Introductory Remarks, 19. - The Question at Issue, 21. - Examination of the arguments in proof of man’s immortality, 21. - The belief of all nations, 22. - Archbishop Whately’s remarks on this point, 23-27. The heathen Philosopher’s belief amounts to Annihilation, 26. - The desire all men feel for immortality, 28. - The soul immaterial, etc., 29. - What is immateriality? 29 - The soul indestructible, 31. - The Philosophy of the question, 33. - Is it the will of God men shall be immortal if wicked? 32. - What man lost by the Fall, 32-35. - The Tree of Life, 35. - Watson’s remarks thereon, 36. - Facts from God’s word, 38. - Eternal, Eternity, Eternal Life, 38,39. Principles of interpretation, 40. - Meaning of the term death, 41. - The term immortal occurs but once in the Bible, 41. - Contradiction in poetry, 42. - Immortality, the phrase found but five times in the Bible, 43. - Beauty of Scripture on the theory advocated, 44.SSII III.1