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    Sermon/“I am the true vine…”
    Title: Sermon/“I am the true vine…”
    File #: MS-001
    Date: 01/11/1891
    Place: Pine Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: ML 289
    “I have been laboring two months…”
    Title: “I have been laboring two months…”
    File #: MS-002
    Date: 01/09/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 1888 854-860
    “Home again…”
    Title: “Home again…”
    File #: MS-003
    Date: 01/09/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 14MR 66-69
    “The Lord will bless those who…”
    Title: “The Lord will bless those who…”
    File #: MS-004
    Date: 01/09/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: MRmnt 109
    Sermon/Comments on Isaiah 58
    Title: Sermon/Comments on Isaiah 58
    File #: MS-005
    Date: 01/10/1891
    Place: Pine Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Ev 244; 1BC 1095; 5MR 34-35; CTr 86
    Our Duty to the Colored People
    Title: Our Duty to the Colored People
    File #: MS-006
    Date: 03/20/1891
    Where Published: SWk 9-18
    “What are God’s plans and purposes…”
    Title: “What are God’s plans and purposes…”
    File #: MS-007
    Date: 06/10/1891
    Place: Petoskey, Mi.
    Where Published: 4BC 1159; Ev 338; TDG 170; 6MR 65-66; 9MR 158, 375
    Remarks/“Today as I have been writing…”
    Title: Remarks/“Today as I have been writing…”
    File #: MS-008
    Date: 07/24/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: 9MR 51-55
    Talk/The Proper Way to Deal with Students
    Title: Talk/The Proper Way to Deal with Students
    File #: MS-008a
    Date: 07/21/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: 9MR 55-64
    Talk/Talk to Teachers
    Title: Talk/Talk to Teachers
    File #: MS-008b
    Date: 07/27/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: 9MR 65-71 with 4MR 46-47
    “A spirit of independence has been…”
    Title: “A spirit of independence has been…”
    File #: MS-008c
    Date: 07/26/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: OHC 333 with 1MR 333-339 and 7MR 71-73
    Sermon/“O there is trading to be done…”
    Title: Sermon/“O there is trading to be done…”
    File #: MS-009
    Date: 08/22/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 3SM 192-193; 10MR 272-273
    Sermon/“And as Moses lifted up…”
    Title: Sermon/“And as Moses lifted up…”
    File #: MS-010
    Date: 08/02/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: TDG 223; RC 356; 6MR 51
    Remarks/At Michigan Conf. Meeting
    Title: Remarks/At Michigan Conf. Meeting
    File #: MS-011
    Date: 09/03/1891
    Where Published: 1SAT 162-170
    Remarks/At Michigan Conf. Meeting
    Title: Remarks/At Michigan Conf. Meeting
    File #: MS-011a
    Where Published: Extracts from Ms 11, 1891
    Diary/“At the seven o’clock meeting…”
    Title: Diary/“At the seven o’clock meeting…”
    File #: *MS-012
    Date: 12/28/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: VSS 302-303, 314-315, 317; OHC 178
    “In connection with our publishing work…”
    Title: “In connection with our publishing work…”
    File #: MS-013
    Date: 12/29/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: AH 180, 279-280; 4Bio 26-27
    “In connection with our publishing work…”
    Title: “In connection with our publishing work…”
    File #: MS-013a
    Date: 12/29/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: Variant with additional material
    “I have been instructed by the Lord…”
    Title: “I have been instructed by the Lord…”
    File #: MS-014
    Date: 12/23/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: PH152 17-26
    Title: Diary
    File #: MS-015
    Where Published: Refiled as Ms 51a, 1893
    Our Duty to the Colored People
    Title: Our Duty to the Colored People
    File #: MS-016
    Where Published: Duplicate of Ms 6, 1891
    “Wives, submit yourselves…”
    Title: “Wives, submit yourselves…”
    File #: MS-017
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: 21MR 213-218
    “The condition of children who do not…”
    Title: “The condition of children who do not…”
    File #: MS-018
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: AH 177-178, 360-363; CG 237-238; ML 200
    Diary/“I attended the ministerial…”
    Title: Diary/“I attended the ministerial…”
    File #: MS-019
    Date: 03/03/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: PM 70; 3MR 193-194; 13 Crisis Years 150-151
    Diary [Mar. 7-8]
    Title: Diary [Mar. 7-8]
    File #: MS-019a
    Date: 03/07/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 3Bio 479-480
    Diary [Dec. 28-31]/“After addressing the…”
    Title: Diary [Dec. 28-31]/“After addressing the…”
    File #: MS-020
    Date: 12/28/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: 1SM 156-157; MRmnt 116
    Diary/Christ Our Righteousness
    Title: Diary/Christ Our Righteousness
    File #: *MS-021
    Date: 02/27/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 9MR 293-302
    Diary [Mar. 7-8]
    Title: Diary [Mar. 7-8]
    File #: MS-022
    Where Published: Refiled as Ms 19a, 1891
    Diary/“Nearly the entire day I have…”
    Title: Diary/“Nearly the entire day I have…”
    File #: *MS-023
    Date: 03/12/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: PM 213; 18MR 380; 5Bio 227-229
    Diary/Circulation of Great Controversy
    Title: Diary/Circulation of Great Controversy
    File #: *MS-024
    Date: 01/01/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 19MR 239-261
    “When Christ died to begin in redeeming…”
    Title: “When Christ died to begin in redeeming…”
    File #: MS-025
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: 18MR 54-56
    “The publishing institution was arranged…”
    Title: “The publishing institution was arranged…”
    File #: MS-025a
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: 2SM 191-194; OHC 116; 1MR 263-264
    The Orphan’s Home
    Title: The Orphan’s Home
    File #: MS-026
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: MMis 06/1891 and 07/1891
    Sermon/“But ye shall receive power…”
    Title: Sermon/“But ye shall receive power…”
    File #: *MS-027
    Date: 04/18/1891
    Place: Greenville, Mi.
