Section II — Essentials To Health
Pages 37-74
1. What suggestions are given to best preserve health? (37:1)
CH-SG 6.1
2. What responsibility should children assume in regard to their parents’ sins? (37:2)
CH-SG 6.2
3. Transgression against the laws of our being is as great a sin as breaking the Ten Commandments. Why? (40:1)
CH-SG 6.3
4. When are our sins to be cleansed and defects of character removed? Why? (44:0)
CH-SG 6.4
5. How does intemperance affect others around us? (45:2)
CH-SG 6.5
6. How does the Christian race differ from an earthly race? (47:1)
CH-SG 6.6
7. For what purposes has God given us reasoning powers? (48:2)
CH-SG 6.7
8. Discuss how Daniel showed the value of the principles of the laws of health. (50:1)
CH-SG 6.8
9. “An ________ life is a ________ ________.” (51:0)CH-SG 6.9
10. Why do some people find physical labor exhausting? (52:1)
CH-SG 6.10
11. What are some of the advantages of walking as exercise? (52:2)
CH-SG 6.11
12. ________ _____ is more beneficial to sick persons than _________. (55:1)CH-SG 6.12
13. Why should shade trees and shrubs not be planted too densely near the house? (58:2)
CH-SG 6.13
14. What are some of the benefits of deep breathing? (59:2)
CH-SG 6.14
15. List some benefits of fresh air. (60:1)
CH-SG 6.15
16. In what ways may the wearing of unclean clothes affect health? (61:2)
CH-SG 6.16
17. What lessons may modern youth learn from Daniel? (64-66)
CH-SG 6.17
18. It is impossible to enjoy the blessings of sanctification when we are __________ and __________________. (66:2)CH-SG 6.18
19. “The liability to take disease is increased ________ by meat eating.” (70:2)CH-SG 6.19
20. What modern-day lessons may we learn from John the Baptist? (72, 73)
CH-SG 7.1
21. In what ways do you think “natural” appetite is different from “unnatural” appetite? (74:1)
CH-SG 7.2
22. List two or three subjects parents should consider before having children. (75:1)
CH-SG 7.3
23. What special instruction is given regarding care for a pregnant wife? (76:3-77:0)
CH-SG 7.4
24. What kind of food should an expectant mother eat? Why? (77:1)
CH-SG 7.5
25. What kind of disposition should expectant mothers seek to maintain? Why? (79:1)
CH-SG 7.6
26. How does nourishment from the mother affect the baby? (80)
CH-SG 7.7
27. What are some of the effects of using tobacco? (81:1)
CH-SG 7.8
28. Men who use tobacco offer their bodies on whose altar? (83:2)
CH-SG 7.9
29. “Tobacco is a __________ of the most ______________ and ______________ kind. (84:3)CH-SG 7.10
30. Tea and coffee create an appetite for ________ and ________ (85:3)CH-SG 7.11
31. What are some of the harmful effects of the use of tea? (87:1)
CH-SG 7.12
32. List some side effects of the use of poisonous drugs. (89:2, 3)
CH-SG 7.13
33. To what habits do some poisonous drugs lead? (90:0)
CH-SG 7.14
34. How is disease defined? (90:1)
CH-SG 7.15
35. List eight natural remedies for disease. (90:2)
CH-SG 7.16
36. “In all respects the dress should be ____________.” (91:1)CH-SG 7.17
37. What were some of the bad effects of long skirts that touched the ground? (91:4)
CH-SG 7.18
38. Give some general principles of healthful clothing. (93:2)
CH-SG 7.19
39. How can invalids often resist disease? (94:1)
CH-SG 7.20
40. What are some dangers of the wrong use of imagination? (95:2, 3)
CH-SG 7.21
41. “____________ ____________ is one of the greatest causes of debility of body and feebleness of mind.” (96:0)CH-SG 7.22
42. List some of the results of overtaxing the body? (98:1, 2)
CH-SG 7.23
43. What are “borrowed capital” and “vital force”. (99:1)
CH-SG 7.24
44. How should parents use their evenings? (100:1, 2)
CH-SG 8.1
45. How important is cleanliness? (101)
CH-SG 8.2
46. How can mothers help to keep their children’s thoughts pure? (103:1)
CH-SG 8.3
47. Enumerate several rewards of frequent bathing. (104)
CH-SG 8.4
48. How do physical habits affect mental and moral powers? (105:1)
CH-SG 8.5