of the faith must not be put forth.”TTR 462.2
The imperial commissioners.—“Let all the patriarchs [the chief bishops] come together, along with one or two bishops of their province, and take common counsel respecting the faith, and communicate the result, so that, by its universal acceptance, every doubt in regard to the faith may be removed, or if any believe otherwise, which we do not expect, these may immediately be made manifest.”TTR 462.3
The bishops.—“A written declaration of faith we do not bring forward. This is contrary to the rule” [referring to the command of the first Council of Ephesus].TTR 462.4
Florentius, bishop of Sardes.—“As those who have been taught to follow the Nicene Synod, and also the regularly and piously assembled synod at Ephesus, in accordance with the faith of the holy Fathers Cyril and Celestine, and also with the letter of the most holy Leo, cannot possibly draw up at once a formula of the faith, we therefore ask for a longer delay; but I, for my part, believe that the letter of Leo is sufficient.”TTR 462.5
Cecropius.—“Let the formulas be read in which the true faith has already been set forth.”TTR 462.6
This suggestion was adopted. First the Nicene Creed, with its curse against the Arian heresy, was read, at the close of which,—TTR 462.7
The bishops, unanimously.—“That is the orthodox faith, that we all believe, into that we were baptized, into that we also baptize; thus Cyril taught, thus believes Pope Leo.”TTR 462.8
Next was read the Creed of Constantinople, and with similar acclamations it was unanimously indorsed. Then were read the two letters which Cyril had written, and which were a part of the record of the inquisition upon Eutyches. Lastly there was read the letter of Leo. When Leo’s letter was read, it was cheered to the echo, and again roared—TTR 462.9
The bishops.—“It is the belief of the Fathers—of the apostles—so believe we all! Accursed be he that admits not that Peter has spoken by the mouth of Leo! Leo has taught what is righteous and true, and so taught Cyril. Eternal be the memory of Cyril! Why was not this read at Ephesus? It was suppressed by Dioscorus!”TTR 463.1
The bishops of Illyricum and Palestine, however, said that there were some passages—three, it proved—in the letter of Leo of which they had some doubts. The truth of those passages was confirmed by statements which Cyril had made to the same effect.TTR 463.2
The imperial commissioners.—“Has any one still a doubt?”TTR 463.3
The bishops, by acclamation.—“No one doubts.”TTR 463.4
Still there was one bishop who hesitated, and requested that there might be a few days’ delay, that the question might be quietly considered and settled; and as the letter of Leo had been read, that they might have a copy of the letter of Cyril to Nestorius, that they might examine them together.TTR 463.5
The council.—“If we are to have delay, we must request that all the bishops in common shall take part in the desired consultation.”TTR 463.6
The commissioners.—“The assembly is put off for five days, and the bishops shall, during that time, meet with Anatolius of Constantinople, and take counsel together concerning the faith, so that the doubting may be instructed.”TTR 463.7
As the council was about to be dismissed, some bishops entered a request that the bishops who had taken a leading part in the late council of Ephesus, should be forgiven!”TTR 463.8
The petitioning bishops.—“We petition for the Fathers that they may be allowed again to enter the synod. The emperor and the empress should hear of this petition. We have all erred; let all be forgiven! “TTR 463.9
Upon this “a great commotion again arose, similar to that at the beginning of the council over the introduction of Theodoret.”TTR 464.1
The clergy of Constantinople shouted.—“Only a few cry for this, the synod itself says not a syllable.”TTR 464.2
The orientals cried out.—“Exile to the Egyptian!”TTR 464.3
The Illyrians.—“We beseech you, pardon all!”TTR 464.4
The orientals.—“Exile to the Egyptian!”TTR 464.5
The Illyrians.—“We have all erred; have mercy on us all! These words to the orthodox emperor! The churches are rent in pieces.”TTR 464.6
The clergy of Constantinople.—“To exile with Dioscorus; God has rejected him. Whoever has communion with him is a Jew.”TTR 464.7
In the midst of this uproar, the imperial commissioners put an end to the session. The recess continued only two days instead of five, for—TTR 464.8