    Where Published: 2SAT 92-98
    “There is much talk in regard to…”
    Title: “There is much talk in regard to…”
    File #: *MS-029
    Date: 08/20/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: 1SAT 155-161
    “I am burdened for the Rural Health…”
    Title: “I am burdened for the Rural Health…”
    File #: *MS-030
    Date: 11/00/1891
    Place: Oakland, Ca.
    Workers in the Office at Oakland
    Title: Workers in the Office at Oakland
    File #: MS-031
    Where Published: Refiled as Lt 31, 1891
    “The ship cannot come into port…”
    Title: “The ship cannot come into port…”
    File #: *MS-032
    Date: 11/27/1891
    Place: Samoan Islands
    Where Published: 10MR 59
    Board and Council Meetings
    Title: Board and Council Meetings
    File #: *MS-033
    Date: 00/00/1891
    Where Published: 17MR 166-169
    The Case of the Walling Children
    Title: The Case of the Walling Children
    File #: MS-034
    Date: 09/12/1891
    Place: Colorado Springs, Co.
    Where Published: 4Bio 17
    Sermon/Work & Baptism of the Holy Spirit Needed
    Title: Sermon/Work & Baptism of the Holy Spirit Needed
    File #: MS-035
    Date: 09/26/1891
    Place: Healdsburg, Ca.
    Where Published: 1SAT 171-193
    Sermon/Fruits of Conversion
    Title: Sermon/Fruits of Conversion
    File #: MS-036
    Date: 09/19/1891
    Place: Healdsburg, Ca.
    Where Published: 1SAT 194-213
    Counsel and Warning
    Title: Counsel and Warning
    File #: MS-039
    Date: 11/17/1891
    Place: Steamer “Alameda”
    Where Published: TM 264-278
    Diary [Jan.]
    Title: Diary [Jan.]
    File #: *MS-040
    Date: 01/00/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 1888 865-889
    Diary [Feb.]
    Title: Diary [Feb.]
    File #: *MS-041
    Date: 02/00/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Diary [Mar.]
    Title: Diary [Mar.]
    File #: *MS-042
    Date: 03/00/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: MR1033 64-65
    Diary [Jun.]
    Title: Diary [Jun.]
    File #: *MS-043
    Date: 06/00/1891
    Place: Petoskey, Mi.
    Where Published: OHC 34, 170; 3Bio 492
    File #: MS-043a
    Diary/Creation and the Sabbath
    Title: Diary/Creation and the Sabbath
    File #: *MS-043b
    Date: 07/04/1891
    Diary [Aug.]
    Title: Diary [Aug.]
    File #: *MS-044
    Date: 08/00/1891
    Place: Harbor Springs, Mi.
    Where Published: 18MR 155
    Diary [Dec.]
    Title: Diary [Dec.]
    File #: *MS-045
    Date: 12/00/1891
    Place: Melbourne, Aus.
    Where Published: 8MR 358; 4Bio 23-26
    Justified by Faith
    Title: Justified by Faith
    File #: *MS-046
    Date: 01/06/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: 8MR 355-357
    Arrival in Australia
    Title: Arrival in Australia
    File #: MS-047
    Date: 12/00/1891
    Where Published: From BE 01/01/1892
    Our Present Dangers
    Title: Our Present Dangers
    File #: MS-048
    Date: 03/24/1891
    Where Published: GCDB 04/13/1891 256-261
    File #: MS-049-MS-082
    Sermon/Importance of Exercising Faith
    Title: Sermon/Importance of Exercising Faith
    File #: MS-083
    Date: 07/22/1891
    Place: Harbor Heights, Mi.
    Where Published: 1SAT 150-154
    A Message to the Churches
    Title: A Message to the Churches
    File #: *MS-084
    Date: 11/08/1891
    Place: Sydney, Aus.
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-085
    Date: 01/00/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-086
    Date: 01/26/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-087
    Date: 01/27/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-088
    Date: 02/15/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-089
    Date: 03/14/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    Title: Talk/At Battle Creek Tabernacle
    File #: MS-090
    Date: 03/17/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Where Published: Notes only; not on file
    Remarks at Presidents’ Council
    Title: Remarks at Presidents’ Council
    File #: MS-091
    Date: 02/25/1891
    Place: Battle Creek, Mi.
    Diary/Thoughts on Rev. 1
    Title: Diary/Thoughts on Rev. 1
    File #: *MS-092
    Date: 01/10/1891
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